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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 25 KB, 350x268, aispace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2429421 No.2429421 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread

>> No.2429425
File: 5 KB, 200x198, 1238617597140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I forgot my account info ;_;

>> No.2429429

Is that stage in game?

>> No.2429435

I disconnected again. Will be back soon.

>> No.2429440

I think it's from an event.

My client crashed at around the same time. I'm in Akiba now though.

>> No.2429478

mine crashed just now, quite a while after yours.

>> No.2429629

http://editthis.info/aispace/Main_Page aisp@ce wiki page for guides and stuff

http://kureha.gotdns.com/k1/index.php?board=9.0 for when these threads stop, also rough guides and discussion

>> No.2429637

so tired ... can't join till sleep paper finished finallllll gleahhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.2429838

Was following the wiki and doing some quests on Clannad island, I got to K, but on the image it shows K2 out of the area, so where would I find him/her?

>> No.2429842

Wait, what is this?

>> No.2429849
File: 41 KB, 300x328, touhoufggdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got disconnected again.

>> No.2429904

So, I never got my answer in one of the previous threads: Are the quests repeatable?

>> No.2429911

In the shopping mall, try everyone.

>> No.2429919


>> No.2429925

Anyone got a strange request about grabbing a luggage from a store in akibahara ?

>> No.2429954

talk to little girl in akiba and then you can deliver luggage for him?

>> No.2429960

Patching, though I won't be able to play tonight anyway; I need to have this huge paper finished by tomorrow and I only have about 5 hours left (not to mention the exam I haven't studied for)
I just hope this even works on my slowpoke laptop.

I feel your pain ;_;

>> No.2429983


Got a screenie for that?

>> No.2430065
File: 541 KB, 1024x768, ais_20090414_203120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'sup guys. I'll try this game again and hopefully it's better now.

>> No.2430072


Disregard that

Anyone got a quest from ai Baito lady about a red money pouch?

>> No.2430112 [DELETED] 


>> No.2430138

Thats food? go to nearest school and double click a pet?

>> No.2430268


Apparantly there's no pet to be sighted, i've checked everywhere.

>> No.2430449 [DELETED] 

bump again

>> No.2430518

someone named Raymoo just ran buy on DC island. Lemme guess ...

>> No.2430563 [DELETED] 

bump for what? we got our crack

>> No.2430573

somebody's been going around kidnapping all the animals it shows up as 0 when I try to do them

>> No.2430576


yeah he's a /jp/

>> No.2430591

There all gone, come back at another time, or try getting the same quest on another island.

>> No.2430616
File: 829 KB, 1024x768, ais_20090415_103339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be around for 2 hrs until my afternoon classes

>> No.2430639 [DELETED] 

The challenge was to get it working, and while most of us were thinking narrowly only of terms getting/decrypting the original EXE, you thought beyond that and solved the problem in a creative fashion. Great work at thinking outside the box, anon. I guess you've probably achieved Satori.

>> No.2430643

somebody needs to tell me what the program that costs 10k and 12k does... It be hell of an amazing program to cost a fortune

>> No.2430648

What is the conversion rate from yen to niconico points?

>> No.2430656

I am shocked I'm not on the list.

>> No.2430669

either add it yourself or say hi to 千雨

>> No.2430678

I see, I'll do so sometime.

>> No.2430683

Man these threads are still going, I remember when they first started. Maybe i'll join soon.

>> No.2430741

To the person with the black screen from last thread; that's caused by not having the proper Japanese locale settings. Just the setting for non-unicode compatible programs isn't enough; after setting everything to Japanese, it works fine for me.

>> No.2430770

we ran into this japanese dude that speaks english and tells us to stay away from channel 1 4 and 8 because they hate gaijins

>> No.2430790

You faggots are the BR of aisp@ce.

>> No.2430793

I suggest we tell him to fuck off and get /b/ to raid akiba and close off the station

>> No.2430801

Ironically, I found a BR on aisp@ce. Didn't talk to it, though.

>> No.2430803

So, changing channels?
Or are we sticking to 4?

>> No.2430816

stay at 4ch for now

>> No.2430822


>> No.2430831

don't flame me for this but what does BR stand for?

>> No.2430835

Baka Ronery

>> No.2430836
File: 11 KB, 395x307, this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only need Japanese set under Regional Options - can be redefined using customise to your original formatting (as you can see on screenshot).

To run, I'm using .bat file to run it directly without launcher (as launcher may not use applocale to run main exe):
C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\AppLoc.exe "ai sp@ce.exe" ".\\data\\" /L0411

>> No.2430853

ok I know what that means.

>> No.2430863
File: 1.22 MB, 1024x768, ais_20090415_113522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok screenshot of the japanese guy that is telling us to move...

avoid him for now I guess.

>> No.2430906

What are these 原稿用紙 I get for doing quests?

>> No.2430913

currently useless

>> No.2430939
File: 159 KB, 1027x797, dc if.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want DC IF so bad. They're finally fixing the game to the ending it was always supposed to be.

2ch is dead, no Kaede or Nerine spam here in Akiba. Up to you guys.

>> No.2430967

OVA was wayyyyyy toooo short

>> No.2430970

There's a Kotori ending OVA?

>> No.2430983

That's what D.C if was... a special Kotori Ending OVA

>> No.2431000


>> No.2431012


>> No.2431110

What do I do after I'm done with the quests for the three places and where do I collect daily 1k from?

>> No.2431114
File: 148 KB, 1024x768, choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried playing this since I was able to play Yogurting. I gave up because I don't like not understanding what the heck I am doing. The worst thing I can encounter in a foreign game is having to make choices when I don't understand what I am choosing and I am seeing a lot of that here.

>> No.2431123

her choices doesn't matter
the guy to the left of the one you chose where you live.

>> No.2431124

BTW, another problem I have with this game is simply that the appearance of the girl appears to be randomly generated. If she is supposed to be my waifu for this game, I want to be able to make her into what I want.

>> No.2431143

you can buy hair and clothes for customization

千雨 here got classes be back in 2.5 hrs

>> No.2431149

Its not random, it's secret. And you can eventually, buy her into what you want.

>> No.2431153

Can you also change her eyes? The girl I ended up with got those moeblob eyes that I don't like.

>> No.2431155

I've created like twenty accounts and I still cant get online. Are the server's down?

>> No.2431319

I'm still on, so the servers aren't down... Are you having problems logging in or what?

Also, what is there to do after finishing the quests for the 3 areas?

>> No.2431326


Christ I tried using my account from long ago, and I've used one I recently created. It just won't let me in. I've created an account on Nico video as directed, is their some other step I am missing?

>> No.2431344

Work on your room and your doll.
I've been scripting for hours.

>> No.2431350

I just started playing and it's funny the realism of this game. I heard the Japanese live in closet sized homes but I never thought I'd get to experience it.

>> No.2431369
File: 14 KB, 770x218, hurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related. The error I'm receiving.

>> No.2431411

Could not connect to the server.

When you retry、Please check BLANKBLANKBLANK.

Sorry, get someone better at jap than me. Peoplein this thread have been nice before.

>> No.2431412

Hmmm, I think I'll try again with the quests and shit.

>> No.2431735 [DELETED] 

I can't log in anymore after getting d/c while picking channels. I get to the avatar menu, but after that, it takes me to the login screen again.
Any ideas what to do other than deleting my avatar? ;_;

>> No.2431752

Nevermind, took a few tries, but got back in.

>> No.2432025
File: 14 KB, 738x194, help if you would.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naybody know what this is saying? or if there's a way to fix it?

>> No.2432049

Is there a guide on how to change channel?

>> No.2432079

If you just started you have to get your waifu first.

>> No.2432084

So where is everyone right now?

>> No.2432097

It seems that is under maintenance. Even NicoNico faced the same thing. And they will announce on Niconews when they finish.

>> No.2432133

I'm in Akiba... Makkusin is also in Akiba.... someone killed the wiki got an error

>> No.2432141


>> No.2432143

I'll play if anyone else is on just now.

>> No.2432146

Maku and Makkusin are on

>> No.2432186

Is there anybody at DaCapo island school? i never met any of you guys yet

>> No.2432198

There's like 5 of us at Akihabara right now.

>> No.2432219

wat.. when I change my destination I've NEVER had the option to change channels?

>> No.2432222

I'll give it a try, downloading the installer.

>> No.2432227

You did the first time. Also, you can change it in options.

>> No.2432228

Never let these threads die! ;_;

>> No.2432232

I've gone through options, and I really can't find the one to change channels.. maybe I'm going blind.

>> No.2432242

earth to Mariana...

>> No.2432243

It's like I can really be close to you guys!

>> No.2432246

It's the one with all of the *ch buttons. Move 4ch to the left.

Anyway, I have to head out for now but I'll get back on later when I can collect my rations.

>> No.2432247
File: 1.19 MB, 1024x768, ais_20090413_203512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you like hugs say hi to Kevin

>> No.2432255

Someone mentioned that they could store currency in a closet or something and transfer it between players in a thread.

1. Can this be (ab)used to just remake characters for a whole and gain heaps of cash?
2. How? Where's this closet/storage space?

>> No.2432260

Sorry, I'm multitasking between talking, watching a documentary, reading a guide to this and actually playing.

>> No.2432264

anko's been farming by using that
closet is in your apartment

>> No.2432271

stop running away from me you faggot

>> No.2432316

I'm online right now. Did the channel change?

>> No.2432322

So where is our hanging place now? It just suddenly moves from place to place

>> No.2432353

Hmm, I'll try this game out.

>> No.2432357

Right, I moved channel 4 to the front, so how do I actually change to that channel? The buttons either close the box or do nothing at all.

>> No.2432402


Apparantly when you recreate your character, the quest rewards are 1/10 of what you earned the first time.

>> No.2432417
File: 224 KB, 671x600, 1225253541791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The patching is really slow, I hope the game's worth it.

>> No.2432427

it's not

>> No.2432538

We're hanging out at Akiba! Come and join us.

>> No.2432540
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x768, aispace2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't. At all.

Here's a picture of me and mai virtual waifu before I uninstalled it.

>> No.2432558

This game doesn't run in anything higher than 1024x768?

>> No.2432575

Silly rabbit, of course not.

Next you'll be wanting antialiasing, decent amounts of polygons, a realistic lighting system and textures that look as if they aren't from the late 1990s.

>> No.2432577
File: 760 KB, 1024x768, ais_20090415_202815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2432579

when you delete and remake your character does your daily 1000 reset too?

>> No.2432583

For the lost lunch quest in the Shuffle school where do I find the final person? It just says "square shopping centre" in the guide..

>> No.2432584

Yes. You can just shove the 1000 into your apartment's closet, delete and remake your character, go to the guy and get another 1000. Repeat as many times as wanted.

Hey presto, thousands of D in minutes.

>> No.2432589
File: 6 KB, 368x264, 1239206559686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2432593

So if I put all my D and items in the closet, delete my character then make a new one I'll get the same room with all my items inside?

>> No.2432596

That's right.

>> No.2432600

That's great, thanks.

>> No.2432601


>> No.2432604

not minutes... it takes a while to go through all the start stuff

>> No.2432622

So what's your point?

>> No.2432624

The start stuff takes shit-all time.

>> No.2432655
File: 691 KB, 1024x768, ais_20090415_210015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin's running around with a ripped skirt!

>> No.2432665

You called your guy Mariana?

>> No.2432670

There is an antialiasing option in the game...

>> No.2432685

How do you delete your character so I can do the closet trick?

>> No.2432691

The button next to Log In at the avatar selection.

>> No.2432716

Ah, I see. Thank you.

>> No.2432735

Am I the only guy player or is everyone else on /jp/ just being the little girl?

>> No.2432743

So I just did a bunch of school quests and got my daily, are there any other ways to get D?

>> No.2432757
File: 87 KB, 866x771, 1238732598242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2432760

delivery quests
guy's are hard since you have to pay for two characters. plus i'd rather main a girl in the first place.

>> No.2432762
File: 150 KB, 1030x797, final approach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because you're relying on the google translated wiki instead of reading it in Japanese. Google translate screws up the formatting so you never see the rows that show people and where they're located. If you must use Rikaichan.

The person you're looking for is named 噂話好き二年生 and she's found in the Shuffle shopping district plaza.

>> No.2432767

Shuffle Island still doesn't have the quests in the wiki. Shit's been helpful with the other two though.

>> No.2432805


>> No.2432817

I have a question.

When I make my character, and move into the Da Capo island, are the 2 possible waifus the 2 girls with brown hair? Or is it possible to get the girl with lilac hair too?

>> No.2432879

for da capo there I've seen one with black hair and one with brown hair some one on the internet has pink hair

>> No.2432905

10,000D for a wig anyway, worry about the face instead, havnt found a way to change that.

>> No.2432946

Is there a Kyou wig and how much is it?

>> No.2432953
File: 24 KB, 321x268, 1226291173414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't fucking get in so I know it isn't maintenance Whats more I get this error no matter what I try to do so it isn't related to log in. Are there certain ports that need to be opened up?

>> No.2432966

What's wrong with yours? Does a blue box appear at the top of the login when you try to login? Even though it's the right password, that's what I'm getting.

>> No.2432972


>> No.2432978

The email goes in the first slot, not the nickname. I made that mistake too.

>> No.2432995
File: 52 KB, 882x700, ai space problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've put the email in the first box.. it still doesn't work. Here's a screenshot.

>> No.2432999

I wonder if there's a separate patch server that's down

>> No.2433013

Hmm, so you've put the email in the first slot and the password in the second with no errors? Unless you got the information from your Nico account wrong I'm not sure why it does that. Try making a new Nico account and then use that one.

>> No.2433019

Reading the thread I think he's done that multiple times. I'm going with this >>2432999

>> No.2433027

It worked fine yesterday and earlier today. Just a while ago I disconnected and haven't been able to log in again, I've tried restarting my computer, etc.

>> No.2433033

Also a guy player here. Most people pick a female character...

>> No.2433038

Oh, then it's probably server maintenance or something like that. It should be working again soon.

>> No.2433039

I'm trying to be polite to our Japanese hosts by moving to 2channel. I imagine people here will complain too but I'd like to give them a chance.

>> No.2433040

I'm a different person to >>2432966
>>2432953 was my first post.

>> No.2433049

is anyone else on the game? i can't get on

>> No.2433050

Yea, i'll do the same i guess.

>> No.2433057

Wow.. I just confused myself. Swap the last 2 quotes around, and that's right.

>> No.2433067

People keep running up to me and saying "BR?"

The fuck does that mean?

>> No.2433073
File: 229 KB, 483x3182, 1237739402028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2433084

that's what you get for using an english name in a foreign game

>> No.2433085

Baka Ronery

>> No.2433109

As far as I know, they're asking you if you're Brazilian. As this is how Brazilians act in games >>2433073

>> No.2433181

What can I do with items I don't need?

>> No.2433199

Depending on what, trade? otherwise nothing.

>> No.2433230
File: 832 KB, 1024x768, ais_20090415_230341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2433241

There is a unstuck button. Green man/door on option tab.

>> No.2433248

I just wish the game can sell your useless item

>> No.2433304

just delete them then.

>> No.2433324


>> No.2433326

what do you have?

>> No.2433330

cool bro I got a white one and a black one

>> No.2433353

Does anyone want blue male shoes that cost 6000D? I didn't know they were for males until I bought them.

>> No.2433357

Sure. but if i trow it away, i don't get money

>> No.2433392

So, are we moving to 2ch, or staying in 4ch?

>> No.2433399

Am I still the only one who can't login because of the error I posted in a screenshot earlier?

>> No.2433404

just stay on 4ch

>> No.2433424
File: 720 KB, 1024x768, ais_20090415_234938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this shit

>> No.2433654

Bump the thread

>> No.2433694
File: 584 KB, 1021x786, nicoinaispace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture of Nico Nico Douga on a TV in ai sp@ce

>> No.2433697

Real men play as little girls, anyways coming on now, mya restart to earn some quick money through welfare scams

>> No.2433727

烈風気利 here. I'm also doing it right now

>> No.2433734

Does this work for windows 7, was getting runtime errors, so went back to xp.

>> No.2433738

Is there a way to run two ai sp@ces at the same time?

>> No.2433814

is it possible to buy nico points with a foreign credit card?

>> No.2433858

Yeah, I bought 5000 with my Visa.

>> No.2433871

How does japan type all their fancy symbols, does it work with ime, or is it just alt codes?

>> No.2433878

I nearly did, got loads of red text at the end though. no idea where I'd check how many i have either.

>> No.2433893

stupid question: How can I go back to my room when I'm somewhere outside?

>> No.2433929

You just go to the island where you live, you click on the houses and you'll be transferred to your house.

>> No.2433974

btw, where are you guys right now. i saw you guys at someone's house

>> No.2433982 [DELETED] 

That actually sounds really bad, but i didnt mean kanji. i meant their hearts/crosses/music notes/etc

>> No.2434126 [DELETED] 
File: 878 KB, 821x684, goddamn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y this happened?

>> No.2434157 [DELETED] 

I'm finally on Clannad, so many dango. Where's the basketball court? I don't see one anywhere and it's the first quest.

>> No.2434173 [DELETED] 

all shops sell the same on each island right? and all gashapon are different still?

>> No.2434181 [DELETED] 

Aha, the basketball court is in a courtyard.

>> No.2434217 [DELETED] 

No gaijins allowed.

>> No.2434235 [DELETED] 
File: 1.33 MB, 1024x768, kyoubeatrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should've named her Kyou.

>> No.2434287 [DELETED] 


What font am I missing?

Image upload is being a pain.

>> No.2434315 [DELETED] 

What's the point of having another girl if you already are a girl?

>> No.2434335 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 735x470, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2434345 [DELETED] 


>> No.2434360 [DELETED] 

default to japanese for non unicode or whatever option it is?

>> No.2434373 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 492x565, STOPTIME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this use gameguard or hackshield or something like that?
I don't want my computer raped by korea.

>> No.2434374 [DELETED] 

I just delivered a love letter from one girl to another at Clannad. This game is nice.

>> No.2434397 [DELETED] 


>> No.2434409 [DELETED] 

I'll get back on now. Also, it's almost time for a new thread.

>> No.2434431 [DELETED] 

It's Japanese not Korean

>> No.2434432 [DELETED] 

Also, I'll be in my apartment if anyone else is on.

>> No.2434433 [DELETED] 

i'll come, what's your in game name again? Also which island is your apartment?

>> No.2434440 [DELETED] 

My name ingame is クール・ストーリ and I'm on Da Capo island.

>> No.2434441 [DELETED] 

New thread


>> No.2434451 [DELETED] 

I know the game is japanese but the gameguard shit isn't.
Really? maybe I should try it then.
