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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 203 KB, 1358x1513, EW2D92PVAAA6PNw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23647369 No.23647369 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous thread: >>23583970

>> No.23647807

Playing other action mobages(Honkai, Last Cloudia, Blade x Hero) made me appreciate Tales of Rays more.

>> No.23647981

Grinding gems in Last Period is as painful as Enstars.

>> No.23648023
File: 158 KB, 300x300, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I downloaded this,but I sure as fuck don't know what to do.Is there a guide or wiki for it anywhere?The gameplay seems fun enough,but it'd be a shame to just drop it just because I don't understand it.

>> No.23648125

dead game

>> No.23648422

so anybody playing on that 2hu last word? whats the verdict so far?

>> No.23648702

It's fun.

>> No.23648742

I'd play it if it worked on emulators.
I'm honestly mad that so many devs decide to block emulation when things like DMM player exist.

>> No.23649159

How old is it anyway?

>> No.23649648

3 years already I think? The anime didn't do well for it neither, it was a shit anime.

>> No.23649660
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>it was a shit anime
Wow, rude.

>> No.23650181

The game doesn't have gameplay. It's a pure stat stick and card skill game. You're probably just gonna read it for the story.

>> No.23650429

>Priconne already announced to expect some voice delays
I wonder how many events are left before Shironeko's stock runs out. It's getting close to anni too.

>> No.23650553

Yeah,the gameplay is sorta barebones when you look at it,since they don't even give you control during the matches.I guess all I would need would be what are the restrictions for creating teams and wha the weird little symbols on the card icons mean.

>> No.23650554

>Granblue and Priconne no voices in new content, will record it later
>Meanwhile FGO delays ALL the new content despite not having a voiced story in the first place
Irony aside I hope corona-chan will stop bothering people soon and the industry will return to its usual work.

>> No.23650666

I got kind of burned out from action mobages. The gameplay is fun at first but once you hit the typical mobage wall they just become a chore.
I'd say that it's the genre that suffers the most from becoming a gacha (whereas rhythm games are the ones that suffers the less and, in some cases, even benefits from being a mobage).

>> No.23650685
File: 948 KB, 2312x1080, Screenshot_20200502_183703_com.zephyrus.clsy.gp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the 2nd mission for H6?

>> No.23651181
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>> No.23651613

Nice trips.

>> No.23652063

It's almost always hit all enemies with ss-rank in one go.

>> No.23652342
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2020-05-02 23-33-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it would be very nice if the bright parts in Santi's suit were transparent instead. Don't know why they didn't do for that from the start.

>> No.23652645

Why? Honkai is pretty good

>> No.23653101

It's the opposite. The game got a huge boost after the anime.

>> No.23653690
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Looks like someone made a gallery of sorts for EnStM. This site also hosts databases/galleries for other mobages.

>> No.23654772

I miss Pasumemoposter

>> No.23655403
File: 419 KB, 722x599, 1482411740019_r8kieaw5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to use their Engirls section to grab art, since the other site I was using didn't update for Renewal.

>> No.23656363

I don't like the fact some girls have very limited movesets, so you only use them in certain situations. And that some characters can't function properly without certain equipment.

>> No.23658672
File: 243 KB, 1145x410, cant see shit captain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, today was a bust
was super hype when I realized I could mod the titles in Alice Gear today, but I underestimated how much the final result would be downsized to the point I couldn't see any details.
feels bad to sink in a ton of time and get shitty results, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

>> No.23659740

I wish there's VN dating sim of Kotobuki

>> No.23659778

It's a shame cheap VN adaptations have stopped with the death of the vita and boom of mobile.

>> No.23659869

how about VN mobile?

>> No.23660169

There are quite lot of them for woman like Ikemen series. I wonder if there are anything like that for man

>> No.23660384

It probably exist, but still drowned by Ikemen series.

>> No.23660707

What's Kotobuki dating sim looks like?

>> No.23660825
File: 83 KB, 600x337, EW0P5rkUEAAPRnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Various japanese websites have covered Tales of Crestoria's beta gameplay impressions recently.
I'm not sure if there's a translation somewhere already but I can try and make a summary if anyone is interested.

>> No.23660924
File: 110 KB, 640x800, ef77cb9cc09d8e54c182b75dc7104e73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only used the Engirls site and somehow completely missed it had all those other games.

>Girlfriend Beta
Wow, this is still alive. Kind of nostalgic. I tried it out when they had a cat event, found that cute and played for a while. But the card leveling and rarity upgrading system was simply too shit. Then I tried to login again after a while since I dropped it, and found out they reworked the site you had to make an account on to play or something. In the end I never found out if my account still exists or not.

>> No.23661498
File: 104 KB, 640x800, e63fdbcc7a00c5f77d86136efa2a2c44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Games like Girlfriend beta requiring 3 or more dupes of a card to be "usable" are blasphemous in 2020.

>> No.23662017
File: 467 KB, 1200x554, 087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do it anyway. Some of this may be old though:
>gacha has characters and "memoria stones"
>memoria stones give stats and a passive, bonus stats if a character and an element match
>characters have rarities(SR and SSR)
>only SSR characters can use hi-ougis(fuck this)
>one article says the starter gacha allows you to pick one SSR character of your choice along first 10 rolls(not sure if it's going to be this way on release)
>raids/online multibattles confirmed
>main story is fully voiced
>unique character banter during and after battles (now with subs)
>mothership characters in Crestoria retain their previous relationships but are written as if they've always been living in this world
>e.g. Cress is MC's mentor among other things

The battle system is nothing to write an essay about. It's a regular turn-based thing, but every damaging skill has a number of hits which sustain a combo counter during your party's turn. More hits = more further damage by other party members.
Not sure about a release roster, but screenshots show playable Zestiria and Berseria characters and a few MCs from other titles. The engine looks the same as those two games, maybe it was just a matter of copying assets for them.

>> No.23662066

I'll play it because I'm a Talesfag and I like turn-based RPGs because that's what I grew up playing.

>> No.23662148
File: 48 KB, 600x277, IMG_8885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>memoria stones give stats and a passive, bonus stats if a character and an element match
Here's also one thing I'm not sure about. Notice how Cress and Velvet's memoria stones have the same picture as their character portraits. There was a vague implication somewhere that memoria stones also act as character "shards". Or those artworks are just placeholders. I don't know, maybe I missed something.

>> No.23662157

Are there any rougelike mobages? Apart from getting fucked in the ass by rng, it could be used to create more playable content.

>> No.23662244

Idolmaster: Shiny Colors.

>> No.23662380

Full of plane and engineering autism, shopping for new engine parts, going out to eat pancakes (and a chikuwa or two), and having girls confess to you about how their life has turned out better with you despite being unemployed and struggling to make ends meet

>> No.23662609

That's actually rather accurate

>> No.23662629
File: 409 KB, 1136x640, 1364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried out Girlfriend Note when it came out years ago. Looking back on it now, those 3D models were terrible. I do like the art, though. It gives me a nostalgic feeling.

On another note, I somehow got the hand of extracting story scripts and CG from EnGirls Memo. Strange, those to be hashed, but somehow they aren't? Here's one example. http://assets.kimisaki.hekk.org/web/20170729/images/story/still/card/normal/1364.jpg
I would have to figure out how to do the same with EnStars. Both Basic and Music refuse to run on emulators, thanks a lot, HappyEle.

>> No.23662675
File: 429 KB, 1136x640, 1662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*I expected those to be hashed.
Man, I can't seem to spell recently. I'm not sure if these are the true versions of the CGs, as there are still some images that have shaders within the files.

>> No.23662855

>Full of plane and engineering autism, shopping for new engine parts
>going out to eat pancakes (and a chikuwa or two), and having girls confess to you about how their life has turned out better with you despite being unemployed and struggling to make ends meet
lmao. But seriously, each route per pilot group (Kotobuki route, Akatsuki route, etc.) is sufficient.

>> No.23662950
File: 219 KB, 1078x1089, _20200503_185639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, what do you know. I successfully logged in now when I tried again after all these years.
>several gacha panels, complete with premium deals, step-ups and some bingo
>separate gacha for puchis
>very restrictive list of your cards where you need to list through myriads of pages
>ugly muscleshit enemies in events
What a weird sense of relief seeing it's the same old kusoge as I remember.

If only it ended at that. If I remember correctly, you had to max out the levels too before combining the cards. You got nerfed stats otherwise.

I never tried out the rhythm game in the end, but yeah, all I remember about it is that the models looked horrible.
>refuse to run on emulators
But I rerolled Music on Bluestacks. It just didn't work with root.

>> No.23663163

Yeah, I'm not sure why EnStM works on bluestacks and not Nox and Memu, even with root off. I'm trying to use Fiddler on my phone to see if I can get access to more stuff, but the most I'm able to get is data about my cards. Well, the API URL is api.boysm.hekk.org for it, not sure what else I can do because this is damn tiring.

>> No.23663283


>> No.23663864

That's not a mobage though

>> No.23664030

Why? Because it has a browser version?

>> No.23665488

How is Last Cloudia(JP)? I've seen posts about the GL version the last couple months with it making very jewish changes but is JP more generous?

>> No.23666344
File: 630 KB, 1920x1080, Mabu rabu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, time to reinstall

>> No.23666781

That's a good way to make me want to play.

>> No.23667556
File: 281 KB, 528x481, 1584334637421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40k gems saved
I'm glad I never quit

>> No.23668632

It started on browser.

>> No.23669997

It didn't tho you dumb faggot.

>> No.23670218

Konosubas kind of shit, I should know better than to try anime tie in games.

>> No.23670275
File: 756 KB, 1191x1174, CC0B37DA-FB95-47B4-B465-1A9A7EE1245F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same anon but bra shiny colours is literally an HTML5 game. It was a year in till it got an official app, before that it was pure browser based. You could turn HTML5 apps into *apps* using android built in function before that though. While I disagree that it is actually a mobage but it sure fucking did started as a browser based game.

>> No.23670444

Honestly, I find it better to play on the chrome app

>> No.23670480

Anime games and global shit are always a huge red flag for me

>> No.23670612
File: 1.35 MB, 2472x2112, uipic_ui_lihui_1_zhaori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23670698

Hey, Bandori is doing well.

>> No.23670718

Terrible beer btw.

>> No.23670779

Don't interact with the avatar fag

>> No.23670809

Anyone here applied for the Project Sekai beta? I hope the game's pretty close to release. I imagine it has to be with how much content they're putting out showing MVs and the UI and stuff.

>> No.23670873
File: 1.96 MB, 2472x2112, uipic_ui_lihui_1_nuofuke_p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? I'm digging through BO's files and posted a full-sized Asahi CG because I don't think it's uploaded to any of the wikis or anywhere else and I like her, how is that avatarfagging?
Don't be an ass, have an ass.

>> No.23670997

Sorry my mistake then I guess. It's just that she gets posted a lot for how little the game is discussed and it's always some "my wife" or no content posts.

>> No.23671163

Hah?, looking at the previous thread theirs 2 Asahi pics and both of them are actually talking about the game. The thread before that actually has some waifu posting even then it ended immediately.

>> No.23671206

I wouldn't call that a tie-in even if the anime aired first

>> No.23671223
File: 3.41 MB, 2472x2112, uipic_ui_lihui_5_ougenqinwang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always some "my wife" or no content posts
Don't think that has ever happened so far, but she does get posted whenever the game gets brought up.

Anyway, I found what I initially wanted.
If anyone wants any images, music (not voices though) or 3D model meshes/textures from BO to be uploaded you can tell me.

>> No.23671383

Is that already included in the Japanese client or are you looking at the Chinese one?.

>> No.23671434
File: 1.21 MB, 2472x2112, uipic_ui_lihui_4_salatuojia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in the Japanese Android version.

>> No.23671511
File: 136 KB, 1136x640, 1366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I pulled some assets from the first seven chapters of EnGirls' main story. This includes the CGs and story scripts. https://files.catbox.moe/vyw7k5.7z
Still can't figure out how to mine EnStars, sadly.

>> No.23671960

What games have actually annoying to pull gachas? Sliding shit straight up puts me off, with Idola being the worst offender. Slide over half of your screen then fucklong animations that can only be partially skipped.

>> No.23671967

>Barely visble nipples

>> No.23672049

Ash Arms
>Have to spin the wheel to open the gacha door.
>Have to watch the gacha animation to show you the envelopes you just got.
>Have to click on the envelope (or the skip button) to see the gacha result.
Especially annoying when you have to spam single ticket pulls.

>> No.23672060

When I saw downloading bar in kusoneko then nothing new at all.

>> No.23672233

Agree with this definitely. Spinning the wheel over and over is fucking dumb. They should at least skip it if you're doing consecutive rolls.

>> No.23672337

Is this really in the game? You can literally see the nipples, Or is it censored?

>> No.23672836
File: 482 KB, 604x752, uipic_ui_christmas_im_sanren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like it was available like that in China, which is what I find kinda strange as I've seen much more tame illustrations get censored in Chinese games, but it also means it most likely won't get altered in Japan either, at least I don't see any reason why it would get censored (unless KC fanatics will rise a huge shitstorm around it and try to get the game banned from the app stores or something).
There are at least 3 variations of the image in the game files and a leftover Chinese banner (pic related), the nipples are the same on all of them.

>> No.23673201

Nice. Time to start playing and reroll for that ship.

>> No.23673397
File: 2.14 MB, 2472x2112, uipic_ui_lihui_1_ougenqinwang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note that currently it's unknown when the skin will be released on JP (and if JP will live long enough for that) and you will have to buy it with real money.

>> No.23673431

What about those billions of "my girlfriend" blah blah titles or *mystery* and *escape* mobile apps all over the AppStore?

>> No.23673436

Please play PTD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1nxWEd3M1M

>> No.23673519

Please shill Megido 72 instead anon. It needs help too.

>> No.23673596

I already play it anon. T7S and Cue too.

I do feel like Cue needs more love, though.

>> No.23673761

I've never even heard of Cue anon. Where's the link?

>> No.23673841

https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/7641 Here is the QooApp link anon

>> No.23673886

>Playing Megido 72
So why were they crying anon?

>> No.23673906

Please play Re:Stage
We're gonna have a collab with O.N.G.E.K.I. and I fucking hate it because even though I made an account those Sega fucks are never going to put a cabinet outside Japan and by the time I get to go to Japan the collab will definitely be over

>> No.23673955

No offense anon but that seems like a game that will not last too long. Looks cute so I'll try it though.

>> No.23674006

Its surviving very well and it has it own fanbase, also they have a lot of animations. It will survive at least another year...

Seeing the cards they look like too much underaged and... some are sexualized? I'll try it but maybe its not for me.

>> No.23674093

>Its surviving very well
That's good to know. How p2w is it though?

>> No.23674142

Hey, I play those two, too. Who are your best girls?

It's a pity that CUE will never amount to anything unless and until they go the idol seiyuu route.

You should play those games too.

Not very. 5% rate for the highest rarity isn't something you often see.

>> No.23674236

Craft Egg being real subtle


>> No.23674256

Last questions about CUE before I try it. How time consuming is it and how stingy is it with free gems? I just need a side game that doesn't take too long to play.

>> No.23674467

Not very. Barely any gameplay. And I keep getting free gems all the time.

>> No.23674672
File: 2.32 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20200504-094500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you got her and her costume?
Mine is gonna sit at level 30 forever until they give me a way to farm her fragments.

>> No.23675257
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Would you vote Isuka as your Class President /mbgg/?

>> No.23675270
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>Still not delayed
I wonder if they have already finished most of the production or actually struggling like Tamayomi.

>> No.23676401

I do but I won't bother trying to 5* her since she's literally just a buffing slut while my real chad tanks do the heavy lifting

>> No.23677163

CUE is really nice about free things. We get free pulls, tickets and a lot of free gems back to back. Feel free to stay or not anon, but I hope you like it.

Sorry anon I needed some rest since I was too sleepy and feeling like shit, but Rie and Yuzuha are my best girls. Funny enough Yuki and Shiori are my favourite Dolls in PTD, I guess I like emotionless/strange girls?

>> No.23678255
File: 338 KB, 900x506, EXKFqsyUYAAIL_z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leo's birthday campaign is now live. Play "Voice of Sword" or "Grateful allegiance" to collect presents.

>> No.23678294
File: 405 KB, 2048x970, EXMeoiTWAAEziL4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know how to react. A lot of freebies but the art... doesn't clicks on me.

>> No.23678593

What's the top right bingo stamp? It says comment button something, I thought it was send a message to a friend but that's not it

>> No.23678660

The Shironeko one? Press the pen on the top bar and change your profile comment.

>> No.23678717

>2 months and 1 week until kusoneko anniversary
Maybe it's time to start saving gems although I don't know if I can resists the bait gachas before that.

>> No.23678835


>> No.23678840

Why does this have to be during the event

>> No.23678865
File: 435 KB, 2000x1415, EXLpXycUcAUFLXM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HappyEle hates us. At least the anniversary missions are alright, but the birthday campaign is a lost cause.

>> No.23679327

That's the anime art, only included in that set of cards
All the other cards are in the other artstyle
Also please watch the anime, it's one of the few wellmade mobage adaptation

>> No.23679393

It's almost like I'm playing some rebranded version of bandori.

>> No.23679510

Does anyone here play Caravan Stories?

>> No.23680018

Can anyone sell me on Megido72?

>> No.23680366
File: 269 KB, 681x929, nice buff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be interesting to see how they decide to powercreep over him by the anniversary.

>> No.23682401
File: 564 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2020-05-05-10-41-15-21_94f55c65859f5603b90b96d9c2e2a132 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't suppose the "set as poster girl for 120 hours" thing counts offline?

>> No.23682509

Why do you want it to be delayed so bad? The anime is not worth to be obsessed on.

>> No.23682593

Yeah it does.

>> No.23682602

The protagonists are crying for no reason at all.

>> No.23682931
File: 1.16 MB, 1282x718, shiina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just another day of messing around instead of making new stuff (gotta pull myself away from Elona+C before I start going down that particular rabbit hole)

>> No.23683041

I have memories of how incredibly beautiful the graphics were (especially the environment) when I ran the game on my PC using dual-boot RemixOS (i was running the game at max graphics, max fps at a time when no vids on youtube came close because they were running off phone specs)
I probably would have stayed if combat could be manually controlled; left because the gameplay felt too distant when I couldn't give commands to micromanage positioning and target priority.

>> No.23683227

Is it worth getting R and SR equips in Blue Oath to +15? I barely have any SSR equips.

>> No.23683262

>RomaSaga has a developer letter
>They link this Famitsu interview:
>Ichikawa: "For me, I want to do what I don't do with Square Enix other titles, and I don't want to do what I do. We will consult Kawazu each time. For example, I once asked, 'How about collaboration with a chainsaw maker?' As a result, I was destroyed."
I'm liking the devs more and more then most other devs.

>> No.23683358

You get all invested parts back when you scrap equipment, so there's no reason not to upgrade at least purple equip until you get the gold versions, you're not losing anything.
There are also beginner missions like upgrade 6 pieces of R equipment to +20.

>> No.23683371

>You get all invested parts back when you scrap equipment
I didn't know that. Thanks anon.

>> No.23684370

I guess you didn't need to mention who's your best girl for T7S since that's obvious, eh.
Good taste. That said, I honestly can't find fault with any of them.

>> No.23685196
File: 1.78 MB, 2388x1668, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally. Didn't use any dia either. Suck my dick, HappyEle.

>> No.23685831
File: 427 KB, 2280x1080, EXM1GPMWsAAUcKR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally an UR from this set. Now I only need to level up my girls bond/affinity(?) and farm an event SSR with dupes so I can get high HP/ATK.

Working on 3* weapons is making me a bit tired though.

>> No.23686469
File: 992 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20200505-145938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was done rerolling CUE at the prologue roll but I got nothing from the 600 gems I used to roll afterwards. Now I don't know if I should reroll again.

>> No.23686614

>Womb tattoo.
What the fuck is SE doing?

>> No.23687117

I rerolled for Rui in that roll + 3 other 4*. Its hard to get but I'm satisfied with my account now.

I don't know but this set makes me want to drop money in the game, also she looks great.

>> No.23687478

Who is Rui?

>> No.23687849
File: 253 KB, 1890x1080, rie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I wanted to say Rie.

>> No.23688353
File: 1.05 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20200505-205711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rerolled again and got this. I think I'm done here.

>> No.23689394
File: 196 KB, 827x1223, EXONqk4VAAARIPN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anni missions are too good to think they came from HappyEle. Otherwise, they have some very warped standards for how much free time working nips have and how much grind is a human being able to do. Man, I remembered those missions in Engirls where you had to get hundreds of perfect conversations. What a nightmare.

I guess the birthday stuff wouldn't be so bad if it didn't clash with an event where you don't want to use BP elsewhere.

>> No.23689445

Why do people play Enstars? If someone wants good music and free shit go to Uta Macross.

>> No.23689802

I sadly like some of the characters. I wouldn't continue to play a game if I had no sense of attachment to them.

>> No.23689835

Because enstars is the best guy idol game currently, gameplay wise and 3D model wise? I still don't play it because the grind is atrocious.

Last time I played Uta Macross it was mostly Sheryl outfit shilling and while I love the music the content seems meh. I'll personally stick with im@s while I wait for project sekai and other new games.

>> No.23690465

>Because enstars is the best guy idol game currently
How do you feel about i7?

>> No.23690560

I wanted to like it, but it's better to just follow the anime/other media. It feels clunky. I wish sideM or i7 got the kind of resources like dankira or enstars but without the greed.

>> No.23691470

I like to have some rhythm games other than Deresute to play, and Enstars turned out to be fun for me. I do like some of the songs too, I already listen to plenty anime OPs with male vocals anyway so I don't really care. And I got too attached to Engirls to ignore something that has easter eggs about them. That said, I'd probably avoid it if the art style was anything like most other guy only games. Here it's a rare case where the designs aren't off-putting.

>> No.23692255

there is any list with the decent/good/broken equipment to upgrade?

>> No.23693631
File: 847 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_2020-05-05-22-08-26-198_com.square_enix.android_googleplay.PTD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga, Reina.

>> No.23693799
File: 480 KB, 1080x2340, 200505033907~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally get this cutie

Glad I got her swimsuit back then

>> No.23694355


What are the difference between the two supporter rankings?

>> No.23694570

does anyone know how to bind account or get a backup code in the bofuri mobage?

>> No.23694705

Grats anon Tsu-chan is best girl!

>> No.23695573

>dead game

one ranking is for single target bosses and the other is for multi-enemy boss waves.

>> No.23696988
File: 2.89 MB, 2472x2112, uipic_ui_lihui_1_kelifulan_p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All equipment of the same type and rarity has the same base stats, the difference is in additional effects.
I'm not sure how some stats and mechanics work and haven't seen any data published or done any tests myself, so beyond recommending things like putting the 32cm gun that gives +50% burn damage on the Ugly Sisters and Andrea Doria I'm really not sure what is better yet.
For example, are 2 guns with +10% crit better than 1 gun with +10% crit and 1 gun with +15% shelling dmg? What's the base crit chance? How many crit checks are there and how do they stack? Do boats have some kind of hidden luck stat? Do the effects apply only to the piece of equipment itself or to everything (I'd like to know whether +crit from secondary and AA guns applies to the main shelling and torpedo damage or not and whether 2 main guns/2 torps stack their effects or not)?
There are also effects like +10% dmg to bosses and +25% dmg when firing from medium range, which may or may not be strictly better in specific situations.
At the moment I just try to have a bunch of different effects on each boat with a slight preference to crit.

You can check out fully upgraded equipment stats and effects here: https://game8.jp/blueoath/324170

>> No.23698397
File: 694 KB, 1366x768, glasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glasses accessory
A game of culture.

>> No.23699449

Is blue oath a casual game to hop in and do dailies and stare at cute waifus, or do you have to grind for progression? If its pricon level of casual I'm fine with that as well.

>> No.23699763

> Developer of Girl Cafe Gun is the company that shut down one of their other game's Taiwan version because users were saying "Wuhan virus" in the game and the Taiwanese operator refused to stop them
> It's now starting a Taiwanese version of Girl Cafe Gun
Let's see how will it play out

>> No.23699857

When will I roll a collab character from these kusoneko singles?

>> No.23700124

Have you played AL? So far BO seems to be pretty similar in terms of time investment.
Clearing maps and the story takes time, but you can do it 1 bite at a time. Dailies can be cleared under half a hour. You also want to check your facilities 1-2 times a day to swap out tired boats and maybe put something else in production in the factories. The first event is grindy, but also very oil-heavy, so you can't grind nonstop for hours unless you buy oil in bulks.

>> No.23700305
File: 396 KB, 1430x2048, EU7a6NkUYAUUg3r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't the cat ear gacha happen sometime soon? I'm hoping for good free rolls from that instead.

>> No.23701337

>Did 7 10-rolls on SB69
>Only got 1 SSR and it's just Crow dupe
Kill me.

>> No.23701749

Based on posts from 5ch
-The base crit rate of boats is 0% which does a bonus of 50% damage, so if you don't have any equipment or skill that gives Crit Chance you can't crit.
Also some other tidbits.
-Precise firing is a 10% damage bonus to shelling
-Firing all 6 at once is a 20% shelling damage increase
-Cut-ins can happen multiple times per character but only the first one actually does any bonus damage.
-T Advantage seems to be around a 10%-20% damage bonus to shelling/firepower.

>> No.23703337
File: 559 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20200430-012755937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly sisters
Scarn is cool though

>> No.23703656
File: 1.13 MB, 1624x1001, uipic_ui_loading_im_shaengenai_1624_up_and_down_stitched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think either of them is ugly, it's just their historical nickname. Salmon & Gluckstein is another one, apparently. Both were given them by the Brits.

>> No.23703821

I’d recommend the DD gun that gives Cut-In chance and bonus damage for nearly every DD since their guns do piddly damage otherwise.

>> No.23704191
File: 174 KB, 1000x562, IMG_20200506_171756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fishnets with the k-on babyface are a turnoff. 22/7 seems so halfassed

>> No.23705413

Does anyone know how do they decide what characters to add next in Rays?
Do they hold some kind of a community poll sometimes?
I wouldn't mind some more playable NPCs and bosses like Legretta from Abyss or Seres from Berseria. I mean Sync got in, even fucking Kamenin got in somehow.

>> No.23705766

They did a poll for a few characters although most of them are just as the producer will it.

>> No.23705919

My whole family really enjoyed the anime so I'd be happy to play the game for the plot if it ever gets a English release.

>> No.23705955
File: 532 KB, 664x528, tor32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see.
Well, it feels like popular npcs still hold a higher priority compared to unpopular playable characters.

>> No.23705996
File: 919 KB, 1920x1520, 1012EL_Glowworm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully the next beta phase for Dawn of Victory will start soon. It's been almost a month since they last posted a news update but they continue to reply to people on the game's TapTap page.

>> No.23706008

Any tier list for last period? Or do I go for waifus?

>> No.23706655

>Glowworm looks like a proper lady here.

Brb installing

>> No.23706732

Even if there isn't a server up until next beta phase starts, you may as well install and register so you're prepared. 9you's account system took me more time to figure out than most Chinese services.

>> No.23707038

Since Unknown H has a loading screen in Blue Oath, does that mean I'll eventually be able to make her and her huge rack my wife?

>> No.23707139

I though it was blue oath, what the cn name ? I can't find it.

>> No.23707501

>raids/online multibattles confirmed
I'm a bit worried about this. I hope they don't lock some of the crucial uncap/skill up materials behind this mode.
Raids require a relatively large and active playerbase. Nanatsu no Taizai mobage kinda solved this by making raids doable by only 2 players. But if ToC devs are making raids of Granblue scale, I hope they know what're doing.
This looks extremely spongy even with a max leveled party.

>> No.23708015

拂晓胜利之刻 it's TapTap ID is 187170

>> No.23710217
File: 1.60 MB, 1624x1000, uipic_ui_loading_im_boss2_1624_up_and_down_stitched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anytime soon, at least.
But you can always marry your Hood and make her wear big hats and deep decolette dresses for you.

>> No.23710310
File: 953 KB, 2472x2112, uipic_ui_lihui_2_hude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hood's summer skin, by the way.

>> No.23711229

What's the gameplay even like?

>> No.23711440

can you beat their record, mbgg?

>> No.23711682

Yo, romasagabros
Isnt it supposed to be maint already?

>> No.23711793
File: 173 KB, 1000x525, EW1pSJiU8AAlqB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random bait. I'd like Maid Fiore but I already have 4 out of 5, not worth it. Maybe if they do one with Myuria and Reimi I'll roll.

>> No.23711847

Now that's a strong bait. I might just play my 6+ month inactive account just to roll for that.

>> No.23711853
File: 115 KB, 1080x1846, EXZDjUHVcAEGTkr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it be known that on this day, May 6, 2020, that Cybird fucked up in A3 EN. There was a gitch n the current gacha where players can get 100+ dia as long as they scout. Obviously, people used that to their advantage.

>> No.23711862

Same as all rhythm idol games

>> No.23712094

It's been a long time since I've playing it. But I think the character that appears in the anime are generally strong at their own roles. Provided that they've their own gacha version such as Wiseman, Jewiona, Luna and Campanella.

>> No.23712610

>No titles for defeating the new event boss under 2 minutes
>Got 3 useless rods and 1 launcher when I wanted the dual blade
Fuck this shit.

>> No.23713127
File: 196 KB, 1000x1333, EXZn1HcU0AEuFpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Shironeko bluray boxes will include special mode change costumes for Iris and the MC. The first box set includes the costume for the MC and it can be used by all 4 versions. The second box will have the code for Iris and work for all 3 of hers.

>> No.23714076

This is an announcement regarding the regions for the open beta test.
The open beta test for the English version of TALES OF CRESTORIA will be held in early May through the Google Play Store in Canada and Indonesia. We will follow up with schedule details for users in the applicable regions.
As this is an open beta test meant to assess network load, we appreciate your understanding. We ask for your patience until the game is ready to officially launch and players all over the world can enjoy it together.
*You will not be able to transfer your data from the open beta test to the official release.
*The details of this announcement are subject to change.

>> No.23714079
File: 273 KB, 1334x750, 20200507_125808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Release date when

>> No.23714102


>> No.23714120

>another eden
>log in for the free stones
>do dungeons to use up green and red tickets
>hope for good RNG for drops
is this the gameplay loop? can i get it to go faster? cause i'm honestly losing interest

>> No.23714265

It's a single player game with a built-in gacha. It was finished from the day one. But they need people to spend money on it and take as long as possbile to beat it so here you are.

>> No.23714284

Unless you whale then yes. I don't know why Nips are still whaling for new powercreep characters despite the lack of content in JP.

>> No.23714301

There's a reason nobody plays it

>> No.23714398

Well this happened in FGO CN too (or was it getting 5* always?) so I'm not surprised of these kind of fails.

Still I'm sad I missed this, after 1000 dia spent on the first Taichi gacha SSR and not getting any SSR I don't have hopes to get back.

>> No.23714407

i do like some of the characters and sidestories, and no time limit on anything is always a plus, but the whole RNG drops thing is a huge turnoff. if there was a way to auto the dungeons then it might be tolerable
guess i'll put it on the backburner for now and think if i should uninstall later

>> No.23714450

The RNG is as worse as the gacha. The free characters are usable but need insane amount of grind while whales can just their new powercreep characters to steamrolled content.

>> No.23714644
File: 1.78 MB, 1280x512, w0kwzh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megumegu's season has started in Compass and will end on the 17th.
Usual applies - play one match a day for seven days to get her seasonal costume
Win 20/40/60 matches to earn up to three 128GB data chips
128GB chips will have a chance of dropping until the 11th

Luluca's cards have also been added to the regular card pool and can drop from data chips and the gacha. From the 14th ~ 17th there will be a double UR gacha that also has an increased chance of dropping them, useful if you want that AoE vortex.

That's all for now, good luck!

>> No.23714961
File: 16 KB, 256x256, EXZ339nU0AE_4kt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's this Pokemon?

>> No.23716038
File: 434 KB, 691x591, cutie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see any Tenkafags anymore in this general, but figured I would still try to ask anyways. When is the best time to reroll if I want a shot at this cutie?

>> No.23716050

no open beta test for nips?

>> No.23716127

Theoretically they already did one for JP gaming site writers >>23660825 The data is supposedly will be wiped anyway.

>> No.23716822

Probably at the end of this month since they weren't there last month.

>> No.23717164

Yes grind grastas with greens and literally nothing/light with reds.
Repeat until new content.
You can also autism +10 equipment but characters are so broken it feels like equipment doesnt matter barring speed.

Its pretty boring and the lack of auto is painful since the entire game is just doing the same dungeons over and over.

>> No.23717758

>Got the dual blade on next 10-roll with a dupe launcher
I guess it's somewhat happy end for now. It's better than my luck in another kusoge where I only got trolled by useless non rate-up 5* after 100-rolls.

>> No.23718118

Tenka is one of those games that a chunk of us play but barely discuss, for whatever reason.

>> No.23719140

Anyone planning on going for Mirabel's summon in BladeXLord? Don't know if she's better than Nana

>> No.23720668

Wait for Radius and roll her. Wait for Chiruriru and roll her. Enjoy the free ride, the way lunatic system broke the game is incomparable to other games.

>> No.23720688
File: 17 KB, 500x360, jose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge lack of upcoming new AAA JP mobage releases nowadays.

Last year we had way more.

Now it's all Korean and Chinese stuff, which is disappointing.

Maybe Tokyo Game Show this year will announce a few, but with the virus probably not.

>> No.23721359

There’s nothing to discuss, only waiting for cute girls.

>> No.23721924

I genuinely-believe Crestoria won't suck.

>> No.23722418

Rays May PV.
>Lloyd, Colette and Kohaku SG
Sign me up. We should also be getting an Idolmaster rerun on the 20th according to datamine, Uzuki and Ranko are getting their 6th enhancement. Wonder if a new character is also coming with the rerun or we're getting a sequel afterwards.

>> No.23722464

AAA? mobage?
What kind of joke is this

>> No.23722700


Why did you jinx it anon...

>> No.23724096

Well, you can look at it this way:
A game like Granblue would be considered AAA if compared to something like Last Period or Sinoalice.

>> No.23724223

The irony in your confusion is using the term AAA for any mobage because they're all cheap cashgrabs. Also sinoalice has better graphics, an OST by Keiichi Okabe and is earning millions, bad comparison to most mobage.

>> No.23724230

>better graphics
Better art you mean? Sinoalice battle graphics are a joke.

>> No.23724245

>earning millions
>after that disastrous launch
What the fuck?

>> No.23724247

More of a joke than Granblue?

>> No.23724295

Better 2D art than most mobage with butchered Chink art.

>> No.23724372

I'll take the bait.
Does everything look like the same "chibishit" to you?
I would've linked something similar, but Sinoalice doesn't have special attacks and the only flashy thing there is summoning nightmares. And I can't find any nightmare showcase video.

>> No.23724607

Crestoria open beta is up.

>> No.23724656

Does it work on any emulators?

>> No.23724760

Don't know. I have an android so I just got the apk and installed.

Game starts up with a 2gb download, but you play the tutorial while it downloads. Then there's a 1.6gb update.

>> No.23724763

>more males than females

>> No.23724794
File: 18 KB, 240x218, raffin honorably.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even play Tales, anon?

>> No.23724807

>more males than females
Wasn't going to try it but I definitely will now

>> No.23725016

>Installed and launched just fine on my phone.
>Freezes on title screen at connecting
I wonder what's causing this

>> No.23725099

After the download finishes, you can choose a character to start with. Characters available are:

Cress, Stahn, Leon, Reid, Luke, Yuri, Kannono E, Asbel, Milla, Sorey, Velvet

only SR:
Arche, Rutee, Philia, Kongman, Farah, Kyle, Genis, Presea, Veigue, Senel, Norma, Jade, Anise, Caius, Ruca, QQ, Emil, Repede, Shing, Cheria, Malik, Leia, Elize, Gaius, Lailah, Dezel, Zaveid, Rose, Rokurou, Magilou, Eleanor

Kanata, Miseila, Vicious, and Aegis can't be chosen, but are in the gacha.
Chronos is in the arena gacha.
Rates are 5% SSR, 20% SR, 75% R. 10 roll guarantees an SR.

>> No.23725158

AAA would be Star Ocean, Tales of Rays, and Compass since those actually takes effort to make. Neither Granblue nor Sinoalice is one.

>> No.23725224

>Working fine after I launched it with Cloudflare app turned on
Shit's weird.

>> No.23725250

Thanks for the info, anon.
>10 roll guarantees an SR.
What's in the R rarity though? I assume there are no R characters.
Can you tell us about memoria stones?

>> No.23725356

>Star Ocean, Tales of Rays
If we are judging only by graphics then yeah, by all means, games like Star Ocean, FF Mobius, Honkai Impact and Valkyrie Anatomia are AAA.

What is a tripple A for mobages anyway? I think the game should include good art, a variety of good animations, a lot of content, multiple layers of character customization, fully voiced content, regular events and shouldn't paywall player's progress. More than half of these things are subjective. Especially when some people think Sinoalice is a good example of a mobage.

>> No.23725408

>WoTV makes more money than Tagameme despite the former is just a worse copy and doesn't even have voices for characters in battle like the latter
Too bad most players don't care about production values.

>> No.23725484

Yeah this is baffling. I guess when you slap FF on something it automatically sells.

>> No.23725567

R are only memoria stones but doesn't unlock the characters. Memoria stones are just replacement for equips. The system is similar to grids on GBF and God Eater kusoge.

>> No.23725604

I see.
What happens, when you get a dupe?

>> No.23725656

>Do arena 5 times, donate one item to guild and win raid 1 time for dailies
I'm not sure if I'm going to like this despite I'm interested the story.

It's just a dupe which you can use to increase max level for the original one.

>> No.23725699
File: 283 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200508-120906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starlight Stage is a good example of a high quality mobage. Sinoalice is a decent quality mobage because if you weren't new you'd know the seas of crap out there.

>> No.23725713

>Especially when some people think Sinoalice is a good example of a mobage.
Do you only play games that have a general on /vg/?

>> No.23725779

>Crestoria is much or less God Eater kusoge with better engine and those unnecessary dailies
It's also draining my phone battery really fast compared to all mobage which I'm currenly playing/have played.

>> No.23725889

Starlight Stage is starting to show its age a bit, as more and more games get fully voiced having so many unvoiced characters makes it feel cheaper than it should.

>> No.23725967

The Crestoria beta is leaving me good impressions. Went for Velvet as I'm re-playing Berseria right now and I think I did the best thing. Other choices were Stahn and Yuri because I love them, but fuck.

imagine having this broken heterosexuality

>> No.23726091

>Did one more 10-roll hoping for Nezuko or Giyuu since the free rolls still doesn't give me anything
>Got Inosuke and Zenitsu instead
I guess it's better than nothing and both of them are quite fun to play although I don't like enmity type characters like Inosuke that much.

>> No.23726210

>Lailah, Dezel, Zaveid, Rose
I'm surprised they didn't include Edna. Probably holding her off for some event or gacha.

>> No.23726315

Nah, look at their recent MVs, no other mobage can compete with that so far, or the music quality.

>> No.23726316
File: 104 KB, 850x479, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post ambitious crossovers

>> No.23726387

How come Sinoalice makes more money than Dragalia? Inb4 Pokelabo will kill the English version in only 2 months like Symphogear.

>> No.23726398

That's nice but why is there a floating hat and clothing

>> No.23726498

PvP, story and characters were bait enough to keep whales interested

>> No.23726512

I play it, I know the quality jump in Riamu's MV but going from games with full voice to something without it feels like a step backwards.

>> No.23726608

What else competes? Enstars is pretty good but the greediest gacha, 22/7 will have lame models, Uta Macross doesn't have that much content, SIFAS is crap, Dankira had great dancing but it's semi dead, Project Sekai seems decent but we'll see. The game has 190 characters while fully voiced idol games at most have 50, there are more than 100 voiced idols in CG and their content is voiced.

The age shows in the 2D sprites compared to a modern game like princess connect, but otherwise it's ok.

>> No.23726629

You might not like that there are unvoiced idols but how you associate that as a sign of the game being old is beyond me. If anything it should work the other way because with more time they'll voice more idols. There are much newer games that have unvoiced characters as well. All recent colle games to start as far as I know. The age of a game shows in it's design and mechanics. Things like graphics or UI, not how many characters are voiced. A new game is more likely to have all characters voiced since there are usually less of them anyway.

>> No.23726637

AAA only refer to games with hundreds of millions budget. Which sure as hell none of the mobage. Do you realize why everyone making mobage now? Because it's cheap to develop and generate big revenue

>> No.23726694

I guess I'm not the only one with battery problem for Crestoria.

>> No.23728402

>music quality
Meh that really doesn't matter, a dying game called T7S has it beat in that.

>> No.23728861

I doubt you have functioning ears, T7S memer. Casquettes are decent, but the rest is meh.

>> No.23729014

Do you need e-mail for it? How do I get in? None on qooapp yet

>> No.23729030


>> No.23729467

Does it keep the data after?

>> No.23729557

>You will not be able to transfer your data from the open beta test to the official release.

>> No.23730173

>>after that disastrous launch

Just like FGO then

>> No.23730331

The beta is using different app version the the official release although I don't think I will play the official release if it's still draining my phone battery.really fast and I prefer to not use emulator.

>> No.23730927
File: 717 KB, 1080x2158, Not Voidoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally. 3 years, countless BM, constant pain. I've finally got a Miku alt skin

>> No.23731057
File: 76 KB, 639x718, 1587495059230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Casquettes are decent, but the rest is meh.

>> No.23731340

>countless BM, constaint pain
You might want to talk to a doctor about that.

>> No.23732097

So, what's /mbgg/'s opinion on Crestoria? I'm personally digging it so far.

>> No.23732248

Different styles, CG goes for a wider commercial approach while T7S is more niche with its DJ mix undertones

>> No.23732482
File: 415 KB, 820x1060, Fujo poll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you expected?

>> No.23732491

>cutest main heroine won
I see nothing wrong with that

>> No.23733001

I just figured that they're saving females for recruitment event bigbux banners.

Was Mikleo originally designed as female?

>> No.23733072
File: 725 KB, 830x1246, 1557544750822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are removing the CP cost for the cards and it seems like battles will have fixed CP costs.

This is the end of Mana cheap farming era.

>> No.23733295

Crestoria datamines: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ5GLqTukM_PaXGF_gDIhug
Looks like characters will get multiple MAs and Crestoria will have some original ones for events. There will be swimsuits and seasonal MAs for Yuri, Veigue, Rutee and Kannono..

I really like the aesthetic and story so far, but so many things scream that they'll be annoying in the long run. Like dailies for arena and raids, you have to be in a guild, and especially the Time Box thing you need to check on every hour to get items.

>> No.23733556
File: 241 KB, 1280x720, mov000 001-hjwTvkR-xRI.mkv_snapshot_00.46_[2020.05.08_21.21.03].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Magilou in the OP.

>> No.23734902

Took them 5 years to finally powercreep her out, eh.

>> No.23735014

You have less than a month to play ららマジ before it goes to the graveyard. Please don't forget your alienface high school band girlfriends.

>> No.23735214
File: 571 KB, 504x4096, PTD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile PTD posted a new road map schedule until October.
These undead girls are truly immortal.

>> No.23735286

Whenever the game does shut down some time next century, SE better make a shrine made out of gold to worship the 3 whole whales keeping the server afloat.

>> No.23735784

Anything that kill my phone battery that fast is shittiest tier for me. I'm not liking Arena+Arena gacha and forced Guild for dailies as well. I already it's much or less God Eater kusoge with some tweaks on the battles and the gacha is just equips which automatically unlock characters instead of characters+weapons like on God Eater. Dupes are still needed to increase max level of characters+weapons.

>> No.23735942

dead in 6 months ez
never trust scamco
cringe game
imagine trying to do pvp turn-based rpg gacha when you end up fighting giants like epic seven lmao

>> No.23736005

New girl at 3rd anniv sounds neat. Hope it's not that one novel girl.

I swear this game is just a way to get the VAs to be under some kind of contract. It makes no sense how long this has lasted even if the QoL has gotten pretty good over the years.

>> No.23736162

There is items which you can use instead of dupes. It's still meh though.

>> No.23736233

I never expected to see Dwayne Johnson in an asian mobage collab.

>> No.23736257

>Was Mikleo originally designed as female?
It's just that in many Tales games there's usually a clear canon ship between a male main character and some female party member. In Zestiria they focus so much on Sorey and Mikleo being "good childhood friends" and ignore any other romantic possibilities so it's commonly accepted that Mikleo takes place of the main heroine. Especially with how the game and the anime end.

>> No.23736324
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Next feature scout is 5* Koga with 4* Shu.

Knockin' Fantasy is now available in-game as well.

>> No.23736389
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Thank god I still play this shit

>> No.23736557
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x1440, event end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much done with the event.
Will have to wait until Gneisenau gets added to the prayer wall or the event reruns to 6* her, but overall everything went well.

>> No.23736643

I'm surprised Velvet even got in.

>> No.23736742

I guess Zestiria is a lesson that you can't make a JRPG protag autistically-asexual unless they get better over the course of the game, which doesn't happen with Sorey.

>> No.23737183

That artstyle is so ugly

>> No.23737221

that's Tales of no shading, for you

>> No.23737888

Does it matter which point of map i click for gacha draws in blue oath?

>> No.23737907

What levels and ship types do you recommend for H-6? I'm at H-4 but I don't know if I can rush to H-6 with my ships.

>> No.23738112

I did it with >>23586434
Another anon supposedly used the same heavy cruiser trio + 3 destroyers to clear it and a 3CA/3BC fleet to farm it. >>/jp/thread/S23540505#p23567309
I'd say generally you want level 60-70 boats lb'd at least two times with level 4-7 skills and +15-20 equipment to more or less comfortably 3* it.

>> No.23738173

T7S is for anons with good taste, not you. Sorry.


>> No.23738357

>level 60-70 boats lb'd at least two times with level 4-7 skills and +15-20 equipment
Thanks anon. It's impossible for me then. I only have 2 lv70 characters and the rest are at lv35-45. I also barely have good equips since I only started 2 weeks ago.

>> No.23739066

It's the other way round bro. Those with good taste in music love the songs and listen to them but don't actually play the game.

>> No.23739089

One can only hope this is bait, but you can't expect much from somebody who likes deformed 7 sisters.

>> No.23739320


I dont play the game lmao. I only listen their music.

>> No.23739390

An im@s seiyuu sang her enka character song on NHK, T7S can only dream to reach its quality.

>> No.23739412

Yeah T7S just panders to mega weebs at MOGRA.

>> No.23740587
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I wonder if I should reroll my PTD account during anni, I barely got any URs

>> No.23741396

Not even as good as heaven's rave

>> No.23741644

They were both so flamboyantly gay I could only wish a Tales protagonist could show half as much of an interest in the opposite sex as he did in his boyfriend.
Sleeping together and their gay ass literal tickle fights.

>> No.23741663

Pretty average representation of Enka inflated by the legacy of scamco/cykagames, just like I said earlier, different types of pandering and >>23739412 confirms it, is kind of funny that people from /@/ comes to show their "superiority" like it seems there wasn't enough for them just having a thread twice as fast in /vg/ (mostly because everyone is just circlejerking about a certain idol or blatantly shitposting), anyway idolshit of any branch is still idolshit, you get to stick to the kind of shit you want to listen, just like yesterday /@/ was spouting how they were listenning classic music instead of their idolshit because they were insecure of showing such amount of shit taste.

>> No.23741671

I dunnow about that. The previouscollab rolls are sorta forfeited.

You have good shit like new years and onsen.

If not, next month is anniv so you can also wait for that if you're really not feeling it.

If you're having problems power wise, consider trading for some Scars

>> No.23742288

That doesn't counter my point that im@s has the best music quality and variety out of all idol games, I don't feel insecure about what I listen to and I would gladly welcome other idol series having better music- but so far they don't. And trust me, I've tried every rhythm game targeted at every demographic, but im@s had the only original music that could stand on its own (out of Japanese idol rhythm games).

Of course, that is largely due to the resources bamco has, but the experimenting with different genres and character images is what sets it apart from the rest.

>> No.23742358

I like some Love Live songs. Not as many as im@s ones but still. Nijigasaki singles are nice.

>> No.23742615

Do you think I care about counter your narrow point of view? Im@s sacrifices quality just to reach a wider audience, same with LL, of course if you don't like electronic stuff you won't like T7S or 8BS, for me most im@s sounds the same cutesy stuff but that isn't totally wrong, many people like that, of course there's Enka from Tomoe or stuff like Lazy Lazy but those are counted examples since you get things like Merry go round, Last Journey, and then there's countless of songs from the kind of NewGen, heck CG releases so many songs that the quality has clearly declined, you can see it in these lastest events, if you want to counter my argument you could've show me Shiny Colors since is the one that has been actually getting some really good stuff like Dye the Sky, Silhouette, Trascend the World or Beach Breaver.

LL just dropped in quality with aqours, some songs are salvage, I haven't listened to Nijisaki but I hope is better.

>> No.23742758
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I don't mind if the game doesn't have a classic romantic development built into the plot. But hey, it's that one thing I'm glad Japan still cares about, mostly. Berseria was pretty different for a Tales game plot-wise, but at least it had heartwarming おねショタ. Rays has Ix and Mileena. Kanata and Miseila in Crestoria look like they're going to develop into something too.

>> No.23743535

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn444jfwpgw Nijisaki has Karin which is a good point for them. The rest are meh for me, the only others I like are Setsuna and Ai. At least I like more than in Aqours which is only Yohane.

>> No.23744285

T7S music sounds like crap, anon. There's a reason it's a dying franchise, there's just a memer in idol threads trying to push it real hard, not sure why you're even trying.

>> No.23744858

Says the one that is olpushing im@s knowing this isn't /@/, anyway, what you would expect from a secondary CGnigger

>> No.23745351

>There's a reason it's a dying franchise
That's because they keep shafting the only girl people care about enough to play the game. People who like the music don't even bother playing if they don't like her.

>> No.23745480

God you idolfags are pathetic
arguing which franchise has the better generic j pop, it's all the same shit

>> No.23745684

Is just CGniggers that came into the thread and for some reason thay can't stay in their own containment thread in /vg/.

>> No.23745923
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All 2.5D idol music are nice. I don't think there's one more superior than the other. If you enjoy it, then that's what it is.

>> No.23745950

No one denies that, but of course most idols franchises have their own shitpeople going around, mostly the biggest ones like im@s and LL have tons of those that just shits on the people who legimately likes their stuff and just comes to shit on other franchises like they actually sold their soul to the corporations.

In this case I believe is just the typical shitposter wanting to derail the thread

>> No.23747112

>Konosuba failed a twitter campaign
Am I a terrible person for laughing whenever a mobage does this?

>> No.23747208

Game lost a lot of accumulated goodwill by repeating the same damn event week after week and having gamebreaking bugs every other arena season. It gets extremely stale and boring which lead to the majority of players dropping the crap out of it

>> No.23747261

The game was fucked from the start when they made the simplest combat system in the world and somehow managed to screw it up.

>> No.23747316

The game's combat was tied to FPS. Which essentially meant anyone with a good phone or 60 fps was penalized since the combat and PVE portion was largely dictated by hurrdurr do this before x time limit and arena was a classic pants on head dps race.
Turns out the chinks realized setting the game to something ridiculous like 6fps allowed a million teams to do PVE content bosses way beyond their expected ability and arena scores got inflated from low-mid 1 millionish as top score to mid 2 millionish.
Of course they took the game and arena mode down entirely to fix it. Two weeks later it turns out the bug was apparently still there after people bored out of their minds tested it again. It's just borderline incompetence and apathy from the developers

>> No.23747718

It's be nice if they get better servers so I don't have to retry like 50 times to get in

>> No.23747757

Honestly my issue is the entire game is based around speed buffs/debuffs.

Like it would be one thing where you can break the game via speed buffs but instead some of the bosses are so bullshit you literally cant consistently kill them without speed buffs.
And of course theres like 5 characters in the game with speed buffs/debuffs.

Then the general laziness when it comes to their SRs not getting different sprite, characters not getting different specials, still not having added a new character, etc.
Its a shame I really wanted to like the game but its just so ehh.

>> No.23748245

is there some form of sparking in crestoria? didn't hear anything about it so i'm guessing no

>> No.23748431
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>thinking I'm the same anon
>revealing your true colors
That's just sad, take your butthurt against CG somewhere else. I am just tired of the one crazy T7S shill appearing in every idol thread, I follow and post updates about all female and male targeted idol games here.

>> No.23748434

It's fine if it's T7S being shat on, even T7Sfags shit on it sometimes.

>> No.23748481

>male targeted idol games here.
>Admitting you're a fag

So this is what /mbgg/ has become.

>> No.23748497

>T7S shill
If that shill is just shilling the music chances are they don't actually play the game. No one plays T7S for the music, even if they love it.

>> No.23748574

Look at these nerds arguing over soon-to-be OLD and BUSTED properties lmao.


>> No.23748619

>literal Chunithm sans air notes

>> No.23748629

That starlike game is not getting released this year is it?

>> No.23748643

Why do you keep spamming that opinion in the thread?

>> No.23748664

Because it's true?

>> No.23748726

Did they literally name their game after that VN translation group
Also is that a joke about Vocaloids being OLD and BUSTED lmao

>> No.23748984

Project Sekai =/= Sekai Project
If you google both you'll get different search results.

>> No.23749184

>the only girl people care about
Wait anon.
If there's only ONE girl people care about in a franchise with dozens of girls there's something fundamentally wrong with it.

>> No.23749219

It's just the same Makotofag, hates the 777sisters when Momoka and Susu are pretty alright

>> No.23749506

They struck gold, maybe platinum or even diamond with her character design but never bothered to really make use of it.

Those two are alright. But people who like Momoka tend to drop the game after playing for a short while. She's nowhere near enough of a hook to keep people playing. And people who like Susu just fap to her doujins all day and don't even touch the game.

>> No.23749526

