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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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236981 No.236981 [Reply] [Original]

hey, what are your guys experiences with anime clubs? there is one having an opening meeting this saturday. i am thinking of going to see if there are any chicks there (non-white/black, non-fat only plz), but the schedule is the same cartoon network generic ass bullshit.

should i go? how do i dress? go incognito? wear hats i would never wear otherwise? dark sunglasses inside? sit in the far back row just to get a feel for the place? what do i do if some filthy otaku faggot approaches me? then strikes up conversation about some 6 year old eroge that just got translated?

/jp/, i ask you how to handle the situation.

>> No.236991


Break the Vtech score.

>> No.236998

Old troll pic is old

>> No.236990

Nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

>> No.237002

Power level suppression still applies.

>> No.237027

What he said.

>(non-white/black, non-fat only plz)

Yeah, good luck with that....

>> No.237028

how do i suppress power level

>> No.237037

a nigga can dream, right?

>> No.237052


Most anime clubs are full of obnoxious, ugly weeaboos whose only exposure to anime is Adult Swim. I should know; I've been to one.

So don't even bother going to anime clubs.

>> No.237057

id like to hear more

>> No.237066

>(non-white/black, non-fat only plz)
0.02% chance

Also, stay Anonymous IMO, the time you waste in that club could be used to download/watch good animu

>> No.237068

PROTIP: Don't go, faggot.

>> No.237070


>> No.237086

Friend told me he walked into an anime club and people were playing DDR on one side of the room, and Yu Gi Oh on the other.

This is HS, but I don't think it matters.

>> No.237098

>the time you waste in that club could be used far more productively to download/watch/FAP to good uncensored JAV

There, that's better.

>> No.237133

What he said.

Enf Enf Enf

>> No.237140

Pro: you're going outside trying to make friends and acquaintances in earnest.

Con: Making friends with a bunch of weeaboo faggots that as bad or worse than you are.

Your choice.

>> No.237147


>> No.237149

>filthy otaku faggot approaches me? then strikes up conversation about some 6 year old eroge that just got translated?

This won't happen. People who go to Anime Clubs don't usually even know what eroge are.

>> No.237170

Who joins animu clubs? Serious, why would you want other people to know about this hobby?

>> No.237172


Okay, I'm going back to bed.

>> No.237195
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>> No.237292

>a nigga can dream, right?

A nigga can LIVE the dream!


You have a Japanese O-baachan, right?

Good, then you're all set.

>> No.237293

dont go unless you plan to troll. they will never get anything done, they wont know about any of the new releases or even things that came out last year, wear a shirt that says L and light die for extra lulz. they will give you a faggot ass name like orochimaru-sama (naruto is still cool to them). they will try to impress you with their mastery of japanese kawaii desu ne *be sure to write this in romaji. you CAN ask them anything that is common internet knowledge and MAYBE 1 person will know, but i dont suggest this. hide your power level like your life depends on it.

>> No.237341

1) hide power level
2) pick out others who are doing the same
3) make friends
4) abandon the club with said friends, leaving all the failures behind

>> No.237357


niggers aren't welcome in the civilized world.

fuck off back to africa.

>> No.237354

you can practice visiting /a/

good luck with that

>> No.237407

-get a shirt
-get a sharpie, preferably bold tip
fill the shirt with spoilers to whatever nonsense they are watching and waiting for -subs.(death note, lagann should be coming soon, haruhi, bleach, naruto (spoil shippuden if you must)
-watch epic lulz ensue

>> No.237423

im no enka expert but its pretty good.

>> No.237420

i like the way you think

>> No.237421

and don't forget to wear your epic fail guy mask

>> No.237479

See ad on a bulletin board. Shrug and walk in.

"Okay, we're going to vote to what we watch today... Fullmetal Panic, Galaxy Angel... or Naruto."
(Alright, FMP and Galaxy Angel are good, even if I did see it more than a year ago)
Everyone in club> NARUTO!

(Fuck this, I'm outta here.)

>> No.237512

let them know itachi dies.

>> No.237522
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Speaking as the president of a Japanese Club (not anime club), I can say that if you're in charge, you can run all the faggots out.

Pretty much the only people left are people with high power levels (sometimes annoying), hot girls with high power levels (awesome), and the few people who (gasp) just want to learn Japanese.

My experience hasn't been too bad, but I knew all the people I designated positions to beforehand, and made sure to not gay it up.
Also, no faggots get past the first Japanese class at my university anyway. (Yale system)

>> No.237541


Do you have a Kyon archetype serve as your #2?

>> No.237556

Hey OP, I've run an anime club in high school, and in college. I ran it for about 6 weeks in college before getting tired of the weaboo bullshit.

They can be fun, don't get me wrong, but be prepared to meet people you'll wish you never met. We had one guy that would harass any girl that walked into the room, to the point that they'd no longer come back.

Be prepared to meet people that use "kawaii" and "baka" as much as they can to sound Japanese.

That said, you can get exposed to lots of anime you might never watch, which can be good and bad.

If you go, dress normal. Put on an anime shirt and you'll be one of "them." If someone talks to you, be cordial, as some of those people have no people skills and it takes them all the courage they have to approach a stranger.

But be careful who you're nice to, or you may accidentally make a "friend" that you wish you hadn't.

tl;dr be yourself, but be prepared to be disgusted with people there. I've met one or two friends there... and tons of people I loathed

>> No.237574

No, I have a hot loli-looking girl and a not-so-anime nerd guy as my number 2s.

>> No.237599

this is sound advice, listen to it

also, there's always one guy who'll spout 4chan memes. He will mostly be annoying

>> No.237622

luckily for me, I quit the one in college before 4chan became prominent

>> No.237630

I saw 'CSU' and thought "which CSU?", but I guess it's Colorado State University and not one of the California State Universities. lol

>> No.237642
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Very true. I lucked out because of the difficulty level at my school.

I have entire classes at my school (high-level classes, people in their 20s) which are nothing but meme-spouting.

The only way I can keep from going insane is anime and pot.

>> No.237688

Me neither, but yeah.

His Utaban appearance from couple weeks ago:


>> No.237759

There's always hope, though. I went to my college's anime club on a whim the first week of school, expecting it to be full of the usual weeaboo crowd, and it ended up being run by some pretty awesome (and surprisingly normal) people. Hell, the club president buys me booze. So it's at least worth checking out.
