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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 108 KB, 850x1076, reimi-is-love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2350522 No.2350522 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of Star Ocean 4? I've always been a huge fan of Star Ocean, regardless of the horribly shitty cheesy plotlines, and it was my first animu-style game, so I can't help but me charmed by the series.

I HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH every time Reimi talks in an event, and I purposely try to let her deal the final blow in fights so I can see that delicious ass shot and moe pose.

Fuck. Need Reimi porn.

>> No.2350532

SO2 will always be best

>> No.2350536

I plan to play it, but I haven't played SO1 yet.
Also this isn't really /jp/ related.

>> No.2350537
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She certainly is.

>> No.2350549

Only on mute.

>> No.2350550

It's Japanese, why isn't in /jp/ related?

>> No.2350551

>.and I purposely try to let her deal the final blow in fights so I can see that delicious ass shot and moe pose.

I'm... not sure what to think of this.

>> No.2350559


is the first thing that comes to mind. ;_; Bitch wouldn't stop spamming it once she learned it.

>> No.2350563


Oh god. Don't make me remember that.



>> No.2350567

Because it's a video game.
I can understand why you'd want to post this in /jp/ instead of /v/ though.
I'm fine with it I guess, I just won't be bumping it.

>> No.2350568

Why the fuck would you like Reimi? She's boringly generic for that standard prude, uptight JRPG female lead that's been infesting JRPGs since forever.

>> No.2350592
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Feels good man.

>> No.2350609

Every single person on earth has a fucking character archetype, give it a rest.

>> No.2350614

>I purposely try to let her deal the final blow in fights so I can see that delicious ass shot and moe pose.

/r/ing a jewtube link to said pose.

>> No.2350622

seconding this. or a screenshot.

>> No.2350761

Hopefully the EU version doesn't get toned down, I want my delicious Reimi ass and barely clothed catgirl.

>> No.2350833

Is this game 100% copypasta of the previous Star Oceans but with better graphics?

>> No.2350839

+dumbed down item creation, reduced length, and most fucking annoying voice acting ever.

>> No.2350859

I figured that much. And this is why I stopped playing video games.

>> No.2350869

I am playing SO1 on my PSP at the moment. It's pretty good.

>> No.2351682
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>> No.2351688

Tri-Ace is a fucking awful company.

>> No.2351692

>What does /jp/ think

I think that's a fine ass

>> No.2351696

I sold my 360 right after the SO 4 release so I can't really say. I do like the Star Ocean series, though and I bet it'll get ported to the PS3 so I can play it.

>> No.2351705

As far as I know, the story is different from the past Star Ocean games and the gameplay is improved.

>> No.2351709

Why did you sell your 360? Did you fall on hard times?

>> No.2351720

No, I just wanted a PS3.

>> No.2351732


To watch Blu-Ray?

>> No.2351740

Well... I was hoping for an interesting story but that wasn't very interesting at all... I'm kind of disappointed.

>> No.2351748


You're not very interesting

>> No.2351749

I had to play the new MGS game. I love the MGS series, and there're some other games I wanna play like Valkyria Chronicles, Ratchet and Clank. Basically most of my favorite game series are on the Playstation consoles.

>> No.2351761
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>> No.2351765


Arnold was a better character

>> No.2351766


>> No.2351770
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>> No.2351773
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>my favorite game series are on the Playstation consoles.

Fuck you, Namco Bandai.

>> No.2351787

I'm still confused as to why they did this. The AC series was always Playstation based until AC6.

>> No.2351794
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Same reason iM@S wasn't on the PS3.

>> No.2351798
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>> No.2351804

Except AC Advance and the original Air Combat/Air Combat22 arcade games, if you want to count those (which I don't).

>> No.2351808
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>if you want to count those

Does anybody?

>> No.2351821

You'd be surprised.

>> No.2351832

I also sold my Xbox 360 to buy a PS3 for MGS4. It was totally worth it.

>> No.2351840

Yeah, I just beat it yesterday. The fight with Liquid has to be the most epic thing in history.

>> No.2351854

What's your PSN bros?

>> No.2351872


My PSN id is my last name. I'm a bit wary of sharing it here.

>> No.2352218

No money = no Star Ocean 4 for me.

I'll just live vicariously through Anon's life. Tell me more about Reimi and her ass shots/moe poses.

>> No.2352278
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She's cute. In the Japanese version she is voiced by Misato Fukuen (Yoshika, Kurumu). Unfortunately we don't have that option in the NA release, but can still watch the PA's on nico and such.

>> No.2352477
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I'm surprised. You can't mention SO4 on /v/ without everyone having a bitch fit a few posts in.

Also, needs more MeraclexArumat.

>> No.2352494

Celine was fine. Precis on the other hand...

>> No.2352503

Just looking at the OP's pic made me sad that I can't play my copy just yet... ;_;

>> No.2352511


Yea, I tried to make a thread in /v/ to talk about it the other day, I thought it was an appropriate place. They fucking hate the game. They seem to hate JRPGs in general though. They don't seem too fond of Atlas/NIS either.

>> No.2352543
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A lot of people don't like it because of a link to one of the cutscenes that constantly gets reposted in every thread. It's a scene of one of the, admittedly, most awkward moments in the entire game.

I'm not going to lie. The game does have some rough moments, and the dialogue is downright facepalm inducing at time, but judging the entire game based on a single, OPTIONAL scene in the game is pretty dumb.

Then again, /v/ will be /v/.

>> No.2352556


What the fuck hair doesn't work that way. Ruined my hopes for this.

>> No.2352567

Reimi was an annoying, cockblocking bitch. She stopped Edge from getting it on with Meracle and Myuria so many times...

She did have a nice ass though.

>> No.2352602


The game is definitely not flawless. My biggest issue with it is some inconsistent pacing. There are a few 2 hour long strings of cutscenes followed by 3 hour segments of no plot development at all. Overall its a fun game though. I just don't understand why it conjures so much bile and abuse from places like /v/ and even legitimate reviewers on the internet.

>> No.2352622

Probably because the Western Audience as a whole seems to have grown a dislike for JRPGs.

>> No.2352628
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>> No.2352631

Uh, it's /v/. Come on now bro.

>> No.2352649
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Ass shots and moe poses are relevant to my interests.

>> No.2352653


Of course. Tri-Ace is known for its games having extremely terrible pacing. SO4's plot didn't even really kick in until about halfway through the second disk.

>even legitimate reviewers

I thought it did pretty decent? It got a 7 or 8 from most places. Of course, by /v/ logic, that means it's shit.

>> No.2352661

/r/ing a link to said link.

>> No.2352678


The escapist hated it. Well maybe they're not really legitimate reviewers.

>> No.2352695

The story is a piece of crap, just like every Japanese console RPG ever since the PlayStation age. So calling the plot bad is the same as saying 4chan sucks, it's tacit. Everyone is aware of this fact.

I played for hot 3D babies and cool battle system, nothing else.

>> No.2352702



>> No.2352707

>Probably because the Western Audience as a whole seems to have grown a dislike for JRPGs.
That's because unlike the Easterners, Westerners aren't programmed at youth to conform to repetition. Westerners would sooner purchase a broken game like Morrowind if it means playing something original.

tl;dr We strive for originality. The Japs seem to enjoy the antithesis to original content, hence the reason why they can play uber generic games like Dragon Quest.

>> No.2352712

>>legitimate reviewers

I don't think these exist anymore. At least not on popular online game sites anyways. The last thing I'd trust is an online game review by some normal broski "game journalist" with a low power level.

>> No.2352725

Get back to /v/.

P.S. Learn to Xenogear/saga.

>> No.2352729
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>tl;dr We strive for originality.

Thus the reason why Madden, Halo and The Sims are the most popular games around here... oh wait.

>> No.2352737

Xenogears was playstation era, Xenosaga is dogshit. That's not proving him wrong.

>> No.2352776
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>tl;dr We strive for originality.
No we don't. We do the same thing.

>> No.2352784


Fuck off. Xenosaga was fine.

Granted, the first two games started off pretty slow, but once you hit 3, you were eager to find out what was going to happen next. Shame they had to end it there.

>> No.2352791

>implying morrowind was original

>> No.2352797

Xenosaga was terrible, they basically took everything that was good about Xenogears and removed it from the game.

>> No.2352804

>>the first two games started off pretty slow
>>the first two games

That's way too fucking long for things to start to get interesting.

>> No.2352809
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>strive for originality

Yeah, and that's why we play the same fucking WWII shootan over and over again.

This guy can't be serious.

>> No.2352811


Godly jRPGs PSX era and beyond?

PSX: Valkryie Profile, Breath of Fire 3, Suikoden 1, Vagrant Story

Saturn: Panzer Dragoon Saga

PS2: Shadow Hearts 1, Wild Arms 3

DC: Skies of Arcadia

I agreed, don't bother me about it.

>> No.2352819

Hmm, I didn't enjoy Wild Arms 3 as much as 2.

>> No.2352822

Halo is a unique FPS. It's not unique like Deus Ex, but unique in the sense that it manages to separate itself from the crowd. It's shit, but I wouldn't call it generic.

>Xenosaga is dogshit
Name one RPG plot on the PS2 that was better than it. Enjoy your generic spiky haired protagonist and evil villain bosses. And while your at it enjoy your generic magic and mages.

I'll enjoy my philosophical conundrums and android lolis.

>> No.2352826 [DELETED] 



>> No.2352827
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>Godly jRPGs

>PS2: Shadow Hearts 1, Wild Arms 3

>> No.2352841

All of them? Xenosaga is one of the worst RPGs I've ever played. Especially since it had an amazing predecessor.

>> No.2352852

>Name one RPG plot on the PS2 that was better than it.

Thanks for proving the point RPGs are sucking ever since the PSX. No, they're all generic shit. Xenosaga is just as bad.

>Enjoy your generic spiky haired protagonist and evil villain bosses.

I wouldn't ever play a jRPG if hated those.

>> No.2352875

Japs just stick to the time-tested formulas of gaming greatness.

>> No.2352877
File: 49 KB, 358x500, 111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the reportfag, I'm just a law abiding /jp/er that doesn't want threads like this on /jp/. It attracts the wrong type of people/discussions. Now the thread has been reduced to "my generic JRPG is better than your generic JRPG." Nice going guys, way to prove you're no better than /v/ when it comes to discussing kids games.

Next time keep the thread about "Reimi's delicious ass shot and moe pose." And keep the shitstorm to a minimum. I guess this just goes to show that a board's quality is determined by the topics -> not by the userbase. /m/ bros seem to be smart, but they cant go two minutes without arguing over their giant robot shows. My intention of telling you why I reported this thread was not to start a meta discussion, I just wanted to let you know why I reported this thread. Please carry on with your pointless bickering. Hopefully this wont happen again.

>> No.2352879

>evil villain bosses.

That's a bad thing?

>> No.2352880

Yes, I love that RPG combat system I've been using since 1988.

>> No.2352882


>everything that was good about Xenogears
>Especially since it had an amazing predecessor

Welcome to the main reason most people didn't like Xenosaga. They got it expecting Xenogears 2.0.

STOP comparing it to Xenogears and enjoy it on its own. Xenogears wasn't even the "JRPG perfection" most people claim it to be anyway.

>> No.2352883
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>Star Ocean thread

I wasn't here, what'd I miss?

I haven't gotten SO4 because BOTH 360s I've gotten are dead.

>> No.2352884


More power to you, man.

>> No.2352896

It wasn't RPG perfection, it was just a very good RPG. Easily one of Squares best. Xenosaga was supposed to be a spiritual successor to it, it wasn't. And even on its own, it's a shitty game.

>> No.2352908

Generally speaking, Japanese games have better art direction, better character design, and more original gameplay ideas, but lack the immersion and freedom of Western titles.

Eastern game stories are more literary minded, intentionally pursuing historically used formats (most commonly the epic) and philosophical themes. However, this is sometimes to their detriment, as it comes off as either excessively archetypal or deeply pretentious when badly done. Western stories usually have either simplistic short plots filled with action movie tropes or detailed histories without structure meant to immerse the player rather than tell a complete story.

>> No.2352909
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>Implying /jp/ is better than /v/

>> No.2352913
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Xenosaga 'villains' were beyond good and evil. Unlike most JRPG villains they had no intention of a) ruling the world or b) destroying the world for a generic motive.


>> No.2352919

>more original gameplay ideas
I assume you're not talking about RPGs.

>> No.2352925


Shut up, Tomoya

>> No.2352928
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Wilhelm was just doing an exorcise in futility.

He wasn't a deep character.

His entire line of thought was "any end that doesn't result in the universe's destruction is acceptable".

>> No.2352937

As slow as Xenosaga was in the beginning, I always found myself wanting to know what was going to happen next. Honestly, it's probably the only game where I was more concerned with the story rather than the gameplay. 3 was pretty fun though.

Over the years, I've played Xenogears multiple times and find it incredibly dull each time. By the time I get Billy, I'm usually ready to stop playing. Combat was fun whenever it came up though.

Just throwing my opinion out there, not trying to say one is superior to the other.

>> No.2352941

The only board worse than /v/ is /b/.

>> No.2352942
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>> No.2352946

ITT we judge every Japanese game ever based on a single shitty rehashed console RPG made by a long dead company releasing stuff to keep them alive.

>> No.2352947


Seriously. Even all the games I mentioned were better than Xenogears. Even the main team from Xenogears went on to make better games (like Shadow Hearts 1).

Forgot my Persona 2 for the PSX era, by the way.


SH1 is wonderful because there literally is no jRPG out there in existence with the same mix of horror and humor. WA3 was just a pleasant game from start to finish with one of the best PS2 era OSTs ever. I'd almost rate WA3 "as good as FF6" if it weren't for the clunky battle system.

>> No.2352954

I couldn't really enjoy WA3 at all, funny.

>> No.2352955

what a fucking crybaby

>> No.2352955,1 [INTERNAL] 

I don't care what you guys say, Xenosaga and Xenogears are the only two JRPGs with a decent plot. Anything else was generic/cliche. I'm not even going to sit here and pretend like this is my subjective opinion, this is a well documented fact. I challenge anybody here to debunk this argument. But be prepared to be bombarded with 8 paragraphs filled with philosophy conundrums and quantum mechanics.

With all seriousness, what JRPG had a better plot?

Arc the Lad? No.
Final Fantasy? Don't make me laugh.
Shadow Hearts 1? Not even close.
Wild Arms? Weak.
Star Ocean? A.k.a Xenosaga-lite.
Digital Devil Saga? Does this game even have a plot?
Chrono Trigger? Meh...

Need I continue?

Just take a gander at this: http://www.xenotensei.com/translations/truth_of_xs.html

Every other JRPG is childish in comparison. The only other game that put such a big emphasis on plot is Metal Gear.

>> No.2352955,2 [INTERNAL] 

Why post that here?

>> No.2352955,3 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't want my post to go to waste.

>> No.2352955,4 [INTERNAL] 

Makes sense I guess

>> No.2352955,5 [INTERNAL] 

Here, let me fix your list.
Digital Devil Saga, Breath of Fire, Phantasy Star, Shining Force, Lufia, Dragon Quest, Dual Orb, Skies of Arcadia, Terranigma, 7th Saga + Sequel, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy. They're all better than your shit, abd less cliché.
In that order.

>> No.2352955,6 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck, I forgot.
There you go.

>> No.2352955,7 [INTERNAL] 

>Digital Devil Saga
Stopped reading after that. You're not even worthy of a serious response. Try again next time. I didn't even finish DDS. I'm willing to bet a side character like MOMO has a bigger plot then the entire cast of DDS. As far as I know none of them had a plot other than the plot that the setting placed upon them. Watching DDS was like watching a shitty action flick. After the cannibalism gimmick wore off the story became more repetitive than Dragon Quest, and that's saying much.

The gameplay of those games may indeed be better than Xenosaga/gears, but story-wise they're not even close. Enjoy your storyless/mute protagonist.

>> No.2352955,8 [INTERNAL] 

While I admit I originally wanted to say all the Megatens at once, I had to make a huge exception.
If you think tbat Devil Summoner, and Digital Saga aren't good for you, that's fine, and Persona 1 vanilla is shit, and 3 is regular, but they're all a plus to the total series. The whole Megaten is better than your game.
Saying that they're worse than Xenogears is like saying Miyamoto failed when he made Zelda. It's having facts ass reversed without any excuse.

>> No.2352955,9 [INTERNAL] 

oh you

>> No.2352955,10 [INTERNAL] 

It's shit.

>> No.2352955,11 [INTERNAL] 

Get back to reading comprehension 101. I'm not talking about gameplay; I'm talking about plot. Those games may indeed have better gameplay than Xenosaga, but when it comes to story none of them come close. The reason why I never completed Digital Devil Saga is because I had no motivation to finish it. The sequel just seemed like a rehash of the first Digital Devil Saga's gameplay. If you're a kid you might have the time to replay fun rehashes, but when you get into college you don't have time for that shit. And because the first Digital Devil Saga's story was mediocre, I assumed the next game's plot would be too.

When it comes to JRPGs, Xenosaga's plot is in a league of its own. Some side characters in Xenosaga have deeper plots than the entire cast of DDS. They could make a new Xenosaga game without gameplay and I would still buy it. The same thing goes for Metal Gear. Normally I take preference over gameplay, but I make exceptions for Xenosaga, Xenogears, and Metal Gear. The video game industry in general is suffering from a lack of good storytelling. Xenosaga is the first anime JRPG:


And by anime I'm not referring to their artstyle.

>> No.2352955,12 [INTERNAL] 

Of course, and I'm also saying that your plot is shit.
If you would compare Xene scenosaga to anime, I would say that Chrono Trigger was the first good anime jRPG instead. And there were more, more jRPG games, before Xenogears, with those same scenes and storytelling. Koudelka was an example.

>> No.2352955,13 [INTERNAL] 

>and I'm also saying that your plot is shit.
In comparison to what? I could use a good laugh.

>Chrono Trigger
It's a good plot, but in comparison to Xenosaga it's childish. Xenosaga's plot is at least 260 pages longer than Chrono trigger. Trust me, I counted.

Never heard of it. I'm going to go find it and debunk it. This game better have a good plot.

>> No.2352955,14 [INTERNAL] 

If I remember correctly Koudelka is a precursor to Shadow Hearts.

>> No.2352955,15 [INTERNAL] 

>Suggest that Chrono Trigger had a good plot
Cool story bro

>> No.2352955,16 [INTERNAL] 

>Suggest that Chrono Trigger had a bad plot
Oh lol

>> No.2352955,17 [INTERNAL] 

go play shadow hearts already faggort

fuck koudelka. that slut is in shadow hearts anyways

>> No.2352955,18 [INTERNAL] 

Geralm ente não se usa "e" e "mas" no início das frases.
