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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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23016586 No.23016586 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>22963377

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.23017070

Is it true than one needs to have a degree in Dostoevsky to fully grasp Naraharian thought as laid out in 装甲悪鬼村正?

>> No.23017216

narahara: murder is bad
h-holy shit bros.....my head is exploding......
everything about my worldview is being altered....

>> No.23017257

playing mojika is still my fondest recent eroge memory. while it was missing the usual nitro+ obsession with guns, the music and the production was so good. also appreciate the fact that the game ended before it got boring.

I guess my top 3 vns might be carnival, kusarihime and mojika. all three were pretty 独特 and I love them. I find that most VNs are missing something and I just can't bear playing them. maybe I should listen to that anon and play saihate no ima next

>> No.23017313

So apparently -Sadistic Blood- takes place in an alternate universe like a gaiden story. Rip my lovely sequel.

>> No.23017347

>everything about my worldview is being altered....
"implying every eroge has to split your life into pre- and post- reading periods"
maybe 素晴らしき日々 is more your speed?

>> No.23017357

Is Mindead Blood good? I was a pretty big fan of Extravaganza.

>> No.23017376

everyone here can read japanese fluently?

>> No.23017537

This post is cute in many different ways.

>> No.23017787


>> No.23017827


>> No.23017831
File: 38 KB, 256x361, 15927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I somehow instantly knew it was trash just from a single screenshot. Then I looked up that the author made pic related and likes to "meta-lly remove the MC from eroge"... How the hell am I *always* right about these things?

>> No.23017839

Mojika is probably the single instance of mind reading done well in eroge.
It has a top notch presentation.

>> No.23017869

I haven't read Mojika but I liked the way it was done in Shinsou Noise, the robotic voices were a nice touch and it showed the problems the MC faces for having that ability.

>> No.23017881

Shinsou is like every other eroge, where people have thoughts as if they were speaking normally.
Mojika literally shows something closer to a person's train of thought, having multiple lines/impressions all at the same time.
It's really well done.

>> No.23018367

>Mojika literally shows something closer to a person's train of thought, having multiple lines/impressions all at the same time.
Wow... This says something DEEP about Life and is not just a weak attempt at emotional manipulation! I gained so much Life Knowledge by recognizing that a VN character is simply a collection of pixels on a screen... Actually, much like We are in Life as a collection of discrete atoms with no soul...

>> No.23018692

What are some good unstranslated VN by Dostoevsky?

>> No.23018698

>that pic
does it bother anyone else that there is not a second character in the line with 恋? like everywhere else has in the lines there is an equal amount of characters.

>> No.23018929

I'd be very impressed if everyone here could read English fluently.

>> No.23019211

This game was hard. I tried so many combinations of different answers etc but I couldn't find my way onto a few of the scenarios. I did figure out the main one, and the spy one was pretty cool as well.

>> No.23019686

Yeah,but keep in mind the art is by Hinaki Shiizaki,not Metawo. Also the game really lags at the end.

>> No.23019782

No, the thread is infested with subhumans like you. It makes me sick.

>> No.23019817
File: 75 KB, 528x399, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm running into this issue with my vn running.
I have the file it's looking for it in the install folder, so I don't know why it's giving me this error.
This is the second time this has happened with this game. The first was with the downloaded version.

>> No.23020077

are you using japanese locale or locale emulator?

did you try running it as administrator?

>> No.23020085

what game?

>> No.23020164

Kamaitachi no Yoru?

>> No.23020173

I don't think that's an eroge

>> No.23020413

I tried running it with locale emulator and as administrator but it doesn't seem to work.
I'm on windows 10 if it matters.

>> No.23020720
File: 400 KB, 1067x924, 1556236538677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon here, just switch your PC locale to Japan. You can keep the language in whatever you want and still have a JP locale in Win 10. Just set Japan in Region, and then your language as your default/Windows display language. Pic related.

>> No.23021064

Somewhat,but it depends on the game.>>23017357 was fine,but Gore Screaming show gave me some trouble due to gores weird speech patterns and the MC talking like a country bumpkin. Still too scared to try AL though,or FS.

>> No.23021251

Anyone can help seed Pure Marriage ~赤い糸物語 さくら編~ パッケージ版?

>> No.23021263

was the file originally there or did ou copy it yourself?

>> No.23023493

Play the PS1 version instead

>> No.23023859
File: 29 KB, 256x224, Kamaitachi no Yoru000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23023968

Character designs for remake are trash.
Remake Keiko is not overweight.
Remake Midori looks young but supposed to be ambigious.
Remake Haruko looks like old hag despite being like 35.

>> No.23024017

Overall I think it's still a decent remake and received undeserved hate from Japanese fans. It wasn't a complete butchering like the Yuno remake or anything.

>> No.23025191

can you link the magnet?

>> No.23025241

Download the torrent by faggotcelly instead. It's slightly bigger than jewkocon's but has at least 3 seeders at the moment.

>> No.23025420

Download the better コンプリートパック~

>> No.23025556

Sorry for reposting here.
What engine do I use to write a えろげ with vertical text like in Muramasa? As in a box with 4 lines I can move around the screen in a more literary way.
Do not worry, it is untranslated.

>> No.23025569
File: 3 KB, 347x159, ApplicationFrameHost_2020-02-19_19-42-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whichever one you want

>> No.23025735

I tried switching my locale and region to japanese, I still get the same error.
It was originally there

>> No.23025870

Seek mental help, tranny spammer.

>> No.23025994

Why do you call me that though?

>> No.23027423

I'm playing 君がいた季節 remake and I'm having troubles with it's engine. I can stand it's crashes, but when when the credits start (on Yayois route) I can't bare it. Can I fix crashing it somehow? The error code is 201. Fuck you Áge.

>> No.23027503

excuse me, it's 210

>> No.23028142

>1 hour of straight info dumping
holy fucking shit, why the fuck do writers do this dumb shit at the fucking start of the visual novel

>> No.23028146

To dab on you?

>> No.23028153

if their goal was to bore me, then they sufficiently dabbed on me

>> No.23028211

Money I would assume. Like getting paid per cut.

>> No.23028681

1. Save
2. Press CTRL until you start to see things getting interesting
3. Save and go back to previous point if you deem it necessary to read what you missed.

There, you dabbed on the writer.

>> No.23029197

>the season of you?

>> No.23029218

Learn Japanese, EOP.

>> No.23029439

Learn how to read faster and it will take less than an hour. Stuff like that is meant to be skimmed and kanji help you skim better than english.

>> No.23029812

>The season you were in.
Keep studying. You'll get there some day.

>> No.23030343

also wrong lol

>> No.23030588

Keep studying.

>> No.23030624

no need
but you think about that phrase again you might learn something

>> No.23030933

>meant to be skimmed
How does one skim properly? I start to read everything out in my head and get slowed down.

>> No.23030938

play on the intended OS or wait for somebody to rip the 20th anniversary edition which will never happen

>> No.23031126

Imagine being this smug and not even getting it right.

>> No.23031159

Playing アイコトバ and it's pretty much solidified Suegara Rie as a GOD tier seiyuu. Every line she says is like pure sex to my ears, holy shit. According to vndb she hasn't done a lot of games but I really hope she gets more work.

>> No.23031449

i can do that shit with most charage and stuff
but can't with chuuni and plot shit

>> No.23031634

This is the last post I will make on this subject. The entire line is describing a type of season. It's a season that "you" existed in. The English alias from the VNDB page says "The Season You Were Here". It definitely sounds better than my translation, but If you think "in" and "here" mean very different things, then I don't know what to tell you. Except that "in" is a synonym of "here". I knew my translation wasn't a great sounding English sentence when I posted it, since it was intended to showcase the grammar of the Japanese sentence, but I didn't think people would act like it was incorrect because of it. People just grasping at straws to try and knock someone down a peg, even if it makes themselves look like bitter and hateful losers.

>> No.23031903

You are right bro. We just have DJT ESLs here.

>> No.23032055
File: 262 KB, 590x716, mio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learn how to read faster and it will take less than an hour.
I've been trying for the past year.

>> No.23032128

I told you bros, I told you you shouldn't post DJT shit. Just don't do it. Let retards be retards.

>> No.23032162 [DELETED] 

does anyone know?

>> No.23032399

Trial for new CUBE is up.

>> No.23032437

I like how they still didn't announce what shitty DRM they are going to put in the game.

>> No.23032458

If it's the same as Hulotte's it should be a version of Soft Denchi going by this blog post:

>> No.23032531

Years later and people still can't ignore retards, what the fuck.

>> No.23032541

I can't just ignore everyone in the thread like that.

>> No.23032683

I'll be to sure to at least jerk off to the HCG set.

>> No.23032736

to the godlike you?

>> No.23032760
File: 87 KB, 491x381, chrome_2020-02-21_05-14-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"To you like goddess"
The developers translated it like that so it must be right.

>> No.23032880

Stop posting, EOP. If you really need to test your miniscule Japanese skill, do it in DJT. Or on Reddit. On Reddit they'll actually reply to you earnestly if you just ask.

>> No.23033609

>that description
Wew. Normal heroines apparently have too much personality, better give the MC a blank slate doormat as the main heroine instead.

>> No.23033641

You're too fucked in the head by whores to appreciate wife material.

>> No.23033739

Why are you so obsessed with whores? I swear people always find a way to bring up that shit. That being said, I just don't see the appeal of a custom built robot who is programmed to pretend to love you. She literally didn't exist before MC, so she really is just a blank slate with no personality, no hobbies or interests, no opinions, no aspirations. In this case it seems like a lazy way to not have to write a proper relationship. Which is ok for a nukige, but boring for this sort of game. Although I should probably read the trial before I shit on it too much, maybe they somehow found a way to make it interesting

>> No.23034001

Ask yourself this. If you construct your very own waifu, would you want it to act like a "real woman?" Life is already shit, you want to make yourself feel even shittier?

>> No.23034079

People are not a hivemind. Thinking every real woman is a whore is like thinking every real man is a lecher or a murderer. You can't take the worst of humanity and make it representative of everyone, it would be illogical and irrational to do so.
Kindness, compassion, honesty, and empathy are real traits too even though you might not see it from your limited world view. And you can create an ideal heroine with all those traits, as well as giving her her own personality and character.

>> No.23034176

Look up to your url bar and come back to me where you are. You're on a site that heavily indulges every form of degeneracy and negativity in all aspects of life, including humans. Why do you think nihilist VN's are the real attractions in this thread?

>> No.23034194

>Why do you think nihilist VN's are the real attractions in this thread?
Not him, but speak for yourself.

>> No.23034208

>Thinking every real woman is a whore is like thinking every real man is a lecher or a murderer.
I've been led to believe this because of nukige. Thank you for the blackpilling.

>> No.23034269

Because it's fucking stupid that people gravitate to eroge because they read TRP or got rejected by a girl one time. It's hard to engage in an actual discussion when people are blinded by "muh 3DPD!!!" and have a meltdown when they weren't even brought up. How about actually enjoying eroge by its own merits instead of being obsessed with the demonized caricature of women you have in your head? Life must be real miserable when you have kneejerk reactions to everything and never think critically about anything.

>> No.23034304

But the translatin is pretty crappy isn't it?

>> No.23034317


>> No.23034415

Fuck off, EOP.

>> No.23034519


This next week, I'm pretty excited.

>> No.23034538

Go back to your bitches you simp.

>> No.23034556

Cry more retard.

>> No.23034643

Such heroines are made for cucks with such low self-esteem that they believe only a robot can love them.

>> No.23034706

Dilate, faglet.

>> No.23035296

anyone got a download for トレイメント~Etude~?

>> No.23035309

The scenario writers are different from their previous work, which is a shame because I really liked the writing in ゆらうか.

>> No.23035351

How come Musicus didn't get top three in any category? I thought it was supposed to be one of the best VNs in years.

>> No.23035356

Wasn't there a VN that was autistically obsessed with mathematics mentioning various theorems and formulas?

>> No.23035391

Isn't a physical copy like 100k+ yen in second hand stores? Even if someone did have the files they could probably charge some damn good money for it. In other words good luck to you.

>> No.23035418


>> No.23035489

>I thought it was supposed to be one of the best VNs in years.
According to literally who?

>> No.23035501

Yea, physical copies are 100k+ yen.

>> No.23035516

I am more fluent in japanese than I am in English.

>> No.23035520

Which one? Sounds like finally an autismge that caters to me.

>> No.23035709

I would read this. Especially if it involves algebraic geometry.

>> No.23035817

>An all ages doujin VN gets an 18+ big company sequel release.
Now this doesn't happen often. Must be a really standout title.

>> No.23035827

And then that 18+ sequel gets itself an all ages sequel of sorts. The circle is complete.

>> No.23035897

>it's the fault of the stupid gvn engine that raillore ran like ass
Never bothered to actually figure out why the performance was so crappy, when I read it.
Actually paid off to read the last thread.

>> No.23036391

So it's not just nukitashi I guess. Seems hard to believe that every game could eat up CPU like Nukitashi, since ShiinaRio includes some very old games that probably would perform like shit on contemporary hardware if they tried to send themselves a message at 30Hz.
Maybe limited to recent versions?

Can you confirm whether the specific performance issues below occur?
>game still uses significant amount of cpu in task manager when on a static screen and not in focus (e.g. when minimized)
>game screen goes black after lock and unlocking the screen (Win+L) and/or turning monitor off and on

>> No.23036523

Not him but both nukitashis ran fine for me. Sure it's not a problem on your end?

>> No.23036692

Nukitashi does perform fine for me, see >>22972048
Please address specific complaints rather than saying "ran fine for me."
A game that is idle and not displaying any animations should not be using a significant chunk of CPU. No other games I've ran do this.
I used Spy++ from microsoft and noticed that it was sending itself timer events at about 30Hz. This is an abuse of the messaging system and causes the high cpu usage.
It's essentially constantly using CPU to redraw itself even when nothing is on the screen.

The game is multithreaded and all cpus are below 100%, hence no true lag. Maybe a very subtle decrease in responsiveness due to the message queue being busy dealing with hundreds of draw calls per second.

>> No.23036883

I don't really know what to say other than "what high CPU usage?" I can ctrl through a fight scene with many sprites flying around all at once and the CPU usage would go to ~17% at most, and those issues mentioned in >>23036391 don't happen.
4 year old laptop, i7-6700hq, no(fried) dedicated gpu, windows 10.

>> No.23036905

>the CPU usage would go to ~17% at most,
17% can be a lot when you have a lot of cores, because windows considers full usage of all cores to be 100%.
What I'm saying is that even when idle, the game uses 8% of my 8-core cpu. That's a lot for a literal static screen. It's constantly running nonsense when it should be idle.

Open the game to a static, non-animated screen. Minimize it. What is the cpu usage and how many threads does your cpu have?

>> No.23036941

It sure likes to go black every now and then. Usually you can fix it by resizing the window by hitting f11, then you can just reset it to window mode in the settings.
Animated scenes are also kinda iffy.
0.2%-3% minimized.
4% on a static image.
Tops out at around 10% in "animated" scenes.

>> No.23036942

4-6%, 4 cores and 8 threads. I guess it's "high" compared to stuff that goes to near zero when minimized but it doesn't feel like it's worth getting worried about.

>> No.23036981

>It sure likes to go black every now and then.
Yeah, I'm on a display port display. Every single time I turn the display off, it goes black. Every time I lock the screen, it goes black. Other things like UAC prompts also turn it black. No other games have this problem.

Multiply all those numbers by 16 to see how many percents of a single thread the game is using.

>4-6%, 4 cores and 8 threads
That means the game is using between 32 and 48 percent of a single thread when idle, that is terrible.
> like it's worth getting worried about.
I'm not "worried." I'm annoyed that they suck so much.
Many people do not notice minor amounts of lag, but when the thread is processing tons of messages every second, that results in a slight lag in accessing menus.
These window messages are processed by a single main thread, clogging up that thread reduces perceived responsiveness. These window messages are how an application knows where your mouse is, whether you're clicking or pressing keys, etc.
Like many forms of unresponsiveness, 95% of people don't notice anything is wrong. But having this many window messages really does make the UI less responsive. It simply doesn't result in dropped frames.
The effect of this is just that, say, mousing over a previous line in the backlog isn't quite as responsive as it is in other games. Very subtle but annoying.
You can't play this game with powersaving on certainly.

>> No.23037014
File: 2.52 MB, 3026x1101, Y7tBWpgDjo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crude gif since webm was too big in resolution and size (seriously, those messages are scrolling by too damn fast)
This is not how microsoft intended for WindowProc's to be used.

>> No.23037021
File: 607 KB, 1373x778, 1576168759879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're already talking about the game, I assume I'm done?
Not to sure how to feel about the ending, a bit too much fighting for me, would've liked more plot focus in the last chapter. Felt like the planet of the apes "twist" was a bit unnecessary.
The h-scene with Easla was probably the most disappointing thing I've seen in a long time, her milkies looked awful.

Did enjoy it overall, otherwise I wouldn't have finished it, some arcs were pretty entertaining.

>> No.23037114

>>23037014 cont
The really stupid thing is the readme included with the game says the minimum processor is a Pentium 4, and the recommended is any intel i-series cpu.
Obviously this is complete bullshit. Just think of how slow the worst i-series processors are and consider that the 8 threaded processors owned by me and >>23036942, and the 16c owned by >>23036941 are far beyond the old and low end i-series processors.
No way this plays on a pentium 4. Older i-series processors must be extremely laggy and unpleasant.

>> No.23037118

You can't expect coomers to be able to write efficient code.

>> No.23037878

How has playing Musicus changed your life? I can't even remember how I used to be before experiencing this game. I truly understand the world now, having ascended to a higher state of being thanks to it's mystical properties. I quoted a few lines to my philosophy professor the other day, and he broke down in tears right there, taken aback by the sheer beauty and insight of the message and wisdom inlaid into every word. I pity anyone who can't experience it for themselves and obtain the meaning of life,.

>> No.23037899

Hey maybe you could save me 30-50 hours and just tell me what the meaning of life is?

>> No.23037919

I would, but every time I try to type it my keyboard starts melting, and my computer starts overheating and shutting down. They can't handle the sheer power of the message of Musicus. If had access to a super computer of some sort that had much more processing power and was made of a material that would not melt at several thousands degree Celsius then I might be able to do it, but alas.

>> No.23037924


What do you want to start with shitposts like this?
Another debate about the "cartel"?
This is why this thread is shit these days, only DJT or this passive agressive shit

>> No.23037934

Actually we were shitposting about a visual novel, but I'm glad you mentioned the cartel because there's a lot I want to say about moogy but I'm too shy to unless someone else brings it up first.

>> No.23037980

I see you haven't played Musicus and had your life changed yet. It's ok, I was once like you.

>> No.23038255

That's where you're wrong.

>> No.23038330

Let's roleplay, I'll be moogy.

>> No.23038331
File: 5 KB, 1009x110, wpa_cmkjmb3ApV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rant against Nukitashi continued.
It seems like I was wrong, the 33ms timer and constant drawing, while extremely janky, is not responsible for the UI unresponsiveness. Slowing that down just slows down the text box animation and does not improve or reduce responsiveness of the UI.
No, the UI in nukitashi is probably POLLED. Pic related from a trace where the application is not focused.
Sleep(1) is called over 500 times a second. Experimentation shows that increasing this sleep makes the UI lag worse. You literally have to hold down the left mouse button for longer to click on the main menu.

So in order to make the UI more responsive, the only option is to change these to Sleep(0) and INCREASE cpu usage.
This results in 25% cpu usage on 8 threads, aka full usage of two cores. But the UI is slightly more responsive, which is nice.

>> No.23038487

We already know he's going trans like Kastel, and that this stems from his failure to be a man in any real way combined with his desire to reap the benefits of being an "opressed minority". Again, same with Kastel.

>> No.23038494

Yes, VNs are badly coded. Try Daitoshokan. It runs good enough normally, because it's BGI, but a short running animation was maxxing one core for me (i3 4000M). Well, maybe they fixed it with that update/DRM removal they released last year, I haven't tested that.

>> No.23038500

I hope this is the same route that green guy from the Omochikaeri blog is going through.

>> No.23038516

Could be worse. VN's could've followed Cross Days and inserted Malware into their code to rekt pirates.

>> No.23038534

That was based though.

>> No.23038562
File: 14 KB, 699x235, nukitashi_focused_wpa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a short running animation was maxxing one core for me (i3 4000M).
On battery or plugged in? Were you on the high performance power plan?
There's a major difference between animations being slow on low quality laptop and idle screen taking up a ton of CPU.
I mean literally the menus are noticably laggy because of the shitty way they're getting polled.

Moved on to seeing what used the CPU when the game was focused.
>joyGetPosEx is polled frequently despite having no joystick connected
>game ignores settings in Rio.ini and always tries to poll joystick 0
Simply shimming the function helps. As the graph implies, my system is nearly 2% more idle with that shimmed.
Pic related is precise CPU usage. Sampled is even worse, it thinks MORE THAN HALF of samples for the thread are in this useless joystick query.
2% sounds like nothing, but that's 16% of one thread. And there's only one thread polling for input.
The polling for cursor position and key states takes up much less cpu, and that's all that's needed.

>> No.23038567

>On battery or plugged in? Were you on the high performance power plan?

Plugged in, performance. C'mon, it was a simple running animation being played. That has no business being that performance intensive.

Another example was the flying animation in Aokana. Again the same engine - BGI.

>> No.23038645

>Plugged in, performance.
On a laptop, you still also have to check your CPU frequency and make sure you're not being thermally throttled.
>C'mon, it was a simple running animation being played. That has no business being that performance intensive.
I agree that it shouldn't be that intensive. But that's not as bad as polling for input and using a significant percentage of desktop cpus even when idle.
An animation taking up a lot of cpu might have to do with high DX9 cpu overhead and a shitty coded game.
But it's not nearly as shitty as basically busy waiting and polling for input.

>> No.23038690

Not that anon, but I speculate the reason for all these is that most VN readers concentrate on playing the game so it makes it the system's main task during the session (fullscreen) and at most a browser to look up routes. So devs aren't as anal about making each line of code efficient. Most normal users aren't going through CPU core usage while they're playing like what you're doing.

>> No.23038716

I can notice a fucking shitty animation lagging up my entire PC though.

>> No.23038724

The only reason I even looked at the CPU usage was because the menus are noticably a little shitty.
This isn't about multi-tasking. The cpu usage is not enough to interfere with that. Killing other programs doesn't help the game perform better either.
CPU usage is relevant, because it affects power usage and heat (and thus noise on air cooled systems). Imagine playing this on a laptop, just a terrible idea all around.
My system sounds more like it's playing a 3d game than a typical eroge.

>So devs aren't as anal about making each line of code efficient.
This has nothing to do with being anal about efficiency.
The basic way you do input in Win32 since forever is processing messages.
This game appears to go out of its way to poll for input, which in addition to using more CPU is simply worse and less responsive than a correctly programmed app.
Move your mouse fast over the menus and you'll notice lagged and skipped mouseover events that every other game gets perfectly.

>> No.23039289

In your head a "whore" is someone with existing personality traits. Also in your mind, "wife material" is someone who is a white sheet of paper. Let's be honest, you just want some shitty onahole. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.23039308

Having a living onahole sounds pretty hot. But taking care of it would probably be a real pain in the ass.

>> No.23039322

>living onahole
Yeah, the difference here is that this is the digital realm, if you hadn't noticed.

>> No.23039363

Viragos are trash, be it in whatever dimensional form they are.

>> No.23040043
File: 811 KB, 1920x1080, 2020-02-21 21_01_48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, this girl is horrible not that I mind
I'm a few hours into Satsukoi, the only thing I don't like is how sometimes there is slapstick comedy when there shouldn't be. One example that comes to mind MC talking to his friends about almost dying and it's played off light-heartedly and as a joke with silly music playing in the background. I don't like this mood whiplash and hope it isn't a constant thing.

>> No.23040534
File: 130 KB, 1000x894, 1323793432500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know anything about the translations of ciel nosurge for the viita? a partial patch will do

>> No.23040567

I got BLOODY†RONDO from dlsite and it just will not launch at all. No error messages, no windows opening, nothing. It seemed to install okay. All the usual stuff like the locale is set right, I've disabled my antivirus, tried compatibility mode for windows 8, and running as administrator. I checked out some old threads on anime sharing and it looks like a couple other people had the same issue, but no suggestions were posted. Does anyone have any ideas?

>> No.23040747

Try playing it on a W7 machine.

>> No.23040877

Same here, it really helped that it got released in July, I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if it wasn't summer.

This game was the perfect summer experiance, hope we get something similar again

>> No.23040893

guess i'll put it off until summer

>> No.23041033

Tried the Win8 patch yet?

>> No.23041543
File: 26 KB, 652x164, ジンキ・リザレクション 体験版_-_Ver1.00_-_2020-02-22_10-44-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like heroines getting raped is back on the menu boys.

>> No.23041565

I'm pretty sure this is it. I remember the same thing happening to me when I tried to play that. However I couldn't find the patch anywhere. The official site didn't seem to have it anymore.

However on DMM the version they sell has it already patched.

>> No.23041634

Do I have to hunt down an obscure manga to know what the fuck is going on?

>> No.23041655

Nope, they conveniently made the protagonist have 記憶喪失 so everything is explained.

>> No.23041762

Yeah the dlsite one is called the windows 8 version or something, so I think it's already patched,

>> No.23041824

I'm not sure whether or not I should bother with this to be honest. Was the previous game worth it?

>> No.23041924

How are SCA-Di's pre-SubaHibi works? Anything that is remotely comparable to what SubaHibi achieves in terms of its ideas/writing?

>> No.23042213

Haven't read Extend. If you're unsure about it I say just wait for reviews to come out. I felt the trial is too short to really get a grasp of what the game is going to be like. I don't really have high hopes for this and am just reading it cause I love me some Aoyama Yukari and some mecha. Finished one of the heroine routes in the trial, or as far they let you get anyway (you get to pick which heroine you want to be with pretty much right at the start of the game) and read a bit of another heroine's route and enjoyed what I read, nothing amazing though of course. The protagonist is pretty likable, the E-mote also looks nice and smooth, and definitely adds charm to the heroines. But still, I'm not going go into it with high expectations come release day.

>> No.23042243 [SPOILER] 
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, 1582399249365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, forgot to mention rape scenes, who doesn't love a good rape scene?

>> No.23042268

I hope these rape scenes aren't just bad endings.

>> No.23043171
File: 505 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing bellies should not be hidden by text boxes.

>> No.23043206

I like the background art.

>> No.23043227

Speaking of funny JP coding. Youka no Sono from Wendybell uses 100% GPU when you minimize it. I don't even wanna know what the fuck they did to achieve that. But it's impressive.

>> No.23043245

I still remember how fucking Yukiuta uses 50% of your CPU, for literally no reason.
And it was the compatibility version and not the original one, but I guess I can blame vista for that.

>> No.23043415
File: 140 KB, 559x700, 3cbbd816aea0a6bfd7bbd844334f1645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What anon can say about Guildmaster?

>> No.23043499


>> No.23043520

Well, big thanks.
Should i try Chaos Dominas?

>> No.23043571


>> No.23043581

Ty again!

>> No.23044058

At least it's cute when it's an older game and not a modern game released with Win10 support.

> I don't even wanna know what the fuck they did to achieve that
Maybe something like:
Is the window in focus? Find which monitor is on, its refresh rate and draw frames at that rate.
Is it not in focus? idk what the refresh rate is, draw as fast as possible,.

>> No.23044074

>"Kanou-kun, you are my meal so I'm going to feed you to fatten you up." She smiles faintly as she voices those words.

>"This girl is messed up."

>> No.23044444

Nearly a month and no rip of the latest Majikoi A.

>> No.23044508
File: 1.04 MB, 924x510, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it a few more weeks.

>> No.23044593

>no Wagi
not majikoi

>> No.23044595


The only active translation is done up to a 39% at the moment, and no partial patches are in the cards for it.

>> No.23044614

The engine wendybell / tinkerbell uses is so fucking bad

>> No.23044815
File: 1.10 MB, 2105x1232, db0a1e2dfcc16289e3b3e4697339d979[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like i got meme'd into playing ままごと. why were people so excited for this? the good scenes are far and few in between. kyoko's the perfect milf though and this dialog got me hard as diamonds. i still liked prima stella better though

>> No.23044858

Hate how this franchise just keeps on pandering to the neesan fuckers. What a complete waste of half the cast.

>> No.23045300

I want more Majikoi VNs

>> No.23045477

in the manga and in the previous game she gets raped offscreen at the start and then only again in her bad ending. It's also barely treated as an issue and forgotten really fast. I need to check out the demo.

>> No.23045692
File: 34 KB, 256x359, 7063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is finishing the first two chapters of 装甲悪鬼村正 in ~12 days acceptable behavior?
I'm very limited on time so I want to know if I can finish it relatively quickly.

Fuck off.

>> No.23045703

No, it's pathetically slow and it will take you months to finish it.

>> No.23045725
File: 490 KB, 1000x394, kageaki-banner-new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fast do you guys read it?
I am hoping that my speed increases as I get used to the world and the vocabs. I also pray for strength before reading so I can do longer read-sessions.
I've seen somewhere that it's 55k lines of text (I assume this is the number of times you need to press enter), so if I read even ~700 per day it should take me at most two-three months, no?

>> No.23045727

I also listen to all of the voices and do not skip it like an ADHD DJT retard.

>> No.23045739

I think you need to pray harder.

>> No.23045742

Pray to Clephas-sama.

>> No.23045771
File: 692 KB, 1280x720, JinkiR-trial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get a message that my OS is not supported but the trial runs fine. What really hurts is that they replaced both Hokuto Minami and Aoba Ringo.

>> No.23045817

Got the same thing on W7 but it ran completely fine, specs on website say the game is for Windows 8.1 and 10.

>> No.23045884


Think ya'll'd get a crack out of this

>> No.23045887

But I am not black?

>> No.23045892

>Anything that is remotely comparable to what SubaHibi achieves in terms of its ideas/writing?
Yes, a literal piece of scrap paper will fit that bill.

>> No.23046449

dude I hope you're not blastin my waifu Emily Dickinson's envelope poems

>> No.23046891 [DELETED] 

Do you what know the parodied song is? is it a national anthem or something?

>> No.23047012

Do you know what the parodied song is? is it a national anthem or something?

>> No.23047589

>Fuck off.
Who asked you for your opinion?

>> No.23047677

I saw the same and was surprised. Good to know that it runs either way. Not sure why a visual novel of this kind, of any kind perhaps, would require Win 8 and 10.

>> No.23047966

Not him but that's not his opinion, you're just posting off-topic shit.

>> No.23047969
File: 703 KB, 1280x720, Akao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike the previous game this time you get enough info to not confused about what is going on so I think it's fine to just jump into Resurrection without having read the manga. It may even be better if the story gets properly sorted out in Akao and Aoba's routes. Not to mention that they keep talking about having defeated the villains from Extend which never happens since the manga got cancelled.

>> No.23048084

Interesting. Hoping Giga can recover and improve Jinki after utterly destroying the Baldr series.

>> No.23048114

Maybe if this one does good they'll consider another one with gameplay. The Extend VN came with a small bonus game done in Baldr Sky's engine

>> No.23048158

Hardly anyone here talks about Whirlpool VN's. What gives?

>> No.23048189

Their games are the lowest denominator moege trash. Cute art though.

>> No.23048244
File: 192 KB, 800x450, ev02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shuffle 2 trial when.

>> No.23048364

>moege trash

I bet your favorite vns are shits like Mememasa and Shitba Hibi

>> No.23048476 [DELETED] 

I liked 初恋サンカイメ, but I was never able to get too far into their other stuff. I finished one route in natsumaho, but it wasn't very good.

>> No.23048562

If Masato or his spawn do not show up to lift skirts up in Shuffle 2 then it is automatically trash.

>> No.23048647

I don't even know which ones are good from those. The only one I know when I first heard of them was Justy x Nasty.
Any specific one I should read from them?

>> No.23048809


i thought lunaris filia was fun

>> No.23050060

interesting vn for newbie sub 500 kanji

>> No.23050126

Ask in DJT they're experts at learning Japanese and can help find the perfect VN for you.

>> No.23050405

>DJT they're experts at learning Japanese

>> No.23050437
File: 549 KB, 1920x1080, 和香様の座する世界.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to go from easy to hard, you can just start from easymasa and then continue with pic related after you are done with it.

>> No.23050445

Just read some lolige.

>> No.23051677
File: 376 KB, 1280x720, girls book maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half price sale (probably for the upcoming sequel). Is it worth it? Alice is cute, as she typically is.

>> No.23051686

The first couple chapters were pretty fun, but I lost interest and dropped it after that.

>> No.23051712

Eh. I have too many unfinished vns over the years. I'll pirate it if I'm still interested later.

>> No.23052113

Anyone got any tips for reading untranslated VNs without actually knowing any Japanese at all?
Been wanting to play this one yuzuge but it's not translated and I'm having a difficult time.
Is there any some sort of auto translation thingy?

>> No.23052141
File: 54 KB, 800x600, 1489800394755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this has to be bait

>> No.23052170

It's not...

>> No.23052208



>> No.23052244

thanks anon

>> No.23052490

Ishuzoku Reviewers ED

>> No.23052737

>I get a message that my OS is not supported
ジンキ・リザレクション 体験版.exe @ 0x20180C: BC -> 0C
This is fucking annoying, because it will nag even if you just return to the title screen. This patch removes the nag.

>> No.23052968
File: 532 KB, 1882x1841, coronachan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys better start reading Muramasa now before Corona-chan gets you.

>> No.23052990

Sorry, I only read good eroge.

>> No.23053852

This. I do not consider myself worthy enough to receive the light of Muramasa onto myself. I'll have to do with merely "good" eroge.

>> No.23053952

But mememasa is shit.

>> No.23053954
File: 105 KB, 800x601, l5OOIXDuSn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to change this font

>> No.23054643

God January was bad, ded medium

>> No.23054666

You doomposters are fucking annoying as all hell.

>> No.23054725

Is there anything even remotely decent in february?

>> No.23054733

Marco & Galaxy Dragon

>> No.23054734

Harem Kingdom

>> No.23054736

high production value but the story...

>> No.23054739

All ages yurishit from an author who can't write a route to save his life AND a west focus?

>> No.23054756

>all ages

>> No.23054766

Didn't people here love Noratoto?

>> No.23054773

Common route was funny then it went to shit like so many VNs.

>> No.23054808


>> No.23054825

New Kiss series game for me.

>> No.23054836

It was one of the dullest VNs I've ever partially read.

>> No.23055095

The porn was nice but Marco is all ages so it's worthless.

>> No.23055156

The trial was pretty fun.
Has it been stated anywhere that it's a yurige? Also from the trial it seemed like it was a linear plot.

>> No.23055213

No porn, no buy.

>> No.23055444

The moment things got lewd, the art got a lot worse most of the time. But I suppose most people liking cow tits don't mind that, as most art with that sucks.

>> No.23055474

Does anyone have the Japanese ver of casual romance club?
Tried the English one and loved it, classic dating sim with huge cast of girls, the English version had English dub which is probably the only dubbed eroge in existence

>> No.23055513

As if you ever not just pirate everything.

>> No.23055539

I did it, I finally got through a way to long and boring common route just to get to 1 heroine. Only took me 3 weeks.

>> No.23055555

What game?

>> No.23055619
File: 295 KB, 1024x576, ERhpltzXUAIL3-n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Mahoyo / 魔法使いの夜, the untranslateable Type Moon classic that came out in 2012. What can I say but damn. Mahoyo is just an absolutely stunning package, solid on every single front - visual presentation, music, writing, etc. One might be put off by the fact that two sequels were planned to follow it up yet never came out, but Mahoyo is fairly standalone - it's shorter than Tsukihime or F/SN, being 20 hours long, but the plot is complete and has a very satisfying ending.

If for nothing else, Mahoyo is worth playing for the visuals. To say that Mahoyo pushed the medium forward immensely would be an understatement. Nothing really comes close to what Mahoyo does - while playing it I felt that it was the first "visual" novel I had ever played. There seemed to be a rule in Type-Moon that every change in paragraph had to be a new visual, and indeed it's so - there's no static sprites standing behind a text box here. There's constant movement, shifts in angles, new assets/effect - all used to Create The Scene, the Mood.

I don't like comparing games or being so negative, but to some degree I do think it's kind of embarrassing that Mahoyo came out ***8*** years ago and barely anything can compare to it. Nothing else has made me feel the stagnation of VNs so hard. That's being unfair, but still.

Anyway, I could go on all day. The music is baller as fuck and I could list a lot of kami tracks. The writing is good - I would like to call special attention to Soujuurou being chad as fuck, and his back and forth with Aoko being great. If I had to force in some criticism for Mahoyo, I guess the thing most people could point to as a flaw is the lack of voice acting. Personally I don't really care as much about VA as other people do, but the lack of it here does contrast with the production values a bit.

But yeah. Mahoyo is a great game and a very complete package. I don't think I really need to shill this game to people (it's Type Moon after all) but wow. I put it off since I thought it was incomplete, but don't make my mistake. Mahoyo stands alone and is well worth a play.

>> No.23055637

Nice repost. Now go back.

>> No.23055646

Mahoyo's soundtrack is absolutely amazing. I don't think there's even one weak track on it.

>> No.23055796

Feel free to call me a retard, but I'm not really a fan of Nasu's writing style

>> No.23055814

If Mahoyo was so great, then why did Nasu cancel both of its sequels as soon as it came out

>> No.23055840


>> No.23055943


>> No.23056058

According to hooksoft sream, the writer made sure not pull of his full power in the trial version of Harem kingdom, so the pace of gags won't drop in the full game
I am excited for once

>> No.23057316
File: 708 KB, 800x600, Aozora_jyTDfTnoba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For my Maruto bros out there. I'm gonna start Konnyaku. Is there any recommended route order?

>> No.23058103

Disregard that, somehow sometimes the nag still gets through. Here's a patch that fixes it permanently.

ジンキ・リザレクション 体験版.exe @ 0x20167A: 89 07 -> EB E5

Also, it's a brand new version of Artemis "rev.0" which requires H-code, so here it is as well:

>> No.23058540

If you finish it please post about it in one of these threads. I'm curious about how it compares to Parfait.

>> No.23058629

How do you come up with something like that? Did you use a disassembler and break on message boxes or something?

>> No.23058828
File: 239 KB, 1277x751, musumaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>musumaker on his phone
Based lolicon

>> No.23058901

>Based lolicon
On what/whom is this lolicon based?

>> No.23059116

Have you considered that maybe it's just a lolicon with a high pH level?

>> No.23059236

I wouldn't bother if I had to resort to that (it's doable but very time consuming), so I've searched for referenced strings in Cheat Engine, then checked if any of them looked relevant. In this case there's "s.windowsversion" and shortly above the only location that references it there is a call of a function that calls Windows API function VerifyVersionInfoA which is used to determine Windows version, so it's very likely the target. Set breakpoint on it and you'll see that the game calls it just once, so it should be safe to modify/rewrite it. At first I spoofed the value returned by Windows but somehow that didn't always work so I've just rerouted the function to return with the acceptable value using CE's built-in assembler and that was enough to bypass the check. Sure, it's ugly but easy and looks harmless, besides I'm lazy, so why not?
Next I had to find the original bytes (which I've patched in memory) in the executable on disk using a hex editor and replace them with new bytes CE assembler came up with and test if everything still works as intended.
Hopefully this will be enough to fix the full game and in case such retardation spreads to other games on new Artemis, fix them too.

>> No.23059674

Speaking of the new Jinki I just realized that you can unlock the third girl after finishing the demo once. I'm really curious how those raising sim elements will be used. The website is very vague and there isn't anything shown about the fights having any kind of interactivity, but also not any actual fights shown yet.

>> No.23059711

Nta but thanks. Very helpful.

>> No.23060662

Have you considered stopping being a fucking DJT EOP and learning Japanese?

And no, you're not learning by using texthooker shit.

>> No.23060745


>> No.23060845

Why? Textractor is just used for making the process of searching words a bit less tiresome anyway.

>> No.23060851


>> No.23060905 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 910x500, TextChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23061079

I love rapege.

>> No.23061251

If you are looking for a game that's similar in execution to one you've enjoyed, what are some key things to look for? I've found that just looking at the scenario writers isn't enough, because often they are told to write within certain parameters. But who really decides and influences the most control over the scenario and characters? The writers? The director? What about the people who are listed under scenario supervision or script?

For a specific example, I enjoyed Walkure Romanze, both the plot and characters. All together it was a very cohesive product, with well-written, strong characters and a setting that wasn't just a flimsy excuse for sex.The h-scenes were sensual and there was proper progression from confession, to kissing, to sex, all in different scenes. How do I go about finding games that have similar qualities? There are like 8 different writers for this game, is there any way of knowing who was responsible for what?

>> No.23061276

>I enjoyed Walkure Romanze
Play more le piss gams.

>> No.23061311

Super late, but I thought Umi had by far the best route, followed by Rinna.
I started with hers and I kinda regret it because I really dug the romance and drama in it, but she has a great epilogue after you finish the game.
The problem is that the other four routes are varying degrees of weak. I liked Saeri (a teacher route where the heroine actually behaves her age) and Naoko but Miyaho and Shizu were pretty weak.
So I don't even know if leaving them for last is even a good idea considering the rest. Start with Rinna, the cover heroine and end with Umi then do the day of the promise?

>> No.23061325

Recommendations from other people who liked said title?

>> No.23061355


>> No.23061360

Yeah, but then I just get meme replies like >>23061276 and >>23061355

>> No.23061497

No, seriously the piss scenes were one of its many hallmarks.

>> No.23061693

Good question that I have asked myself as well.

>> No.23061956

I like Maruto enough to give the weaker routes a fair chance so I think I’ll save umi and rinna for later. Thanks!

>> No.23063040

Interesting. If it calls a winapi function like VerifyVersionInfoA, I would personally just hook that function with Detours and create a universal patch

>> No.23063193

Didn't even realize but there is a new M&M coming out in a few days. Looks more interesting than Chaos Dominas.

>> No.23063942

>tfw you will never start you own sub brand because you like eroge so much

>> No.23064115

Where's the ero?

>> No.23064193

I'd rather just be privately wealthy and completely fund a company that makes games I like.

>> No.23064196

I've been trying to finish Verethragna so I can go into it having played all the Astronauts Sirius titles with gameplay but holy fuck is Verethragna boring, it's taking me literally weeks whereas I've burned through eroge of similar size in a few days if I'm interested enough in it

>> No.23064223

The TCG aspect looks painfully basic and shite so I never bothered with it. Actually, I never really liked Astronauts' gameplay mechanics. SnA is the only TCG eroge I played it and while it's not perfect in terms of card mechanics it's still good and enjoyable.

>> No.23064247

The card game part doesn't help but 塔の下のエクセルキトゥス has the exact same gameplay and I still stayed invested since the story and characters were passable. In Verethragna the main character is awfully written, the girls are extremely generic, the h-scenes so far are bog standard, the overarching plot is uninteresting and they don't give you a reason to care beyond 'The MC cares so you should as well' which doesn't work if I don't give a fuck about the MC

I'm going to force myself to play it to try and finish it before the next Astronauts Sirius game comes and I'll do a full write up then but I can already tell you I won't be recommending it

>> No.23065011

I'm looking for short VNs to play, as I just finished Itakano. When I try to install Carnival it tells me to insert the second disk, but when I do, nothing happens. Does the game not work on Windows 7?

>> No.23065575

This is Boku no kanojo Ga gatenkai right?
I like the art and animations but I'm not that big a fan of ntr. Is it any good?

>> No.23065603

Too dumb to check iqdb or ex by yourself?

>> No.23065700
File: 568 KB, 800x790, 1574530234531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shuffle 2 delayed because of Coronavirus

>> No.23065712

>affecting anime, manga and fucking eroge

>> No.23065808

That makes three for March with the new Laplacian and Maokatsu, I wonder what else is getting delayed, maybe Ars Magna again.

>> No.23065817

I hope nothing happens to amakano in april, I need my cute and fluffy in the always elusive autumn setting.

>> No.23065884 [DELETED] 


Copy it to where the game's exe is and run.

>> No.23065892

Use this update.
Then copy this to where the game's exe is and run.

>> No.23066512
File: 489 KB, 1920x1080, 2020-02-15 12_04_25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23067676

how the fuck do i find untranslated yosuga no sora?
i can only find it with the partial patch

>> No.23067683

On my external HDD.

>> No.23067697


>> No.23067703

You should test if you can remove the patch yourself. That's how I got all the Lilith games untranslated easily just by torrenting the English translated versions and deleting the obvious looking .xp3 file.

>> No.23067705

oh wait i am actually retarded.
I was searching with the english title

>> No.23067712

Yeah, you DJT EOPs aren't the brightest.

>> No.23067725

i dont deny, but i am trying to get better.
i am doing anki flashcards and looking for input after all.

>> No.23068094

Why did you choose yosuga no sora?

>> No.23068100

To dab on you.

>> No.23068112

Because it was a popular incest anime some years ago.

>> No.23068146

There needs to be more incest eroge

>> No.23068171



>> No.23068179

literally one of my first anime i watched when i was like 12 yo
also literally the anime that got me into incest i still remember my dreams where i had sex with sora
to this day she is my waifu she is just perfect
more *good* incest eroge
nowadays we have incest eroge but they are too shallow

>> No.23068181

Already read it

>> No.23068186

Does it feature intense incestual 背徳 though? Or just some mellow love sprinkled with "onii-chan!"?

>> No.23068220

It's not a mindless nukige if that's what you nean

>> No.23068225

>imouto incest
i sleep
>netori'ing your older sister out from her virgin bf

>> No.23068232


suegara rie has no roles this season so you can read it again


it does imouto has to literally create a persona to not feel guilty about fucking onii-chan

>> No.23068237

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23068264

What vn is that?
Closest I know of is https://vndb.org/v17659

>> No.23068289

i am still looking for it if you ever find please do tell

>> No.23068413

Getchu awards.

>> No.23068417

Are there any other good single heroine imouto games like this? I played Uchi no Imouto but it was kinda shit.

>> No.23068445

>tfw none of the games I liked are in top 20 in all categories

>> No.23068448

Man the first three dominated everything.

>> No.23068456

Maybe Imouto no Seiiki? Haven't played it tho so don't really know what it's like. Kanojo no Seiiki was somewhat enjoyable for me tho.

>> No.23068460

What was wrong with Uchiimo? And which version did you play?

>> No.23068537

Which one would've you liked to be on the list?

>> No.23068540

Is TsukiKana actually good?

>> No.23068559

tone work's always makes good games

>> No.23068562

When will our guy 冬茜トム release more info about さくらの雲*スカアレットの恋?

>> No.23068657
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Oneechan's game came in sexth place, very good! I Love Ai!!

>> No.23068674

What Yuzusoft games do you recommend playing the most? I've only played Dracu-Riot so far.

>> No.23068679 [DELETED] 

Onee-chan's are for anal sex. That is right, sex in the butthole. So are imoutos, mothers etc., BTW.

>Subject of (Sexual)
>Anal Sex

Okay, based. (Here I use based to mean "good".)

>> No.23068694 [DELETED] 

Onee-chans are for anal sex. That is right, sex in the butthole. So are imoutos, mothers etc., BTW.

>Subject of (Sexual)
>Anal Sex
Okay, based. (Here I use based to mean "good".)

>> No.23068728

All of them? They don't make bad moege.

>> No.23068731

Somewhat ironic that Evenicle 1 was so high and Evenicle 2 is so low even though it does everything much better.

>> No.23068736 [DELETED] 

I want to get pegged by a cute onee-chan.

>> No.23068743

>it does everything much better
It feels like a boring retread with much worse main heroines.

>> No.23068748

It was mostly a nukige which I'm ok with but the h-scenes were too boring and samey, most were single CG so they end up having no foreplay and just normal fucking with the MC cumming way too many times.
I didn't know there were multiple versions, do you mean standalone vs. pack? Are there any differences?

>> No.23068766

Well I think they're much better.

>> No.23068792

It's out.


>> No.23068840

It's been out for a week but, who cares about all ages stuff?
Why did they even release on PC only? They could probably get a better reception on consoles.

>> No.23068852

A nukige, what? Did we play the same game? And there's the original version and the Pure Love version. The Pure Love version takes out the bad route (which has a lot of impact and is actually well written, even if you hate NTR like I do, don't @ me) and adds shit that ruins the original tone of the game

>> No.23068940
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>meme nukige rank 1
>no アイコトバ anywhere

nips continue to have awful taste

>> No.23068947

Oh, I'm talking about https://vndb.org/v22725
The Uchiimo you're talking about I only know from being referenced in Real Imouto ga Iru Ooizumi-kun no Baai but never tried it because of the NTR stuff, is it actually good?

>> No.23069002

I think all imoutos should be flatties.

>> No.23069029
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>he doesn't like bosei imouto

>> No.23069037

Shit, my bad. Shouldn't have just assumed.
It shares some of the same ideas from Real Imouto, but I found they were executed way better. It goes a lot into what it means to be family, and what makes a good onii-chan/imouto. It's way more dramatic and serious than Real Imouto. Also the NTR is completely avoidable, and the game is perfectly fine without it. But damn it hits you hard, it's not the typical run of the mill poorly written NTR.

>> No.23069067

VN's getting attention let alone reception on consoles? What reality do you live in?

>> No.23069455

Is this vn good?
Remember watching the anime adaptation years ago

>> No.23069634

Have someone here played the second episode of 9-nine? What was it like, compared to the first one?

>> No.23069641

Are you prepared to read a Chuunige that plays it straight? Because this is it.

>> No.23069852

Do virgin imouto even have the right to exist?
Any エロゲ discussing this theme?

>> No.23069884

Virgin imoutos are the only way to go.

>> No.23069898

How does the virus have anything to do with eroge production?

>> No.23070130

People getting sick/afraid of getting sick and not showing up for work.

>> No.23070181

I think it's pretty obvious that he's asking how this is related to a niche Japanese hobby.

>> No.23070221

But a virgin imouto has a right to exist only insofar as she will be devirginized by her oniichan

>> No.23070591
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This is your nee-san Izumi. She asks you to cum deep inside her, filling her most important place. Do you give her what she wants? Or pull out and cover her in semen? She won't tell you if it's a safe day or not.

>> No.23070680
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>thinks 危険日 would ever influence my decision to 中出し

>> No.23070692

yeah it would make my dick shrivel up if it wasn't the kikenbi.

>> No.23070699

How does that even work, technically speaking? Like is there a "timer" the girls sets to know when it's "dangerous" to 中だし or what lol?

>> No.23070738

Do you mean in real life? Do you really not know?

>> No.23070835

God tier 姉

>> No.23070927

You should've paid more attention during sex ed.

>> No.23071246
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Semen can live in a vagina for a week but is not likely to do so, so typically a girl will know that 7-10 days after her period is when she's at her most dangerous time to be plowed. This is during her ovulation cycle. After that the egg dies and she has about 2 weeks before her period starts when her body flushes itself to start the cycle over again. So because of the lifespan of sperm as soon as a girl is off her period it's really not safe for sex (unless you're like me and have an impregnation fetish) but it's safer than 8 days after. If you have sex then you're REALLY trying to knock her up. Girls will certainly know when their period ended and likely have been taught that their most dangerous days are 7-10 days after.

>> No.23071352

>Do you really not know?
Did you switch out to the wrong tab? We're in /jp/ - Otaku Culture's エロゲスレ/Untranslated VN General.

>> No.23071371

>Semen can live in a vagina for a week
Holy shit. This legitimately sounds creepy... Does it just "ferment" there without even a drop spilling out? How does it get disposed of assuming it couldn't impregnate the girl?
>when her body flushes itself to start the cycle over again
So this is for life and unavoidable until an age where nobody would even want to have sex with her anymore? Sounds like a literal curse.
I thankfully don't live in a nation which teaches such abhorrent doctrine.

>> No.23071383

>How does it get disposed of assuming it couldn't impregnate the girl?

Same thing that happens when you get it in your asshole, so you probably know more than me on the subject.

>> No.23071468

How does us all knowing at least two languages also make us retards without even a basic knowledge of sex education
>inb4 because we are all virgins
Even if that were true it's not like sex education topics don't come up all the time in eroge.

>> No.23071472
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It's just not likely to live that long. Ejaculate contains sugars and a jelly like substance to help the sperm live longer, which is why it can survive up to 7 days but really it's likely to die after 3. It's more about catching the sperm with the egg than catching the egg with the sperm as eggs live far less than sperm, only about 24 hours, because eggs have nothing to survive on like sperm does. So if sperm is waiting for the egg to drop then you have a higher chance of fertilization than if you have sex the day of ovulation and hoping your sperm reaches it in time.

What I find silly is most (99%) of eroge and nukige about impregnation get the ovulation cycle COMPLETELY wrong. They put ovulation right next to the menstrual cycle and make it look like the day after ovulation a girl is on her period. This is just plain wrong but so prevalent I have to think girls are pushing the idea to trick men. Milk Factory gets it right but they're like the only ones.

>> No.23071477

>I thankfully don't live in a nation which teaches such abhorrent doctrine.
>basic facts about how the human body works
>abhorrent doctrine
What's next, the functioning of the spleen is blasphemy? How your arteries work is heathen dogma?

>> No.23071486

I want to make some crack about conservatist islamists who also play eroge but odds are he's just a burger. It's shocking how many first world nations don't teach basic, extremely relevant biology.

>> No.23071492


whats the sauce on the background?

>> No.23071523
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Uhhh, Milk Factory? I literally said that in my post. I'm sorry I wasn't more clear.

It's bananas because it's fantasy, (like the elf who's fertile for 20 straight days) but it's certainly better than other titles I've seen.

>> No.23071530

The inner "workings" of the average anon's arteries might just be heathen dogma.

>> No.23071541

>conservatist islamists who also play eroge
I know one. They do exist.

>> No.23071547

>>basic facts about how the human body works
Yeah, sure, it's just basic disinterested facts. Nothing aimed at degenerating how girl's minds work. Truly, why would Westerners ever aim at such a thing?

>> No.23071552

>explaining basic functions of the human body is degenerating people's minds
You're really far gone, huh anon.

>> No.23071556

>Nothing aimed at degenerating how girl's minds work
>telling girls how their own body functions is degenerating their minds
If you are just going to post dumb bait do it somewhere else

>> No.23071555

> so you probably know more than me on the subject
>he doesn't train his cute imouto in アナル so that she will know how to please you on your wedding night
I thought we were all patrician here.

>> No.23071562

>young anon on the path to becoming a chad
>one day, sex education in middle school explains jerking off to me
>now I spend all day every day jerking off to eroge
sex education turns people into degenerates

>> No.23071565

No, thankfully. Although I would be and would probably transition like most of the Western エロゲ scene if I attended such abhorrent classes which teach deluded doctrine.
>telling girls
How would I know about a supposed class only for girls if I am not one? This is not making sense even by 2010 エロゲ standards. (unless you want to involve transitioning of course, like you guys inevitably do).

>> No.23071570
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>impregnation fetish

my nigger

>> No.23071571

>>telling girls how their own body functions is degenerating their minds
"needing a class to tell girls basic shit their mothers tell them in every functional social order"
i thought europeans were advanced. has moogy and katstel lied to me?

>> No.23071575

Sex ed classes are combined since knowing how the other genders body works is an important part of any relationship

Which I'm sure you know nothing about since you get your kicks pretending to be a retard on /jp/

>> No.23071576

> I attended such abhorrent classes which teach deluded doctrine.
>basic functions of the human body
So now you're arguing...the ovulation cycle doesn't exist, and teaching that it does to little girls is propaganda to turn men transgender? Therefore, these girl-only classes should not be taught because they make the boys who don't attend want to cut their dicks off? Am I understanding you correctly?

>> No.23071584

>knowing how the other genders body works is an important part of any relationship
lol. why do you guys need a class to teach you this stuff? i thought 4channel posted highly fictionalized accoutns of the current state of the world, but the more I browse it the more I doubt...

>> No.23071590

The doctrines they teach are deluded and lead to what we see in the so-called Western エロゲ scene with mass yuri and mass transitioning. If you want to support such a doctrine, that makes you a retard in my eyes.

>> No.23071598

In most countries in the world mothers don't know how this shit works themselves since they are uneducated and/or retarded. It's not like any of this shit is radical, there are hundreds of studies on the differences in reproductive knowledge and birth rates and urban myths about sex compared between countries that have adequate sex education policies and countries that don't.

>> No.23071600

>The doctrines they teach are deluded and lead to what we see in the so-called Western エロゲ scene with mass yuri and mass transitioning. If you want to support such a doctrine, that makes you a retard in my eyes.
Again, just to be clear here, we are talking about the ovulation cycle. Your opinion is that the ovulation cycle is a deluded doctrine, and anyone who supports the ovulation cycle is a retard. Am I understanding your position correctly?

>> No.23071603

>WTF this is nuts I never knew about any of this cycle or sperm shit
>why didn't you listen in class
>haha lmao who needs a class to teach you this stuff

>> No.23071609

>there are hundreds of studies
What if I reject deluded studies? These exact same "scientists" push the doctrine of mass transitioning and mass yuri in エロゲ by the way. The fish rots from the head down, so to speak.

>> No.23071612

Just look at the retarded eceleb reply you got, this whole thread is full of bait that comes straight from /vg/.

>> No.23071613

Please show me a peer reviewed scientific paper by human biologists saying that eroge needs more lesbians in it.

>> No.23071621

My position is that sex-ed is a deluded doctrine concocted with the express purpose of birthing 麦 onto this planet. Such knowledge should not be passed down in class rooms where it ultimately leads to mass yuri.
>peer reviewed scientific paper
I ultimately deny every part of this.

>> No.23071623

Why are you guys even replying to it

>> No.23071625

If he didn't have sex ed, I bet he didn't even need to go through bimonthly penis inspection days.

>> No.23071629

This. Just look at who supports this garbage. Every single tr*nny being in favour of this should give one all the information he (yes, not she) needs.

>> No.23071630

And now he's replying to himself

>> No.23071635

No, I am trying to safeguard Untranslated エロゲ. The thing people here apparently enjoy and are willing to protect till the last man standing.

>> No.23071639

People reply to the hook autist as well. Barely anyone discusses or posts eroge content here anymore.

>> No.23071641
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Yuri-reader detected. Please gtfo to twitter/tumblr.

>> No.23071643

>Such knowledge should not be passed down in class rooms
Literally this. Information concerning ovulation is sacred and should only be known to a select few eroge patricians.

>> No.23071644

I blogpost about VNs when I finish reading them but that isn't that often. It will probably take me weeks to finish the new M&M.

>> No.23071655

>In most countries in the world mothers don't know how this shit works
That's because of the moogy-like degeneration we see due to sex ed. Even old religious texts from all over the world talk in great detail about ovulation. It is a modern mistaken notion that those people were stupid. They could probably make better eroge too if given the tools.

>> No.23071672

If you're the anon that wrote the big posts about Astronauts games in the past then yeah, that's good stuff. More of that and less twitter eceleb and whatever the fuck just happened in here would be good. Unfortunately it seems that the posters from /vg/ treat this thread as their secondary garbage dump, just like the rest of the site does with /jp/ as a whole.

>> No.23071676

I can believe it. 4chan attracts plenty of uneducated saps who take pride in their ignorance.

>> No.23071693
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What the fuck happened in this thread? I literally just wanted to ask if you'd be willing to go balls deep in your sister and cum inside if you don't know if she's safe or not.

How the fuck did it turn into this? Though to be fair, this is the most interesting discussion we've had in weeks.

>> No.23071697

Are there any eroge where your sister goes balls deep in you?

>> No.23071711

female ovulation is a mystery with great hidden power, anon.

>> No.23071731

Sort of
You get pegged by your daughter

You play as a girl who learns her little sister grew a penis and you're desperate to get knocked up before she's cured.

>> No.23071861

Some faggot couldn't just deal with admitting he didn't know something and started doing olympic tier mental gymnastics to try to dig himself out.

>> No.23071883
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I'm proud that my unwavering desire to 中出し my sister contributed to this.

>> No.23071929

The female ovulation cycle is a mystery no man was meant to understand.

>> No.23072473

it gives them an excuse to delay shit

>> No.23072736

Have you guys not heard? It has spread all over the place, even to Japan. People are working actively to contain it before it becomes an untamable beast. Doesn't matter if it's a niche hobby or not, it affects all forms of production when there's a new virus out there.

>> No.23072878

