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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 477 KB, 1600x1220, Futari Ecchi_v01_006-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2418496 No.2418496 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese style matchmaking
We should have them here

>> No.2418523

How exactly do these marriage matchmaking things work? I'm skeptical of anything like it to be honest.

>> No.2418520

We have those in India.
I suppose it's okay if you want to have someone to screw before you die.
But you aren't likely to find your one true love or anything.

>> No.2418531

Damn, Futari Ecchi, I loved that manga.

I stopped reading it too soon though, I should definitely try getting back into it.

>> No.2418532

Just watch the anime. It's short and tells enough for you to know what went on.

>> No.2418539

I think it's a pretty good idea
I mean, it's another way of getting potential partners knowing each other, and I would imagine for most anon matchmaking > bar.
Plus a bit of pressure on the female is probably good. They know going into it that the guy is not looking to screw around and is going for marriage, so hopefully they would take it seriously too instead of a fling.

>> No.2418547 [DELETED] 

ITT pussies who cant get a girl by any other means.

Yes I'm a femanon.

>> No.2418569

Good thing you won't have any trouble finding some loser to fuck you, huh?

>> No.2418570

I take it you don't like the idea?
Why wouldn't females like it, if they always complaining about guys not wanting to commit?

>> No.2418573

lol i trol u

>> No.2418585

Females wanting to commit is a myth, I see far more females complaining that guys want other things than sex.

>> No.2418592

This post makes me angry for so many different reasons.

>> No.2418597

If you're too undesirable to attact girls normally you probably wouldn't fare much better in arranged marrage interviews.

There's too much negative stigma attached to arranged marrages I don't see the process of it these days as much different from how people advertise themselves through dating services (which also has such stigma).

>> No.2418601

That's how trolling works.

>> No.2418604

I had the advantage of learning that all women are conniving whores thanks to my mom.

She divorced my dad, took all his money, then rinsed and repeated the process at least 5 times until social services overruled the custody order and sent me to my dad.

>> No.2418605


It takes a lot more for a woman to get off than it does for a man, so its natural they'd care more about sex.

>> No.2418613

There is no logic behind this post

>> No.2418614

The closest thing I've encountered to this would be a church's singles group or just outright volunteering.

I've had a few awkward instances at church where I'd run into a mother there that just WANTED me to date their daughter, perfect match, etc.

>> No.2418648

What was the daughter like?

>> No.2418655

It's kind of funny because you see both genders saying things like this.
"Men don't want to commit! They just want a fling!" etc

>> No.2418663

But girls who lets their mothers manage their relationships are more likely to be virgins, right?

>> No.2418666

It's because mankind is culturally conditioned to be attracted to the type that tend not to stick around for serious relationship. Female more so.

You know the type, them bar hopping normalfags.

>> No.2418669

I can't wait to get to Japan, this is how I plan to find my future wife. Better than some filthy bar filled with disgusting whores, I'd far prefer the more decent girls you find looking for marriage, true love, etc. Since I want to get married too, it's just perfect.

>> No.2418670


Yeh, but supposedly its an aspect of feminine 'strength' if they have a fling.

Orwell once spoke of a time where deceit would be so widespread that telling the truth would be revolutionary in itself.

We now live in a time where a woman having sex with a lot of people means, in cosomopolitan society's eyes, she is strong.

I mean, re-read what I just wrote and realise that this is the average 18-30 year old believes. And we must be made, literally mad, if we honestly think there is any tenability in this way of thinking.

>> No.2418676

I always thought people should be flattered rather than feel awkard. I mean like, unless their mothers are batshit insane they would be looking out for their daughters, so you at least meet their standards.

>> No.2418689

What is someone as intelligent as you doing on 4chan? You have some brain cells worth saving :\

Plan on never getting married.

>> No.2418697

It appears that you have never met a typical Japanese girl.

>> No.2418693

I dont know abotut araanged marriage but you speak truth anon, women in America are so distorted that they have too much power and are worthless whores . I want a Japanese girl so bad.

>> No.2418702


what do you mean good sir :/ ?

>> No.2418706


That's the 3rd wave for you bro.

I think it's ok in theory but much like the preception of all men seeking one night stands, the fling girls are a minority. The practice of these ideas in the mainstream is always more moderate then it is caricaturized as.

If you want really rage worthy ideas on how feminine "strength" should be expressed I suggest you read MacKinnon.

>> No.2418716

You know that whole saying "chivalry is dead"?

Turns out, the whole notion of 'chivalry' is protecting the weak, which back in the day meant all women.

Women empowerment, literally, killed chivalry.

For more reading http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4FG6TFNV

PUAs of the middle ages. They'd be male chauvinists now.

>> No.2418719

japnnese women are far superior to american women.


>> No.2418736

Comrade, I hate to break it to you, but most Japanese girls are shallow, vain conformist consumers. The chicks I met at my home college in New York were all pretty cool, but upon moving here last August, that turned out to be not true for the rest of the country. Hell, I ended up going out with a British girl here. There goes the American dream.

The image of Japanese women that we get is pretty much how girls stop acting when they turn 13.

>> No.2418737


I work at a library so all of my coworkers are women and they just go on and on how lucky I am and how I'm such a good pick for some lucky girl just because I'm out of college, have a job with benefits, and don't have any sort of loans.

>But girls who lets their mothers manage their relationships are more likely to be virgins, right?

Hahah, yes. It's funny because my older brother has mom playing match maker for him and they tried to pair him with some girl in Turkey. This girl's aunt in some conversation brings up the fact she's a virgin.

Lets just ignore the fact she's not a US citizen and trying to date her around the globe. WTF mom.

>> No.2418747

I dislike how chivalry is treated as synonymous to "being extra nice to women".

Japanese style chivalry > Medieval style chivalry > opening doors for women and shit

>> No.2418752


I still dont follow you I mean hell Im amaterially obsessed consumer for otaku goods . plus Ive heard that girls in theryr 20s want to be married. Im just worried they wou;d fuck the superm,arket owner :( ........Ive heard things

>> No.2418754

>/a/ is filled with repressed virgins, most anime fans are no different.

>Sex is awesome and fun and if you don't have sex you are missing out on an important part of your life (especially your youth).

I took that from /a/. It made me rage quite a lot.

I can't understand how some self proclaimed progressive people cannot accept that other people are happy even though they dont have sex. I mean, their sheer obstinate refusal to believe that happiness exists outside of a sexual sphere is mind boggling.

We are truly going backwards. Even theologians weren't this logically obtuse.

>> No.2418762

>wou;d fuck the superm,arket

>> No.2418765

>I work at a library so all of my coworkers are women and they just go on and on how lucky I am and how I'm such a good pick for some lucky girl
My library co-workers never do this to me, you must be a swell guy. orz.
Further proof we've evolved beyond the average /a/non.

>> No.2418764


eat it asshole its not like its illeigible

>> No.2418775


>I can't understand how some self proclaimed progressive people cannot accept that other people are happy even though they dont have sex. I mean, their sheer obstinate refusal to believe that happiness exists outside of a sexual sphere is mind boggling.

All this would be true on any other forum than 4chan.

>> No.2418780


>> No.2418791

I stopped reading when the guy started talking about how members of the same sex can't love each other.

>> No.2418796

>I took that from /a/. It made me rage quite a lot.

I see you're looking at that thread as well. I loved giving my girlfriend all the attention sex she wanted when I was with her but right now I want the company more than anything else. I just miss talking about anime and fantasy/sci-fi stuff with her more than the bedding. And note talking to a woman that I love about it.

>My library co-workers never do this to me, you must be a swell guy. orz.
Thanks anon. I also love cleaning, cooking, and washing the dishes if you provide gloves. I busted my ass 30-40 hours a week in college and never took a loan. I managed to save up enough for my Elantra too.

>> No.2418810

I hate the fact I have a sex drive.

>> No.2418830

You missed him saying that women should be praised more than men whenever they do the right thing, because women by their very nature do NOT do the right thing.

>> No.2418866

>Japanese style chivalry
Oxymoron detected!

>> No.2418891


>> No.2418948

I would like to point out that expectations of sex, behavior around women and even the pursuit of women itself could be an expectation of masculinity as well.

Can I say that it is? No because barely anyone writes shit all on masculinity. For everyone that does there are about 100 feminist studies post-grads writing their thesis on feminism in hentai or some shit.

Some food for thought: How many anons have I heard say that their parents thought/asked if they were gay when they clearly have never dated a girl? Isn't it funny that homosexuality is considered the only alternative from the norm, and that there aren't any other possible expressions of sexual desire? Would that be a expectation imposed on us by the opposite sex or our own male peers?

>> No.2418967


Imagining SUGOI SUGOI talking about this is making me laugh uncontrollably oh Christ

>> No.2418983


I'll post seriously if the thread is decent and thoughtful.

>> No.2418984

>How many anons have I heard say that their parents thought/asked if they were gay when they clearly have never dated a girl? Isn't it funny that homosexuality is considered the only alternative from the norm, and that there aren't any other possible expressions of sexual desire? Would that be a expectation imposed on us by the opposite sex or our own male peers?

Library clerk anon again. Yes my mother thought I was gay or joking about dating yandere girl even after some time.

>> No.2418999

Especially in terms of sexuality. Feminine sexuality is seen as beautiful or empowering, whereas masculine sexuality is only seen as mindless lust and a destructive force.

>> No.2419017

Female sexuality is just the receptive aspect of male forcefulness and aggression though. Couldn't it be seen as more shameful because of that?

>> No.2419031

>How many anons have I heard say that their parents thought/asked if they were gay when they clearly have never dated a girl?

Guilty. And when I informed them otherwise, they didn't seem to believe me.

>> No.2419036

Only that if you even think about acknowledging it as shameful, you'll get 10 feminists on your ass for being an evil, patriarchal chauvinist who wants to oppress the beautiful thing known as female sexuality.

>> No.2419062

But it isn't beautiful, sex is ultimately unequal, its most of the time a man dominating a woman and riding her like an animal until he reaches climax. Sex is an ugly truth of mankind.

>> No.2419086

Try telling that to said feminists.

>> No.2419085 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 100x100, 1238164687454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like we got a PATRIARCHAL PIG on our hands girls.

Anyway athens touched on it before that contemporary female sexuality actually empowers what could be considered receptive/submissive female sexuality. I personally think this is a better attitude to the 2nd wave bra burning way of attitude which went as far as considering all acts of sex as rape against women and resulted in mildly successful campaigns against pornography in the 80s.

>> No.2419092

Thats what women want though. Thats the ugliest truth of all.

>> No.2419096
File: 37 KB, 100x100, 1238164687454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like we got a PATRIARCHAL PIG on our hands girls.

Anyway athens touched on it before that contemporary female sexuality actually empowers what could be considered receptive/submissive female sexuality. I personally think this is a better attitude to the 2nd wave bra burning way of thinking which went as far as considering all acts of sex as rape against women and resulted in mildly successful campaigns against pornography in the 80s.

>> No.2419116

This topic is full of closet normalfags, lets clean it up.

Just a friendly remember: Closet normalfags are worst than normalfags themselves.

>> No.2419133

Maybe for the majority of humans, but I don't think either of your assumptions are absolutes.

>> No.2419162

>I personally think this is a better attitude
I think that no one should feel any obligation to put something negative in a good light by pointing out something more negative. Though you are far from justifying the lesser negative, you will be putting more positivity on it than it deserves.

>> No.2419188

What anime is this character from?

>> No.2419219

Well, since you didn't resort to retardspeech, I guess it won't hurt to tell you. Chrome Shelled Regios.

>> No.2419229

why do women hate virgins over 18 so much?

>> No.2419248
File: 78 KB, 639x595, 1205020796447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manly tears.

>> No.2419266

I dated a 24 year old virgin and I couldn't even laugh about it to my friends, I was so ashamed of myself when I found out that he was a virgin I have never spoken of it until now.

It is better to lie.

>> No.2419271


It bothers the gay community that much?

>> No.2419273


Shouldn't you be more ashamed that you're gay?

>> No.2419295

Why would you be ashamed at someone else's virginity, regardless of orientation?
And besides, I'm sure they're even more common in the gay community than in the straight one, seeing as there's less of them.

>> No.2419363

What a bitch. God damn.

>> No.2419375

It's a troll, obviously.

>> No.2419689

I honestly dont see the problem with being a virgin.

>> No.2419695


Yeh, everyone drops their standards when they get older, women included.

>> No.2419699

"Dropped standards" usually means dating a guy whose getting kind of pudgy or dresses sloppy, and most guys drop their standards as they age too, part of getting older/uglier means dating people who are older/uglier.

I dont know any woman of any age who wants to babysit a virgin though.

>> No.2419703

its generally expected that people have their sexual fumbling-about period at 16-17 or earlier if youre a real pimp. people who are virgins at 18+ can no longer acceptably be awkward and fumbly when fucking, they're expected to know what they're doing by merit of their age and its a bit weird when they dont

>> No.2419710


This isn't true of all females, but it is true of me and I am going to give you the real answer.

Virgins over 18 are seen as undesirable aka a loser who has been rejected by many other girls before. Either they knew something I didn't, aka I am being set up for a tiny cock or something, or maybe my standards are lower, meaning I am a loser too.

It also puts pressure on you, like you have to be teaching this guy the stuff that most guys learn in jr high, you know?

>> No.2419717

Good for me I dont give a flying fuck what women think then isn't it? So long as they stay out of our hobbies I'm cool with them doing whatever they want to do.

>> No.2419724

I don't see why it should matter that much, though, because a woman who finds sex skills to be important in a relationship will most likely make a bad partner.

>> No.2419730


All women find sexual skill important in a relationship. Good sex is the bedrock of any relationship.

>> No.2419732

>a loser who has been rejected by many other girls before
Is it beyond the comprehension of most women that men can have priorities higher than picking up women?

>> No.2419742
File: 151 KB, 577x474, franknfurter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>75 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>This thread

>> No.2419749

One can bear anything,
The plague, hunger, misery and death,

But one cannot bear the women,
One cannot bear these fish eyed oafs contemptously snorting at anything virginal,
We cannot live as long as they pink-green slugs are alive!





THEN we can go to sleep!
THEN we can think again of books, and waifus, and happiness

>> No.2419766

What did you expect?

>> No.2419767

This isn't true of all males, but it is true of me and I am going to give you the real answer.

Non-virgins over 18 are seen as undesirable aka a loser who has been fucked by many other guys before. Either they knew something I didn't, aka I am being set up for an onee-san experience or something, or maybe my standards are lower, meaning I am a loser too.

It also puts pressure on you, like you have to be the entirety of the intellectual and platonic side of the relationship because the emotionally stunted whore thinks being filled with dicks gives her some sense of worth.

>> No.2419774


Something way better from the way the Anons on here talk about CULTURED POSTAN and WELL-THOUGHT OUT REPLIES.

>> No.2419809

Well done.

>> No.2419811


Sup, Athens.

>> No.2419881

/jp/ is the only place where I'm reminded that I'm a virgin.

I never think about it otherwise; it doesn't bother me at all, and my mind always filled with too many other things of actual importance.

>> No.2419885

I used to be one of those ">athens >sage" people, but lately he is growing on me.

>> No.2419891

As long as I'm on /jp/, it would actually bother me more if I wasn't a virgin.

>> No.2419917

I think about it quite a bit, usually just out of curiousity.

Lately I've found myself thinking "Fucking normalfags" an awful lot. I'll see something on TV, read something on the internet, or hear a story in real life and can't help thinking it.

>> No.2420051

Whenever people remind me that, I point out to them that they will never be millionaires or pilot a fighter plane and that those are a source of great enjoyment that nobody should do without.
Of course, I haven't flown a plane either, but I'd like to, whereas I don't really care about inserting a piece of blood engorged flesh inside a moist hole and wiggle around for ten minutes before going to sleep.
Only beasts find physical pleasure to be the pinnacle of all that is desirable, sadly, they don't know about the pleasures of the mind, ranked much higher in any sane person's tastes.

>> No.2421353
File: 76 KB, 1213x1013, 882458.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2421369

If you're the type of person that "sages at" a thread/person, then your opinion on facets of imageboard culture isn't very informed or valuable in the first place.

>> No.2421396

what the fuck was the point in bumping this?

>> No.2421528


Wow you seem like a really and I mean really decent normalfag. Wtf are you doing in a place like this.
