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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2305799 No.2305799 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings, /jp/.
Today your fellow won A MOTHERFUCKING 2.5 MILLION $ in the lottery (not from the U.S, 2.5 mil is a rough conversion)
I will never have to work another day in my life, so it's eternal NEET for me.
Give me the most idiotic most weeaboo thing i can buy with a monstrous amount of money.

Pic related, that's my expression right now.

>> No.2305807

>most idiotic most weeaboo
Give it all away, spread it amongst your fellow NEETs.

>> No.2305811


>> No.2305820
File: 166 KB, 792x868, rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little girl of your very own.

>> No.2305819

Start a game studio or something and make oldschool-style RPGs.

>> No.2305825

Give a portion to moot so you can keep coming here to waste your life away

>> No.2305827

loli ero doll by arte tokio


tell me if it was worth it! Also, if it makes it past customs.

>> No.2305826

Hire モムス to play your neighbour's daughter's high school prom.

>> No.2305829

I am a cheap bastard, so no.
Where do i get one?

>> No.2305834

Congratulations anon

>> No.2305836

Hire a high quality professional translator to translate a few good games for us.

>> No.2305837

One them loli real doll things.

>> No.2305839

Buy 4chan from moot.
Enforce namefaggotry.
Enlist many nazi mods.

>> No.2305843


>> No.2305845

Buy a server and give us our /jp/ split.

>> No.2305847

Why am I doubting this very much right now?

>> No.2305850

Start your own professional VN translation company. Profit even more while fapping to your products.

>> No.2305864

Hell, i've never been to Japan before, i'll just fly for a trip and get one of those on the way.

>> No.2305870

>VN translation company

I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.2305871


>> No.2305872

I'm surprised you have any shred of possibility of this being true.

>> No.2305873

Get one of those dolls that Kordox always posts, also, hire a translation team to translate a VN.

>> No.2305874
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>> No.2305881

95% of lottery winners spend their winnings in lawsuits brought against them by people who lay claim to the winnings for various reasons.

Post your dox.

>> No.2305887

ok, the interest around here for long term investments in the bank is around 3.5%, which, considering the shitty condition of the world today, is pretty goot.
3.5% from 2.5 million is 87500$ a year, or around 7200$ a month, and that's only the interest.
Seems like i'm set for life, fuck yeah.

Can those things move or anything like that? I read there's supposed to be a newer version soon

>> No.2305893
File: 69 KB, 580x640, regalheaddress2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really have to second the robot maid.

>> No.2305901
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>> No.2305903

Uh, i'm 19, don't really have anyone who can claim this winnning as theirs (well, i don't really get out of the house, so...), and the prize is collected while the winner stays completely anonymous.

>> No.2305907


I don't know about you but I wouldn't trust banks with such a large sum of money. Especially considering the shitty condition of the world today.

>> No.2305914

Show us proof of winning ticket

>> No.2305919

Banks can't lose your money completely, and if they shut down, you get it from the bank's insurance.
There's no such thing as money "getting lost".

>> No.2305924

>2.5 million $

>> No.2305931

Yeah, keep it in a box under your bed.

>> No.2305940

That's amazing!

>> No.2305941

I seriously don't understand what made you write that post.
As a joke, it just sucks.
As a serious statement, no one will ever be stupid enough to upload a picture or a scan of a winning ticket.
Please kill yourself now.

>> No.2305960
File: 103 KB, 556x441, whatever 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you won anything.

Enjoy your delusions along with your welfare.

>> No.2305962

buy a studio and make your own VN

>> No.2305966

Back to subject
Where do i get one of these?

>> No.2305968

fund a touhou anime

>> No.2305969

hurrrrr it's not like you'd post your face or information dipshit. It's not like you can print it off the net and claim it for yourself. A piece of paper with a date on it is enough.

>> No.2305971

Do it, faggot.

>> No.2305985

invest it wisely before inflation, leeches and the government take it away

>> No.2305982


>> No.2305981

buy an asian slave and have her dress as reimu

>> No.2305984

buy 4chan and remove most boards including cgl and b

>> No.2306001
File: 62 KB, 351x301, facepunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you never get out of the house, how the fuck did you even manage to buy a fucking lottery ticket?

Go troll somewhere else.

>> No.2306006

Hire someone to buy one for you. Yes she walks, talks, waves her arms about etc. But can she cook, wash the dishes and fuck? Hmm. I guess the last one you could probably modify her to accept a fleshlight.

>> No.2306009


or this basically

hell I bet moot would easily take only about 40k

Also come to comiket this summer I'm doing a run with my buddies

>> No.2306025

You would be surprised if you knew how much moot makes with ads.

>> No.2306040


You say this when the only ad that appears on ws boards is that fucking forum wars thing.

He's actually quite a bit in the red and is too proud to go back to donation drives

>> No.2306043

Fucking lucky piece of shit.

Have fun man, if you're looking for weeaboo why don't you take a trip to Japan?

>> No.2306058

Buy ZUN out of Touhou. Just 'cause.

>> No.2306074

Which studio would make a good Touhou anime?

>> No.2306076

>ws boards

i.e. the type that doesn't describe the highest traffic one?

>> No.2306126


Even the nsfw boards (especially the highest traffic one) don't attract good advertisers because sites where the webmaster is both unable and unwilling to control content scares away even adult advertisers (which is compounded by how picky the webmaster is about the nature of the ads).

This thread is too meta anyway and the op is prob. bullshit

>> No.2306142

Just make a private Mabinogi server for us already!

>> No.2306144
File: 113 KB, 600x600, 1237579943113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the op is prob. bullshit
Now how did you figure that out, captain obvious?!

>> No.2306184

Check tomorrow for the results of the 24/03 lottery in Israel, to see there's a Single winner for the sum of 11 million NIS. (2.75 million$, but there are taxes)
It still isn't known to the public, and there is no way to know there is a single winner, unless you have the single winning ticket and contacted the "pais" (the company that arranges the lottery in Israel)

The winning numbers are 2 ,8 ,12 ,21 ,26 ,28
All of you with doubts, just check it in 10-12 hours. it's 3:15AM here, so there's no way to see it now.

>> No.2306203

Are you jewish?

>> No.2306205


where do we check got a site?

>> No.2306210

and the rich get richer

>> No.2306224


>> No.2306227

Yes, indeed. Not that i give a fuck about god or anything, just by definition.

>> No.2306255

just FYI, people who win a large sum of money are usually financially incompetent and end up wasting it / blowing it on stupid things or failed business ideas instead of investing it in a smart way

enjoy your temporary well-off-ness followed by going back to the gutter due to your own stupidity ( ^-^)b

>> No.2306275

But he's jewish. There's no way he could fuck this up.

>> No.2306283

And people, do yourself a favor and don't start tinking about shit like "OMG I HAVE TO BUY LOTTERY TICKETS RIGHT NAO SO I CAN BE A MILLIONAIRE AS WELL!!!111111". It's not guaranteed and you will most-likely win jack-shit.

OP is a NEET, so he's most-likely home all the time.
Ask yourself where he got a lottery ticket from.

>> No.2306286

Easy modo: Dump all of it in a bank. Live off ONLY the interest, no more. Zero effort required, plus you get a good income.

Harudo modo: Do some investing. Manually.


>> No.2306290

/jp/ - My Blog

>> No.2306301

put it all into some annuity and live of that.
Buy figurines and post nudes.

>> No.2306302

buy tons of copies of Idolmaster SP.

>> No.2306311

congradulations i hope you enjoy your NEET life really. go buy all the box sets you love and goto japan for a little while then buy some tasty snacks while doing whatever you want also goto some cool parks for fairs while your their, then pay a japanese girl to have sex with you and if you get in to trouble bail yourself out, then buy a nicec japanese car and an iphone and a nice soundsystem and a anime paint job and then play anime music going down in shibuya and screaming random shit while you lol cuz your rich and you have stuff so also have a nice dvd player for you anime in your car of course and maybe you should get a ps3 hooked up in there you know? or xbox whatever you like maybe even a wii but hmmm yeah then find a girl that is like you and marry her even if she is just for your money an then beat her and divorce her at the age of 50 then finally you should like hmmm do something really cooooool O.o also try to save it cuz you dont know how LONG you will live.

>> No.2306315

It's already on the site OP


Results are in the scrolling banner it's your numbers but I don't know how long they've been up there for in contrast to how long ago you posted this thread.

It seems that you posted this thread at about 2am, with the draw at about 11pm the previous day. So they had 3 hours to update their results before you posted this thread hmm still could be bullshit.

>> No.2306337

get a cool motorcycle and eat steak
take shit from no one

>> No.2306362

chinese or thai sex slave

>> No.2306413

since op is ignoring me I take that as confirmation that he's bullshitting

>> No.2306657

Come over to my country and have fun with our little brown girls.

>> No.2306666

Go to Japan.

>> No.2306672

This fucking thread is still alive?

Seriously, stop bumping.
Fucking tripfags, should've known better.

>> No.2306687
File: 22 KB, 380x465, ME0000529125_2pe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purchase a Motorbike and a sleeping bag. Travel around the world and eventually,you shall HENSHIN.

Female sidekick not always included.

>> No.2306721

Buy a condo in the French Riviera for 1 mil. Furnish it with 500k. Invest the rest.

>> No.2307245

bribe politicians to legalize caek wherever it is illegal. then use whats left to license kodomo no jikan in america.

oh, and congratulations

>> No.2307253

If I won millions of dollars I would celebrate by starting a thread on /jp/ too.

>> No.2307279

but, while we're fantasizing, i'd stick the bulk of the money in gold (if you're not panning on kids or buying a mansion with 50 cars it's a decently inflation-proofed investment with almost no risk of disappearing due to shit economies/currencies - almost guaranteed to last your lifetime), and with the rest buy a large piece of land on the outskirts of a smallish town and have a smallish house with a good basement and kitchen built and buy as fast an internet as i can afford. Go into town for food and any medical emergencies, and otherwise stay alone and carefree.
