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234568 No.234568 [Reply] [Original]

So exactly what Japan's views on gender roles like? I mean, are they like what's portrayed in anime and hentai?

>> No.234576

Of course. Art is a reflection of the culture that spawned it, so it couldn't possibly be any other way.

>> No.234575

Cartoons are always up to date with society, Anonymous. Also I want giant black cocks for my holes.

>> No.234596

The hilarious thing is that this line comes from a man who thinks alarm clocks are degenerate.WTF SHIROU? JUST WTF?

>> No.234652

This is off topic, but WOW. I knew Mirror Moon's translations were full of mistakes and stilted dialogue, but this goes above and beyond even their standards. Here's a little something for the guys at MM.
PROTIP: when writing dialogue, you have to write the way people speak.

>> No.234660

In before shitty-translation loyalists saying "FUCK U MAN DO IT URSELF BETTER THEN"

>> No.234684

Honestly. I'm sick of hearing everyone praise Mirror Moon for work that I would deem D+ at best.

>> No.234724

I think it's Nasu's fault rather.

>> No.234738


>> No.234752

NO. No, no, no, no, no. Anyone who says it's Nasu's writing's fault isn't at a high enough level in Japanese. I own Fate/Realta Nua, DDD, and both Kara no Kyoukai books. It's NOT Nasu's fault, period.

>> No.234754


That's what I was about to say. If it's a faithful translation of the original line, it's not really their fault that the line is retarded.

>> No.234766

Trust me when I say it's NOT a faithful translation. Nasu's characters do NOT talk like that.

>> No.234769

Well, yeah, the dialogue tends to be stilted, but I'll probably never get to play it in any other form so I don't really feel like crying too much.

>> No.234762


Okay then, if you're saying they fucked up the translation, then what's the original line, and how would you translate it?

>> No.234794

>>234766 Trust me

>> No.234798

I'm in the camp that approves of adapting troublesome translation.
But only after some deliberation.

>> No.234808

"Yeah, that's pretty rare for her.
Still...Mitsuzuru, of all people, can't handle molesters. Guess it's not all bad. This ought to teach her what it means to be a woman."

>> No.234825

One of my biggest problem with UBW was the dialogs.

>> No.234834


Hm. Okay, that version sounds significantly less retardedly chauvanistic.

>> No.234920

On the other hand, it sounds more retarded in general.

>> No.234922

It would still probably cause you lose friends if you said that in public IN AMERIKKKA though. Stupid feminists.

>> No.234923

In case any of you're into translation theory, would you say Mirror Moon's translation is an example of foreignization?

>> No.234949

Foreignisation died years ago, but amateur Japanese -> English translators have brought it roaring back.

Sad, really.

>> No.234974

This is the main problem right here. People with amateur level Japanese fluency + an obvious lack of writing skills in English = bad translations.

>> No.234982

"Yeah, it's rare for her to run away.
But, I see, even Mitsuzuri is weak against molestors. I guess that's good. It should teach her to stay in the kitchen when something like this happens.
Approving, I eat the well-cooked rice."

>> No.235035

I like how Shirou says that he approves and is going to eat rice.

>> No.235047

I rate this an A minus MINUS.

Seriously post the Japanese line so we know what he's supposed to be saying please.

>> No.235077


>> No.235087

I'll see if I can backtrack my progress in Realta Nua so I can post the actual lines.

>> No.235133

No luck with the backtracking. I can only go back as far as where I started from my current save session.

>> No.235143

Restart + Ctrl

>> No.235157
File: 238 KB, 640x480, 1205787405631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminists? In MY /jp/?!

>> No.235165

I'd let Taiga molest me.

>> No.235198

Keyword was Realta Nua...the PS2 version.

>> No.235349

Protip: Rape makes women hate men, not turn into dere-dere house wives

>> No.235368

not even if you keep doing it?

>> No.235429

Worked for my girlfriend, not that you'd know what that is like.

>> No.235546

A really don't see what the big deal with rape is, at least when it's done to women. As long as you don't impregnate them or give them aids I don't see why the make such a big deal out of it.

>> No.235648

There's definitely girls out there that can benefit from being raped, that's for sure.

>> No.235659

is almost certainly already (or will soon be) a convicted sex offender.

>> No.235686

Not if he doesn't get caught, which he won't as long as he makes sure the girl enjoys it in the end

>> No.235845

This is what h-game players actually believe.

>> No.235857

obvious troll is obvious


>> No.235926
File: 481 KB, 1049x1500, 1205792788394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get raped and see.
