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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2331517 No.2331517 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, I'm curious.

Do you want to have a girlfriend?

I did before, but after coming here and stuff...I'm not really interesting in having one right now. Maybe later in my life, but now just doesn't seem like the time. I do want children at some point.

What I'm wondering is if this is a phenomenon caused by our 2D interests.

>> No.2331536

go inside your monitor, Bangkok

>> No.2331528

I have one but she doesn't seem to want to come out of the monitor.

>> No.2331537

I think you just mean you don't like anyone now. If you had a girlfriend / want kids / etc then your opinion hasn't been changed by /jp/. As soon as a girl you like comes along, you won't try to argue for your "2D interest" nonsense.

>> No.2331542
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>> No.2331548
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>> No.2331553

Not really, i'm overweight and really self-concious.

Maybe when I get off my ass and do something about my appearance i'll want a 3D girlfriend. Infact, I know I will.

>> No.2331571


Yes, but if a girl was interested in you right now, would you go for her?


>> No.2331574

Looking for a girlfriend that I could stand would be like looking for gold in a mine of shit. I'd rather not get my hands dirty looking but it'd be nice to come across one.

>> No.2331581

I want Femanon of /jp/ to be my girlfriend.

>> No.2331584

A girlfriend would be cool and all but then she'd want to spend all my money.. I ain't having that no sir!

>> No.2331585

Don't think i'd have it in me to actually take her up on it.

It'd probably give me a fuckload of inspiration to start purging fat, though.

>> No.2331593

>I do want children at some point.
I wonder that noone yet pointed it out.

>> No.2331586

Somebody post that youtube link about the 2D girl in the monitor, etc.

>> No.2331603

My first meeting with you was in a small room full of boxes
Your spectacled eyes were shining with anticipation
After that, one month passed...
...the two of us alone all day long
Even though I am from a different world,
you were so kind to me.

I'm so sorry, I can't get outside the screen
I am a two-dimensional girl
No matter how strong my feelings,
I can't be touched by you.

I'm so sorry, I can't tell you my real feelings
I am a two-dimensional girl
I can only talk to you through predetermined lines
But what I want to get across to you is how glad I am that we have met.

The first time you showed me your love was through your save files
You didn't cheat on me with other girls, you looked only at me
After that, one month passed...
...and your feelings moved to another game you pulled out of a box and began to install.

That's right, huh? Games have an ending...
I am a two-dimensional girl
No matter how much I may yearn for you,
the moment you get tired it's over.

I'm so sorry, I was just dreaming
I am a two-dimensional girl
I wanted to experience happiness with you in the outside world...
even if only a moment.

But at least remember me, OK?
Just how glad I am that you loved me.

>> No.2331606

OP is just confused.
He will soon have his eyes opened to the beauty of 2D

>> No.2331612

I am not sure really. I try really hard to do things to get one. I dress nice, work out, and go out to bars, but I don't ever have any luck. My lack of success with women eats at me. Its just the loneliness getting to me I guess. Things might be better if I had some friends.

>> No.2331613

I love you ponpo-kun, even if we're both guys...

>> No.2331623

I want a submissive girlfriend who I can rape and hit.

>> No.2331626

Went out on a date a few weeks back, mostly because I needed the brush with other humans and I get easily bored.
Predictably, I wasn't interested. Just another girl, blabbing on about things I don't care and not knowing what the hell I'm talking about.

Seem to have some odd charm on females, she wants to go out again. I'm not interested. It's boring work for a minimal reward that humans somehow agreed is worth more than anything. Not any better than monkeys hoped up on endorphins. Junkies, how I hate them all.

>> No.2331630

real world sucks
if you're lucky you'll find someone who agrees
...if you talk to a girl about anime and video games often, does that count
wait i can answer that, FUCK NO

>> No.2331638

i'm a femanon on /jp/ but let's face it all girls on 4chan are fat and ugly we can't go up against those 2D girls you adore

>> No.2331643
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I want my girlfriend to be like Ran. Cook, clean, love our children once we were married. I think shorthair looks dykeish in RL though so I don't know about that.

But lets get serious here, anyone saying they don't want someone else to spend time with is lying and has issues with fear and rejection. I'm sure everyone would love to have someone...but she has to be a certain type of person, and theres nothing wrong with that.

>> No.2331649

>I want my girlfriend to be like Ran. Cook, clean, love our children once we were married.
not canon

>> No.2331668

Losing weight is fucking ridiculously easy. Go to /fit/ if you're too lazy to google diet and workout plans.

Stop being a faggot. The longer you sit on the ass the longer you'll be fat. That's less time getting poon and enjoying life.

>> No.2331667

I want my girlfriend to be like Ran. Bring stray kittens home, solve difficult mathematical problems, tend the borders, shoot danmaku.

>> No.2331670

2D waifu's don't interest me that much and even less does the 3D equivalent. I'm not bad looking, just average. I can force a popular personality when I'm outside and I'm generally well liked, but most people are just annoying to be around and I'd rather be alone. The only reason i would want a girlfriend would be for her to carry my offspring so that i can pass on my genes, which seems like the only reason to my existence. Women are just too annoying and clinging, so i don't know if it's worth it. Maybe i should just donate sperm instead or something. Or maybe rape little brown girls.

>> No.2331675

Yeah, sure I'd like a girlfriend.

The girl I talk with the most is very outgoing, has lots of friends, loves dancing and parties, and such stuff.
Basically, she's the complete opposite of me in a lot of ways, but if she wanted to be my girlfriend, I'd humbly accept.

>> No.2331676

Femanon of /jp/ is pretty nice, but I prefer Remilia Scarlet !!0l42/w//XuF.

You're wrong. There is at least one cute, not ugly and not fat.

>> No.2331679
File: 81 KB, 655x471, shameimaruza0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she even drawfags for me. But /jp/ knows all about my life already. ಠ3ಠ

This. A lack of interest doesn't mean you wont take the chance if it's given to you. This isn't caused by 2D interests, just by simple logic of someone who is fine with being single/tired of trying to find a girl. Once the chance comes, you'll take it.

And there's a difference between finding someone you actually give a shit about and would want a serious relationship with, and finding someone you just want to bone who is horribly uninteresting and a waste of time aside from her overused vagina.

Short hair is always best. Dykes have fucking too-short hair, normal short is still very tomboyish (so adorable basically) and never crosses into dyke territory.

tl;dr - dont bother reading my post because it's shit just like you. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.2331683

I have (had) a few girlfriends, but like you're implying OP.
So... yeah. I want one. Physical contact seems interesting.

Ran > Yukari > The rest

>> No.2331689

I don't have the inspiration. I'm not that big, but i'm so unfit that i'm out of breath and sweating after 3-4 minutes of casual walking. Cardio is bad enough for me, I don't want to even think about proper workout sessions.

>> No.2331694


>> No.2331696

Yes. I'm not one of the socially retarded touhoufags of this board.

I'm not a virgin.

>> No.2331715

Saved for future copypasta.

>> No.2331712

walk for 30-40 minutes every day and you'll be laughing, alot of people are that unfit, don't let it get you down

resistance training/weight lifting/whatever you want to call it isn't nearly as bad as cardio in my books, give it a try, you'll be surprised

by far the hardest part is cutting the shit food and drink

>> No.2331717

Oh god, just get out already

>> No.2331719


>> No.2331728

I'm not socially retarded either, and yet i am a virgin. It's just that women are annoying to be around and I'm too good a person to take advantage of them. On top of that, I'm mostly asexual.

>> No.2331739

Oh anon, you're making me blush.

>> No.2331746
File: 468 KB, 1000x1000, 15e013a75f34f8aba55cb05ba2b377b162e35f20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just start slow and work your way up. Whenever you get the inspiration, just act on it right there and then. There must be moments where you just get inspired out of nowhere. Get up and do some physical activity. If you've got a flight or two of stairs near you, you're good to go.

>> No.2331773

I hate people, IF a girl would be intrested in me I would just tell her to go and die or something.

>> No.2331833

I did something similar when i went to middle/high school. Several girls confessed to me, but i ignored all of them. I thought that if they actually had fallen in love, they would try to explain it to me or something. 3 girls actually did it at once, once. No shit. But i just thought they were ridiculing me or something. Apparently not, but it was pretty unfair, mean and stupid to do it at once. Even if i did answer them, i would have to reject 2 of them, and they were good friends too.

>> No.2331855

The real world is cruel, /jp/. Real friends are extremely rare, and girlfriends who genuinely suit you are like one in a billion ;_;

>> No.2331867

I want ponpo-kun to be my onee-sama.

>> No.2331874

No I don't want one.
I'd rather enjoy my time.
The only people I like to share my time with is my family.
