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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 205 KB, 1335x2000, D8se2dmV4AAdWS4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23095532 No.23095532 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread went sage >>23049198

Kigurumi Mask Makers and Resources:
- https://kigurumimask.web.fc2.com/
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SxisIf9QyaETiM0OcIWNdPcgStnkKipKvSnc_z5MmEw/

Kigurumi Website Feed:
- http://www.animegao.com/

Kigurumi Hangouts/Forums:
- http://www.kigurumionline.org/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/kigurumi/

- Images: https://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag&word=%E7%9D%80%E3%81%90%E3%82%8B%E3%81%BF
- Videos: https://www.findtubes.com/search/kigurumi
- Stick this in japanese sites: 着ぐるみ

>> No.23095564

Welp, somehow the thread subject killed itself.

>> No.23095587
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, nyoro-date-unknown-partner-groping.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in my day we lurked streams until something fappable happened.

>> No.23095820

Some of Miku stuff got uploaded, better get it before it get deleted.

>> No.23095900
File: 259 KB, 1065x1600, ESDtcnfU4Acriwi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23096122

I want to experience this before I die

>> No.23096143

What's stopping you?

>> No.23096156

I asked this last thread, but is there any way to get in contact with Rin to get her old diy paper craft stuff?

>> No.23096418

Did you put it in options?

>> No.23096639
File: 435 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20200301_205313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to change your kigu bedding

>> No.23096786
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>> No.23096805
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>no /kcs/

>> No.23096854
File: 100 KB, 1278x853, EB5-GdmWkAA2J1N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23097019

Nice gloves, princess

>> No.23097072

I miss the Amaburis.

>> No.23098103

What was in the title?

>> No.23098143
File: 73 KB, 737x491, c245fc36ed169439aedcaafb13c354db.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to snuggle Yuri's silky gloves and equally silky cheongsam!

>> No.23098908
File: 351 KB, 1152x2048, 02EDB4D3-27B1-422B-ABB9-7A6805BDD791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23098914
File: 818 KB, 1600x2400, 740D99DC-C8DB-4832-BEAE-D7767A99C36A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23098982

All I want to do is to try on kigurumi for a day...

>> No.23099081
File: 689 KB, 200x151, TornQuads.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lesbian kigurumi cuddling

>> No.23100023

Imagine how soft are their bodies may be

>> No.23100563

/kcs/ Kigurumi Church Sanctuary (to fit the image, durr)

>> No.23100651
File: 276 KB, 1280x1889, DETnElGUIAE1GNp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could get wrapped up in that silky skirt and also get headpats from those soft gloves.

>> No.23100785

Please just let this thread die so we can make the real one. Stop bumping it.

>> No.23101051

Won't happen just over a missing title.

>> No.23101492
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>> No.23101495
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>> No.23102074
File: 1.31 MB, 4096x2731, ESG1jNvXUAAfxdt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23102124


>> No.23102145
File: 789 KB, 1897x4096, ESB7cUQU4AEN3kG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would pay to have sex with both of them

>> No.23102187

You would have sex with a ?

>> No.23102191

a (9)*

>> No.23102671

i dont know why but my brain tell me there are something wrong with that legs

>> No.23103150

God I love kigs that you can definitely tell are male, but still look very cute.

>> No.23103244

Kig mask insides??

>> No.23103625
File: 87 KB, 512x492, 56456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23104335
File: 490 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20200302_071159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them?

>> No.23104917
File: 555 KB, 1365x2048, EIH4vVwU4AAblAb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more pics of cute kigus wearing silk clothing!

>> No.23105707

I thought I was the only one who liked this.

>> No.23105846
File: 130 KB, 1024x683, 006CWgSDgy1g8igldn2l3j31900u0x6p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23105934
File: 52 KB, 675x1200, i-img675x1200-1582193653xrdqh6520337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23106135

at first glance I thought that pov shot of someone fucking an alien sexdoll

>> No.23106374
File: 232 KB, 2048x1366, EP8QGDNUUAAJIVR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pls come back Tsukasa

>> No.23106567
File: 444 KB, 1024x1365, cf587e94gy1gch95l9sdqj22zc3z44qu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23106921

What’s the shiny bits on the black stuff (eye padding?)

>> No.23107040

I want to see inside her mask~

>> No.23107082
File: 6 KB, 320x180, 6A0B404C-B4DE-4B28-90B3-88CEFD2D376F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ninja-style > eye holes > scrim cover (any) > open face

>> No.23107107
File: 59 KB, 403x512, 0DCD26C4-51CC-4C8F-A6FA-5D315FCA2ADC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23107242
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>> No.23107250
File: 119 KB, 800x600, d6a9hjt-77c65a83-07f4-46a3-a93b-ab16046412f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of fursuits (pic related).

>> No.23107281 [SPOILER] 
File: 131 KB, 1024x683, 1583275291888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s one way to have decent mask vision. VR or some kind of combat-grade panoramic vision system when?

>> No.23107289

Doesn’t look comfy at all.

>> No.23107291

You don't feel that at all, it's used when heads are giant.

>> No.23107517


>> No.23107539
File: 322 KB, 1280x854, tumblr_mt8dacfZ2T1sck8l5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could become a steel angel~

>> No.23107545
File: 612 KB, 2048x1536, ENeozbSUYAAw1TU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23107826

Shiny eyes.

>> No.23108253


>> No.23108455
File: 50 KB, 454x640, 1582263587264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any more faceless robot kigs?

>> No.23108566
File: 568 KB, 1536x2048, ESO9syiU0AENV9y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It this.. The Land of the Gods?

>> No.23108620

I really want to be a kig but I don't know if I have the skillz to make the mask at least.

>> No.23108732

Oh. I still would add some kind of liner though.

>> No.23108839
File: 715 KB, 1536x2048, Dd9TQGOVQAAE3DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of Mai-Dolls ones out there.

>> No.23109166 [DELETED] 

/kcs/ I hate niggers and this also extends to nigger kigs.
Do not attempt to post nigger kigs.

>> No.23110397
File: 7 KB, 275x183, DB98C2AE-6A28-4CDF-9699-CF2FC34DF119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re pretty cute. Same with that one group whose name still escapes me.

>> No.23110765

Cute cheongsam!

>> No.23111711


>> No.23112319
File: 51 KB, 480x480, F2F8851B-BC94-457C-BEDA-E64BB6E348F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23112490

Anyone have any pics of that Russian guy’s VR headset kigurumi thing? I remember an anon mentioning it a couple threads ago...

>> No.23113254
File: 65 KB, 600x900, C235B8F5-829E-4B76-825E-4E6A9AD0F853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23113273

That looks cool!

>> No.23113383
File: 112 KB, 1024x768, B211FB67-244A-4F47-B930-68BFDC332EFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23113477
File: 326 KB, 2560x1745, FCCC63C6-4464-420C-8838-27106C6ECEBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kigs with nails?

>> No.23113563
File: 766 KB, 1280x853, ERVw8eaU4AEc7QA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23114205

More insides of masks?

>> No.23114221
File: 557 KB, 1361x1920, DSC_5260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23114315

Would you be turned off if the beautiful kig you're doing lewd stuffs with suddenly lets out some manly moan?

>> No.23114367
File: 2.33 MB, 4032x3024, D8SXFjzXsAESmb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23114442
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>> No.23114498
File: 407 KB, 1536x2048, EFuBhdGVAAAi_-W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would make it better

>> No.23114613

I would cum for sure

>> No.23114740
File: 1.42 MB, 3072x4096, CygchTnUoAAfMqo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23114745

Smooth (hadatai)

>> No.23114771

I don't get it, why would that turn me off?

>> No.23114834
File: 50 KB, 310x413, 949-art-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably can't breathe in this one.

>> No.23114860

Post robot/doll-jointed kigus!

>> No.23114906
File: 209 KB, 960x1280, EIhF3EtUcAIF6_Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23114914
File: 218 KB, 979x1479, EIhF3E0UcAMRdKn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23114978

infinitely more fun that masturbating with a belt around my neck ngl

>> No.23114979

>female kigs

>> No.23115096
File: 97 KB, 737x493, kuriko090819008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do men make better kigs than women?

>> No.23115323
File: 395 KB, 667x1000, 24562100_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will never be as cuddly as this

>> No.23117072

Why has the amount of wrestling people increased in the shamezone? Wrestlefag is already annoying but more wrestling retards is going to amplify his antics.

>> No.23117613
File: 816 KB, 2731x4096, 93C7E2AE-7223-4E2A-8DB7-7A15F2B55F37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23118246

Bigger legs cute cocks

>> No.23119350

Just what happens when a community still grows - more people with similar interests.

>> No.23119381
File: 405 KB, 1288x3301, 651b287f9e2f07081ff0c57ffe24b899a801f222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23119851
File: 333 KB, 1367x2048, ESMaOJ2WoAAHrPv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23120818

>tfw a lewd kigu will never step on your dicku with their pantyhose covered hadatai
it hurts to live

>> No.23121637
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, 51075968_2328300174111622_1286874276074356736_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go to one of gko's zentai club parties and your dream can come tru

>> No.23121682
File: 151 KB, 1024x683, 007KDOebly1gbjihmb6cbj364w43ckk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23121701
File: 237 KB, 1440x960, 48384850_2297010997240540_698835146639409152_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23121715

I don't know why a plastic anime head makes such a difference but I like kig a lot and zentai does nothing for me.

>> No.23121761

men know what other men want
women only care about themselves because they're inherently a selfish species

>> No.23122052


>> No.23122107
File: 1.01 MB, 4096x2730, D1NoNGUU4AAq2l7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23122178

>Get in, loser. We're going kigging

>> No.23122233

>Get in, loser. We're going kigging
Have to steal this.

>> No.23122240

What is one detail that should exist more on robokigs but generally doesn’t?

>> No.23122274

I think there's a pic like that already.

>> No.23122279

Maybe animated eyes? Would look less off as they do on normal kigs.

>> No.23122296
File: 47 KB, 720x480, 44187177_160797458200449_3450583150877474816_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, old-school kig version.

>> No.23122314

Like an LED matrix or something mechanical/physical?

>> No.23122317

Ah, I knew I saw it before!

>> No.23122349

I meant like

>> No.23122375

That’s kind of spoopy. I’d probably put a lens of some kind at front and maybe make it black with a coloured animated iris.

>> No.23122393

*for a robokig.

>> No.23122924


>> No.23123238

I should just pick up a zentai suit of some kind just for fun, but not sure what color/style... no kig or hadatai yet.

>> No.23123358

skin colored zentai, easy transition

>> No.23123455


>> No.23123462
File: 269 KB, 1364x2048, ERsudoOVUAAhs7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23123571

Best Canadian vendor?

>> No.23124132
File: 246 KB, 719x1024, 13226402_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs moar mecha/robot/cyborg kigs.

>> No.23125418

I have heard that some Kigu masks havve build in respirators. Is that true?

>> No.23125678
File: 156 KB, 1184x1508, 156e39cdf1d4d017b7345344724f9afa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, I've just read Dollface (Twisted Metal) story, and damn that's some kinky kig shit. Basically, she can't remove her mask.

>> No.23126920

>hits the perfect g-spot with your kink
>their masks look like shit
what's her name, /jp/?

>> No.23126987
File: 291 KB, 1577x2048, 1583012667719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>23104917 here

>> No.23127018

Could be anyone be more specific anon.

>> No.23127268
File: 1009 KB, 1080x2160, S00306-105316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still hit it

>> No.23127718

I don't care if he's a dude, I love his costumes.

>> No.23127768
File: 739 KB, 1438x2160, mweDmQ9HA34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23128253

What is the respirator made of?

>> No.23128414

Anyone have the twitter of that vampire kig with pink hair?

>> No.23128435

There's like ten of those.

>> No.23128463


>> No.23128498

You're going to need to be more specific.

>> No.23128702

It's a custom 3d printed one to fit the mask interior.

>> No.23128705
File: 273 KB, 1752x1200, D509KtlU0AAOZA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23128902

Cool. ... I almost want to buy a 3D printer for myself now.

>> No.23128910

What are some examples of non-standard/traditional kig masks/helmets? The more innovative/cooler the better!

>> No.23129007
File: 377 KB, 1365x2048, ESdRFIDU8AAWgwS (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23130084

imagine fucking all those pink sluts senseless

>> No.23130110

>me in the back

>> No.23130241

Why are feet such an erotic thing with kigu

>> No.23130498

theory off the top of my head:

there are a lot of kig fetishists who have a thing for kig feet but aren't into feet otherwise. this is because typical foot fetishes are based on an aesthetic quirk, whereas kig fetish usually stems from crossdressing + encasement. so we end up liking the sensation of having our feet/toes encased in hada, or wearing girly tights or stockings.

>> No.23131847
File: 300 KB, 1365x2048, ESdREOjU8AAoq7x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mirai Akari!

>> No.23131855

I'm depressed and the only thing that can cure my depression is a kigu replying to this post. So if you're a kigu please reply

>> No.23133442

I just want a kigu to step on my dick

>> No.23133660
File: 867 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20200307_083943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just keep eroding my sanitiy.

>> No.23133801
File: 46 KB, 521x701, IMG_20200307_085648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>radical kigu

>> No.23134502

>tactical kigu

>> No.23135286
File: 148 KB, 800x1199, ESAUaTlU8AEOMdm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23135679


>> No.23135684

>mechanical kigu

>> No.23135697

sure senpai

>> No.23135742

How do I know you're a kigu?
Thank you

>> No.23136642


I don’t really count as a kigu but I hope you feel better now anon. It sucks having depresso.

>> No.23137236

Tell us about your depression anon. So many here have it. Its good to hear the stories and talk it out.

>> No.23137577

Not him but what *is* depression anyway? my friends accuse me of being depressed because I prefer to be myself. I don't wallow in despair or misery I just have more fun myself than I do with them. Like they read the DSM 5 and suddenly they're experts because I seem to fit the descriptions from the outside looking in.

>> No.23137698

Post cool kigu masks! Cool mask internals are good too

>> No.23138159

have you ever rubbed bulges with other kigus owo

>> No.23138365

I’ll be one in 3 days when my mask arrives!

>> No.23138471


Not really I think?

>> No.23138522

y-you're not sure?

>> No.23138665
File: 160 KB, 1363x2048, EIXpDNWWoAAXltu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dream is to be a kigu and rub my bulge against another kigu's bulge

>> No.23138719


I don’t remember.

>> No.23138729


Actually I didn’t. I confused stuff, nevermind.

>> No.23140440

>haruhi rubbing her massive brazillian kigu cock on your bulge
>slowly presses you down to your knees
>forces her cock in your mouth and down your throat
>steps on your hard throbbing dick while you are defenseless
>moans girly before letting out a massive load across your whole face while you cum between haruhis toes

>> No.23141183
File: 509 KB, 1500x2000, b978c6ea15ce36d3e89aa34b2df33a87e850b178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23141943

Am I the only one who is curious about wrestlefags DP28 kig? She looks great in the game and he has been the only person who stuck to his GFL kig idea.

>> No.23142178

I want to be a tmp or a g11...

>> No.23142302

h-haha imagine giving a big sniff to coruja kigu bulge

>> No.23142777

Not in my fantasy. I will be the one to dominate Coru.

>> No.23142892

I feel like people forget that these are not fictional people, and probably can (and will in the case of coru) see this.

>> No.23142930

How do you know I'm not? ;)

>> No.23142972

Burden of proof is on you

>> No.23143049

imagine thinking coru isnt fictional

>> No.23143213

Coru-chan will dominate you. She will force your kigu hungry mouth open to put her massive red glans on your tongue and let you drink all her sweet kigu pee.

>> No.23143619


I don’t really care, it’s a bunch of anons shitposting. I find it funny actually.

>> No.23143629


Also this, lmao. I usually think of myself as a dom, but I’m so frigid it doesn’t really count.

>> No.23143637

Huh really. I've always pictured you as a sub. This changes everything.

>> No.23143871

Mommy Coru rape my face with your big stinky kigu cock

>> No.23144082


Oddly when I’m in kig I don’t wanna show I have a dick or bulge at all. It feels awkward because I’m all female and all so bulge is odd.

I’d be down for stepping on people and generally spanking them lmao.

>> No.23144089


I wanna take some kabedon pics with other kigs as well lmao.

>> No.23144118

I'm sorry but I can't let you spank me or dom me. I am in no way, shape, or form a sub/bottom.

>> No.23144247
File: 1.79 MB, 3072x4096, EShGrxjWkAIrlsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am surrounded by lesbians
>raging lesbians

>> No.23144337

Why do all the unlikable assholes have always kigs around them?

>> No.23144374

I hope you are not badmouthing my wife oboro

>> No.23144912


People have a thing for you if you never apologise. That’s actually a thing.

Doing the most honorable thing is actually frowned upon and seen as weakness.

>> No.23145091

more inside masks?

>> No.23145160

Are you single?

>> No.23145499

If I ever finally be a kig, I would want to be a huggable one. I think I would need to focus on getting my loose skin that still gives me a belly bulge down with some kind of male shapewear first before even thinking of working on a human type kig. And also get a new apartment too before all of that.

>> No.23145522


Yeah. How does it connect tho? I’m just referring to the psychological idea that we automatically say sorry to stuff we shouldn’t be saying just to be agreeable (and I’m at fault for it too) and then that is used to discredit us because saying sorry implies to the other person you’re wrong (when you’re not really).

Hence why I’m trying to stop doing it.

>> No.23146016

What got you into kig?

>> No.23146238
File: 180 KB, 1000x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What got you into kig?
The first kig that I ever saw was Sofa, which I of course thought was an actual female cosplaying, and that got me intrigued because I had never seen one before. I can't remember exactly where I saw the image of Sofa, but I think someone posted her on /a/. I wanted to learn more about these mystical 3D anime girls.

After I saw the picture of Sofa someone randomly posted on a board on /a/ I searched youtube for "anime girl mask" or "anime mask cosplay" or something and stumbled upon Renko. Saw videos of Renko in the bed dressing and undressing which intrigued me further. I started asking around and found out these 3D anime girls were called "Animegao Kigurumi" or at least using that term made it easy to find more on Google search.

Through lots of searching around on 4chan I found out that "kigurumi anime girls" had a general on /jp/ so rushed over to try and learn as much as I can. At first the thread was incredibly unwelcoming to my questions which is the norm for 4chan sometimes so it didn't really bother me, but a kigurumi named Coruja helped me and invited me to KSZ where I eventually found out that most kigus were not actually female, which excited me because it gave me hope that I could actually become one myself one day. That dream was almost shattered when I found out how much the masks cost. I pretty much only lurked in the server gathering as much information as I could and eventually saved up enough and ordered a mask and instantly fell in love with her. Ordered my hada, shapewear, and outfit a short time later and fulfilled my dream.

That was years ago but I owe those three mentioned above my thanks.

>> No.23146518

I think anon is talking about the biggest asshole kig out there Renko.

>> No.23146566


Oh nice. Yeah, I did this to a lot of people. Too bad people never recognized it.

>> No.23146780

But which kig is you?

>> No.23147240

whats up 4channers

>> No.23147469 [DELETED] 

If I remember correctly, this kig is an actual girl who is into bondage, latex, wearing gag under the mask and other lewds.

>> No.23147476
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1280, ESL5JNOUUAEvX12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I remember correctly, this kig is an actual girl who is into bondage, latex, wearing gag under the mask and other lewds.

>> No.23147847

Sup big mommy

>> No.23148281


>> No.23148474

Why do i want to fuck sofa so badly? I don't understand.

>> No.23149541

It's actually a porn actress.

>> No.23149606

>this kig is an actual girl
don't toy with my emotions

>> No.23149675

cant believe i actualy have a son :o

>> No.23149693

Yes, now hug me and breastfeed me :3

>> No.23149736
File: 143 KB, 619x825, 20191110_005500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come suckle on my teet you weird offspring of mine.

>> No.23149862

Y’all are weird
But goddamn I want to feel my body in a hadatai and mask so bad what the fuck

>> No.23149888

Mommy <3
Would you give me a handjob with your big soft kigu hands?

>> No.23149901

p-put something between the the breasts please

>> No.23150112
File: 50 KB, 640x960, 71722027_2499987240276247_4661259570339905536_n(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I remember correctly, this kig is an actual girl who is into bondage, latex, wearing gag under the mask and other lewds.
So basicly the same as the majority of GKO's staff.

>> No.23150304
File: 164 KB, 727x968, 20200228_1530541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go

also pro tip invest into some extra hada gloves to protect your suit hands or else they look something like mine after a year of wearing

>> No.23150318

>Would you give me a handjob with your big soft kigu hands?
I want to see her do that now.

>> No.23150360

all of you are lewd af

>> No.23150438

Wear white gloves from Kancolle costume please

>> No.23150455

When you are that cute is not our fault

>> No.23150573

calling me cute oof
say that again when you see the 2 meter tall hunking kigu in front of you :D

>> No.23150712

I am a manlet with a tall fetish, so you are literally a dream come true (´。• ω •。`)

>> No.23150748

to be honest i took a great liking to small woman that only about reach my naval :D all the things you could do with them! the ammount of bullying i could do

>> No.23150757

>imagine her crushing your manlet cock with her massive hands while towering over you

>> No.23150843

>e, which excited me because it gave me hope that I could actually become one myself one day. That dream was almost shattered when I found out how much the masks cost. I pretty much only lurked in the server gathering as much information as I could and eventually saved up enough and ordered a mask and instantly fell in love with her. Ordered my hada, shapewear, and outfit a short time later and fulfilled my dream.

that is a partial list of the biggest assholes in kig today

but corjua maybe does not count as much because he is so stupid that he got played by the rest of the cunts like Azi and Karina but still doesn't realize it

>> No.23150866

Pls, my dick cant get more erect!

>> No.23150976

You owe us a Bismarck handjob video.

>> No.23151005


Karina isn’t a cunt.
Azi is as in a state, I don’t think he has always been one, mostly fault of some people he got together with imho.

Doesn’t matter what I think though.

I don’t see how I was played by, that is pretty much, and that’s the crux of what I’m interested in your post because I have my own amount of fault in the whole drama as well.

>> No.23151094

Character embodiment rather than just spandex anonymity? Personally latex is step one for me, kig is secondary, zentai was what i would buy back in hs when i couldn't afford latex.

going to a party like that would be fun though...

>> No.23151299

What is the best but cheap enough skin-coloured zentai that can be bought online/in-person in Canada?

>> No.23151313
File: 1.00 MB, 3264x2448, 20190223_213659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's strange because I dig latex and kig. Just not zentai which seems like the logical midpoint.
Thinking about fetishes too hard probably won't help anyway.
The problem with most of the cheapest stuff is that it's shiny and doesn't really look like skin despite being the right color.

>> No.23151315

I want to see more!

>> No.23151323

ouch kig

>> No.23151325

Maybe not cheapest then, decent matte zentai?

>> No.23151340
File: 589 KB, 2640x1488, 20200204_204341(0).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me kig. But not as often as I'd like.

>> No.23151396

I remember you! You are the one who did the camera hug
I still look at that picture and make me feel all warm inside <3

>> No.23151430

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

>> No.23151648


>> No.23151827

i never saw that one. can someone repost it?

>> No.23151831
File: 539 KB, 2640x1488, 20200204_204224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was this one I think.

>> No.23152457


>> No.23152515

But anon who would even be the victim of that ?

>> No.23152615

I would.

>> No.23152770

i knew you would :3

>> No.23154240
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>> No.23154273


Anon never replied explaining how I was played by. Honestly, I’m curious because me and everyone else just think I lost my shit.

>> No.23154853
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>> No.23154937
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>> No.23155026

I love ponytails and big hair bows like that. I wish kigus wore them more often.

>> No.23155354
File: 55 KB, 403x640, IMG_20200221_074722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My melanin enriched brother

>> No.23155459

How can you swim in hadatai?

>> No.23155580
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>> No.23155602

Monkey business.

>> No.23156106

The same as any swimsuit considering the material isn't much different.

>> No.23156122
File: 2.35 MB, 2268x4032, 006DhkMkgy1gcpacu4q6nj31r03404qq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23156201

>you will never have masked snuggletimes
time to kill myself

>> No.23156321

You lost your shit so hard you turned wrestlefag to a second you.

>> No.23156350

don't kill yourself

>> No.23156371

I want to cuddle a poofy dress kigu.

>> No.23156556
File: 227 KB, 920x1640, O1CN012YV0ew1na8Ugdlxbt_!!0-rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23156573


>> No.23156625


>> No.23156947
File: 634 KB, 1429x1920, IMG_20200310_140956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want someone to look at me like that goddamit

>> No.23157174

really wished it be easier to find clothes with my sizes or costumes in generell gor that matter <3<

>> No.23157400

I love that silky kimono costume!

>> No.23157453


>> No.23157814


>> No.23157956


I don’t think so? If anything Jake avoided becoming a second me.

>> No.23158443

>white pantyhose
>pale hada skin
please step on my dick.

>> No.23158751

Who's the other kig? I only recognize reals because real recognize reals

>> No.23158762

They're relatively new.

>> No.23158857
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>> No.23158948
File: 358 KB, 1437x1920, DSC_8044e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anons sure are lewd these days.

>> No.23159021

What does the inside of the hadatai and mask feel like? Other than hot and sweaty.

>> No.23159035

Well if you're wearing it right, (in my opinion) snug and relaxing. If sized correctly i tend to forget it's there aside from on my fingers.

>> No.23159077

It feels a bit like a light blanket. Wearing kig during the winter is super nice.

>> No.23159549




>> No.23159796

Social anxiety + the drama and treatment of some people by the big groups(KSZ, Kig-O and KCS, not discriminating here) made me too afraid to connect to other kigs.
How can this be solved?

>> No.23160014


Just talk to them directly. I can attest myself that I’m a lot nicer than people make me out to be.

>> No.23160451

Sounds comfy as fuck.

>> No.23160484

I wonder if there’s any hadatai in black/greys/white... I haven’t decided on the colour design of my robokig nor even the character’s name yet... welp.

>> No.23160648

Bunda do Coruja uma delicia

>> No.23161056



>> No.23162152

Yeah, there is.

>> No.23162167

>toe tights under pantyhose
have you ever thought about wearing those japanese pantyhose with the individual toes on top of toed hada feet? will that even work?

>> No.23162446
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>> No.23162536

That soulless stare though

>> No.23162767
File: 330 KB, 1366x2048, ESTusIkWAAAmZTR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, look at that soft kimono! I would like to snuggle that cute kigu!

>> No.23162883 [DELETED] 

I care if he's a dude, I wanna fill a pussy not his dick sticking to my butt.

>> No.23162899

this is so fucking hot

>> No.23162928

I care if he's a dude, I wanna feel a pussy not his dick sticking to my butt.

>> No.23162956

How you you make two concave parts stick to each other though ?

>> No.23162967


>> No.23163083

Just man handling those tiddies

>> No.23163733

bad taste

>> No.23164414

There are a few kigs who have worn toed tights.
They are kind of a pain to put on as I understand.

>> No.23165197

Is there such a thing as a toejob? Because I'd love to saw back and forth between the tips of two toes like billiard player lines up his shot.

>> No.23165291

>tfw I have a big gap between my big toe and other toes
Oh no... And I’m not even a kigu yet...

>> No.23167414

Is this how kigu collaborate

>> No.23167702


>> No.23167831


>> No.23167861


>> No.23167919

I wrote this somehow.
I felt actually only one side of the story was told after talking to some friends of mine and decided to write my own.


Also, not my intention to create more drama, this is more sort of a post mortem on it, just me trying to explain my own side of things.

>> No.23168143

You're welcome.

>> No.23169067
File: 1.24 MB, 2055x3112, ESlNLF-UYAA9PF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23169071

>doesn't wants to create more drama
>always brings up drama over and over again

>> No.23169073 [DELETED] 

>hurrdurr I built that server
topkek, you didn't do shit, you didn't even contribute to the resource documents

>> No.23169095

What the fuck? This reads like a killer's manifesto

>> No.23169103

>hurrdurr I built that server
topkek, you didn't do shit, you didn't even contribute to the resource documents and you barely had an influence in inviting people to the server, hence why you are alone as you never were that relevant

>> No.23169131
File: 610 KB, 2348x4096, ES4Iz00VAAAutd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23169134

Just a reminder of how you were toxic all the time

>> No.23169166

I honestly don't understand how you deluded yourself into thinking that this casts you in a good light. This just makes you look vindictive and unable to let anything go.

It really shows how unhinged you really are, and proves that the negative things that people say about you is true.

>> No.23169204

Sauce for research purposes. So cute.

>> No.23169279

Twitter @paiwamuyapan

>> No.23169370

The same can be said the other way. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and have freedom of speech. However in this case the admin had more power to make sure their own opinion could over power anyone else’s opinion.

>> No.23169407

BTW i also wanted to post a pic with this, some days I'm allowed sometimes not... What's up with that?

Damn, what is that shit festival, can we not have that here pls? I find this place quite nice

>> No.23169452

Yeah can we go ahead and just keep Coru banned forever?

>> No.23169468

> I remember messaging people out of DMs because they blocked me

i'd hit you with a banhammer like the fist of a raging god any day for that alone.

>> No.23169689

Cute Megumi

>> No.23169804


It isn’t my intention.


Not what people said but okay.


This was a way before and I immediately call for the ban and punishment because I overstepped btw.

The same thing haven’t happened since.

>> No.23169814


I am merely wanting to put my feelings out because I can’t let it go indeed and am in need of support.

I’m so alone I don’t know what to do.

>> No.23169831


In fact I did so many things to try to forget it in the mean time and they all failed to happen so. I don’t know anymore, people keep telling me to move on but I can’t, I can’t socialize because I have insane fear of rejection nowadays, so I end up being alone and having multiple sleepless nights thinking about the things I did and how I could have done differently.

>> No.23169858


This isn’t what I refer in the text by the way. I clearly was way too autistic in this, I didn’t even remembered, thanks anon.

Again, like I said, I notice my own behavior at that time and called for the ban myself.

This happened way before the facts I mentioned in the text (circa nov 2018 - feb 2019)

>> No.23169962

It's 2020, can we maybe NOT have a thread that devolves into being centred around Coru??

>> No.23169980

this is sad
man, you need time

you need to find friends outside of this community. even a small number of people will always bring back memories that have hurt you. just pull off the band-aid

call a college or high school friend for a beer. stop caring about kig

if you are really lonely and thinking about suicide, you should return to your country

>> No.23169983

Well, if he would just move on and leave then we wouldn't have this issue.

>> No.23170001

> I can’t socialize because I have insane fear of rejection nowadays

Obviously, your fear of rejection isn't as strong as you claim. I mean, c'mon dude. You're bitching and moaning to a bunch of random anons on the internet.

>> No.23170078


It’s bad enough considering what happened with some other friends I made.

They even complained about how many times I say “sorry” to them and how sometimes I just want to isolate myself and never open up.

Reflecting upon this: it is fear of rejection.


I don’t drink, and I really liked Australia, so I don’t want to leave.

Things were going really well until this drama happened.

>> No.23170094

The amount of times you say sorry isn't going to fix anything when it's not coming from a place of sincerity.

You've done so many so-called apologies, but always fall back on your old toxic ways.

>> No.23170173


Such as? I mean that’s what I’ve been asking, since it happened how many times the “old toxic ways” happened again? Do you have evidence on it?

>> No.23170179

How about trying to turn the kig thread into a pity party for you? The people you want to read your essay won't read it anyway.
Seek counseling. I'm not even trying to be mean, it is their job to try to help you and teach you more effective and healthy ways to cope with stress.

>> No.23170186


And I can guarantee it’s coming from a place of sincerity.

What might be happening is that I’m human too. I get angry, sad, happy or excited. It’s normal, I’m not a robot after all.

Honestly I even think in the moments here in 4chan where people attacked me constantly and anyone would be angry at anon I was able to keep my cool or even apologise for overstepping or anything.

My problem with these constant accusations that I’ve been constantly toxic is that they seem unfounded, but hell I might be wrong.

>> No.23170195

>Not what people said but okay.
Can you finally decide on a story unless you want to further prove everyone here that you are lying all the time in order to manipulate people to give you simpathy. You can't claim to be alone with nobody wanting to do with you while also claiming people flock to you because you ~made the server~.

>> No.23170204


Well if anything this didn’t turn into a pity party and instead with people being really angry with me. And I expected it nonetheless.

Also about counseling: I did and overall conclusion is that I did everything you guys kept saying, to find other things to do, to cope with stress and all (and in fact I’ve been a lot more controlled with how I manage it, the fact that I put into words how I felt and did an effort to not offend anyone is a big win).

The problem is that I won’t move on from a problem until it’s resolved. It’s a personality trait, and even the counselor noticed this.

So as much as anyone keeps saying move on, realistically I won’t until it’s resolved.

>> No.23170207

>that I’ve been constantly toxic is that they seem unfounded
See >>23170195
With each post you prove you are still as toxic as always with trying to manipulate people while acting like you actually had any influence on making KSZ big which you obviously haven't, else you wouldn't claim to be alone.

>> No.23170214


They don’t flock to me. They said in public instances multiple times they joined the server because I invited them.

I’m not talking to these people.

It’s perfectly compatible.

I also never understood the claims of me being manipulative: I at a moment took them seriously and decided to work on it.
I broke down the characteristics of a manipulative person: constant lying, playing the victim, etc just to find out I don’t have these traits.

I lie way less than a normal person would.
Someone who plays the victim won’t admit wrong doings as I do in that text I just wrote.

So like, as much as anyone wants the narrative of me being manipulative to become a reality, it simply doesn’t follow.

>> No.23170216

>I did everything you guys kept saying
If you did you wouldn't be here, just saying.

>> No.23170222


I did and it didn’t work.

>> No.23170223

>They said in public instances multiple times they joined the server because I invited them.
You're delusional, please link all those posts then.

>> No.23170231

>constant lying, playing the victim, etc just to find out I don’t have these traits
You are doing that right now, just saying.

>> No.23170237


Look I don’t keep a history of them all, but happened above in this thread, you have Okuu mentioning at a time in KSZ too.

I can also list influential members that joined because I went there and invited them from Twitter, got them engaged and more.

>> No.23170246


How so? Just because you say that I am doesn’t make it so. Demonstrate.

>> No.23170248

That handful of people barely counts considering the server grew a lot more once they finally got rid of your toxic ass who tried to turn everything into an argument.

>> No.23170256

Can the janitors finally ban him, this shit has been going on for a year now and he keeps derailing the threads with his bs.

>> No.23170260


>> No.23170272
File: 99 KB, 500x472, Untitled-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23170275


It didn’t grow more. In fact it’s dying.


I explained this already. You’re making a circular argument anon.

Chances are is that I’ve hurt you in the past and I’m truly sorry.

If you come and talk to me in private I’m sure we can work out our past issues.

>> No.23170299

of course it's dying because we miss your gracious presence. I miss you so much :(

>> No.23170307

>It didn’t grow more. In fact it’s dying.
Thanks for proving my point, you're delusional thinking you had an actual impact while barely anyone even remembers you. Typical manipulative narcist behavior.

>> No.23170316

No, you haven't hurt me, I'm just tired of you hijacking threads about how you are ~over the drama~ only to continue to bring it up every other week because you totally ~moved on~.

>> No.23170317

Just make your own group goddamn. If you have as much influence as you claim, it shouldn't be a big problem.

>> No.23170320


It’s not dying because of me. I never claimed that. But it’s dying, it didn’t get better.


So why is everyone still angry every time my name comes up?

>> No.23170321

Tbh people would have forgiven him already if it wasn't for him beating a dead horse.

>> No.23170329

>But it’s dying, it didn’t get better.
It's not and yes, it got way better,.

>> No.23170339

>So why is everyone still angry every time my name comes up?
Maybe, just maybe because you can't shut up over old af drama? Just a guess.

>> No.23170341


I’m not over the drama, in fact I said multiple times here I can’t move on despite of trying.


I don’t and I never claimed that I have influence, in fact I don’t anymore. I am simply saying that I helped build the server, by inviting the right people and growing a good environment where you know people interacted and were nice to each other and not a bickering competition of who can be the lewdest.

Ironic, isn’t it?

>> No.23170345

I declare Coru my wife

>> No.23170346


Message count fell down, and you got a rape drama and a stolen goods drama in the meantime.

It got “better”. And somehow you forgive these people who did shit objectively way worse than me.

>> No.23170351

Coru go and bother this Okuu fella or wrestlefag with this crap but by god stay out of the thread.

>> No.23170353


Members are leaving and making their own little circles but the server got better and people are unifyied instead of hating each other little group.

The delusional here is you.

>> No.23170355

>and growing a good environment
Sure, with being a toxic ass.
>not a bickering competition of who can be the lewdest
The only people who get salty over lewds are those who suck at it.

>> No.23170364

>making their own little circles
>the delusional here is you
That's sure why 5+ anons already said the same but no, everyone but you is wrong, righto.

>> No.23170443


Well, maybe I wasn't as toxic as you describe me to be. I am definetely capable of opening myself to understanding that I make mistakes, which none of you seem to be able to.

You wanna know why? If you ask the question, would any of you do something different in any of this drama your reply would be "I'd ban you sooner." where as mine would focus on the mistakes I made.

That's how I know the lot of you (not everyone of course) are the arrogant asses.


It was mentioned by anons in several other threads so I'm quoting them.

And it's not 5 different anons saying I'm delusional, they said I have issues and need counselling, which I agree.

That doesn't equal being delusional.

>> No.23170517

You're helping KSZ right now because everyone here in this thread will migrate there to get away from you.

>> No.23170552


So I did a good thing then?
