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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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No.2410515 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me, or did all the annoying and idiotic posters (with the exception of a few tripfags) suddenly stop posting?

>> No.2410519

its you

>> No.2410525

I thought the same, then I realized I had most of them filtered.
Although the anon one sure have.
And now you realize this thread will bring them back.

>> No.2410526

You could continue the trend by posting additional pictures of insufficiently clothed Taiga.

>> No.2410529

lmao, mugenjohncel appears as soon as you posted that.

>> No.2410530
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>> No.2410533

No, bro.

The tripfags are still here.

>> No.2410537

They never leave.

>> No.2410538

The bad tripfags are here.
The bad anon... are at Sakuracon?
I'll lose all hope in /jp/ if this is true..

>> No.2410544
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>> No.2410545

Nope, still here.

>> No.2410546

It's all Sakuracon's fault.

>> No.2410547

The wolf is the protector of Japan. My spiritual connection with the Japanese wolves chased them out.

>> No.2410548

Oh? Where is he? I request a dead girls thread on /c/

>> No.2410549

Why? let's just enjoy it while we can.
There were some good thread in the morning, and I was amazed.

>> No.2410552

Weekend is usually WORSE than weekday /jp/

>> No.2410555

He said annoying and idiotic. Not sexy and entertaining.

>> No.2410567

That's a shame, I slept in.

>> No.2410571

You are correct, I COMPLETELY misread op, I thought he was saying that the the idiotic posters are posting. Now that I see what he said I'm wondering what the fuck he's thinking.

>> No.2410573

Go back to /a/ you faggot.

>> No.2410575

I am enjoying it, but it just makes me realize that the bulk of the people on /jp/ every other weekend and weekday of the year are all a bunch of retards probably from /b/ who go on Gaia and go to anime conventions.
It makes me really sad to think I was just arguing with them a few days ago.

>> No.2410576

Filtered tripfags:
Arcueid Brunestud; CurryButt; Shion; Gogeta SSJ5; Taibro Bro Brother; athens; Giant Wolf of Darkness; Remillia Scarlet.

/jp/ has been great today.

>> No.2410579

Hey!... at least I don't post my Dead Touhous here anymore... I'm into Lucky Star Guro now...

>> No.2410582

Were you hear this morning?
/jp/ was great.
We had DISCUSSIONS and threads with NO DRAMA.
Even the metathreads didn't have drama, they were just deleted.

>> No.2410586

You're making me blush.

>> No.2410587

That's more than half of all of /jp/'s posters.

>> No.2410590

I thought you left over a year ago or so

>> No.2410593

Everything is a cycle and nothing is good forever.
We'll find a place suitable for us soon.

>> No.2410595

Anonymous posters account for around 2 million of the 2.4 million posts.
Try again.

>> No.2410596
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>> No.2410599

Oh? I was actually gone late morning but I do recall a lot of shit threads earlier, random /b/ and japanese bird

>> No.2410600

You like the "/jp/ translate this for me" threads?

>> No.2410612

Nah, there were some of those threads, but we had some good discussions this morning, go look over at the archive.

>> No.2410618


>> No.2410619

I thought the cyclic nature of the worst time of a board was already clear.
Once X part time is announced to be better, it will gradually decrease it's quality, hence being a cycle.

>> No.2410624

You should ask Arisa out on a date.

>> No.2410632

I don't see what you mean, you can just ignore that like I do and search for the good threads.

>> No.2410638

I have not seen more than two posts complaining about tripfags today.
/jp/ is doing pretty well.

>> No.2410646

The filtering script have been distributed more widely in the board

>> No.2410654

And they said we needed forced anon.

>> No.2410670

What is a good thread for /jp/?

>> No.2410671

Haha... I always knew she's Pinoy based on how she reacted on my earlier work... but I can't... I'm engaged actually.

>> No.2410679

A good discussion about science and metaphysics

>> No.2410680


>> No.2410681

I think the annoying and idiotic posters just started posting with tripcodes.

>> No.2410682

Meta-threads like this.

>> No.2410692

Add mugenjohncel and Pygmalion to the list

>> No.2410696


Wow, forgive my surprise.

Well done anyway. There is hope it seems.

>> No.2410699

There aren't going to be many tripfags left. ;_;

>> No.2410704
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>> No.2410720

Go out with me.

>> No.2410721

I browse /jp/ unfiltered under the idea that even the worst of people can do at least one good thing in their lifetime.

>> No.2410731

Filtering Scripts?... What for?...

Don't you think it's better to read a complete thread than an incomplete one... hey!... I'm old but 4chan has taught me a LOT... I just manually filter whats good for my health rather let some script dictate what I should do... right?

>> No.2410839

I'll filter you

>> No.2410856

We are talking about people who joined up in 2007 and 2008.
These people didn't go to old /a/, or old /b/, or any other boards in 2003-2006
I was a /b/-tard in 2006, but even I know better than they do it seems.

>> No.2410868

Ah, but if they do create something worth reading it'll probably be quoted, in which case I can simply use /b/ackwash to glance at their post.

Isn't scripting wonderful?

>> No.2410872

Indeed, when someone quotes someone filtered, I just check the archive.

>> No.2410877

Only when they seem worth reading, of course

>> No.2410879

Isn't that redundant?
I mean, do you constantly scan over the name field to make sure it's not post by [namefag] or [tripfag]?
Man, /jp/ sure has showed me how much like /a/ it truly is.

>> No.2410889

I'm not seeing the point either.

>> No.2410890

Oh, hello.

>> No.2410894

Sometimes I wish there was a better way of blocking tripfags.
Like making the name field Anonymous or some shit.

>> No.2410901

Make a css where the name color is the same as the background, if you care that much.

>> No.2410903

tripfags have longer/shorter names than Anonymous

>> No.2410906

Tripfag comments are imbued with dark magic. Once someone starts reading, they can't stop, causing them to go mad.

>> No.2410908

Try making the entire top of the post the same color.

>> No.2410911

That's mostly my philosophy, but I do have Arc blocked because in all these months I have never once seen him make a post that wasn't a shitpost.

>> No.2410922

It's not the fact that someone is a tripfag what bothers, it's the fact that a selected few tripfags annoy the fuck out of everyone. See the list, for it's also the list of people who should die a horrible death.

>> No.2410937

Well then I can understand, but I don't understand people who cry FORCED ANONYMOUS and block all tripfags with the filter script, and then proceed to whine about every tripfag.
But blocking the annoying ones like Arc, Goegeta, etc. I can fully understand.

>> No.2410952

And Taiko and Gogeta did?

>> No.2410966

Ah, a question for the script users. Do you block tripfags by name or by trip?

>> No.2410986
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>> No.2410993

>> Gogeta SSJ5 !s.90000/nc 04/11/09(Sat)18:54 No.2410986

>> No.2410996

Wouldn't you block by both?

>> No.2410997

first post accuracy damn

>> No.2411001

Blocking ALL tripfags is plain stupid.
And not everyone complains about all of them, I've seen quality ones, and some of them I even respect.
Also, forced anonymous would only cause problems, here's the simple theory:
People need attention, it gives them power like faith would do a god, tripcodes, aside from other benefits, allows them to obtain this, the fact that we refer to them, etc. Now, how would you do this with forced anonymous? You can, but in an indirect way, and it's outcome is even more annoying than tripcodes.

>> No.2411005

Taiko made me laugh a few times before his spamming got out of hand. Gogeta's a pretty new tripfag and I'm hoping he will go back to /a/ or get permabanned.

I also try to filter out as many variations of baww.jpg as I can because they add absolutely nothing to a thread and that face is really annoying.

>> No.2411008

i wanna block u

>> No.2411010


>> No.2411016

There's something on userscripts for this.

>do you constantly scan over the name field to make sure it's not post by [namefag] or [tripfag]?

What? The filter automatically hides posts matching certain criteria (comment including the word GIRUGAMESH for example), but it doesn't hide poeple quoting said post.

Therefore, if someone responds in a positive manner to something I have blocked I can hover over the quote to have a window with said post pop up temporarily.

>> No.2411017
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>> No.2411021

I wouldn't know. I don't use the script. Blocking both sounds a little redundant and inaccurate. AoC, for exampe. They're two people that share the same name (well, used to).

>> No.2411023

Jesus christ, you guys have successfully managed to troll me with your inanity in this thread.

>> No.2411024
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>> No.2411025

>People need attention, it gives them power like faith would do a god, tripcodes, aside from other benefits, allows them to obtain this, the fact that we refer to them, etc.
I don't really think so. I only do this because I spend too much time on here and it'd make me sad not to get to know anyone else, I think.
But maybe that sounds lame.

>> No.2411026

forum regionalism is worst than adolf hilter

>> No.2411030

Why would you block AoC?
Plus, those filtered tripfags have quite stupid, long names nobody would be stupid enough to reproduce.

>> No.2411034
File: 60 KB, 451x385, ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was once a sensible poster and before that I was a quiet lurker who learned the ways of /jp/ before breaking out of my cocoon and embracing the world before me that was this board.

One day I posted with a trip inside a “living in Japan” thread because of OP's pic which was of the game Taiko no Tatsujin. This was where I got my name from and how it all started.

For a short while I got along with Anonymous just fine, but slowly and slowly, more and more Anons started to call me names such as "tripfag" and "gay". I was confused.

Not knowing what I did wrong, I continued browsing as usual, slowly noticing that most if not all conflicts in /jp/ had one thing in common, that they were between Anon and Trippers. It finally occurred to me that posting with a trip attracts negative attention unless you're Kordox who does nothing but dumps images of dolls.

I was saddened by my discovery that just by merely posting with a trip I could be shunned from the rest of the board. I only wanted to fit in.

Not being able to do anything about it, the quality of my posts dropped more and more as I fell deeper into depression each day. Eventually I came to loathe the collective known as Anonymous and started to purposely start horrible threads in my efforts to annoy Anon.

>> No.2411036

>aside from other benefits

>> No.2411037

Like I said, it's redundant.
When people quote someone else you don't use /b/ackwash to see who they are quoting?
Of course you do, but that is where my question comes in.
Do you actually look at the name field when you do this?
It just seems so pointless if you're going to probably see their shitty posts anyway.
You put way to much faith into people NOT quoting annoying tripfags.
It doesn't matter if you do or not, I'm just kind of confused how you work with the filter AND /b/ackwash.

FINALLY, someone who sees things the same way I do.
Forced anon wouldn't solve the attention problem for people like Gogetta, Taiko, etc.
In fact it would probably back lash and make things worse.
People don't seem to understand that they are attention seeking trolls/shitposters, their name just makes it so much easier to get attention, but if they want it they'll get it, forced anon or not.

>> No.2411039

Yeah, that sounds pretty lame.

>> No.2411047

Thread is now Godwined

>> No.2411048
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I know, I know!

>> No.2411051

whoa can i get some cliffnotes on this bitch

>> No.2411056

I don't block AoC (or anyone for that matter). I'm just using the name as an example of redundancy. A trip alone should be more than sufficient. If you wanted to block me, !Du1A6pui8g is more than enough since I change my name all the time.

>> No.2411059

A lot of people probably just block by name instead of trip.

>> No.2411063

How could this happen to you?

>> No.2411066

Anonymous's hate for tripfags makes me sad. Sadness makes a worse poster.

>> No.2411067
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>> No.2411070

It had to be pointed out! Also, I mostly post as Anonymous but I occasionally feel like being edgy and misunderstood.

>> No.2411073

Even tough it gives a bit of curiosity, I never look at filtered post even if they have been quoted for I have blocked them for a reason, of course, I don't just go blocking everyone, but for example, everyone knows now what to expect from a post made by Taiko or Gogeta, so they are blocked.

>> No.2411083

We only hate tripfags who are also shitposters.
You're not blocked for a reason.

>> No.2411084

It's a better reason than mine. I just got tired of leaving 3 out of 5 fields empty.

>> No.2411088

>I'm just kind of confused
I can see that, mate.

>> No.2411092

I'm just summarizing someone else. Perhaps I should've quoted.

>> No.2411093

ITT Spring Break Anons censoring their own internet.

Smooth move, bros.

>> No.2411096


>> No.2411110

A name would suffice
Some cases require tripcodes filtering
Either way, idiots get blocked and that's what matters.

>> No.2411122

You should have indeed
>Spring Break
How ironic.
And there's no spring break where I live.

>> No.2411127

I want a script that puts certain tripfags as anonyous but lets ones I like show up as who they are.

>> No.2411121 [DELETED] 

I want a script that puts certain tripfags as anonyous but lets ones I like show up as who they are.

>> No.2411133

You can sort of start to tell who's who after a while anyway, so I'm not sure that it would make a difference.

>> No.2411138

You like some tripfags? They all come over as idiots to me.

>> No.2411139

That's just stupid.
It's the shitty posts and images that some of them post that are worth blocking, if anything.
How does the name field affect your enjoyment of the board?

>> No.2411142
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>Tripfags drama thread
>100+ posts, thread still alive
Well at least one thing is sure : tripfags won.

>> No.2411148


>> No.2411151

Tripfags ALWAYS win.
And /jp/ wonders why

>> No.2411152

sup, unknown tripfag

>> No.2411155

Damn tripfags.

>> No.2411158

Don't lie! It is extremely hard, because everyone has the exact same personality.

>> No.2411160

If it's not by a tripfag, it's a good post.

>> No.2411161

Have won what?
A filtering discussion?.
I guess your just trying to cause forced drama when nobody cares.

>> No.2411162 [DELETED] 

Quote this post if you think this argument if literally retarded

>> No.2411168

It's human nature to associate things which happen together regardless of whether or not they are logically connected - you do it too, don't try to write it off as something that only happens to idiots that let it happen.

>> No.2411170

Why does it have to be tripfags vs anon? Can't we all just take it easy? Sure, there are triptrolls, but ignore them like you would any other troll.

>> No.2411171

What did I win?

>> No.2411172

>It's human nature

>> No.2411177

That's extremely stupid and lacks argument

>> No.2411178

Ugh, this is fucking retarded.

>> No.2411180

Yeh, we all had a good thread together yesterday morning.

>> No.2411186
File: 144 KB, 469x450, 4_dontcarenothin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.
You think...? I can tell sometimes, but I guess there's no way to verify whether I'm right or not.

>> No.2411199 [DELETED] 


>> No.2411207

No you're right, I was just being a dick. I often don't care enough to recognize someone's post-style though.

>> No.2411208


>> No.2411212

this thread is bad and everyone should feel bad

>> No.2411236

less generic wannabe-ikaruga game weeaboo and anime-game fags, always means less shitty threads.

>> No.2411246

Like Idol threads?
Get out

>> No.2411258
File: 15 KB, 251x236, reportfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods are obviously at Sakuracon.

>> No.2411273

I'm announcing my revert back to Anonymous
It was nice knowing all you Tripbros, we'll still be bros even though I'll be Anonymous

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.2411274

How could you block Remilia ;_;

>> No.2411275

/jp/ has never had mods. Maybe the janitor is there though.

>> No.2411281


Wasn't Remilia banned?

>> No.2411283
File: 57 KB, 646x520, 17h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.2411295

Why would she have been?

>> No.2411303


>> No.2411310

Which one?

>> No.2411320


>> No.2411323

There's like 2 idol threads going on at most, definitely acceptable.

>> No.2411325

don't they talk about the same shit anyway in idol threads

>> No.2411345

Remilia Scarlet!!0l42/w//XuF

>> No.2411377

I have no problems with idol threads, because they're so well-behaved.
Just one hide button to click every now and then.

>> No.2411385

that's true

>> No.2411389

There's been a few times when 4 are going on the front page at once

>> No.2411409

Not that I've seen. All I see is the "Thread #____ Last thread here" and I click hide.
Nice of them to make it so easily identifiable.

>> No.2411419

Idolfag here
Glad our reputation is slightly better than it used to be but I think that is based on our mutual agreement to be completely hands off of each other, so credit is due on both sides
But to you hiders, just once try clicking all the pictures from an entire thread and bask in the glory that is musume
Personally I'd prefer to see more normalfag threads

>> No.2411432

You guys are extremely mean about sage. I once posted an nonbump-worthy comment and you guys yelled at me... ;_;

>> No.2411439

>Personally I'd prefer to see more normalfag threads

>> No.2411447

No thanks bro, you can keep your 3D pig di- er, different women all to yourselves.

>> No.2411459

People actually still use that broken piece of shit 4chan extension?
I'll use it when it hides threads INSTANTLY
I don't want to see that shit while the page loads.
Also all those stupid buttons and watch thread shit that clunk everything up.

>> No.2411463

It's okay, I would never yell at you.

>> No.2411464

You have no idea what a normalfag is, do you?

>> No.2411499

He's right. They have one for each idol group and then some devoted to individual idols. I hide all idol threads and usually I have to hide 3-4 of them when I get on /jp/. It's not like it's a big deal though.

>> No.2411589

Idolfag back again, just to clear up some misconceptions
I completely agree with this anons method of browsing, after all even the gayest of tripfags can have a shining moment
the use of sage in an musume thread has split those who wish to bump minimally to avoid trolls, rightfully so, and those who wish to bring in some new blood that isn't retarded
Oh I know anon, but I know this will never be embraced here, so I enjoy the pseudo normal fag threads that pop up from time to time
I can only speak myself and what I perceive is happening in the musume thread
personally I can't stand the kids thread or the Aya Hirano thread

>> No.2411601

I love you Pygmalion.

>> No.2411617

Is it me or do some tripfags (Pygmalion, MANkoto) reply to themselves like that? Sometimes it seems so genuine.

>> No.2411626

>Glad our reputation is slightly better than it used to be
>Personally I'd prefer to see more normalfag threads

You just singlehandedly destroyed any positive reputation your group had.

>> No.2411629

I just tab over to another board while this one refreshes.
I don't know if I could bear to browse 4chan anymore without being able to hide threads in some form or the other.

Huh, I had no idea.

>> No.2411641

Now why would they do something like that? This is /jp/. All love confessions are sincere; no exceptions.

>> No.2411652


That guy is always stalking Pygmalion. Dunno why; Anon should go after an actual girl.

Then again, a lot of tripbros get stalked here.

>> No.2411665

I don't go to any other boards on 4chan, as they are all worse than /jp/ is.
Not only that but to install it I need to configure a bunch of shit just so Firefox will stop complaining about how it updates (lol sure)
I'd rather just have something like the post filter that works on THREADS as well.

>> No.2411666
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>> No.2411675

Where's Diapered Anon?
