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2395798 No.2395798 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, bro. I'm writing a SWEET Touhou epic fanfic novel. It's going to be SLICE O LIFE because nothing warms me up inside than seeing a buncha lolis sippin hot tea. RELEASE DATE: SUMMER 09

>> No.2395803
File: 54 KB, 571x570, coolstorybro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2395806


>> No.2395808

Hey guys, I wanted to write a touhou fanfiction about something. Give me a subject.

>> No.2395809

Fanfic must always have
Bad grammar (conjugating irregular verbs as if they were regular, past/present/future tense changes in the same sentence)
Horrible spelling

>> No.2395817

Marisa goes to Hakurei Shrine.

>> No.2395837

And Marisa wakes Reimu up. Reimu gets angry and makes tea.

>> No.2395844


I think all Anons who want to try their hand at writing should do this as an exercise. It can be about anything, as long as the central theme is Marisa going to the Hakurei shrine.

It will show who can develop character conflict, dialogue, and tension best.

>> No.2395845

That's uneventful.

I was thinking of Reisen's brutal torture and almost execution on the Moon during her imprisonment for desertion.

>> No.2395847

Marisa drinks the tea made of anger as Reimu sweeps the floor.

>> No.2395855

Then Reimu looks on the floor. A raindrop? No, it's a tear. She looks towards Marisa at the shrine.

She's not there.

The end.

>> No.2395858




>> No.2395863


For some reason, that made me visualize a gangsterized Marisa in a rap video/promo spot for Miko Sweat, the hot new energy drink.

/tropic thunder

>> No.2395873

>Miko Sweat
Armpit Flavor

>> No.2395878


It would go awesomely with some Bust-A-Nut bars


>> No.2395886
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>> No.2395888
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>> No.2395892
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>> No.2395894
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>> No.2395898

why is it everytime you pop up,
pops up as well?

>> No.2395903


He is going to post her every day until I like it.

I apologize for the inconvenience, it is not by my choice that I have my own little entourage.

>> No.2395901

It looks like someone is trying to get him to stop posting by spamming the board with that shitty image.
Just report them I guess..

>> No.2395912
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>> No.2395917
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>> No.2395918

you sure it's just one person?

>> No.2395927
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>> No.2395933

Look at the timestamps.
They are around 1 minute apart.

>> No.2395936

Like you and boof. Go away.

>> No.2395956

Why would several different people have numbered filenames that are posted exactly in order?

>> No.2395960 [DELETED] 

Reimu opened her eyes, awoken by the sound of the shuffling dry leaves on the uncared shrine. Marisa had come today as well. Getting up, she ignored the stabbing pain of hunger. That pain that never got away, even if she tried to stay asleep most of the day to quiet it down.
Grabbing the lone teabag, drying in the sun, she heard Marisa's steps getting closer. You could hear it on sound of her walking, the cheerfulness of those that have nothing to worry about.
"Marisa, good morning. I was just preparing the tea", she said with her usual voice, dunking the recycled bag into the teapot. "Is a baggie okay?".
"It's fine, ze".

Sipping the watered down tea, Marisa tried to ignore the patches of missing grass around the shrine. Or how Reimu looked as if she was going to collapse in any second.
It was a really awful cup of tea, but Reimu was smiling back at her. That was the real reason she came by every day.

"Leaving already as usual?"
Marisa nodded, adjusting her hat. Lifting off the ground on her broom, she circled around the shrine a couple of times. Reimu heard the unfamiliar but known clinking on the donation box. Smiling, she waved her goodbye. Tonight, she would eat.

>> No.2395986

It really gets to me when I imagine fictional characters to have anything other than perfect lives. Poor poverty-reimu.

>> No.2395997


I loved the way he implied it rather than having Reimu talk about it. The grass-eating touches and the subtle use of sound for the donation - put so ambiguously, too - is excellent.

>> No.2396003
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>> No.2396008
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>> No.2396011

You still believe that?
Alright then I guess.
At least the mods know we're not the same person.

>> No.2396059

But she's rich.
Rich in friendship. Isn't that grand?

>> No.2396103


>> No.2396183

Reimu opened her eyes, awoken by the sound of the shuffling dry leaves on the uncared shrine. Marisa had come today as well. Getting up, she ignored the stabbing pain of hunger. That pain that never got away, even if she tried to stay asleep most of the day to quiet it down.
Grabbing the lone teabag, drying in the sun, she heard Marisa's steps getting closer. You could hear it on sound of her walking, the cheerfulness of those that have nothing to worry about.
"Marisa, good morning. I was just preparing the tea", she said with her usual voice, dunking the recycled bag into the teapot. "Is a baggie okay?".
"It's fine, ze".

Sipping the watered down tea, Marisa tried to ignore the patches of missing grass around the shrine. Or how Reimu looked as if she was going to collapse in any second.
It was a really awful cup of tea, but Reimu was smiling back at her. That was the real reason she came by every day.

"Leaving already as usual?"
Marisa nodded, adjusting her hat. Lifting off the ground on her broom, she circled around the shrine a couple of times. Reimu heard the unfamiliar but known clinking on the donation box. Smiling, she waved her goodbye. Tonight, she would eat.
