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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 510 KB, 1920x1080, trial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23072877 No.23072877 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>23016586

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.23072900

Why would anyone willfully come to an American FBI pot to discuss Japanese pedophilic porn games if they speak Japanese?

>> No.23072918

I only know how to read Japanese not speak it so this is the only place where I can discuss them.

>> No.23073563

You sold me on the Honoo no Haramase series anon.
From what I can see they have like 3 different series of games. Where should I start?

>> No.23073834

old to new

>> No.23074729

Is there any reason for me to read the original Tsuyokiss or Tsuyokiss 2gakki over the 3rd one? Or am I safe to just start at 3?

>> No.23074741

Well, the original is the best one.
The other two just retread the first.

>> No.23074753

If I only read the first one and then move on to Next/Festival will I miss anything important?

>> No.23074758


>> No.23074885

do you guys think alicesoft is officially done with rance after they finish 04

>> No.23074921

It's not like they announced 04 to begin with. They might just already be done.
Seems more like Evenicle is their main series now and after how good Evenicle 2 was I more than welcome that. Also, they can still make Rance games, they just won't be centered around Rance himself. Not like they haven't done so before. A Daibanchou remake is what I would like the most honestly.

>> No.23075003

>A Daibanchou remake is what I would like the most honestly.
With how politically incorrect the Dai series is and how Alicesoft has been trying to market themselves in the West, I'm not about to put my hopes up for this.

>> No.23075022

porn games are already politically incorrect

>> No.23075046

The Dai series cranks it up to 11.
>Daiakuji has you taking down SJW America
>Daibanchou has you butting heads with foreign Crusaders
>Daiteikoku is a Netouyo's wet dream
Mangagamer, Alicesoft's overseas publisher, is going to tread a minefield releasing these for pig gaijins.

>> No.23075064

If you want to read Festival, you should read 3. Same writer. It's better to skip 1 then, if you really need to.

>> No.23075105

Evenicle 2 actually had its fair share of "politically incorrect" moments. When I read it I was thinking that this won't go well with the English audience. Bullshit aside, I think you're absolutely delusional and Alicesoft don't give two wet farts about this shite. They make video games for the Japanese audience, just like the rest of eroge companies.

>> No.23075127

>Daiteikoku is a Netouyo's wet dream
Oh, yeah. I never finished Daiteikoku because of the gameplay (especially before patches added some basic functionality), but I definitely remember the early parts. Chinese leader is a murderous psychopath so you're basically liberating the country. USA basically forces Japan to commit Pearl Harbor, and even if you don't attack them they'll declare war on the next turn anyways. I don't recall the plan or whatever it was called, but Pan-Asianism also gets brought up in a way and makes your colonies unable to rebel because they're just so happy under Japanese rule, if I recall correct. It was pretty funny.

>> No.23075144
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>> No.23075156

You would loathe Kiniro Loveriche.

>> No.23075164
File: 1.08 MB, 1443x816, 1550961078337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen screenshots.

>> No.23075186

>They make video games for the Japanese audience, just like the rest of eroge companies.
I was like you until they allowed Beat Blades Haruka into Mangagamers grubby hands. Regardless, there's clearly a different tone when it comes to modern Alicesoft games. More subtle and tongue in cheek as opposed to ignorantly offensive.

>> No.23075218
File: 159 KB, 1024x768, 武想少女隊ぶれいど☆ブライダーズ_20161005_163345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes are the best tool to do that kinda stuff. Basic idea behind Kabarett and political satire in general.

>> No.23075248

I don't see shit. Ixseal came out two years or so ago, long after that deal, and it's considerably more vile than Haruka. Really a change in how humour/satire is presented does not translate into a more timid approach. Especially not due to a bigger western presence.

>> No.23075249

A game like this can't even be made within its borders without Kuso Femis on twitter reporting to their gaijin overlords about this nowadays like the self hating Westaboos that they are.

>> No.23075281

I would concede to you if it got announced for localization, but it hasn't so my point still stands. Either way, the subject in dispute is politics and historical events, not sexual deviancy in which the Dai series has the former as one of its core themes.

>> No.23075318

The Dai-series is not localized either I'm pretty sure so I think that point of yours is not relevant. Really, I highly doubt Alicesoft care. If they want to make a Daibanchou remake they would. Sadly they probably never will but not due to western influence or something akin.

>> No.23075378

If not that then it be the dwindling audience from Japan for its sort of content. The natives are getting more woke by the day and they'd sooner cancel Alicesoft for it than support it to make themselves Western compliant.

>> No.23075536

>cancel Alicesoft
The Rance series has been done and told (except 04 remake) and they are hiring more and more people for their Beat Blades soshage, what I'm trying to say is that Alicesoft should have already closed shop unless you want them to turn into another FGO tier company with or without western influence.

>> No.23075632

This is just more doom bullshit, same as always. Rance isn't the only series they made.

>> No.23075657

That is a pretty nice angle there.

>> No.23075696

The Rance series is a fucking meme that appeals to the likes of Jojotards. It gets some form of diplomatic immunity and what the fuck does comparing Alicesoft to Type Moon have to do with this?

>> No.23075768

>The Rance series is a fucking meme that appeals to the likes of Jojotards
listen here you little shit

>> No.23075856

you guys hyped for the new himegari?

>> No.23075862

>no vn where you fuck the gay out of bitches

>> No.23075892

Fuck, I hate this gameplay style, so tedious.

>> No.23075923

No Win7 listed. Do they just not list it now because it's not longer officially supported or something?
Anyways, doesn't look too good. Not even the character design. I thought Eushully might get their shit together but oh well.

>> No.23075935

don't like fft/tactics? i admit it looks slow but animation is something people usually turn off anyway

>> No.23075940

meant to say fft/disgaea

>> No.23075942 [DELETED] 

Watch Baldur's Gate III instead.


>> No.23075953

Does this contain ero scenes?

>> No.23075959

Yeah, it's way too slow for me, especially when you have a lot of units. I did still finish Amayui though, but I couldn't bother getting the bad ending.
I was already watching this.

>> No.23075961

just wait until h games reach this level of quality

>> No.23075962

>Do they just not list it now because it's not longer officially supported or something?
Yep, most likely will still work, but I'm not expecting a patch be made if some Win7 specific problem pops up.

>> No.23075964

Hard to tell now. The previous entries had romance.

>> No.23075978

I personally love it. Better than card based RNG battles.

>> No.23076006
File: 716 KB, 1920x1080, 不可視の薬と数奇な運命TR_2020-02-27_15-31-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can it be considered an original use of the trope if the MC walks into the heroine changing on purpose?

>> No.23076016

Just build a good deck my dude.

>> No.23076020 [DELETED] 
File: 827 KB, 865x591, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute strong-headed waifu.

>> No.23076033

It's only good when the heroine walks on the MC changing.

>> No.23076062

Nice looking sprite.

>> No.23076134

What is with the West and their love of downs syndrome?

>> No.23076141

Is Sprite truly dead? I want them to get out of the Aokana milkwagon.

>> No.23076158

This is it, brothers. I have decided.
When you see the new literary epic Muramasian エロゲ refuting LGBT, know that it was me who wrote it.

>> No.23076159

The western version of Aokana sold really well thanks to the Chinese translation from Hikari Field, which brought them back from the dead, but I doubt they will ever stop the Aokana milking.

>> No.23076183

Another Heterochromia heroine. Blessed Hulotte

>> No.23076222

>no vn with heterochromia heroine who is insecure about it(people with heterochromia suffer racism on japan)

>> No.23076262

That's neither BG nor does it look good but the presentation is interesting either way due to the guy constantly fucking up.

>> No.23076275


>> No.23076286

but i am in my room, there is no 星 here.

>> No.23076380
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x3600, USA USA USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like Rance is politically correct either.

>> No.23076397

Baldurs Gate 2 is my favourite video game of all time and I replay it every year

However I so far have no interest in BG3. It's by different people with a different agenda and it just looks like Dragon Age Inquisition, which was one of the worst wrpgs I've ever played.

>> No.23076409

>it just looks like Dragon Age Inquisition
It's just D:OS2 which is a good game by all accounts.

>> No.23076427

I'm not going to count on it. I don't have any faith in anyone bringing a series back almost 20 years after it's last installment.

>> No.23076440

Even on the account of its Reddit-tier writing and generally being made for people who enjoy the idea of their female relatives getting raped by minorities?

>> No.23076446

Poke some holes in the walls. Shine a light through.

>> No.23076468
File: 675 KB, 1920x1080, 不可視の薬と数奇な運命TR_2020-02-27_16-50-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally reasonable reaction to having your pervert cousin peek on you while bathing, this is basically written like a nukige and I like it.
Also, the backlog on Hulotte games is pretty nice, I just got done playing Onigyu recently and I still can't believe they thought only showing two lines at a time was fine.

>> No.23076477

FUCKER, are you discriminating against orc rape right now? I'll have you know that orc rape scenes are among the better things in eroge.

>> No.23076491

Having different eye color is not a race.

>> No.23076503

>Ugly fat men with ugly fat bombers
Nah, they got the depiction exactly right.

>> No.23076843
File: 472 KB, 1920x1080, chrome_2020-02-27_17-57-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This invisibility power is a perfect fit for Hulotte's love of masturbation scenes, already getting one during the trial so maybe all girls will get theirs during the common route.

>> No.23076924

Hulotte has become my favorite eroge company of the last few years. The stories are pretty thin but the heroines are goddamn perfect.

>> No.23077016
File: 620 KB, 1920x1080, 不可視の薬と数奇な運命TR_2020-02-27_18-30-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they're all pretty great so far, and the MC makes for some fun interactions too.

>> No.23077365

>Also, the backlog on Hulotte games is pretty nice, I just got done playing Onigyu recently and I still can't believe they thought only showing two lines at a time was fine.
Two lines at a time sounds terrible. Any game without a generous backlog with skip back functionality just isn't trying.

>> No.23077423

Yeah, Ixseal sometimes becomes outright cringy edgy shit. Escalayer is much better in the atmosphere.

>> No.23077494

I started Sorechiru recently and it only displays 3 lines. Already so many potentially screencappable conversations lost thanks to that.

>> No.23077507

I like Ixseal's demon-angel thematic quite a bit. The way some of the ero scenes play out was really good. The dungeon/room transformation thing or the hypnosis at the swimming club.
Unfortunately angel characters always attract NTR. I don't remember the rape scenes in the previous two almost always ending in NTR. The second pigfucker rape and its ending were especially bad.

Like I said though, the more creative and "extreme" scenes that the game technically counts as vanilla are really nice. I wish more romance eroge would dip into that and give options for stuff like that. Nopan girlfriend during a windy day, mixed bathing and fucking her in front of a bunch of dudes. Just embarrassing stuff, exhibitionism, slightly sadistic but not like actual vile stuff. I don't know, I guess they don't care too much about this sort of focus over there.

>> No.23077530
File: 252 KB, 1280x720, 超昂神騎エクシール_20190225_110431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even remember what happens in bad ends or brutal route even though it's only been a year since I played it. If I had to play it from scratch, I definitely won't do any of that trash and only play pure love routes, they were nice moege.

>> No.23077566

The swimsuit and dungeon scenes are basic ones and don't have any rape or otherwise. That's what makes them so good I guess. I really wish more eroge developers would be creative with their h-scenes. Alicesoft always do such a great job of rewriting standard vanilla stuff into more lewd and interesting scenes.

>> No.23077596

The swimsuit scenes were pretty good. I thought you were talking about the overall atmosphere of the game though and how it progressed through the series. Like, Escalayer is lighthearted parody, Haruka is something in the middle and Ixseal is dark and edgy story about Jews.

>> No.23077644

Nah, you're not wrong, Ixseal is of course more vile at its worst. What I mean is that the dynamic of angel heroine and "demon MC" is well done in my opinion as it's displayed in a non bog-standard vanilla approach but dips into erotic humiliation.
The reason why I expanded on it is because I miss that in eroge and I believe Ixseal is a good example of it. Just the vanilla route with expanded erotic humiliation would make for an amazing game.

>> No.23077662

I don't even consider "erotic humiliation" as not vanilla.

>> No.23077688

I suppose it depends on how far you go? In fact I'm sure quite a few people would consider the second swimsuit scene from Ixseal as not being vanilla.

>> No.23077721

Don't know what are you talking about, friendo. It's vanilla. Very educational, too.

>> No.23077752

At the end of the day it doesn't matter to me either way. I just want more of it.

>> No.23077764
File: 654 KB, 1280x720, MGGW0228_gallery_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next month.

>> No.23077777

And I want more vanilla futanari scenes, like that one with Ellis and Kirika.

>> No.23077840

The FBI officially does not have jack shit to do if they spend any resources whatsoever going after introverted nerds who play porn games and probably barely leave their homes.

>> No.23078132

>make video games for the Japanese audience, just like the rest of eroge companies.
God I hope it lasts forever.

>> No.23078461

Which VN's can make both your tear and semen ducts cry at the same time?

>> No.23078467



>> No.23078478


>> No.23078495

>Only heroine is the sister

But the best part about having sister heroines is their reactions when they realize they have a lifetime of cucking ahead of them when you go for the childhood friend instead. And imagining what their face will look like when you tell them you knocked your childhood friend up and you'll need her to watch the baby.

>> No.23078506

I swear with the amount of shilling this gets, if this doesn't deliver, I will completely swear off going in these threads.

>> No.23078615

>chest tumors

>> No.23078624

https://vndb.org/v14922 (not memeing)

>> No.23078629
File: 170 KB, 1024x576, 81172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same story as

>> No.23078766

How to deal with the pain that you will never write/draw/voice a real eroge in your life?

Lately I am getting really jealous to the point it's getting into my enjoyment with eroge. I didn't have this urge before, I don't know why it hit this hard.

>> No.23078784


The only person stopping you is you.

>> No.23078822

By real eroge I meant the Japanese one, even if I start drawing now I'll never get good to be hired by japenese eroge company and I am a not a Japanese female so I can't go to eroge auditions. My best bet is writing but that will require studying Japanese seriously.

It's not like I want to make a kamige, I am fine with 2 hours nukige, the thing is I don't want to be a " user " forever

>> No.23078843

What can you offer to them that would make for an "interesting" premise? That's about the only real selling point you got into getting hired by them.

>> No.23079380

Thank you very much. It works now.

>> No.23079551

are chinks holding games hostage again

>> No.23079559

kuso art

>> No.23079571

this. my いもうと could draw better eroge art.

>> No.23079707

I was reading an old one that was basically you fucking the cast the of Maria-sama ga Miteru. It was a 2-disc game where one disc was the "pure yuri" disc and the other "disgrace" disc. But, due to the dates in the game, it's clear the yuri disc took place before the disgrace disc. It's an interesting idea of seeing the yuri relationship build-up before letting you destroy it.

Too bad there aren't any other games like this with a predominant yuri cast. The most you get is the 2-for-1 yuri couple heroines in nukiges most of the time.

Are they establishing a brand just for that? Would be nice if all their games are on the theme.

>> No.23080222

Have you ever downloaded a game but couldn't open the image and got a corrupted disk structure message? I find it difficult to believe that all uploads from girlcelly, 2d.g.f and a random chinese on baidu would be corrupted

>> No.23080227

Never. What do you use to open them?

>> No.23080284

One of the nyaa releases is an iso. Opening it with 7z says that it can't be opened as an archive.
Mounting it with wincdemu gives a corrupted disk structure message.
The other release has two mds and mdf files. Mounting it with wincdemu as a data disc gives the same error, and using chkdsk /f from the command prompt in this state outputs "cannot determine file system of drive"
Mounting it as any other disc type just shows an empty drive letter with nothing but desktop.ini (obviously)

>> No.23080324

Try another mounting tool.
I use Daemon Tools Lite 4.41.3 and it has never failed me. IIRC every other version after that is loaded with spyware so only get that or older.

>> No.23080363

Thank you, using Malware Tools made it work for some reason.

>> No.23080424

I use 7zip too and it isn't able to open some archive files sometimes for whatever reason but Winrar opens it fine. Vice versa happens too which is why I have both installed.

>> No.23080545

>Are they establishing a brand just for that? Would be nice if all their games are on the theme.
Their story with side brands usually means only one game (Other than their strong side brands like Marine or Team Bitters).

>> No.23080675

Someone pls reup Tryment from Baidu to Mega etc.

[Download Link Password: jcr4]
[Archive Password: fch1993]

>> No.23080932

not bad, just generic as hell

>> No.23080956
File: 141 KB, 1000x1363, EMd3UrDUcAACLkZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It bugs the hell out of me when the first sex scene with a virgin heroine is not in missionary.

>> No.23081017

Same. Although I also like sitting and holding each other. Anything else raises my hackles. This is your first time with your girlfriend, they need to be facing each other. Save the fetishy stuff for later.

>> No.23081023

Nah, I'm done with that bland vanilla crap. I want more freaks in first sex scenes.

>> No.23081048

More eroge should have the first sex scene with a virgin heroine be anal.

>> No.23081281

>bland vanilla crap
Sorry you broke your dick.

>> No.23081374

New Astronauts is out.

>> No.23081448

I guess each route still focuses on a different heroine despite being harem.
Where's the fucking download though?

>> No.23081468


I'm ripping it as we speak

>> No.23081721
File: 312 KB, 1282x754, chiharu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 girls competing to see who can get the MC hardest. Fuck, this girl really knows how to get me going.

>> No.23081769
File: 124 KB, 291x261, adg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this artist loves his ahegao.

>> No.23081807


>> No.23081818

What's the issue?

>> No.23081825

What's your issue?

>> No.23082135
File: 447 KB, 531x553, Taskforce2 (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to feel about girls who used to be flatties and only got big tits through magic. It feels like cheating

>> No.23082148

It should really be the other way around, cowtits turn into dfc.

>> No.23082155

Now this is based (here I use it to mean "good").

>> No.23082799
File: 908 KB, 1000x1000, ruriha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, she's not my favorite girl in the game. I prefer, well actually I prefer pretty much all the other heroines but her. The ojou, the loli that pees herself all the time, the crazy nutcase with the dick fetish, the lesbian who desperately wants to be knocked up by "her" dick, even the nun ... especially the nun. Chiharu is the only girl I don't care for in this game. Maybe it's because she's the only one who knows he's a boy and not a girl with a magical penis. Maybe it's because she's a slut who fucks him the first day she finds out who he is and doesn't give a shit about romance but I usually like sluts. I dunno, maybe she's just boring me? That's probably it.

All I know is this is a game worth buying, I've enjoyed it far more than I expected and other than Chiharu every girl is best girl and that's hard to pull off.

>> No.23082853

You already jammin out?

>> No.23082973
File: 826 KB, 1000x1000, mara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I have a complaint about this game it's that you have a 'Masculinity' meter and if you ever visit the goddess Maradonna it rises. As you get closer to the festival the game forces you to visit Maradonna or quit playing. There's no way to lower your masculinity and no choice but to raise it. If you want to keep him more feminine you can't.

They should have given the player the option of visiting Maradonna to raise your masculinity and her familiar Joe-kun to lower it. Since Jo-kun sells girly items especially sweets and trinkets but also female masturbators including anal vibrators and dildos there should be an option to keep your masculinity low or at zero by visiting her. But this is not how the game works. There is no way to lower your masculinity at all.

I don't get it. Why give me a game mechanic I can't use?

>> No.23083017

Not gonna lie, bro, you sound extremely gay.

>> No.23083057

Hmmm, not really into fucking traps but I do enjoy feminized boys. Don't want to be one either. I just don't see what's wrong with wanting a feminine boy fucking girls who call him 'onee-sama' while getting dicked while he's wearing a skirt.

Take that as you will.

>> No.23083187
File: 482 KB, 990x560, top02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come to you bros in time of great need. I've searched far and wide, but the only download links I can find for this kamige are dead links.
Does anyone have a copy of Naishi no Naisho? Please anons this is my only wish.

>> No.23083212
File: 585 KB, 1235x353, Taskforce2 (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically enough, if I remember right the 'reward' for maxing out masculinity is being turned into a girl and getting fucked by Maradonna. I don't think it has any purpose other than that.
There is also a gay rape h-scene in the bad ending if you don't get into a girl's route.

>> No.23083401

The girlcelly torrent still has some seeds.

>> No.23083404
File: 257 KB, 1275x749, bad end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which I just got incidentally

>> No.23083409
File: 1.88 MB, 1366x768, Taskforce2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.23083426

Who am I supposed to self-insert as in that scene?

>> No.23083430

Thanks anon finally found it.

>> No.23083564

Damn. I wanted the nun's route but I guess she doesn't have one. Guess Drill Hair is my second choice.

>> No.23083779


i love the bgm in this game

>> No.23083868

How did YOU get into visual novels, anon?

We all had to start somewhere.

>> No.23084092

Which game is this?

>> No.23084108
File: 1.47 MB, 1366x768, Taskforce2 (17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's best girl, although her route is pretty bad

>> No.23084292

That just means that whatever program you're using to open/mount the image can't handle that type of images or doesn't recognize the file system inside it. I use Alcohol Portable and it works fine with everything I throw at it, although I often simply extract the image with WinRAR or 7-Zip. There was just one case when the game's DRM didn't accept the mounted disc, but even then Alcohol mounted the image correctly (as in, all files were readable).

>> No.23084359

love hina on the gba

>> No.23084365

Based on what/whose good?

>> No.23084403
File: 197 KB, 800x600, 5455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokimeki Memorial 1 & 2 around 2002. Princess Maker 3 around the same time. Hourglass of Summer around 2006. Shuffle! was my first eroge around 2006.

>> No.23084432

soko aki muramasa.

>> No.23084443

hentai bliss on newgrounds

>> No.23084589

>final boss of Verethragna
>haha dude what if we made the final boss like 30 levels above all other enemies so you need to grind for like 2 hours
>you loved that in guildmaster and chaos dominas and dungeon of regalias and demonion 2 lets do it again LOL
i mean technically most of those came out after verethragna but still, im so fucking done with this game

im going to have a huge fap sess tomorrow to the post game scenes and then im fucking deleting this kusoge

>> No.23084834

I don't remember it being bad at all. So you are probably missing the obvious. Like something really strong and OP you should have.

>> No.23084894

I liked anime.

>> No.23084970


Hey guys, Love Destination has furigana for every kanji.

>> No.23084984

Has already been posted here. Don't think he's played more than the demo.
My theory: Possibly just a stress test of the engine's ruby-text capabilities or something?

>> No.23085082
File: 242 KB, 998x1139, Marco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marco confirmed kamige.

>> No.23085100

Can't wait for their next project!

>> No.23085103

Going through Konnyaku and I can already tell Umi is going to be the best girl. She reminds me a LOT of Setsuna from WA2. Maruto really knows how to write a good jealous bitch.

>> No.23085110

Umi is not a jealous bitch per se, she just has some legit mental issues.
Doesn't help the fact they'd be going out already if it wasn't for their parents.

>> No.23085136

It can't be that good.

>> No.23085190

yeah no

>> No.23085244

It's not yuri.

Should've probably been though, seeing how that 3 hour yuri game released on steam at the same day as Marco got 4 times the reviews. And that definitely has a way smaller budget, is shorter and so on, compared to Marco.

>> No.23085261
File: 42 KB, 1303x232, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marco has more reviews on EGS though.

>> No.23085400

i don't think it yuri but it still doesn't appeal to me

>> No.23085413
File: 440 KB, 1024x768, タペストリー (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man this game has some quick tone shifts, just found out the protagonist was dying like 10 minutes ago and we're back into some SoL

>> No.23085427

That doesn't mean anything. Reviews on steam -> sales. It also helps getting shown in "popular new releases" which leads to even more sales. 600 reviews within a day of release is pretty good for a steam game. In comparison, the Steam port of Utawa released a good month ago doesn't even have 200. Death end request, a compile heart game, has 500, and it was released 10 months ago.

Obviously it's not anything super special. But it gives an idea. Especially because you can compare Marco so nicely. Same price, same release date, same languages supported.

>> No.23085761

No it's not.
go back to /vg/

>> No.23085779

How do you know?

>> No.23085821

It's worth a try, does anyone have the latest patch/version of spoileral?
It's all chinese sites with baidu accounts

>> No.23085897

>Stupid weeb bait.
How green is so based?

>> No.23085916

That's just life for you.

>> No.23085973

Just create a baidu account. What's the problem?

>> No.23085996

Green has moldy opinions.

>> No.23086416
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, HaremKingdom_20200229_153550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 name. Fits me perfectly. Thank you, random generator.

>> No.23086699

Chink phone number?

>> No.23086916

can someone explain the meaning of 有能枠 in this image for a moonrune rookie

>> No.23086940

Pay someone off to get an account

>> No.23086957

Only if you promise to never fucking post here again.

>> No.23086992

ok sure

>> No.23087007

Developers market it as girl meets girl ADV.

>> No.23087008

Your lack of inquisitiveness baffles me. Mainly because in this case simply checking the dictionary would have provided you with the answer.

有能 means exactly what it does.

So does 枠 of course, but it has multiple definitions, so you need to understand which one is it. It's 4, btw.

And now it's the time to prove you're not complely hopeless by realizing what these mean together.

>> No.23087014

gonna listen to that op again

>> No.23087029

Marco is the epitome of what we call a work of entertainment
Also it seems it was out of stock on Amazon, so congrats for the team.

>> No.23087039

Lol, probably just a tamer, EOPized version of BE-YOND.

In other words, play BE-YOND, faggots.

>> No.23087045

I only play VNs that are at least 720p.

>> No.23087057
File: 240 KB, 1069x828, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to get the text from Taimanin Yukikaze 2 - Animation?
ITH keeps giving this error and close itself.
Visual Novel Reader couldn't get the text.

>> No.23087063

Despite what's been happening in the last few threads, you faggot aren't welcome.

So Learn Japanese, subhuman. And before you do, you should only post with your fellow SEA monkeys on Anime-Sharing and Nyaa.

>> No.23087089

what's wrong with texthooking? reading vn/eroge is one of the best methods in immersing yourself in japanese media while efficiently learning

>> No.23087102

Learn Japanese.

And it breeds subhumans like you, who think they can read Japanese, but can't do it without a texthooker.

Try actually reading, that will be a good study method.

>> No.23087120

what's the difference between texthooking and reading with a dictionary on hand? they're exactly the same except one is much more efficient and allows you to easily add to your deck

>> No.23087125

Back to DJT, you retarded Ankidrone.

>> No.23087134

you still haven't told me what's the difference

>> No.23087135

Holy shit, just don't turn on the furigana.

>> No.23087147

Guys, I hope you're not reading definitions in English.

>> No.23087150

The relative unease of looking up stuff manually actually forces you to remember it, not just mindlessly repeat it when it turns up in your autistic repetition software.

And have you looked at your peers in DJT and on Reddit. All you Anki autists can barely pass N2 and that's it. That's your fate.

Now fuck off forever from this thread, you subhuman swine. I'll defend it to the very end from the likes of you.

>> No.23087163

someone knows the hook-code for HaremKingdom ?

>> No.23087169

Fuck off, SEA monkey.

>> No.23087171

Oh boy here we go again.

>> No.23087248

Is there a list of games that always have furigana about Kanji?

>> No.23087257

Fuck off, you ugly spic.

>> No.23087263

Sorry, I meant above.

>> No.23087267

does anyone know the h-code for /jp/?

>> No.23087331 [DELETED] 

You can't turn it off.

>> No.23087336

You can't turn it off.

>> No.23087425
File: 266 KB, 1282x754, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crap, I think I need a guide. I picked drill hair at every opportunity.

>> No.23087440


>> No.23087553

Pretty sure that doesn't mean anything. It's not the yuri version of boy meets girl, as far as I'm aware, but refers to what it literally means. Think of mahou shoujo works and so on.
The official website considers it a カートゥーンアドベンチャー game, so there's that as well.

I've started it today, so I'll eventually find out myself. So far it was 0% yuri. There's probably just no romance in there, given its style. The writer always liked to write just about the girls in Noratoto as well.

>> No.23087580

wanko to kurasou and yume miru kusuri back when they were first hot like a decade ago

>> No.23087583

Her voice makes me diamonds

>> No.23087642
File: 70 KB, 612x526, 不可視の薬と数奇な運命TR_2020-02-29_14-07-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if the artist being a woman has anything to do with how often MC's face shows up during h-scenes in Hulotte's games.
I prefer this over shit like http://www.asa-pro.com/koikari/fd/img/eventcg/image08.jpg but I image it makes self-insert fags mad.

>> No.23087645

I think it's simply gay.

>> No.23087685

I don't have brain damage, so I can self-insert just fine as any MC, regardless of wheter or not he has face, name, voice or any other shit.

>> No.23087705

I don't self-insert in the first place.

>> No.23087723

Stop being a cuck, imagine stroking your dick to some random guy fucking this hot cute heroine
The only time a true man is allowed to fap as a third party is with yuri h scenes

>> No.23087728

Why? Are you perhaps some tranny who praises meta trash for "removing" MC?

>> No.23087858

I self insert as the side character best friend.

>> No.23087885

Not that anon but what's the problem? You can just read it as a story without self-inserting, who cares?

>> No.23087887
File: 16 KB, 190x282, 453595-misako_sayama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I even really knew what anime was I somehow stumbled into this https://vndb.org/v735

>> No.23087903

I don't read stories. I play eroge.

>> No.23087915

>meta trash for "removing" MC
What does this even mean? I swear to God this thread is full of retards from /vg/.

>> No.23087931

Checking the thread archive instead of pretending to be retarded helps.

>> No.23087937

First VN was YMK and other random trash, but the first time I actually got invested and thought that this is kinda neat was F/SN. Then eventually I read muv-luv without getting spoiled and decided I'd learn japanese instead of relying on translators right there.

You can call them entry level or whatever, but fuck me I'd probably be a functioning member of society if I hadn't gotten into them as a teenager.

>> No.23087968
File: 59 KB, 552x566, 1551921171334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, buddy, maybe I am retarded and am not pretending? Ever think about that? Why don't you help me out a little and explain it to me. After all, I just read eroge.

>> No.23087996

Well, if you insist, about half a year ago in this thread we had some retarded tranny shilling DDLC and after he got banned for off-topic shit he switched to shilling Totono (or was it something else? I don't remember) because it "separates MC from the player" and it's apparently very smart and innovative.

>> No.23088023

I don't know what DDLC is and I don't know what "separates MC from the player" means, at least in this context, but I'm READING eroge so I fail to see how this is in any way related to me not self-inserting. Not sure why you are so angry about the fact that some people do things differently.

>> No.23088037

Not like I know either, I don't read EVN trash and I'm glad that it got cleaned up by the mods. Did you miss the second part about Totono or what? After all, seems like you are pretending to be retarded on purpose.

>> No.23088053

Neither read nor care for it.

>> No.23088067

We are the same in that regard then. What I'm trying to say, since that time anyone who "reads the story" in eroge from the outside point of view instead of being a part of it is associated with retarded trannies whose tastes include trash like DDLC and Totono for me.

>> No.23088122
File: 86 KB, 750x1100, 1583009083169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this general so aggressive?

>> No.23088166

Probably a mix of:

1. People being tired of off-topic posts.

2. The subject matter of the thread not exactly attracting the most well-adjusted, "normal" members of society (not pretending like I'm any better)

>> No.23088179

Because you post here even though you have nothing to say that would be on topic.

>> No.23088272
File: 546 KB, 1282x754, date crossed out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, now the dates don't show up and the game crashes.

>> No.23088279
File: 112 KB, 1282x754, whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I don't know what's going on with the title screen anymore.

>> No.23088288

typical digital cute

>> No.23088292

What did our friends at Digital Cute mean by this?

Did you start a new game though? Old saves probably aren't compatible with new updates.

>> No.23088303

You would think people patient enough to learn Japanese would also be patient in the threads. Wait...

>> No.23088365

Yes I did. I even deleted all the old ones and immediately noticed I couldn't ctrl through anymore so I turned skip all on and started going back through. When I hit the 3rd or 4th decision point everything went to hell.

>> No.23088370

Well, seems like you got DigiCute'd.

>> No.23088640
File: 585 KB, 541x695, Taskforce2 (18).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said you were doing drillhair ojou's route, right? There is a certain part in it where that blacked-out number on the date displays for several days in a row. The rest appears to be standard glitches, though.

>> No.23088824

How is Evenicle?

>> No.23088841

50% fun
50% dull
100% absolutely brainless

>> No.23088848

What groups do you download VNs from? Are there any sites/groups that consistently have miner software in their releases?

>> No.23088892

So what I had been doing was cheesing the game super hard. I made a team of goblin generals with the starting leader, and I could destroy the entire game with them. They gave extra attack and defense to all goblin units so if you just made a team of them you could stack enough buffs to stomp everything. I never raised their level cap but they were still crushing the optional max level boss fights even on auto mode, it was a slaughterfest. But then the final boss was a huge difficulty ramp, so I actually leveled my team to max, and then I still lost since she had elemental advantage.

So I had to make a new deck, get the random drops to fill it, level it, pick a new leader, level the leader, and then fight the last boss again, which took fucking hours even though I was using cheatengine and playing at 10x speed.

>> No.23088894
File: 29 KB, 647x76, compulsory villain reeducation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can it be dull when you can have your ancestor asking you to rape this 1000 old child until she gets mindbroken and starts calling you onii-chan? Also, you are saying "brainless" as if it's a bad thing.

>> No.23088928

I liked the first one a lot till chapter 4 or so and then I lost interest. Evenicle 2 is much better in my opinion and fixes almost every issue I had with the first one while improving on essentially everything else.

>> No.23088933

Does it fix the non-combatant wives just disappearing from the game after you marry them

>> No.23088961

Sadly not in all cases, no. Still, they all get their (love) events and some more than others. Since they're also quite interlinked with the other wives they show up in their events. I think it's slightly better than in Eve1 but if it bothered you so much then you'll probably not be pleased.

>> No.23088973

Not really. Some of them like Zero, Asimov, Clarke and Heinlein still somewhat take part in the story, but the others just stay at home.

>> No.23089068


I don't download retarded DLSite shit, which is the only thing someone might bother puting a miner in.

>> No.23090116

>it's apparently very smart and innovative.
it is

>> No.23090186

The wives who don't join your party are definitely more important in the second one yeah
Mainly because basically every important female character ends up as a wife

>> No.23090822

anyone have bgm from musicus?

>> No.23090898

I don't waste my time on cuckshit.



>> No.23090937

I also want this, pls reupload

>> No.23091223

Did you have the ultimate cards? There were incredibly stupidly overpowered cards for every color available, that kinda steamroll the entire game, and I don't think they were particularly hard to get or anything. Optional for sure, but not hard. I think those were from those optional hard encounters you have in some areas? Something like that. It's been too long.

The other card game by them had something like this as well, though I don't remember how to get them. Basically allowed you to utterly destroy the final boss even, as you could double action kill it without it even getting a turn.

>> No.23091863


Why do you enable subhuman EOPs?

>> No.23092068

Posted this in the wrong general

>> No.23092194
File: 14 KB, 505x419, nukitashi_functions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, Nukitashi/shiinario. No wonder that WPA trace seemed to go on and on within the busy loop.
Based on the trace it's hard to believe this is simply obfuscation.

>> No.23093044

I don't think you should care that much. It's been almost a week since you bitched about Nukitashi's cycles. Let it go. If not, just buy a top tier Threadripper or something.

>> No.23093194

Anything interesting these past 2 years? I'm into the fantasy adventure setting.

>> No.23093212

Is there a simple guide or chart for the Robotics;Notes endings? I could only find a 100% achievement guide, but it doesn't have anything concrete, just 'follow my lead for 10 hours'.

>> No.23093260

Learn Japanese and you'll find it. I would just link it, but it's in Japanese, thus useless to you.

>> No.23093380

>I would just link it, but it's in Japanese, thus useless to you.
I am not familiar with any Japanese resources, but I haven't tried Japanese keywords yet, so you got me there. I'd be grateful if you could link it anyway; I'm sure I can make good use of it.
>Learn Japanese
Hey, I'm learning, that's part of the reason I started reading. Cut me some slack, will you?

>> No.23093395
File: 19 KB, 722x124, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

攻略 is the keyword you want.

>> No.23093396
File: 635 KB, 600x400, fuck EOPs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23093407 [DELETED] 

Don't worry, the ones who shit on you for not learning Japanese don't know themselves, hence their tendency to lash out.

>> No.23093411 [DELETED] 

Is this how you cope, DJT EOP? Stop mindlessly grinding Anki and you might pass that N2 one day.

>> No.23093412

No day without an EOP vs Japanese elitist discussion.

>> No.23093414

Don't worry. The ones who shit on you for learning Japanese don't know themselves, hence their tendency to lash out.

>> No.23093423

Is this how you cope, DJT EOP? Stop mindlessly grinding Anki and you might pass that N2 one day.

>> No.23093435

Sounds like Raillore is up your alley.

>> No.23093448

Why are you guys so helpless and need to be spoonfed everything?

>> No.23093451

And here you see the pathetic EOP in his natural state, further embarrassing himself by lashing out and projecting his inability to learn Japanese on others.

>> No.23093454

Their lack of Japanese ability combined with delusions. See >>23093451

>> No.23093475
File: 614 KB, 2043x2956, 1385765474113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, that'll do fine. Have this cute NEET as an apology for the shitstorm.

>> No.23093482

It feels like a waste to put cute girls into all ages games. Think how much better would the game be if you could enjoy an anal sex scene with her.

>> No.23093538

I don't have anything like that and I beat the optional bosses and did all the free duels and have almost completed my collection. I'm not done with the post game yet but if they are post game only then they can't be used on the boss anyway.

>> No.23093608
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, kf3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel betrayed by anyone who has ever said Kyonyuu Fantasy has good writing or good stories. Once again I am reminded that one can simply not trust the general consensus on these kinds of things, though to be fair I should have realized that people would be more inclined to praise a game if it's filled with hot big-titted babes having sex with the MC.

I'll keep this brief. I started playing these games because I like big tits and divine beings having sex. Kyonyuu Fantasy 3 tempted me with Athena & co being heroines until eventually I caved. What I was met with was a series with incredibly stupid writing. 頭が悪いテキスト as they would say in the land of the rising sun. Yes, to be clear, I am an elite JOP that knows Japanese. I've been reading this kinda shit for six years, and despite being an ignorant hairy gaijin, even I was put off by how awful the writing in this game was - the literal prose itself gave me a headache. It legitimately feels like it was written by a middle schooler and I mean that sincerely - it reminds me a lot of Narou works written by young people. Honestly, it has worse writing than a Narou work my JSL friend wrote, but that's getting off topic.

Basically, the lines are bland and short. They carry very little description and feel like an Orc trying to grunt out a story. The protagonists all sound like people with mental disabilities, and I don't even say that to be edgy, they sincerely remind of me of cavemen." Big boobs! I wanna fuck big boobs! You. You smell good. Lemme fuck big boobs!" is actual dialogue you will hear from them, with only a little exaggeration on my part.

Even looking past the blandness and chunkiness of the prose though, the writing itself is still trash - the characters and plot are awful. The characters are one dimensional and have zero depth. They never say anything interesting. When the MC or his male pals joke around it's stupid puns that aren't clever. The heroines fall for MC over nothing, sounding like stupid teens the whole time. The plot itself is stupid. Things happen in quick sequence and involve a respectable number of male characters, which is why I think some people are quick to say KF has good writing. In reality, though, the plots are paper thin and beyond the fact that stuff is happening (which is admittedly not something all VNs can boast), there's nothing even remotely good about them. Villains are uninteresting. There's no real drama or meaningful stakes in the overarching plot. It's just the protagonist going from one place to another while fucking big tit girls in a way that accomplishes his goal somehow.

None of this is unique for a nukige, but what's unique is how Kyonyuu Fantasy is hailed as THE nukige fantasy series. It's hailed as having great plots with above average writing. Even the translators at Mangagamer suck KF's dick, which is baffling to me. Now that I've actually played them, I feel betrayed by almost the entire nukige community - which I say with some intentional exaggeration, but seriously, I've never seen a single bad word about Kyonyuu Fantasy. Just overwhelming praise, when in reality it sucks.

Look, I get it. The art is good, and everyone loves a pervy dude going around fucking hot girls during an ascent in power. It's dumb fun. And I do appreciate that Kyonyuu Fantasy attempts to have a plot with a decent number of male characters. I can respect it. But holy FUCK do people overrate it for those reasons. Holy FUCK! It's so bad! The writing is some of the worst I've ever seen any VN! They may try, but holy FUCK do they fail! It's just... God, it's just so bad! I can hardly even believe myself just how much this series fucking sucks. I have to keep opening the game and re-reading scenes to remind myself that indeed, it was written by a middle schooler and every characters sounds brain damaged.

Jesus. Anyway, I'm done. I just wanted to yell into the void that I was shocked and emotionally traumatized by how much a beloved franchise sucked dick. God damn what a disappointment. I was so excited to go through the three KF3 games and now I won't be playing the other two of them in disgust.

>> No.23093616

Where is there no ass fantasy series

>> No.23093624

Nice that you wrote a long review, but what did you expect, brochacho. EOPs being thrilled about something should be a sign that it's basic shit for desperate weeaboos.

Now this is based (as in "good").

>> No.23093650

Thanks for saving me the time, as I was about to read it. It seems with a lot of nukige stories people seem to overrate them, and I am disappointed every time. I made that mistake with euphoria and it turned out to be the most disappointing waste of time ever with the shittiest writing and most retarded "twists."

Yeah yeah I know, shouldn't be reading nukige for the story but for once I would love to see a nukige that seamlessly integrates sex well into the story.

>EOPs being thrilled about something should be a sign that it's basic shit for desperate weeaboos
Kyonyuu Fantasy was highly praised here long before it came out in English, newfag EOP.

>> No.23093666

>Kyonyuu Fantasy was highly praised here long before it came out in English, newfag EOP.

By basic weeaboos, it seems.

>> No.23093725

This is the most autistic post in this thread.

>> No.23093747

How often do ya'll skip H-scenes?

>> No.23093760

Why do people ask these questions?

>> No.23093861

Should I join these official eroge company Discord servers or are they just going to be filled with EOPs?

>> No.23093885

>developer has implied that there will be an official English translation

>> No.23093892

This is by fucking Kepposhi, the Lamunation guy.

>> No.23093991

I'm not a degenerate so never.

>> No.23094054

almost all the time

>> No.23094076

Over 95% of the time in non-nukige. There's rarely anything erotic about these scenes. Usually gross.

Half the time in nukige.

>> No.23094099

>Half the time in nukige.
Then why do you even play them?

>> No.23094122

For the other half?

>> No.23094182

He just likes the stories mate.

>> No.23094187

Which nukige have had another "good half" for you? Not trying to be condescending, I'm just interested in good nukige which has stories/character interactions I don't want to ctrl through the time entire

>> No.23094199

To feel validated when they get the responses they want.

>> No.23094222
File: 49 KB, 500x375, oretubasinkoukai16-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone played additional routes in oretsuba R? Are they worth reading?

>> No.23094237

What I'm saying is I skip half of the h scenes. And don't skip the other half of the h scenes. And I play nukige for the h scenes that I don't skip.

>> No.23094347

SMEE need to stop with mixing VAs with 500 roles and 5 roles

>> No.23094353

I thought Ai's was really fun.

>> No.23094377

I miss Fujimori Yukina...

>> No.23094415


why did she retire?

>> No.23094423

Nobody knows why, it was quite sudden.

>> No.23094428


she even deleted her twitter. maybe she was fed up with all the degeneracy.

>> No.23094442

Deleting Twitters/Blogs after retiring doesn't surprise me at all, people in this industry usually do this. IIRC she announced on her Twitter that was going to retire on that day suddenly then deleted the account the day after.

>> No.23094589

You're the type of fag who takes apart a burger because he doesn't like half the toppings.

>> No.23094595

Does she not have any non eroge roles?

>> No.23094871

I don't care hat much, just morbid curiosity that compelled me to take another look, since it is the weekend.
Also the cpu hog for this game is a single thread, so Threadripper would not help here at all; you should be telling me to buy an i9 (not that I ever would buy intel crap for a single eroge).
But the responsiveness is definitely not fixed just by throwing faster cpus at the game.

>> No.23095099

It's a troll copy pasta written by a pettanko lover and lolicon.

>> No.23095329

I understand skipping heroines and whole routes. But skipping h-scenes, of a heroine that you like, in a nukige... it's pretty brainlet. But I see all the time people claiming to read such and such eroge in 3-5 hours (would take a normal literate person ten times that, so to speak). So I guess there are people out there who like to fast read through everything and maybe later fap to a select few scenes. Such a waste paying 8000 yen for that. I'm incapable of that and require the story continuity to fap without any rush, enjoying every scene and every heroine.

>> No.23095363

>Such a waste paying 8000 yen for that
>spending money on nip fap games

>> No.23095577
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, 2020-03-01 18_01_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Fiona bitch is probably the most obnoxious character in existence. I know she was meant to be that way (to boot they make her voice 2x louder than every other characters'), but she makes me dislike Risa by association. Can't imagine how terrible she is in Risa's route

>> No.23095592

Eroge name?

>> No.23095605

Walkure Romanze.

>> No.23095608

Brochacho, you clearly have all the info needed to find it yourself.

>> No.23095615

Come on, anon. You have a name and her entire look. This took me like less than five seconds. This guy is correct>>23093448 so please put some work in.

>> No.23095624

EOPs are hopeless in all cases.

>> No.23095634

Why are more people replying to off-topic shit than to the actual eroge discussion? You people are trash.

>> No.23095637

Don't post here again.

>> No.23095674

>You have a name and her entire look.
I couldn't read the Japanese version of it though.

>> No.23095680
File: 555 KB, 1024x768, ris101a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the first 1/3rd of Lisa's route is
>Takahiro tries to talk to Lisa
>she interrupts them and tells him to fuck off and takes Lisa away
Basically her entire purpose is to create conflict between them because almost the entire conflict would be resolved in an instant if both characters sat down and talked about their feelings. It's not great.

>> No.23095685

Never post here again, you fat American subhuman.

>> No.23095688

Fucking subhuman EOP. It's Risa.

>> No.23095707
File: 827 KB, 1280x962, ワルキューレロマンツェ[少女騎士物語].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23095719

That's just Engrish.
Like how they write Sanpre instead of Sample

>> No.23095725

So you're saying Celia's actual name is Suirea? And Noelle is Noerre?

>> No.23095727

God you people are fucking stupid sometimes

>> No.23095734


>> No.23095755

Cant stop progress baka.

>> No.23095773
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x720, best girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this common is painfully boring, the gags aren't at making lovers level. the art's too shit to fap with and there's better charage out there so why would they tone down the humor in the most important part of the game? the entire draw of smee is lol funny. writer shouldn't have capped their power level.

>> No.23095779

You really know someone is completely fucking brain dead when he calls the official name of a non-Japanese character "Engrish". Your constant throwing around of "EOP" really just confirms that you are extremely insecure. Why ruin this thread with vitriolic bullshit? Take it to /vg/ and stay there, please.

>> No.23095784

Anon, you're five minutes and two scenes into the game.

>> No.23095793

Ignoring the dumb shitpost argument going on, its hardly rare for japs to have an "official" romanised name for a character thats completely and objectively incorrect

>> No.23095815

Case dependent of course, like so many things, but you can hardly argue about Risa/Lisa.

>> No.23095837 [DELETED] 

Unfortunately you've fallen to a troll.

isn't me (the person who tells EOPs to fuck off).

>>23095624 >>23095637 >>23095685

I don't engage in retarded /jp/-tier pretend idiocy like "who are you quoting?" and "it's Engrish".

I just tell subhuman EOPs and DJT EOPs like you to fuck off, cause you have nothing to add to this thread. So fuck off, please.

>> No.23095845 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 865x267, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just a small bonus confirmation.

>> No.23095866 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 853x270, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you pretending to be me?

>> No.23095868 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 1119x967, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice try pretending, but they're all me.

>> No.23095876 [DELETED] 

Don't post here again.

>> No.23095908 [DELETED] 

Your schizophrenic behaviour is what "adds" nothing to this thread. None of the posts you wrote are on-topic and arbitrarily picking posts you think were written by "EOPs and DJT EOPs" is a retarded. If you want content instead of shitposting you should post content instead of, you know, shitpost.

>> No.23095928 [DELETED] 

Just don't post here ever again and I won't have to tell you to leave.

>> No.23095948 [DELETED] 

Well I'm glad that you found it within yourself to admit that you're not interested in the quality of this thread but actually just want to shitpost.

>> No.23095951 [DELETED] 

The quality will go up once you leave, duh.

>> No.23095953

That is going to make me want to shoot myself. I bet that makes it worst route by far. I wanted to read all of them, but I don't like Risa/Lisa's personality that much even though her design is top-tier.

>> No.23095966

Yeah, it's very frustrating artificial drama that could be easily resolved because literally all Takahiro wants to do is talk to LRisa and give her a bit of advice and every time Fiona shows up and rees at him. I found Mio's route to be the worst, but that's mostly because I'm not a huge fan of Mio, not that she's terrible, just a bit bland. Celia's route is far and away the best part of the game, and there's a reason she's essentially become the poster girl of the franchise after the first one.

>> No.23096013

What's the game?

>> No.23096015

>non-Japanese character
There are Japanese girls names りさ. Why are you being racist against her culture?

>> No.23096019

But she's not Japanese, the game isn't set in Japan.

>> No.23096028

I think you misunderstood on purpose. The post, including the context, is entirely obvious.

>> No.23096029


harem kingdom

>> No.23096031

Yeah, I think the worst part about characters like that is that nobody does ANYTHING. They just brush it off when they need to be put in their place. Damn, if you're not going to call her out then just ignore her or pretend like she doesn't exist. Just do something! Fuck I'm triggered and I haven't even read her route.
And yeah, Celia seems really likable, despite being the perfect mary sue type of character I usually hate. I actually don't mind Mio either, in fact I like her more than Risa/Lisa because she's not as emotionally constipated.

>> No.23096054

I'm at the point where if I'm reading a girls route and the main conflict is about a misunderstanding, unless I REALLY like the girl or its REALLY well written, I'll just drop it. Either the VN or the route. It's so lazy, boring, annoying, obnoxious, devoid of creativity or inspiration and (almost always) quality, I just don't have time for that shit. I'm not a teenager who would take that kind of plot seriously any more.

If the answer to solving the issue is 'two characters fucking talk to each other like adults' I just can't be assed dealing with it.

>> No.23096063

>But she's not Japanese
How do you know that? Does she tell you that she doesn't identify as a Japanese りさ?

>> No.23096066

Agreed. I'd rather just read hours of icha icha than stupid misunderstanding bullshit. You're a couple now, do couple things and go on dates. Stop avoiding each other and fucking communicate.

>> No.23096072


>> No.23097005

