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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2365603 No.2365603 [Reply] [Original]

Remember me from yesterday /jp/?
Well last night was great, had alot of fun, the first party was at a friends apartment, then we went to the pub, armwrestled for money (lol I lost). And lastly back to the apartment again. No I didnt get laid but I did have girls on my lap talking about sex positions.

What do I want with this thread? Maybe you call me troll but it did happend. All I can say, 2 years ago I couldn't even have a conversation with anyone. I lived at my moms house, peeing in bottles. Friendless loser who fapped 5 times a day. Now that's changed!

>> No.2365605
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>> No.2365617
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self-important faget

>> No.2365623

I can assure you that I am not a faggot. Woman is what I like.

>> No.2365620

Please tell more about your experience, OP. I'm really, really interested.

>> No.2365628


soooooo...... if you had all that stuff going on... why are you back here again?

>> No.2365629

/jp/ - Blogs/Genetal

>> No.2365634

Pretty sure you're a woman, faggot.

>> No.2365638

So you've managed to normalize yourself to regular human levels.
Now, how are you any different from the faceless mass of humanity that plagues us? You meet one, and you have met them all.
Fucking worthless...

>> No.2365641

I will always be a nerd inside, I wont leave that. I surf 4chan/play games when there is nothing going on. And I am reeeeally tired, not headache and puking though.

So yeah, I find 4chan entertaining, but I will probably go find something to do again today. Smoking cigarr is planned lol.

>> No.2365644

>Remember me from yesterday /jp/?

Nope, i dont remember you. Recap it.

>> No.2365645

>peeing in bottles.

>> No.2365655

Yeah maybe i can agree abit with that. But I am happy now. Socialising makes me happy, having people that you can rely on and not be all alone feels good.

As I have had my experience as a nerd I've grown as a person seeing things from both views. I got empathy and I seldem act like a dick.

>> No.2365659

I bet there was no thread yesterday

good troll

>> No.2365662

OP here, yeah that is fucked up and I am ashamed. But I know there are some lurkers here that do the same.

>> No.2365668

I remember you from yesterday OP =)

>> No.2365671

Hooray, I guess. You must be proud of yourself.

>> No.2365672
File: 321 KB, 1241x1758, 1235461097071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup OP, I believe you.

There are more normalfags here than you think. I'm a closet nerd.

>> No.2365673

Nice that. Too bad I barely remember what the fuck i was talking about in it, more then i was excited about the party.

>> No.2365675

I would like to remind you that using "=)" is forbidden here on /jp/

>> No.2365678

Yeah, but this thread is otherwise perfect for /jp/, right?

>> No.2365682


>> No.2365683

How did you get from being me to being you? Does it involve a job? If so, I think I'll pass.

>> No.2365687

I live alone, play vn's, play touhou, watch anime, read manga, have figures, But I still have loads of friends and go partying almost every weekend.

>> No.2365684 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 800x600, suikanis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

I'm just like the rest of you guys lol.

>> No.2365690

Here's hoping for a (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

>> No.2365694


yes we all post pictures of our dick on the internet and behave like 16 year olds

>> No.2365698

Lol you honastly want to know? Ok I guess ill write some.

Back when i didnt have a single friend, I used to play steam games. I started building maps, join a few communities. From that, I added people on steam which i played with. At first it was only game talk/or no talk at all lol. Then as I progressed I begun talking about more freely, made some more friends who were like me. Some from my country even.

I learned socialising eventually when i spent like 5 hours a day with friends on skype. After this year i started going to school again. I was very introvert, but I made friends at school. And I met old friends, just building up my social network.

So now im a pretty cool guy eh, have lots of friends and dont afraid of anything.
People want to hang with me, and that feels great.

>> No.2365699


>> No.2365701
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Not this one lol.

>> No.2365704

School? Sorry, I don't think your situation applies to most of the people here. GLHF though.

>> No.2365703
File: 5 KB, 256x224, 1225923172857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2365710

You have nothing in common with us.
We don't want your friends, your alcohol and your sex, what we want doesn't exist, we don't want to go to parties, I would rather discuss what makes Wittgenstein's tractatus so interesting yet how his formulation makes it hard to enjoy.

>> No.2365719

posting pictures of booze in front of /jp/ threads doesn't really give the impression you're trying to make it give

>> No.2365734

what a camwhore

>> No.2365745

Why not get a trip code a troll us some more and tell us we're pathethic and whatnot! yay!

>> No.2365749

Um begin to go to school then. And oh, Im 18. And im pretty sure there is not many people here over 25.
And for people over 22 should get a job or something if u want to improve your social life.

>> No.2365756

What if we dont wont to improve our social life?

>> No.2365782
File: 25 KB, 300x300, 1234145865830dw7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then its your fucking problem then. God you are like a child.

Ask yourself, do you rather be a fat smelly weeboo faggot crying over the fact that you will never find your perfect 2d waifu, while you rot infront of your computer.

Or do you take a step outside of that lonely fantasy world of yours and do something that matters. Perhaps looking for a beautiful girl to spend all day in the park with, just talking? Or just have fun on this planet.

Ask yourself if you really are happy living like you do. I Dont think so, if it was the case there wouldnt be so many ronrey threads.

Wolf kinda related.

>> No.2365790
File: 25 KB, 588x418, 1238194684480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure is normalfag /b/ related in here.

>> No.2365796

Most people in this planet are not driven individuals and they never will be. They know their lives suck, but they rather huddle in the corner, whining and and playing the blame game instead of getting up and doing something about it.

>> No.2365798

/jp/ is like Shirou, they won't settle for anything less than their dream, not caring if it's impossible.
The difference being the object of said dream.
Say what you might, it is a much more beautiful way of seeing things than just going " oh well, I'll never get what I want anyway, better settle for shit".

>> No.2365807

Don't believe it if you want, but some of us really do like our lifestyle.

No I don't make or post in ronery threads.

>> No.2365810

I'm happy living like I do. The rest of the world looking down on me for choosing a different path in life from the majority is what bothers me.

>> No.2365819

>want to improve your social life.

Oh you.

>> No.2365826

Ok Im going to say this

If you are an outcast/weeboo and you wake up with a smile every morning, enjoying the life like "Fuck year!! I love my life fully!"

Then live as you do.

If you are depressed and cry and want to commit sucide, then you need to fucking change. Seriously.

That sums it up I guess. Change your life if you are unhappy over how it is okey?

>> No.2365828

My my you sure have a weird opinion on me.

I go outside, i'm not fat or smelly while i do rot in front of the computer thats basically going to my job in 5 years after i finish university.

While i am human and have interests in girls i dont like most of the girls looks or personalities that can be found here, and i cant really talk to them much except common knowledge stuff or university stuff...
I'm pretty much happy with going to university and playing games on my PC and DS, browsing /jp/ and watching anime and manga. I'm not certain whats fun to you, but i sure have my share of fun, i laugh at the funny stuff i read and watch, i laugh and have fun while playing PC games with online friends and offline friends.

I never been inside a ronery thread because i'm not ronery, just check the archive i really never post in them. I avoid them.

Am I happy, actually I think this is the best time i'll ever have in my life.

>> No.2365832

I don't speak to myself like a /b/tard in the morning, no. Maybe I have to change.

>> No.2365848

Well in your post i can clearly see that you are abit, like they call a "normalfag".

My message is directed to the basementdwellers or what they now are called. Im just trying to help them, not degrade them.

>> No.2365859

Some of us are here because we have nowhere else to go, but most of us are here because there's nowhere else we'd rather be.

>> No.2365868

You assume that we want your help.

>> No.2365874

I know I would, back at the time when I had it as worst, you cant speak for all of you. This is anonymous, everyone is different.

It's time for me to say goodbye now. I might check thread later but it will prob be dead.

>> No.2365889

Yeah, go away. I don't need or want your advice and I haven't seen anyone else in this thread thanking you for it. You're probably not even half my age.

>> No.2365907

>You're probably not even half my age.
Not the guy you're talking to, but goddamn that's pathetic.

>> No.2365908
File: 712 KB, 250x250, gigglin'.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bottles are full.

>> No.2365910


You aren't helping, you're trying to force your definition of success on us.

>> No.2365915

I'm actually only 22, but I thought it would sound clever and insulting. Now that I think about, it makes me sound like a 40 year old basement dweller. Which I will be someday, but still.

>> No.2365920

Filled with piss, I bet.
