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234659 No.234659 [Reply] [Original]

Come to think of it, I think Jesus can be summoned as a servant. Thing is, what class would he be? And, would he be really broke that no other heroes can stand a chance against him?

>> No.234668


>> No.234680


Assassin is out
Lancer is out
Saber is out
Rider is Unlikely.

Archer is a possibility
Caster is possible.
Berserker is arguable

>> No.234689


would be raped by worms.

>> No.234703

Hell yes. This I want to see.

>> No.234712

Caster or Berserker.

Its pretty obvious that his cross would have something to do with his Noble Phantasm.

Possible Stats?

alignment is obviously Lawful Good

>> No.234731

Jesus doesn't have any actual useful combat powers, though. He has water-to-wine which is sure to make him popular. He has some healing, but there's no point healing an opposing Servant. And he has 3 day resurrection, so he can come back 3 days later and...still be useless in combat.

>> No.234770


He also smited people so that they died the next day, and miraculously healed people by meerly laying his hands on them

>> No.234778


you're talking about Pre-Ressurection Jesus. Jesus in Revelations is pretty much fucking broke. Also, doesn't myths/legends about a servant plays a role in their strengths/weaknesses?

>> No.234791

>Jesus in Revelations is pretty much fucking broke.

Please stop talking about religion as if it was made by /tg/.

>> No.234796

Strength: E
Endurance: C
Agility: E
Magical energy: probably OH FUCK
Luck: ...E?
Noble Phantasm: probably massive as well.

>> No.234802

I seem to remember the fame thing being somewhat localized - i.e. Jesus in Japan wouldn't be all that fancy, but when he's summoned in the Vatican? Instant win.

>> No.234823

revelations isn't technically part of the Jesus myth.

He'd be something along the lines of Caster probably. Jesus according to his myth is a total weakling.

>> No.234829

There was a motherfucking earthquake when he died, how fucking powerfull must you be so that the earth itself knows that you're dead, and altough he was in human form, satanas (or any of your favorite demons) never defied himself directly, he survived 40 days in the desert without eating, and for fuck's sake, try walking just 100 meters with suck a kick-ass big cross, not to mention he has unlimited celestian creatures works

>> No.234836

He can revive anyone he wants. Who needs to fight when you can keep raising warriors? Hell, he could probably convert other servants and prevent them from staying dead.

Jesus would be too hax though, since the holy grail is supposedly the cup he drank out of at the last supper. (in real mythology anyway.) He could just make his own grain anytime he wanted with a coffee mug or something.

>> No.234840



If you put it that way, Assassin should be powerful then instead of the gimped jobber he was in the game.

>> No.234844

Luck: A++

Favoured of God

>> No.234854

Moses would be the dungeon master, Abraham has a Sacrificial Dagger with +5 to undead, Judah has high charisma and low wisdom

>> No.234876

He would be Jesus, lol.

>> No.234895

Ahura Mazda was also a god and look how well he did when they summoned him.

>> No.234892
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When we're heading that close to divinities, I'd like to see Odin as a servant... though he pretty much matches all the classes well.

Oh, a robed old beard-man of wisdom casting spells? Must be caster.

Wait, he started cutting people up with a sword? Saber?

Now he's riding some weird double-horse? What's up with this guy? Must be rider, then.

There's the noble phantasm! Oh, it's a spear, guess he was Lancer all along.

OH FUCK projectile attack that kills everyone, looks like it's Archer.

>> No.234883

now this is a possible good mmorpg

>> No.234906

Jesus automatically wins, cause the Grail is his.

Still, combat wise, he would have a Reality Marble(Unlimited Fish And Bread Works) and a Noble Phantasm(Holy Cross as a blunt weapon, if you are hit by it, you are destined to die in 40 seconds)

>> No.234908

No idiot, God would be the DM, and Jesus would be the DMPC

>> No.234909

That Jesus is fucking hardcore

>> No.234918

assassin was actually quite hax, but nasu's plot shielding made him reveal to saber that tsubame has three slashes.
if she didn't know that - death.

>> No.234925


But, aren't most of the heroes based on real life people whose acts in life were just greatly exaggerated? There was no basis for Odin, he was simply pure legend.

>> No.234930

odin is wildcard.

>> No.234932


>> No.234937

He's not alone in the thread, though.

*Hint hint, nudge nudge, know what I mean, know what I mean?*

>> No.234952

The Grail is not that Grail unless I missed something.

>> No.234955
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ITT: Catholics

>> No.234962

he could be summoned, as one of the classes, if he is saber, he can't be casting magic like caster. Thats a limitation of the grails ability.

>> No.234969


The grail was actually pure magic, not Jesus' blood - according to Nasu lol.

>> No.234970

Yeah, I know, but it was too obvious a remark to pass up.

>> No.234975

>Saber is out
>Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. Matthew 10:34
Also that thing in revelations about him with the sword coming out of his mouth. Unlikely but an argument could be made for it.

>> No.234976

Pretty sure most of us aren't Christians (I hope not, anyway, what are you doing here?), but it's a historical fact Jesus existed as a person. Remember, Servants get their powers from myths about them, even if exaggerated or untrue.

>> No.235010


That's more of a dystheist's argument than an atheist's

>> No.235031

Disguising himself as an ordinary dude only to kill them when they turn their backs? Must be Assassin.

Stripped buck naked and ripping his opponents apart with his own hands? Must be Berzerker.

Oh, and here's a list of his Noble Phantasms:

Well of Wisdom : Gives Odin perfect knowledge of all past and future events.

Draupnir : Mastercard with no spend limit.

Gungnir : Never misses it's target, is always fatal, and returns when thrown.

The March of the Einherjar : Every great warrior who has died honorable marches from Valhalla to fight with him. Presumably, this includes the other heroic spirits.

>> No.235042


Assassin has a bunch of conditions that are retarded
Like you have to be a certain lineage or something

I don't remember the specifics, but I don't think he qualifies

>> No.235038

I hate this thing because it is BAWWWWW. Just because you don't throw yourself in front of every bullet headed for an innocent doesn't make you evil, nor is God responsible for the acts humans commit.

>> No.235053

You don't even have to be real to be Assassin, the requirements can't be that strict.

>> No.235060

So if I were to create something, knowing it would cause evil, would that not make me responsible for what happens after I set that thing loose?

>> No.235075

Hey, what about Thor? Archer or Berserker?

>> No.235107

Rider (well, Charioteer), Archer and Berserker are all obvious, and a more physically oriented caster using thunder might be interesting as well.

>> No.235105


He can smite people from afar. Prolly Archer.

>> No.235116

Don't forget crossdressing, he did that at least a few times.

I dunno how it fell out with the beard and stuff, but... yeah.

>> No.235137

I'm not really sure what he did in the first place - but probably a Caster with a solid Charisma skill, to begin with.

>> No.235138

>Assassin has a bunch of conditions that are retarded
>Like you have to be a certain lineage or something

Every human on Earth has descended from Odin. I think he fit's the lineage requirements.

Besides, Samurai dude was summoned as an assassin, and he wasn't from that line.

>> No.235124

Hey, since we're talking about Jesus, can Mohammed be summoned as a servant,too? Never heard much about his feats, but, what would you guys think on how strong this dude will be if he became a servant?

>> No.235152

>knowing it would cause evil
Humans only have the potential for evil, they were not made to be evil. Any evil they commit is on them. That's the point of free will; it's their decision, not predestined or knowable.

There's no such thing as a destined future, only potential futures, at least IMO, and at best, even God could only know all potential outcomes and urge someone towards one. What that person chooses is still on them. The only way to ultimatly prevent evil would be to destroy all humans.

>> No.235154


>> No.235150

He would probably be more along the lines of Alexander in terms of servant capabilities since he was more of a military commander.

>> No.235168

Probably, but that's unrelated to the question of whether or not God exists. Although coincidentally, most atheists see God as an eternal dick

>> No.235181


Off-topic, faggot.

>> No.235186
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fuck divinities.

who would zero be? fits every single class apart from caster.

>> No.235204

Saber, since it's his main skill.

>> No.235217

you are a faget.

An all-knowing god would know exactly what path someone is going to take.

If I give you a choice, knowing what choice you're going to make, that's not really giving you a choice.

Especially since I created you with the knowledge that you would make those types of choices.

But I'm still going to punish you for doing evil, even though I created you with the knowledge you'd do evil.

>> No.235224


>> No.235233
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>> No.235251


sup lord

how's it feel getting your ass kicked by allah?

>> No.235259

Well, what's stopping you from making the "correct" choices?

>> No.235280

But an all-knowing god has to exist!

I know it because he wrote it in his book, and his book can't be wrong, because it's his word, and he's good and can't lie, and he's all-knowing!

>> No.235266


principle of uncertainity. an all-knowing god can't even exist so you're right even though your ranting is pointless.

>> No.235302

>If I give you a choice, knowing what choice you're going to make, that's not really giving you a choice.

But by that logic, offering a man 10 million dollars is the same as forcing him to take 10 million dollars.

>> No.235311


Predestination's stopping me.

>> No.235316


Rather, it's the choice between offering him 10 million dollars and offering him 10 million dollars *and giving it to him anyway if he refuses*.

He'll never know the difference.

>> No.235308



>> No.235331

predestination doesn't exist, unless you're a calvinist maybe

>> No.235347

God doesn't exist either, but that's kind of a moot point overall.

>> No.235352

But I already know what choice he will make, he won't refuse. And since he will most certainly take the money, he never had the option of not accepting the money, right?

>> No.235372

since he makes the choice only once, there is no choice to begin with.
kind of deterministic if you look on it this way.

>> No.235436

>historical fact

evidence plox

>> No.235482

"Jesus, like many holy men throughout history, is said to have performed various miracles in the course of his ministry. These mostly consist of cures and exorcisms, but some show a dominion over nature. Scholars in both Christian and secular traditions debate whether these miracles should be construed as claims of supernatural power, or explained without recourse to supernatural occurrences. Naturalistic historians generally choose either to see the texts as allegory or to attribute the healings and exorcisms to the placebo effect."

placebo effect
if coming back to life can be achieved through placebo then hooooly fuck, jesus would be the most hax servant ever.

>> No.235513

Unless none of the other participants had faith in him, since that's required for placebos to "work."

>> No.235541
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What of Joan of Arc?

>> No.235567

thats like sader

>> No.235596

The whole dress beneath the armor thing does look a lot like Saber. I wonder if that stain glass image was an inspiration?

>> No.235597

This brings up the question as to why sader whas lol King Arthur and not Joan of Arc...

>> No.235601

if you were able to track and understand the properties and interactions of all matter going back to the beginning of time then you would know the future perfectly.
even then you would only need to know a person's complete past entirely to be able to accurately predict their next choice in any situation.
mind you only a being such as god would know all of these factors. not even the person them self knows all of the events that have happened to them in entirety.

>> No.235598

Isn't Jesus pretty much Avenger?

>> No.235609

no, he's a supervisor from the church.

>> No.235615

best thread in /jp/ all day

>> No.235622

you are not able and it is not a problem of precision of today's tools. it's a fundamental law of physics.

>> No.235625

this is what confused me, from the very beginning I thought "a female European swordsman? Must be Joan of arc!"

then suddenly they pull out the "lol king Arthur was a girl" for no fucking reason other than Japanese people don't know who Joan of arc was

>> No.235640

>for no fucking reason other than Japanese people don't know who Joan of arc was

problem solved.

>> No.235661

Joan of Arc don't have Excaliber that be it

>> No.235668

>Japanese people don't know who Joan of arc was

See Fate/Zero

>> No.235681

But she has The Sword From Heaven Fierbois

>> No.235675

someone pointed that out to them after f/sn

>> No.235684

But she has The Sword From Heaven of Fierbois

>> No.235682

So? She could speak to God, I'm sure they can turn that into a noble phantasm giant laser of some kind.

>> No.235693

Yeah, right...

Doesn't Nasu said Joan was a counter guardian or something?

>> No.235731

Yeah, but then in Fate/Zero they have Bluebeard who actually did think that Saber was Joan of Arc.

First he was all "hey babe, remember me? We killed the English together back in the day!" But then Saber was all "no I don't know who you are and as a matter of fact I am English myself." And then Bluebeard was all "nyoro~on. :3 "

>> No.235748

why didn't they just make saber joan of arc in the first place? Maybe it didn't hit them as a good idea until after most of the story was already fleshed out, so they mentioned it in F/Z

>> No.235771

>>235748She is nowhere neer as powerful or as awesome as Arthur.
Besides, us Britfags need a good anime character representing us

>> No.235783

I think we would have all cried if they made a FRENCHMAN the main character, yes.

>> No.235796

why did they have to make arthur female then?

>> No.235807

Wait... are people actually complaining about gender-switching?

That's like, the holy grail of awesome or something!

>> No.235810


>> No.235817

>I think we would have all cried if they made a FRENCHMAN the main character, yes.

there is some thruth in your words, I have to admit that. Yet still Joan seems more kickass to me than Arturia (lol fucking wut).
Hell, nasu could have stayed with Artur and I'd be happy. Female archer etc.

>> No.235836

So Saber's only a chick since Saber arguably won the previous Holy Grail War?

Does that mean that Shiro's dad died a woman?

>> No.235839


Takeuchi(I know I misspelled that) wanted to draw a female knight. Showed it to Nasu. Nasu approved and rewrote the script.


>> No.235889

Britfags have the whole freaking knights of the round table lore to serve as vidya game/anime sex material.

I mean, I never really got past the whole issue of turning King Arthur into a female. I mean, the plot called for a teenaged female who also happens to a famous european knight and leader, and its like history miraculously opens up and leaves a figure that actually fits this impossible description that only the Japanese could come up with. And then they discard that and make King Arthur a girl. I mean, I wouldn't even be hung up so much about it if they didn't insist that Arthur was STILL A KING, despite being female, ignoring the obvious fact that that would make her queen of england.

>> No.235919

Saber was originally a male, and the spirit of King Arthur. Then they felt like drawing a female knight, so instead of choosing a different historic figure they changed Arthur's gender.

>> No.235953

So there you have it: the Japanese are retarded

>> No.236177


Assassins can only be one of the Hashshashin, probably based on the fact that the word assassin derives from it. The only reason Kojiro got summoned as a Assassin was because the rules of the grail war got fucked up by Avenger, that and something to do with Caster that I don't remember. If a regular master summoned Assassin they wouldn't get anyone but someone like True Assassin.

All the grail classes also have nothing to do with the weapons they carry, stats have the most influence on what class a servant can become. Berserker is the most lenient class, anyone can be summoned as a Berserker no matter what stats they had as long as they lost their mind(Went Berserk) at one point in their lives.

>> No.236263
File: 26 KB, 574x425, 1205795267524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lu Bu, Berserker

>> No.236290

Jesus is God in human form.

Jesus wins, God agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.236304

Only Weakness = Lancer, spear through side wound

>> No.236305


So is Berserker, and look what happened.

>> No.236306

Those were pagan gods, they're different.

>> No.236315

i thought gods couldnt be summoned?

>> No.236322


Oooh, now we're talking!

Longinus Spear, right? So then, Jesus' perfect weakness would be Paul, which would be ironic since he became a believer of Jesus after that.

>> No.236323

Retards forgot how all servants can be summoned as berserker.

>> No.236325


>> No.236319

Not if you play by the rules, but Berserker clearly demonstrates that they can be broken.

>> No.236331
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Paul Bunyan as Berserker

>> No.236338



>> No.236354

berserk was half though,
if i remember clearly, gilgamesh said he was too, unless hes being a faggot

maybe half gods are aloud but not full

otherwise i would love to see Zeus vs jesus

>> No.236383

i was actually thinking Paul Bunyan could be summoned as berserker or maybe rider with his blue ox.

>> No.236390

The problem here is that they only stabbed Jesus after he was already dead, which as Shirou knows, doesn't work.

>> No.236397

Do modern day leaders count as heroes? Or would only people who lived in the age of magic work?

I was thinking if Churchill would count as a heroic spirit...

>> No.236402
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I can imagine it. Ron Paul killing Jesus with a spear.

>> No.236416

What would Churchill do? Bomb the shit out of everyone?

>> No.236425

Hmm... Saddam and his Unlimited Scud Storm.

>> No.236438

Technically Heracles became a god when he died.

>> No.236443


There are many kings/leaders in the past, but it seems like those who have great amounts of physical/magical strength only become servants.

>> No.236447

i think after hundreds of years, its time the holy grail war caught up with the times.

>> No.236436

Your reading of the events are wrong. The roman soldier stabbed Jesus because Jesus took too long to pass out (from the heat/sun/dehydration). Since the soldier couldn't leave until the people passed out/died, he hurried up the process and poked Jesus in the side.

>> No.236456

so what your saying is that modern day society lacks leaders who can fuck your shit up with a sword?

>> No.236461



>> No.236460
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How many men can say they fought the machine and they won? This man can. He was the strongest man alive.

And I bet he would like nothing more than a pale skinny kid to call master.

>> No.236465

Saber vs Merlin(Caster) would be pretty unfair. Merlin would make Caster look like a toddler.

>> No.236467

Archer. If he can be a heroic spirit, anyone can.

>> No.236470


Who is he?

>> No.236475

I bet he wouldn't mind illya

>> No.236476

no black servants allowed.

>> No.236479

A steel driving man

>> No.236485

Didn't Einstein say God doesn't play dice?

>> No.236489

wasn't merlin immortal?

>> No.236495

John Henry, the steel drivin' man.

American folk heroes are actually pretty awesome.

Take Pecos Bill. He rode a TORNADO and SHOT STARS OUT OF THE SKY.

>> No.236496


Who say does it has to be a sword? All I'm saying is, they need to have tons of physical strentgh, or perhaps skilled w/ a weapon to perhaps become a servant.

>> No.236508

so... rider or archer?

>> No.236513

Oh fuck.

>> No.236502

he only became one because he sold his soul to the grail. Other than him and saber, I think most heroic spirits became servants not by their own free will.

>> No.236562

I like the FSN universe, I hope they do another story that's completely unrelated to shirou and co. (or at least unrelated enough so that its not just another Fate/Zero)

though I guess the holy grail is destroyed, but they could easily retcon that.

>> No.236588


There's a ton of magical artifacts in the world that they could use as an excuse to start summoning up shit if they want to milk the series anyway.

>> No.236589

I'm thinking Rider. His horse was named Widowmaker, how awesome is that?

>> No.236616

The same way that Gandalf is Immortal

>> No.236625

This thread is made up of fuckwin and awesome.

>> No.236678

St. Longinus
Lancer Class
Noble Phantasm: Spear of Destiny

>> No.236716

Longinus regained his sight after Jesus' blood spilled on his eyes.
Meaning he can use blood to cure status effects.

>> No.236714

Modern heroes?



>> No.236784

In the intro for the game Thosaka says her self the servants are from the earliest 100 years ago up to the ancient times.
so late 1800's to early 1900's should work just fine.
Plus their is Shiro to fuck that up as well.

>> No.236786

the red baron was GAR

>> No.236850


He was the bone of his rifle

>> No.236858

I concur.

>> No.237015

They can come from any time.

>> No.237035

Yeah Rin was probably talking about ones that have been recorded as summoned so that means someone from the 1800 to 1900 era has already taken part in the grail war before, I wonder who it was.

>> No.237044
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Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds, motherfucker.

>> No.237058

>Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds, motherfucker.

Wrong God retard

>> No.237106

Vishnu = sustainer, smart guy.

>> No.237427
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"おもしろければ、なんだっていいじゃない(If it is interesting, everything is permitted.)"
Recent tendency(in japan)

>> No.237531
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In B4 two out of three ain't bad and/or older than god.

>> No.237580

Holy shit.

>> No.237620
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Does it scream REPENT! and hit you with that cross?
