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2352630 No.2352630 [Reply] [Original]

Do you keep dream logs /jp/? Been a year since I started, here's one of the first ones since then.

>There were two bedrooms, probably ingrained in the mountains like a house. What became of the bus, and everyone else, I don't know. Thereafter, I was in one of the rooms, and a naked loli laid on the bed, legs spread, and you know where this is going. She had short black hair, I think she was slightly crying too, and I proceeded to penetrate her. However there's no
more details, unfortunatly, and the next thing is I was fucking another loli, this one with longer blonde hair. But this was just done in a flash, next thing I know I was in the other room of this
place, of an older man's room. He had a bunch of plamos that caught my interest, and then
the owner came in, a slightly old Chinese man. He was talking about stuff with me, but I don't know what it was.

I live for these dreams, without the "details" spared ;_;

>> No.2352650

Dreams like this are why I don't keep dream logs

>> No.2352668

Why not? At least its something to start fapping to. I yearn for the next time the details aren't so spared, next thing I know a whole bottle of hot glue has been spilled on my bed.

>> No.2352730

I found this mysterious house last night, and in the house there was a girl, who ignored me.
When she thought I was gone, she had a party, and that made me furious. I killed her and turned off the light, and she transformed into a creepy face. I woke up after that. Until next time, girl...

>> No.2352734

>dream logs
You mean yume nikkis?

>> No.2352742
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Dream logs?

>> No.2352752
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>Until next time, girl...

>> No.2352757
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>> No.2352771
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I wish I had dreams like these.

By the way, me on the right.

>> No.2352777

Nope, because I usually forget about them right after waking up, which annoys me. I still remember some details of the dream, though.
I remember that the last dream I had involved me doing something, and in the end there were a lot of people hugging me and telling me we were friends ;_;

By the way, don't you love when you manage to get to the end of a dream?

>> No.2352781

yes, i definitely do, but i record the really poignant dreams that have interesting plot

surprisingly (maybe not), there's a lot of vidja and animu (and organic chemistry lol) in my dreams

i find that if you sleep late, you tend to dream about stuff that kept you up. when i finished Heaven's Feel a few months ago at 4:00 in the morning, i woke up with the image of Ilya wearing Justizia's Heaven's Feel dress burned into my head; somehow she was honorable harbinger of death or something

>> No.2352796


>image of Ilya wearing Justizia's Heaven's Feel dress
>somehow she was honorable harbinger of death or something

So you didn't have sex with her?

>> No.2352807

I know it's hard, but that's why you have to record them immediately after, as fast as you can, so not to forget some little detail that could have been significant.

I usually try to keep the dreams that could have been TOO DEEP.

>> No.2352828

Can't. Either I don't remember them at all, or they're so vague and bizarre that it's impossible to describe them. I really wish I could have nice, vivid, pleasant dreams... ;_;

>> No.2352831

Most of my dreams are just reflections of how boring my day is.

For the last six months, all of my dreams have been audio only, with nothing more than me arguing with customers (I work in a call center).

I used to have awesome dreams, me and all the kids from my subdivision, moving in slow motion, all watching, almost cheering me on, as a I lift a single lit match, and the whole neighborhood erupts in flames. Everyone is happy.

Being at my school, and nobody is there, it's completely empty. I walk on the roof, throwing "seeds" onto the floor. When they land, they sprout immediately, but not like normal seeds. Whatever they land on crumbles into a hazy orange sky, beneath my feet. Until it's just me, standing on a tiny island on concrete, in the orange light.

Walking across a moonlit ocean, to a small island, where there's this column of light coming out of the ground. When I step into it, I am immediately projected onto the sky, walking upside down on it as if it were a floor. The stars are just very bright bits of light, and the ground hangs over my head.

Those are just the most graphic ones. I had some others that wouldn't be so cool to describe, but were nonetheless extremely awesome, at least at the time.

>> No.2352845

Okay, none of this is /jp/ related. Take it to /b/ or /r9k/.

>> No.2352867

Fine, let's talk about what YOU want to talk about! Little children sure are hot! I wish I could go to Japan because I could be with people who love to talk about Naruto all day!

>> No.2352874
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>Little children sure are hot!

Ain't that the truth.

>> No.2352881

I'm not particularly interested in those normalfags from /r9k/ input. Not saying they don't have interesting dreams, but I still hate them.

>> No.2352898

I should probably keep a dream log. I've got a bunch of strange and vivid dreams (though never lucid). I had a dream about a week ago where I had a romantic encounter with Nagisa from Clannad. That was nice.

Last night I had a dream that my Japanese 101 teacher was trying to blow up a Nuclear Power Plant and I had to track her with a GPS device. That was fucked up.

>> No.2352901

i dream about raping a japanese girl... does it work? /jp/

>> No.2352907

Because my dreams are fucked up. I mean the kind of dreams that make you wake up in the middle of the night and blurt out "wat".

>> No.2352911

Pic unrelated?

>> No.2352917


I'm not sure.

>> No.2352922
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i completely agree, anon

whenever i wake up after a particularly epic dream, i write it down, regardless of the hour. otherwise, it's so damn easy to forget them. do you ever feel surprised reading up on your dreams? there's always details that you remember right afterwards that you sort of catalog and forget about.

i've woken up at like 6:30 in the morning to write down dreams before; by the time i was done, it was already time to get up for class anyway


no, and most sex dreams are actually oddly boring.

the only one i've ever written down was about making love to a slender girl in the Amazon Jungle. i somehow save her from a river full of crocodiles (shades of Frogger ...) and while it's getting hot and heavy, a shark somehow leaps out of the river (despite the completely wrong habitat) and mows her in half.

literally, where she was like living and breathing a second before, half of her just disappeared and she turned into a half a corpse

needless to say ... i keep going. holy dicks, the fact that she was frothing with blood from the chest upwards like Holly Summers from No More Heroes was perhaps the single most erotic thing i've ever thought about, awake or asleep. it wasn't visceral or overwhelming, but somehow surreal and tender.

when i get up, i confusedly wake up with a boner roughly the size of Florida and rush to bathroom to unleash an unreasonably held-in tidal wave of shark-inspired weehoo

for the love of cock, that was the craziest dream ever

>> No.2352929 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2352932
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>> No.2352939

My dreams are pretty normal. Mainly consist of random contrived pieces of my every day life.

Basically, my dreams are slice-of-life directed and written by my subconscious + occasional ero scenes with girls I would never have a chance with (sister included, my subconscious is a sick fuck).

>> No.2352943


it's the fucked up dreams that are the most interesting to write down

i've had dreams where Alicia Florence's past was explored

needless to say, it was horribly tragic.

both of her parents were killed, and she was a rape victim.

but that's precisely WHY you'd want to remember them. you'll probably never recall a similar thought in your conscious thought. so before your brain sorts your dream as "useless" and files it as short term memory, write that shit down, and come back to it years down the road.

trust me, you'll really enjoy reading them later. it's like a diary ... whose entries are all the craziest and most outlandish things ever encountered in hours of near-insanity and questionable coherence

>> No.2352945

No but I have considered doing this because I want to lucid dream. Used to do it a lot when I was a kid. Shit was so cash.

>> No.2352953

I've only kept a few.
I believe I wrote them on Google Docs.
I Wish I had more dreams that I could recall.

>> No.2352963

No but I should. About 1/4th or so of my remembered dreams take place in a somewhat contiguous world/city. I've never been from one side to the other but I've seen places link together in a defined way and had dreams that took me to other parts of the same buildings.

If I ever get more lucidity (I'm only aware enough to know I'm dreaming but still go along with it) I'll probably make a map of places.

>> No.2352967

Oh yeah, I also had a dream once, that way predated 9-11, where everyone was coming down with this horrible disease, and it was the end of the world, and people were being rounded up and put into concentration camps and stuff. Anyway, it turned out that it was all a crock, the disease wasn't real, and I was the only one who knew... So I made and started selling some tonics that could supposedly cure people. And it worked, since it was all psychosomatic anyway.

>> No.2352972
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i've started lucid dreaming the last few years

it's pretty fun actually. when i come to the realization that i'm within a dream, sometimes i kinda tell myself "well, there's no rules here, so let's make things as ridiculous and epic as possible."

storylines that sound as if they've been birthed screaming from the buttocks 07th Expansion soon follow.

>> No.2352975

Another one, I was walking down a hall in a derelict building, huge holes in the architechture, leading down to a body of water below (I could hear a splash when a rock went down there). I don't know quite how this connects, but inside of this very very dark derelict building, I suddenly found myself being shepherded into the bleachers of a big gymnasium, surrounded by people. The bleachers were sticking up out of the water, and everyone had to cross over on plank bridges. Anyway, there was a stage opposite the bleachers, and onto it rolled this extremely old woman in a wheel chair, and she started talking, and everyone was listening like she was Mom from Futurama. I was sitting next to this hot girl, so we started making out, and apparently for some reason if anyone saw us we'd be killed, I knew for some reason. Anyway, scene missing, and I'm being chased out of the building with this girl in tow, and suddenly the old lady wheels out in front of us, trying to block me. I say to her something like "At least you'll die being exactly what you told everyone you were" (no idea what that means) and I put a stick or a piece of pipe or something like that through her chest. Then I ran out to my truck, but there were people waiting for us there... So we couldn't do that. Then this teacher, who who we all liked IRL pulled up, and we escaped in his car.. Dream ends here.

Now that I've written these out, they don't seem to be nearly as cool as they did when I kept them in my brain... And writing them out seems really rambling and disjointed.

>> No.2352973

Frontier Psychiatrist is playing in your head. Manually

>> No.2352980

i'm going to sleep

i hope you all have awesome, noteworthy dreams, anons

and don't forget to write your dreams down if they're remarkable

>> No.2352989

I keep on dreaming about being able to lift myself off the ground with a gust of wind and slow down my fall by flapping my arms (like Karnov, minus the flapping of the arms). I usually end up jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

Sometimes I believe I can actually do that.

>> No.2352993


> Now that I've written these out, they don't seem to be nearly as cool as they did when I kept them in my brain... And writing them out seems really rambling and disjointed.

i know right? it's hit or miss, some are really well-organized for me, and others sort of devolve into loose chaos when i start writing them down

that kind of dream is exactly what i'm talking about -- the crazy dystopian, apocalyptic, vulnerable, murderous, psychotic kind of dream

they're simply delicious

>> No.2352994

I never remember my dreams. It's been a really long time.

>> No.2353002

I have that problem too, when I keep writing about them but still not making any sense of them I end up rewording the same thoughts. I end up with these tl;dr walls of text that could probably be better explained in a paragraph.

>> No.2353006
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It started as soon as I read the psychosomatic in >>2352967.

>> No.2353028

I regularly have lucid dreams, shit is so cash.
Though I usually end up waking up or forgetting it's a dream, it's still awesome. The trick seems to be to just remember you can do anything, but not actively thinking about it being a dream and you being asleep.

Playing God is fun.

>> No.2353034


>> No.2353044

Another one (same guy who posted >>2352831 , >>2352967 and >>2352975 )

This girl I knew from my neighborhood was grabbed and taken into some stranger's car. I suddenly suited up like zero from megaman zero, and took off after the car. Scene missing, and I end up getting inside somehow, struggling with the guy to get this neighborhood girl back from him. Anyway, eventually, both me and her tumble out of the car, and roll down into a rocky berm, beside a huge body of water containing the statue of liberty. Godzilla rose from the ocean, and started fighting with the statue. Ends here.

>> No.2353050

I had a dream where I was walking down the sidewalk outside my house, and was trying to "fly" by supermaning, but I could only gather up enough power to fly a few feet before /power.

Woke up crying. True story.

>> No.2353056

Hahah, I know exactly what you're talking about.

I've tried in my dreams to beam away from danger like megaman does at the start/end of levels, but I've only been able to get a few feet off the ground before being caught and devoured.

>> No.2353064

I have had at least 2 ero-scenes with my younger sister, all of which ended up with me waking up with stickypants.


>> No.2353068

Make your dreams reality, anon.

>> No.2353088
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For some reason you made me remember a dream in where I was exploring a mansion or something, I found this faggot Osiris there, and he proceeded to kick my ass, I don't exactly remember how.
I believe that at the end of the dream I was thinking something along the lines of "I'll get stronger and come back, Osiris. Wait for me."
So far I haven't dreamed of him again (nor killed him in RO, as I never bothered to try MvPing).

>> No.2353153

Become romantically involved with my sister and be ostracized by my entire family?

Totally would do and all, if she didn't have a shit personality.

>> No.2353154

>I'll get stronger and come back, Osiris. Wait for me.
>Wait for me.

That's the problem. Those campers would never leave him alone.

>> No.2353169

I think I had some RO related dreams as well, being horribly addicted to it for 2 years. Some might have been related to mvp'ing since that is what I did to make money, so much to the point people somehow thought I botted mvp's...

>> No.2353184

Ah yeah, and in another one Baphomet was eating my head. The fact that I kept spawning right in front of him didn't help at all.
I woke up feeling a pain on my neck.

>> No.2353193

thread went from mediocre, to good, to suck. thanks.

>> No.2353202
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>> No.2353205


I had RO related dreams to.. but It was about being a bondage slave to a zherltish.

>> No.2353881

You're welcome.

>> No.2354437

dream logs are amazing. i write them down, always. when i first started playing LSD dream emulator, and YN (id switch between to two for about a week or so straight) i dreamed of the violence district, and the hanging lady, but it was seccom masada's body that dropped down, with Uboa's face. scared me pretty bad. i had wanted to dream about masada (i have a thing for him, yes sir, i do) but.. not quite like that.

have these /jp/. i went looking for yume nikki info on moogle and found some actual dream diaries. haven't gotten the chance to read them yet, but:

http://mon-mon-mon.cocolog-nifty.com/ (not sure about this one)

excite web translator http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/web/ translates them well, in the event of no moonspeak.

>> No.2354502

I don't keep logs
I should I'm oddly coherent while sleeping going so far as composing poetry or limericks depending on what I've been reading

So i sometimes get really theatrical scenes like lovers parting at a train station swearing to meet again
while a quote in the background reads
"wherever snake oil is sold and lies are being told"
WTF you cheating bastard /bitch !
Also lucidity is pretty easy once you learn to do reality checks, but since after becoming aware of the dream you're in control any ideas you have will be subjected to your own scrutiny so I've never gotten away with something I thought i couldn't do on the outside, I'm pretty much always "right" about my dream regardless whether I want to be.
That foursome was awesome though.

>> No.2354532

Just had a dream that somehow mixed Watchmen with Monty Python.
Should have written down the details, it was awesome.

>> No.2355064

The most awesome dream I ever had I can't remember a single thing from, other than it happened to the song Pixies - I Bleed.

It had something to do with a crowd of people watching me, as I was on high, doing something maniacal. Behind my smile, it shakes my teeth...

>> No.2355080

I had a dream a few days ago about my right leg turning into an old Russian water faucet. Shit was weird.

>> No.2355101

I had an interesting dream. I was female and some sort of mercenary/guard type person escorting a young girl. Nothing sexual ever happened, although I did hug her a lot, I was just honestly doing my best to protect her although nothing ever actually attacked us and I'm not sure where I was supposed to be taking her. I failed my mission though, at one point we had gotten on board this helicopter which proceed to suffer problems in the middle of the air. The last moments of the dream were me hugging the girl very tightly as the helicopter smashed into the ocean. I can still remember the odd feeling of floating and water suddenly fucking everywhere, and then waking up feeling really sad that I had failed to save her.

>> No.2355148

Not Japanese.
