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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 442 KB, 600x600, 1237097662821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2356914 No.2356914 [Reply] [Original]

My mom had to print out some shit on my computer today. She decided to look around on my comp and went into my Touhou folder. Most of my Touhou pics are lesbian content(I'm sure it's the same for most of /jp/). When I got home she gave me a little talk that I think applies to any /jp/ anon.

You are only liking cute lesbian pictures because you are afraid of going out in the world and talking to a girl. Because there is no man in that relationship, you're not threatened. Trust me, I've experimented when I was younger and lesbian relationships aren't as cute as you think.

Cept it was in Chinese so it's a loose translation.

>> No.2356923

Least her finding lesbian pics isn't as bad as finding hardcore loli pics or something.

>> No.2356925


Post disregarded. Fuck off, monkey.

>> No.2356926
File: 17 KB, 237x222, 1238515692067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom is a lesbian

>> No.2356928

My sister found my futa folder once. We don't talk anymore.

>> No.2356931

Oh, obscene, obscene

>> No.2356932

This is currently the best post on /jp/

>> No.2356936

That's not saying much.

>> No.2356939

This. Ask her for the juicy details so we can fap to it.

>> No.2356941

ronery thread?

>> No.2356942

I think your mom needs to watch 蝴蝶.

>> No.2356943

>you are afraid of going out in the world and talking to a girl. Because there is no man in that relationship, you're not threatened. Trust me, I've experimented when I was younger and lesbian relationships aren't as cute as you think.
Wait, is that what you're mother said? or are you a lesbian/fag?

>> No.2356944

Your mother is a bitch for ignoring your privacy.

Time to move out!

>> No.2356951


Well she used to have a relationship with this girl back in high school. But I think they had to break it off when she emigrated to the US. When we go back to Hong Kong we visit her. That woman stares at me like she hates me.

>> No.2356953

In fact, that VN that another idiot anon was talking about should include hilarious stories like this.

>> No.2356958

Your mom's a cross between a normalfag and one of those womanists.

>> No.2356963

Quit being a child fuckbag.

>> No.2356966
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>>She decided to look around on my comp and went into my Touhou folder. Most of my Touhou pics are lesbian content(I'm sure it's the same for most of /jp/).

Nope, my Touhou folder is filled with straight content.

>> No.2356967


My dad went through my futa folder when he was using my laptop to email something. Our dinner conversation that night was very awkward...

>> No.2356968

post pics of you and your mom

>> No.2356970
File: 164 KB, 554x449, 3665862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're over the age of 18 (or even 16 for that matter) why would they care about porn on your computer?

>> No.2356971

Why would you do this ;__;

>> No.2356974

I'm not sure why you'd get a lecture on lesbian porn unless you're a girl. As far as I'm aware, guys liking girl on girl is pretty normal.

>> No.2356976


It's disturbing thinking about any member in your family looking at porn and jerking off.

>> No.2356982


No I'm a guy. But at the same time I'm 20 and I've never had a girlfriend. My mom is getting worried that I'm being socially retarded. Her worries are pretty well founded.

>> No.2356990

Tell her because she is in fact a woman she is foolish to even think she can begin to understand the depths of the male psyche and should keep her own dyke affairs to the kitchen, While you are at it have her make you a sandwiche

>> No.2356991

>>As far as I'm aware, guys who never have any romantic relationships and who only like 2D girl on girl are pretty normal.

>> No.2356992

Is it bad that I don't care?
I mean if they really want to know, they can go ahead.
I don't hide anything in my room.
My Grandparents and I have a mutual trust.
I honestly can't think of one thing I hide from them.

>> No.2357000


I have conservative parents so I guess not thinking about family members and sex was kinda ingrained into me from my upbringing.

>> No.2357004


My mom is worried too. She is planning on setting me up with an arranged marriage with some girl from Taiwan if I don't have a girlfriend by 21.

>> No.2357006


>No I'm a guy.

thread ruined

>> No.2357007

Ritz crackers.... Classy.

>> No.2357014

>It's hot thinking about any member in your family looking at porn and jerking off.

Fixed that glaring mistake there for you.

>> No.2357017

I like girl on girl in moderation. My fetish is still heterosexual tender loving.

Also, sort your folders Anon, anything remotely sexual in this PC is hidden well since my little sister likes to snoop.

>> No.2357019

My elder brother went through the same "introductory meetings" and got married that way.

>> No.2357022


Ever since I started on Touhou, my fetishes has been leaning towards /u/ more and more everyday.

>> No.2357025


That's awesome anon. Is she like a childhood friend?

>> No.2357041

anon would probably have never even met her once.

>> No.2357042

My mother figured out that I was socially retarded when I was 14. Haven't gone to school since.

>> No.2357046


Spot on.

I have known this for a long time, which is more or less why I don't disturb the Anons when they start discussing the relationships between the Touhous, and instead keep all the kinky fetish-laden stuff to separate threads.
It is their way of exploring their sexuality without having to handle the prospect of others intercepting the object of their desires.

That is why /jp/ places such a high important on their partners not having had any previous significant others, not being sociable, etc.

>> No.2357049

Your mom gives up easily. I think mine figured out I was socially retarded when I was in kindergarten, but her reaction was to send me to shrinks.

>> No.2357052
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>Trust me, I've experimented when I was younger and lesbian relationships aren't as cute as you think.
>Trust me, I've experimented when I was younger

>I've experimented

Anonymous is now imagining his mother engaging in lesbian sex.

>> No.2357058


No. I think 2nd cousin or some shit like that. Probably gonna set me up with her so she can get US citizenship and bring the rest of her family.

>> No.2357060

Hey man, some of us just like to see the girl get the girl.

>> No.2357066

I did go into therapy too, but it didn't really work. She probably knew it earlier, as she's not very skilled at social stuff herself and shut herself in for years before finishing high school.

>> No.2357067
File: 53 KB, 480x480, 1238220118289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made me think of it as well.
Oh dear god.

>> No.2357061 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 480x480, 1238220118289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made me think of it as well.
Oh dear god.

>> No.2357080

that's still better than dying alone

>> No.2357083

Wouldnt the whole thing with the little girls engaging in sexual acts be more of a worry?

>> No.2357089


As a Filipino I know the feeling. My aunts are always whoring their daughters to get US citizenship.

>> No.2357090

My mom isn't particularly socially inclined either, which is exactly why she thinks I should just suck it up and deal. She did it, so I should stop being such a pussy, etc.

Yeah, shrinks didn't work.

>> No.2357092

My mom found my hentai folder, she got horny and had sex with me

>> No.2357099

Lesbian sex = 2 less hot girls for men and in a 50%-50% gender world population means 2 more ronery guys.

>> No.2357100

I'm jealous that your mom would openly tell you about her experiences in the past. I had to go through my uncles and aunts just to find out my dad was a fireman when he was younger.

>> No.2357102
File: 164 KB, 391x578, Tell Me More..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very fascinating.

>> No.2357107


We're ronery already. What do we care if 2 broskis can't get girls for the night.

>> No.2357111

Except its 2D.

>> No.2357113

I thought about you the whole time though

>> No.2357126

That's nice.

>> No.2357128

What, do you think I'm considering 3D pig disgusting?
Of course I'm talking about 2D!

Less 2 newfags in /jp/.

>> No.2357129

Is this a ronery thread or an incest thread? I can't tell..

>> No.2357130
File: 32 KB, 1357x628, Blue is women;red is men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we don't live in a 50/50 world!

>> No.2357137

You shouldn't think about those who look down on lobster. ;_;

>> No.2357147

Heh, I know some people like that too.

>> No.2357156

>Trust me, I've experimented when I was younger and lesbian relationships aren't as cute as you think.

Well I never thought that reality is less perfect...
High five!

>> No.2357161

How can you people long for human contact? It's kind of boring to me. Sex, sure, but why get into a relationship? Moreover, why risk getting in a relationship with a girl just to have sex with her? I'll take a man to bed most any day of the week.

>> No.2357166

My mom found some futa. I had a hard time explaining that I'm not gay and I'm not sure she entirely believed me.

>> No.2357183

I would have hard time beliving it too...AND I STILL DON'T BELIVE THAT PEOPLE HERE ARE MOSTLY STRAIGHT.

>> No.2357202

A couple of years ago when my dad came to visit me, I got back from class I saw in my browsing history that alot of the doujinshi/JAV sites I bookmarked in a folder named "Link" has been visited that day... even though I haven't browsed those sites for the last couple of days.
He never brought it up.
Though one time when chatting with my parents, the topic came about on how I have yet to have a girlfriend, and my mom asked "You're not gay are you?" And my father went "No he's not gay... he's DEFINITELY into girls."

>> No.2357203

Futanari is lesbian sex with a penis.

>> No.2357227

you aren't fapping to the girls, you're fapping to the penis

>> No.2357234

Why can't it be both?

>> No.2357238

I'm not sure how well I'd take hearing about my mom's lesbian experiences.

Why couldn't I have been born to a hot mother?

>> No.2357938


If it makes you feel any better, my sister is fat and a lesbian. Thinking about her and lesbian sex makes me want to throw up.

>> No.2357958


No...not at all.

>> No.2357980
File: 182 KB, 1160x621, wld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5000 hours in paint

>> No.2357993


A lesbian mother huh...? My mouth is watering already.

>> No.2358025

>No he's not gay... he's DEFINITELY into "girls".

>> No.2358039

I always love it when people think they know the reason for someone else's fetish. They think they're the next Freud or something, when in reality they have no idea what they're talking about. That shit about not feeling threated is the most popular misconception about yuri. Most males who like yuri (and even normalfags with their 3D lesbian porn) also like at least some hetero. I don't know why people continue to repeat such a flawed argument.

You're forgetting about gay males.

>> No.2358065
File: 199 KB, 600x450, 00bbb955719b2aa8ad963df2c10142c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it cute.

One day I'll find my Sakuya or China, and on that day I'll promise never to browse 4chan ever again.

>> No.2358139

Protip: Don't look for your China in China.

Lived in Shanghai for 4 years, anyone remotely close to being considered good looking are celebrities.

>> No.2358248

No one knows how my computer works. Only things they see are what I show them.

>> No.2358819
File: 139 KB, 550x564, 1237349198265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I lived in Shanghai for 4 years

>> No.2358853
File: 90 KB, 432x728, Hong Meiling, the name is Hong Meiling!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the love of God, people!

>> No.2358865

>You are only liking cute lesbian pictures because you are afraid of going out in the world and talking to a girl. Because there is no man in that relationship, you're not threatened.

sounds like your mom is thinking:

>I only liked cute lesbian pictures because I was afraid of going out in the world and talking to a boy. Because there is no man in that relationship, I wasn't threatened.

Your pics were turning her on and she's trying to rationalize her earlier actions. You need to leave some stuff on her computer. Then, you bring home a 'girlfriend' under pretenses of having her meet your mother, and step out for a while, or introduce her to a friend's attractive mom.

Either way, take pics of the results.

>> No.2358867

I'll even call you master if that's what you wish, Hong Meiring.

>> No.2358966

My mother found my Touhou, guro and futa folders.

She advised me that Alice and Marisa are naughty, and that they have gay sex. I still don't think she has recovered.

>> No.2359070

o god if that happened to me i would freak out... o ya i forgot my mom is a dumb bitch that unplugged my portable HD and fucked all my anime/music/pics and is now in the mail to data recovery company

>> No.2359096

>>2357017I like girl on girl in moderation. My fetish is still heterosexual tender loving.

That's kind of weird for a lesbian.

>> No.2359103

This talk makes no fucking sense. The only way it makes sense is if you're female.

>> No.2359105

Is it any weirder than "dickgirls turn me on, but I still wouldn't sleep with a ladyboy"? I know there are some of you freaks lurking around here!

>> No.2359110

This theory is pretty flawed considering we love Rinnosuke fucking those bitches, also hordes of faceless men.

>> No.2359116

>You're forgetting about gay males.
2 less hot guys for girls and in a 50%-50% gender world population means more chance for ugly ronery men?

>> No.2359125

I don't like faceless hentai men, or ugly horrid sweaty hairy hentai men in general. Men are only okay if they are gentlemanly, or tender, or amusing in some way (e.g. crossdressers). Otherwise, they are mostly worthless.

>> No.2359130

>When I got home she gave me a little talk that I think applies to any /jp/ anon.

So you actually listened to her after you heard that she completely invaded your privacy?

>> No.2359137

>o ya i forgot my mom is a dumb bitch that unplugged my portable HD and fucked all my anime/music/pics and is now in the mail to data recovery company
Please improve your grammar, this sentence makes it sound like your mother is in the mail to a data recovery company

>> No.2359138

wat? faceless rape is bestest

>> No.2359143

It's actually pretty boring.

>> No.2359147

What? Not hardcore enough for you?

>> No.2359156

It's just so meaningless. There is an entire lack of dynamic between the people having sex; how am I supposed to find it hot?

>> No.2359160

>lack of dynamic
Maybe you should watch anime instead of reading manga.

>> No.2359165

You're an idiot.

>> No.2359168

I don't really know what you mean with dynamic? Most doujins are stupid random anyway. Faceless rape is best for specific characters

>> No.2359169


>> No.2359171

Moving the pictures doesn't suddenly make a worthless story interesting.

>> No.2359180

If you want specific characters, why don't you want the rape to be perpetrated by other characters from their setting? If I wanted impersonal violation I'd prefer it be a mass of tentacles, personally.

(But the best tentacle rape is consensual, between a lovecraftian horror and a woman who love each other very much.)

>> No.2359188 [SPOILER] 
File: 146 KB, 722x676, 1238358567427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2359190

>(But the best tentacle rape is consensual, between a lovecraftian horror and a woman who love each other very much.)

Or reverse.

>> No.2359191

By dynamic, I mean whatever lies between character x and character y (add more variables as desired). That could be a positive relationship, a negative relationship, a contrast of personalities, a power difference, etc etc. Context is hot.

>> No.2359255

Oh god ... so sloppy. You deserved to be caught.


>> No.2359291

Listen to your mom. Seriously. If only all of these losers would have listened to their parents world would be such a better place.

>> No.2359293

I was suspended from middle school once for selling anime pornography. My father asked me if there was any actual pornography (and not just nudity), and I asked him if a lesbian threesome counted. The kid I sold it to was crying like a little bitch the entire time.

>> No.2359311

One time my little brother opened up my manga folder, mainly consisting of yuri in front of a female guest as a joke, I was mortified.

>> No.2359321

At least you aren't female, then you'd have been ostracized.

>> No.2359327

Most of you people are fucking foreigners.

>> No.2359336

What would you have done if she started offering a critique of your taste in yuri manga?

>> No.2359340

I am female, hence the mortification. Didn't get ostracised though, since that particular person was pretty cool. Still, the memory is quite unpleasant.

>> No.2359351

Isn't that how you know you have found your soulmate?

>> No.2359352

Wow, your little brother is a bit of an asshole.

>> No.2359353

I can only hope when a cute girl finds my loli manga that instead of freaking out she'll go, "Wow. Your collection sucks shit." And then gives me nice recommendations.

>> No.2359354

That's it, /jp/ has become normalfag central, you guys aren't any better than /r9k/.

>> No.2359367

Nobody here is talking about their girlfriend, except their lack of one and how their mothers think they are gay and is forcing them into arranged marriages.

>> No.2359369

Sure is old copy pasta in here

>> No.2359370

Depends what you mean by 'soulmate'; straight girls read yuri manga too.

>> No.2359374

I know, but my fetishes are separate from my actual tastes.

>> No.2359379

Yeah, just like straight guys read yaoi manga. You have homosexual inclinations.

>> No.2359380

I know, but my fetishes are separate from my actual tastes.

>> No.2359389

You're talking about how you are women, how you go in public and how open you are about your disgusting tastes.

>> No.2359403 [SPOILER] 
File: 80 KB, 429x444, 1234810933549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2359407

Girl on girl action has been scientifically proven to be hotter than heterosexual sex.


>> No.2359417

The only thing that gets me aroused anymore is having a sweet romantic lesbian be brutally and traumatically raped.

>> No.2359420


I'm supposed to read a few of these scientific journals for uni a week. I don't. So obv Im not gonna read this one.

tl dr

summary kthkz

>> No.2359424

Have you heard of something called an 'abstract'?

>> No.2360313

I still think that's strange.

Maybe you're in denial about wanting dick?

Or you want to be the dick.

>> No.2360318


>> No.2360320

I want to be the little girl dick.

>> No.2360348

My mom had to print out some shit on my computer today. She decided to look around on my comp and went into my anime folder. Most of my animu are lloli gangrape content(I'm sure it's the same for most of /jp/). When I got home she gave me a little talk that I think applies to any /jp/ anon.

>> No.2360349

Most gay guys hate yaoi manga.

It's not all that strange.
Also could depend on whether you're talking about explicit material or non-explicit material.

>> No.2360355
File: 89 KB, 358x253, 1324456622367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2360356
File: 46 KB, 537x484, 1202471775609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go the fuck back to /r9k/.

>> No.2360371


is that sum /b/ light?

>> No.2360378



>> No.2360379

I think this is actually one of the most useless posts I've ever seen. It's stating something that is commonly acknowledged, for no apparent reason. Amazing.

>> No.2360391

>Cept it was in Chinese so it's a loose translation.

>> No.2360392

mmmm, delicious saya

>> No.2360396

There was no mutual love between Saya and any of the women in the story. Your post is irrelevant.

>> No.2360408

What is the opposite of a woman? This isn't a hard one.

>> No.2360426

I don't care what he's replying to, this thread is not about Saya.

>> No.2360447
File: 251 KB, 606x672, 1210612764263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mutual love between Saya and Kurame.

>> No.2360462

Now you're talking.

>> No.2361224

I blame the eroges.

>> No.2361241
File: 55 KB, 500x375, china-lesbians-01.1178021122566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese lesbians are the most intense lesbians, because lesbians can be killed in China just for being lesbians.

>> No.2361261

The guy on the left is definitely disappointed it's not like it was in his Touhous.

>> No.2361278

And the guy on the right is asking him "What's touhou?"

>> No.2361284

how come hot lesbians don't exist anymore?

>> No.2361306

Hot lesbians never existed to begin with. Girl on girl porn is just a marketing technique.

>> No.2361338

>how come hot lesbians don't exist anymore?
What? Lesbians are hotter now than they ever were before? You probably just have difficulty picking them out of a crowd if they aren't fugly and dykey.
