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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 30 KB, 640x480, kyouryoubathe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2395822 No.2395822 [Reply] [Original]

Is this common for siblings to bathe with each other in Japan even while they're teens?

>> No.2395827


>> No.2395828



>> No.2395829

oh god kyou is hot

>> No.2395830

I think that's just sisters, usually the whole family takes turns.

Starting with the father, then the mother, then the children in order of age. And yes, all in the same water.

>> No.2395842
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So that's why the water's green.

>> No.2395848

uh, well depends on where you are/how you were brought up. Allot of people there use showers now just so you know.

>> No.2395849

Water conservation is awesome.

>> No.2395851

What, you don't bathe with your siblings?
Asian thing, everyone does it.

>> No.2395869

I want to lick Kyou's armpit.

>> No.2395875


I bathed with my siblings 'til about 5. By then, I was far too long to even fit(I'm the oldest).

Most American baths I've been in are obviously made for just one normal sized person.

>> No.2395881


You take a quick shower, rinse off your body, then get int the tub full of hot water.

>> No.2395884

Not necessarily uncommon, but not as common as it used to be, I'd say. Western style bathing seems to be pretty common, now, at least in the cities. Can't speak for rural areas from personal experience.

>> No.2395889

So Haruhi-like...

Key drew them better.

>> No.2395890

My 12 year old sister asks me to bath with her still, and she seems genuinely upset every time I say no.

>> No.2395904

so, why do you say no?

>> No.2395908
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Thought 1 > Troll
Thought 2 > Moralfag
Thought 3 > Ugly sister
Thought 4 > Thought 2 & 3

>> No.2395909

What the fuck, why would you say no?

>> No.2395913

Maybe he just doesn't want his sister to see his giant boner?
I'd imagine that to be really awkward.

>> No.2395920

Cool story, bro.

>> No.2395923
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>> No.2395925

What kind of a monster WOULDN'T get a giant boner from seeing a 12 year old loli bathing?

>> No.2395938

1) It's my sister.
2) I'm not into girls that young, she looks even younger than 12.
3) It's my sister.
4) All of the above.

>> No.2395958

I asked why you wouldn't bathe with her, not why you wouldn't stick it up her ass. Jeez, what are you thinking, it's just taking a bath, it's not THAT big of a deal.

>> No.2395959
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>I'm not into girls that young

>> No.2395962

My Japanese teacher said she bathed with her father till she was 14

>> No.2395972

What does this have to do with "being into girls"? Your sister just wants to bath with you, not have sex with you.

>> No.2395977

You mad?

>> No.2395980

Just think about her naked soapy innocence and being able to scrub her all over.

>> No.2395987


Sick fuck.

>> No.2395989

I went ahead and skipped ahead a few posts, as I know what questions would eventually be bought up.
And you say that, but what would the general reaction from your friends/neighbours be if they found our that a 26 year old man shared a bath with his 12 year old sister? Not good, I'd wager.

>> No.2395994

My nose just bled a little.

>> No.2396012

I would be so surprised that a 26-year old man has a 12-year old sister that the whole bathing thing wouldn't faze me as much.

>> No.2396015

I love incest but I can't imagine finding it hot with my own sister

>> No.2396017

That you spoil her?
If their minds are in the gutter then let it rot there, she wants to bathe with you then i see little problem as long as you don't try anything.
Or at the very least try explaining why you shouldn't, either is better then making her sad you know.

>> No.2396019

You don't belong here.

>> No.2396046
File: 106 KB, 530x530, 17g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feeling. Such sadness, filling my heart.

>> No.2396057

Dad's second wife (who's 34, and believe me if she was the one asking me to bath with her I'd have my loofah out quicker than something that moved fucking quickly).

Maybe it's just me then, because if I found out about something like that I'd have a serious problem with it.

>> No.2396067

I wish I could punch your posts in the face.

>> No.2396068

half sister? this has potential..

>> No.2396073

I bathed with my brother until we were around 10 or so. We usually pissed at each other in the bath.

>> No.2396077

You'll change your mind once you have your penis inside her.

>> No.2396080


>> No.2396087

Now this is fucked up.

>> No.2396100

Don't worry anon, it was mainly because we wanted to mess with each other. We used the shower curtain to cover ourselves.

>> No.2396101


I'm usually a man of peace, but I would punch you.

>> No.2396104

>I'd have a serious problem with it.

>> No.2396119

I wish I was your little brother

>> No.2396121

Because you'd bathe with your stepmom but not half-sister. I can't even imagine what could possibly make you say this.

>> No.2396127
File: 135 KB, 800x800, anonymous'sister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2396147


I'm sure I'm not the only one who shares this view. I know my dad would go fucking apeshit at me if he found out, so why wouldn't other people?

>> No.2396148

This thread just made me think of something awfully disturbing I used to do to my brother. We took baths until I was about 10 or so. When I was bored I'd kick or push on his penis to make him really mad and he'd call to my mom, to which I would severely deny any wrongdoing. I'd totally forgotten about that shit until just now, fuck you /jp/. FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
i'm a girl btw

>> No.2396150

So you want a guy pissing on you?

>> No.2396154

what's happening there?

>> No.2396160

He wants to have a threesome with you and your step-mom?

>> No.2396165

It's from the Aya route in YMK.

>> No.2396166

Why would he go apeshit on YOU for bathing with your sister when SHE asked you, and you didn't even do anything?

On a related note, you said you would bathe with your stepmom, which I think he would get a a little more angry over, being his wife and all.

>> No.2396176


>> No.2396181

When I used to bathe with my sister I used to pee in the bathtub to piss off my sister. Sometimes I wouldn't but I'd tell her that I did just to see her jump out and start crying, that was probably around the time she stopped bathing with me.

>> No.2396185

I used to break my sister's toys and feed her bugs.

>> No.2396190

thanks to your name, i am now having rather odd mental images..

>> No.2396196

For fuck sake, I really didn't think I was the only one who thought like this. At the end of the day, it is NOT common for a 26 year old man to bath with his 12 year old sister, just like it isn't natural to share a bed/room or change in the same room ect.
You're not kids any more and it just starts getting weird.
I know it all seems natural in doujins and VNs and shit, but seriously it just isn't right to do that stuff when she reaches a certain age.

And I only said that about my dad's wife as a joke, I wouldn't actually fuck her.

>> No.2396203
File: 8 KB, 180x221, aya_sister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a character name and a title abbreviation.
You should be able to solve this.

>> No.2396210
File: 316 KB, 595x842, flashingpanties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only need to worry if she starts flashing her panties at you and going into your bed when you are sleeping.

>> No.2396211


>> No.2396220
File: 69 KB, 500x900, 1206295807464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've taken a shower with my sister a few times, never got hard, because she's my sister.

Of course, I've seen her naked for most of her life, so maybe I'm just used to it. Guess the real test will be once she develops.

>> No.2396221

In case your google is broken: Yume Miru Kusuri

>> No.2396223

good point, off i go.

no, it is not that strange, it depends on you really. You have no hidden intentions then it is fine.
I suppose it heavily depends on the way you were brought up and you and your parent's way of thinking.
In my case i'd be more embarrassed then anything, but i wouldn't think there was anything wrong with it.

>> No.2396227

Probably best to leave this thread now.
There's a reason I turn down her bath requests.

>> No.2396232

ah haha, yeah i just found it, i laugh cause i was looking up that game earlier but it never clicked.

>> No.2396234


My sister is older then me so she was the one breaking my toys, etc. She also used to steal my clothes a lot and wear them.

>> No.2396236
File: 8 KB, 294x400, Freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're not kids any more and it just starts getting weird.
I want you to tell me about your mother.

>> No.2396237

Oh? I don't bathe with any of my family members anymore, but I still have no problem changing or sleeping in the same room as them. They're family. They've probably seen you plenty of times before so they don't really care.

>> No.2396240

>She also used to steal my clothes a lot and wear them.

>> No.2396242

He already did and admited he wanted to screw her after killing his dad.

>> No.2396243

>There's a reason I turn down her bath requests.
Because you're a faggot? Troll? Both?

>> No.2396245

shoulda just said that from the start, sheez.

>> No.2396246


pics plz

>> No.2396257 [DELETED] 


Certainly hotter then what sisters start wearing when they reach their mid teens. Rarely talk to my sister now because I can't stand her frat boy boyfriend and her alcoholism.

>> No.2396264 [DELETED] 


pics plz

>> No.2396263


Certainly hotter then what sisters start wearing when they reach their mid teens. Rarely talk to my sister now because I can't stand her frat boy boyfriend and her alcoholism.

>> No.2396267

Because he wants to rape her and is barely capable of restraining himself you fucking moron.

>> No.2396270

Suffice to say that she's been getting 'friendlier' than usual with me and it's freaking me out, so I'm trying to space myself from her a bit (of course, this could just be due to my JAPANESE BRAINWASHING CARTOONS, but better safe than sorry).
I'm pretty sure it's just a phase due to her getting older, so hopefully it will pass soon and we can go back to how it used to be.

>> No.2396278

it will pass on, but it is unlikely going to go back to the way it used to be if you keep "spacing yourself".
As previously said you should explain things clearly to her, about the bathing and other things you feel "unsure" about, and not just dismiss things and act distant.

>> No.2396307

lol, I love /jp/

polite sage

>> No.2396308

> As previously said you should explain things clearly to her, about the bathing and other things you feel "unsure"

No, you should just fuck her and get over your goddam guilt.

>> No.2396311

>lol 4chan pedobear 4eva lulz

>> No.2396317

that works to, if you going for that outcome.

>> No.2396320


pics plz

>> No.2396321
File: 99 KB, 806x632, sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it faggot.

>> No.2396324

Or he can use this bathing opportunity to check her physical health. Make sure she's not having any problems hiding around.

If he's feeling nice, he can even scrub her back. It feels really nice and it's always nice to have someone to talk to while you're relaxing.

>> No.2396337

hmm, that conjures up a nice brotherly image, but given his "uncertain" mental condition i doubt he could until he got things cleared up first.

>> No.2396339

No way. I suppose she might be attractive to other people because she looks a lot like her mother (and believe me, she is fucking hot), but I just see her as my cute little sister.
I've never understood people who can have sex with their siblings, and I hope I never will.

>> No.2396350

I wasn't aware that not wanting to commit incest with your 12-YO sister a mental condition.

>> No.2396352

and yet earlier:
>2) I'm not into girls that young, she looks even younger than 12.
I think he's more afraid of her raping him.

>> No.2396360

I think it's safe to say we're being trolled. Nobody could seriously post this on /jp/ and not expect this.

>> No.2396365

it is, cause everyone should want to commit incest! obviously! duh! hello?!

Okay seriously, i didn't mean mental condition as in he has mental problems. I meant that he wouldn't be able to relax or do the things >>2396324 described cause he would be to distracted/worried about what may happen.

>> No.2396369
File: 23 KB, 350x350, 1224757421602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless they came from r9k.

>> No.2396372

jesus christ I thought this was heavily suspected at first and became general knowledge half-way down the thread.

>> No.2396377

it was trolls are just allot of fun if you take them seriously.

>> No.2396382

I don't normally post on /jp/ (or 4chan in general to be honest), and I wasn't planning on going in to this much detail about my personal life.
This is why I stay away from places like this in general, I bet half the people posting in here are seriously into incest.

>> No.2396386

Only half? Oh you have no idea.

>> No.2396389

no, they just wish they were.

>> No.2396394

There's nothing wrong with consensual incest.

>> No.2396402

You are now thinking about what it would be like to have sex with your little sister.

>> No.2396409

I bathe with my sibling.

>> No.2396418

I started to a few weeks ago, like I said, and the thought of it disgusts me, which is why I've been turning down (what I perceived to be) her 'advances' and spacing myself from her.
The last thing I want is for her to feel like that towards me, because I love her as a sister more than anything else.

>> No.2396424

Skinship! You're starting to sound like you're the one with the incest problems. As long as you're not inserting your semen into her vagina, I don't see what's the big deal. Family see naked family all the time. You should really get over this awkwardness.

>> No.2396427

incest opportunity lost

>> No.2396455
File: 76 KB, 815x635, semenintoanus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is okay, then?

>> No.2396471

technically, unless it happens to be a guy and so the ass is a substitute vagina.
