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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 31 KB, 563x379, 2009mostinfuentialperson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2324106 No.2324106 [Reply] [Original]

hey/jp/, when do we see moot's face in TIME Magazine?

>> No.2324119

Never, I hope.

>> No.2324114
File: 19 KB, 231x153, Kagame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paul Kagame

wait what

He hardly did anything recently besides the joint Congo invasion thing.

>> No.2324120


>> No.2324121
File: 28 KB, 704x396, kagami4166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paul Kagame

>> No.2324123

>15 Barack Obama
Isn't it sad Obongo?

>> No.2324130

At least he's beating out the Jonas Brothers.

>> No.2324132

Ron Paul needs to move up.

>> No.2324133

africn ledrs ar importnt

>> No.2324135

Well I mean, it's not really like he's done anything.

>> No.2324136
File: 17 KB, 208x288, 324652576356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jonas Brothers

>> No.2324144

Any entertainers on this list have no reason being on there except for being popular.

>> No.2324150

The most influential person should be Anonymous.

>> No.2324151

>Anyone on this list have no reason being on there except for being popular.

Thats what happens when the list is decided by an online poll.

>> No.2324163

Who the fuck is Rain? G Gundam?

>> No.2324164

Popularity is a sort of power, if moot told us to go and protest against something most of the easily swayed /b/fags etc would gladly go out and protest or do whatever he said.

>> No.2324168


Some Corean pop star. Do not ask how I know this.

>> No.2324170

I didn't mean it like that, I mean it as in being on the list at all.

>> No.2324199

I voted moot for the lulz.

>> No.2324201

Does the MIP win $$$ or something?

moot would like that for sure.

>> No.2324204

Is this the final standings or is it still going?

>> No.2324209
File: 43 KB, 131x225, reported7282669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You never will.

That's just the "reader's choice" poll. They have no impact on Time's own list (for the obvious reasons). Sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.2324213

Still ongoing.
But moot has achieved god status and all is done.

>> No.2324231

But they interviewed him before, why can't they do it again?

>> No.2324234

Dear anon, fame and fortune often come together.

>> No.2324238

Whatever this dude is, looks like a pathetic hard gay wanna be.

>> No.2324240

how is rain in 3rd place when he has more votes? this is bullshit nida

>> No.2324243

Whole of Corea probably voted for him and half of 4chan voted him down.

>> No.2324247

...but the rest of us would laugh and bully them.

In the long run, no anon will do something that he himself doesn't believe is a valid action to take. People who come here just to belong are invariably in for a huge dissapointment.

>> No.2324251

Holy Fuck. Corea Must Be Cancer Gornea.

>> No.2324254

I don't think you should be that ashamed at watching the Colbert Report.

>> No.2324282

its not over yet.

online polls are gay anyway. how would they stop spammage esp that faggot country voting for their faggot king at #3.


>> No.2324286

She was most influential in my pants in 2009.
