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[SPOILER] No.2364997[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to have empathy, /jp/?

>> No.2365003

Feels good man.

>> No.2365001

Don't ask me.

>> No.2365010

Though I feel very little emotions myself, I am a tremendously empathetic person. I can't even watch (real or at least anatomically accurate, not blatantly fictional) acts of extreme violence, because I always flinch as though I were bashed or dismembered or punctured.

Hell, the major reason I play Visual Novels is so I can readily absorb the vibrant emotions contained in them.

>> No.2365014

Stop forcing me to feel your pain.

>> No.2365019

This. Although I'm a bit more resilient to violence unless the story has done a good job of getting me invested in the character(s).

>> No.2365030

This. Only, exact opposite.

I don't know why, but I feel completely disconnected with everyone. I don't feel the emotions of people around me, even though most people can.

>> No.2365033

I only feel empathy towards Fictional characters. The real ones are just emo's.

>> No.2365036

Gods only know how much I hate it.
It's only an annoyance, it doesn't matter how much you force yourself to ignore the others feelings, you will ALWAYS CONSTANTLY project into the other person and imagine what he's thinking and how he would react on a hundrend of situations.
This shit gets you paranoid and it's the main cause of my social anxiety.

>> No.2365038

I worry that there's something wrong with me because I don't seem to feel empathy for other people at all.

>> No.2365039

The only thing I can feel is music.

>> No.2365047

I'm not really good with death or drama. I remember watching that movie American Beauty, and I wasn't very happy after.

>> No.2365051
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Feels bad man.
There's this girl in one of my classes that was wailing and making what I can only describe as distressed animal noises during an exam. She's obviously an emotionally distressed individual, but the entire test I was struggling to cover my ears and remove myself from the situation in some way. It almost felt like I was the one everyone in the class was thinking "oh my GOD..." about.

I didn't finish my exam. FFFFFFFFFFFFFf.

>> No.2365052

It's annoying and will cause you a lot of trouble in life. You will go out of your way to help people and make them feel happy and it will get you nowhere despite taking so much effort. But I think it would be better if people in this world had more empathy.

>> No.2365061

It's not bad once in a while.

>> No.2365060


>Hell, the major reason I play Visual Novels is so I can readily absorb the vibrant emotions contained in them.

That's the same as me. I tend to only feel empathy for 2D, and little girls, though. I find that a little strange.

>> No.2365059

I'm a highly empathic person by heart, feels good. I have to force myself to be tough and uncaring just to keep people in control.

>> No.2365063

Would a masochist enjoy feeling empathy?

>> No.2365064

>There's this girl in one of my classes that was wailing and making what I can only describe as distressed animal noises during an exam.
Panicked retard moe?

>> No.2365065

Feeling every emotion but empathy is really weird.

>> No.2365075


Empathy is NOT an emotion; rather, it's the ability to feel another's emotion by proxy.

>> No.2365077


Minor detail, fair Anon.

>> No.2365084


Not minor at all. People like >>2365010 don't feel much in the way of personal emotions (or might not at all), but through empathy they feel emotions evoked purely by external devices.

When the only way you can cry is because someone else is crying, it's very different to discern emotions and empathy.

>> No.2365090

You can also feel others joy, right? Or I fail at the English language.

>> No.2365092

Know any good proxies for that?

>> No.2365108

Negative emotions are generally more sharp and immediate than positive ones. Kind of like the difference between physical pain and the pleasure of eating a good meal.

>> No.2365131


Well then, I admit defeat!

>> No.2365158

You're a pedophile.

>> No.2365170


>> No.2365178


>> No.2365215

It's a bit of a curse. Especially when it comes into play when one is young and inexperienced with such emotions. It can cause kids to use you just to get treats so you don't have to feel the distress they give off. And it can cause... other problems, such as attraction to affection, happiness, ect.
Also, boredom can quite literally kill you.
