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2344237 No.2344237 [Reply] [Original]

Hottest Nasuverse chick?

I say seriously? You read this with that sort of set up? What kind of newfag are you?

>> No.2344245

I've always been partial to Akiha.

But touko has that mature sexy look going for her.

>> No.2344256

Ciel.... and of course, someone is going to reply to this with THAT.

>> No.2344258

ovbiously rider

>> No.2344260

Issei is dreamy~

Seriously speaking though, Seo has always appealed to me. Even with her depressingly small amount of screentime.

>> No.2344261

Ciel looks like a dyke.

>> No.2344267

We should be so lucky, otherwise that Good End of hers will just end in her and Arc tearing Shiki to fucking pieces.

>> No.2344270

Most Moe: Seo
Most Sexy: Rider

>> No.2344277

Caren and Ciel.

>> No.2344280

No one has said Taiga or Bazette yet? Shame on the lot of you.

>> No.2344282

Akiha's schoolmate.

>> No.2344294

Bazette's too macho and Taiga is more of a.... strange pet that comes and goes as she pleases than a woman.

>> No.2344300

>Bazette is too macho
When has that ever stopped us before? I thought /jp/ loved women like Signum and the Reimu drawn in 30.

>> No.2344311

Must be the pants.

>> No.2344312

Sion is clearly the best. I weep tears of blood that we were never given a Sion sex scene...;_;

>> No.2344318
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Never heard of either of them. Also, there's this <---

>> No.2344324


I know I do.

>> No.2344333

The mysterious Magical Girl Amber! If only we'd learned more about her, and why she stood between us and Makihisa's room in Kagetsu...

>> No.2344340
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Also, why are all the 'Love' arrows for Shiki one-way except Arc's?

>> No.2344345

Because Arc True and Fate (Shirou is the same way) are the canonical arcs, apparently. If we're to believe the first thing we've been told about "The Dark Six" anyway.

>> No.2344349
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Dark Elesya was here.
Ciel is a loser.

>> No.2344350

'The Dark Six'?

>> No.2344352

ruvia is better than both of them

>> No.2344358

Ah but Anonymous, the best thing about Amber is her mysteriousness. If we knew her true identity or anything of that sort her appeal would probably be lost. Plus I think she'd put us in that fucking basement with Kohaku if we tried to learn more about her.

>> No.2344369

Tsukihime 2 (not that there's anything of it but three prologue chapters, a trailer in Kagetsu, and some interview and artbook info) wherein Shiki slices up DAA and apparently is set to seduce a chick from the Mage Association, Altorouge, and Ciel again.

>> No.2344379

And for some reason she seems to haul around a mechanical version of Hisui, so that's probably something that'd be trying to kill us if you investigated her.

>> No.2344389
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You take that back!

>> No.2344390
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>> No.2344397
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>Bazette's too macho

I prefer the term "classy".

>> No.2344401

>and Ciel again.

You mean Ciel would have actually gotten her own route, instead of Arc2.0?

>> No.2344410

Looks the same until about when Roa shows up, I'll give you that. But yeah apparently.

>> No.2344416

Now since when was Avenger that lucky (and further, why with those two, one of whom is to my knowledge a bitch, and the other is in love with Lancer)?

>> No.2344420

come back when you have drill hair

>> No.2344422

And then Arc stealing the good end, don't forget that.

>> No.2344435

No, that's a harem end. And a funny one to.

>> No.2344443
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Who needs drillhair when you look this good?

>> No.2344446

The technical term is "Princess Curls."

>> No.2344447
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>> No.2344448

It's still stolen. If they wanted to do a harem end, they should've made it a complete separate ending, not blown Ciel's Good on it.

>> No.2344457

Well her True has the distinction of being happy, and that was it for the Near Side, so yeah... (Kohaku not withstanding)

>> No.2344462

To clarify: Her true ending is the only happy one where the girl has another ending.

>> No.2344463

>True has the distinction of being happy
Which makes me wonder why they didn't do a 'Normal' end, HF-style. There were certainly plenty of opportunities for it near the end of Ciel's route.

>> No.2344467

I'd brave a den of CG tigers to hit that.

>> No.2344473
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>Bazette's too macho

Hummmn... fraid I'm having difficulty seeing the macho...

>> No.2344475

Because they made Akiha's route the LOL GRIMDARK one in Tsukihime. The route you are supposed to do in the middle, so it goes Creepy But Light Hearted--> Creepier but still light hearted---> LOL GRIMDARK --> Paranoia inducing, but less needlessly dreary---> FUCKWIN FOLLOWED BY HAPPY END

>> No.2344479
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They constantly hinted at a relationship between Avenger and Caren in Ataraxia (from Avenger's view anyway) so that's why she's there.

And Bazette, well......

Fuck you, he's Avenger. He doesn't have to explain himself.

>> No.2344490

Kohaku was shit in her own route. Akiha was awesome though.

>> No.2344492
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This pic might help your explanation out

>> No.2344503

Take off the panties, and that looks like a typical guy.

>> No.2344519


....I am dissapoint...

>> No.2344522

Kohaku herself is never awesome. But her route includes such things as: the first real SHIKI-to-Shiki drink and talk, Nanaya's first true appearance, Akiha badassery, and a real, true, HAPPY END.

And then Eclipse pisses on your parade no matter which route you finish last.

>> No.2344525
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Eh, never got that vibe from her. Tough, yeah, but not to the point of being manly. "Refined" sounds better.

Also helps that she has like, the 3rd largest breasts in the Nasuverse.

>> No.2344537

Wait no, she DOES get awesome points for having everyone dance around for her in Hisui's route. But in her own route she's just kind of there to move things along.

>> No.2344541


>> No.2344571
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The answer is clear, why won't anyone just admit it?

>> No.2344597


>> No.2344607

Get all the main endings then go to the title screen. Click the new option. Then rage.

>> No.2344629

For extra mind fuckery:

1. Finish Tsukihime (all endings, Eclipse, bad ends optional)
2. Finish FSN (all endings including bad, then Taiga/Ilya scene)
3. Read variant Black Tabi #2
4. ???
5. Lose your mind!

>> No.2344639

I don't remember it being rage inducing. brb, replaying.

>> No.2344652
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Sakura >>>>>>>>>>>>> *

>> No.2344669

>>> Black Tabi 2
Maybe it's because I haven't played HA (if I can't understand it and there's no patch, why bother?) but I didn't quite get why Kuzuki was like that. Also, everything else. I got about up to the part where Kuzuki gets hypnotized by Ren and tries to molest Sion before stopping. It's a clusterf*ck.

>> No.2344670

That's gross. Who on earth would want to eat someones spit?!

>> No.2344675
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>> No.2344686

Sakura's spit is sexy spit. I must devour

>> No.2344691

Yeah, I'm not seeing it. Why the rage?

>> No.2344702

How can you say you love her if you can't even eat her spit?

>> No.2344703

It makes something that had thus far only been implied: from the moment he got the eyes, even if he had never used them, he was doomed to die really young, so no matter what ending (except Akiha True of course), Shiki can only live a few more years. You can only get this after doing them all, which probably means after you've done Kohaku.


>> No.2344709

...I'm sorry, what? Can you restate that? I could've sworn you just said that Shiki will only get to spend a few years with whichever heroine(s) he ends up with.

>> No.2344711
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>> No.2344712

I don't know. I guess they sort of solidified it, but when he said "the lunar eclipse is far off", I felt like that was some sort of metaphor implying he would live for quite a while longer. Wishful thinking on my part I guess ;_;

>> No.2344722 [DELETED] 
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As Aoko states it yes. It's not "you risking dying whenever you us them" but in fact "you risk dying whenever you use them BUT you're going to die you no matter what so FUCK caution!"

>> No.2344732
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As Aoko states it yes. It's not "you risking dying whenever you us them" but in fact "you risk dying whenever you use them BUT you're going to die you no matter what so FUCK caution!"

>> No.2344736
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They're coming, run Shirou! RUN LIKE YOU HAVE A DAMN BRAIN!

>> No.2344760

This have a name?

>> No.2344764


Unless this is HF shiro, that's not gonna happen.

>> No.2344772

Well UBW Shirou wasn't THAT stupid. Fate Shirou's probably fucked though.

Can't remember, but you can get it on Gaku Gaku.

>> No.2344777

Well actually, he's fucked no matter what. Sakura finds him sleeping with Chibi-Saber at the end. Hilarity and Murder 1 ensues.

>> No.2344788

>Well UBW Shirou wasn't THAT stupid. Fate Shirou's probably fucked though.

That's true, he worked out that he was Archer without it being explained to him, all by himself.

Nevermind Shiro, that's a pretty good case of deductive reasoning for ANY VN/anime/mango protagonist.

>> No.2344790

Anyway here's how it all ends up playing out in Tsukihime

Arc: Welcome to the setting!
Ciel: Let's examine our antagonist and the implication of our hero's eyes more closely.
Hisui: You can feel free to theorize whatever you like about the past routes and freak out around every corner now.
Kohaku: FUCKWIN drinking. FUCKWIN yandereness. FUCKWIN split personalities. FUCKWIN HAPPY ENDING!
Eclipse: ...Except no, fuck YOU player.

>> No.2344796


Even Jotaro? I mean he's pretty smart.

>> No.2344819
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>> No.2344821
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>> No.2344828

Arcueid. Rider in second place.

>> No.2344832

Seiba is mos moe,
Ridah is mos sexy.

>> No.2344846
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>> No.2344859

But are not all of those important facets of hotness? Well, except Yandere.

>> No.2344868
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>> No.2344885

Stop failing. The yandere part is the hottest on that chart.

>> No.2344907


>> No.2344941


>> No.2344957

Anyone with good faith will agree with this. Screw your paganism, saberfags, riderfags, etc.

>> No.2344976
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>> No.2345244 [SPOILER] 
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All fine points as well. Glad we could agree.

>> No.2345277

I disagree with the forced canon endings of Saber and Arc. Mainly because I like Rin and Akiha better

>> No.2345285

Look at all of those love arrows pointing to Shiki. It's like a hornet's nest, except instead of a hive, its The Gland.

>> No.2345302

Forced canon?
Oh, anon, still green.

>> No.2345318

There is a special class on it's own, called 'Joseph Joestar'.
Anyone OUTSIDE this just gets to a conventional ranking..

>> No.2345321

Saber's a better heroine, UBW is a better route (but fuck, you can actually have both at once). Anyway I jumped the gun a bit on Saber. There IS no forced canon on FSN. As for Tsukihime, it depends on what you consider a proper sequel (though I think Natsu himself has said Arc True). For Kagetsu, it would either have to be Arc or Ciel Good End. For Melty Blood... "an unreleased path." (bullshit, it comes after Kagetsu, no matter what Nasu claims that's what adds up). And for dark six it HAS to be Arc True. Depends pretty much on whether you prefer Slice of Life w/ waifus plus a fighting game with a new waifu vs. a rampantly badass, world building piece of vaporware, in which Shiki may or may not have ANY waifus, but DOES need to wrap his head in bandages because the glasses don't do the job anymore and is a better knife fighter than Nanaya.

>> No.2345341
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She looks like she has really soft hair. Huggably soft.

>> No.2345361
File: 231 KB, 1125x1600, LASTBATTLERS 051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small, soft curls...

>> No.2345406


Where do you have a drink in Kohaku's route that you don't in all the other far side routes? Where does this conversation with SHIKI occur?

>> No.2345417

You don't go out in the middle of the night and steal beers from a vending machine with SHIKI in the other routes, though you do in the special scene of Kagetsu of course. And I don't remember where in the route (before the halfway point I think) since it's been a fair while since I played the game.

>> No.2345421

>>>Kagetsu Tohya
The drinking with SHIKI part, not the going out and stealing beers part

>> No.2345449

Of course the irony with Kohaku's route is that it is the first route where you may actually give a shit if SHIKI died (he's not less psychotic, but at least he entertained you for awhile) and he dies earlier than in any other.

>> No.2345477
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>> No.2345546

Arcueid, I think I might be alone on this....

>> No.2345575

Most people judge characters based only on their routes.
Arcueid is very interesting to see in the two near side routes overall.

Plus, she is the most fearsome thing you encounter in the whole story, in the end.

>> No.2345591
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>> No.2345600

True, but the said fear of her is what makes her so awesome.and/or sexy, take your pick.

>> No.2345610

Legs alone sexy does not make.

>> No.2345616

She's up there on "hot," but the winners are Hisui and Rider, tied for first.
