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24066627 No.24066627 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>23928229

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)

DMM (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)



>> No.24066631
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>> No.24066654

Tch, jannies deleted the last one.
Anyway, >>24066206 I'd call her a pretty decent defensive, but you'll want a provoke FM on her.

Funny how Kanami is the best of the bunch after RG.

>> No.24066791

I liked the previous picture more

>> No.24066938

Really? How do you use her?
I thought AoE characters werent good and that single target ones were better.

>> No.24067019

Last thread too lewd for Christian imageboards, I guess.

>> No.24067172

It just depends on where you use her. AoE is fine as long as the map allows you to use them. Currently she's great at Lotus+Pygmy EX destruction and a few other maps. Other times, she's just a dedicated buffer for the rest of the party and 20% skill dmg, 20% weakness, and 50% crit dmg are a rare set of buffs foe party.

For the most part, if you're trying to use her as the primary damage dealer then you're going to have a bad time. You're gonna need to play around to get her crit and +weakness, chances are you need to run Max LB'd FMs for this.

>> No.24067237

I rolled Satella at 44 rolls
Is it worth spending another 5000 stones for the '19 ticket or should I hold them if I only have 10k left for whatever is coming? Not sure how rare these tickets are or if it'd be worth.

>> No.24068002

The '19 or those who have a number are pick a gold tickets for a certain year, if you want a certain gold for that year, go for it.

>> No.24068369

Really not liking this event in Kanpani. I need one more bouquet and seeds rarely drop to give me my last one.

>> No.24068370
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>> No.24068387

Is that Sagisawa Fumika?

>> No.24069431
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School units is finally over and the only one I drew was Dante. I don't even like Asanagi
Also Floor25 is kicking my ass, any hints?

>> No.24069874

Is the link in pastebin for Magicami H-scenes the only one or is there a MEGA?

>> No.24069980

Apologies in advance for the stupid question.
I often see the nutaku video ads, there's a particular song in a couple of them that has a bit of an electronic beat.
Anyone know what the song is?

>> No.24070128

I think it's the only one, I only have mega links for two videos that need a VPN to watch on pornhub.

>> No.24070707
File: 1.50 MB, 2500x1766, Aigis Events Years 1-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully they give an updated version of pic related next livestream.
A beautiful Rinne.
I wanna lewd Kanon!

>> No.24070998

Wouldn't be the first time someone passed Fumi art as Rinne

>> No.24071002

Didn't get any and completely forgot to run the first event, so I didn't even get a cute freebie. Probably should've just kept saving for summer.

>> No.24071151

I do this all the time with other characters in another general. Nobody has caught on or noticed even though I'm expecting someone to one day tell me that I got the character wrong.

>> No.24071808
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>> No.24071989

Which path is this one?

>> No.24072034

Use characters that can seal abilities and ones that can add wait to enemies.

>> No.24072231

Sage, according to the twitter post.

>> No.24072561

how hard would it be to get started if I have a fng account with like 100k gems for some reason?

>> No.24073927

Literally can't find a single guide for floor 25 without Reflet.
Nice to see fair and balanced content that doesn't require a specific gacha character to be doable.

>> No.24074069

There are a bunch 90k-110k videos on nico. If you want to push super high scores you're going to need her though.

>> No.24074127

Is the game that unforgiving at the endgame stages? How come Pygmy water lily is S-rank but Shizuka is A+ and Sensitive Plant is A?
I've found Shizuka and Sensitive plant to be easier to use because they actually have skill rate up, something pygmy completely lacks.

I remember asking about Daisy and Hanamomo too and was told Daisy was great after her buff while Hanamomo isn't really that nice while the one that is bad because she lacks skill rate up is A+ while Daisy is A.

Also saw some mentions of Violet cress being great and worth it for weakness damage up but she's one step away from the absolute shitter tier at B. And I'm guessing the reason Dendrobium and Chloranthus are in that same shitter tier is because they're worse versions of Alstromeria now?

>> No.24074143
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You can use this girl to eat up enemy summons. She can keep up if there's only one boss.
Or you can just bruteforce boss and bury him under corpses of your girls. You have a lot of time for that.

>> No.24075216

Whomever made the rankings likes crit. Which is not a bad opinion to have, crit is very good. Vanilla attack boosts are additive while crit and weakness are multiplicative, so you want some in every team.

The only maps that you can't clear by brute force are probably Mother, Laeva and Midworm core (if only because of its total bullshit form 1). Some of the newer nushi and aqua shadow Re:EX stages might be harder, but nothing enough ampies, centies and unlocked memories can't solve. But rankings are vague suggestions and will probably change whenever a new superboss gets introduced anyway. Story has been starting to gear up for Hraesvelgr's introduction, but I wouldn't expect it before 2021.

Curious about what comes next, since Hraes is supposed to be the last megapest. Maybe other sages, maybe the demon lord's ancient monster made from the fusion of it, Nidhoggr and Midworm.

>> No.24075517

Thinking about starting Eyiuu Senki, how bad is the gacha anons? Any starter tips?

>> No.24076005

Anyone tried playing Mirage Memorial on DMM player? App versions are laggy as fuck with infinite loadings wonder if its any better

>> No.24076193

Rate-up is a lie.

The actual gacha is quite forgiving though.

>> No.24076337

They're just letting you do it while laughing behind your back, anon-chan

>> No.24076493

This, I never had problems with gacha till this event, rolled one time and got three 4*. None of them rate up, and I really liked the girls here

>> No.24076848

alright but is there anything I should be rolling specifically? Theres multiple banners

>> No.24077570

roll the banner with the girl you want, I guess the first one is the event girls, so I think it's better to run this one

>> No.24078918

Considering at late game where leaving enemies alive will most likely wipe out your team, it's best to form setups that 1 shot kill them if possible. It's not uncommon to see pest dealing over 20k that will 1 shot any un-ampied rainbows.

Regarding Pygmy/Shizuka/Sensitive, Pygmy gets rated top due to her ability to give crit and weakness at the same time, so this cuts down 1 extra party member requirement if you plan to cap crit. Her lack of skill act shouldn't be a worry as you should be using 1.65x turn 1 skill acts with her with the current enemy meta in mind.
Shizuka falls below Pygmy, but she is not bad at all due to her high party atk boost which can be valuable against enemies that decides to buff their own def.
Sensitive plant unlike the previous two falls behind in a few aspects. First and most important point is that you actually want your "buffer" girls to be AoE so u can sweep out enemies to let your nuker do the job. Since Sensitive is 3*1.8, this makes killing order a bit difficult to control. She's not weak or useless, just inferior compared to the other two as she also come with fairly low atk buff unless you're dealing with only 1 enemy.

I didn't expect people to view A+/A with such a big gap, but they aren't too far off really.
Daisy is great for being 1.65x+Crit, but the amount of crit damage she offer is relatively low. While she has def+guts, the value are still half of what normally def buffs give, it's not useless though. If you can fit more def buffer with her then that's great, otherwise having her as last girl standing with the rest of the party dead after a hit makes little difference. 3.6x hit on 2 enemies is definitely rare and can be useful, but I generally prefer all target for sweeping as mentioned earlier. Personally I recommend Hollyhock over her.
Hanamomo is similar to Daisy in the sense that they're providing crit and def, but one big difference is that she's providing +15% Boss dmg. The value sounds low, but you have to realize that this is generally introducing a new damage multiplier to the party as most critical party lacks skill and boss dmg. The only two other non-RG rainbow that has crit+boss dmg are Dusty and Hyacinth.
Unlike weakness and critical, skill/boss dmg are actually introducing something totally new to your damage calculation. Where as weakness and crit are already +50% by default so we're comparing additive increase multiplicative increase here.

Violet Cress falls short simply for the point mentioned above, she's great filler for a party if you wish to focus on weakness.
Dendro is still ok these days, but using her generally requires devoting the rest of the party to buff her, in which case there isn't really too many enemies in late game that she can nuke. You can get better result buffing Maple Swimsuit instead and outdamage Dendro in a single attack. She will buff back the party in crit too, unlike Dendro who will offer nothing back.
Chloranthus falls in the same boat as Dendro, plenty better alternatives. No point in valuing her act again if the accumulative damage still fall short. Especially since there are so many better Single target+act again RG variations to choose. In the event of her not killing the target on turn 1, she literally doesn't have anything useful left on turn 2 as her own buffs already expired.

>> No.24079352

Far more in depth than expected, many thanks. Really answers the questions I had about those girls.

>The only two other non-RG rainbow that has crit+boss dmg are Dusty and Hyacinth.
I think the topic has been poked last thread for damage dealers but are there any RG girls that would belong in S+/S there? There's way too many RGs to bother with them so I want to limit the question to the all-stars ones that are diamonds in the rough you wouldn't ever regret raising and really help out the party.

>> No.24079442

Due to ease of access to "RG" unlike rolling/picking rainbows, I generally recommend people RG girls to fill in roles that their rainbows are missing.
I suppose I can make some outstanding ability list rather than Tier list for those.

>> No.24079471

Yeah, I get that I should fill in holes with girls I like but RG stones aren't exactly that easy to get so I don't want to make the mistake of RGing someone that looks like she has a good kit but turns out it's trash or decent at best for example.
So that's where the question of who the top ones or the really good ones that I won't regret raising because they'll actually patch the holes for my team.

>> No.24079569

>I didn't expect people to view A+/A with such a big gap, but they aren't too far off really.
completely and absolutely unrelated to the game being talked about here but I still wanted to make this post
this other mobile game has a tierlist that basically goes like
Gold SS: Meta as meta gets, the broke shit you should be dumping on.
Regular SS: Pretty good but has some downside
S+: Trash, hard skip this gacha.

>> No.24080255

sounds like Shironeko

>> No.24080305

The gold ss kinda gives it away I guess but that's the game I had in mind. Granblue's tierlist also piles up all the good shit in the top tiers while eveything below is hot trash.
Like 10.0 is the balance breaker characters then 9.9~9.5 is the stuff you should be using. 9.5~9.0 is gap fillers or better than nothing and below 9 is worthless.

>> No.24080392

you shouldnt trust GBF tierlists much, they were rating stuff like SSR Lucius above Vikala. GBF tierlists are a lot of meta top damage circlejerk but you'd be fine ignoring them for the most part

>> No.24080445

In gbf i'm past the point where a tierlist would be good because I already know who does what and have a guild to discuss things with but just pointing out what their list does.

In another uselessly fun bit of trivia nobody cares about, tierlist making gets harder when you don't need 1-2 star characters but need an absolute assload of chars to survive in endgame because endgame expects you to make several varied teams to tackle things so you end up with a tierlist like this

I like this one the most for sure because of how descriptive and helpful it is, wish more people went for this format.

>> No.24080544

Always try to roll once on each banner since it’s discounted. Only keep rolling for the guarantee if you really want that unit.

I don’t know how the new units stack up so pick with your dick, I guess.

>> No.24080546

Well, here the bottom-tier girls are still maybe 70% as good as the best of the best. Stats are nearly equal for everyone across the board, and there are just a handful of truly bad abilities. These are mostly outdated things which don't appear anymore, like extra cannons, HP recovery from nests and half damage from minipests.

As long as you have the core abilities, you can fill the rest of your party with rainbows that vaguely fit the niche you're going for, and you'll do alright. Equipment, memories and extra stat mechanics (ampies/high ampies/centies) also matter a lot.

>> No.24080588

I just wish they add the rest of the Floors already.

>> No.24080602

Pricunny also has the little girls at the top of the meta

>> No.24081584
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You can't go wrong, but here's the most used units from last arena

>> No.24081684

Actually rolled 5, 6 and 10, as well as the two new girls from the top banner

>> No.24081762

Achilles is like a drug that you can't quit once you start using. Especially in Arena where she can help build your Brave Points very fast. I think the only hard counter so far is Siegfried?

>> No.24081890

Yeah but its pretty easy to get around that counter.
Sieg is lackluster for a hero.

>> No.24082339

Achilles under AI is basically playing for you if you put green unit at front. Gives you a lot of mana and leaves her own team with almost nothing.

>> No.24083384

>I suppose I can make some outstanding ability list rather than Tier list for those.
Would be pretty nice to have one of these for sure

>> No.24084012

Is there a recommended 5 or 6 star units list for FKG? I'm retarded and/or blind and cannot seem to find one on the jp wiki. Just picked up the game today and not sure who to use the pick tickets on since I already rerolled for the girl I wanted.

>> No.24084047

6* stars is here >>24068370
Some useful info from last thread here

5* stars, some anon above said he might make one so wait for it I guess?

>> No.24084096

Sorry, I missed this post. I should have read the thread more carefully before asking instead of just looking at the pastebin. Thank you.

>> No.24085627
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>> No.24086375
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Meh, I'm going to pass on the brides banner.

>> No.24086994

Good, would've been a shame if both 2AW got rid of her magnificent cleavage and low cut dress.
Diela looks nice, but I've already given up on rolling anything in Aigis.
>She's the event unit
Fuck. Let me guess, they made it a item farming one?

>> No.24087135
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As I have mentioned, because you can choose who to RG unlike rolling stuff randomly, so it will be recommendation list rather than tier list.
You do not have to follow it fully as your waifu should still take high priority, but if you didn't notice her potential then I hope the list helped you out.
Simply try to figure out what your party lacks and find a girl from the category that will fit your needed role the best.

A few things worth mentioning is that while I grouped a bunch of useful nukers together it doesn't mean they're all equal. You will have to figure who you like or need from the list and pick from that.
Do not expect anyone else to have the same damage potential as Rainbow Rose, they will do far less but they're not weak. It's just unreasonable to compare anyone else to +150 Crit Dmg for self.
The crit category are among the best selection from each grouping, a few may provide skill and boss damage as well which is a great bonus. These damage multipliers can be used to introduce something new to a party rather than oversaturate it with only crit dmg.
The dmg/weak category feature unique girls who provide additional weakness which many provides crit as well. A few of them provide skill+boss dmg together, which is a unique to make use of if you managed to cap critical activation rate and looking into filling the gap.

Solar parties look interesting, but it's often the most difficult thing to set up right.
When creating a solar party, your priority should go to girl who fill in the light gauge at the start of battle, they shall allow you to deal burst dmg right off the bat at the start of battle.
Most of the time, you will feel like "Oh, that's it? Guess they will die", but you can extend their usage through the buffing up their survival with def+guts/negate/evasion+miss.
The other important contribution is shine crystal drop. Generally having 3 girls with this ability will cap it, so with this buff in mind, try to let your girls attack before blasting the enemy.
A couple girls with drain will extend their survival on this as well.
But most important, Max LB Solar Effectiveness memories are a significant boost. They're only 4-5* rarity atm so they're fairly easy to make. It will bump the solar damage significantly.
Just an example of someone using solar party to the full potential. Not that I recommend anyone replicating it, but it can come in handy if your waifu is a solar girl.

Turn based damage buff girls are quite the effective setup to use against enemies that let's you live for many turns, such as Prison Island scene.3 and Laeva. The accumulative damage buff from these girls will exceed the contribution of crit dmg if they're allowed to stall.
Of course, you will need a mix of RG girls and regular rainbows to make good use of it, but it will add up.
It's best abused with a really powerful nuker. Examples below.

Debuff parties probably got shit by from the community over the course of the last 2 years, but that's understandable.
Recently, they tone down on enemies that can buff their accuracy, but pest still buffs their atk/dmg pretty high, so the solution? Miss and Skill act debuffs.
It's always ideal to form debuff parties with def buff as well, not only this allows you to survive and tank, it also allows you to proc guts to save you from getting 1 shot.
With the introduction of more girls with 2x skill act next turn when hit as well as interception, this made miss mechanic pretty useful.
Meconopsis makes great use of this due to her having both, so with the party backing her up, she can tank as much through the party's def buff and debuffs while healing back with drain.
Skill act debuff also lowers the chance of bosses using their lethal AoE attack, so you can lock bosses up to your dedicated miss+guts+evasion tanker.
Examples of someone using it to clear this event daily map.

Counter parties are mentioned has many option, whether you want to go survival route with drain, or pure countering by stacking crit.
MVP to Hydrangea will allow any counter part to increase their chance to skill act, so she's advised for anyone planning to invest in counter party.
Their main focus is really just def+supercounter+crit, which there are plenty of options by now. Attempting to hit weakness will be a nice boost as well.
Ampying everyone is mandatory as it will not only increase survival, but "defend" rate as well which procs your supercounter.
Just an example of my party soloing Laeva with help of Lantana sword panels to demonstrate their potential. https://streamable.com/n39p9n

>> No.24087154

A few things worth mentioning:
Kerria clones: Water Lily and Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower)
Saffron clones: Tsubaki, Baikamo, Aibika, and Japanese Madder (she has supercounter)
Low rarity wasn't taken as seriously or there would be no one left at all.
Lots of the best solar and debuff girls are from RG, so if you waifu land on these category, it can be a fun build to make.
Crimson Clover is an important piece if anyone is serious in making solar party.
Lastly, waifus come first.

>> No.24087293

Would a team with Jujube as damage dealer work well? What other girls would I put with her?
Kind of really want Jujube and Scilla because I love their designs so maybe I'll save up stones for those two.

Also, what about Tutsan? I thought she looked nice if I was lacking in negate girls with that unique -def debuff but I don't see her there.

>> No.24087523
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I dont understand those types of Aigis events. How the fuck are you supposed to grind 1500 things when it takes 12 hours of regen for one run.

>> No.24087541
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On the topic of recomendations, can I ask for some recommendations on who to grab from tickets if I wanted to clear some of the endgame stuff if this is what I have?
Asked someone before and was told I'd struggle heavily to put something together that could clear the hardest content so I want to fix that and try to aim to get some good teams going. Mainly aiming to grab any girls without large breasts (small is perfectly fine) so it has been pretty hard to get some team building going with this limitation.

>> No.24087545

Jujube already have a nice amount of skill+boss dmg so she should be pretty strong as long as you provide her with crit. You may also attempt to use her with nemunoki and/or with act again memory to bump her act again close or at 90% cap.
This person often makes vids featuring jujube, so you can try following him and see what things he can pull off. https://twitter.com/HAL0620JION/status/1261993322450579456

Scilla by herself has a great set of ability, just depends what you want to do with her. Def+debuff+drain already sets up the base for survival.
You have the option to further build a def+atk debuff set, or u can mix it up with girls that have skill act/dmg buff next turn when hit. Def buff are your priorities, as defend proc will lower your overall damage taken.
Unlike before, with the introduction of flower memories, you can contribute/increase atk debuff without the need of a girl dedicated to this role. The non-LB atk debuff 6* memory provides -10% to two targets.
With this in mind, you may introduce other factors into the party like crit as well. Example of someone using atk debuff+crit party featuring meco as aggro. https://twitter.com/yuugiri_dc/status/1265618848272666625

Regarding Tutsan, while def debuff sounds like a great gimmick, it's not introducing anything new. If an enemy buffs def, this debuff is only subtracting from the boss' def buff rather than dividing, so the gain isn't actually that significant. Additionally, many boss now have an enrage mechanic where their def drops to 0 but offensive ability goes up, which also voids the debuff after reaching certain % hp.
The rest of her abilities have nothing interesting to show, so she kind of falls behind.

>> No.24087569

In a sense blowing 40~50 crystals on refills to finish it isn't that expensive since you likely wouldn't have gotten shit from the roll anyways, but I don't think the event units are really THAT worth it to max.

>> No.24087618

Considering you have 2 Wheat and other 1.65x, seems like the game really wish you u to make two 1 turn nuke parties.
Assuming you don't have high skill level on the girls, you may run wheat+dusty and wheat+enotera to raise skill act for two parties. Fill in weakness girls and cap tgeir crit and you got yourself a decent setup.
Since you got satella, it could be interesting to make some survival based setup for her. Satella+provoke will provide party with skill act and dmg when hit. You can try fitting snowdrop in here to provide atk buff over turns. You can use your anemone+katabami here to extend satella's survival.
Just a temporary solution really, can be improved if you want to complete a counter party instead. She can be your temporary/substitute hydrangea as you wrap up the counter party.

As for ticket grabs, your best choice is really just grabbing the absurd nukers like balsam/yarrow to make good use of all your crit and weakness buffers. Alternatively, more party negate is always helpful. Maid cowslip if you want turn based setup featuring satella as tank, or Epidendrum NY for crit+negate.

>> No.24087691

Oh right, missed the small chest point.
I suppose girls like Kitsune VT/Nepeta(rainbiw medal, whenever she's back)/Onci VT/Hanamomo are your best options? Otherwise look into RG for flat strong girls.

>> No.24087922

After starting ESWW yesterday now I have several 4* and a lot of 3* and quite honestly I have no idea who's good and how I should go around about formations. Please is there any sort of tierlist/wiki/pastebin that could help me understand how the game works

>> No.24088343

Dude, just play a fucking game as you like it. Why are you so fucking cucked.

>> No.24088377

>play a fucking game as you like it
Thats literally the worst advice you could give anyone regarding gacha

>> No.24088566

Personally, that's the only way I play the Gacha. Although it does help that I'm not eagerly rushing to clear things like endgame content too. Most games are pretty lax in time-limited events for getting the prize character.

>> No.24088789

You spelled "best advice" wrong.

>> No.24089047

Fell asleep and didn't finish the 200 runs for the last copy of Kirie in Deep One. Was only 15 runs away from it, so kinda stings. Luckily, LB can still be done with items unlike Tokyo Necro, so I could still MLB her.

Speaking of which, if you only have 3 spares to LB a SR, it's probably better to use them for the 1st, 2nd and 4th LB and use the LB item for the 3rd LB as it only cost 1 Big Crystal.

>> No.24091146

How's the gacha in ayarabu, are rateups a lie?

>> No.24091231

Don't go fully on these events. Just farm character later on re run or use fairies better than wasting crystals.

>> No.24091273

It's one of games that isn't super specific unless some boss have a gimmick plus rising characters isn't that hard.

>> No.24091591

>Otherwise look into RG for flat strong girls.
Yeah I've been looking into RG stuff and the RG list is extremely helpful because I can't really find something that mixes strong and cute in a satisfying way from the current ticket pool but that still leaves me with unused tickets. Was thinking to grab Silk tree maybe because she checks both cute and good easily. Oncidium is a consideration too, I missed her but she seems to also tick both even though Silk tree's design does it for me more. Kitsune VT seems past the cutoff sadly and I was really sad over the fact the cutoff was there or I would have easily taken Meconopsis, Tampala and Silk tree due to them being the perfect mix of both cute and great.
As for the launch rainbows ticket, I'm currently undecided between Daisy and Hanamomo with sneezeweed on the 3rd place while the other two are tied for first because I can't break the tie or decide one way or the other.

Might bite the bullet and grab Balsam or Yarrow eventually if nukers are that good or necessary since they lean more to the 'cool' side (especially sunglasses yarrow) rather than super big titty 'sexy' like maid cowslip who I would absolutely refuse to pick even if she was super busted so I wouldn't be that opposed or regretful over that decision but I would still rather go for someone cuter and more along my tastes.

On teams, burst seemed decently easy to put together since it's just fit girls that deal big damage together but for a def/counter party, who would be the best last two members for it? I keep changing them and not being able to pick because 3 of those members are pretty much set in stone with Anemone, Wood sorrel and Satella which leaves the other two members up in the air. Snowdrop and someone else I guess? Are there any good negate/barrier characters that don't have giant tits? And thanks a lot for all the help, greatly appreciate it.

>> No.24092096

Don't know but I couldn't stand 2 hours of Ayarabu thanks to the constant [Loading...]
Even something as simple as advancing text came with a one second delay as if fetching every line separately after the click

>> No.24092147

How are you running the new event? Seems like you get different amount of event items depending on the quest but I can't tell if it's best to run the ex quest or just the ones that cost the least stamina.

>> No.24092278

Considering you already have a ton of 1.65x, I don't think Daisy is necessary unless you plan to make a third 1 turn nuke setup.

If you plan to continue counter party, Anemone+Katabami is already a great start, so you generally want to fit the rest with as much critical damage as possible.
From select ticket alone, Tarragon without doubt is the one who's worth mentioning. Kayana and Sneezeweed can definitely be your other options. There are other "flat" RG counter girls too if you prefer those more.
As long as you get def buff + critical in the party, it will work out, but most importantly ampy them to get the best results.

My comment on Snowdrop was just a general statement since there was plenty of option on what to do, she provides atk buff over turns so it can complement Satella as she offers none to the party.
Satella works like Cardamine as well as many other tanky "get hit for buff" girls, so she can be used however way you want whether it's offensive or defensive setups.
If used offensively, setups generally look like this guy's use of Cardamine. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm36346989
If used defensively, then you can try adding more def+debuff and some turn based buffs, it may be slow at clearing stuff as you're just going too chip away hp slow, but it should be durable.

There really aren't many "OP" negate girls w/o big tits, so I guess you can leave that off for another time.

>> No.24092374

How does def/counter fare anyway? Kayana looked really good but I hear the meta is just crit/burst and it feels really counterintuitive to prolong the fight when you could have won at turn 1. Sounds like a counter team might die after 1 battle too since they'll be all at 1hp if they survived with guts or some might die if they didn't.
I guess it's all up to the devs if they introduce mechanics to stop you from bursting or mechanics to prevent you from dragging on the fight and forcing people to burst?

>> No.24092530

There are enemies every now and then can attack before the player does, so counter party is very useful. Of course, there are maps where your def will get debuffed so it's not a 1 party solution for every content, each kind of party has their own scenario to shine.

Stacking up def buffs generally extends your survival significantly simply by making you take less.
If you have noticed, def buff generally has a description that says "increases damage reduction when defending by X%", this ability when stacked up generally cuts down damage significantly when defend mechanic procs.
Guts procs up to 3 times per battle (each node), so even if the party is stuck at 1 hp, as long as they clear the enemy quickly, they can stick around for a really long time.

Just a preemptive attacking boss example.

>> No.24092550

Rate ups are always a lie.

That being said, based on personal experience and on what other people posted, Ayarabu always felt particularly bad in that aspect.
Though, recently they've added guarantees to their pick up gachas that will make sure you get one of the featured girls.

>> No.24092574
File: 519 KB, 878x1199, 1571388437768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just got another 6* ticket that lets me pick anything from Black Baccara up to Coral Bush. Looking at the rainbow tier list, the three S ranked girls that I can choose from are Cactus, Anemone, and Kerria. So do parties usually want a bunch of characters with similar skills? I was deciding against Cactus at first since I have a few characters in one party who will unlock Act Again/Crit buff skills once I get to blooming them, but would it be better to just get her and put her in there to increase the burst power of the team? Or should I get one of the other two and focus on building a different kind of team?

Like, if I get Anemone, would it be best to put her in a counter focused team? And what sort of team would Kerria fit in anyways? Seems like her gameplan revolves around being an evade tank that dodges or drains with skill to stay at high HP to maintain her passive buff. Is she the kind of character that's best teamed with a bunch of support characters to buff her further and then she carries the rest of the damage by herself?

Or rather than just paying attention to the S characters should I be looking for somebody else who fits better with my current characters despite their rank on the list?

Sorry for the dumb beginner questions.

>> No.24092592

Thanks a ton for all the great and detailed help. I think I'll go with Kayana, Tarragon and Silk tree with Hanamomo for launch tix.

Going to wait until the balance patch just to be sure in case there's any surprises but I'm pretty happy with these choices so I doubt i'd regret any of these unless someone I like gets buffed to super nuker status. Hope I can make a great counter party with this.

>> No.24092650

>Sorry for the dumb beginner questions.
This seems more like advance endgame questions. Or at least the kind of beginner that hasn't left the 700k "tutorial" yet.

>> No.24092687

It rarely ever costs me much more than 20 refills, though. I'd say that much is worth for a maxed out black, subpar or not.

You don't really need to go past 1300, since CR is the important part.

>> No.24092851

Tier list is simply something to gauge their general performance at late game, the girls you already have on hand should still be your priority in optimizing.
Stacking chars with similar skill is the standard way to maximize potential of a set of abilities, there's generally no wrong way to do it as long as you can fit in skill activation in your setups.

Anemone's set of ability is most suited for countering, due to lack of skill act, defense focused, and crit. It doesn't mean you can't use her for any other purpose, she just shines in this aspect.

Cactus can be used in most damage dealing parties as long as you can cap out her crit. She gets the notable mention of having the highest skill activation rate in the game, as well as act again chance by herself (not compared to 1 turned gimmick girls). So there's a high chance she get to use her skill twice each turn.

Kerria is still as great as she was in the past, about party building with her has been changed slightly. Def should be prioritized for surviving, then skill activation. Once these two are fulfilled, you can bring in things like turn based buffing and crit.
This way, not only can she evade enemies, but she can also tank them and have the dps to heal back any damage she takes.

>> No.24092947

I see. So Anemone best shines in a counter party, Cactus for crit teams, and Kerria sort of just goes anywhere as long as there are enough party def buffs? I guess I'll go with Cactus then so I can fill one whole real team comp for now, and make the other squads into real comps slowly over time. Thanks.

>> No.24093020

Tarragon's art didn't really look appealing until I listened to the voice and fell completely in love. I really should start listening to their intro lines before deciding.

>> No.24093149

Keep in mind that defense/counter is the most resource-heavy team archetype, so if you really want to minmax, all your centies and ampies should go to your counter girls. In return, a fully geared counter team can do ridiculous things, like the 1PT Laeva shown by the other anon.

As for flat barrier girls, Usagigoke is very good at role compression with her dodge + barrier. She's pure support though, don't expect her to hit anything.

>> No.24093258

Ampies and flowers sounds easy but does it really need centies? That seems like the hardest part here

>> No.24093554

Any way to know when the next exp up campaign will happen on FKG? Do they have a list of campaigns on rotation or something?

>> No.24093932

It will definitely help to improve the counter damage and survival. Not mandatory, but it helps a lot if you want them to solo a map or something.
Permanent stat boosts from Ampy/Centy/High Ampy can be amplified by your buffs. These boosts each can give up to 3000 HP/1000 Atk/300 Def to a girl, 9k/3k/1.2k if you have all three.
Equipment and flower memory are considered as temporary boosts so they can not by amplified by buffs, which case they're simply added at the end of the equation.

If we take Anemone for example, who has 3,068 def, adding 1,200 def to her is already a 39% increase prior buffs. Once def buffs, crit, and weakness gets added, this boost is pretty significant.

Below is the counter damage calculation taken from JP wiki, as you note things note, there are several multipliers that made this calculation explode, such as supercounter takes your final def multiply by 8, crit multiplier, and weakness multiplier.


>> No.24093958

Whats the strat with centies them? Spread them so the entire party is 85/90 or put all your eggs in a single basket?

>> No.24094001 [DELETED] 

Treat them like centy, every centy you use is like ~25 ampy worth of stats. So best to focus on them girls you like/use the most.

>> No.24094015

Treat them like ampies, every centy you use is like ~25 ampy worth of stats. So best to focus on them girls you like/use the most.

>> No.24094254

>All the talk about Anemone
What do people do about the no skill up thing though? Seeing a lot of posters talk about her and Kayana in counter parties but wouldn't that party have shit skill activation rate with two girls lacking a skill that increases it? Or does the 2x multiplier make up for it on the 2nd and following turns?

>> No.24094412

This is where Hydrangea comes in, and it's also why you see me using Lantana for her sword panels. Each sword provides 1.1x skill act for every party, up to 3 panels per stage (1.3x skill act for all parties).

Let's use Anemone for example, she's at 37% skill act at level 5. So with Hydrangea alone, this becomes 74%, so you need to fill the rest.
Say we have Tarragon and another skill girl counter, like say Katabami, this gives the party 1.4x permanent skill act, so now Anemone has 52% skill act. Since Hydrangea's skill act is another category, it's a multiplier to that 52%, meaning she caps skill act as long as Hydrangea gets hit.
Going without Hydrangea for your counter party is still fully function, as that's where majority of your damage comes from after all. Just treat the skill acts as bonus for such case, since the damage will be generally under 1m anyways.

If you refer to my Laeva solo video earlier, you see me only using Tarragon+Lantana sword panel as my skill act buffer, this was more than enough to cap everyone. (Well, except my Tampala, she's level 1 skill act, WIP)

>> No.24094460

Kinda offtopic, but is there a good comprehensive database for flowers?
Someone gave me flowers a while ago and I'm intrigued to find out what it is.

>> No.24094560
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Sometimes I visit iNaturalist, people submit their pictures of flowers, their bloom period and their location, sometimes a brief description, pretty helpful if you want to find some flower knights based of flowers around your area or how many aren't still in the game, if there's a better page I'd like to know as well.

>> No.24094616

Doesn't that mean Hydrangea is a must get for anyone aiming for that party then? Hope they print out some replacements or clones of her for the people that don't want to get her.

>> No.24094693

For now yes, she's the only option f you want to maximize counter damage.
If u don't mind missing out on 1 counter girl then there are plenty of choices to select from for def/guts + 2x skill act when hit.
JP Anemone (Relaxed Queen), Flame Lily, Royal Water Lily, Satella, and Streptocarpus are your options.

>> No.24095452
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Do you have a photo of your flowers? /an/ has a gardening thread that can ID, NameThatPlant is good too. But I don't know about anything on the same level as, say, BugGuide and its 150k users insta-tagging every image.

For potential knights, minhana.net and chills-lab.com are good resources for flower meanings. Nazuna also posts daily about language of flowers, there's an archive of her tweets at https://フラワーナイトガール.攻略wiki.com/index.php?誕生花%E3%80%80まとめ(ナズナさんのツイートより)

There's some fun background stuff there, even the 'birth flower' dates play into knight design. The nation a knight belongs to is partially determined by the season her flower date falls to, and may be her actual birthday (Chocosmos says she was born in autumn because she's a cosmos, her dates are September 24 and October 27). This may be one of these old concepts that got discarded later, though. Do we know anyone else's birthdays?

>> No.24095937

Is spending these fuckhuge wads of stamina in FKG on dailies as a beginner efficient or should I stick to doing story mode or other quests? I need a lot of gold right now to evolve a bunch of rainbows and the cost to run these maps hurts even if there is a discount.

>> No.24095999

Whatever, as long as you're doing events. Story quests are basically the least useful thing you could be doing.

>> No.24097528

Should I actually be spending stamina on raid boss events outside of the first clears? Feels like I'm doing fine through just leeching off of the tier 3 bosses that show up on my raid list.

>> No.24097554

You may want to do enough event map runs to cover the boss spawn requirement for the event mission board, but other than that, no. IIRC it's 7 spawns (can do the minimum 10-item cost each, so 70) to clear those missions.

>> No.24098613
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I hate all the crap around her and the outfit.
Tarragon herself is cute but the cape is weird with hair that isn't hers coming out of the hood and then all that crap around her that makes it look really busy instead of just focusing on the cute girl.
I hope she gets a nice gold alt so I can use that as a skin instead of this

>> No.24098791
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Tarragon is super cute and she's one of my Top favorites, she's very reserved as you can see in her lines, also her friend is kind of old but just got her bloom, she's also based on the french kind of Dracunculus

>Nice gold alt
She won the 2019unit election so probably her next release is going to be in a few months as a rainbow

>> No.24098821

I mean yeah, her lines are perfect and she's a total cutie. It's just me talking about how dumb her hood is and how I hate that her dumb wind takes the entire screen.

>As a rainbow
I'm happy that she won but sad it's going to be another rainbow because those aren't easy on the stones.

>> No.24098836

I saw a post here that said Silk tree won some election, was that a different election?

>> No.24098927

Silk Tree won the overall popularity and 2019 popularity elections. They only give 1 new version per election event, so Tarragon got bumped up from 2nd in the 2019 voting.

>> No.24098953

Is that gacha going to have multiple rainbows in it or will they split them up like Satella/Shizuka?

>> No.24099006

Is two different sepparate gachas, the election one has a theme from a faction each year, this year I think is about Lotus Lake, last year was Winter Rose etc, and past year units elections has their own gacha and event as well.

>> No.24099314
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I'm not even sure Tarragon will be a rainbow. The wikis just say a new form and a personal skill. Its oddly not specific about who will be rainbows/golds like in the previous year.

If it's the same as the 4th year voting these 3 should appear in a gacha together and then there should be another one a few events later with Plumeria, Canola, and Tarragon.

>> No.24099341

Plumeria, Canola and Tarragon sounds so much more enticing than Silk tree flanked by the usual poll hoggers.

>> No.24100028 [DELETED] 


Up in 5 mins

>> No.24100054


Stream starting soon.

>> No.24100440

>gotoubun collab
What the fuck

>> No.24100981

In-game stuff

Ultimate Iroha Dress
Gotoubun Collab for the All-ages side in August
Shuusaku Collab for the DX side in September
Team PvP
App release date is 11/6
3k jewels for the stream, 3k jewels for 100k users (will reach roughly around 12th) and 3k for the app release
160 free rolls (16 days maybe?) after app release

I think that's about it?

>> No.24101001

>3k for the app release
Sorry, got this wrong, it's 3k for the actual day of the 1 year since release.

>> No.24102855
File: 1.17 MB, 1017x565, Shizuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, finally, in my last possible attempt I finally got Shizuka, I didn't have more places to get stones after depleting all whales stones.

>> No.24105878
File: 1.65 MB, 1140x645, gold pot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After countless bronze pots with a side of silver, finally got a roll that made it all worth it. Multiflora is especially timely with her Bloom being just released. Lirirope not having her Bloom yet kinda hurts though. With Apron Sakura getting hers, at least the Takto stack of knights is slowly getting done.

>> No.24106457

How many free rolls can a F2P beginner expect per month in FKG? I'm not sure if I should be saving up 50k stones for 110 rolls for rainbows I want or blowing 5k every time I get it to build up my roster until I've got a good foundation for all four squads. If the gain rate is slow then I am going to lean towards the latter but if it's within around half a year, maybe it is worth to save? Would be aligned with Halloween or Christmas banners too.

>> No.24106624

Tossed all my ampies/flowers on Dusty miller then decided I wanted to go the defense/counter route. Don't regret it because dusty is super cute but man gettng these girls to max skill level/max amp is going to take an eternity.

How many rainbow flowers can I get from ultimate missions? The wiki says there's some there.

>> No.24106656

I'm not good at this game so I can't answer your question but I believe this game doesn't do limited seasonals and the only limited girls are the collab ones like the crime that was the slime collab or the rance girls on right now.

>> No.24106925

As someone who has been playing for a long time (F2P), I would say that if you just do the Events and Dailies and just consist of Login Bonuses and the monthly(?) "2oo stones per day for 10 days" campaign, you get 50oo on a slow month and 100oo on a good month. I rolled 1 10-roll on Satella's banner and 1 10-roll on Shizuka's and I'm back at what I was before I started, I think.

A better look might be spending 2 10-rolls for Tampala's banner about 2 events back and getting that amount back roughly around the start of this event.

The only one so far is New Year Snowdrop which is a Limited Paid-Gacha only character so far.

>> No.24107048

Ultimate Mission progress quest has a rainbow skillbloom at 36, 72, 108, 144, and 180.
Each Aqua Shadow EX Destruction's 25th clear quest also provide one, there are 9 chapters total atm.

>> No.24107248
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This image was from back when I still hadn't complete the story and still had lots left to do. If you're starting, logging in daily, progressing through the story, doing other missions, completing character quests and affection bonus, you could see 5oo-7oo stones a day average. maybe higher with the amount of content there is nowadays.

>> No.24107297
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Fairly sure these are Rhododendrons, although the cut of the plant confused my since it looked more like a tree than a shrub.
Tried out PlantSnap, had mixed results since I got four different identifications with a single plant.

>> No.24107481

How do you get more entries for daily dungeons in Eiyuu Senki?

>> No.24107496

Events, mostly.

>> No.24107626

Thanks. The chart in particular is helpful. So should I be progressing through the story while new? I'm not sure how to balance stamina usage in this game.

>> No.24112692

Are ancient heroes in Eiyuu Senki WW worth raising, given their expensive AP cost?

>> No.24113565

AP cost is mostly irrelevant for events, since most events have a static per-fight AP cost and arena events don't use AP at all, so there's plenty of incentive to raise them. Especially Achilles and Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh breaks damage-type events and Achilles breaks everything.

>> No.24114130

I currently have Yamato, Hippolyte, and Achilles but have pretty much put everything into raising Achilles for now because her speed seems broken and I've always liked these kinds of units that can take multiple turns before opponents can act. Her damage seems kind of really low though but I'm assuming as I finish building her higher rank equipment and level her stats she'll become insane. I guess besides her, I want to build Himiko or other healers to support Achilles?

>> No.24115177

what do I do with the extra girls I get from gacha in Eiyuu Senki?
doesn't seem like there's a need for duplicates in this game

>> No.24115347

Pretty sure the only thing useful for dupes is to use them as LB fodder. Then again, I haven't really tested out the useful of dupes in ES either.

>> No.24117389
File: 2.05 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_2020-06-06-23-13-19-26_7da2c6e3a0552b03f9cd29d450fd5546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dumb but I assume the limit break fodder is that fragment thing you had to collect, how do I exchange for them?

>> No.24117446

1. Selling your dupes gets you that fragment thing.
2. Buying them in the shop with gold and silver orbs (This is usually how you will power-up your 4* as it's easier than waiting to get their dupes).
3. Do their Character Quests, this nets you 30 pieces per character, so keep this in mind when you want to buy pieces.

>> No.24118634

if you didn't find the option to turn the dupes into pieces, is on the left bottom part of the char screen, I had some problems with that when I started

>> No.24118729

Achilles never really gets very high damage because she's geared toward having a ton of turns even after her initial rush, but the great thing about her gear is that you can get a ridiculous amount of self-healing on it (8%/turn) which makes her a lot harder to kill. Her skills can let her hit for some solid numbers against single targets, though.

You don't really need to build a team around her, though. If the opponent is targeting her, that usually means the AI is doing it because she has class disadvantage, so them beating her up only adds to your brave gauge. You can use that and her initial blitz to your advantage to just set up strong AOE units to wipe the enemy with all of the brave gauge you get and just let Achilles be a sacrifice if you want.

>> No.24119687

Daily rolls more like daily trash
Free rolls about to end and all I got is garbage that got autosold instantly

>> No.24121282
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>get the wrong pickup for both the second and third time in a row
Fuck I just want the soft tits girl.

>> No.24121673

Went all the way to the 2nd guaranteed?

>> No.24121928

Not yet. I've done 7 so far. I'm not sure if I will be able to hit the second guaranteed but I'm new to the game so maybe I can make it if I just keep doing new missions and get the gems from those.

>> No.24122232

>finally kuroboshi girl event
>She doesn't have a break sprite
>Well chink virus, anyway
>She has H-scenes
>Get all hype
>see her H-scene is just fully clothed while grabbing chihaya's(your) dick with her hot tweezer

I expected nothing and I still dissaoointed

>> No.24122319

>She doesn't have a break sprite
Couldn't it be a problem from Gold? I think Karl doesn't have one either.

>> No.24122533

There is now no reason at all not to save for Reflet spotlights if you care about high level content in Aigis.
DevTea pulled the scummiest powercreep move with her introduction by far - worse than old school Elyse, worse than Lapis, worse than Sylvia. Reflet is a REQUIREMENT for tower, and since she's a gacha black she's the most P2W thing that happened to Aigis in its entire history. I'm not saying that Aigis was never P2W (or RNG to win), just that Reflet made it the most P2W.

I don't think powercreep is wrong per se, but the scummy part is Reflet is a relatively fresh unit, so obviously very few people will own her, and there is no choice black tickets introduced anymore, so you HAVE to roll for her if you want her (and you do), which, in essence, makes her a cash cow.

>> No.24122652
File: 119 KB, 870x1039, Reflet_Render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reflet is really cute so i'm okay with this
The only thing I'm sad and upset about is that I don't have her but would gladly save for her

Better than when all the broke meta girls were ugly and not cute at all.

>> No.24122982

Achllies is the most broken character so far in the game, suck that I don't have a green tank to counter.

>> No.24123077

>Gadly save for her

Just dump your money to Aigis sama, isn't that hard?

>> No.24123252

Please give me a Reflet playthrough of 10F. 9F too, I could only 1-star that one. Thanks in advance
t. Shitter that got her from exchange summon

>> No.24123923

I know I shouldn't be showing interest in anymore DMM games, especially anything from Exnoa (Aigis' company), but did kyoshintoseijyo 巨神と誓女 need a vpn for prereg?

>> No.24123946

Yes, and likely to play after release.

>> No.24124039

Was going through my usual checklist of finding why a game wouldn't start and saw a 403 forbidden from the main site. Also saw my browser rat out my region and default language, so I really need to set up a vps and dns tunnel for all of my Japan stuff sometime.

But weird strategy when they included English in the story outline.

>> No.24124075

Exnoa is DMM/Fanza

>> No.24124317

>Go double check other games
>Everyone's twitter all have Exnoa LLC in their images
wtf. Should I assume anyone that doesn't list another company is ran by them?

>> No.24125417

Don't worry they'll just give you a black pick ticket in anniversary just like they have in the past 2 years

>> No.24125787

I sat on 400~ rainbow medals for ages waiting for flower knight girl to add some girls I liked enough to grab with medals and they finally added one
too bad I can't pick her because they nerfed these things and limited me to either pick girls I never felt strongly towards or to wait and see if any of the new limited girls appeal enough to me

>> No.24125877

It's just the "DMM Games" label/company name being changed to EXNOA a few weeks back.

>> No.24126359

Is Hippolyte not as strong as I think she is? Her AoE nuke skill is crazy but I'm not sure if it only seems good to me because I'm still grinding the ~8.5k power dailies and if she falls off in usefulness later on.

>> No.24126796

Anemone sucks
I'm so tired of seeing her lightly poke the enemy instead of using her skill because she has no skill rate up

>> No.24127171

Is it just me or are these threads a lot slower than they were a few years ago?

>> No.24127389

Slower for sure

>> No.24127897

remind me, when is anniversary?

>> No.24128177

Most people probably moved on to mobile games rather than browser games since DMM games are kinda outdated in 2020 compared to mobile games these days? Popular stuff tends to get their own generals too

>> No.24128362


>> No.24128410

This thread has a discord?

>> No.24128413

No, but most DMM and/or Aigis games do, and people moved there.

>> No.24128419

*DMM and/or Nutaku games

>> No.24128643

>Magicami event boss is immune to bleed
Damnit, I was wondering why that wasn't sticking.

>> No.24128674

It's not immune to sleep or freeze though. Or if you have Ancient Wisdom Hanabi (or anyone with forget really), you can just disable her passives and still bleed her to death anyway.

>> No.24129033

Good point. I should skill up that Hanabi more.
Not quite done with all of the event stories yet but it's been pretty grim for Kaori.

>> No.24129541

Kaori is the official bully fodder for Magicami.

>> No.24131259

She is terrible for anything outside of tower, so she is not the ultimate OP unit, like Iris, Lapis and Sylvia were.

>> No.24131308

emphasis on WERE. I got to floor 12 or 13 and holy shit, punishing units like that should be illegal, poor Lapis

>> No.24131575

I feel like Char is a better character. At the very least I find myself using her more outside of tower than Reflet.

>> No.24131583
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Is there a Magicami Discord?

>> No.24132775

She's super vulnerable to stun, fortunately, so you can still mess her up with oni Kokoa (who I assume is the one you were trying to use).

>> No.24133254
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>june brides this update

Who are you looking forward to see?

>> No.24133274 [DELETED] 
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>> No.24133287
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>> No.24133473

June Bride Lily would be nice. Or any version of Lily really.

>> No.24133496

Sorry for the late reply, but from the wiki, it looks like running EX3,4,5 would be the best. Can't clear EX4 yet myself.


>> No.24134908

If "anything outside of tower" is only majin16 then yeah, she can be alright for lv15s

>> No.24135021

Feels like I fucked up not picking ES up on release before the gacha got more bloated. Dupes are so important in this game for limit breaking. Think I'll have to start raising 2-3*s instead of 4*s because most 4*s are going to be stuck at lv50 unless I roll dupes. The power spike at level 85 with Rank 5 equipment seems strong and most 4*s are never going to get to that point without a lot of luck. The lower rarities are cheaper AP wise anyways so it'll be better for running story with.

>> No.24135145

>FKG shops said restocks on 6/8
>Doesn't actually restock on 6/8 but after the maint on 6/8 which is pretty much 6/9

Dumb game

>> No.24135327

I can do the EX quests but thought it was better to do 7,8,9 since you also get the items to sell for money.

>> No.24135356

You can get gold orbs pretty easy by farming events, they usually give one enough to LB a unit.

>> No.24135772

Does the shop ever reset? Accumulating fragments for a character over time with the gold orbs doesn't sound bad if it weren't limited to two purchases per character. At best you'd only be able to get a 4* character up to level 70 with no dupes - still locked out of Rank 5.

I've only gone up to 15 affection for the characters I use however. Do you get more than 30 fragments for finishing affection?

>> No.24135828

Every month.

>> No.24135833

It resets every month, also once you get a limited character, it gets added to the orb shop and you can also buy her fragments, something similar like Priconne.
Also you get only 30 fragments by affection.

>> No.24135864

Sick, I was really afraid it would be limited to only two purchases forever or a very long wait but 1 month is really good. Do events tend to give out 60 gold orbs each like the current one?

>> No.24135891

Yeah, most of them gives you a certain amount of gold and silver orbs, you can also exchange 25k silver orbs for 90 gold orbs.

>> No.24135914

Each event should give you 90.

>> No.24135994

Wait, I just noticed that the event only has 30 gold orbs for 15k points. I had previously thought there was another 30 gold orb reward as another milestone but apparently not. Is this event supposed to also give 90 total? There are still 11 days left in the event so I'm assuming there's a part two coming up?

>> No.24136058

Yeah, if event doesn't have 90, you can kinda assume there's another part coming.
Like more tower levels and more farming tiers.

>> No.24136391

Alright. By the way, what happens if you roll a dupe when you've already max limit broken a character? Is it just a useless dupe since you don't need fragments anymore or does the game auto-convert it into some other kind of currency or something?

>> No.24136546

It does literally say before maintenance in the words for timelimit though?

>> No.24136575

You can convert the fragment into Silver or Gold orbs depending on the rarity.

>> No.24137073

Hopefully nobody I really want (I'd kill for Bride Lantana though), cause I won't be able to roll for a good while after this collab.

>> No.24137639

The only real temptation is getting Satella for me (scene-wise anyway) so I managed to resist blowing everything I have on it. Of course, there's still Summer coming up or the interesting sounding ones like Banana Ocean royalty or Chuuni.

>> No.24137902

>Banana Ocean Royalty

Do we know more or less who are they? I just remember some foreshadowing from the last event

>> No.24138845
File: 206 KB, 1132x627, Satella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stopped being lazy and cleared the last few Aqua Shadows so I could do one more roll.

>> No.24139010

I think Helianthus is the only Banana aristocrat who hasn't been introduced yet. There's also the mystery queen, but they may be waiting for an anniversary festival for her.

>> No.24140830

So who's in the new gacha for fkg? Has someone datamined it?

>> No.24141197 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.76 MB, 2426x1280, 1591597396560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for a Shangri-La Bride Event.

>> No.24141415

Nice. I just started with rance event and got them all. Had to go gor last step for this one though. Thanks God I was lucky to get shizuka in step 2.

>> No.24141501

Looks like a skip for me, thank god. I need to rebuild my stock of stones after this collab.

>> No.24141545

How's ES with free gems? Right now I feel like the game is shitting them to me via story/affection quests/login bonuses/checklists but am wondering if it will slow to a crawl once I catch up on this stuff. Also 9 10 rolls into the event banner and haven't gotten Kiyomasa yet. I'll be able to do the 10th tomorrow after getting login gems but dear lord, please let me get her. Else I'll feel like I should have saved these gems for whatever summer gacha is coming up in a month or two.

>> No.24141635

Yeah, that's another plus point about E*S, they give gems like candy from login bonuses, and plenty of missions free and event, so is quite easy to safe gems.

You can reset the story for blue orbs but that won't give you the gems again, one reset per month.

>> No.24141650

Blue orbs?

>> No.24141654

Seems like I dodged a bullet there I'm still waiting for a new Ringo tho

>> No.24141673

Aren't exactly blue since it has a shinning part in the middle you can exchange with them high rank materials and silver/gold orbs.

>> No.24141699

Very cool, I was wondering how the heck do I farm R4 and R5 materials.

>> No.24141712

You also get those from materials missions and events through points exchange/gain though is just kind of rare to see in material missions

>> No.24142002

Is there any chance they might remove the restriction for rainbow medals or at least push it forward to include more girls later down the road in flower knight girl? What's the opinion of the Japanese players and whales on this?

>> No.24142424

Anyone have the Rance event page/homescreen BGM? Being new I thought that was the actual homescreen music and am sad it's now gone and I can't find it in the garden BGM player. It was a very comfy song.

>> No.24142521

I'm a newbie at the game but messed with the team I used to clear the previous daily event in FKG and was able to clear the daily mission
I love this feeling of progression that makes you feel strong

>> No.24142857

Just clear missions in second tab from right with white circle currency They give money, level up, refill and evolve material to boost your power fast.

>> No.24142903
File: 209 KB, 1442x809, 1589563339143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up doing story mode for the last jewels I needed and... fuck me I'm never rolling on dual rate ups again unless I like both units.

>> No.24143620
File: 1.86 MB, 1272x1484, Libyan_Desert_Glass_(Bride)_6★_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a long time since I last visited here, I don't know if Jewel Princess is still a topic once in a blue moon.
There's almost a year hiatus where the wiki stopped updating due to the new encryption done to the Unity-based game, even till now nobody figured out how to unpack it.
Just about a month ago however I managed to find a (slow) workaround to getting only the standing portraits and skill icons for the characters, so I'm basically soloing the wiki updates ever since.

>> No.24143668

>supporting the mindgeek network created by a tax evading german jew


>> No.24145200

It's basically only there for tradition at this point. The DMM players hopped into the Nutaku thread during its heyday after the DMM threads couldn't stand on their own anymore and then everyone eventually fell off of Nutaku because they're a dogshit company. There are maybe a couple of people here who even still look at the site.

>> No.24148264

What's up with the arena in Deep One? A lot of people seem to make teams with only a single girl and beating those gives you more points compared to beating teams with full girls, are people making those teams on purpose so others can get more points?

>> No.24148476

Yes, PVP in this game is just grinding arena till you accumulate enough points for the SS rank rewards, no point of having a full team unless it's for flexing or being a dick.

>> No.24148610

Pretty much. It's basically the best arena I have seen, because there's no downside to just putting up 1 girl decks or attacking one girl decks. Although, not sure on the calculations, but I think hitting them with a full-team is better than a solo? Heard that the points is based on number of girls alive at the end.

>> No.24149496

I think it's the hanny theme, I didn't save it but try try searching for rance songs, they are pretty good. And maybe another anon can help us with that later.

>> No.24149525

Shouldn't went so hard after a unit unless you really liked it. I skip banners and go hard over things I went you didn't do mistake sometimes you don't get lucky. I skip banners I don't like or do first step and save for things you want.

>> No.24149693

>White circle
What currency is that? I been searching for an easy way to farm money and there's only those Nazuna missions that gives 30k or so and can't even use my tickets on them.

>> No.24149781

I really like Kiyomasa's design and her voice was a lot cuter than I expected so she's what basically made me stick with the game. I'm also new and the pickup banner seemed to have really good rates for 4*, starting at a combined rate of 6% for the first five 10 rolls with a guaranteed at the 5th, and then 8% combined rates for the next six 10 rolls with another guarantee on the 10th. I need to build a roster/get dupes still so I figured I might as well just throw gems at it.

I still have the 11th that I'm planning to do as a last desperation hope kind of thing but at this point I wouldn't even be mad if I got another Georgius. One more and I can LB her to 4* without needing to buy any frags. I'm not sure if she is strong enough to warrant investing resources in though.

>> No.24149817
File: 991 KB, 1148x654, 1563093659969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like if you have 50 progress/achievement(?) points on the new danchou card you can collect 30oo stones.

>> No.24149829

Nice, the only thing that made me stop playing the game was how boring the h-scenes were, almost all of them were the same position. Anyway, good work anon

>> No.24150870

Whats the new danchou card thing?
I saw they gave 30 single tickets too but I would have greatly appreciated 5000 stones more even if it's 20 less rolls

>> No.24151116

Those 5k stones are worth more than 30 tickets because you can at least use those stones towards a 110 roll milestone AND the gacha you use them in has 2% rainbow rates and 12% gold. The tickets draw from 0.4% rainbow rates and 6% gold.

>> No.24151439

>AND the gacha you use them in has 2% rainbow rates and 12% gold. The tickets draw from 0.4% rainbow rates and 6% gold.
its kinda scummy to have 2% rates in a gacha but 0.4% rates in others but this is probably par for the course with dmm games

>> No.24151507

It's a smidge complicated. Those ticket rates used to be the normal gacha rates. Now the base gacha rates are 1% rainbow, and the 2%/12% is very specifically only on the new unit banners, not the other pools. It's not that tickets have intentionally reduced rates or anything, it's just that they haven't been updated for that pool.

>> No.24151577

>0.4% used to be the normal gacha rates
Yikes, that must have been horrible considering those are the lowest rates i've seen in a gacha game. But I dunno why not update it all in one go since it can't be that hard.
Games like Princess connect upped their rates globally from 2% to 2.5% (4% with 2x fes) to 2.5% (5% with fes) and the change was instantly applied to all gachas, tickets and everything. Even the free rolls they give out typically land on the fes pool most of the time.

>> No.24151933 [SPOILER] 
File: 826 KB, 2340x1080, 1591652380339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lowest rates on a gacha game

Hasn't played a SQEX kusoge then (sorry for the /mbgg/ related image)

>> No.24151996


>> No.24152641

Its always fun to see how different games rank their rarity systems.

>> No.24153066

Most banners are 2% since the anniversary. It was part of their reasoning for changing the rainbow medal shop. The only one with low rates besides tickets is the 3k stone bloom gatcha.

>> No.24153085

>Adopting the standard gacha rates seen in other gacha games would be too generous so we're gutting the rainbow medal shop
Their reasoning sucks

>> No.24153152
File: 21 KB, 696x263, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From some random DMM kuso I forgot the name of

>> No.24153159

That's Princess Trigger. And yes, it's bullshit.

>> No.24153164

this is just masochism
How do people live with those rates?

>> No.24153273

I don't know, I find Libyan's split-screen mating press very hot though.

>> No.24153338

almost every h-scene there is mating press, but some are good. I just wanted they to have a little more variety

>> No.24153513

I think Inyouchu had a 0.01% chance for the LR cards, but there were only 3 in the game and you honestly didn't really need them for anything and it wasn't a big deal, so it might be something like that.

>> No.24153573

What are you talking about? Most of them are missionary or doggystyle. Only a handful are mating presses (aqua aura, alexandrite ill, libyan glass bride)

>> No.24153641

Speaking of h-scenes I'm really liking the ones from deep one, the fact that every SR and SSR gets two h-scenes with the first one not being normal sex is pretty nice, it leads to a lot of masturbation and foreplay scenes which always seem pretty rare in these types of games.
Shame they're not animated but I guess that's what allowed them to make so many.

>> No.24153887


Try checking in here.

>> No.24153949

I meant missionary, the presses are nice

>> No.24153965

Yeah, with all the animation going everyone assumed that the h-scenes would be like that too, but anyway, I like them just for the same reason you described.

>> No.24154006

Yeah it has just what I was looking for. Thank you so much for posting this.

>> No.24155341

All of them seem to be BMG straight from Rance 10, save for the last one which should be from Sengoku but might have been in 10 too.

>> No.24155384

I'd also like to know. Everything seems to cost stamina except some challenge missions that are free to enter but have a recomended power rating of 600k+.

>> No.24155519

Anyone have any tips for Djibril 4-1-3 Hard? I can't figure this map out for the life of me. Whether I bring magic units or physical, something's going to hit one of them for like 6000 damage anyway. I can't even fathom how I'm supposed to 3* this.

>> No.24155552

Shit you're right. I just went back and booted the game up again after so long and went through the BGM list and found it there too. Strange that I don't remember it at all.

>> No.24155562

As a fellow newshitter, farm the gold boost daily on Fridays (Saturday in JST time)
Every clear is 30k if you skip ticket it so you can et fat stacks of gold fast, not sure if any veteran can chime in and mention a better way to farm gold

>> No.24155785

That is what I did last weekend but I am more interested in these maps that seem to not cost stamina and also reward evolution and upgrade materials. The 80 stamina daily maps are expensive to run and only give 160 exp too so I can't rely on them to level me up for free refills.

>> No.24155872

Who could someone drop in the middle of all these invisible assassins/snipers that could take care of all of them? For the 9stamina event mission in Aigis.

Also, why did they make the version of Bride Rinne that kept her infinite cleavage the 2AW that's basically useless for her?

>> No.24155890

Will they add another limited time girl to the rainbow shop this month in fkg?

>> No.24155924

Wendy, Lapis, Hatsune

>> No.24157243

Second from right then 5th one and do all locations. When you complete each stage you get reward from missions. I also tried to rank fast and used some refills second from left second one is good for some rank.

>> No.24157318

Hero King Prince worked for me.

>> No.24157481

How come raped turnip is on the act again FM but she doesn't have act again on her skillset? Buff when?

>> No.24157496

Damn it's going to take a lot of AP to hit 360k points for the second part of the ES event. Also why include rewards past that if it's just going to be gold? Can't be more effective to keep running the event than to spend the AP directly on a gold daily could it?

>> No.24157544
File: 604 KB, 1180x663, 3588569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized these floors have themes to them.

>> No.24157549

Most important thing is gold balls extra gold at end isn't important I never bother with it. Also do you use friend booster units? Even if you skip they count.

>> No.24157620

Yeah I'm always refreshing for friend boosters. Now I really wish I had my own Kiyomasa to speed up the farming though. Doesn't seem like getting to 360k will be a problem at all on just natural regen and stamina gifts from daily event quest and login but the sooner I finish this the sooner I can get back to advancing the story.

By the way there's a second event going on that requires finishing the story on normal mode right before I can access it right? Should I actually be rushing the story right now so I can access that event or is the event super hard content that will likely destroy me before I can get any of the worthwhile rewards so I can just take my time?

>> No.24157727

By the way there's a second event going on that requires finishing the story on normal mode right before I can access it right?
Don't know desu never heard of such a thing
>is the event super hard content that will likely destroy me
Normally challenge events have stages so you can do some in the end of day lvling units in this game isn't that hard and you can build a team in no time for story you finish it and collect skip tickets only buy gold balls and play it once by using tickets every 2 months.

>> No.24157754

I think this >>24157544 is the one I'm referring to. I can't access it yet and I read on the JP wiki that it's available upon finishing story or some other unlock condition that has to do with story.

Looking at the enemies though, this doesn't look like anything a team of level 60s - 70s can handle. Might have to wait until I am able to further limit break my units.

>> No.24157765

The only event I see is tower part 2 if you mean that I don't think it's extremely hard but you might have some trouble on boss if you don't have good team. Maybe you could do until 25

>> No.24157838

Damn I regret doing 2 multis in previous banner I want the new unit in E*S so bad. Got off banner first step.

>> No.24158113

>attempt the second challenge for the event
>didn't realize there was more than one wave
I barely managed to get by the first round and then round 2 raped my ass. Good motivation to continue the grind.

>> No.24158428

E*S is pretty great, but there's will be one thing that's really annoying - big disbalance in required resources. Some items will be always at low, some will be stockpilled in hundreds, forever and ever.

>> No.24158517

It's actually pretty fun all around. Given how I enjoyed playing the first game and even pre-registered for WW I'm surprised I didn't start this sooner. Resource disbalance is something I'm used to in other games so I don't think it'll bother me here at least.

>> No.24159900

Grinding getys boring thanks God for skip tickets.
Finished them all even the dragon with many heads.

>> No.24160408
File: 172 KB, 1147x647, Bakin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snipped her on my first roll which is nice since my gems are hurting a bit from doing all the steps for Gawain.

>> No.24161486

>This preview for Raven Tengu Hanabi
Damnit. So this is how they're going to get fans of other girls to roll girls they don't care for.

>> No.24161637

So, is it a 3P or is Kokoa's futa-dick ravaging Hanabi?

>> No.24161651

It's the latter

>> No.24162007

Futa-on-futa via dick-growing mushrooms. The usual.

>> No.24162151

Looks like I called it when someone mentioned the Google Ad advertised full voices. They really are going to implement it retroactively now. Are Chapter 17 and onwards full-voice already or is it just a thing they will do latter on?


・ CHAPTER16 までの全てのエピソードをフルボイス化

・ CHAPTER16 までの一部のエピソードについて演出を改善・調整

・ CHAPTER16 までの全てのバトルについて難易度を改善・調整

・ CHAPTER17~19 のバトル「ノーマル」「ハード」について難易度を調整

Well, I expecte- >>24162007, well, the game certainly knows how to add an extra element that I didn't see coming.

>> No.24162827

oh thank god she's not top tier, skip

>> No.24163247

Maybe on other days try farming other currencies. Some of them can be exchanged in the shop for gold every month.
Right now, it would be best to save up on stamina pots and skip tickets. I think the next event will also feature the extra earthworm mission which gets you flower medals. Flower medals are the best way to get high ampys. They can also be exchanged for LOTS of gold. Also as a bonus for everyone defeating the earthworm x amount of times, there will be a stamina cost down and a 2.xx gold up campaign afterwards.

>> No.24163986

The danchou thing just allows other to see your current helper party and favorites and also lets you write a small greeting message. Clicking the arrows on the bottom right displays some pages of progress into the end game and some stats.

>> No.24164287

Fuck. Was hoping it wasn't double futa.
Oh well, damage done, only took 30 rolls at least.

>> No.24165236

Are there any english communities/ clans or whatever for Magicami? Started playing early january-ish and took a break until it got released for android, just starting to get back in. I literally can't understand shit but I've been getting by with harshly translated wiki pages. Mainly just need a group to join for Black 5. Also, is it better to stack DEF or ATK on royal guard Ao?

>> No.24165263

>Also, is it better to stack DEF or ATK on royal guard Ao?
You should stack SPEED

>> No.24165321

She gets to move from her passive and Wine Kaori. While you don't want her to just sit there and take it, she doesn't need to fully stack speed.

>> No.24165368

(samefag) plus, if this is in context of black 5, you don't really want speed that much, as you only get limited amount of moves anyway.

>> No.24166026

>Also, is it better to stack DEF or ATK on royal guard Ao?
While she does get a small damage bonus from her defense, she already has really high defense. I'd probably level it out with some attack since hers is on the low side and counters are only a fraction of your normal attack damage as is. You could also consider adding some resistance so that you don't get your passive locked out or become unable to use her second skill.

>> No.24167118

Is the only way to increase skill levels in FKG through combining same skills or the special flowers? No farmable fodder units that can be used to substitute like Rainbow Fairies from Aigis?

>> No.24167770

Yes, you can only get those from exchange and if you want dupe flowers to unlock a space those comes from paid deals only

>> No.24169091

>She is terrible for anything outside of tower
Actual retard here

>> No.24169605
File: 259 KB, 1432x812, 1589563339145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3k FS banner

>> No.24170156

FKG definitely has a bias for huge tits
All the big breasted girls have these amazingly good or stupidly busted skillsets while the smaller girls never get any love

>> No.24170272
File: 292 KB, 576x687, illust_76187350_20190825_033940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats on getting the cutest hanakishi

>> No.24170408

apple's muuhuaa yell is kind of annoying though

>> No.24170460

Not really small girls but ccording to this list: >>24068370

There's plenty of variety imo

>> No.24170462
File: 1.50 MB, 1643x1265, Ghost_Crystal_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FKG definitely has a bias for huge tits
You haven't seen jewel princess yet. Flat chest is an actual rare commodity over here, maybe 1-2 a year if you're lucky.

>> No.24170496

I have nothing against breasts but I really hate the meme where each tit is of the size of the character's head. They're not even breasts at that point, just oversized balloons.

>> No.24170544

Is Bride Gekkabijin super broken or something? Although isn't it just a form of powercreep? Looking at the tier list, it's almost everyone new. I remembered when Lantana was touted as one of the broken ones and now she's A+.

>> No.24170953
File: 315 KB, 1500x1061, Dcd4YunVQAA-zEc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's an acquired taste

>> No.24171067

How generous is the game with rolls and how easy/hard is it to unlock the h scenes? Might just pick it up because I like cow tits.

>> No.24171133

Lantana's not useful because of her combat abilities, but rather the Sword Panels buffs that you can provide to all parties, which can make buff up for 1.3x Skill act.
This means you can open up the opportunity to use an additional party member without skill act and still reach 100% activation rate for certain setups.
But... Choco Cosmos Easter does the same thing now so you can have an alternative.

As for Bride Gekkabijin, it will most likely depend on maps. The negate+party guts definitely will have some uses on certain maps. It will even allow you to survive turn 3 Laeva post-enrage now.
However, the rest of her abilities are trash for any offensive setup as you want to go all out or nothing for the most parts.

Just an example of her usage at Bergamot Nushi. https://twitter.com/HAL0620JION/status/1270285480253222914

>> No.24171215

Looks the kinda buff that Ixia would get to her Abilities.

>> No.24171299

DId Freesia get forgotten by the devs? She's in the lowest of the low tier and doesn't even have a bloom art when she's so cute.

>> No.24171579

Anyone else having issues loading into any maps in FKG right now? It is always getting stuck at the last bits for me, like 43/49 or 46/51.

>> No.24171621 [DELETED] 

No issues on my end.

>> No.24171756

I was spamming skip tickets on Memory Dungeon which worked fine, but any Secret Gardens that cropped up froze on 6/31.

>> No.24171880
File: 952 KB, 1120x630, Diamond_PremiumCG1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your main salary will be to do the weekly arena PvP. Objective of free players is to try and get A-S rank, which is definitely doable (SS+ is whales territory). Once you have your salary up, the amount of rolls you can do is decent.
Currently the game has a daily free draw until the 24th, good time for new players to jump in.
Unlocking the scenes are pretty easy since all you need is 1 copy and lob them with gifts like Aigis, and they give so many gifts it's effortless.
Currently I'm on my way to writing a more comprehensive new player guide for the wiki, though it'll take some time.

>> No.24171941

tl;dr Collecting is very easy, events often just throw 1 copy at you for little effort and you just feed them gifts to unlock scenes at your pleasure; developing a fully leveled character is a different matter, it costs a lot of farmable resources and in most cases for jewelia, lots of gacha.

>> No.24172076

Yeah, I'm getting stuck at 28/56 trying to do manyu dailies.

>> No.24172148

I personally run +%DEF on knight Ao to boost what she's already good at, then pair with 2019 Akisa's ATT/DEF buff.

>> No.24172899

Looks like we are getting 200 FS.

>> No.24174012

Are 6* only obtained through upgrading and paid gacha? Just looked at all of the banners that use crystals to roll and all of them have 0% 6* rates.

>> No.24174324

Not enough
There's only 2 in S+ out of 9 and 6 out of 21 in A+, that's not even enough for a full team and much less a party.

>> No.24174391

Stars aren't a way to measure rarity in Jewel Princess since you can upgrade everyone to 6* (like "priconne"), one you reach 6* they unlock a new artwork, their rarity is something more like

>Silver cover=common
>Gold cover=premium

You also need dupes to uncap them, and once you reach max with some premium, you can transform then in 2 different forms (light/dark)

>> No.24174476

>Is not enough for a team, much less than a party

This is the problem when people release tiers, people stop thinking on what they can use and only goes for "muh stats" >>24174324

Let me see your logic

>S+ "the game is just an auto walk"
>S "must have"
>A+ "good but you will struggle"
>A and downwards "fucking useless"

You aren't obliged to use top tier units and clear everything within less than 2 turns.

>> No.24174492

theres no logic, argument or anything though. it's just a small complaint about how there's not enough of what I like.

>> No.24174554

To be honest in any kusoge it would be hard to do a team of cute top broken skillset girls.

>> No.24174589

I can do it in all the ones i'm playing right now which is a huge reason of why I stuck to them. It's a lot easier to get invested in a game and motivate yourself to continue when you feel like the game panders to you personally.
Completely unrelated to the thread or the games here though, I'm just sharing my opinion on the other games I play and not putting down or shitting on any game because if I didn't like them then I wouldn't be here in the first place.

>> No.24174667

Being hard doesn't mean impossible but you're already confirming that you can't even do a team that fits your criteria in this game, then why trying to stick with it?

>> No.24174933

So essentially 5* are the actual highest rarity in the game?

>> No.24174947

I really like the priconne system and wish more games would use it because it tosses rarity out the window and everyone can be extremely good even if they're 1*

>> No.24175001

>just also got Hollyhock from a single gacha ticket
Just what am I unknowingly sacrificing for being able to luckshit so much on 0.4% rates?

>> No.24175028

best part of that game for me is the focus on young and petite personally

>> No.24175044

It's 0.5% for tickets but kys luckfag anyways

>> No.24175111
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Has anyone ripped Kamipro OST III album already?
Don't make me buy it anon-tachi.

>> No.24177765
File: 892 KB, 1104x1171, Pearl_(Swimsuit)_6★_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stars don't matter, all jewel princesses can go to 6-stars and evolving to 6-star is cheap.

>> No.24178063

I hope that's not their only answer to this. I don't have her and I still can't do any maps. There's something else going on.

>> No.24179683

Think of star-ratings as Aigis "class change", the actual rarity you should check is if the girl is a Jewelia (SSR) or a Jewel Princess (R, SR)

>> No.24182064

Does farming gold ever get easier in FKG?
Think I might just be trying to play too fast blooming 3 girls in a week from just starting out but feels like I need millions when it costs 80 stamina for ~24k.
I saw that honor medals can be traded for 100k gold in wares but they're only obtainable through limited time events so RIP.

>> No.24182149

Some anon mentioned that next event could be one of those earthworm events that give medals for a really nice shop and a 2.xx gold up campagn follows so that could be the best time to nut a large amount of skip tickets on gold for easy money

>> No.24182312

Alright guess I'll save my stamina pots for that. Wonder if I should just focus on trying to rank up as much as possible for now then so that I'll have a larger stamina cap to get more value out of the refills.

>> No.24182727

What's your current stamina and how strong is your main team?
The main quests give the best xp rates, so clearing all of them is the fastest way to level up. There's a bunch of annoying RNG panels in the later stages though and you need at least like 3-4 teams of bloomed gold knights to clear all of it.
If you haven't completed all the rewards for the current event that's also a good place to sink stamina, there's a lot of gold and other stuff in there. Usually priority number 1 for me, but I wouldn't spend pots on it.

>> No.24182968

>There's a bunch of annoying RNG panels in the later stages though
I hope they do away with this shit sometime. One of the most annoying mechanics I've experienced in these kinds of games. At first I thought the point of these was to make players run teams with varied speeds but it actually feels like pure RNG because I've full cleared some RNG maps just by trying the same setup enough times until it works.

In any case I'm far from having extra teams of bloomed gold+ knights. Money for leveling and evolutions/blooms is really tight right now. Not sure if I should be working on my other teams before I fully bloom my main team either. I would at the very least evolve the entirety of my second string team if I could but no gold.

>> No.24183072

It's actually just pure RNG, got so bad I was considering writing a script to just skip all missions (doesn't look like they verify if you actually beat it). At least they haven't done this bullshit in any of the newer stages they're adding.

Evo gives a bigger stat boost than bloom, but for team power abilities are the main thing that matters. Definitely bloom your 6*s first so you can get at least one good team.

The event has something like ~360k in there, and there will be more next week.
If you have a strong ally (their team is >200k) they might be able to carry you through one of the memory dungeons, and you can trade those for 200k gold as well.

>> No.24183717
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Your logic makes sense only if the content actually allows you to survive two turns. Most recent end game contents has been able to 1 shot your team in a turn, if not leaving your non-tanky party crippled.
Blindly following the tier list will get you nowhere. You're definitely not obligated to use top tiers, but it will make your life easier. Perhaps other game's tier list left you with bad taste as their tier list blindly creating parties for you? Unfortunately, FKG is not the case... having 4 RG'd RR will still not be an auto walk game. If you just tried to make a party with nothing but 5 S+ members on the list then it will still be shit. It probably mean you haven't been exposed to any basic end game mechanics.

The list is there to point out the broken/useful ones, then you can figure and understand why they're outstanding in their own ways, which hopefully then you can try to make a functioning party on your own. Besides, no one said cute girls can't be strong, you just got to figure out where they shine.

>> No.24183767

Who are you replying to? That was my point, I'm just trying to see behind the other anon's logic and his obsession over what he defines cute and what he defines as skillbroken.

>> No.24183807

My bad tagged the wrong person. Leaving it up as the general statement I guess.

>> No.24183869
File: 1.38 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2020-06-08-03-38-15-781_jp.co.dmm.games.flower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just got Hagi from the tickets

There might be some leaning towards higher rarity in this batch

Thanks Nazuna

>> No.24183982

From my impressions so far FKG doesn't really seem like a game where it's important to minmax esport so I don't see why it should feel bad if your favorite rainbows are not considered broken or even if they're considered worse than some 5*. Party composition seems to be the most important factor and I'm sure you can make parties of cute petite girls while still having their abilities complement one another well.

Don't think there's anything to worry about unless they add pvp or clan wars but given how long the game has been running without the inclusion of those I think it's safe to assume that the player base generally doesn't want it because those things tend to be cancer or make the game less comfier.

>> No.24183986

>If you have a strong ally (their team is >200k) they might be able to carry you through one of the memory dungeons, and you can trade those for 200k gold as well.

Just an addition to the recommendation by the other Anon. Try this technique for farming FM Maps with your ally's help if you're too weak.

Grab like 2-3 parties of slow speed girls, and fit the parties with enough Memory Points to meet the map requirement (61+). Then pick a decent helper and they will carry the map for you without you needing to engage the map. You can always skip ticket the maps after clearing, of course.

>> No.24184013

What are FM maps? Flower Medals?
I'd give it a try but I'm low enough level where the friends I can choose from usually peak at around 120-140k power only.

>> No.24184040
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>> No.24184050

damn dudes I hard dodged the topic trying to get away from it and you guys are still talking about it 12 hours later. Let me see if I can get the point across this time to avoid any arguing about dumb shit.

I'm not looking to argue. I'm not looking to discuss anything here. I'm not looking for people to tell me what's good or not and I'm not looking for people to put together a team for me. I'm not saying that the game sucks and not saying that I'm not having fun or anything at all similar.
The post you guys are going off at is merely a thoughtless statement like how someone might complain that it's hot during a summer day or how someone might curse at the producer/mascot of a gacha game for failing to get who they wanted when they really mean nothing by it. The post starts with "I wish the game had actually cute girls with broken skillsets" and ends there too because I was browsing the skillsets of characters and found myself wishing that when most of the busted stuff goes to the super big titty girls like a random shower thought and that is simply it.
Your cute is different from my cute? Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that's a completely different argument.

>> No.24184051

Flower Memory, there-s a shop so you can exchange those stones in the exchange shop.

>> No.24184165

>most of the busted stuff goes to the super big titty girls
Black Baccara and Yukata Geranium are both low on the rainbow list though. ;_;

>> No.24184270

Do you want to post your FKG ID and maybe some of us can help?

>> No.24184382

I don't want to be dead weight on a friends list so I'll refrain for now and just take things a bit slower but thanks for offering.

>> No.24184642

Don't worry about it, clearing out main storyline and a few quests opens up to 119 friend list slots at the moment. No need to be reserve, go ahead and send out request to people in RB result menu, or just add randoms who are showing up as osusume's on helper selection.

>> No.24185364

>From my impressions so far FKG doesn't really seem like a game where it's important to minmax esport so I don't see why it should feel bad if your favorite rainbows are not considered broken or even if they're considered worse than some 5*.
No matter the game, it always feels bad if your favorite is shit. It's pretty natural to want your favorites to be the very best and to use them everywhere so it must feel pretty shitty to dump all your resources and stuff on a character you like but they're still useless and all you did was waste those resources.

>> No.24185818

>they're still useless and all you did was waste those resource
That's obviously not the case with FKG. I don't think there are any truly shitty rainbows outside of a very select few. A lot of them probably look weak when compared to the top tiers but it hardly means they're unusable. It should only feel like a waste of resources if you are a closet esportsfag that puts merit over your waifu.

>> No.24185855
File: 224 KB, 373x263, 9339817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got the girl I wanted from E*S.

She reminds me of that girl from Napoleon Dynamite

>> No.24187937

How do multiple Act Again abilities work in FKG? Like if Silk Tree, who enables other party members a small chance of acting again, is in a party full of characters that have their own Act Again ability, then do the numbers stack? Or are they separate instances? And can a character act 3 times in a turn this way or is it still limited to 2?

>> No.24188391
File: 569 KB, 2232x790, Act again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All act again abilities from Silk Tree/Scotch/Flower Memories will stack with girl's own Act Again buffs. The buff is simply additive to base value. Act again can only happen once per turn.

>> No.24188406

