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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 131 KB, 309x563, 1225163151438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2315612 No.2315612 [Reply] [Original]

So why is it so popular in VN and animu for girls to wear bows but I never see that shit in real life? Bows are awesome.

>> No.2315617

Why is it popular for VN and anime girls to wear dresses, but American women have abandoned the concept of femininity altogether?

Wait, that wasn't a question.

>> No.2315620

>Bows are awesome.

And Wanko To Kurasou made me cry so much ;_;

>> No.2315621

frilly dresses are so hot

>> No.2315622


It ended with a question mark. Therefore it is a question. QED.

>> No.2315623

Feminism kicked in the west hard in the balls.

>> No.2315624

So why is it so popular in VN and animu for every girl to have sex with the protagonist but I never see that shit in real life? Harem is awesome.

>> No.2315626

>Why is it popular for VN and anime girls to wear dresses, but WESTERN women have abandoned the concept of femininity altogether?


>> No.2315628
File: 39 KB, 376x784, rebecca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So why is it so popular in VN and animu for girls to wear bows

>> No.2315636


Broskis and fratboys life are like VNs without the melodrama. Just with more booze.

>> No.2315639

OP question should include ribbons and lace

>> No.2315641

Why are women from Fire Emblem so god damn erotic, yet there aren't enough doujins.

>> No.2315644
File: 164 KB, 720x1024, 1228198351115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because women thesedays would rather look like sluts than dress with class.

>> No.2315649
File: 138 KB, 835x1199, 1185982112234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just one in my life i'd like to see a female thats 15~25 wearing a skirt like this. I asked quite a lot of girls why they dont wear dresses/skirts, they told me skirts are pretty and cute, but i get the same fucking response form every girl i ask why she dosent wear one "I don't have the leggs for a skirt". Only super sluts wear miniskirts.

>> No.2315651

The real question is: What is she going to do with that arrow?

>> No.2315655

Wanko to Kurasou shall always have a shortcut on my desktop!

>> No.2315656

Why are the girls form *insert jrpg here* so hot etc...

>> No.2315658
File: 69 KB, 340x650, 060630serasatan.jpg [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more butt bows

>> No.2315659

No drill hair
no dresses
no bows
no frills
no cute

>> No.2315664

No, Fire Emblem, especially.

>> No.2315671
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>> No.2315672
File: 74 KB, 480x640, 1221698847587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't men wear suits or uniform like clothing anymore? It's much more sexy than wearing jeans and a tshirt looking like a homeless begger. Show some class guys.

>> No.2315673

Some day, I'd like to not dress like shit.

>> No.2315674

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has this preference for Fire Emblem girls.

>> No.2315676
File: 713 KB, 1400x2500, 1200178107144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a 2d slut.

>> No.2315677
File: 317 KB, 1280x1024, 1220458099132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man what I wouldn't give for some girls with class and not the mass media tainted sluts that litter the greater NY metro area. -_-;

>> No.2315681
File: 500 KB, 850x711, 1222827523824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't frilly dresses really expensive thesedays since noone makes them anymore?

>> No.2315689

I 100% agree with this.

>> No.2315691

Don't do that here.

>> No.2315695

I often see dresses where I live.

>> No.2315696


Now that I have an office job I wear a suit all the time. But it is cheaper and less time consuming shopping for jeans and a shirt than a suit, tie, shoes, socks, dress shirt etc. And even if you are doing it on the cheap it comes out pretty expensive. Plus you gotta know your sizes.

>> No.2315702
File: 144 KB, 375x500, Edwardian-Gentleman-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I'd wear something like this. If it was acceptable in society, but it's not.

>> No.2315704


Only aged 50+ women over here wear dresses. Otherwise its just jeans, shorts, mini skirts, capris and khakis.

>> No.2315707

Where the hell do you live?

>> No.2315710


You would probably have to buy them at some goth loli store or god forbid hot topic.

>> No.2315711

Do it anyway.

>> No.2315713

>Otherwise its just jeans, shorts,
>mini skirts,
Mostly sluts.
>capris and khakis.
What is this?

>> No.2315717

I've heard from my sister, ex-girlfriend and numerous friends that they are uncomfortable to walk with.

>> No.2315718

The only thing there that would be seen as a little odd is the hat.

>> No.2315719

I did for the masquerade. Sadly it wasnt as good as this.

>> No.2315720

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

I fucking love Fire Emblem, even though I can't read those moonrunes.

>> No.2315721



Not as slutty as the rest but eh...it doesn't grab my attention as a dress would.

>> No.2315724

Wouldn't wearing stockings fix that?

>> No.2315729


>> No.2315730

Capri pants are for Horos.

>> No.2315731
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>> No.2315732

What the hell? How can something that only fixed to your torso be uncomfortable? Jeans are SKIN TIGHT and uncomfortable. I wear trousers or whatever because i hate jeans they're fucking uncomfortable.

>> No.2315734

You mean Carnival?

>> No.2315737

Uncomfortable to walk with, not uncomfortable to wear.

>> No.2315740

I wear sports clothes even if I hate sports SO MUCH BETTER THAN JEANS.

>> No.2315743

Oh... well this is just as shit as any other pants based clothing.

>> No.2315745
File: 21 KB, 236x370, 1219732915693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why don't they just lift up the front's of their dresses a bit as they walk like in the olden days? That's fucking classy right there. Like a noblewoman, not some main street harlot they seem to love to emulate thesedays.

>> No.2315748

Same here.

>> No.2315749

This too.
Isnt it the same shit? One day of the year you dress up as something, at first it was to scare of ghosts, now it's just fun.

>> No.2315752

Hell, I already do that with my pants since they're baggy as fuck.

>> No.2315753


Where the fuck do you guys live? I'm over here in San Francisco and it's all just jeans or hipster clothing. Or those goth skirts.

>> No.2315754


>> No.2315760


I bought my suit at good will for 50 bucks. You don't have to spend hundreds for a suit.

>> No.2315762
File: 936 KB, 768x1024, 3eae99e8a0fdd6812e6bfddc1a10415c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would want to wear something like a male version of Parsees clothes.

>> No.2315764

Dresses make it easier for me to raep them.

>> No.2315767

This is ironic, because they have a problem with dresses, but will wear miniskirts and shit.

Also, God invented stockings for a reason. If not sexy enough, panty hose.

>> No.2315769

What? It has never had anything to do with ghosts.

>> No.2315776
File: 45 KB, 438x600, 1196919284778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this too. Horo basically got it from Lawrence so I guess this should be unisex.

>> No.2315779
File: 179 KB, 600x550, 1237513033497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little sister still wears a dress. Well because of her school uniform. Kinda looks like Cirnos cloths but green and alot uglier. But a dress is a dress.

>> No.2315781

It did in Croatia, ghosts and spirits and demons.

>> No.2315786

Why don't men wear skirts anymore?

>> No.2315790

Homophobe christfags.

>> No.2315791

Men never wore skirts. Kilts and togas are not the same thing as skirts.

>> No.2315796

How about they fucking loose weight first?

>> No.2315799

What? You're an idiot.

>> No.2315801


Because it's cool to be anti-establishment and non-conformist. And uniforms and suits are the pinnacle of those things.

>> No.2315804
File: 134 KB, 377x599, holy order sol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do just not in the western world.
Something like Ky Kiske or Holy Order sol would be awesome to wear, that sort of coat that looks like a skirt.

>> No.2315806


>> No.2315808

Hats used to be classy as fuck, now nearly nobody wears them anymore.

>> No.2315809


Lucky you. No sales tax and dresses as far as the eye can see...

>> No.2315811


Alot of people still wear hats. They either wear baseball caps or those faggy hipster caps you see 50's era taxicab drivers wear. But yeah noone wears classy hats nomore.

>> No.2315816
File: 94 KB, 468x658, PutinDM_468x658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only problem with hats that I have is too long hair for a hat to sit on my head.

Dont we all agree that uniforms, skirts and hats should come back and be "fashionable"?

>> No.2315817

Aside from your average retarded wigger wearing a baseball cap backwards.

>> No.2315820

I wear a beanie but that makes me look like a bum/wigger/actual gangbanger the police should pull over.

>> No.2315823

>Only problem with hats that I have is too long hair for a hat to sit on my head.
What? How? Does your hair stick up into the air?

>> No.2315826

I'm jealous of my mother. She works at Customs and she gets to wear a uniform with a spiffy hat. Plus she has a gun.

>> No.2315827

>too long hair

That's what ribbons are for, Anonymous.

>> No.2315828

Incest, while she's wearing the uniform.

>> No.2315830

Super Saiyan

>> No.2315831
File: 247 KB, 800x1202, 1228570852111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>But yeah noone wears classy hats nomore.

>> No.2315832

Looks like a trenchcoat crossbred with a robe to me

>> No.2315833
File: 23 KB, 600x600, and this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least in my perception of the words, a hat is a cylinder hat or straw hat etc...
And caps are the new age shits like baseball caps, beanies, even the ones that look like fisher hats like in the picture.

Dont really know how to explain but a hat just wont stay on my head for long...

>> No.2315836

Used to wear a big bow ribbon when I was younger. Much younger. It was hard as hell to keep on.

>> No.2315837

Whatever it is it's awesome.

>> No.2315839


>> No.2315843

Classy as fuck.

>> No.2315845

Feminism killed femininity about the same time it killed chivalry.

>> No.2315846

As a male I cant really wear ribbons, but i did keep my hair tied into a ponytail for quite a time, it's also a good trick to mask your hair when it's unwashed and you have to go somewhere.

>> No.2315847

Classy cloths died with chivalry. Blame feminism for this.

>> No.2315849

Don't get me wrong, I'd wear one every fukken day if I could do so without getting the cops called on me by suspicious onlookers

>> No.2315851

this poster is obese

>> No.2315856

Mask your hair?

>> No.2315865
File: 127 KB, 600x450, 1221700939756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need imperialistic and militaristic clothing back. That shit was awesome. Made you feel like you were a part of something.

>> No.2315866

It dosent looks so oily and generally dirty when it tied up.

>> No.2315880

I wear flatcaps from time to time, but...

Feels old, man.

>> No.2315881


>> No.2315888
File: 708 KB, 1600x1380, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why was it so popular in the 80s for people to have mullets but I never see that shit these days anymore? Mullets are awesome.

>> No.2315890


My hair is kind of the opposite. It winds up being incredibly messy when tied, so much that I could make Einstein look normal. However, it's very uncomfortable otherwise.

>> No.2315907

You just dont have long enough hair to tie it all.

>> No.2315914

No, mullets are one of the few things that are not awesome.

>> No.2315923


Oh, I do. It goes down roughly mid-back. It just winds up looking more of a mess.

>> No.2315929

Thread's descended into insanity.

Just because the mainstream hates it doesn't mean it deserves to be liked. Mullets are horrific, and should be gone. Only a few people can pull off mullets, just like only a few girls can pull off miniskirts.
I'm tired of seeing huge blubbery legs slapping their fat against one another. You can even hear it at times.

...I hate Ireland.
And mullets.

>> No.2315951

Because in Japan wearing a bow is looked at as a ditzy stupid way, kind of like blondes in USA.

>> No.2315967
File: 63 KB, 400x1100, 1234465970299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chivalry isn't dead. just forgotten

>> No.2315974

Bows always look like shit IRL due to no magical animu gravity.

>> No.2315976

Thats just about the same. It's not here that the point.

>> No.2316030


No no. My younger sister's school uniform has a bow and it looks adorable. Just some of the middle school students in her school try to slut the bow up and it looks like shit.

>> No.2316053

how do you slut up a bow? do they put glitter on it or something?

>> No.2316057


Tie it up loosely with your blouse unbuttoned so the bow kinda directs your sight to their chest.

>> No.2316069

Personally, I love wearing skirts/dresses and it bothers me to no end seeing most girls wearing nothing but tshirt and jeans anymore.

While I lived in Japan I got a nice assortment of cute and fashionable stuff (normal clothes not loli stuff). Stuff I could probably never buy in the US and it's a shame.

The only thing I have with bows though are two pairs of shortpants with a satin sash as a belt and tie in the front as a bow.

>> No.2316071

Things that are awesome in 2D are not necessarily awesome in 3D.

Case in point: dresses, bows, etc. Ever actually seen cosplay? It's the pinnacle of what you folks are talking about, but definitely it's not classy or feminine or (most importantly) good-looking.

>> No.2316074


You assertion is flawed. Most of the dresses,bows etc used in cosplay are either handmade or made by some guy on ebay. They aren't being bought at Macy's or some respectable clothing shop.

>> No.2316086

How is handmade vs. mass produced relevant? Either it looks good or it doesn't.

>> No.2316096


How is eating a doughnut made by a bum on the street or from a renowned pastry maker relevant? Either it tastes good or it doesn't.

>> No.2316103

uh ...are you agreeing with him cuz it sounds like you are

>> No.2316106
File: 14 KB, 280x280, dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying something like this looks bad to you?

>> No.2316124

Do you by chance happen to suffer from learning difficulties?

>> No.2316132

Here a common thing, you're a kid and you want to be spider man. So you ask your mom to get you a spider man costume, she goes to the shop sees one and says no way that to expensive so she decides to make one, and you get a homemade one thats off and only looks alike, and the rich boy next door buys the costume and looks like the real spider man. Hope you understand it now.

>> No.2316138

civil... keep it civil.

>> No.2316139

Fucking lousy little rich bitch. Sure, it's kind of raggy and not even the right color but at least my parents love me.

>> No.2316157

Lousy comparison; storebought spiderman costumes look nothing like the actual spiderman outfit, more like spiderman-themed pajamas.

Anybody with half an ounce of talent and an understanding of the materials can make an outfit on par with mass-produced clothing, and anybody with genuine skill can far surpass it.

The problem here is anybody who has popped out kids is obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed, so it's natural a mom's homemade costume wouldn't be up to snuff.

>> No.2316164


>> No.2316172


He is still not going to look like Spiderman.

The argument about "hand made vs Mass Produced" is flawed because if it was true then a Bentley would be worst that a Ford.

Also even these days people get clothing being "hand made", things like suits were getting on in a tailor will be better that getting one from a clothing store.

>> No.2316179

This is more "Average man hand made vs Mass Produced" since cosplay is usually done by an average person with little talent in sewing.

>> No.2316180


I don't think the point was handmade vs storebought. But more if you make a shitty dress to cosplay as some character, you will most likely look like shit compared to someone who has a good understanding of fabric and tailoring making it or buying a dress at a department store that looks like the costume you want etc.

>> No.2316183

I wear waistcoats with dress shirts and fitting pants every day. Took a while to get used to but it looks so much better than anything else in my eyes. Plus, rolling your sleeves dressed that way instantly makes you look hardworking and honest.

>> No.2316201

Reading through the thread I deduce that anon views modern fashion as slutty and without class.

>> No.2316209

You deduction is correct, except we're talking about average joe western fashion here. Or so i think.

>> No.2316216

Most people do.

>> No.2316253
File: 56 KB, 800x600, gilgamesh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's because 2d things a static; even when animated they're just a series of static frames. To make dresses, bows and so on work in the real world you need to account for the awkward aspects of 3d and motion. Most (if not all) cosplayers don't, they just attempt to recreate exactly what is on the page when it should be used as concept art for high fashion.

Take Gilgamesh's casual clothes as attached here. In that pose his clothes look pretty awesome but the first glaringly obvious flaw is that the cut of the shirt won't look right unless you have your hands the your pockets the whole damned time. The other problem is sticking to the strongly defined colour schemes; unless you change some of that black to dark gray it will look tacky. My final point follows on from this: tackyness. Whilst I applaud the endeavor involved for an amateur seamstress, the fabrics they use simply have no place on the human body, and it is often the difference (with normal clothes) between an outfit that looks good and one which just never looks right.

>> No.2316260

I feel goddamn classy wearing a suit. Would wear one everyday if I could, makes me feel oddly sexy as fuck.
But the weather is hot and not fit for a suit look. Fuck me.
Try to go for the Faraday look, button up shirt and a casual tie.

>> No.2316267


Not true, fashion is an artistic thing; the slutty, classless garb most plebs swathe themselves in are just advertisements for prostitution.

>> No.2316268


For the summer I just don't wear the jacket. Dress shirt with tie still looks pretty classy. Plus looking classy also depends on how you carry yourself. My sister used to buy expensive ass luxurious cigarette brands to try and look classy whenever she met with clients. Too bad she smokes like a whore to impress anyone.

>> No.2316276


Truth. I remember I tried to make a Valkyria Chronicle cosplay for Welkin and finding decent fabric for a military cosplay is hard as fuck to do if I don't want to end up spending 100 bucks on the fabric alone. Also the color scheme and all the weird "belts and zippers" shit jrpg heroes have make for complicated embroidering and sewing. I think I just said fuck it and left alot of details undone to save time. So it ended up looking more like a run in the mill Full Metal Alchemist cosplay. Really tacky and looked like shit.

>> No.2316297


Knowing how to manage accessories is an art form in itself. As a rule of thumb, just going by my minds eye, one descent sized belt with a slightly larger than normal buckle would probably be sufficient to evoke enough of the feel of "belts and zippers" in the real world.

In case anyone who does cosplay is reading: Toning down the level of silly details and increasing the texture would allow a lot of cosplay to pass as slightly odd fashion.

>> No.2316308
File: 166 KB, 1020x840, 1226565878638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think it's easier to do that for a dress or everyday wear a character wears than a uniform where all those minute details are essential to the character.

>> No.2316353


Sorry, wasn't overly familiar with the character. It would take a better man than me to pull that job off, but I'd probably head to military surplus stores as a start, even if just to get an idea of how to put them together. To be honest that is ridiculously difficult.

>> No.2316376


Not the anon that tried to cosplay but why is that so hard to make? Is it just time consuming making all his little rank insignias?

>> No.2316377

Personally I just like clothes that really stand out and are ostentatious. Anime and video games have a lot of these. I couldn't find a tailor or seamstress to make me the things I want locally so I started learning myself, I'm still not too good but it's only a matter of time.

>> No.2316428


The shirt is incredibly strange (mainly for the underarm areas and stripes down the front). Making the shoulder pads not look awkward would be hard as well, they would start to look wrong when you moved. All the insignias would be relatively easy in comparison, just a case of a lot of embroidery.

Personally, I'd think that it would look to busy with all that in real life, I'd reduce the uniform down to the parts you felt best evoked the essence of the original. I'd be tempted to see if I could just theme an existing military outfit with black, gray and red with white trims.

>> No.2316430


Take some classes in fashion design: best thing I ever did with my time.

>> No.2316453

Attention whore.

>> No.2316456

I think Asians would be more inclined to wear dresses and bows and cute shit like that. 3rd wave feminism hasn't touched East Asia yet.

>> No.2316458


>> No.2316487


>3rd wave feminism hasn't touched East Asia yet

that's a rather big statement to make, putting aside that it's totally wrong

>> No.2316502

I guess I am a bit, but it all started with me seeing some character in an rpg I was playing when I was 9 and going "damn that is a nice looking coat! I want one!"

That and a fascination with goggles, I don't really know why I just find them awesome. Shame I can't find any good pairs on the internet.

>> No.2316510


Women are institutionally discriminated against in Asia. Just look at Japan as the prime example and their fascination with Office Ladies. Noone gives a shit when they do it. But pull that in the west and we'll have riots.

>> No.2316513

This is actually the first decent thread I have seen on /jp/ in weeks. I submitted it to 4chanarchive, need a few more votes to make sure it gets saved.


>> No.2316518
File: 13 KB, 208x199, 1227212239957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2316521

Why? We have the /jp/ archive that gets anything and everything.
Just for you, this is an easily searchable keyphrase to get it:
Anonymous discuss classy clothes

>> No.2316523

Get out.

>> No.2316542


>> No.2316547

I guess you must be new here.
Please read this http://archive.easymodo.net/jprules.php
and lurk moar.

>> No.2316555

Yeah like this shit from a jap-english teacher over there.

"Anyway, Noisy Gentleman takes a look around, searching for someone who can go toe to toe on the scales with him. He calls out to a female teacher. "Hey, what's your waist size?" he asks. "It's 84 centimeters." she responds simply. "Shit, I won!" Noisy Gentleman exclaims. He is, indeed, the fattest person in this school.

But wait-a-minute, back up that train for a moment. Let's take a look at what just happened there, cause it blew my socks right off. But just in case you didn't catch the subtleties, let's run it through the Japanese Indirectness Translator™

NG (To female teacher): Hey, what's your waist size? (JIT: Hey, how fat are you?)
Female Teacher: It's 84 centimeters. (JIT: Not that fat.)
NG: Shit, I won! (JIT: Fuck, you're not fatter than me.)

See, this conversation would have never happened in America. I can't imagine the amount of Bounty quicker-picker-upper paper towels it would take to clean up what was left of Noisy Gentleman if he asked a woman in America how fat she was. And then the female teacher, who isn't even fat, casually answers the question, not feeling at all offended or ready to come down upon him with the Furies of a Thousand Hells or anything like that. That just blew my mind."

>> No.2316556


I have heard arguments that the kogals were 3rd wavist.

I have also heard (rather accurate) statements that women rights in japan is probably about 20-30 years behind the west but that doesn't mean women attitudes are. It's orientalist to treat east asian women like they're a total product of the patriarchal culture they're in, japan is a modern society with free access to ideas like anyone else.

>> No.2316565


Do kogals even have an ideology to fight for? I thought it was just a fashion statement and people took it more seriously than it was ment to be?

>> No.2316570

/jp/ is stuck in the past. Noone wears dresses for the same reason noone wears togas today anymore.

>> No.2316575

Except for frat boys.

>> No.2316581

That guy is right if someone said that shit to a woman here in America all the women who heard it would rise as one and slay them.

>> No.2316594

Not everyone in America takes offense at the idea of people asking simple questions about their body. Also, not all men in America will put up with shit like a bunch of harpies descending upon him because he might have said something un-P.C.

>> No.2316596

all women are fat here so it goes without saying

>> No.2316598


It's because looking like a whore has become fashionable. We know we are stuck in the past. Maybe being stuck in the past is a good thing if we don't want girls everywhere to look like they are getting ready for a hard days work at the brothel.

>> No.2316603


kogals is more then just the whole ganguro thing. The girls were very rebellous, trends were almost a completely caricature of what males would scorn them for.

Don't quote me on this I'm not the wordy feminists who wrote this crap that probably looked into a teen craze far too much though.

Also I do not disagree that sexism is totally institutional in the workplace, they isn't even any concrete legal protection to enforce equality aside from that half assed shit they did in the early 90s. However to say that 3rd wavist concepts are absent is a bit of a far stretch.

You might argue that the prevelence of workplace harassment is the result of the attitude of corporate loyality overwhelming progressive feminist attitudes in the victims for example.

>> No.2316606

I am going to quote you on that. Enjoy being quoted in a future thread.

>> No.2316768
File: 199 KB, 728x1032, 1203567241398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orthodox Jewish girls wear those. I'm a raging anti-Semite but I can't resist blushing when I see a girl in her plain dress shirt and long utilitarian skirt. When I was about 15 and in the line for a roller coaster, there was a girl my age dressed exactly like that, with a pink shirt and a grey skirt, and I was (*´Д`)ハァハァing the whole time while her father glared me down with his cold Hebrew eyes. Maybe that's why I like Akiha so much four years later.

Artsy and fat girls will also sometimes wear something a bit more embellished that is called a "peasant dress," but it just doesn't work for me.

>> No.2316771

So this was what a year ago?

>> No.2316802

I find dress more confortable to wear compared to pant only problem is that I'm a guy and there's no way normal people will understand me.

>> No.2316822
File: 134 KB, 600x849, Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'm almost 20 now. It just had a big impact on me.

>> No.2316831

When's your birthday man?

>> No.2316837
File: 221 KB, 600x600, 60547555_74a10e770d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

June 1989. What are you getting me?

>> No.2316840

Oh dear god I had no idea this section existed, and now I'm wishing I still didn't.

>> No.2316846

Depends what you get me man, April 1989 here.

>> No.2316855

You're exaggerating a little too much. Just because pants show the shape of a woman's legs doesn't mean they're trying to show off their body.

>> No.2316856
File: 23 KB, 190x490, What-Rider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2316875

I once saw a loli with a bow, I ran for my life.

>> No.2316894

This is why I can only ever love 2D girls. They are beautiful and kind and feminine and pure.

>> No.2316897

I see a girl on my street who wears lacy dresses and ribbons from time to time. I wish I had the confidence to rape talk to her.

>> No.2316955

fuck you I'm 14th of June, 1989

>> No.2316970


I didn't say ALL pants were slutty. Just the lowrider shit with the thong sticking out or tubetop etc.

>> No.2316983

Do you know how difficult it has been to get a decent pair of jeans that aren't some 'low waist' or 'super low waist' shit in recent years? The last time I tried was two years ago, and I spent half a day at the mall (never a fun thing) raging at the salesgirls because they couldn't understand why someone wouldn't want to show off their underwear (their reasoning: but it's comfortable!).

>> No.2316991

Buy men's jeans, they are more comfortable anyway.

>> No.2316999

I remember seeing in my mom's old highschool pics of her when she was in Hong Kong, she used to tie her hair up in a ponytail with a bow holding it up. I wish she would do this but she cut her hair short now. Taiga short.

>> No.2317027

I used to! Switched over for various reasons though.
