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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2328680 No.2328680 [Reply] [Original]

Who else has a new desktop companion?

>> No.2328690

Why'd you have to screen the fucking goodnight /jp/ thread?

>> No.2328700

I don't think it would go well with my p4 can take it.

>> No.2328701
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Three that I never use.

>> No.2328705


>> No.2328706
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Why not?

>> No.2328707

At least he's reporting it.

>> No.2328708

>I don't like them and my p4 will lag anyways.

>> No.2328711

He screencapped himself reporting it, you twit.

>> No.2328717

Sorry didn't see the reporting at first. Carry on.

>> No.2328718

I also reported that thread.

>> No.2328731

Wouldn't she get in the way of reading the quality threads on /jp/?

>> No.2328733

What program is this?

>> No.2328736

This sounds like a benefit.

>> No.2328743

Read the guy's task bar you blindfag.

>> No.2328747

>quality threads on /jp/

>> No.2328753

It looks like she's laughing with you as you report that annoying tripfag.

We're so close to virtual waifus that I can taste it.

>> No.2328756

It's a desktop thing from Illusion they're using to promote their next game, @Home Mate.


>> No.2328757

When are they going to make one of these that actually does something? I want to see one carrying files to the recycle bin then I delete them, or tidying up my desktop when I rearrange the order.

>> No.2328765

I don't have one because I'm not a faggot.

>> No.2328770

>I don't have one because I'm a faggot.

I bet you don't draw anime either, or know what image I'm referring to.

>> No.2328777



>> No.2328784

I myself know what image you are referring to, as I have been here for two days.

>> No.2328789


where do you go when you need a guide for a game

>> No.2328792

Because cheatcc has much better FAQs.

>> No.2328794

Goddamn annoying fucking goodnight threads.

Fucking hell.

>> No.2328798

Only pussies need guides. Besides you tellin me he needs 5 of them?

>> No.2328807

So he can finish the game 5 times faster.

>> No.2328812
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>> No.2328817 [DELETED] 


looks like they're all of the same game for me

>> No.2328821

My point exactly.

>> No.2328828

I'm not using the message boards to chat you faggot, and everyone knows GameFAQS has the best guides even if the community is shit. In fact, it has the same community as 4chan these days, anyways.

- Max Social Guide
- Persona Database for fusing
- Walkthrough for boss strategies when shit gets annoying and I don't feel like rewatching a 30-min cutscene if I get gimped
- Guide for farming persona skills
- Max social link guide... opened in another tab for some reason

They're all necessary.

>> No.2328831


It looks like a persona game so have fun trying to figure out everything in it by yourself

>> No.2328836


Ukagaka seem to be able to do a few things but my moons so bad I don't understand what they're saying half the time

>> No.2328840


>Max social link guide

This for example, this is a very necessary guide

>> No.2328858

Yea I use a max social link guide too.

>> No.2328870

Do people seriously play P3/P4 more than once?

People say not to use to max social link guide for the first playthrough which leaves me thoroughly confused.

The damn games are each ~120 hours, how could anyone bare to play through them more than once?

>> No.2328890

120 hours? I'm 3/5ths through the game and I'm at 35 hours.

>> No.2328896

Where can I get the desktop companion?

>> No.2328897

You do something BERRY wrong if it takes more than 60-65 hours.
UNLESS you try to do EVERYTHING in the 1st playthrough, which means grinding, re-shuffling through noise or you are generally a slow fuck.

>> No.2328900

Replaying is actually pretty short.

>> No.2328903


My first was about 105 hours and I tried to do everything. It's about par with jrpgs if you include extra stuff.

I never did new game+ though, got frustrated and gave up after I failed to finish aeon slink in my first playthrough because I missed one fucking day with aigis. This is why you need guides.

>> No.2328911

I'm a completionist.

I follow the social guide strictly and whenever I'm fusing I always try to get the best possible skills even if i means hitting back and forward for 10 minutes. That also means grinding to finish the dungeons in 1 day.

It's probably not worth the effort, but at least I know I did everything possible and got my money's worth. I'm cheaper than your average Jew and have the salary of a poor college student.

>> No.2328946
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I played through half of P3 when FES came out, so I dropped it and started over with FES so the game seemed twice as long. I haven't played P4 yet, my sister said it sucked but she doesn't know about my morbid attraction to girls with long dark hair.

>> No.2328956

Your sister is a cunt. P4 does not suck. Granted I've not finished it all the way through, and I've only played 7 hours of P3.

>> No.2328961

It sucks if you were expecting the same thing as P3. My brother loved P3, and while he doesn't hate P4, he does think it is incredibly silly and definitely not as good as P3.

>> No.2328964

From what I've heard though, the protagonist in P3 is really lame. And when I was playing as him, he looked far too emo for me. Also I love the whole unique dungeon designs in P4 compared to the tower in P3.

>> No.2328968


P3 in general is just standard SMT bullshit. Although watered down. Megaten in general is great but P3 is average.

P4 is above-average. But the more than half of the main cast annoys the piss out of me. Let's just say Naoto, Chie, and Teddie in his Bear Suit are the only redeeming teammates.

>> No.2328970
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Her basic complaints were that it's a rehash of P3, but I think that since P4 has an Akiha, a tomboy and a reverse trap than it must be at least decent. I've played through all of P3 and FES's The Answer so I'm pretty used to everything looking the same by now.

>> No.2328976

Are you guys playing the fucking dub or what?

>> No.2328977

I haven't finished P4 but it feels like there's less content and it's not really as immersive. Also, it has no Junpei.

Granted, the comedy is much better aside from those camera snippets in P3. I think of it as a more laid-back, normalfaggy version of P3.

>> No.2328981

>P4 has an Akiha

It most certainly does not.

>> No.2328984


I am because the JP voices sucked. There I said it.

>> No.2328990
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long dark hair + hairband, I wasn't referring to her personality or breasts.

>> No.2328992


Oh, my bad.

>> No.2328996

What's Bocky?

>> No.2328997

If you follow guides from the very start, you are a faggot, not a completionist.

>> No.2328999


Yes, because I'd rather a mediocre dub than a great Japanese voice cast. The honorific deal really doesn't bother me at all.

>> No.2329001

Really? I couldn't even sit through the dub it was so bad. Not to mention the translation wasn't that great.

>> No.2329005

Looks emo(due to hair?)=is emo.
The guy is a silent lead.
If you perceive him as emo, you are either one or play him as one.

>> No.2329010


The Japanese voice cast was shit. Nothing new at all and the voices were annoying.

Yosuke sounded okay.
Chie sound way too high-pitched.
Yukiko is annoying.
Kanji is Domon.
Rise hurts my ears.
Naoto is a shitty character from Bleach.

>> No.2329013


>the protagonist in P3 is really lame

The MC in P3 is YOU in almost every sense of the word. He does not think nor even shows his emotions like P4's. How he acts is up to you.

But even so,whoever calls P3's MC lame is a massive uncurable faggot.

>> No.2329015


General weeabooism ahoy?

>> No.2329017

Yea sorry, but I prefer the cast I'm familiar with, with va's like Yui Horie and Rie Kugimiya than some English guys I've never even heard of.

>> No.2329020

The fact that you have barely heard the voice actors in different roles seems to be a problem (I think of Loran more than captain faggot), but OPINIONS,OPINIONS.

Boths dubs have good points, you just have to decide what annoys you less.

>> No.2329021


The dub would've been perfect had it not been for Lowenthal's bullshit. And you go to /jp/, chances are you're a weeaboo who can't appreciate his native language. And how was the translation not great? The only problem there was, was Atlus not translating the honorifics.

>> No.2329022
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I wish it were this easy.

>> No.2329023

Undub version came out pretty quickly so screw dubs.

>> No.2329026

If you have never heard of Bosh or Lowenthal, you have never played/watched a single dub in your life, which I find doubtful.

>> No.2329028


>Both dubs

There were two dubs?

I was under the impression there was the Original JP version and the English dub.

>> No.2329034

DUB in general means putting voice that corresponds to text.
Thus, the original and the English one

>> No.2329037


Maybe I just don't care about these things but even with all the anime I've watched I can't identify VAs by voice alone and I have no favorites. The only ones I can recognize are George Nakata and Norio Wakamoto. Whenever George Nakata talks I press my headphones closer to my ears to absorb all of it.

>> No.2329038


The Undub is for weeaboo faggots who can't appreciate the beauty of the English language.

And I'm on /jp/ so I'm probably in a minority here.

>> No.2329040
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>Romi Paku

>> No.2329042

Unless you actually SPEAK Japanese, there's really no reason to play the undub since it's really not that bad.

I also watch the FMP dubs instead of the subs because they're better. Sometimes English is better just for the convenience so you don't have to read everything and can understand the cutscenes. I can't tell you how many times I just closed my eyes and listened to the conversation on auto because they were boring.

>> No.2329044


Dub means to change the original audio with a new one.

There is only one dub.

>> No.2329045

Then you have not watched enough, or simply can't understand absolute shit of tones and expressions of a foreign language, in which point complaining about which is better is MOOT.

>> No.2329046


I'm sorry, but you don't know JYB, Yuri Lowenthal, Amanda Winn Lee, Troy Baker, or Laura Bailey? You can't get bigger name VAs than that. In that case, then you probably have never watched a single dub ever. And, if that is indeed the case, you're the standard narrow-minded, shortsighted weeaboo that gives those of us in the legitimate fandom a bad name.

>> No.2329048


She's the same fucking character in every role. She's awful.

>> No.2329054

Well I generally don't care that much about honorific but there were several things that annoyed me about the translation. First being the pointless swearing they add in for reasons I'm unaware of. Another would be how they change the way some characters refer to each other (Yosuke and Chie are not on a first name basis for example, or Yosuke simply calls Yukiko by her last name with no honorific and they change it by having him call her by her first name and actually adding an honorific.) etc.

>> No.2329055


FMP as in full metal panic right?

how can you enjoy that dub

>> No.2329058


George Nakata is the only JP VA I actually care to differentiate from others. And that's because he sounds so sexy.

>> No.2329063

Which you prefer, has nothing to do with appreciating the beauty of either language (both suck balls either way).
Both have good and bad points.

If you like/dislike one solely because of it's origin, you are an idiot.

>> No.2329066

Why would I watch any dub? I generally watch shows when they are new and not yet dubbed. I'm not about to go rewatch the English dub for no reason.

>> No.2329071

I'll never understand VAfags. I don't get why people would bother researching voices for anime and VNs.

>> No.2329072


When people are pissed, they swear. This is natural. And that second part is localization. They were trying to translate it for American's, not Japanophiles.

>> No.2329073

who's that squeaky bitch who played tessa in the FMP dub she's in every ADV dub ever and I want to rape that voice out of her throat.

>> No.2329075

It's tolerable. One of the benefits of a dub in a language you understand is that you can do something else while "watching" it. Ruins the point, but it's convenient.

>> No.2329076

No comment...

>> No.2329078

Shittiest argument yet.

>> No.2329081


I don't dislike the Japanese language. I dislike Japanese voice actors because most of them sound the fucking same.

Nobuyuki Hiyama and George Nakata are two I'm willing to exempt from that.

>> No.2329096
File: 29 KB, 486x339, hijackharrisonford-mr_brett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, this thread isn't even remotely close to the original topic anymore.

>> No.2329098

I'm talking adding in swearing where there wasn't even anything comparable to it. I'm sorry if I find it odd that the Japanese rating for the game is 12+, and the American is 17+. I don't mind localisation if you're consistent. I mean, they keep in shit like senpai and san and chan, but then they switch around first names and last names and stuff.

>> No.2329104


Because Americans would find it rather strange that the last name is first and the first name is last. And in all honesty it confused me with the MC's first name and last name in the manga.

And I'm pretty sure in the JP version they yelled and got angry and said words that expressed their anger. We over here in the good ol' USA use swear words to express our anger. It's the same damn thing.

>> No.2329108

How is it possible that Harrison Ford isn't President yet?

Our election system is shit. Screw this Obama faggot and screw that twit Palin and that hack with Alzheimer's.

>> No.2329111


And if you're referring how in the JP version they referred to each other in the last names, then don't ask me. I honestly don't care that much.

>> No.2329116


Because the man knows if he ran for President he would demolish the competition. A real man looks for a challenge.

>> No.2329117

I played the undub. I know when swearing is added in for no real reason. And about the namings, of course americans might think it weird that people are referring to each other by last names, but they don't think its weird that they use words like senpai? If I wasn't into anime and all that I would have no idea what that meant while playing.

>> No.2329122

The 17+ rating came mostly for DICK IN A CHARIOT, NIPPLES, subtle alcohol reference etc.
Not for teh ADDED swearing.
American ones have the exact same problem, but whatever.

>> No.2329124


I honestly wondered what Atlus was thinking at this point, too. I raged when I realized they were keeping the honorifics. It made no sense.

>> No.2329125

Well, I'm a person that doesn't care too much about the dub. As long as it doesn't grate my ears like English moe (some Japanese moe as well), then I have no problem with it. Then again, I grew up watching shows that were dubbed over by the same two-three people and have even experienced shows that were dubbed over by only one person. American dubs are lucky for being able to afford so much.

>> No.2329127

Shut the hell up you goddamn jackass faggot.

Take your shitty crap-filled crackpot theories elsewhere you uppity douchebag nigger.

>> No.2329131

There are about 8 honorifics used, and they are explained in the manual.

>> No.2329132


No. I can actually differ between two American VA's every time. I can't do that with Japanese because almost all of them sound the fucking same!

>> No.2329136


I didn't rage at all. Maybe I'm not a weeaboo but I just don't give a shit either way. Have them call each other by military ranks, I don't care.

>> No.2329137


Isn't it your bed time?

>> No.2329139

I'd mostly attribute it due to you not being able to understand the language at ALL, to the point different voices sound like the same 'CHING CHANG CHOONG' to you, rather than the VA skill.

>> No.2329140

You're telling me a game full of words like shit would get a teen rating if not for the sexual stuff? I doubt it.

>> No.2329144


I do. It defeats the purpose of localizing if you keep the fucking honorifics.


This is also a factor.

>> No.2329147

I'd say the only factor.
The game got a 17+ rating to a PENIS alone.
Thuss, you are free to add shit or bitch without a problem to relay the same message.

>> No.2329152

The last person I want to here that from is a tripfag.

I've been listening to Cartman all day, cut me some slack.

>> No.2329159


This game did not get a M to Penis alone. Arcana Heart got a T and it had nipples. Take in Kanji and Rise's dungeon, Naoto's Reverse Trapness, Ardha, Satan, and all types of other shit.

>> No.2329164



Go to sleep, boy.

>> No.2329177

Am I the only one who's GLAD they cut down on honorifics for P4?

Everyone was accusing P3 for being overly weeaboo with all the honorifics and naming scheme, but when they cut it out you people argue that they might as well keep them in since it's a weeaboo game and everyone would understand them. Make up your damn minds.

>> No.2329178

Well, of course.
Religious themes alone makes you wonder how people do not complain (especially Nocturne).
But you get my point.
Shit is like the 11th reason for the rating.

Implied sex, gods and devils and nudity rank higher

>> No.2329179

>Arcana Heart got a T and it had nipples.

Yeah, just like it had pantyshots.


>> No.2329184

>DevilKing !WNk8lcyPqE

After you.

>> No.2329188


Cool trolling, but dubs for games/anime are generally more appreciated by casuals and lower power levels.

Casuals have little exposure to the Japanese language and thus do not care and/or are ignorant about its intricacies. These people (you) would obviously receive more enjoyment out of a dub in their own language.

It's cool that you prefer dubs, but with that you're also admitting your pathetic power level. I'm going to have to ask you to leave /jp/ when Newfriend Weekend is over.

>> No.2329194

I didn't notice any less honorifics in Persona 4. If anything the game was more Japanese. They cut out referring the characters being in certain 'grades' at school, and called it first second and third year like in Japan.

>> No.2329199


Come on, bro. You should know the reason of this by now.


It's because these are niche titles and aren't really advertised.

>> No.2329200

I'm pretty sure Rise's dungeon by itself would give it the M rating.

The background music alone gave me a boner while grinding.

>> No.2329209


Is there a process to get shitty tripfags like you to leave, too?

>> No.2329210

Wasn't the background just like 'Can you make the music louder' or something?

>> No.2329215

>Rise's dungeon

I lol'd a bit.

>> No.2329217


wait where are the nipples in arcana heart I never noticed

>> No.2329219


I watch and play plenty of shit with Japanese voices in it. I don't need to live in Japan to have exposure to Japanese voices.

And what's with this power level shit?


At least I'm not hiding like a pussy.

>> No.2329222
File: 751 KB, 1600x2745, fjmreiognre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pathetic power level

Haha, no.

>> No.2329225


If you look carefully at Heart's Arcana you can see nips.

>> No.2329235


Dear lord.

>> No.2329239

That's pretty pathetic actually.

>> No.2329242


Power level shit is just used by retards when they can't think of a rational argument. People can enjoy things regardless of how much exposure they've had to similar media.

>> No.2329243

I'm not hiding anything, nor am I even close to underage. I just hate attention whoring tripfags unconditionally.

>> No.2329260


Says the one remaining anonymous while criticizing me.

>> No.2329262


I prefer dubs infinitely over originals, but I have a huge amount of experience with assorted /jp/, /a/, and /m/ related things. I can even understand and point out nuances in the originals, but I prefer the dubs due to being able to realize the beauty of my native language.

Now, think about it, when it comes down to preferring JP voices, have you ever considered why you do? Nine times out of ten, it comes down to it being something different and exciting than what you are used to. It is something foreign, and therefore captivating due to its difference from the things you consider average and day-to-day. However, if you ever get around to studying your own language, deeply studying it, mind you, instead of just foreign ones, you'll come to find that it has more depth to it than you would think.

tl;dr: JP voices appear different and exciting. Dubs appear normal and mundane. Understand and appreciate your language.

>> No.2329263


Which reminds me, my sister that I haven't seen in years asked me for some stuff to watch recently and I gave her a big list of anime and I haven't heard back from her since. I think suddenly revealing my power level like that scared her off.

>> No.2329269


Someone who understands me.

>> No.2329278


Uh... Thanks? I wouldn't go so far as to say I understand you. I'm just a part-time linguist who has far too much free time on his hands and likes to dabble in psychology.

>> No.2329279

Both English and JP are foreign to me, and even though the mastery is different, I appreciate both in the same level.
Your argument holds water mostly for English speakers.

>> No.2329287

Beauty of my native language? What the fuck are you talking about? A language is just a language. I simply prefer the original. I wouldn't play or watch something that was originally in English dubbed in Japanese and the same goes for the other way around. Translated English lines simply sound silly and awkward.

>> No.2329294


Well, like I said, this is just a majority-based argument. There is no such thing as a blanket statement when it comes down to dealing with how the human mind deals with things like likes and dislikes. There are just patterns.

>> No.2329297


>translated English lines sound silly and awkward.


>> No.2329298

>Beauty of my native language

German sounds pretty harsh and ugly, no matter how you hear it.

>> No.2329302


I dunno. Rin made it sound pretty sexy.

>> No.2329306

Sorry but they do. Listening the your main characters cousin in P4 call you Big Brother in English, sounds stupid.

>> No.2329311


That's because of Karen Strassmen. Onii-Chan translates to Big Brother, and in P4 shortened to Big Bro. I didn't like Nanako in general but her voice was fine.

>> No.2329312

I can't seem to download it. Keep getting a 302 message. Can someone rapidshit it or something?

>> No.2329314


Of course your native language has beauty. Proper linguistic expression is a complex art, not a simple science. Only by understanding the nuances, dialects, etymology, and attributes of your language can you truly say that you appreciate the beauty of it. Speaking your language and knowing your language are not the same things.

>> No.2329319

I know what Oniichan translates to, I'm saying it sounds silly when rendered into English.

>> No.2329320

The only reason I watch subs is because I watch series as they air, not a year or two afterward. Also, the S:L ratio for subs is infinitely better than dubs when torrenting.

BTW, did you know almost everyone on /a/ is a streamfag now? I found that out recently and almost vomited in anger.

>> No.2329322


Not at all.

>> No.2329324

Yea, /a/ is becoming more and more polluted.

>> No.2329325


To who, my cats? I don't sit around being embarrassed while playing games.

>> No.2329329

As someone who spends much time out of his house due to work/studies , I can sympathize at least.

>> No.2329333


/a/'s been doing this shit for as long as I can remember. Sadly, I joined them in the last few episode of Code Geass R2. I felt so impure I never watched anime again.

>> No.2329334

Weakling, that was HILARIOUS.

>> No.2329339


BE QUIET. I'm not proud of it. It was one of the lowest moments of my life.

>> No.2329345

Anyways it's almost 4 in the morning, I'm heading to sleep.


>> No.2329347

You must have lead a happy, uneventful life then.

>> No.2329352

Streaming Code Geass R2 with /a/ is as bad as it gets.

I'm filing the forms to have you banished from /jp/. You don't belong here.

>> No.2329375

>I joined them in the last few episode of Code Geass R2.
Kindly leave. We don't take kindly to your kind here. What with all the new tripfags popping up during weekend.

It doesnt matter if it is english or japanese VA.
You should always play them in the original form. No matter how good the dub is, there will always be certain things that will be lost in translation.

>> No.2329406


Sadly, English dubs for anime/games are still lower quality than their Japanese originals. This is mostly due to the nature of the voice acting business in the west. These people doing your English dubs are mostly B-list actors, and not highly trained voice actors. It's sad, but that's how it is.

When you compare these people to their (better trained and better paid) Japanese counterparts, then there is a clear difference in skill and the final quality of the voice acting product. If you are unable to tell the difference, then you haven't "studied languages" as much as you'd like to think. Or you are simply a casual. You are an /a/, /v/, or /m/ level poster.

tl;dr one product is superior to the other due to the different nature the voice acting business in the east when compared to west. Perhaps it helps that I'm able to understand both Japanese and English and thus I'm able to make an informed comparison. Enjoy your lower quality dub.

>> No.2329413

Thanks Zun.Spreading the word.

>> No.2329423


If you actually care this much about voice acting, you should probably go outside more often or find another hobby. Which is pretty sad on a board like this.

>> No.2329433

I haven't been to /a/ since the split (except for a linked thread here and there) and I am truly saddened if what you're saying is true.

>> No.2329490

needs more desktop mates

>> No.2329499

You sound bitter that he is better informed than you, aniki.

>> No.2329507

In case the thread lives through to the morning:
Yes, it does sound silly in English. If you understand the English language and Western mindset, you have to admit that the whole convention of 'onii-chan' is not present in it. To call someone 'big bro' would probably be more of an individual quirk than a cue that players can use to instantly grasp a better understanding of the relationship.

I love the English language, and I enjoy being given opportunities to appreciate it. One of the reasons I don't particularly like dubs, is because they occupy some no-man's land between English and Japanese. They don't represent my native language in all its splendor, but rather an attempt to warp foreign concepts and communication into something that can be encapsulated (if not communicated) in English.

English voice-acting in Western games doesn't bother me at all (of course there are exceptions). English fits where English belongs. Similarly, even though I believe the general quality of Japanese dub actors is higher, watching Western material dubbed in Japanese just makes me laugh. It never quite works, and generally results in things being funny when they shouldn't necessarily be.

tl;dr: Connotations and nuances are exactly why I find watching dubs to be an uncomfortable experience. Translating the words of one language into another does not bring all the associated meaning along for the ride.

>> No.2329570

>Which is pretty sad on a board like this.

I think it's to be expected.

>> No.2329673

How do I get this shit working on vista?

>> No.2329689


Does it have an error saying it's not installed?

>> No.2329700


No, installs fine.

only getting an error when I click viewermode/movemode

>> No.2329703

I personally prefer all those weaboo callings like ojo-sama, imouto, san, chan dropped in the English translation. It sounds much more natural without all those horrible Japanese loanwords.

Example: Instead of Patchouli-sama, write it to Miss Patchouli.

>> No.2329704

Where's that from?

>> No.2329707


Try running it as an administrator, mine wouldn't start at all unless I was running it as admin

>> No.2329710

And thus, we bring up the usual argument about what to do when some one says onii-chan, nee-san, nii-sama, aniki, goushujin-sama, etc. Btw, Miss Patchouli doesn't sound natural at all.

>> No.2329711

Who cares? Do drop the 'Japan_expert' attitude though since it makes you seem like a self-important blowhard.

>> No.2329725

For fansubs, I'd be inclined with leaving honorifics in, as they're meant for an audience that is already familiar with them (though I think whole words such as aniki and goushujin-sama should be translated). For professional releases you shouldn't assume that the audience knows what honorifics are, so it would be better to simply omit them.

>> No.2329745

For professional releases, the should leave it out of the videos, but include it in a nifty guidebook.

>> No.2329747

All you can do is poke them and flip their skirts, right? At least that's what it looked like in the teaser...

>> No.2329754

I'd do it but I usually have mother/brother around at home and an architecture student roommate around my uni house in another city.
I'm not going to risk getting found out.
I think he already saw me playing 月と魔法と太陽と and a couple of days after that while eating dinner he brought up the argument "I can't understand those who get hard on cartoon porn"while talking about general porn.

>> No.2329842
File: 85 KB, 962x675, lolwut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2330420
File: 75 KB, 202x268, buruma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HiguRei vol.1's Append Disc.

>> No.2330449

Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.2330498


Cool story bro


Not uneventful, but yes, happy life.

>> No.2330535

link pls

>> No.2330638


>> No.2330648


>> No.2331058


You say this, however, take a look at the progression of the voice acting community in the past few years. Just because an actor is not a big-name celebrity does not mean he does not have talent. Also, a large number of stars have risen in the past few years, but it looks like you don't care to acknowledge that one bit. Take a look at the interests of the famous voice actors in both Japan and the West, and you'll come to see that the Japanese tend to view it just as a profession and not as much more than that, whereas the A-list VAs in the West have a more vested interest in the work. Just because someone is good at something doesn't mean they like doing it. However, a good voice actor empathizes with their character, and you can feel their love for the work come out through their voice. If you take an economic approach to this, hearing that feeling and love for the work come through is worth far more than just having skill alone.

A dub done with a moderate amount of skill and a great amount of love for the work will end up better than an original with (as you claim) a greater amount of skill but just looking at it as a job and having little to no love for it.

As !Nipaa said, it'd be best to drop the attitude. You do come off as a bit of a pompous ass.

>> No.2331181

While there are definitely some good western VAs that have an obvious love for their work, they are in a small minority. To treat the entire industry that way, and then to go on and generalize the Japanese VA industry as "just a job, no love" is silly.

>> No.2331556
File: 55 KB, 481x455, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2331591
File: 6 KB, 476x148, hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


got this aswell

>> No.2331744

I dunno, the download link on the page

quit working for me.

>> No.2331858


likely its a problem with your region settings, I can't remember how to change this in XP, but in vista go

controlpanel -> Regional and Language Settings -> Administrative -> Change System Local

and set it to japanese and restart

>> No.2331869

/jp/ - hongfire's f.a.q.

>> No.2331901

thanks but, didn't solve the problem :/

>> No.2331912

You're a faggot, kill yourself.

>> No.2331917

try reinstalling after you set it to jp

>> No.2331921

but actually yea what >>2331912 says
go to hongfire and read the faqs

>> No.2331972

Hi /b/

>> No.2332036

I like how /jp/ claims to be best buds with /prog/ and /g/ yet they can't even get a simple desktop buddy to work.

Damn poser hippies.

>> No.2332054

if you can't install a hentai game by now you deserve brain surgery

>> No.2332131

This works.
Also your system needs to be set to japanese in the regional settings.
