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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2364355 No.2364355 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any actual meaning to the G20 protests, or are they all a bunch of fucking idiots?

>> No.2364366

Is there any actual meaning to this thread, or are you a fucking idiot?

>> No.2364367

It's an important occasion for bums, teenagers and good for nothing youth to feel important by opposing the POWER.

>> No.2364373

I doubt any one of them have any idea what they're protesting about beyond the usual vague crap they spout.

>> No.2364376
File: 249 KB, 2048x1336, The Death Of Carlo Guiliani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, They remembering this guy maybe.

>> No.2364381



>> No.2364382

thread challenge: try to explain how this thread is even remotely related to /jp/

>> No.2364389

The G20 summit is a collection of world leaders, one of them involving Japan.

But basically we don't have /n/ anymore so this is the next closest place I could post horse head guy protesting climate change while drinking a can of beer.

>> No.2364392

Is there a reward for this challenge?

>> No.2364396

I bet being there in a crowd trashing a starbucks is really fun

feels good man

>> No.2364401

Now this thread is about MY BRUTE.


>> No.2364402

They are protesting against capitalism, and all forms government. Like, at the same time.

The mind boggles.

>> No.2364408

>>protesting against capitalism
While sipping their Starbucks coffee.

>> No.2364439


bitch better BRING IT

>> No.2364447
File: 25 KB, 400x300, Music Band - Ska-P (Spain) 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahi llega un coche official
Con su bandera nacional
Medidas de seguridad
Policia nacional
Al otro lado, la accion
Es una manifestacion
Son antiglobalisacion


La cumbre ya termino
Ya ha comenzado el mogollon
Hay mas monos que en el zoo
Es evidente la opresion
La policia disparo
Carlo Giulani pago


El pasado 20 de julio del año 2001
Fue brutalmente asesinado nuestro compañero carlos giuliani
Por la policia fascista italiana
Solamente por revindicar un reparto mas equitativo de la economia mundial
Solamente por adquirir conciencia,
Solamente por poner voz a la "sin voz"
Solamente por pensar...


Solamente por pensar...

>> No.2364457




>> No.2364501


And writing blog posts on their macbooks

>> No.2364509

The word globalization scares them because they don't know what it means.

>> No.2364537

This thread is full of people who got their political opinions from south park and/or from people who got their political options from south park and expressed them with minimal changes on the internet.

Either that or trolls and people having a laugh at anything they can get their hands on.

>> No.2364552

Maybe they aren't protesting against the G20 meeting, just use the occassion to advertise the existence and goals of their own groups.

>> No.2364555


>> No.2364586

trying to hard


>> No.2364599

I remember going to the anti-war protest in Madrid back in 2003 for the hell of it. It was more of a party then a protest, and half the people I talked to either didn't care about the war or were just there with their friends. So I would go for the "fucking idiots" answer.

>> No.2364614

Those two are not mutually exclusive. Most protests consist of a few people instigating them who may or may not know what the fuck they're doing, and the mindless mob that follows.

Remember the rAIDS? There was an actual meaning behind them originally, this didn't stop them from immediately becoming a meeting place for retarded meme-sprouting underage /b/tards.

>> No.2364654


this. i saw a video on time with a kid with pink hair with his girlfriend talking nonsense about how his tent represents something or other so retarded i didnt bother to remember.

then there was the obligatory girl with dreadlocks that tries too hard to look hippy.

>> No.2364686

Why would you hang around the confetti of left wing groups who just like standing in a street and enjoying the echo chamber of the people around them.

Grab a camera and follow the black bloc dudes around.

>> No.2364692


the entitlement generation at work.

>> No.2364698

hahaha who the fuck are you little faggot? What do you know about globalization? Globalization is a hardcore monopoly game on a great scale. One takes it all, the rest will die. Educate yourself filthy mongrel.

Anti War is different. Anyway, all you have now are false reality through mass medie infenction ridden mindless faggots.
I would never go to those protests, all you get is oppressionate police tactics, where they swarm around you in a circle and don't release you anymore for fucking hours, no exception. Some of them will start to bully you, and when the atmosphere gets hot you will get beaten up, because some paid or supported provocateurs went mad somewhere else, where the mass media was standing.

Just check up what they are doing at the NATO war mongering festival parade. Total textbook fascism.

>> No.2364730
File: 73 KB, 529x600, 3007532_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you. You're cute.

>> No.2364738

haha mate u dont know what u r talking about, globalization is why everyone in the world is so rich right now

>> No.2364746


>> No.2364754

>>Globalization is a hardcore monopoly game on a great scale.

Yeah tell that to China, India and Brazil.

>> No.2364760

globalization is actually a general term used to describe previously national-centric businesses expanding their products and services to a "global" audience.

"No man, Starbucks and McDonalds shouldn't be opening stores in China! The east already has a beautiful, rich culture that doesn't need to be replaced with ugly American chains! And....only Americans should get to eat those things."

>> No.2364785

I want that horse mask.

>> No.2364792


therefore globalization itself can't really be blamed as the cause for the current economic crisis, but it did "spread it out". For example, if a foreign business opens a factory in a town, that town is provided with thousands of jobs. As a result, the town prospers with the influx of wages. Later, the factory closes down because the foreign business watches it stock performance take a massive dive. With the factory closed, thousands are now unemployed, and the economy around it suffers greatly.

On one hand, you could say that globalization caused the ripples of a corporation's collapse to be felt in farther corners of the globe. On the other hand, being anti-globalization is arguing that the factory should have never been allowed to open in the first place. Which is dumb.

The same applies to a chain of stores, or distribution centers. Whatever.

>> No.2364811

Sure is middle school polotics around here.

>> No.2364830

I think a lot of people are against globalization because they are for fair trade and fair labor practices, which usually get ignored in the process of globalization. In the U.S. we're lucky enough to have laws that protect our workers and consumers (somewhat), but when our corporations set up shop in countries that don't have such laws people often end up getting fucked over in the long run.

It's kind of unfortunate how easy it is to become disillusioned with political activism when protests like these become nothing more than excuses for hippies to get high and feel like they're accomplishing something altruistic. I'm sure MLK never had to put up with this shit. Although who knows, maybe he did.

>> No.2364831

I won't discuss it now. Globalization is like a parasite, it eats on the energy of the people. The form of globalization I'm talking of is the 20th century form of turbo capitalism which causes mass misery and calamity of people around the globe, promoting slave labor, destroying the futures of millions of people, distributing wealth to the top on a scale like never before.
Both sides lose! The ones in the poor countries, because they will get looted without any gains, and the richer countries that are being transformed into 3rd world countries, because of hot fleeing capital, wich goes where is the most profit. The results are terrifying, the crisis we are right now is only the beginning and it is caused by globalization.

Btw, the last globalization bubble ended in two world wars, one big depression and many other crisis.

>> No.2364837

why are you people posting so many words on globalization on a board titled "japan/general"

>> No.2364844

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I do think it's rather stupid to say that a company can't expand internationally, but the countries they expand into need to have some laws that keep the market in check like the U.S. does.

>> No.2364864

Guys, guys, this isn't about globalization at all. This is all about financial institutions. This "anti-globalization" rhetoric was a strawman propaganda in the first place. Don't discuss the points of the protests basing on the semantics of the word when the word is actively shunned by the same people it is supposed to describe.

>> No.2364876


This, what they're mostly angry about is neoliberalist policy.

>> No.2364941

What else do you understand under this term? There is no other meaning than hardcore looting on a global scale, there never was there never will. It makes the 3rd world dependent on the west instead of helping them to built their own basis and their living standard didn't go up. Watch some documentations what is going on there with the IMF, WTO and others. And the free trade bullshit is only for them, not the industrial nations that still have restrictions and subentions to protect their economies against unwanted competion of 3rd world products, but at the same time they force them to accept everything.

Then remember three additional things: overpopulation, global warming and the struggle for resources and you should get an understanding of the bigger picture.

>> No.2364959

Right, and you are free to dictate what laws *other* countries should apply to themselves. This isn't about capitalism, its about your preferred system of democracy.

Also, its not "slave labor" if its voluntary. The reason why people work in those American sweatshops is because they pay far better than anything else you are likely to find in third world nations.

Nevermind that China and India have been climbing out of third-world status purely because of the billions of jobs provided by globalization. Feh, don't they know that the middle-class lifestyle is for Americans only?

>> No.2365006

>Right, and you are free to dictate what laws *other* countries should apply to themselves. This isn't about capitalism, its about your preferred system of democracy.
You're right. I'll never again voice a complaint about dictatorships, tyrannies, human rights violations, and genocides going on in other countries. After all I have no right to since I live in a different nation and should not care about humans who are disconnected from me by invisible borders.

>Also, its not "slave labor" if its voluntary. The reason why people work in those American sweatshops is because they pay far better than anything else you are likely to find in third world nations.
So just because one flavor of shit tastes better than another there is nothing wrong with having to choose between eating one of the two or starvation?

>> No.2365042

>I'll never again voice a complaint about dictatorships, tyrannies, human rights violations, and genocides going on in other countries.

Good thing those have nothing to do with globalization, and more often than not stand as obstacles to it! Compare North Korea to South Korea. One is globalized, the other is still "protecting" itself.

>So just because one flavor of shit tastes better than another there is nothing wrong with having to choose between eating one of the two or starvation?

Another way of putting it is eating the best-tasting food available. Which is what everyone does. Someone, somewhere, probably thinks that your job involves shitty work for shitty pay. Better quit, huh?

>> No.2365076

Modern day colonialism and people saying fuck that shit.

>> No.2365083

Holy shit old /n/ is back.

>> No.2365088

Most of the successful Asian economies that came about in the late 1900's had strong government regulation to prevent globalization forces from taking over their economies and neutering development.

>> No.2365089

Bullshit. Kill yourself faggot. Faggots like you will live in denial until they themselves end up in the streets.
And then they will run mad in search for some easy scapegoats.

And don't mistake text-book mafia methods (every goverment is approved mafia by the majority anyway, they use the same methods) with volunterism. If I would use the same tactics, like pointing a loaded gun at you and ask you to do some work for me, it would be the same, because I didn't force you amirite?
Modern slavery practices are lot more sophisticated than ever before and plugged into the modern monetary system. Open markets were invented for economic warfare and the system more efficient than sending legions around the globe.

>> No.2365104
File: 46 KB, 340x255, tinfoil-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2365124

>pointing a loaded gun at you and ask you to do some work for me, it would be the same, because I didn't force you amirite?

Holy shit you are stupid. Yeah, if you engineered the situation, then it would be forcing. Because making requests under gunpoint is the very definition of "forcing". And I'm against anything done in such a fashion.

But in the real world, companies look to third world nations for cheap labor. The citizens of those third-world nations climb over each other, out of their own free will, to apply for work in these companies, even in situations which you as a pampered westerner might find "deplorable". And now you want to take away what the only means of living, that billions of other people struggle so hard to hold onto? Honestly, fuck you.

>> No.2365139

Just because japan is attending the G20 conference doesn't mean the protests have anything to do with Japanese culture.

Take the thread to R9K. They might care more about it too.

>> No.2365143


I like the "fight the powah " idea,

but i must admit that throwing shit in a stranded Carabinieri jeep with armed officers on board is really stupid.

>> No.2365147

You don't understand anything nor do you even know what you are talking about.

>> No.2365155

I get the same thing from 9/11 truthers. Don't feel bad.

>> No.2365160

Idiots, angry that intelligent rich people take advantage of an otherwise worthless population to fatten their wallets and raise themselves further above the masses.

When they grow up they'll discover that not everyone is equal, and shouldn't be treated as such.


>> No.2365180

So, I guess from this plan we can expect a universal decline in wages to starvation levels in the near future since companies can simply keep moving on to the next most vulnerable group of workers. Brilliant.

>> No.2365196

I don't give a shit about other people. I like that policy.

>> No.2365326 [DELETED] 

No, not at all. Every country in which labor is exported to actually sees an increase in wages. Firstly, because the unemployment rate goes down. Secondly, as the unemployment rate goes down and companies start competing for workers, employee wages and benefits go up. Which creates a stronger economy, which helps everyone, and humanity as a whole. And then the cycle gets repeated in Vietnam, or Cambodia, or wherever the next source of cheap labor lies.

You're thinking that these nations will turn into something America in its current decrepid state. What you don't realize is that, for most nations, that represents a massive improvement.

>> No.2365331

No, not at all. Every country in which labor is exported to actually sees an increase in wages. See: China. Firstly, because the unemployment rate goes down. Secondly, as the unemployment rate goes down and companies start competing for workers, employee wages and benefits go up. Which creates a stronger economy, which helps everyone, and humanity as a whole. And then the cycle gets repeated in Vietnam, or Cambodia, or wherever the next source of cheap labor lies.

You're thinking that these nations will turn into something resembling America in its current decrepid state. What you don't realize is that, for most nations, that represents a massive improvement.

>> No.2365375

Bullshit. You have to see the whole picture. The only profiteers are max. 1-10% of the people, the wages increase a little but at the same time the living cost explode thanks to privatization and the free market fascism. And the people there have to safety net nor any rights workers have here. Why do you think sex tourism is so big in asia? Because the people are so rich and love to fuck foreigners?

In the G6 you have still up to 40% of people who can make a nice living but this is dropping rapidly since the 90' and is moving towards the 20/80 society.

Everyone should read Brave New World and watch THX 1138, because this is how the world will look like in up to 100 years (this or a new stone age). Scientific fascism ruling the world in a global "socialist" system. Wonderful

>> No.2365432

The great thing about threads like this is that I can completely disregard everything that is said and go out side and enjoy the sunny weather that is today.

>> No.2365437

Naomi Klein has quite the following i see.

>> No.2365451

Anyone knows where to get a horse mask like that? Google returns were a little too different.

>> No.2365479

>Every country in which labor is exported to actually sees an increase in wages.

Of course, what actually happens when internationals move into third world countries is that native industries are crushed or bought and the costs of whatever services they provided skyrocket. So when things like food prices start to soar as presently, you have millions starve because they have absolutely nothing to fall back on. See: almost every country in South America Trade between countries can be a good thing, but what you favor is simply fucking over workers for extra cash.

>> No.2365496


If the native industry's any good, it gets bought out instead. Even if not, those workers can take their marketable skills to the new guy and get a job. Most of the stuff they make isn't for local consumption anyway, it's to feed your fat american ass. If you're so hungry, go start a garden. It's a free country.

>> No.2365577 [DELETED] 

Not completly true. This is exactly what is about to become illegal. Locals are gonna get loaded with taxes and expeditions they can't afford and are driven out of business. Big landowners come in and buy them off. Seeds are gonna be in total control in the future, with terminator seeds or whatever they are called now. GMO food will be your only choice in the near future, growing own food in gardens will be criminilized. They will regulate all food, nourishments, vitamis, minerals, fucking all with their new laws that are in the making since decades so that you will be cut on the freedom of healthcare and food supply.

In Bolivia I believe they forbid the people the use of rain and river water and so on when they privatized the water supply to amerikkan controlled corporations, because people couldn't afford the prices and were driven into illegality. The goverment had to terrorize their own people with paramilitary and fascism. But they failed as civil unrest was too big for them to handle. But we in the western nations are too lazy and to degenerated and this is why they will succeed.

>> No.2365589

Not completly true. This is exactly what is about to become illegal. Locals are gonna get loaded with taxes and additional expenditures they can't afford and are driven out of business. Big landowners come in and buy them off. Seeds are gonna be in total control in the future, with terminator seeds or whatever they are called now. GMO food will be your only choice in the near future, growing own food in gardens will be criminilized. They will regulate all food, nourishments, vitamis, minerals, fucking all with their new laws that are in the making since decades so that you will be cut on the freedom of healthcare and food supply.

In Bolivia they forbid the people the use of rain and river water and so on when they privatized the water supply to amerikkan controlled corporations, because people couldn't afford the prices and were driven into illegality. The goverment had to terrorize their own people with paramilitary and fascism. But they failed as civil unrest was too big for them to handle. But we in the western nations are too lazy and to degenerated and this is why they will succeed.

>> No.2365594

You know GMOs aren't tolerated in a good deal of europe, do you ?

>> No.2365607

ITT: people pretend to give a fuck about subject matters of the most subjective and debatable nature

>> No.2365624

You know that the EU doesn't care what the people say?
They will gradually make it popular, just see. Especially know with the greates depression coming they are unlimited possibilities to make GMO avaible.

>> No.2365640

>Most of the stuff they make isn't for local consumption anyway

No shit? And current trade agreements help to ensure that reliance on foreign corporations and inability to provide themselves with job/food/resource security.


>> No.2365681


Illegalize drinking rainwater? That'll go over well. You can't even ban alcohol without things going pear-shaped.

I fail to see how gardens can be banned effectively, when government can't even stop people from growing pot in their basement. You severely over-estimate the controls of modern government. You probably think they can track you using satellites, too.

>> No.2365688

Do people even bother to pretend that their topics are /jp/-related anymore?

>> No.2365689

Of course they can't track me with satellites, I'm not fucking retarded, I'm shielding myself with tinfoil.

>> No.2365692

People want to have a normal discussion once in a while and since /jp/ has quite a good average post quality, hell we even have capital letters here. Why cant we talk about something that not touhou or anything /jp/ related?

>> No.2365702

Well, isn't G20 basically all of the economic powerhouses coming together to invent new ways to rip off the developing ones.

What the hell is USA doing there, by the way? They should be kicked out for stupid. Surely there can be some penalty that the civilised world can give to yanks.

>> No.2365720

Also, just so you know, the G20 this year is only about the economic crisis, and absolutely nothing is going to come out of it.
Changes: They tripled the FMI's budget, allowing Germany to avoid taking care of eastern europe.
Aside from that and other minute matters that every president is going to blow out of proportion, this G20 is a failure.

>> No.2365730

gtfo eurotrash

>> No.2365738


>> No.2365739

Look, it is not my fault you guys were stupid enough to cause global economical crisis.

But to talk yanks about responsibility is like teaching a dog how to prevent financial meltdown. A dog or average politician yank, that is.

>> No.2365740

One of the most redundant, and condescending, complaints about the G20 protests was that "they don't know what they want". Of course there is not yet unity around a way forward, or what outcome should be obtained. There has been plenty of intellectual labour dedicated to exploring possible post-capitalist scenarios, but these remain dry, academic exercises in the absence of a movement capable of realising them. The best ideas, and the best perspectives about the means to get there will emerge precisely in the context of struggles over day-to-day issues.


>> No.2365744

Explain how America caused it, and how it could have been logically predicted/avoided, and your point will be valid.

>> No.2365750
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Bunch of fucking idiots, protesting without having a clue about any of the issues, or bothering to do any research, just following along whoever is "cool and hip" who told them to go, who in turn was trying to recruit as many people as they could for a sense of achievement about as asinine as those who seek massively long friend lists on social networking sites.

They could at least hold a meaningful protest, say about our Labour governemnts continued destruction of free speech and expression:

>> No.2365754
File: 57 KB, 500x600, 3414456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, wrong picture.

>> No.2365755

First of 50% of the crisis is because someone said theres a crisis and people stooped buying shit.

Secondly how can you not predict a HUGE company like AIG or anything else going bankrupt? I mean holy shit it has the GDP of a small country, counties can predict they're going bankrupt and AIG and the others cant!?

America caused it because most of American companies started the crisis while they are multinational super bla bla they're still American. A obvious point is this is American Tax player bail out money for international companies.

>> No.2365757

Well, the whole current crisis has its foundation in the yank subprime mortgage crisis. Which was practically caused by overly loose freemarket financial control that the government of USA practiced under the influence of the replican party and the douche president. And who elected the politicians and the prez? American people. Stupid poorly educated mixbred human scum that the whole world has to suffer now.

>> No.2365759


>> No.2365770


Do you see the irony in saying they should protest against destruction of free speech when they're in fact keeping it alive in it's most active form?

Or are you just bitter because all the active leftist groups won't help you defend your pornography in favor of real world issues?

>> No.2365772
File: 107 KB, 862x700, 27leon_graph2.large.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're kidding right?


>> No.2365776

AIG does insurance, guess what they insure ?
They couldn't possibly have predicted all the shit happening.
They have a huge market weight too, guess what, they put their money on the market, and they get their money from the market.
Also, all those "huge" companies have completely obscure balance sheets, Nobody knew what was going to happen until it was too late.
And those who knew had good reasons to shut up.
If only the subprime bubble hadn't blown, the system would never have been discovered and the economy would still be semi-fine, meaning that it would be based on a cardcastle, but nobody would know that.

>> No.2365777


Wait, wut?

Way to fail at history. Subprime mortgage mess started with Carter pushing to get more people into homes, and was made worse by every president thereafter. Clinton is the only one who tried to stop it, and he got slapped down by his own party. Dubya's White House- though not Dubya himself, I doubt if he knew what a subprime mortgage was- tried to investigate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but they got sandbagged by Barney Frank and the dems.

It was also caused by the banks lending to people who couldn't pay.

And the people who bought the houses expecting to flip them before the balloon payments hit.

And the people who just plain couldn't be arsed to buy a house in their price range.

A crisis of this magnitude does not come about quickly or because of only one group.

Oh, and take a look at your own banks, many of them are more overleveraged than any US bank. We bailed out AIG because France and the UK begged us to, so that AIG could bail out their banks.

>> No.2365787
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>> No.2365788

Why does a company hungry for profit have
>Also, all those "huge" companies have completely obscure balance sheets, Nobody knew what was going to happen until it was too late.

this, i mean isnt the point of a company to get profit, not fail at it.

>> No.2365792

Gee, I do not know. Pointless to even discuss the topic with the intellectually handicapped whitetrash here.

Wiki it or something, maybe you'll learn something new.

>> No.2365797



as much as we hate bush he really wasnt responsible for this or alot of things for that matter

>> No.2365799


Deadly wikurate.

Certainly more accurate than independent research.

>> No.2365802

Excessive 40-to-1 corporate debt leverage caused a depletion in bank balance sheets, while inflationary speculation in land values caused domestic debt burden to increase beyond reasonable values. Eventually the debt burden grew too large, and defaults caused assets to be sold below market value, causing the mark-to-market adjustment in balance sheets to devalue corporate assets, widening the debt ratio and forcing liquidation of assets at below the new, lower marked value, causing a devaluation spiral that only recently has halted.

Worth noting the worst offenders in the debt leveraging were the European banks, but social policy has them insulated somewhat from the effects. American banks weren't as badly levered, but there was no government protection.

>> No.2365808

If your company has invested in products so fucking risky, the slightest point movement could make you lose a hundred million, wouldn't you hide every fucking move you make ?
That's what happened.
Everyone had bought CDOs and when they noticed that their stuff was shit and that the rating didn't mean anything, they got scared and hid it all under the carpet, until the carpet got higher than the house, and the neighbours started noticing.

>> No.2365809

Because they're creating massive amounts of shit. I mean, seriously, holding a protest against the financial crisis? You might as well hold marches against tsunami and earthquakes.
You get some anarchists marching around with signs saying "ban money", the most fucking stupid thing I've ever seen.
They are quite clearly either fucking stupid, or just following each other along like sheep.

And I think the fact that the Labour government, who possess invasive powers far worse than you American's ever had to put up with under George "Dubya" Bush, are now moving to criminalize drawing things that offend them, is a real world issue. Simply because people find these drawings uncomfortable does not make it any less of a blow to free speech.
When they came for the BDSM fans, I said nothing. I was not a BDSM fan. When they came for the loli fans, I said nothing. I was not a loli fan. When they came for the rest of 3D porn, I said nothing. I wasn't into 3D porn. When they came for 2D porn, there was no-one left to speak.

If you look into the imbecilic reasoning for this law, it suggests clearly that this is not going to stop here. They are banning this because, contrary to all empirical evidence, a few feminist bitches suggest that looking at porn leads on to sexual violence. And if you think banning all porn is too unlikely, you have to remember that it wasn't until the 1990s when hardcore porn actually became illegal to possess in Britain.
This country is headed straight into a Theocracy. And we have idiots babbling on that they hate bankers, when this financial crisis is really nothing compared to the damage that religious power can and has inflicted on the world.

>> No.2365811

>First of 50% of the crisis is because someone said theres a crisis and people stooped buying shit.

>Secondly how can you not predict a HUGE company like AIG or anything else going bankrupt? I mean holy shit it has the GDP of a small country, counties can predict they're going bankrupt and AIG and the others cant!?

>America caused it because most of American companies started the crisis while they are multinational super bla bla they're still American. A obvious point is this is American Tax player bail out money for international companies.

Thanks for admitting that you have NO FUCKING CLUE on the financial crash.....

>> No.2365814


>> No.2365821
File: 49 KB, 358x500, 111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This topic doesn't belong on /jp/. The board you're looking for is /r9k/.

>> No.2365823

brotip: he's talking about what led to it, while you're talking about "IT HAPPENED DURING GEORJ BOOSH'S TERM ITS ALL HIS FALT AND AMARICA FOR ELECTING HIM"

>> No.2365831

Protesting against globalization is almost the same as protesting against the Industrial Revolution.

>> No.2365834

Globalization is good,

Americans get to buy things cheap

Africans get money to pay for food

Everybody wins! so stop being a selfish hippie and support it already

>> No.2365840

Such pointless argument, is it not? I mean, of course you can trace back from the dawn of time all the events that did lead us to where we are now.

But are we not talking about responsibility? The point of it is that such thing was allowed to take place due loose control. And the ones that promoted such control during such critical time are clearly responsible. This thing could have been avoided easily with sensible management.

>> No.2365843

>What's the USA doing there?
Try to solve the crisis without the largest economy in the world.
G20 is composed by quite a few developing nations such as Brazil.

>> No.2365845

Seriously I see nothing wrong with 40-1 leverage in the 1st place. Only problem was getting hooked on it and thinking it would last. Only in hindsight and the results that have occurred do you faggots go all moral over this.

>> No.2365846
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Labour isn't too concerned what your exact affiliation is, at the moment at least, so long as you worship God and practice self-denial, and live a "pure" life. Enjoy the Sharia courts and faith schools of various dominations being set up right now.
You can select your pupils if you're a faith school, and Labour loves you, but if you're a grammar school and want to select decent pupils, Labour hates you.

>> No.2365861


This is true.

But the critical point was in the Clinton presidency. If they'd been able to quash it then, there would've been a recession, but nothing like this.

If the Bush white house had managed to get Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under control, the crisis would've been severe, but it could have been handled.

Blaming it on one person or one group of people is hilariously simplistic.

>> No.2365869


jim cramer is a fucking moron but bear stearns was one of the first to get hit by the CDS bomb and when this started happening everyone knew what was about to happen.

The reason why AIGFP executives were given such good bonus contracts is because it took this much money to convince them to not run the fuck away and hide this time last year.

This was not hard to see coming.

>> No.2365877


Actually, they got good bonus contracts because Chris Dodd sucks AIG's cock.

Good thing he'll be gone next year. Now if the dems will be nice and replace Barney Frank for us, we can actually get people in who won't fuck the country over for their campaign contributors.

Wait, no, I'm being too optimistic again, aren't I?

>> No.2365884

You "not-so-anons" fags seem to be quite informed of the credit and financial crisis. Ill make it quick. DID ANY OF YOU FAGS SHORT ANY OF THE BIG COMPANIES LAST YEAR?

>> No.2365887

Yes, but of course one needs to be simplistic in such statement. But in terms of generalisations my statement is correct.
What do you expect? Me writing and essay about internal politics of USA? A subject that does successfully revolt me.

>> No.2365892

I'm not a US citizen and my country has quite a stable economy for now. I dont care.

>> No.2365895


I expect some sort of coherency, especially when you try and call me out on my own statements. I don't expect you to sound like a politician on the stump.

Sure, this is 4chan, but have some standards.

>> No.2365904



Just an accounting student with an audit specialty who's going into fraud detection.

>> No.2365922


You're never going to purge the legislative of people who will take money from wall street to allow them to do whatever the fuck they want. Executive too.

In before someone says RON PAUUUUUUUL!!!!

>> No.2365924



But a man can dream, can't he?

>> No.2365925


What the fuck does that have to do with my question?

>> No.2365932


Failed out of business school 3 times. Learned a lot, but not what I was supposed to.

>> No.2365939

/jp/ - News

>> No.2365967

population too high
bird flu fucking where

>> No.2365985

Oh yes, this is the type of discussion that requires such experty in financial studies and not like common knowledge.

I can see why you failed, though.

>> No.2366028

Knowing what happened is the domain of common sense. Knowing how it happened is the domain of the educated.

>> No.2366035

>119 posts and 10 image replies omitted.
It's like I'm really in /b/.

>> No.2366064


True. Because any faggot can just quote from any random shitty media outlet they can find and use it as their own.

>> No.2366079

>good point
>for now

>> No.2366083
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>> No.2366267

How do hell do you fail business school? its so easy, even a retard can get straight A's hence our current financial crisis

>> No.2366378

For example you would have to register your garden and burocratz would check it out. You don't even have to control it 24/7 or control every garden, and of course new created bodies like a civilian corp would help out, and Homeland Security would love to become another legitimation as you could homegrow illegal substances and stuff or work with Al-Quaida.

For me the whole thing is clear, this must be an engineered crisis to bring in a real world centralbank, global currency and total control over the markets step by step.
And it's pretty easy to understand, because a crisis as big as this one could easily wipe out law & order all around the globe. So it must be a planned consolidation of power. What they need most is to bring in China and the US under global control. China would agree for more power in the new setup system which they would deserve. So what is left is to "persuade" the amerikkans to give up their sovereignty which they don't have anyway but the globalists and the FED., but the public is armed and not willing to.
The EU is a joke, you won't hear anything negative about the EU, all nations gave up their sovereignty long before and lost their power after two WWs.

And there a still some assets to steal and loot around the globe. The whole thing is pretty risky for them, to think they could manage the greatest depression is ridiculous insane at least. But maybe they really don't care about anyone.

>> No.2366387


Oh i see what you did there.

Contrary to what everyone thinks, the executives who "got into this mess" are not dumb people. No they were just extremely greedy and deceitful. They pretty much made sure their whole porfortlio so to speak full of high risk/high gain assets and derivatives then 40:1 it. Of course this was shit awesome in good times. Then when it when bad they tried to hide it (who wouldn't) and that made it worst. ect ect

There is a fine line between speculators and gamblers.

>> No.2366418

And they were able to do that because congress decided (well actually it was more of, part of the decided, and the rest bullied the others into signing it through) a bill that made it so that banks could do shit like that as well.

>> No.2366572


>> No.2366579

Holy fuck /jp/, you guys sound like a bunch of high school liberals.

>> No.2366915
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