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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2408092 No.2408092 [Reply] [Original]

Sup, /jp/.

I can't tell if this board is full of men who hate women or if its full of self hating women.

Both are equally likely. This board does have a feminine tone, and deals strongly in feminine materials. Almost a worksafe /u/ at times. And I know a lot of women do browse these boards. Either way, the woman hate is overpowering on this board.

I just don't get you, /jp/.

>> No.2408096

women are are sluts

>> No.2408100

Boy, I sure hate women today.

>> No.2408102


It was hard to find a REAL WOMEN these day. The world today filled with slut.

>> No.2408103

Isn't it sad that lolies grow up to be such... such things?

>> No.2408104

It's not women hate, it's misanthropy. Humanity hate.

>> No.2408106
File: 21 KB, 485x327, athens-signal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come save us athens!

>> No.2408107

We do not care about women. We care about little girls.

>> No.2408109

Oh boy. It's 08:36 already. Sleep time!

>I just don't get you, /jp/.
Welcome to anonymity. There's nothing to get. If you don't want to talk about something, don't bring it up. You're free to fade away at anytime.

>> No.2408111


This shit has spread to /c/ too.


>> No.2408113

I never really understood why it became so popular to call all girls sluts.

>> No.2408117

>defend women

>> No.2408118


>> No.2408122

I never understood it either. Men and women are equally slutty, most "normal" people would fuck almost anyone on the same day they met. I really wouldn't want to do it with someone I don't love.

>> No.2408123

not ALL girls are sluts. just the ones that have sex

>> No.2408128
File: 67 KB, 490x424, unvirgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is why /jp/ is misanthropic and not misogynistic.

>> No.2408129


that is the worst picture of Reisen U. InabaI I have ever seen, ever. you fail OP.

>> No.2408130


Because most of 4chan's population are single children with father issues. that's easy.

>> No.2408136
File: 546 KB, 752x1062, 6fc7b82d98f6533c0e1af1ec08251bbddce9f766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hooked you, didn't I?

>> No.2408139
File: 242 KB, 673x533, 8ddbec554b56f2405f873ec8d08e1a86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't look for men on 4chan is my advice
>So, just embrace the 2D.

I didn't expect this from /c/.

>> No.2408142

Me neither.

I think it's all athens stupidity fault.

>> No.2408140
File: 91 KB, 714x536, 1238712918869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> women are are sluts

>> No.2408148


>> No.2408156

So Japanese people arn't human?

>> No.2408162

Just as an aside, I'm a male. I don't particularly like or dislike females as a whole, just as I don't like or dislike males. Personally, I judge people on an individual basis, and I would like to meet a woman I wouldn't mind having at my side some day.

When it comes to these boards though, every time I visit, there's a thread championing abuse. Rape, mistreatment, namecalling, ronery threads that go out of control. take that idolmaster thread a few posts down. I'm just curious as to why you feel this way, /jp/.

>> No.2408173

Boy, I sure hate OPs today.

>> No.2408183
File: 265 KB, 700x700, 3211521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The opposite spectrum is a not so vocal crowd.

>> No.2408184

fuck off, slutlover

>> No.2408185


Well yes, but the nice picture of Reisen U. Inaba makes up for it, so you are off the hook, good day sir.

>> No.2408188

We are girl-men. Honestly, the only nerd girls are the rare ones chicks that can't get laid unless they force a dude's cock in them, which is every slut on /jp/.

>> No.2408196
File: 532 KB, 1022x800, 3fb106e0490aeb38652582b6e2ce948fbcf27e5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have another to make up for it. I concider myself a civil man, if nothing else.

And a good day to you to, sir.

>> No.2408198

He's busy in /r9k/.

>> No.2408254

>Just as an aside, I'm a male. I don't particularly like or dislike females as a whole, just as I don't like or dislike males. Personally, I judge people on an individual basis, and I would like to meet a woman I wouldn't mind having at my side some day.

A reasonable comment?
On my /jp/?

>> No.2408332

I concider myself to be a reasonable person.

>> No.2408337


>> No.2408352
File: 23 KB, 240x249, postinginatrollthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2408353

>I just don't get you, /jp/.
You don't have to. Be a loner on the internet, see if anyone cares.
