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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1005 KB, 750x900, 1588026600957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23745931 No.23745931 [Reply] [Original]

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.

Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.

What version to play? Read the pastebin.

>New? Start here:
https://pastebin.com/FDv2ATAa (embed)

https://pastebin.com/5ja03yuf (embed)

>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Elona+ Custom-G Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona+ 1.98 (2020-04-07)
>Latest Custom:
E+C 1.90.4 (2019-06-02)

>> No.23745943

Elona+ Custom-G (2019-10-20)

>Omake Overhaul English Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona Omake Overhaul EN (2019-06-17)
Omake Overhaul EN Hack final release (2018-12-14)

>Elin's Inn

(OP fucked up and didn't complete the paste edition)

>> No.23746123


These are some fixed sprite sheets for Beautify and the fork to make them compatible with 1.98/R. All I did was flip between the versions of the sheets and put the new sprites where they should be on the beautify sheets. And fixed a few errors on them.

Not 100% sure everything will look fine, but some brief cruising around seems fine. I'll fix more in the future if anyone can find what I even need to fix.

>> No.23746246

same op image? cmon anon,also the Ether Dagger feels really fucking strong early game,it even surpases some other artifacts which are gotten later

>> No.23746635

At least you are enjoying yours.

I love WEALTH, but this coin doesn't exactly hit hard. Granted, I know late game pierce is supposedly more desirable.

>> No.23746673

does golden storm scale that badly? you kill enemies by throwing money at them

>> No.23746795

No, I mean Kaneituuhou. The godly throwing coin. That is weaker than a ENHANCES ROCK THROW build in terms of damage.

>> No.23749572

>do some gene splicing for the first time
Kinda feels evil man

>> No.23751200

So,it's pointless having a pet just use one dagger right? may as well put as many hands as possible for multi attack?

>> No.23751586

Its not pointless if that what you want your pet to use. You dont need to have everyone use most meta build.

Dual wiel with lots of hands is definitly best melee, especialy for player who can use conti attack, but that doesnt mean that two hand is useless, its just weaker. Two hand with heavy weapon is still really good, especialy early/mid game which allows pets to gain much needed ap.

>> No.23754141

it's been so long since i've been here please explain

>> No.23755306

One of the first things I did was get gene engineer and my balls, punch a bunch of animals to near death, capture them, trade them in for the gene machine, take it to horse town, dump horses into my little girl until 30, so I could get my ability to turn things into meat dolls. Yea its doing evil to do evil to do more evil to collect corpses like dolls. But its fun, so its okay

>> No.23755764

That is a very broad request. Explain what?

>> No.23757574
File: 260 KB, 1472x1334, D8tOIwLWwAA64w1.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dwarf + Predator is the best con you can have to start without going Golem
>Get fire breath, a con based skill
>Tag Control Magic to start with it

Why didn't I think of this before? Now all I need is a magatama.

>> No.23758879

>Finally decide to try god blessing food to see if its as broken as everyone claims
>opatos blessed meals
>my bell hp jumps from 16 to 64
what the fuck

>> No.23759914

I just shoved a wizard in to my little girl so she could learn to cook. It seemed highly unnecessary and she could’ve just taken classes or something

>> No.23760040

OO is broken as fuck in general, its more degenerate than plus and plus has pissing

>> No.23760722

How do you bless meals?

>> No.23761652
File: 3.44 MB, 4800x3168, Map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early release of S. Tyris in oomsest just dropped.

>> No.23762200

Wait another two years before it's complete

>> No.23764720

but where do i place this fix?

>> No.23764735

oh tell me the secret of the rocks

>> No.23764946

It just seems to be an update, just apply it like any graphics pack

>> No.23765533

How do you deal with the fact you can lose your equipment any time on death? i have been playing just mages and pet masters due to the fact they dont need a single piece of gear

>> No.23765548

As the other said, just put it in the graphics folder on top of beautify. It should replace the files of the same name. I didn't release the entire pack as one cause I don't know who maintains this pack. If anyone does.

>> No.23765588

...Secret of the rocks?

You just deal with it.

Realistically, you do mundane delivery and escorts for a while to build up a base of cash for gear and coins for more skills. While doing this, use some of that money to buy yourself food at the baker. Each type they sell will provoke different stat growths. Also clear any ambushes that happen while you walk around. After a few level ups, it should be safer to take more risks.

>> No.23765678

>already used to plus shopkeepers being weak as fuck
>try killing one of the roaming merchants in omake to steal their sweet loot
excuse me

>> No.23765920

Pay the price, scum.

>> No.23766191

Because base stats barely matter and you can 1 shot all but like 3 act 1 enemies full screen with gardening regardless of race/class combo

>> No.23766658

I didn't think you could lose stuff if you're in a place where it'd be impossible to get it back. Anyway, you can always just backup your save folder.

>> No.23766984

Bullshit i have lost stuff in wilderness and one stance maps,and i promised myself to not cheat on this character

>> No.23767211

The rock memes on the OP

>> No.23768524

is there any way to make pets skill potential increase? beside level up points i mean

>> No.23768866

Give them gems, take them near skill trainers and they turn the gems into gold into skill %. A part of why they're hilairously broken in both OO and plus

>> No.23768951

uh,i just assumed they trained their stat potential not the skill themselves,thats even better

>> No.23770358
File: 58 KB, 540x405, 1519779257137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you mean, anon.

>> No.23771104

I keep that around for the "see invisible bastards" enchantment. Never used it as a weapon, I always had magic dart for ranged attacks.

>> No.23772339
File: 31 KB, 326x253, 1583113257619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be lv10 fairy idol with 18hp,if anyone ignores my pet and aims for me i am dead
>suck shopkeeper dick dry on every city
>get stoned at parties but get some money before dying usually
>got raped at least 10+ times on loyter basement but finally completed quest for that sweet 100k
>genocide bandits to sell their cargo and gear on my shop
i hope that palace is worth all the fucking i am being subjected to

>> No.23773582
File: 1.50 MB, 1994x1832, Eos_Stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are brave. Foolish, but brave.

>> No.23773678

if my stats are so low and worthless may as well abuse the fact death means almost nothing to me,my pet is the main character while i am the whore getting the money

>> No.23777386
File: 21 KB, 648x65, suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I have not forseen this?

>> No.23778213

>land battleship deed
>200,000 maintenance cost monthly

>> No.23779187

What version should I play? I used to play Custom but that hasn't been updated in some time. Should I just play the latest version of Plus that's compatible with Custom, the latest version of Plus without Custom, or OO? What would I be missing out on with each?

>> No.23779366


Honestly, the truck is such an upgrade that you should just stick with that. Further is gratuitous.

>> No.23779736

>get a truck
>do trade runs
So this is what it's like to play Truck Simulator

>> No.23780267

>hasn't been updated in some time
Why do people suddenly care about this? Are those trucks way better than SLB or something?

>> No.23781103

Killing little girls is really hurting me.
Each time, they say だめ! and it really gives a pain in my kokoro.
Killing Gwen is a nono though, she's for devouring alive to get the 5 karma, nothing spells "good person " like "devouring innocent little girls alive".

>> No.23781160

Only a fool believes someone called Gwen the Innocent is REALLY innocent
She's evil incarnate , this is why devouring her gives karma

>> No.23781501

I kill everyone who body blocks me in a row, even if its just twice. I don't care about who they are. Its fucking annoying.

>> No.23781509
File: 19 KB, 192x187, are you sure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they better, he asks. Muh seven league boots, he says! Every grade upward of deed of transport multiplies map travel time by 3/5th. Stacking. Truck is just cheap to maintain while still having a huge time benefit. Further deeds also get other fringe benefits.

>> No.23781569

By the time you get those deeds, you are way, way beyond the point of actually caring about 7lb or similar, with much better ways to gain both money and platinum, and could have already paved the path between towns in warehouses for less to negate all encounters anyways

>> No.23781707

Is there any difference between no hands and twelve hands for a fist character? beside the continuous attack sp action hit count

>> No.23783330

I think i read in a plus changelog that having empty hands gives bonus extra hit while doing martial arts, but the bonus was capped at 4 hands.

>> No.23783508

I kinda miss elochat. Anyway to fix it back up again?

>> No.23783757

Elona discord recently posted something about a mod that can let you access a new server.

>> No.23783783


This one?

>> No.23783885

Pretty sure that was added around the same time that MA was nerfed to not scale past ~600 skill or so, inverting its status from king of endgame styles to worst endgame style.
And before anyone points it out, yeah, you can do well with anything and "best" and "worst" won't make or break you. I'm just sick of Ano's retarded nerfing.

>> No.23783927
File: 30 KB, 880x273, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried running it but gave me an error on running the program

>> No.23784025

do palaces exist in omake? wiki says they are elona plus exclusive

>> No.23785621

I feel like you just answered your own question

>> No.23786022

I miss a lot of QoL crap from plus, but switching to oomsest was really a breath of fresh air from NO FUN ALLOWED.
Dungeons being an actually viable source of platinum is so awesome.
Having the option to help townsfolk is nice, but it being mendatory even for a seasoned adventurer ? GTFO

>> No.23787201

Is orphe gone forever if i leave the room without killing him? i think i have made a mistake

>> No.23787367

What is the summary on oomsest versus plus? You have me interested.

>> No.23787577

ah fuck not this question again,its too much to list here

>> No.23787728

I sense your weakness, and I can only assume it is the weakness inherent in those that run from the true branch of ELONA. You and your oomsest will not survive the winter.

>> No.23789163

I only played (more like tried really) Elona once a long time ago. Are the monster girl sprites in the OP image from the game/mod?

>> No.23790391

Now you too can partake in Isekai by helping transfer adventurers to other worlds by running them over.

>> No.23790409

Omake's property endgame is the Dungeon deed which you can customize into a palace if you so choose.

>> No.23790512

Man, I got the shit gig. The real profit would be going in to regular worlds to isekai regular students in to elona

>> No.23790585

What's the best endgame class/race/traits now?

>> No.23790807

You awful demon. Just think of how many of them would be pregnant in a week thanks to the local well promised to give them stat boosts.

>> No.23790851

What's worse is that they wouldn't know they have to drink fucking acid or dye to get rid of the chestbursters

>> No.23791489

PLEASE respond, I want something to play on my shitty night shift budget laptop, and I was thinking this might just be it.

>> No.23791573

Why don't you just try it then

>> No.23791706

I don't know about those sprites anon, but if you can't enjoy the game without monster girl sprites, I'm sure you really won't enjoy them with it. Alternate graphics are just a nice extra

>> No.23793473

I know at least a few of those sprites are in the game with the texture mod. It's probably in the pastebin but I haven't checked.
It's free and it takes 2 minutes to download and click on, I dunno what you're waiting for man.

>> No.23794294
File: 640 KB, 1447x849, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bets on how many times i will die due to collateral spells or summons?

>> No.23794351
File: 682 KB, 1441x839, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am experiencing flashbacks from pet arena

>> No.23795100

>omake still uses the original incomprehensible translation
They could at least replace "poise" with "stability"...

>> No.23795568

how does singing with its maxed feats compare to stradivarius?

>> No.23795796

also how does praising god compare

>> No.23795823

gods in omake are what herbed food is to in plus

>> No.23795846

I mean the praise action, the one where you convert NPC's, pretty sure both plus and OO have this and it gives gold.
God blessed food in OO is much more broken than anything in plus, like most OO mechanics, since OO was made for roleplay and not NERF NERF NERF PEE NERF PEEEE, since you can just make 5000 puff breads in 1 go and pets gain absurdly boosted gains from them compared to the already broken gains you get from them if ate starving.

>> No.23795860

Uh,so far i havent seen anything about a praise action,you can convert other NPC to your god by dropping a god blessed scroll of faith into their inventory

>> No.23795874

More based and immersive that way
OO wins again

>> No.23796077
File: 125 KB, 1382x136, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off

>> No.23796607

>90 charisma and 35 performer
>still stoned to death
i am starting to think this career path wasnt worth it

>> No.23797133

Keep singing, Anon.
You are providing a very needed service.
The people must practice their throwing skill to be a well-trained militia against the elean scum.

>> No.23797152

but i already provide fuckings and slutty shows,why do i need to be stoned on top of that?

>> No.23797279
File: 222 KB, 1024x576, 98619a0a936267819941af6c9f47990037ae64a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i already provide fuckings and slutty shows,why do i need to be stoned
You just answered your own question.

>> No.23797598

go back to your filthy dungeon crawling and lose your gear! meanwhile i will be cooking meals,worshipping fox MILF and providing sexual services to get stinky rich

>> No.23797914
File: 195 KB, 500x519, fluffball grenade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He started as a class other than

Justify your bullshit!

Thief gets autocrit in Elona+. Casting is actually kind of a pain to get started in unless you start with the skills you need leveled. Farmer can exploit the meta behind stat boosting from level 1 and become stupidly strong before risking a single fight. Meanwhile, melee or ranged combat are trivial to get in to by comparison. Most of that is just having tactics/marksman, and the fighter guild can be joined in five minutes of work at level one.

>> No.23798165

Zap zap, everybodyfucker !

>> No.23798735
File: 759 KB, 1443x803, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for some reason i hate the PvE aspect of this game,enemies are too bullshit for my taste

also,am i doing something wrong with god blessed food? i dont see any increase at all compared if i just give it to a pet,should i just cram lulwy blessed meals down her throat for peak combat ability?

>> No.23798794

what,do you hate martial artist/predator?

>> No.23798888

Melee is trivial to spec in to from any start point. Except something stupid like fairy.

>> No.23798943

but fairy is the best race for martial artist,at least in omake

>> No.23798968


>> No.23798982

fairy penalty is low equip restriction which ma doesn't care about and they get their natural race bonuses for def while naked, which in early game means they're untochable.
life can be farmed , but a bonus 150 evasion is not something you get everyday for free

>> No.23798986
File: 186 KB, 2295x105, AHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23798990

You gain 1% potential each time you eat, 3% in hungry due to the x3 hungry modifier.
Switch the setting if you want to see by % instead of word.

>> No.23798992

don't bother a goddess while she's busy anon

>> No.23798997

busy doing what? they barely do anything

>> No.23799005

what kind of a man are you asking what a woman does in her free time.

>> No.23799009

How do you get around the fact that well over half the threats that exist don't make accuracy checks?

>> No.23799030
File: 46 KB, 348x279, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, a whore's heart is full of secret, asking what is the highest *some she did is just rude.

>> No.23799042

just,get more stats bro

>> No.23799044

magic doesn't check accuracy , but fairy got the best resist base out there
yes there're still shit that get you screwed over because of your low life, but you must really go looking for it.

>> No.23799090

Eat corpses with resist
i am sure i am forgetting more

>> No.23799130
File: 634 KB, 1435x809, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh they dont even have that nice text like in elona+,bugger

>> No.23799482
File: 64 KB, 770x410, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consistently making this recipe is the endgame for powerleveling correct? it seems like my pets only gain stats when eating god blessed steamed buns,normal meals seem to not be doing much

>> No.23800563

You can find both versions of Orphe in the void.

>> No.23802168

I feel I’ve heard that you can get herbed food to boost stats or some shit, but how does that work exactly?

>> No.23802200

use pot of fusion,herbed in option,it only works on high quality cooked food so burnt out dishes are refused

>> No.23802407

That's fine then. Though I have to ask what does it do. I thought it'd boost stats but it seems regular food can do that (assuming it's the right kind) Do they just boost stats more, or do they influence potential or something?

>> No.23802530

boost stat more than normal food

>> No.23803418

>still using pets

>> No.23804309
File: 51 KB, 1901x584, bunga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I'm late, but here you go Anon.
After this happened next thread had that collage.

>> No.23804708

Faggots like you are the reason why there's piss mechanics in the game now.

>> No.23804764

Man I've been playing Elona+ but I have not noticed this mechanic. What is it, have I really not been noticing it this whole time

>> No.23806878
File: 35 KB, 799x41, anopiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 'Marking' special action you get from buying and building a deed building. When targeted on yourself or another NPC, you either piss on the ground or piss on them, applying a short rage buff. Picking up and throwing the puddle or quaffing it will make the target ill. Like all potions, it can be used for Alchemical rain or for refilling wells.

>> No.23809597

What kind of psychosis makes you think anyone here had something to do with that?

>> No.23811898

"x like y" != "x is y"
take more english lessons baka

>> No.23811960

No, the accusation is fairly direct. So why are you being psychotic?

>> No.23812034

Everyone that you linked mentioned/enjoy mechanics from vanilla.
Probably half of them are not even playing plus too, since oomsest is the flavor of the month.

>> No.23812428

You fucking retard. You complete fucking fool. Saying that "people who behave like you" are responsible for something is not an accusation of that particular individual. It asserts that the behavior in general is widely responsible, you fucking braindead moron. Now kindly fuck off back to whatever ungodly hellhole you crawled out of.

I'm not even that guy. It must be physically painful for you not to be able to assign a persistent identity to a post. Why don't you fuck off back to your discord with the rest of the omakefags?

>> No.23812452

The question remains the same. I think you're the one who doesn't understand what you're being asked.

>> No.23812588

Why are you ashamed of having made that post ?
It was a factually erroneous statement, but there's nothing to be ashamed in being wrong.

>> No.23815361

so,how exactly do i change my race via wishes in OOMSEST? at least the guide says i can but when i try in wizard mode i dont get any new benefits from the new race such as from fairy to golem or mutant

>> No.23816090

You don't get the feats, but some effects take place regardless.
Wishing for mutant makes you mutate, golem give you dim immunity.
Yerles don't give +1 bonus point on level-up, elea don't give the blood magic buff, all racial resistances aren't gotten...

TL;DR Mutant for muting, golem for dimming, spider for webbing and that's basically it.
And you don't lose your existing racial feats, so there's no downside in wishing to be a golem or spider.
And you of course don't lose the body parts if wishing away from mutant.

>> No.23816241
File: 117 KB, 662x807, 1425280374276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit, you can wish for justice living weapons...
聖なる武器杖 for justice living staff.

I'm so happy.

>> No.23816342

Huh, you can still lose karma without hurting the weapon, as long as you unequip before doing the deed.
You don't even have to drop it on the ground, just not have it equipped.
Neat, i was hunting big daddies for nothing, i can take it easy.
And it's nice to know you can still slut around, even with a justice staff.

Ok, that was nice but now to get a wish out of wizard mode.
I of course got two wish wands out of wizard harvest, which i already used for stupid crap like gaining skills.
My goal is a 10000% spell enhance staff, so that regular spells equal power 100 custom spells, at equal spel llevel.

Hey, can you artifact fuse a justice living weapon ?
Putting stuff without number like maintain stats and status immunity would garrantee always getting spell enhance, as long as only 8 numbered enchantments are on the weapon, since there 8 choices and enchants that can't be upgraded are skipped in the living levelup choice options, no ?
I guess i'll just test myself, first to get a decent hammer.

>> No.23816676

They changed it so you can lose karma penalty free, so long as you remain above 0 karma.

>> No.23816725

Ok, so...
-Living weapon can't be artifact fused.
-Enchants that can't levelup don't appear on the list, but it doesn't garrantee those that can will show up. As in, you can easily levelup the weapon without getting anything out of it if the enchantments you can levelup don't show up. The spell enhance enchantment seem very, very rare too, so using the scroll of name from level 1 seems the way to go. The list of names given by the scroll is fixed until rerolled on purpose too, so it's not luck-based but tedium-based.

So basically, getting a living weapon without a steady supply of scrolls of name, and so small medals, and so mani gems is no good.

>> No.23816742

Ah, i tested it with the slutting around feat from the nuke quest.
That's nice, that feat + the +20 karma title seems like the way to go, if you don't want to return to a town for a long time.

>> No.23816762

>hurr why do you accuse sex obsessed trannies of being at fault for a shitty fetish mechanic

>> No.23819175

You kidding?

>> No.23820499

i really hate this stupid dracula enemy cursing your gear nonstop

>> No.23820665

Pretty much both Living Weapons and Artifact Fusions become massive grinds. You'll end up grinding both if you keep playing Omake, but making a full enhance staff takes ages.

>> No.23821350

Mage is a cheap class cost wise,right? you need few skills and just books compared to full sets of equip

>> No.23822651

>spend all my small medals on scrolls of faith to finally be able to reach the weapons reward
>buy a void license
which one is it?

>> No.23822678

I've never used a scroll of faith, but the Void is incredibly useful.

>> No.23823633

>you need few skills and just books compared to full sets of equip
Sure if you want to get fucked by enemies

>> No.23823845

>enter my shop to drop shit
>NPC drinks a potion of mutation and transforms into a crab
>which dies shortly after
what the fuck did just happened?

>> No.23824454

>this kills the crab

>> No.23824658

death is temporary,spells are forever

>> No.23825292

>Change house from cave to cozy
>It didn't transfer my 9 skill tickets

>> No.23825783

Preaching trains faith pretty well. No need to waste medals on faith scrolls.
If you're really stuck with it, use your skill points.

>> No.23825936

>Shena's ass is tough enough to pulverize a rock in one blow
fucking lol

>> No.23826132

Don't throw away the miracle and godly wapon without checking if they improve faith first.

>> No.23827444

this is omake,i have been farming pirate ambushes trying to find pious gear

>> No.23827705

How do you people manage your inventory and weight?
I'm in a perpetual state of high burden because I have pages of consumables that I never use on me at all times.
And how can you tell what is good to take from dungeons and what is not worth taking?

>> No.23827723

i only have food because i constantly die and dont wish to lose anything precious

>> No.23827770

>that I never use
Found the problem.

>> No.23827853

So then what do I keep?
As soon as I ditch all this shit I'm going to go "x would have been useful here," like bombing the rouge boss that can 2 shot me and my pet with the page of debuff potions I got to have a chance on killing him.

>> No.23827905

You either have to much shit cause you never use it or you have too much shit cause you didn't need it in the first place. Choose one and act on that notion. Doesn't matter which.

>> No.23828018

Are you using the hermit crab necklace?

>> No.23828073

Yes,isnt it just like 3 faith points?

>> No.23828561

In omae, the more burdened, the more experience lifting gets, so i don't manage it.
Even if overweight, since it just trains my healing.
When encountering the boss/a strong mob, dropping crap can be done in one go thanks to * anyway.

>> No.23828778

Uknown shell is worth 12 extra faith:

>> No.23828818

>Gain 'can eat anything' mutation
>ALMOST accidently eat important items
is there any benefit to having this?

>> No.23828867

so wait,any item with ### means 12 points in that area or not quite?

>> No.23829447

It varies, but for skills stats, it should be fairly close to around 5 per #. OOMsest adds a setting that let's you see the exact number values if you want to know for sure.

>> No.23829960
File: 3 KB, 25x40, nyan gwen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You.. DO.. make your own sprites.. don't you?

>> No.23830075
File: 13 KB, 80x112, Koiba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but i do make my own portraits

>> No.23830102
File: 6 KB, 80x112, face5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one

>> No.23830188

'x', highlight important item, *
Enjoy never losing them anymore.

>> No.23830199
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1336008982511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23834203

Ignore it entirely if it doesn't interfere too much with harvest time.
I do dislike how slow weight lifting goes up though. If you want you can just go to noyel, repeatedly enter during snow, murder every npc and steal the weight lifting book, then repeatedly enter and read that during snow to raise it quickly and free. I did this in Omake to get faith to use miracles before I'd already beaten all meaningful content. Don't think its worth it for weight though, my char runs around at 40 speed most of the time, its fine. I can still do all the missions I'd want to and if I struggle v a boss or whatever I'll just drink from wells until I get a wish and summon gamma

>> No.23834218


I'd do this too if my own portrait wasn't only visibl in one menu I rarely ever look in since I already know 2 blessed potentials=everything is maxed

>> No.23835144

4d pocket, with a stack of 4d pocket spellbooks stored so I never run out.

>> No.23837109

Is it possible to have an extended sprite for the PC ?
Like dragons etc.

>> No.23837174


>> No.23837272

I always wondered, does Elona only use free assets ?

>> No.23837274
File: 457 KB, 759x535, uwaaaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Luck does fuck all, right?

>> No.23837608

I used to have 12 rabbit ranches I'd cull constantly on a char that I played for around 100 hours, setting that up very early, and I noticed literally 0 difference

>> No.23837646

It takes a very high amount of luck to noticeably affect anything other than blackjack. But fun fact, it increases your chance to hit by an extremely small amount.

>> No.23837688

i noticed big difference in enchant quality and quantity while crafting in days with and without the lucky day event.

>> No.23839592
File: 637 KB, 1282x759, eternal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, didn't think I'd find one this early.

>> No.23839762

>you estimate this would sell for
what how when why wanna

>> No.23840573

That's a lot of pinned skills.

>> No.23841527
File: 53 KB, 550x469, 1589365203824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get fishing
>easily cap ehekatl favor and kumiromi due to rotted fish turning into seeds
>stand on a shop tile fishing,cooking and sleeping basically printing money
>slowly losing my sanity as well due to the repeated motions

>> No.23841995

Don't forget to have fun, Anon !

>> No.23844861

I saw someone making yet another code rewrite of Elona that supports modding called Open Nefia. Have anyone tried it? Does it have Plus contents?

>> No.23845730

I aint having fun but there is nothing else to play,my pets killed zeome and after that i just feel kind of lost on what to do,just stat grind until they can slay gods?

>> No.23846131

Conquer dungeons !
Dive into the void !
Enjoy the journey !
I'm not doing Zeome on purpose, so that i didn't "finish" yet. Psychological trick that works for me.

>> No.23848860

wuts the signifigance of this
whats eternal mean
i dont get it, if its just an artifact, you find those like 5 mins in by just going to the fighter guild

also someone remind me, does any shop but magic sell salt solution?

>> No.23849290

So how hard is to achieve harvest loop? do I need casting,memorization and literacy in the thousands or something?

>> No.23849946

You just need memorization high for stock, and harvest level high, to lower stock use. I can't remember the exact numbers, but it'll likely be well into the hundreds, if not thousands. It's easier to get MMM up and runing first, if you just want to break into power leveling.

However, it's still worth reading all your harvest books even before you can loop, simply to get more xp for harvest. Just remember to only read 1 charge at a time, then spend it all, for max efficiency.

>> No.23849967

very well,thanks anon

>> No.23850960

Any easy way to edit my home while also moving objects? It's tedious to use the sign and then moving items constantly

>> No.23853419


Beautify "Patch" for 1.99. Alfredo Fork included.

There's some kind of new drop for defeating Nefia, but I couldn't see a blank spot on the sheet. If someone see's one, take a screenshot for me. I don't know if it's an existing sprite or I have to do something else.

>> No.23853489

That is really beautiful; i want it.
I'm going to adapt it for oomsest.

>> No.23853551

Its possible to play elona on win 10?

>> No.23853623
File: 40 KB, 722x349, 1416186739432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, everything can be put as is, despite different picture sizes.
Just have to rename map3 to map1.

>> No.23853831
File: 671 KB, 1433x821, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23853852

Okay nevermind,every time i exit a dungeon the game throws me into a random part of the map,what the fuck did i do to mess up the game now

>> No.23853899

cute sprites

>> No.23853905
File: 56 KB, 400x593, 276bdf0d6164271bd4db9ecacbf49e71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Run into claymore #1
>'Oh she cant be that bad'
>Bitch stomps me and my whole bell team to the dirt in a one sided battle

>> No.23853926

The proper beautify is in the OP pastebin. Which you will want. All I did was fix the broken sprite sheets.

>> No.23853951

Using a spritesheet of 1.98 on the 1.90 version shouldn't affect anything as the newer squares are never referenced,right?

>> No.23853962

i aint had any issues when i transfered my shit from 1.98 to 1.90 because fuck no money nefia and pee

>> No.23854058

>titles gives a 7 by 7 swarm if two handing

>> No.23854074

Why the fuck would you expect dungeon to be viable and fun, you filthy retard.

>> No.23854085

titles and vore are the only parts of oo i miss in plus

>> No.23854208

You should be fine, but the 1.98 and 1.99 zip files I put in this thread are not the full beautify. Changing the sprites won't register without the file changes in the original.

As beautify is not "mine" and I am only filling the missing parts with default sprites, I wasn't sure I should package the whole thing and call it mine.

I am now realizing I should have anyway if it confuses people.

>> No.23854345
File: 99 KB, 570x570, BATTLE BETWEEN MEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there's confusing here, in the discord, and DMs about how to use the beautify patches. So I'm just going to repackage the whole thing.

See you fuckers in several hours after the two different versions of beautify upload.

>> No.23854549

i am THIS close to savescumming,already wasted hours trying to capture a mine dog just to have it get killed by pets,miss my ball or i randomly lose the ball to fire/cold/death and they are rare as fuck

>> No.23855027


Full Beautiful 1.99 update for brainlets. Take a screenshot of any sprites that look odd, please.

>> No.23855071

That ehekatl one is HERESY

>> No.23855987


>> No.23855993 [DELETED] 

Link dead?

>> No.23856041

What's the main differences between 1.90 and 1.99 beautify?

>> No.23860275

You really ought to order your pets not to attack for that.

>> No.23861289
File: 482 KB, 1439x815, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have some questions about MMM
>Why do i need to ride the mine dog?
>my shelter started at number 200,does that mean its dungeon level is 200 or its 0?
the guide has a general idea yes but i am autistic about details

>> No.23862024


Mine dogs set mines beneath themselves when they are agro'd on an enemy. By riding on the mine dog, you can be on the same tile as it, and start disarm the mines just by searching the tile. With Mani being worshiped, disarming traps allows you to get materials. Hence, mani material mining.

Notes, pets can also worship mani and mine for materials this way. However, they (and you) can't be immune to mine damage, as the disarm trap only works when you roll to disarm the trap. Mine dogs are immune to mines and never make that roll. Pet's also never search and must walk over the mines if you want to use them. You also have to make sure you/they aren't flying, as that grants mine immunity.

IIRC the shelter should start at lvl 200, but either way, deeper is better, just be careful. Mines also do more damage the deeper you are.

>> No.23862204

i literally dont have the disarm trap skill AND have the wing ether disease,will that only be an issue if i dont ride the pet? i can just do it manually with no problem whatsoever

>> No.23862378

>Use jewel of love on pet
>No idea how to make her use the feat point
uh. . .did i messed up? is that supposed to be for me?

>> No.23863723

What's a jewel of love ?
Recent plus addition ?

>> No.23864024

The skill speeds things up a bunch, but you can disarm traps without it. As for the wings, mine dogs cast gravity by default, which disables floating. You're probably getting hit with that.


In your feat screen at the bottom of the menu there should be a shortcut to switch to your pet's feat screen. "z" I think. Spend their feats from there. Similarly, if you view their skills with, say, the investigator npc, you can spend skill points for them.

>> No.23864403

Many thanks,now to decide in what to spend that feat points,a punching bell sounds nice in paper but that means no resistances from the inari and ehekatl dagger,could also put the guts or throwing feats but i have no idea of what the throwing feat does number wise

>> No.23864512

1.99 has added a few new entities. So they need sprites. I only used the default so they'll at least show up properly. Whoever made beautify will have to update it properly.

>> No.23864840

Wow, been using the 04/10 version, i've been missing out of the whore guild.
Already got the whore title though, and already rank 60 in the wizard's guild though.

Speaking of custom spells, my goal it to use all the slots i can get to make custom max power meteor spells, letting my eventual spell enhance staff take care of all normal attacks and buffs.
Good plan or good plan ?

>> No.23864870

what whore guild?

>> No.23865219

A blacksmith guild, too.
Didn't visit south tyris yet though.

>> No.23865342


Lord Alfredo Fork 1.99.

>> No.23865561

funnily you can use the new vehicles as riding pcc or player pcc if you ever wanted to play as a train

>> No.23865890

Is this latest version of oomsest

>> No.23865902

I wish I could draw as good as you anon

>> No.23866117

Seems like oomsest is getting an update almost daily.

>> No.23866234

then start drawing, doesnt take long to get to 'little detail anime face colored in ms paint' level my dude

>> No.23866460

Do we know what brought this on, I want to wait until the updates are all done before I download this.

>> No.23867402

>no god that helps performers
they are really hated uh

>> No.23867609

I have no clue.
It got an update two hours ago, what the hell.

>> No.23868456


Reading the jp discord via translate... it seems a mystery developer that the admins won't name has stepped up to help out. Who knows, might be foobar, might be noa, might bet the OO dev, could be anyone, really.

>> No.23868599

>Won't name

Good odds naming them would cause drama, then?

>> No.23868623

Heh, I doubt it's ano, but I suppose anything's possible.

>> No.23868924

Doubtful, they probably don't even bother with the English community just like how most of the English community has no clue oomsest exists.

>> No.23870320

What exactly is the alfredo fork?

>> No.23871458

No wonder the crafting skills are borderline useless in plus,the amount of broken shit you can make in OO is impressive,domination rods? potential pots? yes please,is there a complete list of what you can craft and at what skill level?

>> No.23872254

Haven't played Elona in like 5 years and was wondering if bows are viable now in Elona+. I remember the opinion back then was firearms are much better so I always went with them but I think bows are cooler.

>> No.23872456

Viable? Yes, though they still come in last place behind crossbows, throwing, and firearms.

Incidentally, ano just re-balanced all the ranged modifiers in the latest patch, so this may change.

>> No.23872870
File: 105 KB, 719x1000, 1579362816742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crafting potential pots is something brand new in omake
it was in vanilla you retard, plus even made it a little easier
the absolute state of omakefags
>help my game has no documentation what am I able to craft

>> No.23873101
File: 201 KB, 816x636, NOT Yowyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I've seen it's sightseeing purpose only for now. specific stuffs like unique towns dialogue, npc guild etc hasn't been done yet.

>> No.23873338

anon don't bully

>> No.23874143
File: 4 KB, 210x13, 1580608336047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this about?

>> No.23874159


>> No.23874170

Better loot for a time.

>> No.23874647

You're playing an old version, there's 1 god, 2 guilds and a few unique dungeons added in. Last update is the may 19th version. You'll need to use the "updateST" command in each town to update them, jut just exiting and re-entering south tyris updates the dungeons.


>> No.23874836

is it on nip or English?

>> No.23875577

Check the pastebins.

>> No.23877170

How'd you get npcs to use high quality portraits? The ones from beautify just use really low quality versions for some reason.

>> No.23877190

Compared the two and it just seems like alfredo fork has different music and uses old portraits, unless I'm missing something

>> No.23877249

Alfredo has some different picks on a lot of the non-player sprites.

>> No.23879431
File: 550 KB, 1441x809, EXCUSE ME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just trying to make lulwy drunk to trade her +88 bow and this fucking happens,NEW CHEESE CONFIRMED

>> No.23879732

How much booze did you give her, sodomite ?

>> No.23879756

she was always faster than me so i tried hundreds until i could interact (she gets sober before i could talk),walked away to buy more and then the choking message fills the log,then pic happens

>> No.23880619

So,if i put a winged snail on a ranch i can get a shade with literally ANY monster skillset? even things such as five headed dragon or inner gods?

>> No.23881518

look for a 1280x896 user_face1.bmp and put it :


>> No.23881532
File: 339 KB, 350x496, 2b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm searching for a 2b pcc.

>> No.23883965

i am pretty sure i saw one,i will post it if i find it again anon

>> No.23884471
File: 24 KB, 750x424, uef23ef21fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a complete degenerate, which version of elona will give me the strongest orgasms?

>> No.23884480

oomest got the whore class

>> No.23885090
File: 6 KB, 128x192, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23885113

why are you quoting me anon
2b is not a whore
probably. I think

>> No.23885260

wrong person,woops

>> No.23885474

Why play Elona over the dozens of better roguelikes out there?

>> No.23885503
File: 1.16 MB, 2100x1900, Dwarf Fortress Carp attack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its because it was much easier to get into than say,dwarf fortress,plus the graphics are easy on the eyes

>> No.23885841

Isn't "better" 100% subjective in this case?
Why are you here?

>> No.23887058

I don't actually like roguelikes like DCSS which are 100% dungeon. Elona attracts me because of all the life-skilling stuff you can do. Yeah, all the other stuff is designed to just let you do more dungeons in the end, but I still find it appealing.

>> No.23887996

Other roguelikes don't let you grind for weeks building up one character/base.

>> No.23888992

Awesome, thank you !

>> No.23889192
File: 24 KB, 80x112, face2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23895918

Because Elona is the only one that lets me have fun in a sandbox and do a ton of absurd shit as well as everything other roguelikes offer while also being very customizable.

>> No.23896933
File: 95 KB, 1199x864, 1573264900903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellahs you gotta help me.

I'm trapped in Derphy. Do I go pay for an absolution or do I just grind out quests? I'm at -52 karma.

>> No.23897219

You could just go to prison.

>> No.23897458

Embrace it.
Use incognito to use vendors/hide from guards, never pay your taxes, kill wamdering vendors, whore yourself, hug Gwen and accept her friendship, eat little sister, open lost wallets...

>> No.23897906

>hug Gwen and accept her friendship
..How and what happens?

>> No.23897915

No idea, i never did an evil playthrough.

>> No.23898347

Alright, I'm going to play this game from scratch one more time.
Which class should I be?

>> No.23902311

Snail Tourist.

>> No.23902631

Sister Whore
You are cute.

>> No.23902850

What race do I go for claymore? fairy claymore just doesn't work,right?

>> No.23903067

Nope. Level of monsters which newly bred shades are allowed to imitate is limited by level of breeder himself. In case of freshly caught wing snail -10.

>> No.23903656
File: 551 KB, 1512x1581, 1590095304486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this game easy to get into?
Looks very fun.

>> No.23905569

Yes, the death penalty isn't too harsh

>> No.23906565

This, killing all criminals and even delinquents would improve society immensely.

>> No.23906985

oomsest guild master rewards :
-Fighter, each quest done you can uncurse a evil weapon, turning it into a normal weapon without alive status.
-Mage, unlock 1 custom spell slot each time quest is done.
-Thief, 3 material kit. Wow is that fucking nothing.
-Whore, an eternal force panty. https://i.imgur.com/H9n0wJv.png
-Blacksmith, ???

Is there a way to rename a character aside from making a new character or editing the iforgetwhich file ?
Tried wishing for 名前 in wizard mode to no avail.
>Name is a useless wish, as you can change your name by interacting with yourself. If you wish for it, you will get the flavor text "*laugh*".

>> No.23907653

Press I and select your character

>> No.23911065

so only the mage guild is useful,as usual

>> No.23915148

It's hard to beat garranteed meteors each time you go to sleep.

>> No.23916415

Is the target key * gone from 1.99?
Just updated from the last custom release into the latest plus version.
It's not working for me.

>> No.23916808

Works for me

>> No.23917024

New OOMSEST player here, killed Zeome, now what? Journal says nothing so I'm pretty confused.
Also, does anyone knows how to kill Enthumesis? I'm a two-handed warmage with more emphasis on the war part (Str 600), tried the wall and lulwy's porn book thingy but it's no good, currently raising pets and trying to make the perfect equipment.

>> No.23928409

Enthu herself you just need the stats so if you can't grind more.


>> No.23930244
File: 46 KB, 254x181, old_bell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't like these things

>> No.23930244,1 [INTERNAL] 

Can someone make a sprite for my waifu, Togame the Strategist?

>> No.23940856

>Uses Acid Hurricane, Raging Roar, Smash Ground, Golden Storm, and Psychic Wave.
Sounds pretty harsh.

>> No.23946664
File: 62 KB, 500x613, tumblr_oqr1cm7z7d1w10i9bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Abuse Mani material mining for the sole purpose of infinite blackjack chips
also,i am guessing harvest loop is the next step after MMM? and could someone explain what does this trick mean?
>In oomSEST you gain skill points based on your boosted learning stat, and it isn't capped. You can get hundreds or even thousands of skill points at level 1.
>To set this up, you'll want either a high spell enhance, or a strong custom spell. You'll also need many, many, descent potions.
What spell do i need specifically?

>> No.23946693

Divine wisdom.
It boosts LER.

>> No.23951844

Ah,many thanks!

>> No.23952877

Harvest loop, just means casting harvest, using the dropped wish rods to wish for harvest books, ("harvest"), then casting harvest again.

Read 1 charge at a time, then burn through all your stock for max efficiency. Eventually, with enough harvest level and memorization, you'll be able to get a net profit on wish rods, allowing you to get infinite money, plat, and wishes.

I don't know the exact break even point for stats, but there's no harm in trying your luck. Harvest books are rare, but not that rare.

>> No.23955831

i have been consistently finding them on magic shops,ancient books to join mages guild is the real bitch as i am too lazy to dungeon dive so i just buy them off wandering vendors

>> No.23956427

Danalin's 3rd weapon can be used to summon an ancient book every week.

Latter on, I just wished for ancient books to cap guild rank for custom spells.

>> No.23960514

Wow, first bard i kill on this playthrough, Stradivarius.
In my thousands of hours of play, that's the first time i dropped it.

And into my storeroom you go, never to be used.

>> No.23961275

This is me,i am too chicken to let it be lost on random deaths or something

>> No.23972689

Lulwy died due to eating the mochi food item through her own accord, you didn't do anything yourself. She must have spawned with one in her inventory.

>> No.23974553

The little girl quest exist for that reason I say use it. Music tickets are useful in bulk

>> No.23974953

Dont npc and visitors randomly eat food on the floor? i summoned her on my home

>> No.23977084
File: 301 KB, 576x432, armitage gh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how well known this is, but after some brief testing:

South Tyris Border can be accessed even in Act 1, has a goods merchant at it, and will activate as a return point. This means you can place all your deeds right on top of it and use it as a return point to manage your crap real quick. Then use return to go to a more centrally placed house in the center of the map. All your stupid crap is out of the way but in arm's reach.. while also being situated conveniently for Act 2 ahead of time.

>> No.23983418

I usually invest a bit in the border merchants. I've found them to be a reliable source of lockpicks.

>> No.23983425
File: 53 KB, 800x600, 1472502490381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make shitton of puff puff bread
>put on cumiromi's altar
Thank you for my daily bread, miss cumiromi.
Your the best goddess(male).

>> No.23984952

whats so special about the puff bread,doesnt it just make you heavier?

>> No.23989336

You can transform literally anything into puff puff bread.
Food, potions, weapons, 300s chest...
And weight-wise, it's 3 breads for 2 cooked meal.

The cherry on top is that it trains cooking to make the breads, awesome.

>> No.23992760

How do I climb out of the hobo phase in oomsest?

>> No.23994935

Wow, just noticed something important i never heard of before !
!!!After the first 9 uses of bonus points of a skill, the cost raise to 2 skill points each times!!!, and after that it keep raising, resulting in an exponential bonus point consumption !
you can reset this inflated cost by closing and opening the character sheet.
Note that you can use 9 skills points one per skill per opening of the sheet.

Playing oomsest, is that from this variant or is it from vanilla ?
I never had more than 5 points at a time before, so no clue.

>> No.23996388

The cost isn't increasing, you're just spending them faster. That's a feature oomsest added to help players with millions of bonus points spend them in a sane amount of time.

IIRC there should be a way to turn it off somewhere, but I can't remember what.
