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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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24245014 No.24245014 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please link it so people know what you're talking about.

The ona guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a (embed) (embed)

The doll guide: https://pastebin.com/rrUa6jKF (embed) (embed)

- Don't buy from OtonaJP. Don't say we didn't warn you -

>Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

Previous: >>24189525

>> No.24245079
File: 486 KB, 1600x1200, 1576102205922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is lube right? Came with my order

>> No.24245092
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>> No.24245119

Nah, its liquid candy. A nice treat manufactuers add with their holes to thank you for ordering them.

>> No.24245130

>(embed) (embed) (embed)
Off to a great start, /ona/

>> No.24245262

Yes, it's one of the better lubes out there for the hole that came with it

>> No.24245784

the guides are shit anyways

>> No.24245896
File: 110 KB, 512x512, 1591310920539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the likelihood of being v& IRL by buying either an aotume or catdoll brand?

I don't know why I like that little mutant catgirl doll but it triggers my teratophilia something fierce.

>> No.24245972

Location and your customs would determine that. Any state OK with loli 'should' be fine. But something tells me its a coinflip either way. Surely a forbidden state has allowed the doll and vice-versa for the others.

Bet it just depends on who handles your package. Someone post the picture with 2 customs officers looking disappointed next to a loli doll, its one of my favorites

>> No.24245995

States don't inspect mail.
Catdoll is already in the USA, no need to worry about customs.

>> No.24246044
File: 123 KB, 1200x675, lYpqKZi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind I found it

Nice, time to buy a catdoll

>> No.24246179

I wonder if they stuck their finger up the dolls hole. They must have been surprised with how tight it was

>> No.24246214

if you're in a grey area place, and your country doesn't have restrictions on height, the super thicc loli doll from aotume (135AA) should get by honestly. theyd have to be maggotbrained to genuinely think that's a representation of a child.

customs even opening your box is very unlikely because both catdoll and dollter use special line, they literally pay experts to deal with customs and import for them. If you're the type to get worried about it though, you'll probably be worried when it's in your house, too. Like what if someone has to come in for repairs and sees it etc. If you aren't fully departed from normie land and these possibilities worry you, don't get a straight up loli doll and especially not a realistic non-anime one. These dolls aren't easy to hide and if you get attached to her, you won't want to hide her to begin with. She will develop a soul. Once that's in your house you're really giving up a bit of your freedom/social mobility because it will constantly be a consideration.

>> No.24246486

There's a sign prohibiting the taking of pictures wtf.

>> No.24246498
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>> No.24246569

Thinking of getting one of these. Anyone have any experience with either of them?

>> No.24246577

What dystopian country is this? That doll straight up has titties

>> No.24246610

theyre just jealous theyre too old for cunnychads
but why where these pictures taken? Theres even a no camera sign in the back

>> No.24246613

Norwegian customs.

>> No.24246683

Does anyone know where the home for dakifags is on this site

>> No.24246982

Press release for child sex dolls being confiscated at the Norwegian customs. 21 dolls were seized in total.

>> No.24247096

/a/ buyfag threads

>> No.24249670

It's funny to me because a real pedo wouldn't bother with dolls or any of that artificial stuff. Rather, a normal person wouldn't bother with plastic vaginas or even consider them, he'd just go and rape someone. The fact that the deeply flawed logic such as "hurr he fucked a doll vaguely resembling a child, thus he's totes gonna go raping chilluns now! Muh feeblings!" even exists is why everything is so shit.
No one likes passionate enthusiasts outside of their group and when you have an opportunity to fuck em for life, people will just go for it.

>> No.24250297

>a normal person wouldn't bother with plastic vaginas or even consider them, he'd just go and rape someone.
Thank God I'm not a normalfag.

>> No.24250521

So what are the best ways to clean and dry one of these? I wanna get one, but I live with people, so I can't take my time or leave them out to air dry for long.
I see there are some special anti-bacteria sprays you can use to get the gunk out, are those effective or is water enough? What about those brittle absorbing sticks they sell?
How long does it usually take to clean and dry an onahole?
I figure I'll get an r-20 as my first one since it's popular and people say good things about durability and stuff. Is that one easy to clean?

>> No.24250668

planning to get a oral onahole so that when I play h-games, I can switch between oral and vaginal onaholes depending on the game's actions

anyone here does this?

>> No.24250803

Oh yeah, sure. I'm using loli holes for loli doujins, holes with fat juicy lips for milf doujins, oral holes for oral-focused doujins, anal holes for anal/trap doujins and general holes for the rest.

>> No.24250812

Any liquid soap, and a microfiber rag.
Finger bang with soap
Fingerbang with microfiber rag. Use a chopstick for tighter/longer onas.
Takes less than a minute.
R-20 is a longer one, so get a chopstick. It's a great starter hole. Durable and can be jared easily for extra suc. I'd say it's middle of the road when it comes to soft/firm, leaning on the firmer side.

>> No.24250833
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>> No.24250923

Between the Muses Arkhe, Lilith Uterus and Dolphin which would be the best for having the feeling of hitting the cervix ? Any detailed comparison between them ?

>> No.24251009 [DELETED] 

Lads I have a new Puni Ana Kahanshin DX up for grabs cuz my dumbass can't read heights properly therefore my country deems it fucking illegal.

>> No.24251048

Lads I got a new Puni Ana KAHANSHIN DX up for grabs cuz my dumbass can't read heights for shit therefore the LeGs are fuckin illegal.

>> No.24251977

Does omochadreams ship their stuff in actual cardboard that survives shipping or do they also jew out and use paper thin boxes like motsu?

>> No.24252326


>> No.24252355

Illegal as in their measurements match that of girl aged 10-12? Because that was mentioned in a previous thread.

>> No.24252488

So I'm just being too paranoid, then. Good to know.

>> No.24253259

i mean if it's free..yes

>> No.24253621

One guy in the previous thread owns one
He's disappointed with it for these reasons

>> No.24253677

So what's corn startch actually for? I heard some other anon used it for weights is it for the grip or something?

>> No.24253712

the material can get tacky. softer materials are tackier than hard ones. so you powder the outside to keep it from sticking to everything.

>> No.24254337

Anyone got a recommendation on a blowjob onahole? I've been thinking about the La Bocca Della Verita one, but I tend to go full speed full squeeze when using onaholes and I don't know how the teeth would go with that.

>> No.24254544

The only ones worth considering are the ones you mentioned, the ONDO NUPU, Okuchi motion, and the Fellamatio

>> No.24255198

different anon but would you say that the La Bocca is the best one to go for, for anyone buying an oral onahole for the first time
I had my eyes on the Okuchi Motion since its size and weigh really interest me, but I'm not sure how it holds up as a successor to the La Bocca, and also the fact that the La Bocca is like 5 years old with tons of positive reviews about it

>> No.24255271

Yeah, I'd start with the La Bocca. It'll give you a general feel of how blowjob holes are like, and its fairly cheap so if you don't like it, you're out only about 25.

>> No.24255280

If you had to choose between La Bocca and ONDU NUPU, which one would you choose?

Ondu nupu is apparently cheaper than La Bocca, and the recent quality of Magic Eye products have dropped quite a bit.
La Bocca is often talked about, when it comes to bj onaholes, so I want to know, whether it's reputation comes from its superior design, or it is just a meme.

>> No.24255396

Keep in mind that NUPU is an open-ended hole, and has variety. La Bocca is purely a blowjob hole. I don't have the NUPU so I can't really compare the to, although I do plan on buying it in the future.

>> No.24255947

They're kinda apples to oranges.
La Bocca is the closest thing to a real blowjob you can get, it's pretty fucking amazing.
The fact NUPU is trying to do a gimmicky two ended hole is a red flag for me, not to mention open hole designs prevent you from experiencing any vacuum/sucking effect.

La Bocca all the way.

>> No.24256063

I need to go back to my parents place for a while but I need my toy with me since I literally jerk off every single day
Any tips to use it discretely? More on how do I discretely wash it and store it

I guess everytime I'm done I'll just wrap it in a towel and bring it to the bathroom to wash, and then keep it in my luggage but maybe you guys have better ideas since I'm a brainlet
I wish they made a bottle cap for onaholes so that you can close it immediately once you're done so no air goes in, kinda like you're just leaving your dick in there for a long period, and then plug it back out when you can finally wash it

>> No.24256092

Why not settle for your hand for a few days. Or have a sabbatical.

>> No.24256284

theyre called dildos anon

>> No.24256325

if you pull out and cum in a tissue, you don't have to wash it out. just use a napkin or two to soak up the lube and dry it

>> No.24256355

What's the beast onahole for big boys? I'm 10.5" x 6.5" and would love to be able to go balls deep in one. If that's not possible, I'll take one that can fit my girth at least.

>> No.24256480

You either have a pencil dick or are shit at measuring.

>> No.24256512

skincells, sweat (that contains salt) and other shit will still be in there and accumulate over time without a washing.

Long Size Hida

>> No.24256604

It's longer than it's thick, sure. I wouldn't exactly call it a pencil.

>Long Size Hida
Having a bit of trouble finding the exact model, as I get many different results when I search for Hida.

>> No.24256640


>> No.24256737

It's about 10 cm too short still, but I didn't expect to find one that's long enough anyway.
The inside looks a bit boring though, some of the onaholes I've seen have really crazy twists and turns. Does that affect the feeling a lot?
If I can't go balls deep I think I'd rather have a 5" one that feels good than a 7" inch one that doesn't.

>> No.24256892

Months ago there was this guy who came into the threads who managed to grab hold of castings and is making custom onaholes. I haven't ordered from him yet but he made a Mega folder showcasing some of the stuff he made


If you wanna get in contact with him, his email is jake15243@yahoo.com
There's a chance he may be able to make something for you.

>> No.24256929

doubt you wanna drop $1k on it, but the tunnels on this look pretty long

>> No.24257221

Both of these are a bit pricy for a first-time purchase. I'll have to get a few cheaper ones first to find out which width I need. Thanks for the suggestions though, I've made note of them and will look into it more later.

>> No.24257725

I imagine that the NUPU is easier to clean, as it is a open ended hole, though you have to compensate with suction, which with a blowjob onahole would in my opinion be a huge downside.

But thank you for the reply.

>> No.24257799

Thank you, when thinking about it, it absolutely makes sense, that without the vacuum effect, much of the blowjob experience would get lost.

One last question to add to that, the main appeal to getting a blowjob onahole would be the face fucking experience. I just assume that you already have the La Bocca, so do you have any experience with going rough on the onahole, or is it not suited for rough usage?

>> No.24258314

Gravy or batter for frying.

>> No.24258328

More durable than all the meme shit people here constantly recommend.

>> No.24258371

Check the RideJapan long onas like this

>> No.24259192
File: 49 KB, 1024x576, DaXR3q3XcAAEjff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about meme holes while shilling actual aliexpress tier chine shit

>> No.24259214

It's a western company. But don't kid yourself, all this shit is made in China despite what it says on the box.

>> No.24259294
File: 944 KB, 420x236, 1404939382273.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Global Operation Center of the company is located in Shenzhen, and the products has been exported to over 50 countries across the globe

You're an actual retard.

>> No.24259320

Like I said, all of these different onas are made in China, just like everything else. Whereas onas are branded for Japanese market, Zemalia is branded for western markets like Fleshlights and other mainstream sex toys are. Not a difficult concept.
The point is that that particular product is much more durable than any of the other oral onas which are recommended here.

>> No.24259325

Anyone have any experience with the Rends USB Warmer Stick?


>> No.24259334

USB stick heaters are trash in general. Better to use hot water or a heating blanket.

>> No.24259395

The point is you're a retard and you believe that no country except China has the ability to manufacture plastic to stick your dick in.

>> No.24259396
File: 188 KB, 702x368, lilith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any other onaholes (tomax or not) that have a texture similar to pic related?

>> No.24259408

Take an economics class autismo.

>> No.24259468

When should I ask the professor about whether high quality onaholes that claim they're made in Japan and cost a bit more are even possible when the chine hive mind will shit out a shit product for pennies on the dollar? 1st class? Mid semester?

Do you think he'd have any insight on why they're risking massive civil litigation for false advertising with no perceivable benefit to themselves considering some of the biggest brands like MagicEyes and Tamatoys are openly china shit with seemingly no effect on their sales or should I take law as a minor and ask that professor?

>> No.24259514

>Original argument was about durability
>Change argument to where shit is made
>Change argument to cultural pride and bs marketing on a box

>> No.24259528
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Are these things safe?

>> No.24259681

Anybody have either of these? Good or just a meme?

>> No.24259792

Between Onatsuyu and Insomnia which would be more fit for soft Tomax material ?

I made the mistake of getting a bottle of Tyō and the stuff is outright painful and muted, the sample lube from Insomnia seemed really good, but Onatsuyu is also universally praised

>> No.24260070

no im addicted and i love it

>> No.24260683

would like to know this too

>> No.24260820

They're fine, despite what electric blanket anon might tell you. I would try paying under $15 though.

>> No.24262179

any good shota toys out there?

>> No.24262200
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>> No.24262382

after applying powder, how long do I wait before I can put it back into permanent storage
I've never seen the process of a powder "dissolving" on objects so I don't know what it looks like

>> No.24262564

Tips for lubing up your manhood without getting your left hand slippery and unable to hold the ona?
so far i've been doing this
>pour one/two squeezes of lube onto erect dick
>use lubed dick to grind against ona's inside to lube that

>> No.24262584

The hell? You literally just pat it dry with the powder, there you're done.
Just put some lube at the entrance, rub your glans against it for a bit until you get it all nice and slick and then slowly sink inside.

>> No.24262771

where do you guys store your onahole after use? back in the box? or should I buy one of those $5 nylon bags

>> No.24262913


>> No.24262920

anybody had raw sex with a real vagina before

>> No.24262965

what's sex

>> No.24263040

i fucked my dogs vagina

>> No.24263047

does it feel better than onahole

>> No.24263067

same, but the best part is there's no cleaning or lube needed

>> No.24263086


>> No.24263471

Meme eyes durability is shit and thinking about how to not fuck up one of their holes is giving me a headache. You can just tear the sides of the entrance if you're not careful but it hardly affects how it feels. If you have a big pp, no, you cannot impale it on your junk like you're stretching taffy. If you bottom it out within an inch or something, you're fine unless you decide to dickstab into the walls, in which you might get away with it a few times but that's a dangerous game.

>> No.24263715

what breed and how deep, how tight?

>> No.24263777

How fucking shit you must be to damage your holes like that

>> No.24263961

when im close to cumming, I get incredibly horny and my penis head expands into spikes piercing the vagina

>> No.24264394

You must be the tentacle man from Dark Love.
God I love that scene.

>> No.24264450

You've been shilling this thing for years in these threads. How about telling us what actually makes it good and more favorable to the "meme shit" mentioned in these threads?

>> No.24264468

Yeah. The Rends USB sucks. Doesn't last long and takes way too long to actually heat stuff up. You're better off buying a (storage) container from the dollar store and letting the ona sit in warm water.

>> No.24264554

Tomax tends to use a more "realistic" texture, so NPG is another company that likes to boast its "realistic" textures as well. In terms of tunnel shape, no, Lilith Uterus is unique in that regard.

As long as you don't mod it. I've never heard of electric onas ever ripping a guy's dick off, but electric onas aren't exactly in a good spot yet. The technology isn't there yet. The only one even worth considering is the Vorze and even then that has its issues (or so I heard).

I'd go with Insomnia since you're most likely getting it in soft, and Insomnia is also made by Tomax. It's thinner than Onatsuyu.

I've heard the Neko is bad, while the Kasya is decent. I'm not interested in either due to their price range and the tunnels don't look all that appealing to me

I personally use little drawstring bags that I got from Aliexpress since they're breathable and 20 of them cost about $15 for me. If you don't really care or are trying to save money, you can simply buy Ziplocs and stuff them in there. Just keep in mind that Ziplocs are airtight so make sure they are dry before you store them away.

>> No.24264582

I'll buy it for shipping cost.

>> No.24264631

Note to self: Wash your hands before using your ona after preparing and eating super spicy food.

>> No.24264827

Hmm, do you guys shave ?

>> No.24264869

I have couple of plastic bags like that, but they have holes in them, that's okay right? Also if you put a bag of silica gel in there, shouldn't it get it all dry even in an airtight bag?

>> No.24264873

using onaholes has unironically made me more hygienic

>> No.24264895

how so? do elaborate anon so I can be less stinky like you

>> No.24264919

Also what do you mean by "price range"? Are they too cheap or too expensive for what they are?

>> No.24265010

I just feel they're personally not worth the price range they are asking. I can get a Lilith Uterus for nearly the same price as the Kasya.

Holes are fine. Most of the storage bags for these oles are breathable anyway.
>Also if you put a bag of silica gel in there, shouldn't it get it all dry even in an airtight bag?
Not always. There are some holes with intracate tunnel designs that have small crevices or chambers that water really likes to stay in. Silica gel isn't fool-proof, but its nice as a backup.

>> No.24265100

Anyone have experience with lolinco or virgin age admission or virgin loop darrin seven? I think their tunnels look pretty normal

>> No.24265127
File: 74 KB, 549x1024, 1590652712118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lolinco, the og one. It's very tight and literally chokes your dick if you're above average. If you're a lolicon like me you'll find it great. It gets only better the more you use it too.

>> No.24265326

>virgin age admission
what kind of tiny ass dick do you need for this
I found it while searching for "most durable" onaholes and this one of the suggested ones but the hole doesn't even look like it could fit my thumb

>> No.24266347

just say a pedophile
quit using code words

>> No.24266405

>running out of Onatsuyu
>check to see if it is on still amazon yesterday
>it is
>I'll get it tomorrow
>it's tomorrow
>use my free trial of prime
>price increased by 8 bucks

>> No.24266418

I just ordered one for $21 from my country's local vendor, how much is it going for on Amazon?

>> No.24266446

It is usually 16.30 on amazon, but the seller changed overnight and now it is 24.99

>> No.24267487

I'm >>24266405 >>24266446
So like, is there a brand of lube I can just pick up at like Walmart or Target that is kinda like Onatsuyu? I tried Astroglide once and it wasn't very good. Cuz, like, at this point, I am better literally buying a new cheap hole plus a bottle of Onatsuyu to hit that $35 free shipping mark. Spending more money like that is the only way I won't feel ripped off. Or, if there is a comparable lube(amount, price, quality) on Amazon I could get that too. I have never really gotten any other brands so I wouldn't know. I am gonna wait a day or two and hope the 16.30 price comes back.

>> No.24267747

I got an Alchemist's Atelier, I like the vacuum aspect of it. However, I do not like how firm the texture is. Anyone know if the Temptation Witch has a softer texture?

From this video I saw it seemed pretty soft and stretchy, but I don't know how much force he was using, because I can do that with the Atelier one as well.

>> No.24269540

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say they're both made from Toys Heart Safe Skin material. I've actually got an Alchemist's Atelier on the way so I can directly compare to my Witch but for now it's more of a guess than anything.

As someone that swings hard towards softer holes too it's my only complaint with the Witch, but it's not too big of a problem imo, just wish there was a soft version.

>> No.24269937

I've got one. It's the most durable dual layer hole I've used. Probably spent close to $2000 in the last few years trying different brands of onas and hips. From meme to fringe. It's a cheap open ended ona that is easy to clean for newbs and actually not that bad.

>> No.24269980

It's tiny as fuck, but it actually does stretch a lot. Keep in mind most onas are designed for tiny chink dicks, that's why they have a thread in /jp/, that's their market.

>> No.24269999

$15 a bottle.

>> No.24270369 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.11 MB, 2040x2850, 1592330865794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the same thing, but i wonder when we are going to get trap sex doll, with small dick.
there are futas sex doll, but they always have big huge erected dick, and thats kinda gay.

>> No.24270412

What bothers me about this is, who decides what is "child like" is
Is it height? What about all the smaller scale mim dolls, which are full aged women just in a smallerf from?
Is it the face?
What about a full size, 5' 2" anime doll? Would the anime face be too "childlike"
At the end of the day, it's not a real person being harmed, it's a hunk of rubber. It has no physical age for them to base laws around.
And the laws they make don't clearly outline what is, and isn't aloud. It just says "Childlike"
So is it down to some random customs agent, and how they personally feel about the doll, to make that call?
And even if it's not illegal, you can get your doll seized, that you paid 1-2k for, just gone. Because that face you picked looks a little too much like a child imo.

>> No.24270749

I mean, this would be solved if you simply weren't a pedo...
ok but seriously, the rulings are fucked because they are so vague. If they had set definitions and followed them, then it would make more sense. The rules are basically in the eye of the beholder.

>> No.24271924

>If they had set definitions and followed them
The laws are inherently nebulous. It isn't a real person, so they have to tiptoe around technicality to make any rulings.

>> No.24272073

What if I chose Primm Slim to be the sheriff?

>> No.24272445
File: 221 KB, 1129x893, 532d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder if I can fit her in a detolf and play it off as a collector's figurine when people come over

>> No.24272705

What's the tightest Tomax hole that still has suction ?

>> No.24272888

Unless you have a history of collecting large dolls for some odd reason everyone will wonder why you are displaying your sex doll

>> No.24273394

>When are you getting the Atelier? Can you post on here comparing the two when you get it?

>> No.24273477

I ordered from Otona with another hole that had an ETA of ~3 weeks so anytime between 3 weeks from now and the turn of the century.

Real talk though I was gonna post a comparison anyway since the community loves the Witch and the Atelier is pretty much a variation of the same, so I figured people would be interested in a comparison. Whenever Otona plays plinko to decide which order to fulfill and it lands on mine I'll post a write-up.

>> No.24273499

>code words
Your normalfag is showing.

>> No.24273575

Any recommendations for a soft hole that I can edge for a long time with? Looking for a replacement for my lilith soft uterus, and preferably something with a shorter tunnel length than it.

>> No.24274067

If you're anywhere between 3-4.5 inches/9-11.5 cm, check out the Smooth and Flat (Tsuprupeta) Girls Laboratory by EXE. If you're a bit longer than that, look at the Princess Kuchipako by Hot Powers

>> No.24274075
File: 820 KB, 600x600, 06051326_5ed9c97cc9eff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown Titties!

>> No.24274174

Tanlines when

>> No.24274232
File: 74 KB, 495x495, princess_kuchipako_of_the_land_of_wet_dreams_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried Princess Kuchipako ?
How soft is the material and does it feel monotone sensation wise ?

>> No.24274559
File: 951 KB, 766x680, FemB_SDoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femboy doll good enough?

By https://twitter.com/LoliconEX/status/1271089524139950080

>> No.24274603

they are a bit better, but the important part is the ball, they need to have a feminine dick and balls.
if not, its gay.

>> No.24274887

If your balls touch, you'll be gay either way.

>> No.24274911

any interesting molds for 3d printing?
I've found some but they look boring

>> No.24275083

Thanks, they both look nice and I'll keep them in mind. It's too bad neither are available on Toydemon

>> No.24276123

Any tips on how to get rid of death grip? Will nofap work or something? I fucked like 2 fleshlights and two onaholes and I barely feel shit from them.

>> No.24276630

From what little research I've done, yes, nofap works. Not sure how long until sensitivity returns though. Also, your skin may be seriously fucked if you cant feel shit down there.

>> No.24277038


>> No.24277555
File: 34 KB, 713x410, amazonjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I fucked?

>> No.24277615

how does that compare with the usual onatsuyu

>> No.24277665

It's my first time ordering one and I've only been using cheap drug store lube.

>> No.24278580

>little drawstring bags
damn I never realized how stupidly cheap these things are, only 50 cent each on a lot of e-commerce websites but the shipping though

>> No.24278618

Do international packages (in box, not packet) need to be signed for? US anon here.

>> No.24278709

> be me, out of the onahole game for years
> en-nls is shut down wtf
> top result is otonajp
> guess I'll do some research, come across a /jp/
>don't buy from otonajp

well I'm glad I searched first

>> No.24278719

It depends on which company is doing the shipping. I know DHL usually asks for a signature unless you specifically opt out of one on their website

>> No.24278757


>> No.24278829

>Look for a red box labeled "Special Instructions" on the tracking results page. If this is displayed with the message "Signature Required" or "Adult Signature Required," then a signature is needed to receive your package.
From UPS FAQ signature is required if your package falls into the criteria

>> No.24278964

Unironically, yes. If you wanted to know, no it does not feel as good as an onahole if we're talking about pure feeling on dick.

>> No.24279005

I've personally liked it better than onatsuyu but experience may vary by hole.

>> No.24279106

>en-nls is shut down wtf

It still hurts

>> No.24279354

holy shit guys, amazon has onaholes in Canada now? And I just ordered a Mouth of Truth perorin.ver for a reasonable price with same day shipping. This is a game changer from when I used to wait a month from NLS

>> No.24279357

It's been 1 month since they shipped my hole by ferry.
I fear it may be lost at sea.

>> No.24279442

Due to the chinese virus all shipping methods are jammed up, the cheapest are hit the hardest. Good luck.

In a stunning turn of fortune Otona actually shipped ahead of expectations somehow, hopefully I'll have it this week or Monday. If all goes well I may turn into an Otona apologist.

>> No.24279601

Canada Amazon has had onas for years. Probably just shitty search algos like in the USA.
Sea shipping is always a mistake. 2 day DHL is the only option you should use, otherwise you're open to being scammed and being denied by your credit card company.

>> No.24279697

My usual fapping habits would consist of rubbing my junk and semen onto a rag afterwards and leaving it at that
Now I actually go through the effort of thoroughly washing my dick after each fap to get the lube off, and since I'm cleaning my ona anyways, why not my dick too

>> No.24280241

What are the best thin western lubes, ? currently in a pinch and need something for soft materials thinking of gunoil or astroglide

>> No.24280481

anything water based. Just add more water

>> No.24280832
File: 245 KB, 770x600, 1459456269001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, she´s really cute, I wish had one, someday.

>> No.24281550

Is R-20 Third recommended over the regular R-20? The catalog says it was a Chinese exclusive and thus expensive, but it's sold at the same price as the regular version now. The tunnel doesn't look as good, desu.

>> No.24281997

>shipping via ferry
Big oof my dude. You're probably won't see it until the end of this year.

Supposidly, R-20 Third is a bit firmer than the OG R-20.

>> No.24282202

Doing gods work, anon. I'll be waiting for the review so I can decide whether or not Vacuum Witch is worth getting if I have an Atelier

>> No.24282809
File: 18 KB, 225x300, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this just because. It's not bad. The material is very much on the firmer side. It's clear, but more murky than crystal clear. There is a very pronounced 'uterus' feel, much more than I've found on many other popular onas that advertise this feature. Seems to be a very sturdy material too, so should last a while. Works great in a mason jar, but the amount of suction might rip your dick off. Pretty intense.

>> No.24283033

This is poetry

>> No.24284172
File: 213 KB, 975x1475, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is garbage. Can't seal with a jar and is incredibly boring.

>> No.24284258
File: 114 KB, 994x647, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This on the other hand, is excellent. It's super soft and clingy. Feels great in a jar, the clingyness just intensifies with the suction. Only complaint is that the tunnel design makes it a little difficult to dry.

>> No.24284603

Onaholes are great because they essentially knob polish, real vaginas don't do that; there's something about the pounding itself that real sex has over traditional onaholes. Warmth is also really nice in the winter.

>> No.24284785

Bros, /ona/ newfag here
So, is masturbating with a onehole really much more delicious than real sex?

>> No.24284816

what more do you want to know that hasn't already been said by the posts you are quoting?

>> No.24284867

just confirm that ;_;

>> No.24284875

Real sex isn't about sex and you'll probably nut harder fucking the onahole right in front of her while she begs for your cock.

>> No.24284968

I would like to remind the normalfags present that real life sex with girls is NOT permitted on the jay.

>> No.24286887

How well do these Drying rods work?
The worst part about onaholes is drying them out after use. If I could just rinse it out, then stick one of these sticks down in there to absorb the moisture, I would use one much more often.

>> No.24287014

YMMV. In my experience harder onaholes are more difficult to use drying wands on. and they don't eliminate moisture very efficiently. You ideally should dry it out manually as much as you can before sticking one of those in.

>> No.24287087

They're not comparable despite the similar subject matter. The pleasure is just derived differently.

>> No.24288116

Does anyone know how to customize the KoBukuro? I read that apparently the size and hardness are customizeable.

>> No.24288435

This is why I sometimes like pounding onaholes, gives me the same feeling of satisfaction afterward anyway.

Onaholes better on your dick. But real sex is less about the dick and more about the emotional and body connection. Psychologically pumping in cum in a real person is nice too. I sure wish a full immersive doll experience existed.

Never had a one night stand or whore but that'd probably be a shitty experience compared to even hand fapping.

>> No.24288468

You have to do it from HotPower's website. But since they only ship via EMS (and EMS is shut down due to the virus), you're gonna have to wait. You can still order it (probably), you just won't get it for a long time.

>> No.24288615

Anyone here have experience with Sujiman Kupa Rina? I have yet to have a good magic eyes experience. I am fine with it having a 6-month life span, but nothing shorter. Thinking about also trying out Kunoichi Inho Chaotic Vagina Bero just cuz it looks silly. Both are cheap which is what I am looking for right now. I got a small dick so them being small is also on purpose.

>> No.24288836

Rina was my first hole so I might be biased but I was pretty satisfied with it. Mine did break but it should last way past 6 months.

>> No.24289131

>Sujiman Kupa Rina
Was one of the first for me too. It's garbage. Way too small, doesn't feel that great, and it's fragile.

>> No.24289390
File: 31 KB, 601x508, hehsad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Way too small
heh not for me

>> No.24290673

I thought EMS was only restricted to certian countries? I've got stuff that's shipped EMS and arrived as little as a month ago. It's slower but still working.

>> No.24292221
File: 48 KB, 650x494, 1515539183139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to clean your onaholes regularly

>> No.24292382

How is the regular venus real compared to the soft version? I have the soft one but I feel like my dick is too sensitive to it, can't savor in the pleasure. I've used a fleshlight before, and those I'm able to have some control so I feel like the softness is the issue.

>> No.24292589

Instead of getting the same hole again in a different material I recommend the Lilith Uterus in soft as it has a more defined texture while giving you control when you need it, but just my two cents

>> No.24293139

too much work

>> No.24293389

One day I'm gonna impregnate my holes and you can't stop me!

>> No.24294547

huh might do that actually, for the fleshlight I used to use the wonderwave which was ribbed

>> No.24294672
File: 139 KB, 675x1000, 71etCSZ4fTL._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decent stim, while still being soft. Lot of suck with a jar. Started falling apart after the first use, so will likely pull the pink material out of it after another use or two and see what it's like without it.

>> No.24295083
File: 42 KB, 191x218, mfw i see a hamburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after you borrow it

>> No.24295139

I understand, thanks anons.

>> No.24295359

Anyone know any silent or really quiet onas that don’t make noise?

>> No.24295408

>This is the end /r9k/, im killing myself right here, right now. I was going to say goodbye but this isnt the /r9k/ i loved a long time ago. Its nothing but "females", simps, and generals flooding the catalog while real threads go straight to archive. This was the only place i used to feel like i fit in and now theres no where for me. Fuck you all
>03 Mar 2020

>> No.24295512

>vaguely resembling a child
Just accept being attracted to children jfc. Being this much in denial will lead exactly to what you pretend to be worried about. That pic clearly looks like a fucking human child, not like a small woman or anime girl. There is nothing vague up for interpretation.

>> No.24295861

What are the softest toys that offer suction ?

>> No.24297299

They arrive coated in corn starch, too. So it preserves the original look and feel instead of feeling sticky and covered in dust/fluff/stains that are impossible to remove.

>> No.24298146

Guys, I need help. I used a hell of a lot of lube yesterday and got a bit mean with my cock. Now, I can see a big mole on it that I've never noticed before. Should I be worried? My dick normally looks more defined after using lube that's heavy in vitamin E, so maybe this is just nothing, but I'm so fucking scared.

>> No.24298176

I get all of my medical advice from /b/, ask there.

>> No.24298944

Has anyone made an infographic about mason jars and onaholes? Even after reading the descriptions I can't really conceptualize it in my head. Don't you have to open the lid of the jar to get your dick in?
Anyone have pictures of how it looks at least?

>> No.24298977

Why would you put the lid on it? You stick the ona in it, stick dick in ona, the stick your finger between the ona and jar to relieve the pressure and create a vacuum.

>> No.24299626

How can you be a Otona apologist when you are Otonajp?

>> No.24299848

What can I say, last time I ordered from Otona was in 2016 before they changed owners/went to shit so I'm pleasantly surprised something actually shipped. They still took about 2 weeks to actually do it so ymmv. They should always be the last option anyway, amazon and ToyDemon were missing holes I wanted.

>> No.24299962


So, I often get this, only cause it's cheap and works well. However, if I wanted to upgrade, how would I go about it? Something similar but "higher quality"?

>> No.24299997

I think that's a straight up bootleg of one of the Puni Ana hips isn't it? I'm sure some anon knows which but I'd start looking at that range.

>> No.24300037

Damn, you're absolutely right


>> No.24300134

Yeah, it's exactly the same, but the material is a little firmer than the Regular DX. It's actually tougher. I've yet to tear it, and I've torn both my Regular and Soft DX hips.

>> No.24300150

I also see that the more expensive model has no exit hole? Thats a deal breaker for me. Its why I refuse to buy the larger ones.

>> No.24300175

The Puni Ana DX from EXE? It's exactly the same except for the material. I recommend getting the clone first if you've not used a hip before. It will give you an idea of what to expect from the EXE offerings.

>> No.24300210

I use the clone often. Someone said on the review there is no exit hole for the vag.

>> No.24300223

Both anus and vag are connected together about five inches in.

>> No.24300443

When can we buy aotume heads separately?

>> No.24301356

nice anon, I also ordered a Perorin like a couple days ago, should be here in a week
tell me what you think of yours when you get the chance to use it

>> No.24301378

damn you must be tall, being able to put your dick on the sink

>> No.24301718

That's physically possible. Call me back when you can directly stimulate penile nerves with electronic frequencies.

>> No.24301896

Can I just use you as an onahole?

>> No.24301972

what did you buy?

>> No.24302126

Kobukuro which is preorder only at TD and won't let you do it outside the US, Super Hard And Tight - Cyclist Girl which at the time was out of stock at Amazon and TD, Fellamatio BLACK which is Otona exclusive for some reason even though it's Hot Powers that makes it and Alchemist's Atelier which I threw in because if I'm gonna get hit with high shipping costs I might as well make it count.

>> No.24302472
File: 251 KB, 933x700, Cow-Girl-Onahole6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of my lube ends up outside my onahole and all over my crotch pretty much instantly. Is this just a fact of life for certain holes? I hadn't had this issue so badly until getting this one.

>> No.24302570

Yeah that's just how some holes are. There are some that really retain lube.

>> No.24302791

Is hot water enough to keep my onahole free of bacteria and mold? Or do I need any meme substances?

>> No.24302938

>Or do I need any meme substances?
Other than soap? No.

>> No.24303135

warm water and some liquid hand soap are more than enough. Mold comes from failure to dry certain areas. Microfiber cloths are good for most cases and you may want to by a drying (Diatomaceous) for especially tight/narrow holes

>> No.24303148

drying STICK, that is. The raw product would be rather useless, lol/

>> No.24303195

I got a tear on mine, at the junction of the lips. What's the best way to fix it?

>> No.24303287

TPE glue

>> No.24303333

What is the best way to colors TPE? Preferably not permanently. Good coloring doesn't really works, other than creating colored starch powder, but that's not good enough for lipstick. Any ideas? Regular makeup stuff works?

>> No.24303364

How is that hole? Ive been considering it

>> No.24303955

only if you're STD free

>> No.24304037

Because of how porous TPE is, any coloring will be permanent. I've heard food dye is good, but don't strictly quote me on that.

>> No.24304204

Yes, now please be my student council president for the night.

>> No.24304221

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

>> No.24304246

I like the name, looks like shit though.

>> No.24304290

I was meant food coloring on my post, so I can't say you can't read. But no, it doesn't work. Also not all colors are permanent, especially surface stains are removable with baby oil.

>> No.24304356

>amazon delays
literal protests and shit slowing down shipping
some cities are literally on fire and looted shipping centers
other states are locking down in and outs
and overseas shipping is.. holy fuck. sterilizing everything going on and coming off at destination

>> No.24304374

what do you mean, it looks like it would work like shit or aesthetically it looks bad?

>> No.24304412


>> No.24304424

Anyone have experience with puni ana RE?

>> No.24304438

If you want to experience sex with a single mother with mediocre pussy and roast beef, then that's perfect.

>> No.24304455

Is that the motorized one? People say it is shit.

>> No.24304610

>was meant food coloring on my post, so I can't say you can't
Anon are you having a stroke?

>> No.24304621

Instead of good coloring I meant food coloring.

>> No.24305000

Ok I understand now, it was me that had the stroke.

>> No.24305427

Saw a toy stand on Otonajp and thought it was pretty neat
Any other spots where I can buy it?

>> No.24305507


>> No.24306012

Soft Holes don't really have suction due to the way they are made. They rely either on a very gentle long-lasting experience, or stimulate via its clingyness. Your best bet is to simply buy the really soft hole you're looking for and then stuff it in a mason jar.

>> No.24306165

I have heard of the trick, but it seems a bit of a pain to do, is there then like a middle ground between suction and softness, like the Lilith Uterus in soft ?

>> No.24306259

I personally don't have the Lilith Uterus (I actually have the Lilith Spiral Dots), but from what I heard, that has a good amount of suction.

>> No.24306542
File: 196 KB, 722x649, Meiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, any other decent plushes that are sold from within the US? Everything seems to be sold out for me.

>> No.24306624

I have two questions, are there any guro based scent sprays, and would it be safe to have a loli onahole delivered to a college campus?

>> No.24306644

Get a fucking PO box, Jesus Christ. You deserve the whole campus knowing you use onaholes.

>> No.24306668

I don't really care if people find out, I was just wondering if it was safe to do in the sense of getting arrested/kicked out.

>> No.24306681

I'm trying to find some decent 70/30 microfiber cloths but all I can find is 16x16 squares and I want something smaller, maybe something half the size so I can wrap it around a chopstick
Any suggestions? Or can I cut the cloth

>> No.24306720

That depends on your country, but in either way they can kick you out for obscenity.

>> No.24306740

Get cloths made for glasses/phone screens. Those are small.

>> No.24306743

Check to see if your post office will hold the package for you.

>> No.24308065

You can only buy a head if you've already bought a doll, they're probably trying to prevent counterfeits

>> No.24308491

It's a federal crime for anyone else to be opening your packages unless they were a federal agent or security.
Still, better safe than sorry. I wouldn't want some nosey pinkhaired asshat to be handling my mail.

>> No.24309253

When the fuck is AkibaFarm coming back?

>> No.24309867

>I have heard of the trick, but it seems a bit of a pain to do
You're putting rubber into a jar. What's so difficult about that?

>> No.24310411

Oh my god, it's still there.

>> No.24310722

not that guy but does the jar method even feel good
why not just stuck it in between mattresses, or pillows, why a jar?
the fact that the jar is a hard object means you can't even squeeze it in any way but if it were mattresses or pillows, you can squeeze those, or without using any of those and purely focusing on the hole, you can squeeze that rubber instead

>> No.24310931

Because it's much better. You don't have to be on your knees awkwardly trying to fuck a bed, or fuck around with belts and pillows.

You can control how much suction you have depending on how far you're in when you release the pressure in the jar. The more you try pulling out the more it tries to pull you back in. It's basically the mafia of ona hacks.

>> No.24311101
File: 1.19 MB, 1000x1000, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what one should i buy?

>> No.24311219

Christ, what kind of jar even is that? All I have are either too small or too big.

I'd go with the mouth of truth, but it's just because it's next in my list.

>> No.24311250

>Christ, what kind of jar even is that?
A mason jar. They're literally made to hold a vacuum seal for preservation of fruits. Don't just use any old jar, they may not be strong enough to deal with the pressure.

>> No.24311531

C'mon, what size? At least take a picture so we know which one to pick up.

>> No.24311533

I feel for you.

>> No.24311553

I think it's a quart. Go to a store and look for one that you think is the right size, they're cheap.

>> No.24311646

Wait, how does jarring work? You just put the ona in the jar, put your dick in and remove the jar, or do you need to keep the jar on the whole time?

>> No.24311680


>> No.24312024

I used to think the do you powder the inside of a hole questions were shitposts, but do you open the lid for the mason jar trick really takes the cake.

>> No.24314126

If you're so scared, just order it with the boxart removed.


You can also wrap the onahole in plastic/food wrap like a mummy to get a similar effect without grabbing hold of a hard shell.

don't fap for a week, and apply a bit of extra virgin olive oil for a week

MoT if you're hankering for a blowjob experience
Middle one looks like parodyshit
Top one is great if you're below average
CQ Nurse looks kinda boring to me

>> No.24314320

>extra virgin olive oil
Why? There's no way that I can put that on my cock and not fap.

>> No.24314324

Try to avoid holes that have a tiny insertion hole. I find those ones in particular love pushing out lube.

>> No.24314368

because olive oil has cleaning and moisturizing properties that should help with your mole problem. But keep the application to once a day or every other day.

>> No.24314672
File: 32 KB, 782x580, 1584226635421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a wank with hole
>cum inside
>clean, dry and powder it
>10 minutes later
>urge to wank again comes
>grab hole and go for round 2
>cum inside again
>clean, dry and powder it again
>another 10 minutes later
Fuck this dick

>> No.24314796

I got one from Magic Eyes and it teared at the lips the first time I used. It feels good to use, but the quality of the material disappointed me.

>> No.24315661

Got mine before this shit.
It sucks for you, though. Hang in there, man.

>> No.24316006

That's what I have so far but I'm fairly confident that it's not 70/30, on top of other problems that the cloths pose

>> No.24316230

I know I'm a retard but I still can't visualize it. Does the jar need to be small enough that the ona is trying to squeeze itself out of the jar (the jar is thoroughly "stuffed")? Do you have to keep your finger in between the two items to maintain the vaccuum?
Do you ever have to seal the jar at any point to create that pressure, or is the ona being inside the jar enough to do that?

>> No.24316290

Not all onas work the same due to different sizes.
You put ona in.
You put dick in ona.
Slip finger between ona and jar to release pressure in jar.
Remove finger from jar.
The ona is now sealed in the jar with a vacuum.

>> No.24316526

how is the plush doll? they any good?

>> No.24316931

It's fairly good. I use it with accessories like wigs, clothes and even a pair of Busty Ai-chan sometimes, and it works quite well.
I'm taking every precaution to prevent damage and stains, and it's holding up.
It can hold almost any size of ona in its hole thanks to the ability to regulate the tightness of it.
Being both light and relatively sturdy it can handled without much trouble.
Another plus is that the doll is great for snuggles as well.
I'm ambivalent about it being faceless, but it doesn't matter too much. Plush dolls with faces tend to look horrible anyway.
It's also not too expensive, so I would say that it's a very good product for its price-tag.

>> No.24317008

Best vendor for Brazil?

>> No.24317042

So are there any guro based scents?

>> No.24317105

i feel you

>> No.24318008

Otona gave me candies with my order, I think this is a bribe because they know their clientele are fat otaku.

>> No.24318324

My ona started developing ripples near the entrance, it's just superficial damage but is there any way to remove those ugly ripples ?

>> No.24319149

Amazon JP ships to your backwater area, but import taxes and fees are pretty much equal to what you'd be paying for the product+shipping. I doubt any other vendor would be cheaper, however.
Since Amazon blocks "obscene" imagery (whatever the fuck that means), use a website like https://www.ms-online.co.jp/ to get a good idea of what the hole looks like.

>> No.24319871

Just cut your dick

>> No.24319905

>customs is double the price of the ordem
I hate this place

>> No.24320039
File: 93 KB, 1008x756, IMG_20180811_025911727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot muggy day
>lazily using doll
>feel lube running out but about to cum
>keep going
>slip out mid orgasm and cant reenter in time
>ruined the whole thing

>> No.24320053

Heat or an adhesive. So that basically means soldering iron or TPE glue. You can make your own TPE glue if you already have TPE on hand (basically an extra hole you don't mind destroying and mixing it with some kind of solvent. I forget what exactly.)

>> No.24320127

Good advice for americans

>> No.24320251

Alright bros is there's something tighter than my Lolinco extra virgin? Either I have a small dick or I measured wrong but it doesn't really feel tight as fuck except for the entrance.

>> No.24320413

>Amazon JP
>DHL package is still stuck in customs

I got my order in exactly 5 days on fucking Christmas last year.
What the fuck is happening to this gay world?

>> No.24320549

Possible xylene.

>> No.24320798

corona. customs is in overdrive sanitizing everything and a huuuuuuge chunk of their work force is cycling out

>> No.24320802

I feel your pain bro. Amazon JP stopped shipping here, and an average shipping price is like 80 bux, way more than the product itself.

>> No.24321260

Holy shit onaholes are noisy as hell.

>> No.24321399

Make sure you get the air out, that reduces the noise a bit if it's a closed hole.

>> No.24321467

Haven't seen it anywhere else except amazon. Why don't you just get it at otonajp? Lots of bs talking often here about them but I never once had an issue with them as well as anyone I know.

>> No.24321489

otonajp and kanojotoys ship to Brazil but otonajp is much chepaer. Eu recomendo otona

>> No.24321533

>werks fer me

>> No.24321707

Otona is last resort because they're slow as shit and fight with customers that leave bad reviews, simple as that. It's rng for if things go smooth.

>> No.24322512

After cooming one time do you guys wash off the hole and reapply lube or just keep going?
I noticed that if I just keep going it doesn't feel quite as good as the first time

>> No.24322622

I just drain the hole and let the cum spill onto the tissue, put it under the blanked to warm it again and start over when I get hard. I close the hole with a paper so that lube won't escape and ruin my blanket. Then I use a tiny water spray bottle to get my dick wet again and my hole slick, that way I don't even need to reapply the lube in most cases. My consecutive cooms tend to be even bigger and better.
Holes are generally too stimulating and I don't get horny enough to keep going right away, except for that one time with lolinco.

>> No.24322780

anybody tried a cock ring to get diamond boner

>> No.24322999

I'd say EX Virgin (aside from entry ring) is more enveloping than tight, feels like there are a ton of nubs/structure in the tunnel.

I would get something harder and smaller, VAA is a cheap durable dick vice

>> No.24323177

Any looser recommendations for a really girth user?

>> No.24323226

am I missing something or does the venus real not feel that good

>> No.24323575

Everyone has their opinions and preferences.

>> No.24323755

It was the left lip wasnt it. Mine came with a tear in the lip without even a use.

>> No.24323971 [SPOILER] 
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So my order came in today. First impressions of the Alchemist's Atelier, the material is the same as the witch minus the texture on the outside,which is to say it's firm, among the firmest I have as someone who much prefers soft holes. But I made an exception for the witch, and this one looks to have that same magic to it. The tunnel is about an inch/inch and a half shorter than the witch which is nice if you're a dicklet like me and the actual tunnel part (the middle bit) of the hole feels shorter than it looks in the image. I don't know if it's the norm for these but you can clearly see the seam of the two halves on mine and there's a little nub directly at the end where I'm guessing there was some runoff from the molding process. It seems sturdy enough despite this but it's worth mentioning as my witch definitely doesn't have that, and neither do any of my other Toys Heart holes.

Now this thing sucks, seriously. The two chambers both provide their own massive succ so dare I say it has more suction than the witch proper. After I finished I just let go of it and kept it on my dick as I went flaccid and came down from edging for an hour, must of stayed on a good 10-15 or so minutes after the fact while I was typing this, the succ is fucking ridiculous and I've yet to feel another hole with this level of suction. It also has a much more defined texture, those bumps, nubs and curved tunnel are felt much more profoundly than the witch which is almost subtle in comparison. With the witch the most defined bit is the womb, which when the suction is properly applied closes up tight and squeezes your glands as it enters and exits it, the rest of the hole is pretty basic ribs and spiral ribs, nothing bad, infact I quite like it, but it's very meat and potatoes. Now on the Alchemist, from the massive nubs in the front chamber which clamp down and assault all sides, to the curved tunnel in the middle that you force your way through bullying whichever side of the glands you have it oriented to, to the smaller nubs in the womb section at the back that take what the witch did so well and says "This isn't stimulating enough, let's put some nubs on the other side to give it some extra oomph every time you bust through and back." this things assaults your glans at every step. Compared to the witch this thing is a bonafied bully, it might be the biggest dick bully I own honestly.

I almost wouldn't even compare them except for the suction, which is one of the main selling points of the witch. The Alchemist just straight up does it better. On a suction and stimulation level it's a straight upgrade to the witch imo. Downsides are the tunnel is smaller if you have a hammer down there and cosmetic issues that put a question mark on the durability, but honestly it's the same material as a majority of my Toys Heart holes, including the witch which I've had for a few years now and none of them show any signs of breaking so I'm not that worried honestly.

Highly recommend, didn't try the included lube but I put some between my fingers and it feels almost like onatsuyu, but it smells intensely herbal. It's pretty neat and the bottle is a decent size.

>> No.24324336

What don't you like about it?

>> No.24324353

Is the xyz or whatever its called that's popular around here. Is it easy to clean? Like can I flip it inside out and shit.

>> No.24324521

You shouldn't flip holes inside out for any reason really, even ones that are durable enough to take it will have their overall lifespan diminished by doing it.

>> No.24325745

Yes. I find it makes the orgasm feel much worse.

>> No.24325834

The only hole I've ever had a problem with lube running out is Virgin Loop, probably both because the wide entrance and the channeled design of the tunnel basically funnels all the lube right past your dick and out of said wide entrance. My experience with really tight entrances is just that your shaft tend to dry out faster because the entrance basically acts like a squeegee, but at least the lube inside stays inside.

>> No.24325889

It definitely took a while for me to get used to mine in Very Soft but it's since become the one I use most, for some reason I feel its subtle textures more than I do the bigger nubs and ridges of most other holes. I still prefer Lilith Uterus but mine's retired and it's hard to make myself rebuy the same thing when there's so many other options to try out there...

>> No.24326134

Your taste seems similar to mine, with the LU especially, so I have to ask, have you tried the Dolphin ?

>> No.24326209

Why? Like the cum is stuck?

>> No.24326256

And don't even think of buying two holes the same from them because you'll only receive one because they cant fucking count!!

>> No.24326269

This is why I give it another half hour cool down to make sure I'm not still horny

>> No.24326313

Less intense. The tighter the ring, the worse to the point that I can't feel anything.

>> No.24326870

Buy something advertised as 'soft'

>> No.24326938

Migrate legally

>> No.24334222

Arkhe is best for feeling your head bump the entrance of the cervix. I got Regular hardness, so it was just firm enough to feel but soft enough to penetrate.
Requires angling for me though.

Dolphin is fun if you like the feeling of popping cervixes (cervixi?)

Unfortunately, Lilith Uterus' cervix seems like a glorified vacuum chamber for me. I have soft, so Ymmv depending on firmness you buy. But those cervix lips still feel like flaps to me anyway.
