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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 508 KB, 639x479, pm4soldier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2308989 No.2308989 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished playing through PM4 (with a bit of help from the atlas translator for the none spoken parts and the english patch for the menu's). What does /jp/ think of this game?

I can't help but compare PM4 with 2 though.
If you played PM2 before then PM4 is really easy to pick up. Some major things missing in PM4 is the adventure part though. This mostly got replaced with the town map. The town now also includes the castle visits, while this is a huge improvement over the once a month visit of pm2. It's not really that important to go to the castle since by winning the harvest festival you'll also gain a large deal of fame. If you saw the stuff the town has to offer once, its not that interesting in a replay unfortunatly.

The major part I feel PM4 falls short compared to PM2 though, is the endings. PM2 has a shit load of different endings. First you'd get a letter with your daughter telling you what she liked about her childhood etc. Then what she became. If she was any good at her job. If she got married and then finally the deity's talking about how shiity/awesome of a father you were for her.
In PM4 the endings are really lackluster compared to that. If your girl becomes a soldier, she's a soldier. Just a soldier. And you can only hope she will come back alive some day. The end. Fin.
It doesn't matter one bit if you let her spend a lot of time making friends in town. If she is just on the border line of stat requirements or if she is well over. Nor does she care if you let her spend 3 years working on the farm. You won't hear a thing about any of that. Really disappointing if you ask me.
I don't really like how incredibly gloomy the endings are either. Sister ending? Nothing to be happy about. Soldier ending? Hope she will come back alive. Hero ending? She slayed the darklord and then she suddenly disappeared.
In PM2 I could send off my daughter with a smile, in PM4 i'm hoping she will at least find 'some' kind of happiness.

>> No.2308990
File: 585 KB, 640x480, PM4vacation1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The work 'animations' of PM4 are also lackluster. It's hardly even worth looking at. The ones in PM2 are far more interesting to look at.

On the brightside of things, I really like the personality of the PM4 daugther. As a little kid she's cheerful and happy. When she's 16, she acts all lady like. Her voice actor does a great job and the character in general is well written. I haven't seen an occasion where I felt she suddenly acted 'out of character'.
The art is beautiful. There are also a lot of nice vacation pics (far more then in PM2)
An other improvement is the fight tournament. All the other characters scale up with the years. In PM2 you could level your daughter to become all powerful at the age of 15 and you'd never had to spend any time/money raising any combat stats after that. If you halfass her training in PM4 she'll have a much harder time winning the tournaments (though this might also depend somewhat on the match ups).
The schools are also much more useful in PM4. Far less expensive with more gain. Hell, eventually you can actually earn a small bit of money by becoming a master in a class.

All in all PM4 is just as fun/addicting to play as PM2. Some parts of the game are improved. Others are inferior (mostly the endings!)


>> No.2309000

But there is nothing to discuss. These are exactly my thoughts too.

>> No.2309002

But where is the secks?

>> No.2309009

It had delicious yuri endings.

>> No.2309024
File: 71 KB, 640x480, heropm4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

( ゚ Д ゚)

>> No.2309029
File: 662 KB, 640x480, PM4vacation2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know btw what the big deal is with the talking stuffed animal? It's freaking me out.
I've only hear it talk 3 times though and none of these events are terribly relevant to anything...

>> No.2309034
File: 587 KB, 640x480, pm4hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what? Is that the hero ending? Cause mine looked slightly different.

>> No.2309039

It was enjoyable, although due to the stat juggling and repetition aspect the desire to replay it is minimal(I got a soldier and maid ending already). The daugher is ultra cute, especially in the 'corrupt' phase. Too bad she's pretty much useless then so you always gotta purify her by buying bucketloads of holy water from the church.

Obviously it was heavily inspired by visual novel format due to the heavy emphasis on drama between the daughter and the characters around her, Lize and Christina(Kugimiya's chara) being my favorites. Who gives a shit about the males, except for maybe the demon king?

>> No.2309049

At first I thought this was another copypasta due to walls of texts, but after carefully reading, you made me want to go play PM2 that is sitting in my thumbdrive right now.

>> No.2309050

The second games is always the best of everything.

PM5 is kind of fun though, but it's too damn long that I've never been able to play it through to an ending.

Also that bitch won't die. Can she die in PM4?

>> No.2309127
File: 76 KB, 640x480, PM4soldier2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Differences between the pc and console versions I figure.

>Also that bitch won't die. Can she die in PM4?
Perhaps its just me, but I just can't get it over my heart to corrupt my daughter... dying is totally out of the question.

>> No.2309241

bamp for widow maker

>> No.2309257

Gotta try it at least once to find out the limits. And to piss off the spirit thing in pm2.

>> No.2309269

hilarious shit.

>> No.2309353
File: 618 KB, 640x480, style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I has this daughter in pm2?

>PM5 is kind of fun though, but it's too damn long that I've never been able to play it through to an ending.
What does PM5 play like?

>> No.2309390

But that's not Deceased Crab.

>> No.2309519
File: 23 KB, 383x248, emiplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like molasses. You set what she does every day, and how long she does it. Generally, there's school time (it's modern day, so school 6 days a week), and after that you can let her have free time (you can set whether she plays or studies more often) or do a part time job. (you also set her curfew every month so she has more or less time to do things.)

You can go out into the city to increase her social contacts and lower stress and whatnot every sunday. She also moves about her room during this time so you can mouse over her and see her ever changing interests like browsing 2chan and wrestling with cube-dog.

The reason it's slow is because they go through several animations every day, AND they have little cutscenes where the other classmates talk to her. This is the most interesting part because as her relations with them goes up, it opens up other events and evening cell phone conversations and people visiting her when she's sick and even other free time animations.

There seems to be some jealousy involved when I tried to have her be friends with a clingy glasses girl and the blonde news girl (whose school newspaper provides information on upcoming events.) so the games kinda deep in that respect.

You apparently can't send her on fantasy adventures until she reaches a certain age, but I've never gotten past like 3 years because of slowly reading all the stuff that goes on and the general length of time the game takes even with not doing anything.

It's pretty fun though and I like the whole choosing how she interacts with people/advice giving aspect. And the part I mentioned before about being able to watch her play around her room.

I want an otaku end but I can't get her power level high enough. I guess it picks up later.

>> No.2309540

oh yeah it's not anywhere near as cute as the other games, but it has it's own charms.

>> No.2309584
File: 87 KB, 640x480, pm4vacation5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows the interaction between the daughter and father/mother? Part what makes PM fun is going D'aaaaaw when your daughter hands you a b-day present for example.

>> No.2309782

Parent-child interaction wise, lots of cute things happen. Besides the usual birthdays and holidays and yearly trips, one early event is that she writes a little speech about her parent for the class. You get to read it later on, and I don't know if it can change on context but it's cute talking about how you always work hard for the family and they love you or whatever it said that I forget. There's also an early event where she weirds her classmates out by being somewhat attached to you. They basically call her a momma/daddy's girl. (I don't know if this changes either.) There are school events, of course, that you can show up for or pass on.

The biggest thing is sundays. When you go shopping, occasionally they'll ask you to buy them something, which you have to actually BUY(it's not automatic) and which they get particularly mad about if you forget to actually buy it. (there's also popular items you should buy if you don't want her to be angry at you for making her uncool)

Spending time with them in places is important to raise stats on that day, although you can have them meet friends or they might go off to meet friends on their own that day. She may or may not tell you about concerts and stuff before hand, but if you, say, happen to arrive somewhere when a festival is taking place, she'll try to get you to go there too. Basically sunday is a day spent playing with her all day, unless you tell her to laze about the house.

At the end of sundays (you have a certain measured time that you divide among going places) You can choose to either take a bath with her, sleep alongside her, or send her to bed alone. At any point before then you can also talk to her about her life and whatnot and praise/scold her to keep her in line.(and affect her stress.) Occasionally a talk will give the opportunity to give her a reply which also alters her stats.

>> No.2309807

>(there's also popular items you should buy if you don't want her to be angry at you for making her uncool)
It's like I really have a daughter!

>> No.2309857

Yes it's exactly like that. There's this show that comes on tv that puts up a random item and talks about how all the cool kids have it. If she has it too, she's like "Shit is so cash" if she doesn't, she's like "My life is RUINED I will never be able to face my peers ;_;"

Occasionally kids at her school will talk about things, but I think that's just to let you know somethings coming up.

>> No.2309869
File: 531 KB, 640x480, pm4hero2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds different from PM2&4 but rather fun nevertheless. Can't really say i'm blown away by the art (from what ive seen that is) though.

Thanks for the lenghty replies Anon!

>> No.2309893

I'm waiting for english translation which is being made.

>> No.2309911
File: 313 KB, 545x320, tl;dr2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.2309920
File: 118 KB, 760x607, bedroom_bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the art sucks and I hate short hair girls, but it's a great game ignoring that. The fact that it's not just a static screen of her staring at you when you're not sending her to do things is worth the goofy art alone.

..did I mention cube is a dog? (he can turn to his usual form though)

>> No.2309926
File: 40 KB, 393x408, 1236912497135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which is being made.

>> No.2309960


How much progress has been done ?

>> No.2309959

Get a chair.

>> No.2309980

Princess Maker translations do not exist.
(Besides the canned one for PM2 and the PM1 for MSX translation)

>> No.2310026



Wish they had translation but oh well.

>> No.2310068

most menu things are translated. that's all

That's about as yuri as strike witches get. The way I see it they are just good friends. But whatever.

>> No.2310072
File: 237 KB, 471x665, fate saber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck year Feito and Sabar

>> No.2310151

Am I the only one that thinks of Hayate when I hear cube talk in Princess maker 4? The fact that Patricia kinda resembles Nagi doesn't help either.

>> No.2310382
File: 8 KB, 218x267, divorcee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PM2 hijack.

>> No.2310727

Does anyone here know the japanese search terms for princess maker art for Pixiv (if they have anything at all that is)?

>> No.2311206

shameless bump
