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24258414 No.24258414 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else use these? The big 3 are Perfect Dark, Share, and Winny. I got the first 2 to work and was able to find rare JAV, photo albums, and doujinshi. However, the selection could definitely be better.

>> No.24261561

Yes others use these

>> No.24268530

I have Perfect Dark, but I've generally found that most uploads for doujin-scene items have dried up after the early 2010s.
Not sure if the Japanese switched to DDL, torrents, or just found online payment alternatives which were feasible.

>> No.24269132

same experience here.

>> No.24269146

There’s a newer program called Amoeba but it didn’t work for me.

>> No.24272251

I tried Perfect Dark too, but I haven't found too many things that I couldn't have found anywhere else. Which one is the best, which one should I try?

>> No.24276803

I could never get them to download anything. I wish Japan was more lenient with piracy and stuff.

>> No.24277751

>Not sure if the Japanese switched to DDL
It's largely the case for a lot of piracy. Shitty, shitty premium file host garbage.

>> No.24298437

Do they even use this stuff anymore?

>> No.24300615

Used to use it for post-Comiket uploads but at some point, as other people remarked, that generally ceased to exist. I still have 40GB of cache sitting around somewhere.

I thought the reason PD essentially ceased to exist is because someone cracked the encryption and most people just gave up.

>> No.24306146

The encryption being potentially could have been a nail in the coffin, but I think a good chunk would be doujin works being increasingly available outside of conventions online, along with sites like Sad Panda and clones and Chinese BBS DDL boards making it much easier to casually grab scans.

Doesn't do much for older works, but anything more than a few years old is relatively niche.

When sourcing Japanese content that isn't torrented, I find this to be the case. I think much of it boils down to non-DDL being a pain for most people to use, with violation of copyright law carrying more weight in Japan, or at least being perceived as such.

For a Western example, private trackers are still chugging along, but many people I know who regularly used sites like What.CD moved on to Spotify, Bandcamp, and other streaming/DL platforms over time.

>> No.24306190

Yeah... I use them like 10 years ago.
In case you don't know there was a wave of arrests related to these software so there's very little traffic remaining.

Not sure if there's anything of value you'd get there nowadays. In the past it used to be the fastest (as in earliest) source of raw anime/music but pretty sure nowadays torrents are faster.

>> No.24321144

But then again, finding seeds for very niche stuff is a nightmare.

>> No.24321257

Share still works for some old VNs, but a lot have been rescued and put on AB if you're on there

>> No.24334714

I think you missed the boat by about 10 years.

>> No.24335623

Share totally works for new VNs too. Don't listen to anyone who says no one uses it, it's better than PD.

>> No.24355931 [DELETED] 

anti-sally bump

>> No.24357938

what about winMX

>> No.24361799
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>rare JAV
do you have the codes?

>> No.24363005
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Not him, but by rare he probably means unavailable for piracy elsewhere, especially older stuff. You could probably buy most of them second-hand in Japan if you were a JAV otaku and could ask around or sit around on reseller/auction sites.
Otherwise he could mean stuff not produced by official studios, but that's not much different from Western porn before the 80s, sextapes, or seedier stuff.

Most JAV torrents become incompletely seeded (effectively dead if it affects the video file) in a few months to a few years, depending on its popularity, at which point they fall into direct-download hell, or maybe a private tracker for JAV. A seeded public JAV torrent made in 2012 is probably abandoned on the listed trackers (if they're still around), and this is even more true the further back you go. The DHT system in torrents save you, where every seeder broadcast the torrents they are seeding to each other interdependently of trackers. But that depends on others seeding the same torrent data as you on a different tracker, and there are usually many different torrents made for different communities, like each Taiwanese/Chinese BBS teams having their own with custom advertising. In many cases, there is simply no longer a dedicated seeder.

Perfect dark, Winny, Share, Freenet, etc. are more resistant to this, since instead of seeding individual torrents, you are "seeding" a distributed cache of miscellaneous content as a node across the network, both encrypted and in small chunks to make the question of directly hosting illegal content a nothingburger*.
The main advantage is that this content is not nearly as dependent upon a small number of seeders for it to remain hosted. However, popularity does influence the amount of redundancy allotted to files, so the most unpopular content runs the risk becoming incomplete if the global cache is close to full utilization, and all the nodes hosting redundant copies are lost. IMHO this is still much preferred to torrents, and ensures that stuff like old JAVs/doujinsoft sticks around for much longer than on public torrents.
The main disadvantages (compared to torrents) are that the individual users are obligated to host some amount of data, and that the upload/download of content is much slower, since all requests are essentially being hopscotched across individual nodes who hold an incomplete knowledge of the entire network (see pic related for Freenet).

* In the cases where Japanese authorities arrested someone who was using Perfect Dark, they were uploading the content, and therefore would have a disproportionate representation in the network from those who received the information from them. Furthermore, just knowing the particular node is not that useful without other security exploits, which apparently happened on Perfect Dark to allow IP Addresses to be collected. Being a node who doesn't upload inherently carries much less risk, even assuming the system is compromised.

>> No.24363768

>older stuff
that's what im looking for. pre 2010 jav was more interesting, creative with better concepts and less restrictions. it seems you know a lot about the matter. do you know any good codes or a place specialized? thanks

>> No.24369591

You are exactly right but Kazaa and shit is always full of spyware

>> No.24370252

Might as well as you.
Is XDCC safer for downloading than torrenting and DDLs?
Would you recommend any payment based VPN?

>> No.24370412

>Is XDCC safer for downloading than torrenting and DDLs?
For downloader, mostly yes. You could set up honeypot XDCC bots, but it's unlikely that downloaders would end up using it if they are searching file thru official web based XDCC-listings, and only information that bot owner gets is your IP-address, that could be gained from fake DDL site too.

>> No.24370882

I guess you are not a fan of the VPN market if you are ignoring the question like that?

>> No.24370969

How do I start Share on Windows 10? I only get the "are you happy" message, and there's barely any info on the programs

>> No.24371910

You can try this Windows 8 loader or put it in a virtual machine.


>> No.24373996

Not him (I was the original guy), but I use my own personal VPNs, mainly for viewing domestic-only Japanese content (like anime on Niconico).
The last time I used a VPN was AirVPN.

>> No.24374061

That is, the last time I used a paid VPN service.
The dude you're replying to probably doesn't use a VPN for XDCC, since the incentive for copyright claimants to pursue that route is nonzero but unprecedented.

>> No.24374249

Well XDCC would be mostly only for new anime episodes with some exceptions. Though I would definitely still be using torrents for anime that are not on XDCC and other stuff. Though "other" would be relatively rare. Well at least continuing to seed on a few private trackers and a few not very well seeded not so private tracker torrents would be nice. All of that while being in Japan. Oh and I guess using Perfect Dark from time to time maybe, usually for manga.

>> No.24378227

What do you mean by "own personal VPN?"
I'd like to be able to post on 5ch and 2chan, is there a VPN or VPS service that I could use? The open VPN services don't work, I thought about renting a VPS in Japan and using that, but I have no idea if that would work.

>> No.24378278

Not him, but I went with a cheap VPS myself. I installed Wireguard on it and use it from there.

>> No.24378368

I can never get Share to work right (only getting a small subset of servers), though supposedly it still has valuable stuff here and there. Perfect Dark is easier to get to work, but there's just nothing worthy there whatsoever aside from some stuff that no longer has seeds on any torrents and wasn't uploaded to other places. Japanese p2p is effectively dead.

On the whole, I get the feeling that Japanese people use torrents and DDLs more these days, though mostly as leechers.

>> No.24378393

What hosting provider are you using? I was under the impression that most services (Netflix, 5ch, etc) block data center IP ranges, which are very well defined in Japan, and especially since a lot of those IPs were actually transferred from other regions at some point. For Netflix I have to use the free Tsukuba proxies, nothing else works. For 5ch/futaba and their whitelists I'm just fucked (not that they're of much interest these days, everyone's on twitter now).

>> No.24378516

Very nice, thanks, I'm going to give this a try when I have a bit of free time. What VPS provide do you use, and does 5ch work on it?

>> No.24400764

I use to use that.

>> No.24420124

>For 5ch/futaba and their whitelists I'm just fucked (not that they're of much interest these days, everyone's on twitter now).
How does that work? Do they all just use anonymous accounts?

>> No.24439204

If you want to see what kind of old stuff was available on Share go to keydb.telegrip.info and weep. Files older than a year are pretty much gone. A lot of it might be hoarded by some Japanese otaku, but good luck finding them.

All the new stuff is ripped by filthy gaijins and uploaded directly on nyaa and ddl blogs, Japanese uploaders all quit around 2013-ish after changes in law and arrests. Doesn't help that there is no Japanese-friendly platform for them to upload to even if they wanted, no torrent trackers have Japanese interface, public or not. I don't think there is anything you can do to make Japan share again, which is a shame because some Share uploaders were legendary and shared everything on release day, no bullshit. Now you wait months for anime BDMV, get ugly chinese watermarks on JAV, shitty resized digital manga raws instead of clean scans and doujin music you download from some terribly slow baidu links on chinese forums.

>> No.24456115
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>shitty resized digital manga raws
The worst part is, a lot of publishers release them in that shitty resized form in the first place, the Yagakimi release is just horrendous where they release it in a decent resolution, but it's actually a terrible upscale from 1200p or something.

I am literally buying shit now that it's actually available to dirty gaijins and it's often worse than the pirate releases of yore. Fuck.

>> No.24478877

>I am literally buying shit now that it's actually available to dirty gaijins
where are you buying from? I gave up after trying a few sites and seeing how hard they made it for foreigners and went back to piracy

>> No.24478933

>no torrent trackers have Japanese interface, public or not
incidentally aidoruonline and jptvts both have an option for japanese, though the main uploaders on both are gaijin as far as I can see

>> No.24479114

TV rips of idolshit are all covered because they just break into poorly secured computers of unsuspecting Japanese people with tuners installed and record that.

>> No.24479167

Not him but the only site that has given me problems was dmm, the rest were more or less the same that as long as you had a paypal you could give them monies

>> No.24492691

>Now you wait months for anime BDMV, get ugly chinese watermarks on JAV, shitty resized digital manga raws instead of clean scans and doujin music you download from some terribly slow baidu links on chinese forums
Oh man, how did we manage to go backwards and not forward. Just like how people literally takes in pride in not uploading lossless doujin music.

>> No.24498121

You know you are in the worst timeline when people are proud of not sharing something and it makes them feel special
