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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2400701 No.2400701 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ I just woke up from a lucid dream. Of all the things I could have chosen, I ended up sexing a certain ex-goddess of the mountain. Lucidity abruptly ended right as we were about to climax, and Lu Bu entered. He chased me on foot for what felt like an hour before I woke up.

What happens in your lucid dreams?

>> No.2400703

Good thing you didn't pursue Lu Bu or else you'd never wake up.

>> No.2400705

Usually I just fly around and make shit blow up.

>> No.2400711

Screw lucid dreams. I had a dream where velociraptors had fairy wings and could fly. Worst nightmare I ever had.

>> No.2400709

I had a lucid dream once.
I didn't do anything interesting.

>> No.2400718
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I wish Lu Bu would chase me out...

>> No.2400722
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Sounds like an awesome dream.

>> No.2400740

All my dreams are metaphorical. One time I was laying in a nice, steamy, bath being indulgent as ever. Yet, suddenly, I feel the urge to take a shit. Thats when I take a massive load, worth about 5 13 inch chunks right in the bathtub. My personage in the dream knew it was a bad Idea. I had to deal with the shit. But, I didn't want to take care of it, so I fell asleep in the bath of my dreams.

Its metaphorical because it reflects my life. I am overindulgent and messy. I always am "too tired" to clean up. Oh god.

>> No.2400746

I barely ever am aware of my dreams (i.e. five dreams remembered a year maybe), much less am I able to make the lucid.

>> No.2400750

I haven't recalled a dream in at least 3 years, so don't feel bad.

>> No.2400760

everytime i realize i'm dreaming, I struggle too hard to control my dreams. This results in me waking up or losing the realization that i am dreaming.

And for some reason, I have a lot of nightmares involving shit and clogged/dirty toilets.

>> No.2400763

I lol'd.

>> No.2400767


That's because when you wake up with a wet bed, you have better things to do than write a dream journal

>> No.2400771

When I say I can't recall my dreams it's the same as saying I don't dream.

>> No.2400775


Dude, you're going to be rich

>> No.2400782
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I can't dream obliviously anymore, I am always aware of it happening. It always ends up as a horribly random representation of my inner thoughts. Almost always ends in extreme amounts of violence and I generally wake up then I "die". Would be more pleasant to just sleep and wake up.

>> No.2400788
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I have never had lucid dream before. I wonder if I'll ever have one... although I'm certain I controlled at least some thing in a dream once. It involved baths, Rika and Rena. I didn't get to love them tenderly, though. Nor see their delicious naked bodies. Oh well.
By the way, what about when you think you woke up, only to wake up for real later? I used to hate them, but I think I'm starting to like these kinds of dreams.

>> No.2400792
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>> No.2400796


I don't know about you, but I rather enjoy my dreams. They bring me peace with myself.

As for an actual lucid dream... its been awhile. I one time banged Eureka from Eureka 7

>> No.2400804

I almost had sex with my sister.

>> No.2400809

Weirdest part is, I distinctly remember Yuan Shao's words ringing "Don't pursue Lu Bu!"

Also, those things from Half Life 2 that spin in the air with the blades around them were there. I batted them away with my bare fucking arms.

>> No.2400811

Keep trying.

>> No.2400817
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Most people say they dream rarely, I do at least once vividly enough to remember each night. Sounds weird, but it does get old after a while.

>> No.2400823

What they fucking flying cocks is a 'lucid dream'?

>> No.2400834

Basically, a dream where you know you're dreaming. So, you can do everything you want to do, especially turning into a little girl or have sex with Rika.

>> No.2400846

You punched the manhacks?!

>> No.2400848

Once I dreamt about living in a duke nuke styled dungeon with my nekomimi sister. I hugged her so told her about my love. We kissed then I woke up.


>> No.2400860

I last time I remember having a lucid dream was years ago.

It sucked.

>> No.2400862

I had a dream where I was Kohaku and the dream was going in the direction of lesbian twincest.

Then I woke up.

>> No.2400869

I never had a dream where I had a female companion to love. All the females in my dreams I instinctively identified as either good-friend-but-not-a-couple-looking-for-marriage or just a neutral, normal female. Shit, I can't even remember a time where I kissed a girl in my dream, or even acknowledged one in a manner that suggests romance. Most of the time, I was exploring random shit with companions and kicking ass.

>> No.2400870

Yes, although I did get two lacerations along my arm from it. My subconscious had other things to do and conveniently forgot about the lacerations as I threw a refrigerator in front of a door to block Lu Bu.

It was fucking weird as hell, but at least the Suwako part was awesome.

>> No.2400889

Why are you so lucky /jp/, all my dreams start awesome but always end with my getting trapped somewhere or dying in some odd way.
Once I got caught in a bear trap, in the middle of a sidewalk.

>> No.2400916

I don't know if it is become I epileptic or not but I've had lucid dreams since I was 12-13.
I thought it was incredibly lucky because I only ever woke up if I had a crisis of confidence, as soon as I doubted myself I'd snap out of it. Sometimes I'd kick the wall and I often woke up with bruises from doing things in my sleep.
But now 10+ years later I am so bored with it that I dread sleep. Imagine being locked in a room for a few hours with nothing to do BUT daydream every day.

>> No.2400931
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Would you... marry me?

>> No.2400950

No. And I haven't played that, so I don't get the reference either, sorry.

>> No.2400955

Isn't it more of a sandbox to indulge your whims than 'daydreaming' though?

I've never had one so I wouldn't know.

>> No.2400959

>Imagine being locked in a room for a few hours with nothing to do BUT daydream every day.
For introverts that is a very neat concept, tough I can understand it being boring.

>> No.2400966

My dreams are rather uninteresting. Considering some of the paranormal things going on during my waking life, it is potentially suspicious that my dreams are so normal. Sure, there's the subconscious indicators of stuff, but I'm aware of most of it.

>> No.2400995

Yes, but the entire time everything feels numb anyway. You can't taste or smell anything, feel anything, and you know it isn't real. And in my case your mental capacities are lessened. Dumb and numb.

>> No.2400999

Hmm, fair enough. I can see how that could become rather inane after a while.

>> No.2401013

>You can't taste or smell anything, feel anything,
Wow, your dreams are lame.

>> No.2401029

I remember I had some dream once that I was on this really rickety ship and when I woke up, for just a little bit, it felt like my bed was swaying this way and that.

>> No.2401052

>paranormal things going on during my waking life
I can't be the only one curious

>> No.2401062

I'm afraid you have it backwards. When you think you are dreaming is when you are awake.

>> No.2401065

You're not tasting/smelling/feeling anything either. You're just convinced you are. Just like you convince yourself that your dream body is standing or walking around.
But occasionally you'll realize that isn't the case, and might wake up feeling like you're falling. That's because your proprioceptive system and your mind get into an argument. Your mind says you're standing, your body says you're laying down. You have to side with one, and if your mind rejects the standing theory for the laying down it triggers a radical re-imaging and re-balancing of the body, you feel as if you're falling.
For me lucid dreaming is pretty much the same thing. As long as I have confidence in what I imagine I can do anything, but that confidence is born of the rejection of reality.

>> No.2401068

Last night I dreamt I had an awful pet, something between a cat and a dog. Aggressive, scratching me with sharp claws. I killed it with a shovel. Later we dug it up and taxidermy'd it. It had lovely huge shiny eyes.

>> No.2401091

>So, you can do everything you want to do, especially turning into a little girl or have sex with Rika.
This isn't necessarily true, it depends on your state of mind at the moment.

>> No.2401101

Holy shit, you mean to say dreams aren't real? Thanks for the fucking revelation.

>> No.2401107

My latest lucid dream was some kind of paint-made panels about a guy who managed to fuck his sister.
I don't have a sister and don't like incest fantasies.
/jp/ fucked up my mind.

Anyways I manage to get these quite often, my mobile has some ringing tone that stops when you open the mobile, but keep ringing after a while. So I just set it early, while sleepy I grab it and open so it stops, after a while it start ringing again and I open it again.
Waking up takes half an hour or so, but during that time I know what I dream. Still can't control them though.

>> No.2401157

If you believe something is happening to you, it's the same as it actually happening.

>> No.2401162


Good thread on /r9k/.

>> No.2401170

just passing through?

>> No.2401638

OP here. Fuuuuck two in one night.

This one was more related to my past, though, and I didn't have complete control over it. I was watching my father doing aerial acrobatics in an F-16.

It ended with a twisted mess of a plane in the water.

>> No.2401645

You're insecure and mostlikely have self-esteem problems.

>> No.2401652

Or maybe my father put a plane into a body of water at high speeds

True story.

>> No.2401657

I had a dream where I was an onee-sama molesting a little girl. Best dream ever.

>> No.2401663

The most control I have over a dream is that I can wake up whenever I want. Sometimes I'm aware I'm dreaming but that goes nowhere.

>> No.2401664

Had a dream that I was sitting in the audience of a magic show, and Yayoi next to me was in full-on genki mode, and I facepalmed all the way through.

Should've never bought her those sweets at intermission.

>> No.2401673

Oh, I'm working on the spellcastery necessary to move to Gensokyo.

During my experiences though, I found a better place to go than Gensokyo.

>> No.2401689
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>believing magic is real

>I found a better place to go than Gensokyo

>> No.2401704

I had this incredibly bizarre dream last night where I accidentally went to an elementary school instead of college.

It was totally unrelated to Touhou except that while walking around I saw someone who was wearing Koishi's hat.

Touhou is fucking invading my dreams.
