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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 704 KB, 800x600, fatestaynightnz7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2396398 No.2396398 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ turned to shit because we stopped talking about the only worthwhile vn

fate/stay night

>> No.2396404

/vn/ sappin mah /a/

>> No.2396411

Here's something for you to ponder.

If the swords in Shirou's body were to go berserk while he still had Avalon, would that make him a chainsaw?

>> No.2396412
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you do know what you've just started right?

>> No.2396416

Nope. He still dies with the swords poking out of him if you choose to jump out the window during the first Rider fight in Fate.

>> No.2396417

Ilya trying to catch a burst drone?

>> No.2396419

Overrated shit. There are much better translated VN's.

>> No.2396422

Such as?

>> No.2396425

in before chaos;head XD, saya or wanko

>> No.2396426
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here come the kill.

>> No.2396431

There are much better untranslated VNs as well.
Your point?

>> No.2396438


>> No.2396439
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mm, saya was pretty good actually, but i'm a fan of lovecraft so, maybe i'm biased.

>> No.2396442

Considering how much Nasu loves the deep and it's tender flesh seafood, It's quite a surprise that there hasn't been a TM VN with Saya.

>> No.2396449


Op's premise
>the only worthwhile vn
It's a bad troll.

Ever 17 ; Clannad; Tsukihime; Umineko; Saya; YMK...

>> No.2396478
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tsukihime could be a good counter, but everything else lolno

>> No.2396493

>better than F/SN

>> No.2396500

Didn't read that the first time around, sorry.

>> No.2396501

Hey, guys! listen to failure! he's saying that Umineko and Ever 17 aren't better that Fail stay night! LOL

>> No.2396502

94 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2009/04/10(金) 00:02:16 ID:Vc0cdXGp0



>> No.2396508

at least i understood what he was saying, what are you saying?

>> No.2396515

>disjointed engrish


>> No.2396520


>> No.2396762
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>> No.2396776

Cool bump. U mad no one cares about your troll thread?

>> No.2396782

/jp/ turned into shit because Touhou is overrated, only normalfags care about Japan itself and VNs aren't fun to discuss.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this.

>> No.2396786
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>/jp/ stopped talking about fate/stay night

I WISH you weren't lying.

This piece of shit is still around.

>> No.2396794

It turned into shit because of /a/, /b/ "raids," weekends, influx of shit users.

>> No.2396811

the problem are the ronreyfags who pride themselves in being pathetic and want to brag about how SADLIFE they are

>> No.2396834

You're the only one who thinks those are the reasons.

>> No.2396852


Tsukihime isn't bad but compared to F/SN it reeks of QUALITY. It's not a good foundation upon which to base an argument that F/SN is overrated.

>> No.2396853
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Posting a REAL visual novel.

>> No.2396854

The problem is people who think that retarded trolls are the epitome of wit.

>> No.2396858

No...she wants to HENSHIN into Kamen Rider Drake.

>> No.2396866
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worst rider ever


>> No.2396867

But trolling is a art.

>> No.2396883

>a art.
It's a-

oh u

>> No.2396884

Tsukihime is infinetely better than FSN, the same way Higurashi and Umineko. Art is not that important.

>> No.2396888



hahahaha oh wow

>> No.2396897


but it isnt. Thats just your opinion. I have played many a VN, and Tsukihime and F/SN are my two favourites. I dont think one is fundamentally better than the other as they are both fucking awesome, it really is down to personal preference

>> No.2396898
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<--- Best girl in FSN. Provemewrong

>> No.2396899


>sage because I'm angry

Thanks for holding up that big neon sign that says "Please ignore me I am a faggot."

>> No.2396904

Opinions don't require proof, especially shitty ones.

>> No.2396908
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This is why nobody talks about F/SN. It's too hard to troll. Nobody throws a fit over it. The Tsukihime cast is much more effective for provoking reactions.

>> No.2396910


Im not going to prove you wrong as opinions dont require proof. Sakura is awesome but i still prefer Rin and Saber.

>> No.2396912

94 Name: I was desperate名無SHI [sage] Date: 2009/04/10 (Friday) 00:02:16 ID: Vc0cdXGp0
Variety, but the most impressive
This is GACHI.

I have been acclaimed all over the place, which I have? Translation beats me.
3 ascetic feel like I had it sold in the clear.
I'm the best scenario game ever?
Still do not understand nothing of the myriad of questions and clear character, no explanation has
That woman, dressed in black clothing (I forgot the name) or the scenario, whatever the good end
Unchanged at all times but in the other attack the character of this team.

What is the best, and you're what I'm missing something
罪深KI software have given the opportunity to question the sensibility of their own.
> swap

>> No.2396916
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especially butthurt

>> No.2396919
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I beg to differ.

>> No.2396920

Did you miss the 150 post Sakura we had 2 days ago?

>> No.2396923


Fuck, F/SN was awesome. Brb, replayen

>> No.2396928
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>> No.2396932
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Sakura threads aren't about Sakura, but rather about moral ambiguity. Sakura just happens to be the most effective way to derail a thread because of it.

>> No.2396934


Sakura is probably the only F/SN cast member who is trolled regularly and effectively. People just got to learn to to react to the whole "filthy slut" thing, its fundamentally correct anyways...

>> No.2396939

FSN is cool

>> No.2396940
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Cut it out.

>> No.2396947

ciel is SUCH a slut

>> No.2396952

...Butthurt when random guys on the internet post their opinions about characters without even giving arguments about their statement?
Sure man, whatever.

>> No.2396953


>> No.2396962

Excellent trolling my friend.

You certainly showed that other guy what for.

>> No.2396965

Liar. The only people who claims that fsn is that of a good game is the people who played 3 games at most.

>> No.2396968
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>/jp/ turned to shit

>Implying /jp/ used to be good once

>> No.2396978

There are people out there that pay anywhere above 30,000yen for copies of tsukihime.

Just a reminder

>> No.2396979


dude chill out.


OP, i agree wholeheartedly with you except that if we were to talk about it, you should have posted a topic or a point of discussion within F/SN

Just talking about F/SN in general is a rather broad topic that will clearly degenerate to trolls and shitposters.

>> No.2396983


No, just people with good taste.

>> No.2396986


The sage function ejects you from the thread for a reason.

>> No.2396988
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FSN, not so good, japan agrees.

>> No.2396989


Ignore him. He's just trying to be cool on the internet. F/SN is "mainstream" so he has to bash it to feel hardcore.

>> No.2396994

Japan sucks.


This sounding hardcore thing intrigues me, is there a guide for it somewhere?

>> No.2396995


and Japans favourite route was the Fate route, so their opinion is already invalid.

>> No.2396997 [DELETED] 

ITT clueless newfags trying to discuss seriously

>> No.2396999 [DELETED] 
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Updated pic
Clannad was beat of the first place, still way up, though.

>> No.2397002 [DELETED] 

Nothing against FSN here.

But I do agree we need less of this VN, it's been years since this is being re-re-re-re-re-reposted every day. It's the same threads with the same users and the same pictures and the same discussion. Give it a break already.

Also Touhou. Fucking give it a break for Touhou.

>> No.2397004 [DELETED] 


and Clannad is plain shit, whats your point?

>> No.2397007 [DELETED] 

But Fate is much better than the crap that UBW and HF were.

>> No.2397008 [DELETED] 

So, being in the top 20 in ranking(13 to be exact), receiving the MOST votes/rankings(thus dilluting the average more) with TWO entries and with some of the best sales ever in the VN market is 'Not so good' now?
Well, whatever.

>> No.2397015 [DELETED] 

That FSN is much, much crappier.

>> No.2397016 [DELETED] 

>Clannad is plain shit
>whats your point?

My point? You fucking sucks at detecting decent visual novels.

Enjoy having bad taste.

>> No.2397018 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2397022 [DELETED] 


>> No.2397023 [DELETED] 
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>not so good

>> No.2397028 [DELETED] 
File: 430 KB, 681x587, dontlikesparky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>likes Clannad
>under the belief that he has good taste

>> No.2397030 [DELETED] 

The ones who have played much more VNs than you and read the original writing plus BOUGHT the games tend yo have their opinion more appreciated.
But whatever.

>> No.2397032 [DELETED] 


>waaahhh why won't anyone listen to me sage sage sage look how cool I am sage

>> No.2397040 [DELETED] 

>post super funny reaction pictures
>under the belief that he is clever

>> No.2397043 [DELETED] 

>Ever17 18

>> No.2397046 [DELETED] 

Appreciated by who?

I mean, really. it's great if the companies making these things decide that their fanbase over there is more important because they pay for their shit and pay for more of it because of the lack of language barrier.

But you've yet to present an argument for ME to give a shit about their opinion.

In the end, you can tout the superiority of their and your opinions till the end of time, but that doesn't prevent me from not giving a shit for an equal length of time.

>> No.2397047 [DELETED] 


get out, annoying japanophile

>> No.2397052 [DELETED] 


>hurr durr

>> No.2397059 [DELETED] 

I meant the companies will care to promote plots or characters liked/valued by that audience, instead of your opinion, nothing to do with GOOK SUPERIORITY.

>> No.2397063 [DELETED] 

You played only TH and FSN, english translated.
They played tons of games, in their original writing.
Their opinion > yours.

>> No.2397065 [DELETED] 

Are you done?

>> No.2397071 [DELETED] 

Even a monkey can realize that Clannad > fsn.

>> No.2397075 [DELETED] 

>Their opinion > yours.

Except that by their very nature an opinion cannot be greater than any other opinion, as it's a subjective reaction that varies from person to person.

Right, but you're still not giving me or anyone else here a basis to care about what they say or do.
If they stop making the VNs that I like I'll stop reading them and find something else to fill my time. The only effect on me is a change in sources.

>> No.2397076 [DELETED] 

They have so much different pace, style, plot focus and character types, comparing them is kinda stupid, but Clannad offers much more in content I guess.

>> No.2397078 [DELETED] 

Quote this post if you played FSN for the first time when it was translated and aren't too proud to admit it.

>> No.2397082 [DELETED] 

Even a monkey can realize when a type-moon fag is butthurt and tries to provoke hate on key fans.

>> No.2397085 [DELETED] 


You are fucking retarded. I have played many of the famous translated VNs and i could give a flying fuck that some slant eyed cunt has played more than me. Everyones opinion of of equal, ragardless of language barriers you stupid fucking Japanophile.

>> No.2397086 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2397092 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2397094 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2397098 [DELETED] 


>> No.2397100 [DELETED] 

Considering many of the translations are not done by proffesionals, it is an issue to be addresed.

The point is, for them being 'equal', you seem to disregard others opinions far too easily.
Also, since you don't pay for them, who fucking cares.

>> No.2397102 [DELETED] 


You are both wrong and retarded. Its when Key cunts come in saying how Clannad is LOL BETTAR THEN EVRYTHING when the truth of the matter is that its a game where fuck all happens then suddenly you must collect the dragonballs to save your AIDS ridden wife.

Explain to me how this is better?

>> No.2397104 [DELETED] 


At the end of the day, the developers make the VNs for their nip audience, and weeaboos like you and I are relegated to bottomfeeding off of what gets pirated and translated for us.

Nobody but you cares what you think. The sooner you get over this and stop being so butthurt at the idea that your opinion is actually measurably less valuable than that of other peoples', the better off you'll be.

>> No.2397108 [DELETED] 

>implying someone is retarded, while no, you are the retard.

fuck off anon

>> No.2397109 [DELETED] 

sage for butthurt and fanboy.

go discuss shit like this in hongfire or devil's lair.

>> No.2397113 [DELETED] 

>The point is, for them being 'equal', you seem to disregard others opinions far too easily.

The thing is that while everyone's opinions are equal, that also entitles me to the opinion that I don't need to give a shit about other peoples opinions if they conflict with my own.

>> No.2397116 [DELETED] 

Who are you referring to?

>> No.2397127 [DELETED] 

Then what's the point of you raising arguments about opinions in the first place, shithead?
It becomes just a matter of majority then.

>> No.2397133 [DELETED] 


witty comeback there kid

>> No.2397138 [DELETED] 

If you can't detect obvious stealth trolling when a fanboy is butthurt and is trying to blame others, it's your own fault for being irrational.

>> No.2397140 [DELETED] 

I gave reasons. They are more knowleadgeable about vn's, having played tons of them, and can appreciate their original writing.
I dunno about you, but i would take more into account the opinion about japanese story telling of people who read many books in their original writing than the opinion of somebody who just read a couple of tranlated books .

>> No.2397147 [DELETED] 

That's the point! There is no point!

I just want you to know that I don't give a shit.

>> No.2397177 [DELETED] 

chill out guys

>> No.2397186 [DELETED] 

Nobody gives a shit about you either, so fair play I guess.

>> No.2397189 [DELETED] 

all VNs suck

>> No.2397199 [DELETED] 

Hey /jp/ I just finished the saber route, are the other routes worth it?

>> No.2397201 [DELETED] 

Sure, if you LIKED it.

>> No.2397207 [DELETED] 


Now start a new thread to inform everyone in /jp/ you just finished Fate route like everyone else did.

>> No.2397216 [DELETED] 

Oh anon, you're so silly. Does it look like I have a tripcode?

>> No.2397296 [DELETED] 

There are people that paid hundreds of thousands for a Suika plush doll. So what?

>> No.2397312 [DELETED] 

you mean melty blood

>> No.2397315 [DELETED] 

That just shows how awesome Suika is.

>> No.2397317 [DELETED] 

It wasn't "hundreds of thousands" of dollars.

>> No.2397344 [DELETED] 

When did I use the word 'dollars'?

>> No.2397346 [DELETED] 

fuck your yen

>> No.2397349 [DELETED] 

Oops, guess I just read it.

>> No.2397363 [DELETED] 

Fuck you. Let these shitty F/SN threads die already, faggot. Go play some meltan.

>> No.2397404 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2397446 [DELETED] 

Is this the Furukawa avatar game?

Do not want.
