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File: 49 KB, 800x600, FSN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
239530 No.239530 [Reply] [Original]

Holy Shit the FSN VN is awesome compared to Tsukihime VN

>> No.239537

Its better paced.

>> No.239548

>FSN VN is awesome compared to Tsukihime VN, and both are as awesome as emailing moot to ask where frames went.

>> No.241275

I thought Tsukihime was better done.

>> No.241282

Tsukihime is better, i think that the OP meant to say how better is visually.

>> No.241286


I lol'd.

>> No.241297


I'm gonna fucking do that. You can't trace IPs from E-Mails.

>> No.241300
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I liked shiki more, he was not such a shithead like shirou and raped Arc and Kohaku

>> No.241308

Shiki > Shirou

Tsukihime VN = F/SN VN

F/SN Animu > Tsukihime VN

>> No.241310


Shiki had a lot more problems IMO, Roa made him do bad shit but he was still awesome. Shirou is just a shithead crying about being a tree-hugging spandex-wearing superhero like Aquaman.

>> No.241314

> Also Tsukihime manga > FSN manga

>> No.241317

In after shitty opinions

>> No.241320

Protip: Look at the headers of the email.

>> No.241323



>> No.241324
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>> No.241328
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>> No.241329

I'm sure it's been asked before, but I've never installed this kind of thing before. I already installed the game and played it for a couple of hours, but now I wanna use voices too. I will still have my saves after I install the voices using Realta Nua, right?

And can I install Realta Nua to an external, rather than my main drive when the original FSN is on the main drive and will the voices still work?

>> No.241332

>>F/SN Animu > Tsukihime VN

>> No.241333


Shirou approves of rape as a way to teach girls how to act feminine.

>> No.241342

By that logic F/SN animu > Tsukihime VN = F/SN VN.
>F/SN animu > F/SN VN
Does not fucking compute

>> No.241338


Whoops, meant Animu on the end as well.

>> No.241346



>> No.241351


Didn't know what he was talking about either. There is no Tsukihime anime.

>> No.241354


Yeah yeah, we get the joke, but for the sake of comparison, fuck you, I'm using it.

>> No.241363

>And can I install Realta Nua to an external, rather than my main drive when the original FSN is on the main drive and will the voices still work?
HAHAHAHA no. also you are not installing realta nua. just the audio files.
not to sure about the gamesave though.

>> No.241366

what are you people talking about?
Tsukihime VN >>>> FSN VN

>> No.241371

If I install the latest FS/N patch (the UBW one) will the fate route be translated as well or do I have to install multiple shits?

>> No.241390

UBW patch is enough

>> No.241392



>> No.241417


>> No.241426

>Two swords
>A pair of swords
>A pair of trousers
>Two trouser

>> No.241428

>Two swords
>A pair of swords
>A pair of trousers
>Two trousers

>> No.241461

We've still only played a little more than half of FSN at this point.

>> No.241500

and that's enough to realize wich one is superior.

>> No.241532

Actually, Heaven's Feel is longer than Fate and UBW combined.

>> No.241550


Really? Might be worth waiting for now

>> No.241553


So? you have to play 2 shitty routes first to start enjoying the game? fuck no!

>> No.241564

No, it's not. it's the longest route, but not near that long.

>> No.241571

weak troll is weak

>> No.241584
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>> No.241592

i actually quite enjoyed all of the routes. even fate with its genericness.

>> No.241608
File: 26 KB, 640x368, 1205854601314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>F/SN Animu > Tsukihime VN

>> No.241612


Fate was great, even if it only had one ending and it was horrible. UBW gave everything Fate lacked, and unless you didn't like Rin, it was spectacular, save the lack of an epic last battle (unless you count Shirou v. Archer). GTFO troll.

>> No.241616


See my correction, and still the 10 post shitstorm that ensues. Fucking blind people.

>> No.241657

I doubt I'll ever fully enjoy F/SN considering Shirou makes me rage so much

>> No.241670

No, Fate was really mediocre, nothing about it was spectacular. UBW is better but it's really uneven, the Caster arc was really bland, the last battle lacked epicness and Rin didn't get that much development. The only epic things about that route were Lancer and Shirou vs Archer.
So far Tsukihime was far more solid.

>> No.241683
File: 169 KB, 1024x768, 1205855249766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantom of Inferno is superior to both, better plot, better characters, better pacing and better fights

>> No.241698

Read through the first half-hour. Looked like shit. My friend game me his copy (which he bought in a bargain-bin for $5) because of that, but I haven't touched it since.

>> No.241702

Comparing Tsukihime to FSN is retarded, they are completely different. Tsukihime is more about Shiki's developing relations with other characters (SHIKI, Roa, Arcuied, The maids, etc). FSN is about the holy grail war and Shirou discovering himself, and somewhat about relationships. Of course Tsukihime is going to feel more solid because everything is pretty much straight forward, in FSN however, its about a guy who finds himself in a very complex situation very suddenly.

>> No.241723

Go play it, faggot.

>> No.241731

Tsukihime is way better.

you have to be blind to not notice it.

>> No.241737

My opinion is superior to yours.

>> No.241739

But the plot seemed really cheesy, and I can't stand looking at the guy with the GIGANTIC NOSE.

>> No.241740

He also manages to be an ass most of the time, making both the other chars AND the player rage. It has better graphics but no Ilya route.

He is also ginger.

Tsukihime > FSN

>> No.241741

The problem is the execution, Shirou's development wasn't that well done, especially since the writing is kind of lacking. Add to that a general blandness and you have a game that have a lot of good idea but doesn't manage to live up to them.

>> No.241752

The plot of POI is great, it wasn't made by Nitro+ for nothing, if you could tolerate Tsukihime or FSN then there's nothing in it that could stop you.

>> No.241755

Get your decent VNs out of here. This thread is for popular shit.

>> No.241757

I find FSN to be some kind of shonen trying too hard to be seinen. and Shirou makes me rage.

>> No.241762
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>> No.241763

Okay, fine. I'll give it one more go.

>> No.241777

I know I'm probably gonna generate a lot of RAGE for this but... can I get a link to UBW english translation thing that was released recently...

>> No.241786

Use a walkthrough, the game gets really awesome during the second chapter and become fucking epic in the third.

>> No.241794

mirrormoon's site, dawg
hope u got ur realta nua disc ready

>> No.241816
File: 856 KB, 1280x960, 1205856690122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cal>>>>>>>>>>Anyone in Tsukihime or FSN


>> No.241820

Listen to this man. He is an expert.

>> No.241829


>> No.241837


You don't need a RN ISO anymore

>> No.241838

>hope u got ur realta nua disc ready


Also English, mother, speak, etc.

>> No.241841

Tsukihime was better,some parts in FSN were plain boring.Reading Shirou's daily menu for Saber or whoever bitch was there isn't fun nor interesting.

>> No.241843
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Both versions are good.

>> No.241860
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>> No.241861

>>241757 trying too hard
This sums up Tsukihime pretty well.

>> No.241898
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>> No.241920
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>> No.241923
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>> No.241938
File: 102 KB, 800x600, 1205857994353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.241947

Proof than you shouldn't try to hurt a pedo's loli.

>> No.241949

he ain't coming back, honey.
