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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 70 KB, 791x595, snu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2311238 No.2311238 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, hideous amorphous flesh-blobs need loving too, man.
Also, I've only been playing this for an hour or so and it's possibly the best VN I've ever played.

>> No.2311243
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>> No.2311313
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saya is always welcome.

>> No.2311339


>Saya is always welcome.

If only that were true...

>> No.2311344


It's the only VN you've ever read, then, I take it?

>> No.2311370
File: 25 KB, 600x450, Koji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kouji is the true hero and good guy in this VN!
Go Kouji! Kill Saya! Save your best friend Fuminori! And save the world!

>> No.2311369


What's with the criticism around here?

Oh wait, this is /jp/.

/a/, /v/ and /jp/ have a habit of instantly hating and criticising anything that's really good.

Why is that?

>> No.2311380


He's the good guy in the eyes of society.

Fuminori is the TRUE good guy because he's fighting for LOVE and for some alien race to take over the planet.

>> No.2311383

It became shit when it was translated.

>> No.2311386

shit sucks.

>> No.2311401

we need an untranslation patch to make the game cool again

>> No.2311405

Saying that something isn't the best isn't hating it. I'm not the guy you're replying to but I got the same impression as he did, especially since the OP said it's the best VN he's played when he's just started it.

Kouji is an extremely dull and unlikable character.

>> No.2311413
File: 225 KB, 800x600, Sayanouta-075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2311415

Awesome VN.
Fuck everyone else, go for Saya.

>> No.2311421

I've always wondered why everyone likes the "Blooming" end the best. There was a complete lack of emotion in it, other than HURRRRRR I LUF U NOW I GOTA GO ENJOY BEING N ALIEN!!!!!!! BYE!!!

>> No.2311426


>> No.2311463


What are you talking about. Kouji is fighting for his love who was killed by Fuminori, Yoh who was mutilated by Saya, and also to stop his best friend from becoming more of a monster to everyone else. Kouji is fighting for three times the amount of love that Fuminori is, he's like the fucking Char Aznable of this VN. The only reason Fuminori ever took a liking to Saya in the first place is because she's the one normal looking thing to him.

>> No.2311465


Everyone is such a cynic they think that killing their best friend and screwing humanity is the best choice.

>> No.2311840

Huh, this guy fucked a Shaggoth. Feels good man.

>> No.2311867

Saya is fucking awesome, much better than other novels like fsn.

>> No.2311875

Saya no Uta, not so good.

>> No.2311890

Actually Kouji was fighting more for revenge than love, which isn't nearly as pure of a motivation.

>> No.2312114

>possibly the best VN I've ever played.

play more stuff aniki

>> No.2312143

I've played and finished:
and now this, and I still think it's the best VN I've played.

Also, are there really only 2 choices in the whole thing?

>> No.2312146

Nice list of bad games. Go play some more games.

>> No.2312173

>I only play obscure untranslated VNs, popular = bad.

You're an idiot if you seriously think all those games are bad.

>> No.2312182
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>> No.2312183

Personally I think all of those except for Narcissu and maybe Planetarian are better than Saya no Uta, although it's still a great game.


>> No.2312184
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>> No.2312188

I don't think they're bad. I'm just being a jerk.

>> No.2312212
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>> No.2312214
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I just finished Narcissu today as well, maybe I wasn't in the mood for it but it didn't really effect me at all. I thought the ending was incredibly rushed, it didn't build up the scene enough.
Still decent though.

>> No.2312243

wow, its really like I'm on /v/!!!

/a/ is here,
nice work /jp/.

>> No.2312260

Al Gore screaming show it's awesum shit too.

>> No.2312297

Oh lol, everyone looks so awesome.

>> No.2312368

Does Saya die in the true ending?

>> No.2312394

No "true" ending. If you mean germination, yes.

>> No.2312413

ITT Overrated Shit

>> No.2313774

Awesome! Moar!

>> No.2313801

I liked Kouji end the best, it felt like it fit the story best to me.

>> No.2313816

Great game, made me think what I'd do if I suddenly began perceiving the world like Fuminori.

It's a short game, but it's good.

>> No.2313818

The bit where he's beating the shit out of Saya as she desperately crawls over to Fuminori's corpse made me ;_;

>> No.2313823
File: 73 KB, 426x282, suicide-gun1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World with Saya: Fuck Saya
World without Saya: pic related

>> No.2313839


>> No.2313846

If you met Saya, what would you do if people came to your house or lived with you or something?

Also, you'd probably still go batshit and end up killing and eating people like Fuminori did.

>> No.2313849

You just asked and then answered your own question.

>> No.2313850

I'll just do the same Fuminori did, kill and eat. Kill and eat. Fuck Saya. Kill and eat.

>> No.2313851
File: 74 KB, 806x630, saya_end1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>World with Saya: Fuck Saya
>World without Saya: pic related
Ronery World: Wall End

>> No.2313854

No, I mean how you would go about living with Saya and not having her seen.

>> No.2313856

You are now aware that Saya is really a disgusting blob of alien meat.

>> No.2313859

Who cares? You're not perceiving her like that anyways. Reality is all in the mind.

>> No.2313874

Also, brainless sex-pet ex-friend.
That threesome scene was fucking hot.

>> No.2313881

I would move to the middle of nowhere and fuck Saya 24/7.

>> No.2314198

No he wasn't, he states several times that it's not about revenge.
It's about having a clear goal in mind to distract himself from his new reality, to stop himself from breaking down from all the shit he's just been through.

>> No.2314216

That's an even more selfish reason then. Although I'm sure revenge was still a large part of it, even if Kouji himself wasn't willing to admit it.

>> No.2314255

Revenge is just a part of all his other reasons (
And a justifiable one in this case.

>> No.2314320 [DELETED] 

I'm raging at how inconsistent these filesizes are. Is it possible they're missing things in the game, such as music or sound effects?

This one has the most seeds -
403MB rarred: http://www.tokyotosho.com/details.php?id=127788

248MB zipped: http://isohunt.com/torrent_details/70581181/Saya+no+Uta?tab=summary

352MB bin file (among the collection of stuff): http://www.datorrents.com/torrent/3114--nitro-saya-no-uta-collection-torrent/


>> No.2314329
File: 1.37 MB, 1564x592, yopi1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saya no Uta is good, but not great, like most fan-translated eroge. I've played many, and it's fact that remains unchallenged that the best games remain untranslated. It's not elitism or anything, but a simple fact.

The only top-tier game which got translated i Planetarian. Every other game which those who play only translated titles think are grade A are grade B at most (Ever17, SnU, etc).

The reason for that is basically the motivation behind the translators; if a game is very popular in Japan, there's more motivation to start and complete a project in order to bring the game to us. However, if it's more hardcore and/or too long, the motivation isn't there (all Age games, Akabeesoft games, etc). It's sad, but there it is.

>> No.2314356

But F/SN and Clannad did get translated despite their length.

>> No.2314365

Thanks, reminded me that I have to start Tsuyokiss sometime soon.

>> No.2314375

To put it more simply, every translator translates what he likes and thinks he can actually do.

>> No.2314407

On the verge of tears, Kouji continues to swing his pipe furiously. The monster's slimy fluids fly through the air, joining with the blood already covering his face.
The creature extends one thin, trembling tentacle to touch Fuminori's shoulder, then lovingly caresses his blood-stained cheek――
And then it stops moving.
Even in its final moments, the monster would not let go of Fuminori. It died joined with him.


>> No.2314442

Ever17 and Saya are considered grade A by most fans in Japan as well.
What you think about it has no bearing on it.

>> No.2314469

You're worse than the sub purists on /a/ who won't admit that shows like Bebop have a good dub even if they consider the original track superior.
Saya translates perfectly fine and is just as good in either language.

>> No.2314472

Learn to read

>> No.2314474 [DELETED] 

That's what he said?

>> No.2314491

Am I the only one who thought Cowboy Bebop's dub sucked? I'll admit some dubs are good but Cowboy Bebop isn't one of them.

>> No.2314501

It was good for its time at least. But yeah, some things are receiving better dubs like Ace Combat 5.

>> No.2314524

Reading. There's only three choices, and all they do is give an ending.

>> No.2314578

It's a perfectly cromulent usage of the word.

>> No.2314581

Explain then why Ever17 is repeatedly voted as one of the best VNs around by the Japs then.
And Saya is loved to bits over there.

>> No.2314612
File: 231 KB, 975x810, 1210517576161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup guy that hate everything popular.
Of course Ever17 is not Grade A, it is Grade S.

>> No.2314622

*posts egs ranking, punches wall, is 300lbs*

>> No.2314747

I'm starting saya with applocale, but when the first texts are supposed to come on screen it just shows empty row with the cursor, any ideas?

>> No.2314789


Found the solution, jap files on windows XP cd didn't work for some reason so I reinstalled them from jap pack, works now.

>> No.2314795

Online polls are a joke. KID (makers of Ever17) went bankrupt, and it wasn't this big hit in Japan.

>> No.2314801

It's about ratings and appreciation in this case from the people questioned, not commercial success.

You think only 2000 people bought Clannad or F/SN?

>> No.2314815


I heard it takes a while to load everything when you start a new game. Just wait for a while.

>> No.2314831
File: 116 KB, 809x630, saya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually it still doesn't work... I can even see the japanese letters in Settings menu.

>> No.2314837

Have you changed your language locale?

>> No.2314841



>> No.2314846

Beautiful, grotesque game is beautiful and grotesque.


>> No.2314884

How did you fix your settings, OP? In mine, ellipses turn up as Period-Yen-Period-Yen, and some words aren't cut properly, for example:

I'm going to play t
his visual novel

Something like this.

>> No.2314893

You need to turn on Japanese locale.

>> No.2314897
File: 70 KB, 500x373, Domo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, thanks. I knew I missed a step.

>> No.2314919
File: 2 KB, 90x90, fuckingstupidretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you changed your language locale?

>You need to turn on Japanese locale.
Ah, thanks. I knew I missed a step.

>> No.2314919,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2316505
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>> No.2316592

I predict that when Gore Screaming Show is translated, when Little Busters! is translated, when Itsuka Todoku Ano Sora Ni is translated, /jp/ will call them all shit.
