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242173 No.242173 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you get Ciar beginner dungeon passes?

>> No.242187

from the gold farmers

>> No.242594

Oh yeah. Milk that chicken.

>> No.242607

from ranald, where do you learn healing

>> No.242613

Ranald, the school instructor.

But at level 13, youll have a hard time with the golem.

>> No.242620

Get patched up by a healer.

>> No.242629

Healing spell or first aid?

First aid; Get treatment from a healer (Dilys or the one in Dunbarton)
Healing (spell); Read the book (costs ~9500, I think)

>> No.242638

Thanks so much.

>> No.242707

I've ended up starting a new character, hopefully I am more capable of doing well with this one.

>> No.242718
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>> No.242736

how do you all get highres screenshots?

Mine are all tiny despite my high resolution.

>> No.242746

One campfire. Just one campfire full of eating and my loli gets tits. All she wanted was to eat. ;_;

>> No.242759

Hey guise, where do you get the Alby, Ciar, etc.. normal pass? All i get are the beginner passes.

I am lv 20 help me!

>> No.242762
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mabi thread?

>> No.242765

It's amazing you got to lv20 without figuring how to get to a regular dungeon.

>> No.242772

And yet Ciar beginner is still probably the safest and most efficient way of grinding that I've seen. Soloing, at least.

>> No.242791

Just drop a random item to take you to a normal dungeon, but you get basic (HARD MODO) passes from random drops.

>> No.242807


Ciar beginner gave the guy at school and that was a good grinding method
Now i want to vistit math dungeon though

thx dude

>> No.242811


random drop give you normal mode dungeon,to get hard mode on most dungeon you need to get <name> dungoen fomos scroll drop for random monsters.

Drop that on the entrance and you get 1shotting monster in them.

>> No.242826

You can get ciar dungeon passes from randal at the school. Just talk to him and he'll give you one

>> No.242843


also,hard mode <name> dungeon fomos scroll have timer on them,most expire around 10hour IRL time.

Got a alby fomos scroll once *off white spider*,enter and got 1shotted by black bat.

>> No.242869

I solo'd up to the boss on Basic Alby, but I got tired of eating a 2+k exp loss just to go back to the last statue.

>> No.242936

Anyone else having problems with enchantments? I'm spending so much on Nerys repairs only for failed enchantments to fuck me in the ass when they take away durability.

>> No.242964

Same. I bought a 160k armor just to have its durability from 15 go down to 3. ;_;

>> No.242979

I haven't, but I put a point in enchanting soley to avoid that. I assume there's no way to restore durability, or that it'll be some crazy premium bullshit?

>> No.242998

Some of my worst enchanting failures have come from using the skill itself.

>> No.242995

I believe, if I remember correctly, sometimes when you're repairing your item the one who's repairing it might increase its durability.

>> No.243087
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Hey, a Mabinogi thread!

>> No.243110

I'm starting to get tired of Mabinogi. All I've been doing is killing the same monsters for a long time and I'm barely making progress. I'm still lvl 23, I barely have any AP, and I still look like a hulking gorilla. What should I do about it?

>> No.243114

What server?

>> No.243122


Finish all the hunting quests, if you haven't. The game slows a ton in the low 20s, I guess that's when you're supposed to start heavy grouping and running the later dungeons. I suppose if I logged on at primetime instead of 10 am I might have better luck with that.

>> No.243149

Cock goes where?

>> No.243163

Wow what wounded you that much?

>> No.243175


a Pedo Grizzly Black Bear.

>> No.243204
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So what to get?
Rank F Counter - From 50% to 100% of opponents strength (3 AP)
Rank E Firebolt - Increase in damage and +2 INT (3 AP)
Rank E Healing - Increase in healing and +2 INT (3 AP) [Need to get to max first, though]

Also, is production mastery worth getting? Its 1 AP for 10 SP and 1 dex. Since im a mage I dont particularly need SP or DEX, for that matter. But whenever I do other skills (i.e. healing myself = -8 SP), I never seem to have enough.

>> No.243208



One of the best fucking skills ever.

>> No.243211

Counter. Get that shit to C so the stamina drain is halved.

>> No.243220

You NEED Windmill.


I don't care if you're a mage.

>> No.243225

You need counter to solo, no matter what build you plan on doing, from my experience. I just picked up Firebolt at my last level because I decided it was physically impossible to solo an Ogre without that crazy fire + counter buisness.

>> No.243276

You shouldn't have gotten lightning. A complete waste. I want my 5 AP back. ;_;

>> No.243277


18 AP just to halve the SP use? Seems a bit much.

I know I need counter, but does it really need to be -that- powerful? I just want it so they cant smash me.

I guess itll really boil down to whether ill party or not. And im hoping to get one, since my build is mainly support (cooking/first aid/healing/magics). If I do, id may as well upgrade my magic, but if I dont, ill get counter.

>> No.243306

At least keep all combat skills at rank F. At rank C counter I NEVER run out of SP. But if you don't plan on using it a lot then rank F should be enough. There's many skills that I will not be ranking up higher than F because I only need their effects, not their bonus.

>> No.243313
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Free title + meditation.
Meditation is pretty useful during the day. If youre not in a rush, that is.

tasukete, anon. ;_;

>> No.243312

Oh, I forgot you could use it untrained. No, it's probably not 100% necessary then, especially if you plan to group mostly. Then again, I probably shouldn't talk, you're taking advice seriously from someone leveling herbalism.

>> No.243352

Windmill, in my experience, is crap.
Could be down to me being crap at it or down to lag, either way ive never found it helpful.
Plus, it costs 1 AP for rank F.
Every skill I have that isnt magic ive either got because its free or because I find it useful (first aid).

Which is also another option; raise first aid and cooking?

>> No.243396


>> No.243472
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Solo'd at level 16.

no deaths,
no pots,
magic only,
alby dungeon.

>> No.243761

You just needed to use defense and counter. The spider boss isn't that hard.

>> No.243790

Its somewhat harder when you lag the moment you go into combat modo.
And the fact I can only hit for like 10~20 damage etc.

>> No.243877

I just upgraded defense by three ranks and bought the 160k armor in hopes of resisting a few more hits from the enemies at math dungeon. Turns out the change in damage is minimal. Is there a more effective mthod to increase defense in this game?

>> No.243884

Dont get hit?

>> No.243897

I have 3 AP. What should I spend it on?

Also, how do I leave a guild?

>> No.243892

armor upgrades via proficiency

>> No.243940

I just solo'd an Ogre right now. The guy was easier than what you guys were saying. But then again I'm level 30 and the Ogre was just standing there most of the time waiting for me to come to him so he can use that move where he smashes the ground. But you're right though, the bitch hurts like crazy. I used up more than 10 hp 30 pots.

>> No.243945

What is your build/what skills do you have/want?

You cant.

>> No.243972

Well, I'm going for a fighter-type build.
My skills worth mentioning/considering:
Combat Mastery: E
Smash: F
Defense: E
Critical Hit: E
Counterattack: E

Cooking: Novice
Refining: F
Blacksmith: Novice

>> No.243998

Yeah but where do I upgrade armor. As far as I know, only Simon upgrades shit, but only clothes.

Also, whats better? Increasing a weapon's balance or its minimal damage?

>> No.244004

Keep your defense as is. Things are still going through my Defense skill even though it's at D. Advance Counterattack and Combat Mastery[for HP increase]

>> No.244017

Combat Mastery D will add 30 HP, 6 STR and some balance. Personally, id get that. Since that damage and balance will carry over onto other skills.

>> No.244047

Those who underestimate Windmill will regret it later.

Well...if you're a mage there's no need. If you have even one magic spell or archery skill then forget about windmill.
However if you're a pure melee get windmill. Trust me.

>> No.244058


>> No.244064

What I've heard from people who already played higher-level content on the JP server is that windmill basically replaces counterattack at higher levels, and counterattack is a waste to rank up (you need it, yes, but it serves its purpose at rank F).

So far I haven't really found any need for windmill, but apparently you're likely to be screwed if you ignore it for a long time then decide much later that you need it. It has some nasty rank-up requirements at higher levels, and if you've gained too many levels/ages/skills (especially Combat Mastery) everything will con lower and it'll be a huge pain in the ass to find Awful and Boss monsters to kill for ranking Windmill

>> No.244081

So it's basically Counter -> Windmill -> Counter -> Windmill etc later on then?

>> No.244196

Windmill can't lead into Counter without a slight delay, but Defense can follow up perfectly.

But you can put Windmill into the Magic Counter combo to lessen the stamina drain.


But that's not the main reason for Windmill. Late game systems put emphasis on AOE attacks and there's not a lot of them (splash damage on heavy swords, Thunder, etc.).

>> No.244278

How do you counterattack with Windmill?

>> No.244373

Using a actual counterattack with windmill is actually rare.

When the enemy knocks you back with a combo, start loading windmill immediately. If the enemy is next to you went you stand back up, use windmill and the move will act as a counterattack.

However since enemies rarely run next to you after you're knocked back, just position yourself against a wall so that when you're knocked back you won't stray too far from the enemy.

It's only use is to train windmill, really. Though it may have some use when you're cornered without time to load defense (giant spider cornering you in Alby is one example).

>> No.244398

Ahh, at level 10 I got a Ciar Basic Fomor Pass... whee?

>> No.244569

Prepare to be raped.

>> No.244574


>> No.244575

So should I try blacksmithing or cooking?

>> No.244576

Party with pro people and watch how pros handle it.

>> No.244593

Should I get healing? I think it's better than using up all the potions.

>> No.244607

It's a waste healing yourself, wastes stamina, so I hear.

Just get a friend to bandage or heal you.

>> No.244720
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La-Lassar just rejected a loli?! WTH IS GOING ON HERE GUYS?!

>> No.244747


Every time you heal yourself you lose 8 stamina. So its alright if you can stop and rest. But in that case, youd may as well rest to heal HP.

>> No.244768

I can second this. I solo'd the entire beginner dungeon at level 17. Without dying.

>> No.244812

Yeah, but stamina seems to Regen faster than HP, and the potions for it are more plentiful.

>> No.244816

Fuck you guys, because of this thread, I'm putting AP in Windmill, you best not be lying.

>> No.244821

Regardless of it's debatable worth in combat, when you use it bare handed you breakdance. That alone is worth 3ap.

>> No.244826

True, but SP pots are nasty since they make you hungry. Plus they sell for a surprising amount.

>> No.244829


Windmill is very useful, don't worry about it. As a archer, I use it all the time.

>> No.244845

Is it good for a melee person, too? Also, whats a good level to leave it at?

>> No.244877

Anyone on Ruari want to go run Ciar runs? I'll be grinding for a while, might as well have some fun.

Name's Aoko on Channel 4

>> No.244888


It is because during windmill you can load up another skill(smash possibly?) aswell. Mine is only at F.

>> No.244912

Yep, the moment windmill is released you can begin charging another skill (probably counter/defence) or spell (to knock back further/slow down).

>> No.244997

Hey guys am I heading in the right direction for this crit build?

Rank B Combat Mastery
Rank C Critical Hit

Everything else is F or Novice

I use the titles who experienced death (+5 def +5 hp -30 dex -30 int) and beta tester (+20 luck +10 stamina)

The two weapons I use are the warhammer and dagger. Dagger for when I'm using who experienced death title and warhammer for beta tester title. Dagger has 25% crit chance and Warhammer has 12%.

% crit chance (Who experienced death) with dagger: 31%

% crit chance (Beta tester) with warhammer: 22%~

>> No.245401

you might wanna try playing around counterattack too since you get a crit increase when you use it

>> No.245420

Defense skill ups your defense and healing also makes your defense + some amount per heal circling you.

Your crit sucks. My crit is 40. But I'm a composite bowfag.

BTW, is crit chance really capped at 30% like the wiki says?

>> No.245522

what does "drawing" under the difficulty of a music score mean

>> No.245519

I was about to say the Math dungeon wasn't so bad. I was playing it safe doing one on one until this one room where Archers popped up. I thought it wasn't so bad since they were across the room so I did my usual one on one as usual until one of the archers decided they'd have none of that and aimed for me consequently raping my loli ;_;

>> No.245590

Is there anywhere worth soloing at 28? Ciar Beginner barely dents my exp bar, but one tiny wrong move or moment of lag in Ciar Normal, Math, or Rabbie and I get to experience Schoolgirl in Concrete firsthand.

I'm too much of a hikikomori to find a group - even in an MMO I don't like dealing with people.

>> No.245608

Then you don't like leveling.

>> No.245619

yea, archers really rape you in this game. Especially when they all aggro you and you can't run fast enough. The ones in Ciar normal wouldn't even let me hit the floor before I died.

It IS but you should get more than 30% anyway because monsters also have protection which takes some crit % away from you. That way, if you have say, 50 crit % and the monster's protection takes away 20% crit, you'd still have 30% as opposed to only having 30% crit and ending up with 10% crit after the protection is taken into account. But well, it's easy to get crit % anyway, especially if you level as a loli since you get TONS of luck and will

>> No.245647

Well I would help you out but my support loli is running into funding issues.
Plus for some reason my loli just wont get wounded so I still haven't got first aid yet.

>> No.245665

1. get hit by a fox
2. Go to dilys since it's right there
3. ?????

Also, now that my support loli has learned Herbalism and potion making, she's all ready to go. Dryagokoro now needs to make the Hourai elixir somehow.

>> No.245678

Same. It only gets worse when you meet someone who asks a simple question and you answer it and all of a sudden they fucking attach themselves to you like a fucking leech. I have one on me right now...

Any suggestions what to do then? I'd really love to finish that Hellhound quest. Seems like going for the Archers first is a must but even so it feels like the other Archers will be on my ass when I start attacking one of them.

>> No.245692

defense+shield blocks arrows and magic

>> No.245711

It means it was composed by someone with no music theory skill. You can't get performance above D with those.

>> No.245712


That's why I don't talk to ANYONE in game, especially if they even smell like an narutard.

If they ask a clear and concise question then fine but "how i mine 4 wool" won't cut it. They usually can't understand the answer anyway.

>> No.245723



>> No.245729

I had that happen.
"do u have extra clothes"
I then had the same person asking me stupid questions every time I went near the square. How old am I? Fuck you. It's obvious I'm a loli.

>> No.245732

How do you get herbalism and potion makeing?
I want to make a support loli but don't know how to get those two skills.

>> No.245737

Herbalism- Do Dilys' part time job 10 time, do the quest she gives.

Potions- Equip a potion set.

>> No.245740

Someone once asked me what age I was and I gave a 30 minute lecture on the disambiguity of the soul.

I got a small crowd listening to my bullshit, it was surprisingly fun.

>> No.245747

Can someone explain how magic, specifically healing, works? Does it drain anything after it's cast? Can you charge other attacks while they're floating around? Can you heal yourself while falling?

>> No.245773

I managed to get campfire to D rank but I don't know where to get the next book anyone know where the C rank book is?

Oh and as a plus did anyone else notice that you get exp for burning books in a fire?

>> No.245782

no shit.

>> No.245797

You get exp for burning anything in a fire.

>> No.245799


You can get XP from burning a lot of shit in a fire. Even cheese.

>> No.245804


>> No.245812
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>> No.245830

I have a hueg friendslist, and it's composed entirely of people who have names from touhou.

>> No.245831

You don't have me on your list.

So ronry ;-;

>> No.245841

My friends list is completely blank. So ronery ;_;

>> No.245849

Is that you Sacchin?

>> No.245863

Oh hey, I'm on your friends list.

>> No.245873

No sadly

I am going to add every last one of these to my list, just to feel less ronery ;-;

>> No.245922

Any advice for a beginning player?

>> No.245924


Archer's are hard to play
Melee are easy
Magic user's are godlike.

>> No.245929

Yeah, have a general idea of what the fuck you want to do before you use any AP.

>> No.245930

Support takes a while to start but can be quite fun.

>> No.245953

ty for the advice

What about age to start at? The game recommends starting at age 17, but I feel like that's only because some people don't know how to play games well.
Is there a significant disadvantage to starting at age 10 (or 11 or 12)?

>> No.245961


Start at age 10. You get ap when you age, so if you start out at age 17, you'll miss out on a bunch of ap.

>> No.245965

Also, you really want "the Bear Slayer at 10" title which you can only get at the age of 10 (no duh) so start at age 10 and start looking for bears.

>> No.245975

Basically, the older you start, the higher your starting stats are, but the less you gain over time. For example, a 17 year old starts with 7 AP, but will only gain 12 more from aging (for a total of 19). A 10 year old starts with no AP, but will gain 38. Also, a 17 year old starts with much higher stats, but a loli will gain those stats from aging.

The really big difference, though, is in which stats go up when you level. You only get Luck boosts as a 10 or 11 year old. But you don't get INT boosts until you're like 13 or 14. So right now my loli has like 38 STR, but only 15 INT. So if you want to be a mage, you would better off starting as a teenager.

>> No.245978
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You know, it's nice to know that if you're in a party with other people in a dungeon, you can always take their key for the treasure chest and open their chest... win win?

>> No.245980

or start at the age of 10 and don't level your loli past level 1 for a couple weeks just to pick up the AP

>> No.245983

More excellent advice. Thanks.

Regarding the bear slayer, would I be able to fight a bear fresh out of the gate?
Or should I try to level a little, and what kind of battle tactics should I use?
I've played some games that have that click and sit there battle mechanic, but Mabinogi is more strategic. I don't have a handle on it yet.
And is equipment really important? I haven't switched from my starting sword yet--should I?

>> No.245998

>would I be able to fight a bear fresh out of the gate?

fufufu, no. I think level 10 is when you can first mount a challenge to them.

Best battle strategy for melee is smash-counter-defend-attack-repeat ad naseum.

Equipment like armor is expensive as hell for what you get. You can keep your starting sword and it's useful up until you're forced to give it up at level 26.

>> No.246005

You could with a couple deaths. Counter pwns bears but you wouldn't have enough stamina to keep counter attack up long enough without a couple levels (or a couple levels of production mastery) so expect a couple deaths. I killed a bear quite by accident on the first day I played... or well, I was watching these 2 n00bs try to attack it and after they died, I just whacked the bear and countered it to death since it was already low.

>> No.246008


My (inefficient) strategy:
-Cast Ice
-Use Ice on bear

I died twice and had -33% EXP at the end

>> No.246009

For fighting a bear, have counter at least. If you try to start it form the get go, you might as well just keep dying to it and reviving there and then gain back your exp easily because of the low level.

Strategy wise, keep countering it and smash it when it defends.

>> No.246022

I really enjoy that I am getting actual advice from 4chan.

Regarding >>246008 how do I get Ice? I've looked around for spells, but they seem to be expensive in the shop.
At least, I'm reluctant to part with my gold just yet; I don't feel like I've looked at everything available for purchase.

>> No.246034


You have to learn Ice by talking to Lassar in the school and selecting Training as a conversation topic. Then you have to pay I think 4000 gold or something and then show up to class at 7am for three days before you'll learn the spell. She'll ask you some questions but I don't think wrong answers will prevent you from getting the spell or anything.

>> No.246053

There's also some quest that lets you get the book free, but unfortunately I don't remember it.

>> No.246064


one of the wolf hunting quests gives you the icebolt book as a reward.

however, if you want the other bolts you'll either have to take the icebolt class first anyway, or buy a book

>> No.246068

black dire wolves, kill 5 of them

>> No.246073

I haven't seen the quest, but is it worth the 4000g to wait for it to show up?

>> No.246081

Not if it's one of the wolf quests, no it's not worth waiting to get it.

>> No.246110

Ty again.

Regarding Life skills, are there any that are useless or particularly good to have?
Most games I've played have them, but they are so useless it's not even worth thinking about.

And in reference to grindan, is there anything to the game yet like story, or is it grind now, story later. I've heard about the Generations, but am not too clear on them.

>> No.246137

I believe it's when you save the sheep from wolves.

>> No.246143

I made a whole Friends group specifically for Touhou names

>> No.246151

All skills give stats, so it's down to if you want to raise that stat or not. As for the usefulness, none of them are particularly great on their own, least of all weaving. Production mastery is good for stamina.

>> No.246154

no, that quest gives you 3AP and some other stuff. I'm 100% sure it's the wolves outside of Ciar dungeon. They're easy to kill once you get the hang of counter, defend, attack, counter. I dunno about you, but I got my ice spell from the wolves instead of paying 4k for the lesson. Lassar charges you only 1k for the lesson if you know of ice bolt so...

>> No.246158

I haven't seen any story yet, but you can flirt with the npcs.

>> No.246162

Which is the most important part

>> No.246164

WTF BULLSHIT. Nerys made one mistake on my bastard sword even with blessing on. BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT. now it's 9/9 >.< ugh, I'd start over on another bastard sword but I already have this one at 42 proficiency atm...

>> No.246180

It's that beginner again.

What does proficiency do? Is it important enough to abandon the starting sword to work on?
And should I hold off on weapon upgrades because my current proficiency is high?

>> No.246184
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More China. Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17.


>> No.246191


>> No.246218

Fuck I want to fucking play this, but it has this annoying problem where the game stutters every two seconds or so.
Wait for vertical sync doesn't help either.

>> No.246259

3ML Editor is a program used to edit MIDIs or to create MMLs to be used in Mabinogi.

>> No.246265

Proficiency are points paid to upgrade things. Use a weapon, get hit for armor, and your proficiency gradually goes up. I don't know about gloves, cloaks, or shoes.

>> No.246304

they have 0/0 upgrades (meaning you can't upgrade them)
same with hats

>> No.246725

Jesus Christ. I just got my ass handed to me from Ciar's Beginnner Golem.

I got it down to half HP, then it grew HUEG LIEK XBAWKS and started Hulk Smashing me, I ended taking 129 dmg, having the "Finish Him!" sign above me.

Then I was delivered a fatality.

What the hell is the deal with that. getting 129 dmg worth of assrape is hardly easy Anon!

>> No.246746

pots, dude. do you use it?
also, skills help. if you don't know how to use it, you're pretty much screwed. lol timing.

>> No.246751

Start a party, for fuck's sake. If you want to do everything by yourself you should just play Oblivion or something.

>> No.246763

Course I had pots. I just didn't have 129 HP max to heal.

Also, its Hulk Smash seems to go through both my defend and counter skills..

>> No.246764

if you'd like, i can accompany you.

>> No.246785

Yeah, this seems like a good idea now.

I've just been hearing reports on /jp/ of a lot of people soloing Golem during early lvls, thought I might be able to do it too.

lvl 17.

Also, I heard magic don't work on him? And any way to stop him from growing?

>> No.246791

Should we get a party going?

I'm getting some sleep soon but I have time for a quick run.

>> No.246804

Look for Mahoro.

>> No.246818

That is very kind of you, Anon.

However, I'm about to go get some sleep.

Perhaps tomorrow? My friend's list has not quite enough /jp/sies in it yet.

>> No.246865

Ciar Beginner is the easy solo grinding way to level though, if you're going to party you'd might as well do a harder dungeon.

Anyway the golem is fucking bullshit, I can sometimes kill him without dying, but nowhere near consistently, he always pulls new tricks whenever I think I have his moves anticipated. I tried asking experienced players for advice but they're all "lol noob I never had trouble, just spam attack and use pots as needed, or spam smash/counter". No one ever has any good advice on how to deal with his earthquake move and ignore me when I ask about it. So I said fuck it, the XP there is too weak now anyway and I'm going to try moving on to firebolt-countering skeletons in Rabbie.

>> No.246893


I can solo the golem now without dying, and I'm level 21. His attacks can be real broken but the best way I found to do it is to smash him, then counter, but don't attack him if his arms are raised in the air, I think that's when he's going to counterattack. You can dodge his earthquake attack by running far enough away from him. I find the hardest part about him is that when he grows huge, it's hard to see what he's doing because the camera goes nuts.

>> No.247026

What is this game everyone is talking 'bout?

>> No.247049

Battle Toads

>> No.247065

I've been soloing the golem since the 20s on countless runs and he still kills me one out of ten. Since you really don't get leaps and bounds more powerful from a few levels a hit for 50 is going to suck no matter what. Just never be shy about blowing through potions and you'll win more than you lose.

>> No.247070


>> No.247078

Not sure what your skills are like but I have a system down.
Enter with five ice bolts ready. Shoot three and immediately cast another one. Watch what the golem does when it gets up. If it charges, wait until it's almost in melee range and fire the other three. If it stays still, back up a bit and ready another ice bolt or two.
When the ice bolts have run out, let the golem come to you and try to get a combo in. If it hits first, pop some potions and try again. If the combo works, back up while it's sliding and watch for its next action. If it charges again, repeat. If it stands still, use a fire bolt to knock it down and back up more.
When it gets big, it doesn't give you many chances to use magic. Just have to melee it at that point and have enough potions on hand.
I'm sure there are better ways but this is coming from someone who emphasized life skills over combat or magic.

>> No.247082


Limited in scope. I played a melee fighter, got insanely rich and lost interest, restarted as a musician, realized that socializing loses its appeal when the only people to play with are naruto theme spamming lute wielders, and then quit.

Fun while it lasted though, give it a try. No need to make a long term commitment though, unless you like the grindan, and I know that appeals to some.

>> No.247707

Is it at the beginning of play?
I have that happen whenever I start the game and it usually last for about 2 minutes while everything is loading around me. I found that logging out not near the center of town helps this a lot... the game loading all the Narutards playing the same lute music over and over and all the shops and people around the square seem to make this lag far worst. So after the client catches up to all the noise and people I'm fine.

>> No.247833

if he readies a skill bubble, he's doing one of three things: windmill, stomp, or defend. if he raises an arm, move so that you're not what could be considered "in front" of the golem, at any distance, because the stomp will travel in a line across the room (admittedly, it does do less damage the further away you are).

If he readies a skill after he turns into a rock pile, move away from him and ready smash. If he just stands there, run up and attack him.

>> No.248018
File: 55 KB, 887x632, 1205908084423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of a sudden, fluffy stuff.

>> No.248074

Anyone playing right now and willing to help a loli gain her Herbalism skill? Would involve a few Ciar runs.

If so please have a chat to ORT.

>> No.248086

There's a simpler counter to stomp. Stand still and don't activate any skills. It won't hit you if you're not moving. I think it also hits through counter and defend but having spells on standby seems to be fine.

>> No.248090

begginer or normal?

>> No.248168

you can get the base herb anywhere, just buy one from someone

>> No.248257

You have to gather it though.

>> No.248269

protip: you can find herbs in the Ciar dungeon but have alot of people to deal with the goblins.

also i am on mari ch2 as Shadowkratos

>> No.248303

I've never had a quest care whether or not I killed a monster or got an item in the exact location or through the exact method described by the quest log, unless it specifically said that doing it any other way wouldn't count.

>> No.248394
File: 37 KB, 300x300, 1205913607626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, how the fuck are you supposed to dye clothing like this?


>> No.248404


Later updates.

>> No.248409

I mean, the process of dyeing clothing. I don't understand it. The guy is moving a cursor with 5 dots across a splash of random colors. Why 5 colors? Does the game randomly pick one of the 5 he selected? Does it mix the colors together to form one color? wut?

>> No.248492

Got my Herbalism thanks to a few kind Anons. Now to wait for Saturday to be able to afford Potion Making....

>> No.248709

you know, you could've gotten the herb from ciar beginner... when you don't have herbalism, any herb you pick becomes a basic herb

>> No.248836

For you /jp/sies, http://youtube.com/user/darksen

This guy has a whole shitton of more advanced crap. I can (almost) solo Rabbie, minue the occasions where I screw up and take over 140 HP worth of damage in two hits when I only have like 137 ish HP.

Good EXP though.

>> No.248891

I DID get it from Ciar Beginner. I can't solo for shit.

>> No.249179


wow this guy is awesome thx for the info
