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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 68 KB, 1357x900, jplife.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2426542 No.2426542 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/, just reminding you guys that the average 21 year old woman has had 7 sexual partners and this average is more skewed by the lower range than the higher.

>> No.2426548

hehe, rape

>> No.2426570

Sup /jp/, just reminding you guys that the average 21 year old /jp/ user has had 0.01 sexual partners and this average is more skewed by the upper range than the higher.

>> No.2426579

Fortunately I have no interest in these "average 21 year old women" that you are talking about.

>> No.2426585

That's why you buy alcohol for high school girls, duh.

>> No.2426587

I'm curious, how many people on /jp/ saw the 40 year old virgin?

>> No.2426594

which 40 year old virgin. You can see a couple if you ever go to comic-con

>> No.2426596

Most likely everyone, especially the American college-age people. Though that dude's problem was more /co/ and epic awkwardness related.

>> No.2426598
File: 108 KB, 1025x709, Sleepover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /jp/, just reminding you guys that the average fictional 2D character has had X sexual partners and this average changes to whatever number you want whenever you want it to.

>> No.2426600

I avoided it like the steaming pile of shit I assume it to be.

>> No.2426602

Whores and rape victims. Simplified, whores.

>> No.2426603

Are you serious?

>> No.2426610

about seeing old virgins? sure, i mean you could see these people and be like "there's no way that dude ever got laid" and I know I will grow old and become like them

>> No.2426611

No, by "couple" he probably meant hundreds.

>> No.2426632

>"there's no way that dude ever got laid"

You'd be surprised. Ok, fair enough you need to keep yourself somewhat in shape and have basic hygiene. But 'looks' as a golden rule are the kind of thing girls place above all else when they are in school. Not when you're over 20 years old.

>> No.2426633

so I have two years to have sex 3 more times.


>> No.2426634


That average was for girls, not guys.

>> No.2426637

cool story, bro.
Also, thread reported.

>> No.2426642

>40 year old virgin

Who is the oldest true 4channer (virgin) on 4chan I wonder...

>> No.2426644

I've started looking at it this way, women have to find a mate before they get old and ugly. Men, on the other hand, can date and marry young women until they die. So, maybe I won't have sex until I'm 30 or 40, but I can still have it with a 20 year old.

>> No.2426647

44 in May. Still a virgin.

>> No.2426650

I'd like a source on that OP.
If it's true that's extremely sad.

>> No.2426652

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

How did it happen?

>> No.2426655

Being a victim of rape doesn't make anyone a whore.

>> No.2426653

I hear if you protect your virginity until 30 you gain magical powers.

So how's the magic working out for you?

>> No.2426659


Thats true, but a lot of girls who were raped do turn into whores.

>> No.2426667

Well, female here, 21.

I've had about 10 sexual partners. I've dated on long term 3 or so times.

The thing with relationships is that they do not seek you, you have to seek them.

>> No.2426670

That was pathetic.

>> No.2426675

Nice try, almost had me.

>> No.2426676

So, what exactly are you doing on /jp/?

>> No.2426678

Jesus christ, /jp/ has some amazing pretend-female trolls, learn from them.

>> No.2426682

you mean Remilia Scarlet?

>> No.2426685

0/10. Reported too.

>> No.2426697

Listen, guys, you're just going to have to come to terms with the fact that girls your age have had sex with a lot of dudes. I know its hard to stomach your beloved perfect cute nerdy girl having been porked by so many guys, but it is a sign of maturity.

>> No.2426709


Truth to that, you will die a virgin if you think 7 is 'too many'.

>> No.2426720

Actually it's a sign of adolescent hormones and idiocy, but that pretty much adds up to maturity in modern society.

>> No.2426722

Remilia Scarlet!cDHwwwva1A

The other two others aren't trolls, nor pretenders.

>> No.2426729

pics or they're guys

>> No.2426734

Oh fuck me I want to grammar nazi so fucking bad

>> No.2426735

Forgot to say that Remilia Scarlet!NOUx2Remio has never said that he's a girl. And no pictures for you.

>> No.2426739

Idiocy? How on earth is having sex idiotic?
You know, the pleasures of human body are out there for each of us to enjoy. Just use protection, respect your partner and it will be all good.

>> No.2426742
File: 67 KB, 617x369, what-a-good-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't we talk about anything else besides this shit? Every goddamn day.

>> No.2426744

I dont get why people consider waiting to have sex so insanely hard, like its some kind of fucking labour out of a heroic epic.

A lot of us havent had sex here, yet a lot of us also go to good colleges, or are earning decent money in employment. We've managed, why cant they?

>> No.2426749

Women are sluts. ┐('~`;)┌

>> No.2426757

it's because /jp/ falls for it just about every single god-damn time.

>> No.2426763

Not all of them, there are good girls out there too. And the same goes for men.

>> No.2426762

Idiocy as in poor choices or mistakes that in retrospect would have been easily avoidable. To err is human, etc., but seriously look back at your own stories or those of others and reflect upon how frivolous or pointless the choices we made were. Doesn't just apply to sex, but damn everyone's stupid.

>> No.2426777

Oh, I see.

People do stuff. All kinds of stuff, really. Mature in the process of doing stuff. Get to try out new things and such.
Kind of like in life or whatever. You know, well you probably don't. If you left your room every now and then you would.

>> No.2426783

You know, what I find funny is all that feminism really accomplished was turning all women into gigantic sluts, only good for pleasing men. GG Women.

>> No.2426785


I think you play too much RPG.
You think by having sex with tons of people make you more attractive or something? I believe it bring the opposite effect. You will only be called a slut.

>> No.2426789

major butthurt detected, if sex were any indicator of maturity there wouldn't be so many teenage mothers with no job living off of the state.

>> No.2426798

Who made the law that you cannot try new things indoors? Hell, half of the people here actually go outside everyday. Since you say if you go outside you will get poon, why have most of the people here that go outside haven't gotten any?

>> No.2426803
File: 65 KB, 364x500, mira-dakimakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else is left to be said in those threads, really? We all know how /jp/ feels about women, and the tongue-in-cheek feminism that turns them into whores in our modern world.

If you're so happy with 2d as you imply, why do you care? Why do you respond to those threads? You may believe that somewhere in the world a nice girl may be saving herself for you, but sorry. You either settle down for the sluts or live a ronery life. Whichever is less bad for you.

>> No.2426808

So having a life is now the same thing as playing RPGs? wut...

Rather that than being a loser who stays in all day being too afraid of mistakes to do anything but whine in an anonymous forum. As if life could be perfect or whatever depraved mentality is with this nonsense.
Notes from Underground much?

>> No.2426812

>it is a sign of maturity.
Are you still in highschool?
If so then that explains why your view on "maturity" is, ironically, so immature.

>> No.2426815

why is her ass censored

>> No.2426823

Maybe I can find a religious girl?

>> No.2426821

Why is sex a lot like air?

It's not a big deal unless you're not getting any.

Wait, i'm a virgin myself. ;_;

>> No.2426827

Man, I should make more /jp/ life threads.

>> No.2426834


Don't assume they're safe because they believe in some deity.

>> No.2426838

Please, no. Threads like this are fucking /r9k/ eyesores.

>> No.2426842

>Notes from Underground much?

I've noticed extroverts are FAR more likely to mention Notes from the Underground than our introverted kind our. Truth is, extroverts kind of envy our 'dont give a shit' attitude in a way, thats why they are so desperate to push their own ethics on everyone else (idea that everyone needs to be sexually promiscuous in order to be truly free etc).

Plus extroverts think that kind of shit is 'cool'. Same with when they rave about overrated authors like Pahalaniuk.

>> No.2426848

The only safe bet on that route is a Mormon fresh out of high school. (Safe-ish)

>> No.2426858

Cool story.

Why is this thread still on here?

>> No.2426872

I got laid when I was 13 years of age. Britain is great for a few things.

That's the only time, though. It was pretty shit as the girl was crying that it hurt and kept making me stop and pull out for 4-5 minutes at a time (TRY FUCKING STAYING HARD WHEN THAT HAPPENS, 300 SECONDS IS NOT A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME, FUCK). I jerked myself off in the end and never spoke to her again.

I think that's the event that made me turn into a shut-in recluse now that I look back.

>> No.2426881

What's the point you're trying to make? Virgin females aren't as great as we may think?

You were probably too rough with her, stupid british faget.

>> No.2426882
File: 36 KB, 202x209, fascinating 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2426883

Some delusions you have. For the record, no one thinks you are cool and no one certainly envies your person. I hope you really come to understand this.

As for the notes from the underground, there is truly not anything desirable in this sad confused person it portrays. Dostojevskij is kind of cool but his take on humanity is terribly grim and the humour underlines it furtherly.

Actually, now that I think of it, you act exactly similarly as that neurotic guy in this novel when he deal with this prostitute he has secretly crush on.
Yep. Think about it.

>> No.2426884

I don't know any girls, but one of my best friends is a hot trap. Should I hit it, /jp/?

>> No.2426886

I blame tripfags.

>> No.2426887

Yeah, they were always just good OP images at least. But you're right.

>> No.2426894

if you take pics

>> No.2426914

Yes, you should.

>> No.2426921
File: 107 KB, 1273x957, S63006423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Um what are you talking about OP my yunocchi's purity is unsoiled

>> No.2426924

>Yep. Think about it.

Think about what?

I dont even know the name of the novel meru you cretin.

>> No.2426927


>> No.2426931

you're yunocchi is not real. she is a fictional character printed on a pillow

>> No.2426943

Good job blending in, I almost didn't notice you.

>> No.2426947
File: 134 KB, 800x600, japanesebirdcookingspaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fictional character printed on a pillow

normalfag posting on imageboard

<-japanese bird cooking spaghetti

>> No.2426947,1 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, what novel could it be?
Think. This does require all of his capacity.

>> No.2426947,2 [INTERNAL] 

If you knew how to capitalize book titles it probably wouldn't be an issue. ^_^;;

>> No.2426947,3 [INTERNAL] 

Even electronic brain pancake crystal elderly. I should go back to bed.

>> No.2426947,4 [INTERNAL] 

At first I was going to say Sonya from Crime and Punishment, though Raskolnikov's relationship with her is not unhealthy.

Its probably some degenerate novel. After all you love that disgusting degenerate De Sade. Whom Napoleon the Great put in prison for being an immoral filthy person.

>> No.2426947,5 [INTERNAL] 

Do you even have to guess? I see, this person has not even read the one we are going on about, has he? No, he has not.

Speaking of degenerates, you should not talk of these adult books, child. In a year or two perhaps, when you have gotten over J.K Rowling.

>> No.2426947,6 [INTERNAL] 

You mean Liza? The Underground Man didnt have a 'crush' on her at all! And you missed the point of their exchange if you think it was an illustration of how pathetic he was, especially given how it is him humiliating her, the point was that his bitterness towards society leaves him incapable of being any better than society.

>> No.2426947,7 [INTERNAL] 

The whole thing is a direct example of his sad mental condition. I mean, the guy goes clearly girl crazy, but then the loser virgin neurosis kicks in as genuine interpersonal contact occurs and he ends up spouting basically his version your "all girls are sluts" routine, you mental dysfunct.

And that is where you draw the point of the whole affair, dysfunct. As the different level of the novel, they are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.2426947,8 [INTERNAL] 

The point was him and society were just as bad as each other.

After all we cant all have had sex with many different men like you.
