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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 455 KB, 1280x720, 1554205512133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23854608 No.23854608 [Reply] [Original]

read https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

previous thread >>23831621

>> No.23854618
File: 175 KB, 500x800, Nerose_Satanael.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

satanael is already displeased with the state of this thread

>> No.23854621
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>> No.23854623

ultimately it’s your choice. but if you’re ever willing to get over the resistance to doing something your mind judges as “weird” or “gay” or w/e and you care more about getting your happiness back than you do about staying loyal to those biases, just remember that there are ways to start doing so. best wishes

>> No.23854626


>> No.23854628


>> No.23854634
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>> No.23854642
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>> No.23854646

why do you keep coming here to evangelize
not that i disagree with you, but the people who meditate already agree with you and those who don't think and will keep thinking you crazy
sounds like an exercise in futility to me

>> No.23854649

wish meisou girl would whisper sweet words into my ear

>> No.23854652
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>> No.23854656


>> No.23854661

i don’t watch that guys videos, i did check out one of them years ago but didn’t really care for his approach? like he talks about affirmations and stuff which i don’t think are very effective

>> No.23854666

was really hard today but i got my minimum 2 hours of input in. just wasnt feeling it at all.

>> No.23854680

holy shit stfu

>> No.23854684

the guy was talking about not being able to feel anything and wanting to kill himself. so i gave him advice... if you don’t care you’re free to just ignore it

>> No.23854693
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>> No.23854714

he was being a little bitch

>> No.23854715

im just genuinely confused as regards why you would keep coming here despite everything i mentioned, don't give a shit about that guy
trying to satisfy my curiosity

>> No.23854729

and another one gone
and another one gone

>> No.23854744
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beginner recommendation:
tsukimisou no akari

>> No.23854745


>> No.23854767


>> No.23854781

if you're in the mindset of minimum targets and whatnot then i hate to break it to you but you've already bitten the dust

>> No.23854782

>giving yourself a minimum
>stopping when you reach it
the absolute state of djt

>> No.23854790


>> No.23854805

>tfw ur nihongo jousi wants you in his office for not hitting your immersion quota for the day

>> No.23854808

now that's the sound of cope

>> No.23854814

just glanced at 顔出し and saw 中出し

>> No.23854817

that wasn’t meant to be a hostile response its just weird how it’s like... “don’t talk about this thing shhh” when it comes to saying anything abt meditation even when it’s just genuine advice to someone who seems to be suffering pretty bad... but then everything else including racism and just like generally hateful stuff is totally fair game? i don’t really get that
i come here less often than i used to but usually i’m just laughing at stuff or trying to encourage people who are learning. most of my posts aren’t even about meditation believe it or not, people just assume that’s all i post (or that all the posts about it are mine) which is false

>> No.23854823


>> No.23854828

not rly i have fun 95/100 days and on those 5 days i still get my input in cause i have a minimum so im winning in the end lol

>> No.23854845

i see
>but then everything else including racism and just like generally hateful stuff is totally fair game?
just bantz
so you're here to help if you can and shitpost otherwise?

>> No.23854849

yes gtfo

>> No.23854852

hope the djt meet is like this

>> No.23854855

recommended minimum:
1 minute
open somethin up and give it a shot but if ur not feelin it who gives a shit
as long as ur not so fucked that u can never get into it

>> No.23854864

still with the minimums lol

>> No.23854865

some people really just feel depressed and desensitized

>> No.23854874

llololol gtfo retard sick of you smug faggots with your pointless insights

>> No.23854880

pretty much yeah
but i try to keep my shitposts pure lol

>> No.23854881

youve got nothing on me dude so ur just clinging to a single word lmao keep coping

>> No.23854895

not the one who vomited out a post out of pure rage ;)
best of luck, you're gonna need it

>> No.23854898

i dont want to sound like a cute girl
but i dont enjoy listening to anyone who isnt a cute girl

>> No.23854905

what does your input usually include

>> No.23854906

you cant have a minimum that shits for AJATTers lmao am i right *thunderous applause from djt npcs*

>> No.23854911

curiosity satisfied, thanks

>> No.23854912


>> No.23854917

get the fuck out of here tobira guy

>> No.23854922

anime and manga
>best of luck, you're gonna need it
why would i need luck when im having fun the vast majority of the time and have discipline to fall back on for the outlier days lol just stfu now you've acted a fool enough for today

>> No.23854923

shadow men

>> No.23854935


>> No.23854938

apart from a psychological boost from being able to operate entirely in japanese is there really any advantage to using a monolingual dictionary?

>> No.23854942


>> No.23854946


>> No.23854953
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>> No.23854958

sexual novels, if you will

>> No.23854965


>> No.23854970

wtf nuke when did anyone say that

>> No.23854977

田 is an obscure sexual word?

>> No.23854980

it's rice field so it's not ta lol

>> No.23854985

kind of but its overhyped by mia kids

>> No.23854993

yeah but mostly just when you start learning words that seem like they mean the same thing as another word based on the j-e def but don’t
it’s not usually necessary for the first few thousand tango i think MIA forces the whole monolingual transition thing

>> No.23854997

233 days and 5 hours ago

>> No.23855006

what video/livestream is this from?

>> No.23855008

fuck >>23854997

>> No.23855015

imagine living in a place where you can turn the tv on and not understand more than half of everything being spoken

>> No.23855018
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it was on georges livestream if i remember right

>> No.23855021

you don’t read stuff with nonstop lines of text like vns or lns?

>> No.23855036

sounds like a dream

>> No.23855038

he can't

>> No.23855040

a nightmare to me

>> No.23855045

snuggled up and reading inganock rn
really nice melancholic bgm
feeling comfy

>> No.23855049
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>> No.23855056
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>> No.23855060

how far ahead have you gotten so far?

>> No.23855061


>> No.23855065
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>> No.23855080

chapter 3 rn, not too difficult so far

>> No.23855216

remember the first time i saw juukan anon posting these i didnt know what any of that shit meant, now i understand it all

>> No.23855454
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>> No.23855477

steve is NOT gay he has like 3 kids

>> No.23855501

it means gay as in "person who does something i don't like", not "man who likes men"

>> No.23855508

thats kinda gay

>> No.23855545

I inferred the dude said nakadashi and I was right
I'm gonna make it bros.

>> No.23855546

nah it means gay as in happy

>> No.23855550

tfw steve has been able to get a wife and kids despite being a language learning autismlord whereas i never will

>> No.23855560

ill shake your hand at the meet bro

>> No.23855564

waiting for the latest jojo to be translated because I don't know japanese haha

>> No.23855603


>> No.23855605

whens the next djt meetup?

>> No.23855620

can't wait for the kny movie

>> No.23855653

gonna drop it

>> No.23855673

just ate a delicious meal of 牛肉,rice and サラダ

>> No.23855682

i had an apple and yoghurt for dinner

>> No.23855761

nothing wrong with being racist

>> No.23855790

Day 1 of Japanese learning completed! One hundred vncore cards in the bank! Let's go!

>> No.23855804

uh yeah you can look up what the word means in japanese lol kind of a stupid question you just asked

>> No.23855841

what game OP?

>> No.23855854

you know i understand why someone like dogen would espouse pitch accent study early if you want to sound like a native speaker without an accent but i still dont understand why someone would want that

i dont think ive met any ESL person in my life who doesnt noticeably have an accent. doesn't seem like a big deal

>> No.23855862

you learn pitch accent automatically anyways. dude is just trying to make his patreon bucks

>> No.23855893

jamal doesnt seem to have automatically learned it

>> No.23855901


>> No.23855903

the more you read, the less likely you pick that shit up
better start watching those livestreams

>> No.23855917

once your ears hear it you can't unhear it so not sure what you're talking about reading a lot affecting anything

>> No.23855924

stop reading

>> No.23855947

he just really likes what native japanese sounds like and wants to sound like that i guess

>> No.23855956

don’t think this is true

>> No.23855961

matt says you only learn the pitch accent for some words and that you won't acquire it for others and you'll have to study to do it

>> No.23855979

i think given enough time youll learn it all. don't consider matt an authority either so not sure why you bring him up

>> No.23856014

everyone should calm down on tryin to become a nihongo pitch accent master cuz the girls are gonna laugh at u no matter what u do
u lost the moment u decided to try to "learn" japanese

>> No.23856021

when they laugh at you get to fuck them

>> No.23856051

lol XD

>> No.23856070

>youll learn it all
no one has
>not sure why you bring him up
oh because he is an authority objectively and it doesn't matter what you consider.

>> No.23856071

it aint all bad but it helps if u arent tryin to become itiban tuyoi gaijin

>> No.23856127

there's a first for everything. you're obviously a boring person who only believes what others tell you to believe so there's no point continuing a conversation with you any further

>> No.23856140

im gonna do my reps!!

>> No.23856148

Didn't know I could use ほしい as need interesting.

>> No.23856166

?? means want

>> No.23856226
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wotd: エゴサ

>> No.23856233

>69 matches
cant blame him

>> No.23856247
File: 218 KB, 559x565, Screenshot (432).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What grammar is she using here? Specifically the しとくんだった

>> No.23856252

wtf am i on tv

>> No.23856305


>> No.23856312

then the んだった is like “i should’ve (done)” in this case.” the right choice was to x”

>> No.23856448

I see. So you can use the んだ grammar in the past tense to suggest that something should have happened? Like if I said あのシャツを買うんだった = "I should've bought that shirt"?

>> No.23856565
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Happens to the best of us.

>> No.23856968


>> No.23857067

i do this every thread

>> No.23857306


>> No.23857539
File: 38 KB, 536x643, img (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i retarded?
what is this backwards と?
it's just a つ, but what's with the extra stroke?

>> No.23857559

1 yes

>> No.23857582


>> No.23857585

i guess i am. thank you.

>> No.23857685

nah you’ve just never seen う written that way before

>> No.23858061




>> No.23858108
File: 118 KB, 1903x946, 行くよぉぉぉ!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23858255


>> No.23858256

i was reading yt comments and i immediately read this in that naked director's voice

>> No.23858284

is it bad if it takes me 12-16 hours to read a single manga chapter? I've been only studying for about a year and a half though...

>> No.23858287

yeah that's pretty terrible

>> No.23858319


>> No.23858331


>> No.23858342

this is obvious bate

>> No.23858343

it's not even about how slow that is nor how long you've been studying. That's too much time to spend on something with so little gain.

>> No.23858344

if this isn't bait you're doing something wrong
specifically, trying way too hard to understand everything

>> No.23858357

what exactly does your process look like
what do you use to do lookups

>> No.23858377

it isnt really, I just get lost with all the set grammar phrases and how I try to make sense of why they were used that way. The reason why I take really long is because I look up said grammar phrases using the DoJG books and reread the sentences over and over. But sometimes I just can't make sense of them.
This is in addition of course to looking up words I dont know.

>> No.23858402

I also don't like the fact that the DoJG example sentences for grammar points make perfect fucking sense and I can understand them completely. Yet once I see them in manga it doesnt have a smidget of resemblance from how it was described in the book.

>> No.23858446

if you can't understand something within 3 minutes max you should just move on to the next sentence

>> No.23858467

read this it will probably save you

>> No.23858494

I actually already have read both that and Tae Kim. I currently just use DoJG for lookups

>> No.23858510

Then how would I be able to understand a similar sentence to the one I skipped if it appears again in the future? wouldn't this just set up you up to be crippled?

>> No.23858512

read something easier

>> No.23858536

what on earth are you reading that even jpnese the manga way couldnt help you

>> No.23858584

I told my boss about you guys today.

>> No.23858600


>> No.23858612

whatd you tell 'im

>> No.23858647

i hope you said some nice things about me

>> No.23858683

how do you read 1:1 in nihongo

>> No.23858727

lucid dreaming anki reps bros
think im gonna make it

>> No.23858734

My Japanese teacher is a study group of Westerners who don't know Japanese and are only good at teaching each other about and reviewing digital flashcards.

>> No.23858749

not sure but i know that 16:9 is read じゅうろく対きゅう

>> No.23858750

you get better by comprehending sentences that are only slightly above your level
and as you improve this way, those previously impossible sentences will slowly become comprehensible
bashing your head against sentences you have no chance of understanding at your current level is a waste of time because it doesn't help you make progress

>> No.23858771


>> No.23858779




>> No.23858781


>> No.23858801
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Thoughts on this book?

>> No.23858805


>> No.23858811


>> No.23858812

read manga instead

>> No.23858828

pointless just read the popular version of the same book

>> No.23858844



>> No.23858878
File: 167 KB, 923x738, 1584030766405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations, you have achieved translator level

>> No.23858883

Alright dudes, just got my 10th textbook. Gonna do a few hundred more exercises before using my Duolingo app for more practice. Consume input? No thanks, need to do more online practice! Think I might buy another textbook to go over the variants of grammar again. Learning Japanese feels so good!

>> No.23858891

acquiring feels even better *dabs*

>> No.23858895

how is that even possible?

>> No.23859021
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>> No.23859029

What is the popular version called?

>> No.23859039









>> No.23859074

whats wrong with this

>> No.23859184

its supposed to be "why do you look like you just shit your pants?"

>> No.23859221
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>> No.23859243

I was talking to a japanese friend and he gave me this example sentence:

"ところで 最近開発課の加藤さんを見かけなくなりましたが 何かご存知ですか"

I asked him if he was using が to mean "but" here, but he said it was used to "connect background information and main sentence".

Can anybody explain what he means by this? I've never heard of this use for が

>> No.23859294

it's as he says. が can function as a connector between sentences even if they don't express contrasting ideas like 'but' does.

>> No.23859299

Cool, thank you.

>> No.23859309
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>> No.23859341


>> No.23859342

the path to dekiruhood is littered with many dekinai moments

>> No.23859351


>> No.23859352


>> No.23859359 [DELETED] 
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Thoughts on this book?

>> No.23859361

lololololol watch more anime

>> No.23859374

tobira guy im not angry im just disappointed

>> No.23859383 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23859385


>> No.23859390

he's lost it again

>> No.23859392

yosh time to mine futa h-manga until he's gone

>> No.23859396

is this キューブ狂 having another mental breakdown?

>> No.23859399

yea bro I TOTALLY study Japanese reading these porn comics

>> No.23859403

jesus christ

>> No.23859407

who said anything about studying

>> No.23859416
File: 49 KB, 1361x205, 1577232885486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he gave up in the end

>> No.23859427

He'll never find that mystery character. Breaks my heart.

>> No.23859459

Why are manchildren like this?

>> No.23859461

whats ur issue uppercaser scumbag?

>> No.23859463

acquiring japanese reading porn games here

>> No.23859485

it's always an uppercaser

>> No.23859503

Having your study meter in how much 'fun' you're having is the most switch owner reddit*r thing I can think of honestly.

>> No.23859509

feel bad for all the dudes that go yoshi ill translate a language i cant read so i can learn the language and help the people who havent learned the language at the same time !
they never stood a chance and its just not right

>> No.23859514

are you trolling lol

>> No.23859524

uh oh matts here to tell us about the importance of devoting oneself wholly to the pursuit of jozu

>> No.23859531

get that stick out of your ass lol

>> No.23859532

trying to fit in too hard, mate

>> No.23859539

anyone know where to get ありふれた職業で世界最強 vols 9 & 10?

can't find them anywhere. not on nyaa, not in the library, not on ab, and not even on those shitty raw sites.

>> No.23859548

usually that means youre fucked

>> No.23859550

they're probably not available then

>> No.23859565


>> No.23859620

Reading equates to writing
Listening equates to speaking

>> No.23859632

tobira guy im sorry you turned out this way

>> No.23859644

this shit makes me wanna fucking kill myself

>> No.23859693

yoshi finished my daily 9 hour anime session I feel like translating something already!

>> No.23859716

only 1110 more days of subbed anime watching to go

>> No.23859722

i think my dopamine receptors are permanently crippled

>> No.23859725

that's kino tho, if I was a transfrag I would do it like that too, you either find it funny or infuriating doesn't matter I win

>> No.23859741

wait but I watch my anime dubbed it works the same right? It must be because I saw a youtube video saying it did work

>> No.23859760

wonder how many dekinais learn kana and give up

>> No.23859763

i feel like tobira-kun is on the verge of killing himself and screaming into the void here for the occasional response is the only thing keeping him somewhat sane

>> No.23859789

>e-celeb schizo

>> No.23859801

what if tobira is moe and all the anime is really getting to him

>> No.23859862

the number of extremely attractive women posting naked pictures of themselves on reddit is surprising

>> No.23859869

women are stupid attractive or unattractive

>> No.23859881

here we go

>> No.23859889

virgin alert

>> No.23859900

not every virgin is filled with contempt and loathing

>> No.23859905



>> No.23859932
File: 80 KB, 1201x522, ss+(2020-05-18+at+02.55.57).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if i go through these beginners textbooks one more time maybe ill be fluent soon
Why does this happen every time?

>> No.23859937

does Matt encourage his cult to have sex?

>> No.23859990

lmfao @ studying 2 years just decided to try reading and listening

>> No.23859992

only if its with a japanese native

>> No.23859995

doesnt appear to be what hes saying did you post the wrong picture

>> No.23860006





>> No.23860058

>couple of years
cherry on top
>MIA & immersion
he's unironically doing the 9 hour input without understanding shit is he

>> No.23860077

matt's greatest sin is encouraging beginners to do raw listening and telling them that watching with subtitles is reading.

look at this poor sap. he's spending hours watching movies raw thinking he is learning japanese from them despite his own admission in the post that he is getting virtually zero comprehensible input because he understands nothing that is being said.

>> No.23860086

did schooling just fuck some people's brains so hard that the textbook thing became second nature? i know a few aspiring sysadmins online who keep on poring through manual after manual after textbook without actually trying to set up a server at home for example and wondering why they're getting nowhere in terms of actual skill

>> No.23860098




>> No.23860221

look as the djt npcs attack the man for watching a movie he wanted to watch instead of childrens "comprehensible input" cartoons

>> No.23860232

that's not having fun

>> No.23860239


>> No.23860248

>did schooling just fuck some people's brains so hard that the textbook thing became second nature?
yes, when ur only frame of reference to how you're "supposed" to learn a language is how they told u it is done in school thats the kind of thinking u end up with. i think its way more prevalent with americans since they didnt have the experience of learning english as a second language. most europeans learned english by watching cartoons and playing video games so its probably easier for them to realize that input is how u learn and not textbooks.

>> No.23860259

>hmm should I reinforce what I've learned with comprehensive input or should I watch this thing that I don't understand shit

>> No.23860273

anime literally fries your brain

>> No.23860278

so you think you should just never listen to anything or watch dora the explorer forever whats the djt method

>> No.23860281

someone rec me a good novel from なろう that hasn't been adapted to ln/manga/anime

>> No.23860283


>> No.23860284

its true though
nobody thinks ull ever be like a native lmao

seek professional help tobira guy you're fucking losing it

>> No.23860302

the guy that thought he was intermediate because he did tobira trying to give advice is the funniest shit

>> No.23860317

>Textbook? but that's not fun! I want to have fun with anime and porn! what about v-tubers!
kinda sad

>> No.23860341



>> No.23860342

ur not makin today a いい一日 rn my dude but neither are any of the other knuckleheads posting rn haha

>> No.23860359

oh for fucks sake now i have to see your posts cause you're posting anon. arent u a sys admin cant you get a new ip

>> No.23860376

nice thread

>> No.23860380

maybe i wont use the trip nemore for a while looks like the bubble boys need a reality check haha

>> No.23860396


>> No.23860410

tired of people ignoring your bait posts ?

>> No.23860429
File: 64 KB, 800x600, 1539558696450(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's that time of day again, huh

>> No.23860444


>> No.23860461
File: 58 KB, 690x720, 1507200325525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23860471

cant possibly be any worse than the guy who remembers posts from 4 years ago haha

imagine if he was samefagging his own post from 4 years ago wouldnt that be something

>> No.23860482

it could be much worse you could be the guy hes talking about doing the same thing 4 years later

>> No.23860484

tobira-kun how would you tell someone to acquire japanese
i'm genuinely curious

>> No.23860485

imagine if he just found it in a 5 second archive search because one of the replies contained "jamal" haha wouldnt that be something

>> No.23860502

feeling slightly sad that i have this fresh white tshirt on and nobodys going to see it today

>> No.23860503

i havent posted constantly for 4 years tho i recall a big period where i didnt post cuz i considered the mission complete in addition to little breaks here and there

idk is that really much better doin that in the 1st place haha

>> No.23860504

if you feel like you're fuming just breath in breath out like Matt said

>> No.23860514

you should purposely spill spaghetti sauce on it as an act of rebellion

>> No.23860515

hes a genius where does he come up with this stuff

>> No.23860522

who cares how long someone posts for anyway

>> No.23860530





>> No.23860541


>> No.23860544

hes doing this for 16 hours a day every day for 4 years imagine

>> No.23860549

prolly 20 year olds cuz thats like 20% of their entire life lol imagine liking to post on in the same forum for as long as someone went to high school ! lol

>> No.23860561

not a argument

>> No.23860566

theres no argument im dictating as i usually do for 30 hours a day

>> No.23860568

breath in....breath out....breath in...breath out...

>> No.23860570

riajuu hours in here

>> No.23860576

16 hours every day for 4 years the absolute state of this 'man's' 'life'

>> No.23860581

enjoying ur conscious breathing ? hows about we add some conscious blinking and maybe a yawn in there haha

>> No.23860586


>> No.23860591

i mean when ur connected to ur device for 12+ hours a day anyway its not really a big deal to post in a thread idgi i just post while im weavin thru the matrix like neo

>> No.23860596

crazy that quiz is able to stay away now but ***** cant

>> No.23860600

i can do what i wanna do when i wanna do it

>> No.23860603


>> No.23860607

nothing wrong about posting with the bros

>> No.23860614

quiz quit nihongo to work at google

>> No.23860615

there is actually

>> No.23860622

mopping the swe bathrooms LOL

>> No.23860633

did quiz actually quit jp as a whole or is he just in on his usual sabbatical from djt

>> No.23860634

quiz literally just posts anon now, as evidenced by the day before yesterday

>> No.23860643

quiz read muramasa and is now reading hanachirasu

>> No.23860651

imagine actually shitposting in this thread all day every day for 5-6 years. wtf.

>> No.23860672

sounds like a healthy normal life

>> No.23860674

ain't nothing wrong with posting with the boys long as you have and can keep a roof over your head, no matter what riajuus say

>> No.23860682

4 years totally wasted just imagine

>> No.23860686

ive been on this website for 12years and i started coming here when i was 12yo
i have decided to settle down now and die with djt

>> No.23860699

idk why kids be out hatin and judgin

just the fact i spent the last 4 years not bein a hater makes me > u lol

hate if gay

>> No.23860705

he cant even stop posting long enough to eat dinner or to wait out a ban that lasts a few days lmao shits fucking disturbing

>> No.23860707

youre the most scummy hateful subhuman in here though

>> No.23860712

i see it's underage b& リア充 bitching hour again

>> No.23860714

you shit on stuff people enjoy literally every single day u post here mr hypocrite

>> No.23860715

face it the thread would be dead right now otherwise

im literally enabling u to spew ur shit that u would otherwise keep bottled up inside ur black hearts lol

>> No.23860717

i hope hes not poor as well that would be embarrassing

>> No.23860724

>you shit on stuff people enjoy
right i dont hate the player i hate the game thx for giving me such a glowing testimonial

>> No.23860727

breath in.....breath out....breath in....breath out...

>> No.23860731

i kinda already do that or else id be dead nahmsayin

>> No.23860733

4 years wasted 16 hours a day getting ass cancer let this be a lesson to anyone getting into a routine

>> No.23860735

there's a good number of hiki/neets who seem to be somewhat well off i think

>> No.23860742


>> No.23860744

mad ajatter said that matto said something very interesting yesterday
what was it

>> No.23860749

ye i own a residential building

>> No.23860751

as long as i have my porn collection...

>> No.23860762

real estate allows me live my hiki life to the fullest

>> No.23860761

your parents

>> No.23860771

well i inherited it so its mine now

>> No.23860772

tobira guy is still going at it?
mental illness

>> No.23860773

false flag

>> No.23860777

wtf stop increasing the rent you nerd

>> No.23860781

being a hiki is a mental illness, time goes by really fast

>> No.23860785

he's been at it for less than 6 months meanwhile jamutt has been going strong for 5 years

>> No.23860791

please don't be upset you're being toxic this is a hppy place thanks.

>> No.23860792

not really

>> No.23860796


>> No.23860806

true desu senpai

>> No.23860813

i wish i could increase it more, roi isn't as good as ud think it is generally lol but the location all but guarantees that ill be able to steadily increase rent prices over the years

>> No.23860816

this thread stinks of リア充

>> No.23860823


>> No.23860831

fuck u when i get my shit together ill move out

>> No.23860835

havent seen my irl bros in like 2 months

>> No.23860837

get that cheddar bro

>> No.23860842

time goes by fast when ur days are easy regardless

>> No.23860866

no, times feels to go by fast because you're not doing anything worth and your brain is literally deleting almost every shit you do because it's not worth saving cus it's always the same repetitive garbage like shitposting here

>> No.23860868
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>> No.23860886

just get a waifu pillow bro

>> No.23860887

moshi moshi
is this daily japanese thread

>> No.23860895

idk bro i dont want to commit to wrong waifu and find out i dont really even like her

>> No.23860906

cowkneecheewa djt des

>> No.23860910

in my experience, i have the time to do what i enjoy while acquiring and using "productive" skills if i so choose
dunno man, just sounds like you're mad you have to slave away for some 40 odd years before being kicked on the kerb, too old to enjoy anything anymore

>> No.23860944
File: 209 KB, 600x3031, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu senpai
the system is just fucking everyone over

>> No.23860954

no, I don't work either just pointing out how the brain actually works. doesn't matter what you do the thing is that what you do is repetitive, like being a hikki garbage, so your brain literally does not seem to find usefull to retain the information about the garbage you do everyday therefore you think time goes faster.
that's a reason why should always try new hobbies/sorroundings and why people travel to new places, that's why childhood seems to be so heavy in memories and so on.

>> No.23860958

were talking about wasting your life 16 hours a day for 4 years on djt though not using your time for interesting things

>> No.23860970

can we get the thread back on track

>> No.23860990


>> No.23860992

god kaiji is so good

>> No.23860999

man kaiji is a gift to anime imagine if animators would put effort to make stuff like this instead of 50 terrible shows every season

>> No.23861004

when the mods finally ban jamal's ip range or introduce a report option for ban evaders, maybe

>> No.23861008


>> No.23861015


>> No.23861016

What happened to the part of the guide rating the difficulty of manga and stuff?

>> No.23861019

idk just read what you want

>> No.23861022
File: 580 KB, 305x647, ジョージ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23861045

I usually do. Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei is wrecking me because I don't think I would understand the humour in English either.

>> No.23861046

it's still somewhere on itazura

>> No.23861050

the visual novel is truly an underappreciated artform

>> No.23861058

every single time lmao

>> No.23861066

Lol no one would ever do that.

>> No.23861076

said specimen is posting itt this very moment

>> No.23861095

Do you guys practice writing every piece of vocab you learn? Right now I'm writing out every new word/sentence that comes up on Anki, but I'm wondering if it's really worth the effort and if I should just focus on recognition/reading at this early stage.

>> No.23861125

hope jamals feeling okay after the targeted bullying by the discord nazipedo crew
i mean his favorite streamer isnt streaming anymore, so not sure how he manages

>> No.23861173

hope he's not ok, also i'm a lolicon

>> No.23861176

Are you sure?

>> No.23861188

no but that list sux anyways

>> No.23861191

lol no

>> No.23861205

doesnt bother me its just posts in a thread fuck em lol

>> No.23861211


>> No.23861214

you mean this?

>> No.23861218

>its just posts in a thread
this is a summary of what you've done with your life for the past 5 years dude

>> No.23861225

me too

>> No.23861232

dont forget to fap after anki reps so you hone your dopamine
then go for a walk, your body likes walks

>> No.23861238

not my whole life dude lol but even then at least theres proof that i existed that will always be there until the earth gets emped anyway

some ppl arent even able to leave that much behind in the world so im ok w., that

>> No.23861241

based jamal

>> No.23861242

don't do anki so when should i fap

>> No.23861245

Yes. Thank you. Now I can leave this awful place until I run out of stuff to read again. I haven't been to these threads since they moved here from /a/ and I don't seem to have missed much.

>> No.23861256

>I haven't been to these threads since they moved here from /a/ and I don't seem to have missed much.
nice self own idiot youve been at it for that long and cant even read sayonara zetsubo sense lmao

>> No.23861275
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>Flyable Heart
>Early Intermediate

>> No.23861279

all the time

>> No.23861287

I'm on volume 3 after less than a day. I don't get the jokes because I'm not Japanese.

>> No.23861291

once a week

>> No.23861292

fuck you

>> No.23861293


>> No.23861305

>i-im not actually a complete knob i j-just need a difficulty list for r-reasons

>> No.23861310

thought you were leaving hehe

>> No.23861331

noone can resist the /djt/cock

>> No.23861337


>> No.23861356

cant believe how easy it is to end up fucking your big sister
just call her when you are about to cum and shoot that shit allover her, and after that she cant keep her hands of you
people with sisters in their family are truly blessed

>> No.23861363

ringo o taberu

>> No.23861365

That's so sad. My life is so different from where I was in 2016.

>> No.23861369

Okay so I downloaded genki, tae kim and anki.
Also playing japanese games
What else am I missing?

>> No.23861370

seriously though, it's funny
meisou can't leave despite her supposed enlightenment
quiz can't leave despite his supposed ascension
once the /djt/ tendrils are in, they're in good

>> No.23861381

my foot *shoves foot up your ass*

>> No.23861382

and i just dont make excuses

i like posting here when im doing it

>> No.23861386

dno never downloaded any of those

>> No.23861400

they obviously love us dno whats ur issue with that

>> No.23861403

gonna beat up every jamal hater i see...

>> No.23861413

gonna shake the qm killers hand

>> No.23861438

wonderin what ciaran does for a living
thinkin of how he'll support us both as my loving boywife

>> No.23861482

omae no keeki kuttaro

>> No.23861556

banger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2dlsxspMxU

>> No.23861605

read all the example sentences

>> No.23861812
File: 12 KB, 569x54, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there more than one way to write/say fruit? Is it the context that a certain spelling of it is used over the other? Are there more words like this? I assume there are tons.

>> No.23861832

wtf are you on about. its well known that the ratio between words and things in the world is 1 to 1 in every language.

>> No.23861860
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>> No.23861873


>> No.23861900

What's so funny?

>> No.23861911


>> No.23861920


>> No.23861922


>> No.23861933


>> No.23861937

What did I say that was funny?

>> No.23861954

か-じつ クワ― [1] 【果実】
(3)〔法〕 ある物品(元物(ゲンブツ))から生み出される収益。穀物・羊毛などの天然果実と,利息・家賃・地代などの法定果実とがある。
くだもの [2] 【果物】

>> No.23861998

Ok so one is usually used for berries and the other way is used in the context of fruits that come from trees. Got it. Still kind of odd I guess but I am sure there is a reason for everything.

>> No.23862038


>> No.23862062


>> No.23862072


>> No.23862076

dude i just wanna run like naruto listening to caramerudansin
and naked
in other words, 服を着てない

>> No.23862132


>> No.23862166

place feels dead

>> No.23862174

looked forward to waking up today so i could play terraria

>> No.23862212

nice bro. i felt sad emotions in my chest when i woke up
1st time it happened too

>> No.23862223

Whats up mother truckers? Care to explain what this means


>> No.23862255

Where do I go to learn to speak exclusively in tohokuben?

>> No.23862279

>oh ill just listen to mahler for a bit to relax
>wake up 2 hours later

>> No.23862284

im pretty sure the moderators over at /a/ deleted my post reply telling ppl they should learn japanese

>> No.23862304

/a/ a shit

>> No.23862311

this is literally in jisho.org don't be lazy

>> No.23862354

wtf i love mods now

>> No.23862370

an uppercaser lazy and/or stupid? ive never seen such a thing not one time

>> No.23862411

Ok tard, at least I can smile knowing you dont know japanese

>> No.23862417
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>> No.23862419

know more than u lol

>> No.23862472

not really in a position to talk about who knows what when you have to look up what nagai me de miru means imo

>> No.23862487

should i watch スクールランブル

>> No.23862496

he doesnt even know how to look it up lmfao

>> No.23862515
File: 225 KB, 350x350, SWCD-0012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how difficult is the clannad vn for a beginner?

>> No.23862523

not sure

>> No.23862525

What the fuck happened to this place? How long has it been like this? /djt/ was apathetic asshole floorshitter NEET central. Now it's full of feely shitters straight out of r/anime.

>> No.23862543


>> No.23862544

the last batch of ppl learning japanese probably had to get jobs

>> No.23862554

we've become hardened in the everlasting battle against the ass cancer known as uppercasers

>> No.23862555

ciaran what are episode cards

please respond

>> No.23862570

wonder what the future of flashcarding will be like

>> No.23862574

almost explained but its such a retarded question that it has to be bait u cant get me bro

>> No.23862578

when i get drunk i sometimes end up showing people my anki decks. really embarrassing stuff looking back at it

>> No.23862590

havent drunk in weeks

>> No.23862591

thing is there is no future for flash cards. it's like purgatory. you either go to heaven or hell after the final judgement

>> No.23862594

just woke up. time to check all the djt power users' mals to see what they've been watching. then i'll do my reps

>> No.23862610

i'm asking seriously

someone told me i should do them last thread but i have no idea what they are. apparently there's a streamable out there somewhere showing what they are but that anon didn't have the link.

>> No.23862615

how can i go from hell to hell

>> No.23862619

im not watching anime

>> No.23862634

ciaran made a card from an episode of lotgh that had like 2 minutes of audio on it, think u can figure out the joke from there

>> No.23862639

i burned my sins off doing tens of thousands of flashcards now i get to chill in nihongo heaven

>> No.23862653

oh it's that


>> No.23862662

japanese of the day: さもありなん

>> No.23862673

flashcarding is the light. if everyone in the world used anki we would be living in utopia

>> No.23862674


>> No.23862693

OK I appreciate the advice you guys have given but seriously, when will I know Japanese?

>> No.23862701

you can't learn japanese

>> No.23862704


>> No.23862882

Do you think its impossible in general or something or did you say that just to be rude?

>> No.23862916

shut da F up

>> No.23862920

depends on the route you take, for instance jamal can't even say nihongo after 15+ years while that guy chris made an entire japanese vlog video after 18 months and understands 95-100% of anime, brit vs japan had similar results

>> No.23862953

ahh yeah i just understand it bro like 90% of it haha it's like magic

>> No.23862966

So fcking smug

>> No.23862978
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>> No.23863005

is language learning for NPCs?

>> No.23863034

getting fluent is pretty hardcore and elite but duolingo language learners are npcs

>> No.23863044

i suffocate on マンコ
u choke on ちんこ

>> No.23863071

not true

>> No.23863072

Damn, it's the expressionist stream of consciousness type posts like this that keep me returning to /djt/. There's no other place on the internet like it.

>> No.23863086


>> No.23863093

i was mainly aiming it at ciaran and maybe jamal since he is in to futa

>> No.23863465

anyone else missing quizmaster?

>> No.23863605

ホットパンツ shit should be illegal
that shit fucks with my dopamine the most

>> No.23863700


>> No.23863715
File: 571 KB, 375x529, 1563333273926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watched this. it could have been great but they kinda forgot to give the 2 of the 3 main characters any actual motivation or logic for doing what they do so it kinda fell flat. the message was also extremely played out and cliche. oh well at least it looked nice.

>> No.23863716

dude just put the trip back on
no one cares

>> No.23863746

halo 2 keeps FUCKING me when im trying to beat it on LASO but i learned two new vocab words b/c of it:

接続 and 途絶える

>> No.23863769

djt halo 2 server when

>> No.23863772

wow another guy that's playing halo 2 in japanese? crazy and cool!

>> No.23863776

knew both of those

>> No.23863784

didnt know any of those and dont remember seeing those before

>> No.23863798

thinking about buying fall of reach in japanese

>> No.23863800

Anime & Jdrama Freq:8119
VN Freq:6791
Anime & Jdrama Freq:10590
VN Freq:6135

>> No.23863830

nobody fcking cares

>> No.23863832

thinking about getting desktop kanojo thats probably what i need in my life

>> No.23863843


>> No.23863851

weird how which of those two words is more common switches for the vn frequency.

>> No.23863869

just realized i need a desktop 爆乳彼女

>> No.23864022

how do i stop auto converting japanese to english in my head while i watch

>> No.23864051
File: 390 KB, 674x592, 71043365_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[Clever Foxman] fox ninja expansion soldier

>> No.23864066

dno read more

>> No.23864077

very disappointed

>> No.23864086

put red pepper flakes in my aglio e olio and im drenched in sweat upon finishing my meal

>> No.23864093

sorry ive been busy, ill post the real one later

>> No.23864099
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>> No.23864105
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>> No.23864114

thats just how it be

>> No.23864134
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>> No.23864159

whats ur issue

>> No.23864164

? thats pretty fucking important word
your doujin comprehension % will increase by 3% when you acquire that

>> No.23864177

yeah but i didn't expect it to come up so early. 450th most common word in vns?

>> No.23864186

as a non sex pervert this makes me glad i didnt use vncore and got actually generally useful core words.

>> No.23864193

every vn has people fucking wtf did u expect the common words to be

>> No.23864194

loser ill fuck your ass in the meet

>> No.23864204

it's pretty hard to insist that the most common vn words aren't important for learning. even if your only goal is the speak to nips, you'll need to practice and things like vns are the best way to do it.

>> No.23864216

if im gonna bother talking to nips ill talk about sex anyway
thats probably the only thing we share in common

>> No.23864223

nice dehumanization of 150 million people you piece of shit....

>> No.23864225

youll both have small dicks too
stfu mousou girl

>> No.23864229

lmfao rekt

>> No.23864237

this is the only place i see emphasize VNs so hard, theres so many other mediums to get input. i find VNs more boring than reading a book or reading jp subtitles on a jdrama/anime.

like think about how ridiculous you sound in the context of all the people in the world who have learned japanese a second language that u think someone really needs to know how to read "semen" to learn to speak to japanese people

>> No.23864242

didnt read

>> No.23864246

as a second language*

>> No.23864247

>all the people in the world who have learned japanese a second language
those people dont exist

>> No.23864254

ill start with the weather topic so dont worry. but idk how talking about sex is dehumanizing
probably, and by looking at the stats we both will be virgins too

>> No.23864256

i'm so confused as to how you people are so retarded as if 99% of what's in the first few thousand most frequent words in vns aren't common everywhere

>> No.23864259

cookin some rice in my rice cooker. wbu guys

>> No.23864271

eating shit pasta with tuna, cuz my washing machine didnt clean my only spatula well enough so i could cook my chicken

>> No.23864276

animedrones getting uppity about vns again huh

>> No.23864282

i wasn't defending semen as a necessary word. i was defening vncore as a valid core deck. vns, anime, and manga all have nearly the same set of vocab. it's just vns can be easily scanned to create word frequency lists.

>> No.23864292

god wtf whoever designed sharnoth's gameplay needs to be castrated

>> No.23864293

精液 doesnt appear a single time in the anime frequency list i made from 6000 subtitle files

>> No.23864298

sounds like you watch fucking shit anime

>> No.23864313

not sure how u came to the conclusion but i just used the xavier pack

>> No.23864314

all an*me is fucking shit

>> No.23864315

what does that have to do with anything

>> No.23864321

not sure just felt like posting it

>> No.23864329

gonna stop posting and living

>> No.23864331

i feel like the word semen is more likely to appear in real life conversation than in non pornographic anime

>> No.23864343

probably because the shit they can say in anime on broadcast is pretty tightly regulated.

>> No.23864345

fuck an*me
fuck lns

>> No.23864371

i dont know the nuance b/c i dont know the word 精液 yet but "semen" usually has a more medical or professional context. if im hanging with my bros we're just talking about cum or jizz, which im sure is also a word in vncore

>> No.23864386

I also prefer Japanese normie youtube and daytime TV.

>> No.23864400

nope, into syosetsu, manga and vns, now try to quit projecting
quite telling

>> No.23864424

alright nukemarine

>> No.23864454

So I'm relatively new to learning Japanese and have already memorized all of the vowels. (a, i, u, e, o) and a few others but some I can write down and say them aloud 20 times and just can't remember them. Any tips?

>> No.23864460

consider ending it

>> No.23864461

so mad rn

>> No.23864465

just screenshot the reddit post next time. its actually funnier that way.

>> No.23864492

im not yet probably soon
i go though almost every emotion each day

>> No.23864498

kill yourself

>> No.23864559

Day 2 let's go! Already got my reps done and added 100 new words. Thinking I might try to read a couple pages of manga. I can do this! I can learn Japanese!

>> No.23864568

ah, the optimism

>> No.23864570

idk but meisou girl is probably my number one wife candidate.
even if we leave out her banging body and beautiful dark eyes, she still got that personality. and the fact that we share common hobbies like reading doujins
even though she is more into that shota boylove stuff

>> No.23864582

this but with ciaran and his height
perfect boywife material

>> No.23864612
File: 426 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2020-05-18-17-12-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 days studying japanese and I can effortlessly read those conversations and understand everything
>thanks to anki I could read those kanji without the furigana too
What the eff bros, why didn't you tell me japanese was this fucking easy?

>> No.23864616

yo fags, tried to turansuraito some nihongo from hentai garbage, posted my subpar translation on /d/, which i wont link to preserve the purity of djt land. there's a certain sentence that I know what it means but i dont know how I would adapt it to english
something they say when getting off a chair or developing effort, like fucking animals. how the fuck would you adapt that

>> No.23864617

ciaran's probably one of those super short dudes who whip out their 10 inch nikubous when it's time to get down

>> No.23864626


>> No.23864632

fuck i hate ciaran even more

>> No.23864643

would you rather be ciaran size with a 10 incher or 6'3 but only 4.5" hard?

>> No.23864654

i wanna watch the light go out of ur eyes as i choke u to death with my bare hands

>> No.23864675

both of those fuckin suck since u wont be able to go balls deep or basically fuck normally at all with the vast majority of women if u have a 10 incher and being tiny is no good either.

>> No.23864691

I've been studying for four years and can't read this.

>> No.23864697

is this guy serious

>> No.23864703

wtf meisou girl

>> No.23864704


>> No.23864743

shut da fuck up

>> No.23864756

i assume u added a い in there by mistake but
よし - all right
ょ - dont know what this is might be another typo
っと - quoting particle basically it sinifies what the speaker is thinging
basically it all depends on context

>> No.23864806

no, it's a way of speaking. the sentence does not have to make sense. don't analyze it word by word.
the thing is, those sentences "heave-ho", "oopsie daisy" <-- this I only actually saw in hentai translations, got no idea what they mean.
"alley-oop" i've seen it more often, but it feels iffy for me to translate it that way

>> No.23864826

Doing 200 new cards a day in anki feels so good! Core 2k im finishing you in a week

>> No.23864843

wtf dont respond to my shitposts in earnest youre makinjg me feel bad

>> No.23864909

fucked up that there are brazen anti lolicon posters but there are tons faggots in here that got off scot free

>> No.23864919

you wont remember any of those words

>> No.23864926


>> No.23865005

yeah pretty much this. americans usually stay in textbook purgatory for at least a few years before learning about input and starting to actually get good. but some never get out and their language learning journey starts and ends with a textbook. sad stuff

>> No.23865020

Nah, my retention rates 94% LOL! I have so much free time so I just make a filtered deck and restudy the 200.

>> No.23865025

So I'm at the point now where I can ready slightly below normal speed but I still feel like my comprehension is only about 80% even though I understand all of the words and can read them reasonably fast. What to do here? Just read more and it will eventually get better automatically or shall I get back to the study desk?

>> No.23865029


>> No.23865037

I think read more and try to look up grammar points that give you trouble? You should watch stuff too, not only read

>> No.23865072

u like watching shit that reminds you ur wasting ur life??

>> No.23865089

So many anime have no Japanese subs that I have given up on watching them. Must suck being deaf in japan.

>> No.23865091

Yuunyan is the cutest. If you know who she is I'm sorry for you

>> No.23865104

yea i prefer my anime to be good and not some escapist shit for losers

>> No.23865121

Why does 思お have so many distinct meanings? Are the japanese retarded?

>> No.23865127

You shouldn't be watching with subs in the first place, thats what you read for. Watching without subs helps you train your listening

>> No.23865136

I hate myself for knowing her too anon


>> No.23865137

yes. you don't?

>> No.23865140


>> No.23865146

kill yourselves

>> No.23865147


>> No.23865154

Japanese tiktok is a surprisingly good immersion source since it's very easy to digest 6 second videos that usually have very colloquial Japanese

>> No.23865166

that doesn't change the fact that you should kill yourself
god i hate underage b&

>> No.23865169

why the fuck do you losers watch shit like this lmfao

>> No.23865191

sometimes it's perfectly acceptable to ironically look at cancer online

>> No.23865196

so many of them do though you lazy idiot
shut the fuck up you stupid braindead fucking retard

>> No.23865203

reading these one after the other made me lol

>> No.23865205

perfect reminder of why ironytards should be castrated

>> No.23865210

desu learning japanese makes me feel like i am wasting my life less

>> No.23865212

damn shes cute

any other jp tik tok recs?

>> No.23865245

my skin is crawling at the thought that there are "people" in my thread who use tiktok unironically and use muh irony as a defense

>> No.23865249


>> No.23865259

she looks like a real life version of the k-on ratfaced bitched which means a mallet to the face would do her some good

>> No.23865283

the thought of someone watching raw anime infuriates me too

>> No.23865323
File: 62 KB, 847x709, awe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"enlightenment" if you must call it that doesn't mean you have to stop posting on internet forums dude
like i said before though i post here a lot less than i used to, sometimes im gone for weeks it just depends what i feel like
i prolly post on ガールズちゃんねる more often than djt these days
wasnt me

>> No.23865334

why shouldn't someone watch raw Japanese material? why the fuck would you have jp subs on when you're trying to increase your listening comprehension? fucking dumbass lol. are you supposed to read subs when you're listening to someone speak? fucking retard!!

>> No.23865340

what if you're watching anime to try to increase your reading comprehension

>> No.23865344
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>> No.23865357

so many "people" itt i want to personally fucking disembowel

>> No.23865358

there are 'people' on 4chan young enough to browse "tiktok"

>> No.23865365

that's ok then, I was talking about listening

>> No.23865368

cool thread nerds

>> No.23865373

oreimo is truly one of the most epic and important anime

>> No.23865375


nvm shes cancelled

>> No.23865396

this gives youkai watch vibes

>> No.23865402

wtfshes a nazi

>> No.23865406

>why the fuck would you have jp subs on when you're trying to increase your listening comprehension?
quiz says that's ok

>> No.23865463

>my comprehension is only about 80% even though I understand all of the words
maybe pick a fucking grammar book? you fucking brain dead weebretard

>> No.23865474

i like watching her go. like a down syndrome nazi memster. she looks like alcohol fetal syndrome incarnate. i don't understand the 寒いし嫌だし卍
is that 嫌 kanji something like "hate"? is that 'samuishi' talking about cold or something not being funny?
what is マジ? (nvm checked it out, it's like "joke". i thought it'd be 'magical' or something)
nihongo dekinai 助けてください

>> No.23865481

abhorrent post dude

>> No.23865486


>> No.23865490

muh textbooks won't help, tobira-kun

>> No.23865500

im curious, how good do you think you are?

>> No.23865511

your brain on tiktok

>> No.23865535


lmfao! nice find matt

>> No.23865556

haha fucking epic bros
(whats so special about わて)

>> No.23865559

>MIA co-founder. I help people learn languages well.
thoughts on this statement?

>> No.23865584

he does that's what mia does

>> No.23865588

is this sarcasm

>> No.23865622
File: 674 KB, 600x800, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think you know katakana you need a wake up call

>> No.23865628

where is tobira guy at in terms of japanese acquisition
he talks like an authority on the matter, so im very interested

>> No.23865641


>> No.23865656
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>> No.23865657

i think that is funny and worth posting
matts twitter really isnt that bad

>> No.23865660

is wanikani still a crutch or has it been improved over these past few months?

>> No.23865672

scam to make sub money

>> No.23865690

thinking about coming up with another nihongo scam

>> No.23865699

Imagine hating moe cringy tiktok girls with the same passion you love porn stars

>> No.23865717

don't love porn stars though
also moe and the 3d form are incompatible

>> No.23865727

i dont hate the girls, and i dont love pornstars
im worried for every young girls mental health because theres 100 million dirty fucking indians sending dick pics for them and bullshitting them in dms

>> No.23865731

>im worried for every young girls mental health

>> No.23865748

attachment is the root of all suffering my niggaz

>> No.23865759

Can anyone please share the JLPT N5 and N4 decks of MIA? I know some of you have them,that matt jew wants me to send him a receipt of the book and I'm not gonna buy shit.

>> No.23865772


>> No.23865791


>> No.23865793

please someone share them,I saw them posted here the other day but stupid me forgot to download them.

>> No.23865804

it says the key isn't valid.

>> No.23865808

they're in the library come on man

>> No.23865823

well duh, it's a fake link dummy

>> No.23865829
File: 31 KB, 580x138, aaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ym fuckign doujin

>> No.23865837

nvm the site is back up thank god

>> No.23865859
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>only BD sub has furigana and fucked up furigana at that
but why

>> No.23865863


>> No.23865873


>> No.23865910

hey jamaal/ i got really 酔っ払い and now i cant 見覚える where my あんきフラッシュカード are

>> No.23865919

alcohol users should be purged

>> No.23865925

chad subtitle furigana would be 蟲(むし)

>> No.23865926

huh?? i do it responsibly

>> No.23865946

don't give a shit
anyone who takes even a drop of alcohol deserves a beheading in my opinion

>> No.23865959

lol funny bait here a (you)

>> No.23865969

what bait
any and all alcohol users are degenerates who shouldn't be alive, sorry if you couldn't parse that

>> No.23865984

lol my post had nothing to do with "parsing" maybe u should research what a bait means befor you make idiotic statements

>> No.23865987

what anime

>> No.23865999


>> No.23866009

jk its mushishi

>> No.23866013

ya dun read it like dat lmol

>> No.23866019

nvm i was gonna see if its possible to fix in subtitle edit but i wont bother now

>> No.23866027

nahh bruv , i was only jokeing lmfao

>> No.23866028

if u aren't straightedge as fuck get out of my thread

>> No.23866033

how do u intend to make me

>> No.23866039

straight edge ass.... as fuck.... yeah ok dude nice try

>> No.23866040


>> No.23866051


>> No.23866060

おねがいします しゃぶって

>> No.23866073


>> No.23866094

I'm sorry

>> No.23866107

what kind of PC and monitor setups do you guys have? and do you use it for gaming and doing other fun things in Japanese?

>> No.23866160
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i also have a monitor on my desk but i basically never use it since i dont play games. i bought a decent pc last year (ryzen 2600x gtx 1060) but i ended up not playing anything

>> No.23866182

hav u gained weight lately?

>> No.23866192

no i havent but my legs do look fat in that pic for some reason

>> No.23866199
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new version

>> No.23866208


>> No.23866215

two monitors for maximum vn mining efficiency

>> No.23866219

how do i parse sentences, anons?
this happens so frequently it's annoying, i'll "know" every word but can't parse the sentence meaning

>> No.23866282


>> No.23866299

give me actual advice

>> No.23866328

with your eyes haha

>> No.23866334

straightedge is a cope for being a faggot lmfao

>> No.23866347

About 1 year and a half in. Haven't spoken Japanese to any natives yet. Planning to start
I have a pretty retarded question because this actually almost happened before. If I meet a group of Japanese students, like 3 max on the street or somewhere, would it be appropriate to introduce myself with a shitty punny japanese joke? Is it highly likely that they will be like "what the fuck does this guy want"?
I'm thinking maybe:

>> No.23866368


>> No.23866369

3rd gen i5 and the cheapest gpu i could buy 3 years ago, use it for basic stuff and some gaming been doing well til now
i dont have a proper monitor for it though i connected a crappy hdtv to it, i think ill buy some old crt syncmaster for retro gaming/4:3 vns because i hate black bars and love crts

>> No.23866385

that will never happen so kinishinaide

>> No.23866391

you're not staring at the words hard enough

>> No.23866394

alcohol is a cope for being a giant fucking loser lmoa

>> No.23866399

no, you're not funny

>> No.23866409
File: 1.36 MB, 1137x685, 1561798615849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im liking this show

>> No.23866431

I literally pressed the link on my mobile and it opened the app (which I obviously had installed) and I watched the video.
I should just kms

>> No.23866433

looks stupid

>> No.23866441


>> No.23866463

just go for it dude, who gives a fuck
you might end up getting some nipponjin friends, or just embarrass yourself if you stutter like hell. but when the next time comes it should be easier

>> No.23866466

where can I download tsukihime without the English patch preinstalled? I checked nyaa and sukebe already, and every torrent on there is already English patched.

>> No.23866474

it's called the internet dude

>> No.23866481

You better memorize this and say it exactly like that.

>> No.23866483


>> No.23866498

its probably too high iq for the likes of u actually

>> No.23866538

what's stopping you from going to japan and marrying a qt

>> No.23866546

i'm already married

>> No.23866556

the jews

>> No.23866557

a real person i meant
