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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.22 MB, 750x900, OP_collage24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23069320 No.23069320 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>22879281

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.

Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.

What version to play? Read the pastebin.

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Elona+ Custom-G Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona+ 1.96 (2020-01-26)
>Latest Custom:
E+C 1.90.4 (2019-06-02)
Elona+ Custom-G (2019-10-20)

>Omake Overhaul English Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona Omake Overhaul EN (2019-06-17)
Omake Overhaul EN Hack final release (2018-12-14)

>Elin's Inn

>> No.23069337
File: 1.48 MB, 2048x1670, A_SNAIL_PIANIST_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before anyone asks I moved the windows 7 note to the top in a futile attempt to get people to notice it before asking the same question.

>> No.23070564
File: 1.12 MB, 1480x914, 7oc0efgnpd441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most exciting part of a new game is new official art. I want art of Jure right now!

>> No.23072575

What is that?

>> No.23072618


Looks like a screencap from Elin's Inn.

>> No.23072682

Cool, just googled that and it looks nice. Hadn't heard of Elin's Inn before, and knew what wasn't from any of the versions of Elona I'd played.

>> No.23073027

I wish the beautify pack had some semblance of consistency for the player character stuff.

>> No.23074355

>Decorative rings/amulets are your god. load up a storage house with these babies. This is especially delicious for stuff like bone/emerald and other delicious ## resist materials. Really helps fill holes and make absurdly valuable to you swaps.
I don't understand. Is this an exaggeration and it's really saying to have various resist gear to switch to, or is there really a reason to horde them all?

>> No.23075128

Where did you find that?

>> No.23075172

It's linked in the "New? Start here" paste.

>> No.23079249

So I have a problem with one of my old copy of Plus, I like playing that specific version and it plays fine on Window 7, but when I upgraded to Window 10, it does not work anymore. I did put compatibility mode but that did nothing, any idea?

>> No.23079286

>upgraded to Window 10
hahaha that's a nice one anon.
Even my grandma knows w7 is superior.

>> No.23080320
File: 2.54 MB, 2480x1702, halloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that art is cropped from some fanart made a while back though.

>> No.23080824

ehekatl is such a titty monster

>> No.23081069

B-but 10 is greater than 7 so it's gotta be better, right?

>> No.23081123

you have to run it as admin as well as in compatibility mode for Windows 7

>> No.23081134

Do you have folder permissions set correctly? Don't try to simply install it into Program Folders or something like an idiot.
If you check the properties of the EXE, does it have an "Unblock" button?
Very very few programs require being run as admin. It's most often just a folder/file permissions issue that can be fixed much better without that.

>> No.23081559

didn't know it was that specifically, but just running some old games as administrator has made them work in past. Good to know though.

>> No.23081665

It's probably only relevant in the very early game.

>> No.23081704

I never bother with that. At all, like, ever.
You should try to get gear to have ALL resistances and immunity up to tolerable levels so that switching isn't necessary. Especially resistances just from materials.
New/uninformed people recommend eating jewelry all the time too and that's just weird. It barely helps stats at all; that hunger would always be better handled with herbs whenever possible, and likely baked bread foods before then.

>> No.23081743

the only times I see people recommending you eat jewellery is engagement rings because of the charisma, which actually is helpful for getting more slots for pets early on.

>> No.23088769

Thats too much work to get so many rings into raw when you can get putit ranches going instead and profit from selling skins while leveling cooking

>> No.23088843

>so many
Dude, they're not that rare, and scrolls of inferior material are also pretty common. It's a pretty easy way to get a few more pets for the early game.

>> No.23090131


I'd say the quantity of scrolls available is more of an impediment than the availability of rings. I use engagement rings for early game charisma and shoes for early speed, and I usually run out of scrolls and the materials for crafting them long before I run out of rings/shoes, even when focusing on dungeon diving.

>> No.23090175

I agree, usually putting one or two engagement rings is enough for the early game, but the extra boost is nice if i need it for whatever reason.

>> No.23090194

That's Itzpatl having a staredown with Mani, right? Either way, it's always nice to see new elona art.

>> No.23092803

I think so, can't imagine who else it would be.

>> No.23092824
File: 41 KB, 450x525, youngersister5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tend to just stockpile rings and scrolls of inferior material anyway, doesn't take long to get enough scrolls for a raw ring. Also from what I remember, they're both pretty common in the Puppy Cave so it's not too bad for early game.

>> No.23093100
File: 154 KB, 700x800, 1403495406745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bully your pets!

>> No.23093658
File: 297 KB, 800x600, 58325449_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you create your pcc? do you just start from scratch or mix-n-match from different pcc set and edit to your heart content?

>> No.23093678

>golden knight has heal magic

>> No.23093679

How do I go into tweaks to activate objet of heart +## into +lvl passive? I have a prtty old elona version and I can't find it anywhere in my settings (1.76fix version) don't tell my I need to update my version...

>> No.23093767
File: 142 KB, 635x183, Heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you're using custom, then it should be in the esc menu.

It's under UI tweaks.

>> No.23093983

defender is so much better it's not even funny

>> No.23094091

Yeah you made me realize me elona shortcut was for plus versiona and not Custom one, thanks

>> No.23094169
File: 120 KB, 541x406, cerberus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after all they do, there's no way I could.

>> No.23094674

I have an e+ 1.76 savefile from way back when.
Can I update to the newest version or do I have to start a new character?
Is there even a point to updating since the plus team was adding retarded shit back when I quit. (ie pissing and whatnot)

>> No.23094723

yeah you can update, make a backup of your save file though, just in case. You can just download a new version of the game and then drag your saves into the save folder in the new version.

>> No.23094811

Could you please upload your 1.76 version folder? I need it to move my character to a town before updating.

>> No.23094819

I don't have it, it should be on the wiki somewhere though.

>> No.23094832

Old links are deleted.

>> No.23094872


1.97 is out

>> No.23094880

This has some extra shit I was too lazy to take out but it should do the trick.
I'm amazed at the amount of people who are stuck on this version.

>> No.23094908

>Your libido is abnormal.
Everyone will get this now.

>> No.23094942

I think the archive is broken.

>> No.23094999

Attempt number 2.
This one works when I download it.

>> No.23095660
File: 13 KB, 144x216, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's this semen demon?

>> No.23095752
File: 170 KB, 551x353, 1559508711780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


best imp girl

>> No.23095855

defender isnt a cute girl

>> No.23096178
File: 1004 KB, 1248x808, 001 01-03-2020 21-32-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It worked. Thanks.

I also updated the All-in-one pack to work with 1.90, if anyone wants to use it. I'll update it for the latest version later.
You should tell me if anything looks broken.

>> No.23096217

Thanks anon. I was planning on playing the game but the all in one link didnt work.

>> No.23096478
File: 508 KB, 1024x768, char.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nublet playing +cg1.90. My attributes and their potentials are shit in comparison. Am I doing it wrong? Also, what's "defeat"? I think the game started with it at 1. I savescum so shouldn't have died as far as I can recall.

>> No.23096590

What mods are you using anon? This looks great.

>> No.23096762

For the time you have played you have done well enough. Hire magic vendors and invest in them for (blessed) potions of potential and have a farm for some herbs. Other than that there are many ways to increase stats.
Maybe it counts arena and hunting quest fails as defeats too.

Everything but things specific for the lich are in the mod I linked. Font is Meiryo UI.

>> No.23097036

Maybe defeat is +cg thing. I dont have that on my save in 1.96. I have proper level there instead.

Also dont owrry much, your 1st couple characters are there to just learn about game and mechanics

>> No.23097567

Wasn't that made by Noa's friend, Elin's official artist?

>> No.23097805

Does anyone happen to know any Elona-like games that I could try getting into? Like in terms of style too?

>> No.23097925

Really? I just found it on Pixiv a few months back so I assumed it was fan art

>> No.23098130
File: 482 KB, 1296x998, mse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really like Elona, but if you like a roguelike where you're the cute little girl trying to avoid literal gangbangs, than MaiDenSnow Eve is pretty cool. You can probably find it in one of the pastes in one of the hgg generals. Official link:

>> No.23098866

Why would I avoid gangbangs if I was a cute girl?

>> No.23098893

because your first time should be a consensual dragon dick fucking.

>> No.23099882
File: 520 KB, 1183x768, thisisfine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I loaded a save from 1.74fix and it generated an extra toilet and sandbag. What is this game trying to tell me?

>> No.23100050

Supposedly ano broke some stuff, and added that in to make up for it, or something along those lines.

In practice, he wants his players to eat shit and die.

>> No.23100480
File: 386 KB, 720x441, ElonaC_FBDl2WjTPC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get back into this after a big ass break.

I think I'm at the point where you just grind money for potential pots and grinding skills/stats up. Where tf do I go from here?
I assume my equipment is garbage, so would going for that be a good idea?

>> No.23100532

"When using a save file from Elona plus 1.85 or prior, the contents of placed shelters will be reset. As such, a sand bag will be placed at your feet as it's a popular item to have in shelters.

When using a save file from Elona plus 1.88, 1.88R, and prior, constructed shelters will be deconstructed. One toilet will also be placed at your feet. "

from the wiki.

>> No.23100594

What do you like the most about Elona?

You should probably get better equipment. Finish the main quest if you haven't already.

>> No.23101522

cute character anon

>> No.23101531

He actually wants you to sandbag Jure then peep on her on the toilet.

>> No.23101546

I think defeat is the highest dungeon difficulty you've cleared, which is used to determine the difficulty of random nefias when they generate.

>> No.23101651
File: 393 KB, 1312x848, dnp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, not the best game to slut it up in. I think there's a PG version with more content. I might check it out later.

>> No.23103223

Do Omake Overhaul variants not have the Shield Tonfa?

>> No.23104573

claws/tonfas are a plus invention, so no.

>> No.23104936

Figured as much, thanks!

>> No.23106111

Is D&P a roguelike?

>> No.23106446

Nah. D&D SRPG. The demo's awesome, but it might just make you despair when you realize it's a dead game with no development in the past 5 years.

Wings of Roldea is like a completed D&P, but if it were an ARPG and not as GOAT.

>> No.23106510

Guess I should also add that one of the great things about Wings of Roldea is that you can get gang banged and not worry about fucking up your playthrough or game overs. It and D&P are also great if you like virgin buttsluts.

>> No.23107274

Link btw

>> No.23108629

What are some must haves when creating a gene for a smooth start?

>> No.23108721

Potions of cure corruption or scrolls of oracle for money, good equipment, potions of potential, a high level pet in a monster ball if you want to cheese.

>> No.23108976

What weapon does a Pianist use?

>> No.23109521

I'd say go for the pet just so you can kill lomias and larneirre.
Easier than having to buy a nuke.

>> No.23112257

wiki says Throwing, so use shurikens until you kill enough bards to get the Kill Kill Piano

>> No.23113180

If you've made it to Lost Irva, you can use artifact fusion to make inheritable supergear.

>> No.23113844
File: 500 KB, 1280x720, 007 01-12-2019 22-40-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have already played that one.

>> No.23114391
File: 260 KB, 1280x720, buttslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a buttslut
Get out, dirty skank!

>> No.23120257

Any, mine used shotguns.

>> No.23123141

Is there any point in drinking cursed potions of descent? From what I understood its used to lower my lvl to get lvl ups and character points easier, right? Should I just ignore it, bless them and give them to my pets once they reach lvl100 since that's where exp needed for lvling up caps(I think)

>> No.23123634


There's not much used in cursed ones, they lower your stats too. Uncursed ones can be useful if it'll put you at a low enough level to get more skill points, but that can be difficult to manage with a rare supply. Otherwise just bless it and level up. Waiting for 100 is not a bad choice, but it won't make a huge difference either.

You can get rid of the cursed status, by mixing it with dirty water. You may need to bless it first, then mix with dirty water.

That only works in newer plus versions, and I think oomsest.

>> No.23123982

I still don't know what the big difference is between Plus and Omake Overhaul variants. Granted I haven't played in years so i'm guessing getting reacquainted with Plus would be a better move.

>> No.23126547
File: 112 KB, 500x375, 23a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elona plus
>Elona plus custom
>Elona plus Custom-g
>Elona Omake Overhaul English Hack
>Elona Omake Overhaul EN Custom Release
>Elona Omake Overhaul South Tyris Edition

>> No.23126614

You forgot foobar:


(and most of these: https://elona.fandom.com/wiki/Elona_variants))

>> No.23126681

i am just undecided on what fork to stick to

>> No.23128098

Next time move the "what version to play" note to the top.

>> No.23128301

Foobar will become relevant once it supports Plus or Omake.

>> No.23128974

Is 2.00 planned to be a big release or anything?

>> No.23128986

I imagine it will be a release like any other.

>> No.23129109

Throwing, for when you get the <Kill Kill Piano>, or blunt if you get the <Nail Stradivarius>, and of course, don't forget to level shield for the <Al'ud>

>> No.23129145
File: 16 KB, 584x35, dark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... dark...

>> No.23129620

Hey I was wondering if there is any way to create custom classes/races in Elona+C

>> No.23130044

Ano does non roll over releases.
So instead of 2.00 it will go from 1.99 to 1.100

>> No.23130377

It might be different for 2.00.

>> No.23130787

I've never touched it, but you could try the custom NPC feature. The pastebin has more info.

>> No.23131857

>play elona religiously
>visit elona general daily
>tfw OP stops posting collages
>lose desire to play
>stop playing
>start working on my life
>get several certificates
>start an official course, get recommendations
>get a well-paying job
>start going to the gym
>decide to check /jp/ for no particular reason
>there's elona general
>OP has a collage
I see no other option than to go back to being a NEET, thanks OP

>> No.23133996


>> No.23134965

Anons how do I play this game?

>> No.23137038


>> No.23137149

I think >>23134965 is on about the porn games

>> No.23137154

idk, I played it in Japanese. Try vg/hgg2d. Probably in an op paste.

>> No.23141119
File: 8 KB, 110x114, asura2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the new Asura sprites, but does anyone know why they were changed? The old ones looked alright as well, seems like a weird change to make to an old enemy out of nowhere.

>> No.23142733

Just installed Elona+ Custom-G, never played before.
Wish me luck.

>> No.23142744

Remember Elvs are bad people and should be attacked on sight

>> No.23142882
File: 287 KB, 840x525, opatos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck. Btw, is Custom-G updated for the current version or are you using an older version?

>> No.23144025

No reason is needed for improving something.

>> No.23144151

It's for 1.90.4 of Custom, I have no idea if that's the newest custom or E+.

>> No.23144334

That's the latest one,as there's no one else maintaining custom / c-g

>> No.23144492

For e+,it's 1.97

>> No.23144601

True but it just seemed kind of random to go back and change the Asura specifically.

>> No.23144662

It's because he added new asura enemies.

>> No.23144676

Oh right, makes sense now. When do they show up, in Lost Irva or something?

>> No.23145114

Presumably randomly in appropriate level places like other enemies.

>> No.23147898

>Want to go back to the game after losing like 3 200h saves
>Want to try 1.97
>Remember thirst mechanic

Yeah, fuck that, I'll stick to customg.
That aside, how do you backup your saves? Is there any program or you just copy them in a different folder manually?

>> No.23148397

just go to the save folder in the Elona folder and copy+paste the save folder some where else.

>> No.23148487
File: 309 KB, 600x800, 1560016275539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any news on elin inn?

>> No.23148644

>(3/08) Here's a screenshot of new UI. (choosing use-caste and editing uniform).

not gunna kill ya to open 1 link from time to time to see if anything popped up

>> No.23152766

what are good races/classes for new players?
I picked a fairy and cant even hold anything

>> No.23152810

Juere anything.

>> No.23155069
File: 1.54 MB, 1599x961, 454112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to make my android actually hit her shots? I feel like she misses more than half of the time whenever she is in a fight

>> No.23155171

why this game looks fun

>> No.23156630

Sure, increase firearm skill, perception, and make sure to only fire when standing next to the target. Shotguns suck at range.

You can also dim the enemy, blind them, sleep them, or paralyze them, since those reduce evasion.

>> No.23156677

>4 means of transportation for travelling on the world map.
>Added deeds for each of these.
Cars, boats, airships and teleporters confirmed?

>> No.23156689

having an airship would be rad

>> No.23156742

Also Marksman, and Pickpocket so she'll get money to buy training with. If she's lacking any skills, check this page:

>> No.23156979

Marksmen doesn't improve accuracy, it just improves damage. But, sure, that's useful too.

>> No.23157437

Does anyone have a source on those sprites above aniki

>> No.23157448

>when I upgraded
You upgraded willingly. You are of your own fault.

>> No.23157833

Does drinking potion of high soma by me and my pets have any negatives aside from sanity hit? It increases all stats by 20% according to wiki and lasts until death.
Another question I got is related to sleeping. Is there a way to get sleepy more often? I want to get more seeds from my cute fairies.

>> No.23157888

No, soma is just a better blessed restore other than insanity. The negative is that you have to craft it.

>> No.23158015


>> No.23162754

Might not have. Someone sufficiently unlucky and out of the loop might have gone to sleep with Windows 7 and woken up with Windows 10. 10-chan is an infamous yandere.

>> No.23165404

If something of the sort is implemented then I'll have to update.

>> No.23166137

Haven't played since Custom G was dropped (I assume it hasn't been picked up). Should I just play Custom+ or is it not worth it yet?

>> No.23166661

And by custom+ I mean Elona+

>> No.23167425

Custom and G are stuck on the same version of plus. BOTH are currently dropped.
So unless you want to play 'vanilla' plus, play G.

>> No.23169147

The same way you play Violated Heroine.

>> No.23171332 [DELETED] 


>> No.23172932 [DELETED] 


>> No.23173918

So, is Elona foobar on android even worth playing?

>> No.23174845

I've been wondering for a while, is there a way to stop the game from merging fusion ingredients? Specifically because it won't let me make herbed curaria, but occasionally it happens with fused gems.

>> No.23175485

If you're ok with vanilla, then yeah. Otherwise, give it a bit of time.

>> No.23176234

Bless, curse, don't carry them around everywhere so they don't auto-identify. With b/u/c and ID, you can have 6 non-merging stacks of the same item.

>> No.23176245 [DELETED] 

From ki
>I finally decided to remove Android support. Because,

far away from mobile friendly UI,
too small text and too much information for mobile screen, and
mod feature slow down game performance.
Since Elona foobar is OSS, you can fork it as long as you follow the license if you want Android version still.
The guy who started the android port has drifted away so ki closed it. ki's got enough on his plate as-is so I can't blame him for not wanting to take this on.

>> No.23176256

From ki
>I finally decided to remove Android support. Because,

>far away from mobile friendly UI, too small text and too much information for mobile screen, and mod feature slow down game performance.
Since Elona foobar is OSS, you can fork it as long as you follow the license if you want Android version still.
The guy who started the android port has drifted away so ki closed it. ki's got enough on his plate as-is so I can't blame him for not wanting to take this on.

>> No.23176274

so I guess that recipe acts the same as bouquets then? Is there a specific reason for what I'd imagine is a bug causing the gems to not show up? My two biggest theories about it at this point are either being in a dungeon, or a combination of bought and found gems.

>> No.23176755
File: 328 KB, 800x800, 1555679643604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife ehekatl/golden knight!

>> No.23176758

Drop half of your stack, set itt to no-drop, then pick the rest back up.

>> No.23176792

You're a genius

>> No.23179167 [DELETED] 


>> No.23179182

You are sweetie

>> No.23179367

I recently started playing this and i like it, but i gotta say managing pets is annoying to say the least

>> No.23181563
File: 611 KB, 1280x1254, a3jNPM4v38BkExXQEaI3Di26pfg9G0c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23183513

i'm playing the latest elona c-g
can i make a necromancer?

>> No.23183926



>> No.23184406
File: 347 KB, 1158x869, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know why bottom of the log disappears like that? I'm playing custom-g with extender if that matters.

>> No.23184785

I was wondering that too. It happens to me with elona+ but not for a friend...

>> No.23185912

I've never seen anything like that. I don't use extender, though.

>> No.23185936

I had that problem before but don't remember how I fixed it.

>> No.23186190

Elona Custom or Elona Custom G? Which one should I use to achieve maximum realism and freedom of choice? It annoys me that I can't do non-consensual stuff to people I have put to sleep via touch of sleep in Elona+

>> No.23189804

Seems random

>> No.23190130

Probably Custom since G doesn't let you choose what it changes.

>> No.23191459

Is there a level of gardening after which I won't be losing plants? Plants turning into weed and not replanting themselves after harvesting. I got ~500 gardening and for a really long while I haven't seen much of a upgrade desu. I'm aware that there is are kumiromi scissors you can get in Act III and while I just beat Act II, I don't think i'm no where near strong enough for that.
Also I got 2 spare rods of wishing and would like to use them for something nice. I read somewhere that there are jewels(like feat granting from kumiromi) that give you unique feats? I've been searching wiki but haven't found it. Am I retarted or did I miss something?

>> No.23191819

I think there are some kinds of plants that never reach 100% success chance no matter your Gardening level, but for others there is. Are you making sure to only plant while it's raining and preferably in farm tiles? You can also get rejuvenation jewels from worshiping Kumiromi.
Are you taking about shift cores?

>> No.23192069

Sadly, no. There's always a chance for loss, untill you get the scissors. Then, you still have to worry about wliting.

You actually soft-cap the effect of gardening at ~40, if you are planting on farmland.


The jewels that give you feats are the other gods, itzpalt's gem gives you stronger elemental spells as a race feat, for instance. I don't know of you can wish for god rewards, but they're not to hard to get normally.

>> No.23195549
File: 43 KB, 888x960, 00c07a1026776d9318f6f6a31cc8b5ba53627c07_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he wants to modify the game like that he'll need G's compiling guide.

>> No.23196019

I got rejuvenation jewel from worship, but I wasn't aware you can get multiple. Is is from handing little sisters? My gardening is at around 500 and I usually harvest and plant when it rains, on the farming tiles, yes.
I wasn't talking about shift cores, I meant consumable, feat granting jewels. The one that Kumiromi grants also have small chance(1/200?) to drop from all fairies but it only allows normal feats.
Yeah I was talking about those jewels. I'm not sure about switching my religion multiple times to simply get them and since I got rods of wishing I wanted to wish for them. Since I can wish for "miromi" and get Kumiromis one I thought I would also be able to wish for the rest of them but I couldn't find it on wiki anywhere

>> No.23197498

Is there a gallery of OP's collages saved somwhere? I'd like to see the older ones.

>> No.23197789

In the mods pastebin.

>> No.23197844


>> No.23197900

Ah, the mirimi isn't kumiromi's god reward. It's a separate item. Kumiromi's is the rejuvenation jewel. Miromis give you extra feats.

I'm fairly certain they are precious items (can't be wished for), but they're listed on the gods page of the wiki.


>> No.23198287
File: 114 KB, 1270x954, we elona now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23201215

I'd say Ehekatl's is worth getting, and maybe Jure's, unless you're playing as a Kumiromi devotee or something.
And I'm pretty sure the stardust thing only applies to equipment, so you can trade Little Sisters for as many as you want. Not sure whether or not you'd get another one if you converted and then converted back, though.

>> No.23202883

Beginner here. How the fuck do I play as a pure wizard? I keep dying despite spam casting magic darts. I'm on Elona Custom+ G if that makes a difference. What's the early gameplan when it comes to playing wizard? I don't mind grinding, but it seems that I can't even grind when I keep dying within 2 to 3 hits when my magic dart can't even kill them in 2 hits or something.

>> No.23203462

What sort of things are you trying to kill? Magic dart should be more than enough to one hit everything in the early game.

>> No.23203756

What's your pet situation? Getting one who can tank for you would probably help.

>> No.23203945

That's TW right? tried it a while ago but got bored since kaguya doesn't have any dialogue.

>> No.23204042

Get the Hypnosis and Dimensional Move feats. They'll save your bacon.

>> No.23204708
File: 2 KB, 48x48, 62027074_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to know you have good taste.

>> No.23204908

So whats the point of necromancy if they cant travel between floors? extra muscles for a tough fight?

>> No.23204919

They can.

>> No.23204960

Oh,i must have misread now i feel retarded,now i wonder how are you supposed to get gauge for necrofusion if you are a squishy summoner player

>> No.23205011

Dupli-Cane, taktstock, occasional damage, other things.

>> No.23205133

Also, you won't be necessarily squishy as you can focus on defense and resistances if you go full necromancer, since you don't have to deal damage. Look at the DV/PV here >>23096178. You don't need to play as a frail race like lich either.

>> No.23205224

Ah,many thanks for the suggestions i always leave the combat to pets

>> No.23205889

The slimes from the quest that little girl gives you at Vernis or something so that putis will stop ravaging her toys.

Keeps dying because the little girl is a retard who charges into everything she sees.

Alright. I'll reroll with those feats. How important is getting Concentration feat max?

>> No.23206040

Don't do that quest immediately, it's a noobtrap. Do request board missions until you're comfortable fighting random events while travelling, then do it.
Also consider getting 10 CHA for Directive so you can tell the dumb bitch to stay still while they funnel in.

>> No.23206069
File: 912 KB, 768x1024, 1515624556938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only say you have really played Elona if you have melted to the slime in the mine once.

>> No.23206730

remember that you can target the slimes behind the puits in the narrow corridor. That way you can just hammer the magic button ineffectually while the puits fail to hit you

>> No.23206764

Yeah. I'm actually faring well on my reroll playthrough by saving that quest for later and taking it slow. Thanks.

>> No.23208237
File: 108 KB, 600x600, __exile_black_cat_and_great_race_of_yith_cthulhu_mythos_and_1_more_drawn_by_harusame_rueken__77641ba4ce7be1d749ba5796bc290647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember seeing an exile PCC some time before but i didnt save it,doesanyone have it by chance?

>> No.23208302

>Exile is a girl in this art

>> No.23210947

