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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 851 KB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23340711 No.23340711 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please link it so people know what you're talking about.

The ona guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

The doll guide: https://pastebin.com/rrUa6jKF

- Don't buy from OtonaJP. Don't say we didn't warn you -

>Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

Previous: >>23305631

>> No.23340726

any reason why otonajp decided to go from one of the best vendors to EU to no longer trusting them anymore? Do they have supply problems or something?

>> No.23340850
File: 762 KB, 866x1284, 1585163136217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 km or 3 miles.



>> No.23340866


Fuck that link here is a better site.

>> No.23340927

Imagine fighting over which site is least shit when they're all objectively worse than sadpanda.

>> No.23340956

Artist of OP's pic? reverse search does nothing.

>> No.23340992

>reverse search does nothing
then you didnt do it properly

>> No.23340996
File: 12 KB, 400x469, gig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for me, it's nhentai

>> No.23341029

satou (su9arsatou)

>> No.23341032


>> No.23341054

I've never had problems with them.

>> No.23341062

Thank you anon

>> No.23341078
File: 14 KB, 280x250, 1399402211628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nhentai is just sadpanda for the functionally retarded. No one can upload because they just rip the panda (at a lower than original quality no less) and you can't even gender tags. It's a glorified low quality mirror with less features. Objective trash.

>> No.23341091
File: 316 KB, 600x466, 1576779203869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really the Onahole thread or a bitching thread of elitist poppycock?

>> No.23341095

Is sadpanda registration still down? I tried getting in after the scare of it getting taken down but it only led me to a white page. People on /h/ didnt have a fix for it so i just gave up

>> No.23341126

I have a question for the doll guy if he's still here. I just received mine and it has a pretty strong petroleum smell. What's the best way to get rid of it? Would perfumes help?

>> No.23341129


>> No.23341136
File: 271 KB, 1920x1050, 1585163952961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 2848 hentai books from exhentai all sorted locally on my disk. The bad thing about exhentai is they don't allow fakku stuff on there. Also Nhentai if I remember has stuff on there that isn't on exhentai.

>> No.23341165

>nhentai bad!
>nhentai just a mirror!
Remember how you edgy contrarian motherfucker shitting on nhentai now were sucking it's dick when sadpanda went down?

>> No.23341236

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23341249

cute feet

>> No.23341287

The only people that did that were also functionally retarded. Without ex/e-hentai nhentai gets no new content and if you don't save your favorites locally and something takes down the site you get what you deserve which is either nothing or a shitty downsampled "mirror".

>> No.23341305

No, I remember sitting back and watching the internet burn because I had my shit saved because of the last times the Panda almost died. Nhentai is useless without Ex anyway.

>> No.23341586

Are you guys fucking done? Can we actually get back on topic now?

>> No.23341665

based that was a good doujin

>> No.23342090
File: 799 KB, 897x899, Churro Screw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather than just bitching, it's usually helpful if you post relevant content, too. Watch this:

I just added a hole to a small Amazon order for shiggles, but it's getting annoying to pick them out because most of the tunnel images are removed or censored. Anyone know what's with that?

>> No.23342144

yeah ive noticed that too, dont know why flesh lights get a pass but onaholes have to be censored
If im interested on a ona on amazon i just look it up and look at the images from other sites

>> No.23342237

should I get student council or La Bocca Della Verita

>> No.23342336

La Bocca review
Student council review(s)
From what i've read i'd personally would go with the Student council. Check other sites and their reviews though.

So, unrelated to ^ I'm looking to get the Puni Ana DX, should I get the hard edition of the Puni Ana or just the regular one? I'm also interested in the Niku-Man 2200 Onahole but i've read it tears easily.

>> No.23342374

Actually, I might get the Puni Ana DX Kiwami. I'm not planning on getting a new onahole until later next month so plenty of time to decide.
I would like to hear an anon's opinion on either onahole.

>> No.23342398

thank you very much

>> No.23342665
File: 13 KB, 264x325, 1565377836550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /jp/, not my normal board, but you guys seem decent.

I read the ona and doll guide, and I'm still confused.

I'd like to get a full body or hip doll like the meiki plush, or one that feels more like the onahole material.

Specifically, I want something I can put an onahole in and have a more sex-like experience, per se.

Also, where do I find a Venus Real? Toydemon only ever has the least recommended version, and I'll follow the advice against onta.jp (they didn't have it anyway). I've had western stuff before, I prefer ona, but more than anything I prefer the sensation of a real vagina.

Any recommendations?

>> No.23342779

I was forced to buy from Otona because I needed a very specific onahole.
I decided to pay with SEPA on April first.
support says they have not received the payment yet.
anyone got any experience with them just completely not receiving the payment? how fooked am I?

>> No.23342805 [DELETED] 

Payment can take up to 3 business days, if you used paypal you can request a refund.

>> No.23343223

They've been a shit company for over two years now. Whoever is managing them operates it like a teenager.

>> No.23343439

Anyone tried this yet? Tunnel looks really interesting.

>> No.23343446
File: 71 KB, 265x200, 1583271640449.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cum into the puni ana dx
>my cum starts leaking out from the other side
What a strange feeling

>> No.23343669

That's kinky anon-kun.

>> No.23343698
File: 2.23 MB, 720x1280, びっくりした wwwww.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aight bros got my first haha gotta hit the shed so i couold wank all day

>> No.23343726

blame that to the recently cancelled Tokyo olympics
they got stricter to the guidelines or someshit so now tunnel images are a no-no

>> No.23343832

I got the Puni Ana DX Hard Edition and its okay, the simulation of the holes isn't that great. doesn't actually feel hard.

>> No.23343850

Did you check your bank account to see if its sent? If not you gotta email them about it then they send you a bank info for you to transfer the payment. Last time I did it, it took 1 month to ship back in 2019 january, so I'm not sure how they do it now.

>> No.23344031

For TOMAX holes, Toydemon for USA, Motsutoys for EU, and Daimaoh for JP. If you don't really have any other choice, otona-sekai has them too, but they aren't as reliable as these three.

For plushes, your choices are basically 1. TOMAX Nui Doll (cheapest), 2. TOMAX LOVE VENUS (well made with foam backing but no limbs), or 3. The Meiki plushes. Plushes are nice because you can put a tiddy toy on em for the full experience.

>> No.23344502

are onaholes made by "Hot Powers" underrated?

>> No.23344529

>I needed a very specific onahole.
I bet I could find it on AmazonJP

>> No.23344552

Literally China's fault. Some bullshit about obscenity or whatever and Amazon caved like a bitch so it's effecting their entire thing, not just AmazonJP.

>> No.23344586

Shoku Shuriken Sujizuri

>> No.23344727

>Shoku Shuriken Sujizuri
>METEO material
The reviews from the "Fellamatio BLACK" is also made out of this material and everyone in reviews is saying it rips and not durable after 1-2 weeks of use

>> No.23344746

Has anyone here ever bought from szczytuj.pl?
Are they any good?

>> No.23344761

Fellamatio black is also an OtonaJP exclusive so take that as you will.

>> No.23344794

Anon help I'm cumming!

>> No.23344804

how does it compare to the Kunoichi (Black Hard)? They look the same but different colors

>> No.23344826

The Kunichi Hard is still rather soft, just a bit more compact.

>> No.23344884

>SujiZuri - Shokushuriken
says for this one "Super soft but yet firm" so which one is more soft or hard?

>> No.23344917

Between the Lilith Uterus / Venus Real and Temptation Witch which would be the most realistic and which would be the most stimulating ?

>> No.23344935

I cant pay on amazonjp.I dont have a fucking creditcard or any of the eligible debit cards.

>> No.23344942

yeah its has been sent

>> No.23344961

Shokushuriken is softer.

>> No.23345239

Thinking about getting a plush doll, but have some questions:

Any options/recommendations in the sub 15000 jyp range other than the Nui? The selection seems quite limited and AmazonJP is a crapshoot.

It looks like you can just put your oppai into the plush's breast compartment, but is there a way to mount the oppai on the outside? Or is direct/nipple play not possible? I have a fuwatoro if that helps.

How easily doe the plush stain? Is the material felt-like like on an actual animal plushie where liquids don't absorb well? Will the plush doll be hard to dry if fluids spill on it? Will dyes stain the material easily?

Live in Japan, so store/import not likely to be issue.

>> No.23345412
File: 10 KB, 994x562, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you use to sort/tag them? I've slowly been building up my collection since the summer, but even with my small collection, organizing it manually seems like a gargantuan task. For now, I have everything organized into subfolders by artist.

>> No.23345534

expressions that make use of the file name to auto tag them helps a lot

>> No.23345720

Tsumino bros

>> No.23345953

Should I bother purchasing an onahole right now with all the coronavirus stuff delaying shipping?

>> No.23346100

The coronavirus will be on your dick

>> No.23346354

what do you mean by expressions?

>> No.23346653

I haven't noticed any shipping delays. As a Clapper, EMS is just as fast as usual, domestic hasn't been noticeably delayed and DHL continues to give everyone and everything the finger. You can't use SAL anymore, but that only speeds things up and was rarely a good idea for onaholes in the land of the fr--I mean lesser-taxed.

>> No.23346727

Ok so last night I ruptured my second hole by blowing out the back. I'm wondering if it's misuse or do I just need to get bigger holes?
It was a Gyaku Hida Vagina Jyu if it makes any difference. Was fun ride for the 20 or so bucks it was.

>> No.23346780
File: 56 KB, 540x540, boys-penis-smell-bottle-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good shota onaholes to go with this penis smell?

>> No.23348629

where's the sad panda link at then because searching for any of these names doesn't bring anything up

>> No.23348645

Anyone know how much of a thrashing the lolicono hard can take? Dick pills make me literally diamonds and I'm afraid of really getting deep without ripping and tearing

>> No.23348658
File: 5 KB, 570x533, 1313108391309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but more than anything I prefer the sensation of a real vagina
Venus real with Onatsuyu will get you there before you start getting bored with it and start looking at other holes with ridges, uteruses, meme chambers, then real shit that will rip your dick off; welcome to ona friend

>> No.23348704

Onaguru, please tell me where the Lolinco Virgo falls under the list you mentioned.

>> No.23348757

I have both the Uterus and Real, the real is kinda my vanilla "go to", not really stimulating but if I'm just chilling it's a good hole. My Uterus was my favorite hole for the longest until my warmer accidentally ripped the inside, definitely looking to order another, no experience with the temptation witch though

>> No.23348769

Corona-chan isn't delaying shipping and I actually just got done splurging on holes because of the whole isolation bit. If anything, now is the best time to get your onas especially if this is how we're living for the next year or so

>> No.23348773

Addendum: I live in bumfuck nowhere where we still have single digit cases, no stay at home orders and boomers are still going out for wine and steaks, if you're in a large city I can't speak to that, also F

>> No.23348789

I dunno about the virgo but my virgin age admission hard is definitely my final boss of onas and one step below melting silicon on two cheese graters and rubbing your dick between them

>> No.23348792

I do live in a large city with a lockdown where boomers would STILL be going out for steaks if the restaurants weren't closed. Shipping still hasn't been effected.

>> No.23348914

>virgin age admission hard
I have this, how does the standard version feel like compared to this?

>> No.23348969

Temptation witch is hard texture. Not realistic at all. It will be the most stimulating if you like hard texture.

>> No.23349037
File: 336 KB, 900x900, 1551811613230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even mentioning the virgin age admission hard to a newcomer
Next level

>> No.23349635
File: 587 KB, 1960x2547, __kinako_original_drawn_by_40hara__185f3c7e5532ad3ceb95f96c74895251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just sort by elimination dumbass

>> No.23350132

sorry for the off-topix post, but I didn't want to make a separate thread..

um, I'm looking to get a daki from a specific circle that sells in TaoBao; do any of you guys happen to know what each of these options represents?

Normal 160cm * 50cm
EX 160cm * 50cm

obviously the numbers are the length/width, but does "ex" mean "explicit"?

>> No.23350577
File: 97 KB, 670x670, minami_san_sensational_huge_ass-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a video or review of Minami-Sans huge ass?

>> No.23351689

basically the death grips of onas

>> No.23352586
File: 23 KB, 986x535, 519qj1wErdL._AC_SL1002_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, just a quick question about real girls if you don't mind. Just thought some of you might know.

The guide says that Venus Real (pictured) is close to the real thing. Does the texture of most girl's walls resemble closely this or is there a significant variance? Am I correct in the assumption that most of these:
"realistically casted" fleshlights aren't realistic at all?

>> No.23353198

I'm curious, how do you enjoy an onahole apart from just thrusting it plainly?

>> No.23353275

Flipping it over and doing it doggystyle

>> No.23353386

twisting motions are really nice

>> No.23353416

We used to, but the hairy Italian who posted them got identified by his friend or whatever and proceeded to DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING

when Fleshlight states, "realistically casted", they just mean the outer part, like the labia and clitoris . It's the same thing NPG does with many of their Meiki series.

you won't have to worry about ripping a hole into if if that's your concern. Just keep in mind that it is the size of the original and not the Virgo.

>> No.23353453

Seems like a pretty thin hole towards the back so it's not surprising that you did.
Measure yourself and then look at the following sites below (or the spreadsheet in the pastebin, even though its very outdated) for measurements for holes

https://www.hotpowers.jp/ec/products/list.php?category_id=1 (newer holes tend to not have numbers, with the exception of their own)

>> No.23354430

Make some kind of ghetto doll, like use lycra leggings or any other spanding clothes and fill them with whatever, then find a way to attach the onahole in there. It changes the experience drastically, it's hard to get the weight right but if you focus on making the abdomen/buttocks heavier the sensation of it bouncing on your balls is great. Also if you find a way for the whole thing to scratch your balls/andor/anus every time you thrust it's godly, I suggest having the whole thing resting on one of your legs and spreading hers so one of her legs rubs your balls when doing it.

I try to experiment different things at least once a week, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, but it's part of the fun I guess.

>> No.23354905

I'm about to order my first onahole, is it normal to be anxious?

>> No.23354907

My 10 lb chink pussy came gonna give it a go.

>> No.23354920

is it possible to have mold free onas for months? I just dont use some holes for months but I have them dry and powdered.

>> No.23354943

Why would they get mold? If they're getting mold then you have mold in your house. That's another problem.

>> No.23354953
File: 41 KB, 479x611, 1585810082484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't used some onaholes for like a year, no joke, they still look as they did when I put them of away. Some of you are very paranoid...

>> No.23355057

Does shoving your fingers to stretch the hole when cleaning it harm it in any way? I'm not talking about turning it inside out.

>> No.23355162

Depends on the hole. The multiple layer ones with special textures are easier to damage.

>> No.23355186

how risky is it to buy sex toys from ali express? there's ridiculous low prices, and I'm almost sure the pictures are stolen from "legit" stores, but they do send you shit don't they? just lower quality than they advertise I imagine, but I don't wanna be just scammed out of my money and not get anything. Anyone here with experience using ali express?

>> No.23355201

>ali express
Just don't

>> No.23355209

Instead of medical/food grade TPE they use caustic acid.

>> No.23355213

My 10 lb chink shit pussy was OK. Not great. 5/10 for feeling. Lolinco had a much better texture. It's much heavier than Lolinco so it's nice in bed. It stays still while pumping it so I got a good ab workout! Even when I pumped it really hard it stuck to the bed. It stays better than a real girl! The vagina placement is a little bit too far down. I wish it was bigger so that it felt more like a real girl's ass. It's small almost like a child's ass. It feels like I'm bumping against a 12 years old's cold ass. I've got to find a way to warm it up. Now if only the vagina was tighter. I had to use the anus to cum.

>> No.23355240

is that bad for my penis?

>> No.23355270
File: 152 KB, 921x1200, 1530757695410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is caustic acid bad for my penis?
>taking that comment seriously

>> No.23355305

What kind of microfibre rag is better for cleaning the insides; the one that's more like a sponge to the touch or one that's more like an actual cloth rag?

>> No.23355544


>> No.23355710 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 258x196, 1586117804284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cloth rag because holes are tight the thinner the better it is for fingering out the moisture.

>> No.23355871

why do you live in a swamp?
If the ona is dry, then there is no possible way for it to contract mold.

>> No.23355878

Endurance runs on fap heroes, except when you cum keep going. Also put one in a nui love doll with a VR headset and go to town with either honey select or vr kanojo

>> No.23355910

So what's the word on repairing holes with a soldering iron? Recently I've been doing longer and longer fap heroes and sessions and putting holes on and off my stand up warmer for extended periods (on usb3 to prevent overheating/melting) but my stand up warmer is still eating through holes or my dick is for some reason causing more tears than usual. I'll definitely be looking at a different hole warmer or rigging up some external warming system with the carbon heating pad I just ordered from China

>> No.23356056

How much jogging should I do for healthier benis?

>> No.23356091

Yes, you're anxious about a plethora of things at once, which combines as one big anxiousness
It's normal, don't worry too much, but as always, be careful

>> No.23356133

What ona are you talking about?

>> No.23356281


This one. I want something like this with better texture but the others are very expensive. Should I get a hip pillow with a hole?

>> No.23356540

I've recommended multiple modifications here.
>tongue rings
>mason jars
>saran wrap
>melting/molding inside of a jar
>stretching them out from hanging them inside of a large jar over heat
Use your imagination.

the mold meme is people trolling. stop being a brainlet.

No. The only ona I've ripped like that is the soft version of the puni ana dx.

They type they sell in car parts stores for waxing a car.

At least 1km a day.

>> No.23356628

>melting inside of a jar

what does this do to make it better?

>> No.23356641

Any good new holes that feel like fucking a 11/12yo girl? Mods?

>> No.23356647

Reshapes it. Can make them tighter, or if it's larger, shrink the insides down so they they're closer together.

>> No.23356706

Lolinco. Its a dick vice.

>> No.23356720

Old hole and wasnt that good.

>> No.23356812 [DELETED] 

If you have a old hole that is close to a traditional viking funeral, you can extend its life some and get stimulation from it by cutting up one or two paper clips into small pieces and putting them in the hole. It will increase the feeling and will be very intense blows when used with your normal lube.

>> No.23356865

>cutting up one or two paper clips into small pieces and putting them in the hole
No. The fuck is your problem? Might as well just tell people to put razor blades in the damn thing.
Fuck off.
If they are near the end of life then mod them like I recommended here >>23356540

DO NOT put sharp metal in them you dumb ass.

>> No.23356866

can you make a diagram of this? because I really don't understand, are you stimulating your penis directly with pieces of metal? maybe I'm misunderstanding something

>> No.23356873

It's shit trolling.

>> No.23356889

There is nothing wrong with tiny bits of metal in them. They mostly stay on the walls and you can adjust the pressure with your hand and get as much stimulation as you want from your old hole.

>> No.23357217

That chinky one I got really feels like a cute 12 year old butt. The size is just perfect. It's too loose is the only thing. Maybe some 12 year olds are that loose but it's not what I would expect.

>> No.23357318

not op but i think he means putting them lengthwise into the material of the ona so its parallel to your dick
imo just throw away the old ona and buy a new one

>> No.23357322

That's no where near what he said.

>> No.23357357

is there any lube that looks like blood

>> No.23357369

Put some lube and put it in a seperate container with red food coloring? Will probably stain your dick and the hole though.

>> No.23357374

Fuck Calibre, why can't someone make a client that isn't fucking dogshit. Also doesn't need to duplicate your entire fucking library when importing.

>> No.23357417

I use comic rack

>> No.23357424

yeah youre right i missed the part where op was cutting up paper clips

>> No.23357455
File: 2.56 MB, 480x480, 1551137851463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst onahole thread in quite sometime...

>> No.23357525

wtf my dick cant be red

>> No.23357549

Maybe people aren't buying onaholes right now

>> No.23357606

I have bought around 20 + onas over the years and Tomax always delivers
though if you have DGS do NOT get it as your first or even second ona

Realism isn't the best thing to consider when getting an ona, there are many that are not realistic that are fucking amazing.
Monster wet chimera for example is the best of both worlds

>> No.23357673


Kuso garbage hole.

>> No.23357723

lookin for blood flavor lube

>> No.23357797


>> No.23357823

Put an iron supplement in it.

>> No.23357878

Which lolinco version is the thighest?

>> No.23358014


>> No.23358115

will real blood damage my onahole

>> No.23358175

No, what ye fuck are you planning?

>> No.23358200

I got one myself, if you want pics just ask haven't been able to use it because I'm not alone in the house because of Chinas dumb virus

>> No.23358479

tried ketchup it burned a lot it must be the vinegar?

>> No.23358548

copped a tenga flip, good or bad?

>> No.23358592

Did you purchase a bag for it? I was about to buy one from toydemon and I'm not certain if their Plush Bag would actually fit.

>> No.23358707


>> No.23358888

Are there any good onahole review channels on youtube?


>> No.23358967
File: 349 KB, 573x600, 1585181892016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play with onahole I haven't used in a long time
>going at it
>make "O" face as I finish
>take it to clean
>as I squeeze out the juices I see what barely resembles a mangled silverfish full of cum

>> No.23358986
File: 19 KB, 245x262, 1580420057443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I hope you learned a valuable lesson

>> No.23359015

Looking for Cum flavored lube.

>> No.23359067
File: 1.29 MB, 1252x1563, 1418512687722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck!
Please be trolling, I'd legit be puking from that.

>> No.23359108

How does it feel knowing that you fucked it to death?

>> No.23359146
File: 35 KB, 431x308, god_i_fucking_hate_the_internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why i put my onas in a plastic bag or keep them in the plastic container they came in

>> No.23359162

I don't feel too good

>> No.23359273
File: 250 KB, 1348x1276, 1578639154677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shower scented lube smells really nice

probably what real girls smell like

>> No.23359320

Peach toys makes one, though I really hope you meant texture and maybe smell, don't be a retard and actually eat it even if you are a nasty fetishist.

>> No.23359357 [DELETED] 

im gonna try real blood but how........

>> No.23359544

BadDragon makes some

>> No.23360015

Have you considered buying some nice shampoo or body wash instead of typing whatever you just typed

>> No.23360100

Can someone recommend a good onahole for a big benis(7.5 in)? I seem to either tear the hole or it's not very pleasant because they are not long enough.

>> No.23360270

Any onahole which are small (I am 5 inches, not very girthy) and are good for edging?
I have never used a Japanese toy, but from my experience with western toys, I always cum in a couple of minutes.

>> No.23360308

lolinco virgo

>> No.23360333

Any tips on lasting longer? I'm playing fap hero with my lilith uterus and its not easy to last even through the 15min ones.

>> No.23360361


>> No.23360590

>My local Amazon locker is out of service
fucking hell

>> No.23360651

>lolinco virgo
Thanks, i will give it a try

>> No.23360664

ToysHeart R20 and the long versions of the onas from RideJapan are also good. You can find all of these on amazon for cheap.

>> No.23360683

Is this thing good for a starter?

>> No.23360703

No. If you want a durable double sided hole, get the Zemalia Gina one that comes in the black case. That thing will survive nuclear winter, and it's pretty cheap.

>> No.23360784

Is the one from NightFly inferior in any way? I just want a double-sided onahole with a tongue, and Zemalia's looks like its tongue isn't flexible.

>> No.23360798

Got mine from kanjotoys cause im a britbong from the sheer size of this thing its better you keep it in it's box

>> No.23360807
File: 62 KB, 600x723, 7FB2B5DE-0DE3-440B-BAD2-ED24332E72AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the Back Girl onahole because of recommendations by that Infernal Monkey guy. It feels pretty good! If you guys have them, what are your thoughts on it?

>> No.23360816

The whole thing is flexible. You can easily stretch it more than 2x.

>> No.23361722

Is there a good onahole to help you if you have delayed ejaculation? I'm pretending I cum in the condom at this point and am really embarassed by it. I can be quick when I masturbate though so I wonder if it's part psychological. Is there something that can train me to cum more quickly and easily though?

>> No.23361734

How do you do it man i have the opposite problem

>> No.23361755

I'm not trying to be a jerk because I understand porn has conditioned us to think this way but it sucks. Most girls start to dry up or get tired of it after so much direct pumping. They get upset and think something is wrong with them so I just pretend I finished in the condom.
It just won't come out, I don't know. I'll admit I was a virgin for a long time but recently got really into working out and it did wonders for me

>> No.23361778

Yea i was a virgin till about 2 months ago too, i think its my nerves tho, when i cum it doesn't even feel good it just happens. I used to cum from her handjobs really quickly too but now i can't cum from them at all, so that makes me think its nerves. Maybe its the same deal with u but opposite? Maybe we just need to relax.

>> No.23361794

I am about to buy the KYO piston
Anyone have any experience with it?

>> No.23361952
File: 210 KB, 993x1500, upper-swing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know maccos full swing has /ona/ seal of approval but what's the consensus on upper swing?

>> No.23362195


Not that you SHOULD buy it from OtonaJP, but that's where I found it. I'm too lazy to find it on other websites for you.

No, most of them get banned or suspended because YouTube is for the corporations.
You're better off searching for PornHub/The Site That Lacks Moms, or finding blogs. Infernal Monkey, Onahodouga, and Ona-King typically post videos of the products.

Fuwapocha Long Tororina if you're looking for something very soft
Lolinco Virgo or Extra Virgin if you're looking for something tighter (they're a pain to clean, however)
Umi no Ana #2/Kateikyoshi x Saimin Azusa no Wagamama JK Kitsu Kitsu Hole if you're looking for something more firm.

anything thats hard/firm
anything that's really soft

>> No.23362221

Something soft will make me last longer in bed?

>> No.23362371

yes, because softer holes will let you condition yourself so that you'll know when your point of no return is and you can stop yourself. harder holes make it harder to distinguish this.

>> No.23362440

Huh interesting, i kinda thought if i used hard ones it will be harder to cum with a real girl.

>> No.23362484

Well, yes, but theres the potential of never cumming during sex if you abuse your dick with hard holes, which then opens up a whole slew of other issues with the both of you.
It's mostly about the subconscious and restraint. Harder stimulation (to a point) is about the raw lust and wanting to cum as quickly as possible, while softer stimulation gets you into the feeling and the motions and the groove of things.

>> No.23362561

Yea, but maybe i just need to relax.. time will tell. It's really interesting to me how so many people have death grip syndrome, how hard are these guys slamming their dicks? I mean i masturbated since i discovered it like most i'd say but i don't have that problem.

>> No.23362742

I think it's more of a hentai addiction. Real girls are no where near as erotic. I've only finished inside once and it was a threesome so it was more of a porn scenario.

>> No.23362851
File: 551 KB, 868x1228, __konpaku_youmu_touhou_drawn_by_hashimoto_w_s__3562d755a9979265908febce13dd2fb9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to tie a soft onahole to a plushie that you don't wanna cut open?

>> No.23362959

Glue it?

>> No.23363069

at that point i might as well cut it open...

>> No.23363078

Just make a SPH

>> No.23363150

A what?

>> No.23363481

if i used animal blood then could it make an infection

>> No.23363577

Post pics

>> No.23363587

if i used Chernobyl waste then could it make an infection

>> No.23363682
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, 1574133156261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone using their onaholes more often while in quarantine or is it the usual when in the mood?

>> No.23363691

a belt

I've actually been using them less, but In general since the start of the year, I've been nowhere near as horny/lustful as I've been years back.

>> No.23363726

Probably the most since everything is at home now including work and classes

>> No.23363843

>Mom found my onahip
How do I explain 15 pounds of ass to her?

>> No.23363892

It's not something you can explain. You either instinctively understand the benefits of owning 15 pounds of ass or you're a moron.

>> No.23363975

I buy what I like.
My dad confronted me about it when he found one of my holes laying around and I simply told him I don't question the mountains of weed and alcohol he buys weekly, as well as the dozens of guns that we don't even use, so he shouldn't question my self-fufillment methods.

plus even on the $500 or so I spends on onas in total over the past 5 years, it's still a fraction to what he's spent on guns alone.

>> No.23363977

Less unfortunately, since i live with relatives who dont leave the house

>> No.23364004
File: 727 KB, 1280x1848, This is the time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she say? How did she react?
I literally have around 40 pounds of hidden TPE in my room.

>> No.23364014

Cheaper and cleaner than prostitutes

>> No.23364412

No but blood coagulates and dries quickly so is a bad idea to use it as lube.

>> No.23364685
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1575871889135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U r not homosex, that will show her.

>> No.23364784 [SPOILER] 
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Happy fapping!

>> No.23365589

how important is lube to the experience?

>> No.23365624

I guess it depends on how sensible it's your dick, and which hole you're using. For me as dense as possible it's better, but I'm sure not everyone enjoys lubes the same, fuck lately I even use smoe thick body lotion because I can't import any quality lube.

>> No.23365632

Thicker lubes are better for harder holes and thinner lubes are better for softer holes

Examples of thinner lubes are Tomax Insomnia and PePe lotion. Examples of thicker lubes are Onaytsyu and Golden Lotion. Only use water-based lubes.

You can make thicker lubes thinner by simply adding water and vice-versa by leaving thin lubes out with the cap off.

>> No.23365637

EQUAL to the onahole(I.E very important)

>> No.23365735 [SPOILER] 
File: 374 KB, 907x1189, 1586213627831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has arrived!

God damn this is a fucking huge box.

>> No.23365967
File: 58 KB, 768x408, 1434536232010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a really cool mom, helps

>> No.23366090

holy shiet, just from the box that looks real good, how much did it cost? and let us know your review when you can!

Is it really 1/1? and are the holes easy to clean?

>> No.23366393 [SPOILER] 
File: 150 KB, 496x392, 1586218885867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably super weird and hard, but you mega pervs might have an idea. Is there any toy that can reproduce the softness and sensation of thick soft wobly thighs that I can cover with stockings and hug them and smooch them, rub them,and use to rest my head as well? I've interacted with TPE dolls in the $2k-ish usd range and their thighs were not soft at all, I was pretty dissapointed.

Pic related

>> No.23366398


>> No.23366414

So, how often does anon masturbates?

>> No.23366442
File: 957 KB, 1632x1224, 1425892019438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once every 2-3 days. It makes the good onaholes feel...wew

>> No.23366567
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>> No.23366590
File: 176 KB, 1000x769, 1580853728578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are torsos with legs attached.

Never had one sadly.

>> No.23366597

hey, new guy here, after reading the pastebin i realize that after import tax, delivery, currency convertion, customs probably holding or destroying my package and maybe legal trouble is not worth the pain (i live in south america) so i was wondering if there is a guide for making your own onas

>> No.23366669 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 540x540, 1586221331284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn mines still on its way, same brand but different model.

>> No.23366704

Eh. I live in Australia so customs is pretty cucked for me too. I avoid onaholes with lolis or "questionable" girls on the box covers and have to opt for more mature artwork in a sense. You can sometimes ask them to remove the box itself. Hell, I was lucky and got the Seducing Witch from ebay.
>so i was wondering if there is a guide for making your own onas
I think there is a guy that sometimes browses these threads, and he makes his own. You might be able to find guides on youtube.

>> No.23366708

Was about $340 USD including shipping. Ordered from AmazonJP 10 days ago and got it today.

I don't know much about onaholes. This is my first real onahole purchase but it's so soft and feels really damn good and has a great weight to it. 19.8 pounds of pussy and ass and nice soft tits.

I have a decent size sink and I was able to get it in there to wash it out but don't know if I'll want to keep cleaning it that way. Overall I'm really liking this.

>> No.23366788

i found some shitty sponge and towel DIY onas but i`m looking for something as close to the real thing as i can so a guide with materials, molds and casting involved

>> No.23366854
File: 158 KB, 2289x1744, Read with caution, this is outdated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one seems like the best of the 3 loli ones, by far. Really want that one but I live in Georgia, so I dont want to fuck around with customs or ending up as an onahole myself.

>> No.23367238

I thought of using a belt but it's unsightly and feels like it'd get in the way. I luckily have an old one I can poke holes in and cut.

>> No.23367324

I make my own shit because the high end products dissapoint me, and they don't always fit my fetishes. But I don't know why I would share my findings, when I can try to profit from them. You could just learn traditional mold and casting procedures and then experiment with whatever material you can afford, I don't see the need to get one specifically for making rubber vaginas or whatever deviation that you want to craft.

Just one advice, there's nothing right now that behaves like the real thing from what I've tried, I haven't fucked many women, but I was a massage therapist for a while, and believe me that the current tech is decades behind the real deal, because all they need is for it to look good on pictures to sell, so they might look good and even real but the feel is way way far from it (also everything has makeup and photoshop so never trust pictures, at least try a video and even those don't really represent the actual product).

>> No.23367340

Isnt this image outdated?

>> No.23367343

And very inaccurate.

>> No.23367348
File: 261 KB, 2289x1744, laws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah here's the updated one.

>> No.23367360
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23367362

>I was a massage therapist for a while
what do you do know, if you dont mind me asking?

>> No.23367378

fairly accurate now

>> No.23367398

Just basic shit I guess, swedish, holistic, shiatsu on floor, champi, quiromassage, entry level anatomy. It was hard getting hired as a male unless I had taken sport massage, and tiring as fuck, bad for my back, so I dropped it.

>> No.23367405

If I stick a onahole in a little girl and then penetrate that while feeling her up does that still count as "penetration however slight" of the girl with my member not the onahole?

>> No.23367415

Fasten it to her pelvis with a belt instead.

>> No.23367472

Does anyone have any suggestions for fixing a torn onahole? I accidentally tore the opening one day on my kunoichi black and now I need a fix.

>> No.23367496

You might be better off just moving to a country where that's legal instead something to find some weird loophole to have sex with a little girl.

>> No.23367525

This is why you wash stuff that's been in storage for a while before using it

>> No.23367529

>that the current tech is decades behind the real deal
Say money wasn't an issue what is the best tech? Would it be one of those chinese dick sucking machines?

>> No.23367737

This anon's experience >>23361722 reminded me of something I was once told, that consistently practicing the pull-out method when having sex will result in training the male to be unable to ejaculate inside. I wonder if that is true, would it likely transfer to when using an ona...

Shouldn't you just cum inside the ona, which I have to imagine is a big benefit of having one (minus the cleaning), or would some people rather have less to clean afterwards and decide to pull out?

>> No.23367782
File: 259 KB, 1000x750, maga kore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always seen a lot of bitching about drying holes. People complaining about the lolinco virgo or puni ana DX being "difficult," and I've always thought it was really overblown when you just cram your finger + paper towel down two or three times at most.

But cleaning this? This is a fucking nightmare, and first time I've actually struggled to dry something. The internal skeleton is so fucking firm and rigid that you can only push your in so far against the outside. I was just barely able to dry the deepest spots by forcing it straight down onto my digits.

Are there any drying sticks you guys could recommend? I want to say they're mandatory for a toy like this, though I've heard some people use stuff like chopsticks + paper towels before.

>> No.23367791

I seen the guide not recommend ordering from Kanojo toys, are they really that bad?

>> No.23367803

Their markup is pretty ridiculous but I still order from them because they carry items that other stores won't ship to the US and you can pay with paypal.

>> No.23367810

Even if we through countries worth of money to the onahole industry what we'll probably get is more Tengas. Those dick sucking machines are just made for sperm donation. Considering that many males do just fine with their hands, I don't expect anything much from those things(unless you have a fetish for machines of course).

>> No.23367814

I stick a tampon in for a while to soak up excess fluid, and then stick an air pump tube into the deepest part and leave it for a while. I also have a humidity gauge thing to stick in there to check if it's fully try. It works.

>> No.23367824

>puni ana dx
>hard to dry
Did you mean the SPDX? The DX has a convinient endhole that allows you to pass a towel or paper through the holes to easily clean and dry them
The G project one works aight, just be sure to leave it to dry after using it. Also be sure to squeeze it while its in the toy and don't leave it in for any longer than 30-45 sec or else the inside becomes so dry it might stick to the internal material and might tear if you pull it out too hard
t. DX owner

>> No.23367847

>air pump tube
Do you then pump air in/out of it or does the tube simply allow air to flow better?

My DX doesn't have an exit hole for the cunt, which may or may not be a defect, though I've heard other people report it too. Thanks for the rec and advice. I might go with the DNA stick since it seems a little bigger too, but I definitely wouldn't have thought it could dry something out that much.

>> No.23367856

It's a water pump thing. It just shoots air out of a tube. I stick the tube into the deepest part so air flows throw it outwards. I honestly have no idea if it's a good idea or not, but my humidity gauge says it's dry after.

>> No.23367869 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 540x540, 1586233456333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone try the puni ana kiwami? Im debating picking one up but I want to know other people's opinion before I make the leap.

>> No.23367882
File: 111 KB, 1200x1200, 1558086703971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how you pose that ass with various trinkets. It's a cute quirk.

Anyway, yeah, drying as much as you can with a microfiber and then stuffing a drying stick in a hole [larger toys with cavities take around 30 mins for complete drying] will help you immensely.
I own a torso with cavities most japs couldn't dream of topping and it's rough drying %99+ of the moisture if you don't know what you are doing.

This might be helpful regarding drying sticks:

>> No.23367887

Both holes are connected on the DX.

>> No.23367895
File: 914 KB, 526x607, Really Makes You Think.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do those work better than those drying sticks?

>> No.23367906

Most likely but they sure as hell are gonna cost you more in the long run. The drying sticks, if used properly, will last a while.

>> No.23367955
File: 20 KB, 245x200, 1565059641635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have experience with Zemalias? The Daina's been so much better than everything else I've tried with how solid the TPE is and the rings inside but it smells thickly of chemicals, like really bad. Also I used it for 2 hours straight once cause it made my dick numb and it stayed that way and wouldn't even go down for another hour. Might just be suffocation from the rings though.This is my second one since the first started wearing down and it was never like this. It's really good but dick cancer sounds really embarrassing to have to deal with

>> No.23367968

Pretty much and also what>>23367343
said. Most states don't care, even if some of them are """illegal""", because they got more dire issues than worrying about some fatass neckbeard downloading Japanese cartoon children.

>> No.23367984

Wash it a few times with scented dish soap. Some onas I will soak in hot soapy water for an hour or so and that usually works.

>> No.23367985

>they got more dire issues than worrying about some fatass neckbeard downloading Japanese cartoon children
sensible though-processing but the law does not see it that way. when they do decide to punish, they hold no punches.

>> No.23367987

>would some people rather have less to clean afterwards and decide to pull out?
Some would, but some are dumb. You're still getting precum, sweat, and dead skin in the hole so you'll need to clean it all the same. Even if you use a condom you have to clean the lube out so there's no point.

>> No.23367994

Nobody gives a shit about cartoons in America.

>> No.23368010

im no lawyer but i imagine if they decide to hold no punches, then you must have done something worse than jack off to japanese cartoon children

>> No.23368020

You could use mineral oil as lube, or use a female condom.

>> No.23368045

I've given it a dozen or so light washes from just cleaning it each time but I guess I've never really soaked it, thanks I'll try that.

>> No.23368223

Mineral oil doesn't solve anything and condoms ruin the experience of using the hole (and you may still have to clean because female condoms are known to fall in) because you don't want to take 2 minutes to clean. Nope

>> No.23368252

How long until someone designs a self cleaning onahole? like seriously I'd pay the sex doll price for a fucking hole I can fuck anytime and not bother cleaning if it's pleasurable enough.

>> No.23368253

Have you put any though into how a self cleaning onahole would work? I dont thinks its possible

>> No.23368266

How much does an onahole affect sensitivity compared to your hands? I've heard people on other boards suggest an onahole to relieve deathgrip but does it actually work?

>> No.23368280

Couldn't one that opens and closes vertically like butterfly wings make it easier cleaning if the seam were made to be undetectable from the inside?

>> No.23368286

well yeah but it wouldnt be a self cleaning onahole, itd just be easier to clean

>> No.23368294 [DELETED] 

Different anon here>>23368280, sorry

>> No.23368394
File: 2.70 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20200407_134550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that bad for 7 dollars desu

>> No.23368407

put googly eyes on it

>> No.23368419

has anyone tried any of those tamatoy smell bottles? i've been considering ordering the stockings one but do they actually smell like anything?

>> No.23368433
File: 31 KB, 1326x812, onahole cleanstation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit man I'm no engineer, but you could have some sort of standarized cleaning station, it would take too much space and only be useful for cleaning onaholes, but if it's a very simple hole/insert a box where you place the insert and some basic robot arms perform a routine with presured water/soap and air doesn't seem impossible, just very awkward to have and really hard to market, but not impossible to fabricate by any means. I'm sure some super smart nip can figure it out and make everyones lives easier.

>> No.23368464

The more you spent on it the more you'll want to believe it smells like what it's supposed to, but you never will.

>> No.23368532

Don't think it was tamatoy but I had a smell bottle and it would probably just dry up and lose smell after about 3 minutes unless you drenched the pillow/doll, wasn't worth desu

>> No.23368923

Is there any major difference between the R-20 PUNI and the R-20 Third Gen. If so, which one is the best ?

>> No.23369303

Why would you want a small ona?

>> No.23369322

The length seems average to me

>> No.23369492
File: 197 KB, 1171x1733, 1578366334147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing i dont like about some of these models is the chopped off leg stubs.

I prefer the rounded leg stubs.

But eh, its an onahole.

>> No.23369536

any opinions on the Puni Ana DX Kiwami

>> No.23369541

Go through the old threads, they're all linked in the OP. ctrl+f Kiwami

>> No.23369548

dont see a review lmao

>> No.23369559

Keep going.

>> No.23369560
File: 42 KB, 460x417, 1578361845076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is pretty heavy for a hip.

Just go with it.

>> No.23369617 [SPOILER] 
File: 11 KB, 256x256, 1586254447765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rock and Rule antagonist onahole.


>> No.23369656


>> No.23370182

looked through the recommendations in the OP and i'm about to buy this, anything else i should check out first?

>> No.23370395

What an alpha

>> No.23370716

I recommend you get a drying stick and microfiber cloth else end up like this guy >>23367782

>> No.23370736
File: 2.01 MB, 3968x2976, 15862639951164931346578723774214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23370916

i`m learning just that, i`m more concerned about the material more than anything because they can cause infections and other nasty things. Searching a little looks like RTV silicone is the best bet, but i really dont know.
Mind sharing what material do you use?

>> No.23371532

You just have to be careful ordering from him because like what the other guy said who replied to you, their prices fluctuate. One item my be one price one day, then it'll shoot up by $5 the next day. It's crazy. If you feel that you're paying too much for one product on that site, the big chance is that it most likely is.

>> No.23371589

The bast way to relieve deathgrip is to simply not fap.
But onaholes can help depending on what you get. Try to lean towards softer ones and get thinner lube. If you do order one, then try not to fap from the moment you order until after you receive it.

>> No.23372165

So i've used about 1/3 of my onaytsyu lube, are you saying I could fill it back up with water?

>> No.23372458 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 774x735, 1586281550319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the deal with this hole? It looks like a rip off of the puni ana dx

>> No.23372493

That's because it is.

>> No.23372519

Got a link? If I can get it on amazon I'll compare it to the DX and Maki

>> No.23372558

Imagine make a hip so good more than other company rips off your design

>> No.23372760

to an extent. too much water, will simply make it, well, watery and unfit to be used as lube.

>> No.23372835 [SPOILER] 
File: 64 KB, 670x670, 1586285384192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>45 lbs of tits
>costs as much as some dolls

I feel like this is just complete overkill. Unless it's reinforced somehow, the sheer size would make handling and longevity a serious issue.

>> No.23372959

just say it like this: "It's for stress relief"

>> No.23373134

It'd be less stigmatizing to get a sexdoll, to be honest. I'd still cope two of those and use them as pillows, if I were making hundreds per day.

>> No.23373337

Good luck breaking into the over saturated iba market

>> No.23373339
File: 85 KB, 400x300, chichifueta-rocket-0_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things are only for the top 1% of huge oppai fans. Unless you're hung like a pornstar, I don't even see how you can paizuri these titans at all.

>> No.23373390
File: 91 KB, 600x613, 1492709257353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't even get clothes for these.

>> No.23373419

Nice ona, which one is it?

>> No.23373773

I'm 7 inches and I think they'd be fine if you were like 6. I think they're absolutely fucking amazing, but I am a massive tit-fuck fan so you do have to be really into it. It's not like they don't provide decent stimuli, but at least half of it is mental, and just the feeling of having so much oppai-weight slapping against your crotch.

>not working out specifically so you can man-handle 45 lbs of tits

>> No.23373820

I feel like these thing are for the fantasy of that milf who's so stacked your dick just vanishes in her cleavage. I'm talking full perpendicular paizuri where you tip can't even reach her chest.

>> No.23373823
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Saw it on Aliexpress.com, costs about 70 dollars. Any thoughts about it?

>> No.23373828

You actually own a pair of these monsters? Got any pics for a size ref?

>> No.23373908

Is OtonaJPs EU Shop just as bad and unreliable?

>> No.23373951 [DELETED] 

what dimensions?

>> No.23373981 [DELETED] 

nvm i found it on facebook of all places

about 8". there are other versions too.

fb /pg/icat520me/posts/

>> No.23374185

Give me a bit and I'll bust out all my shit. The Rockets are easily my best/favorite ona-related purchase.

>> No.23374261
File: 46 KB, 411x689, b68b4afed3e3dd2621a270a1f7a187a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does putting an onahole on a daki make using it feel so much better? Is it the whole psychological aspect of it?

>> No.23374507

I find thrusting my hips rather than moving my hand is what makes the difference.

>> No.23374559

Well, i made the mistake of buying a silicone hole based on a design that i really liked, and unfortunately it came really large and really loose. Like so loose that you can finger it and have a lot of air room to move around in unlike and ona which always feels like its hugging your finger.
I havent even used it and i can already tell this wont be fun to use.

So unless you have a really large member, i do not suggest buying from dirtyinternettoys on etsy.

>> No.23374571

Pretty much the entire philosophy for larger toys. The closer you get to feeling like actual sex, the better it should feel.

>> No.23374575

>i do not suggest buying from etsy.
Good thing most of us are not teenage girls.

>> No.23374606

I had that and the Lolinco Virgo and the latter felt a lot more mindblowing. Big Rina is more durable though, but the first few times you use the Lolinco Virgo just feels heavenly, and it's by no means bad after that, even when a lot of the inner layer has been destroyed.

>> No.23374625

>putting an onahole on a daki

>> No.23374673
File: 1.67 MB, 1140x1200, 47984f0b5e9720869661e49a80ba8769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put towel over the crotch area or wherever you want to place the onahole so you don't get juices dripping
place onahole on top of towel
strap onahole to daki using a belt or another towel that you tie on
lube up, insert penis, and enjoy

Thrusting as opposed to just stroking using your hand gives you an entirely different sensory experience, it's pretty amazing.

>> No.23374824

>robotic arm
>implying anyone could afford a good robotic arm
No, but this seems like a good idea or just something to build.

>> No.23374894

>full perpendicular paizuri where you tip can't even reach her chest
WELP now I have to go buy it.

>> No.23374899

They have a series of these
I like the ones with the catgirl type outfit

>> No.23375079
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This is the 4th usb heater that breaks. Do i keep bothering myself buying these, or is there a better way to heat onaholes?

I don't feel like dumping 20$ for the detachable cable model

>> No.23375150

You could spend like $15 on repair equipment to keep those heaters running indefinitely, just switch to hot water (with a cooler), or get an electric blanket. To knowledge, there aren't any actually good internal heaters out there.

>> No.23375584

Does the lube come in descret packaging as well? How much would you say an onahole is better than hand masterbation?

>> No.23375609

>Does the lube come in descret packaging as well?
>How much would you say an onahole is better than hand masterbation?
100 times better but the cleanup is a bother sometimes.

>> No.23375623

>How much would you say an onahole is better than hand masterbation?
Much better, don't be surprised if your first orgasm leaves you so weak at the knees you can't walk for a bit after. Each pump of an onahole is almost like a mini-orgasm honestly that you build up into a huge one.

>> No.23375639

Do you have one?

>> No.23375650

>venus real and venus clone only available in hard

Is there any other option that compare to them in soft?

>> No.23376046

Thank you for the recommendations
>try not to fap from the moment you order until after you receive it.
Not possible sarge

>> No.23376072

anon, you can do it, trust me, a 10-15 day abstinence for a new hole will make your next 3 fap sessions near godly, no fooling around with the dick either, not just not cumming.

>> No.23376073
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once I nofapped two weeks before using one and came in three thrusts, it was kinda not worth it to only get to enjoy it for 5 seconds even if it did almost make me pass out when I came.

>> No.23376264

Not really. Do not buy hard, just wait for them to come back in stock.

>> No.23376671

Is there like a /jp/ hall of fame for ona's?
Just something to get me started, seems like there's a lot of variation and I don't wanna screw it up

>> No.23377701
File: 134 KB, 1200x900, ezgif-1-48f27693e39d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking of caving in and buying this anyone got bad opinions?

>> No.23378039

Just depends on your budget. These are all good starters.

>> No.23378446

there's nothing in the guide and an anon warned me in the faphero thread, so I seek your knowledge:
I planned on getting a Fleshlight Launch and modify it, so it could fit an onahole of my choice, however I was told that it's massively overpriced and that a leten A380 or similar electric piston device would be the better choice.
to my knowledge, those don't work with the standardized scripts passed around for jav, hentai and fap hero videos tho.
is there a recommended device (which will either fit an ona of my choice or something standalone) which will jerk me off, motorized, with the force of a thousand suns?
Quarantine is getting to me and I need this.

>> No.23378996


New Thread, cause dummy OP forgot to reply to old thread.
