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File: 183 KB, 1000x1000, 63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23048786 No.23048786 [Reply] [Original]

guide https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

previous thread >>23042859

>> No.23048791
File: 13 KB, 240x214, めんどくさい.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23048802

How do you get the daily summary thing the dudes posted at end of last thread in aniki?

>> No.23048824
File: 70 KB, 1000x299, PhgqUnT8q8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23048829

groundbreaking ideas never heard anything like it

>> No.23048831
File: 711 KB, 1884x3500, ultimate nihongo guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23048854

stop spamming your awful guide

>> No.23048857

my guide
watch more anime
read more
optional: get a cool nip friend when comfortable

>> No.23048858
File: 1.19 MB, 3024x4032, photo_023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve started learning Japanese slowly, and it’s been pretty fun so far. However, my handwriting is terrible in my native language. Is my Japanese writing ok?

>> No.23048865
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>> No.23048874

best so far

>> No.23048875

japs wouldn't be interested in me. i'm just a boring white neet

>> No.23048876

very unbalanced and uncertain, like a child's
but not unreadable

>> No.23048878

>muh writing stuff down by hand
i guess most japanese learners suffer from this illness early on

>> No.23048889

wtf is the difference?

>> No.23048892

you should get a boring neet friend. try playing some games that only people like you would play

>> No.23048893


>> No.23048896

thx bro, been working on that one for a while now

>> No.23048903

nothing wrong with diversifying your nihongo portfolio, it makes things more interesting, it spreads the neural nets of the language in your brain, and it materializes the abstract

>> No.23048921
File: 368 KB, 750x418, IMG_0041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23048977

again, not bad, but like a child's
everything is leaning to the left a bit, especially the kanji

>> No.23048984

for people learning to write, make sure you don't just try to imitate print
have a look at some videos of people writing, like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwOU3A4EqXU

>> No.23048988
File: 217 KB, 1024x683, BoomerNeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.23048992

even the jap dude in that vid writes super slow
is japanese just an inefficient language for writing in

>> No.23049000

no that guy is just meticulous asf

>> No.23049006

hes autistic

>> No.23049008
File: 854 KB, 1884x3500, the ultimate nihongo guide v4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay as everyone seemed to mind it so much i removed the ñ, also some general reworkings and addition of a line based on what someone else said
but overall this is the best guide :)

>> No.23049023

too wordy still, the perfect guide will be no longer than 50 words and it will only recommend vncore and mining

>> No.23049025
File: 2 KB, 76x75, fuggu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally have like a mental block on writing this properly. Its nowhere near the hardest looking character. But I just can't fucking do it. I missize everything.

>> No.23049028

i think people who recommend vncore over core are fucking stupid i'll be honest
can't take you seriously, you probably suck as hell

>> No.23049040

you jump to conclusions and form biases, and you call others dumb lol and your guide is retarded

>> No.23049050

nothing retarded about it you just don't get it and i didn't jump to conclusions or anything, i looked at vncore and saw that it was trash that's all and that you suck at nihongo was just a guess but it's probably true

>> No.23049055

if vncore is bad core is bad as well
not that it matters any way

>> No.23049056

didnt do vncore whats wrong with it

>> No.23049058

i still don't understand your hatred of vncore do you genuinely think the sentence audio you listened to from core6k mattered? it was the anime mining and stuff that made you good.

>> No.23049066

you must be american if you think speed is everything
also he isn't even writing slowly

>> No.23049071

nigga you posted your guide 3 times in this thread already bc youre autistic af and id absolutely obliterate you at nihongo, that guide is very telling of your level

>> No.23049074

it lacks example sentences and before you say it doesn't matter yeah it does i already explained it previously don't care to again, it's also trash in terms of definitions and has redundant information such as word classes and origin nobody needs, only thing it would have above core is world ordering and selection
in fact just take all the vncore cards and replace them with the core cards and you got an infinitely improve vncore

>> No.23049075


>> No.23049079

stfu tobira guy you are the noob
i can read close to 3400 kanji and my vocab is over 20k, last time i took jcat approaching half a year ago i scored 310 and i would score much higher now now gtfo

>> No.23049082

>only thing it would have above core is world ordering and selection
that's the part that matters

>> No.23049095

core2k is fucking shit starter deck. you start by counting to 10 in 10 different ways and after that you start learning about the stock market

>> No.23049096

im not tobira guy, but your larping skills suck as much as your japanese

>> No.23049097

i remember quiz said he'd score much higher on the jcat than he did last time and ended up scoring around the same

>> No.23049108

took a new approach in my nihongo acquisition journey
drinking coffee while touching my dick and reading doujins

>> No.23049110

you are probably just imagining shit
2019.04.18 i scored 276
2019.10.22 i scored 309
next time i'll take it right before april rolls around and they close it up
i have no reason to expect i won't go up further because i have improved in every way

>> No.23049121

exactly thats why the only core deck id ever rec is vncore, kind of pointless to mine words that are only in the news

>> No.23049125


>> No.23049126

>stfu tobira guy you are the noob
esl confirmed

>> No.23049131

gweenpea > cawfee

>> No.23049132

Wow, you sure wasted a lot of time learning useless words and kanji if you're only at 310 with those counts.

>> No.23049134

its qm obvious who else has the restraint of a wet paper bag

>> No.23049139

you know you suck ass when you talk about core and make the 'news' cope
and then you cherry pick 1-2 words you think you don't need but every single jap on the planet knows and try to justify not doing the deck because of those
smfh bunch of noobs in here i'm out going to jack off to some cute girls

>> No.23049143

terrible analogy.
paper bags can't move on their own

>> No.23049148
File: 148 KB, 832x858, ajatt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a second would quiz be able to consistently beat matt in the kanji quiz now

and if so doesn't that show how utterly pointless it's been for him considering matt dominates him on the jcat anyway

>> No.23049152

you don't learn how to understand the news by doing core you just have to read and listen to it lmao

>> No.23049155

J-CAT has so few questions that a lot of your improvement will be familiarity with the material. Not very accurate.

>> No.23049161

>10 billion years grinding and optimizing flashcards
>still can't read

>> No.23049163

>a measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control or within limits
it restrains whats in the bag, not my best analogy but not nonsensical

>> No.23049175


>> No.23049179

obviously all the core words are still ultimately important in the end but why wouldn't you wanna prioritize even more common words...

>> No.23049192

doesn't matter if the deck is worse
if you want to make a good deck do this
>in fact just take all the vncore cards and replace them with the core cards and you got an infinitely improve vncore

>> No.23049196

want to read a vn where business and news vocab is common

>> No.23049202

yea not a bad idea so modified vncore > core

>> No.23049205

quiz can't beat matt at a quiz

>> No.23049211

are you ready to make a good post yet

>> No.23049216

absolute fucking noobs wont remember some new words from the fucking news as easily as they would from something else that is already close to their heart like マンコ
what you need to do as a beginner is to kickstart your vocab. so you can start enjoying shit you like as soon as possible, and get to the level where words just start to stick like they should

>> No.23049218

speak for yourself brainlet

>> No.23049226

why the fuck are we even back to the core2k vs vncore debate?
anybody who keeps on reading eroge, watching anime for a while will eventually get exposed to any important words that appear on core10k regardless of what they started off with.
vncore, tae kim n shit isn't the make-it-or-break-it for japanese learning. it's just a jumping board.

>> No.23049228

most people are brainlets i'm so fucking sick of the disingenuous high iq posters giving advice tailored toward fellow high iqs. quiz ciaran and moe need to gtfo most of us can't benefit from your advice as we don't have the brain horsepower

>> No.23049230

if the core2k really is made by nukemarine that should already tell you something about where it will get you

>> No.23049239

well yea but try to make that jumping board as useful and fun as possible and in that regard (modified) vncore>core

>> No.23049246

exactly. quiz, nukemarine, etc all have mediocre japanese, so they should just be ignored

>> No.23049248

holy shit i fucking love anki
have started yesterday on anki then tried to sync the anki droid to my pc but it instead synced my pc to my ankidroid so i lost yesterday reps haha based!

>> No.23049249

i only care about my own nihongo level and experience tbqh

>> No.23049251

exactly, theyre quick introductions to get you into content, cant believe qm is in here trying to tell people to just grind core decks now

>> No.23049255

someone let ciaran suck their dick and he will make a newbie deck

>> No.23049256

the fun part is supposed to be in watching comedy sol anime and reading h-manga, not in doing anki decks

>> No.23049261

srs is a skinner box created to keep dekinai away from the holy land my dad works at anki btw

>> No.23049265

that's another plus for vncore since it's shorter than the core decks.

god vncore just keeps on winning wareya really struck gold with that deck

>> No.23049271

you prob just clicked what you shouldn't have clicked

>> No.23049275

my dad is the tennouちゃま and he says the only way of learning japanese is to read shota/milf incest doujins

>> No.23049283

why hasn't ciaran or qm made a noob vocab deck yet?

>> No.23049291

Best part of this thread is not knowing Japanese and arguing with Quiz about optimal methods anyway.

>> No.23049292

they both did core so they tell others to do that

>> No.23049298 [DELETED] 

reminder to not read uppercase posts

>> No.23049299

arguing about optimal methods instead of reading more is not optimal for your japanese

>> No.23049301

Reminder that you just read an uppercase post

>> No.23049305

back after a 4 day hiatus and qm is still buttblasted, never would have guessed lol

>> No.23049306

i just listed some options in the guide and people come at me and say 'this shittier deck is better' when it's even worse shit than the others
you can start mining right away but i get posts @ting me about how they don't understand a single thing in anime and can't mine most people are better served by a core deck
if you can't spend some time working through a core deck which is filled with easy peasy words you probably can't learn jp either, that shit is easy

>> No.23049307

the most important part of acquiring nihongo is making sure that qm doesnt get too ahead of himself

>> No.23049309

just had an idea install a bunch of those premade subs2srs decks and then tell morphman you know all the words in core2k or core6k and sort sentences by "known" such that only sentences consisting of all the words in core2k or core6k show up and then replace core2k or core6k's audio and sentences with those anime sentences. also beforehand you can delete the gayer business words.

make sure you upload it to the library.

>> No.23049317

retarded idea

>> No.23049316

the fact that there isnt a core 250 yet just goes to show that the flashcard meta is in shambles

>> No.23049326

why isn't there an anime core deck? inb4 vncore

>> No.23049327

subs2srs cards fucking suck ass because they destroy the context of the sentence

>> No.23049330

here's core4 - ["私","は","ゲイ","です"]
now go read eromanga n shid

>> No.23049337

thx added these to my anki

>> No.23049342

no it's not
wtf obviously you'd be choosing sentences that don't require more context than the sentences in core

>> No.23049355

if you wanna make it just make it yourself fag
i ain't gonna torrent anime just to make some shitty subs2srs deck full of words i already learned a long time ago

>> No.23049359

i'm not gonna make it but you wouldn't have to torrent any anime you'd direct download decks people uploaded to that mediafire collection


>> No.23049379

those file sizes are nightmarish

>> No.23049385

it would be easier to just learn japanese

>> No.23049388

lmfao at the learners

>> No.23049389

making a deck isn't supposed to teach you japanese

>> No.23049391

or just watch eng subbed anime for 10万 hours

>> No.23049398

cant help being glad i already pretty much know japanese

>> No.23049406

>"pretty much"
you don't know japanese

>> No.23049410

I'm ngmi

>> No.23049412

what does it even mean to know a language

>> No.23049415

thats why i wrote pretty much. very certain you dont know japanese either qm

>> No.23049417

dno i just feel the language

>> No.23049418

i'll probably learn japanese but i don't care it doesn't matter

>> No.23049419

most people would probably call me fluent but the dumb noobs on djt keep trying to drag me down smfh can't deal with this pathetic shit anymore

>> No.23049425

well maybe you should leave already then

>> No.23049430

when i dont do my reps i feel depressive. is this autism?

>> No.23049436

k cya tmrw

>> No.23049440
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>> No.23049441

stfu noob

>> No.23049443


>> No.23049449


>> No.23049458

why are nip learners so fucking gay i bet we got at least 5 cryptotrannies in this thread

>> No.23049461

galaxy brain

>> No.23049465

i'm not quiz, thank god

>> No.23049487

poll for thread: be fluent in japanese but have qm personality, or dekinai but at least you're not qm

>> No.23049488

*makes a beginner-level learning recommendations chart and argues about the pros of core2k against other anons*

>> No.23049492

exactly it depends on the person. people who just isn't want to read vn's have no reason at all to learn pitch accent. also even people who do wanna speak don't need it need it the few japanese people you do ever talk to will still understand you anyway and they won't like you more if your pitch accent is perfect lol in fact some might like you a little less
try vomics or reading along with audiobooks sometimes just to get a better feel for how it should sound in your head

>> No.23049497


>> No.23049498

does replying to 3 hour old posts make you feel like you won the argument cause it shouldnt

>> No.23049500

latter hands down

>> No.23049501

i've taken at least 1 1-hour break every day the past week to read porn to interrupt anime sessions where i'm bored out of my mind

>> No.23049507

where's the argument

>> No.23049513

okay this post fucking does it
i'm going to not post until i finish kanken 2

good bye losers

>> No.23049518

tb completely h i didnt even read your post i was just fishing for (you)s cause i thought i was shadowbanned for a moment

>> No.23049520
File: 495 KB, 1280x1835, 童貞.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no

>> No.23049531

Is it reasonable to finish normal core and them jump over to vncore once you're done with the first 2k? Or should I just stick to one?

>> No.23049532

this fake pseudo motivational speak is so cringe.

>> No.23049541

sure why not anki even lets you easily change cards from one deck into the format of cards for the other deck and then import them into that deck so anki won't look so cluttered having multiple decks

>> No.23049544

doesnt matter

>> No.23049553

qm wants to be bullied into being productive
this is my humble theory

>> No.23049557

qm confirmed M

>> No.23049562

just finish one or drop it or whatever and start mining off anime/eroge whenever you feel like it

>> No.23049564


>> No.23049572

no wonder he loves women who look like boys so much he wants to be dominated

>> No.23049577

when was it that quiz started bragging about his skill level. after he finished logh right?

>> No.23049578

わ=は= wa
what the fuck!! so confusing!!

>> No.23049580

はt the fuck why japanese people why

>> No.23049586


>> No.23049588

the real redpil is that the は・わ sounds are somewhere between va and wa not just wa

>> No.23049589
File: 18 KB, 932x323, gwggrge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm retarded.
In the animecards guide it says to add these field types to the card, but in the example gif Front/Back (the default ones) aren't there. Should i delete them or keep them?

>> No.23049593

What are some articles that makes you think?

>> No.23049594


>> No.23049596

doesn't matter

>> No.23049603

didn't quiz want to separate the word and sentence audio into separate fields for some reason

>> No.23049604

pls dont remind me of that gayjin

>> No.23049608


>> No.23049612

i remember checking that exact site all the time when seeing new kanji
youre on the right track

>> No.23049618


>> No.23049624

bokurano is more interesting than all sol but it's, what's the phrase, depression porn? everything is incredibly fucked up for no good reason. not really an enjoyable watch.

>> No.23049627

download the japanese anki addon

>> No.23049629

>There are still retards who think Textbooks aren't important and everything is just about "immersion"

Just answer me this one simple question if you think Textbooks are a waste of time:
>Why are there millions of retards in every country who can't speak the language "fluently"? Even worse there are a lot of people who don't even speak English in the US after living there for over 30 years.
If the "MUH IMMERSION" bullshit would be real then all those rednecks, homies, Mexican gang members, and all those other school drop outs would be philosophers and language professionals because all of them have 100 % immersion on the street all the time.

So here is your proof that textbooks until you reach advanced Japanese and Heisig are mandatory to master Japanese as fast as possible and that "immersion" is not learning and just "hardening" your language skills from textbooks.

>> No.23049631

こんいちわ, my name is Guy Jean.
Learning kanji is actually super easy!
Let me show you:
木 looks like a tree, 川 looks like a river.
Simple right?
If you'd like to learn the other 50k kanji you need to know, be sure to subscribe to my Patreon

>> No.23049637


>> No.23049640

shit i miss read 木as 本

>> No.23049641

i expected that to be terrible but it was pretty based

>> No.23049647

the fields

>> No.23049650

rtk doesn't contain important kanji like 膣 so it's useless

>> No.23049656

obvious bait

>> No.23049673

Uh-oh! A common mistake, if you look closely at 本 it contains the radical 一 near the bottom.
Looks like you might want to subscribe to the $5 tier to receive access to the Learn Japanese with Guy Jean Discord where you can receive a bunch of tips and tricks for memorizing kanji from myself as well as fellow learners. We hope to see you there!

>> No.23049682

gangsters and rednecks didnt immerse in a philosophical or academic environment so not an argument
i mean theyre pretty fluent in their communities unless theyre literally retarded or something so

>> No.23049683

wheres the patreon link so i can subscribe

>> No.23049686

>patreon rewards include a download of that guys mining deck

>> No.23049694

what about them?

>> No.23049697

they don't immerse in those environments because they're too stupid to although rednecks are much smarter than groids on average

>> No.23049701

complete trash

>> No.23049702

Does 2ch (or some other japanese image board) have a similar place for language exchange as DJT? Or maybe a dedicated gaijin place where natives can bully/help you?

>> No.23049710

>they don't immerse in those environments because they're too stupid to
i think its a bit more complicated than that

>> No.23049716

depends what drugs are in season really, meth and you got sub 70 iq red necks running around, crack and you got sub 70 iq black people

>> No.23049720
File: 41 KB, 872x546, sure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i posted some screenshots of an english practice thread on 5ch or something a while ago
might want to check that out

>> No.23049722

people usually assume it's poor upbringing that makes someone stupid but they never consider the effects of genes on the environment that someone chooses so it's fun to fuck with blank slatists by bringing that up lol

>> No.23049724


>> No.23049737

>Let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan they get a neurotic obachan to shitpost with and the closest we got to real pussy was a dude who went off the deep end from reading the mind enlightened and cut his dick off

>> No.23049739

god bored af and dropped it before the scene that made jamal all pissy, is it even worth watching

>> No.23049755

i mean its more than stupidity
if you live in some shithole with no access to libraries or universities and are too poor to get an education of course you're unlikely to get a chance to immerse in an academic environment
if youre smart you might or might not break out of a situation like that, not that its guaranteed though

nowadays things are a bit different thanks to the cheap internet but the idea is the same

>> No.23049757

genes dont matter when you get a good education even a fucking bird can be taught math or whatever

>> No.23049758

this fucking guy is still at it lol i admire ur perseverance if nothing else

>> No.23049760

yea things are different today than just 30 years ago yet gaps haven't closed between groups. guess library access can't explain some groups being stupid then. probably because stupid people are less likely to use libraries in the first place so there being more barriers to them accessing libraries doesn't matter.

>> No.23049763

someone could have ancestors who were farmers way back since those were the only jobs available for laypeople and due to family business or something never actually got out of that line of work
not every smart person is exactly where they need to be to bring out their max capabilities life doesn't work that way

>> No.23049766

well people respond and actually debate his retarded talking points so...

>> No.23049771

>gaps haven't closed between groups
yes they have haven't you seen all the indian and arab doctors and engineers who would've just been riding camels in their home country

>> No.23049773

weird how einstein, newton, and all of the great scientist of the ages were able to get so extremely intelligent and today we have the internet and dumb asses still persist, i think the number one factor is imagination and curiosity and they're hard to quantify

>> No.23049777

no it was textbooks, einstein had genki

>> No.23049780

he referenced "gangsters" presumably groids already living in first world countries obviously the environment explains more of the gap in shit holes like africa where parasites and witch burnings make the stupid stupider

>> No.23049785

dont have time for nerd shit, im too busy being cool already

>> No.23049790

i mean how many people do you know voluntarily spending most of their time in the library haha
most people i know usually just study what they have to thanks to schools and universities

i dont think its weird at all
most people are going to avoid doing shit that requires effort and patience
especially considering that these days internet is full of crap designed to distract you and to fulfill your immediate desires
i agree about the number one factor though

>> No.23049796

How do you use AnkiWeb backup?
Do you have to log in through the Anki application on your PC? I don't see a log in option.

>> No.23049797

they were slaves for centuries and after that they were banned from most educational facilities and exiled to ghettos lol wtf do you expect

>> No.23049801

feel like i should be having drugged up 3somes some where in tokyo instead of wasting my time here

>> No.23049804

figure it out, if u cant you're too stupid for this shit anyways

>> No.23049805

Not sure what the point is. My Anki displays japanese just fine

>> No.23049810

and then they were unbanned and in fact are overrepresented in universities relative to their intelligence/capability and they're still stupid and suck ass because the actual barriers have been removed and there are no imaginary ghost barriers that people magically inherit because of what their ancestors went through a hundred years ago

>> No.23049814

u have to click on sync

>> No.23049817

I did 20 a day for the entire length of Core 10K.
>how hard/easy do you find it to keep going?
It was incredibly mind-numbing to do every day, especially at the point where my review cards peaked. For more than 6 months, maybe even close to a year (I've been on this ride for a few years so I don't remember, barely touch Anki anymore) I hand-wrote every single character, every single time I saw it. It certainly helped my recall, but I knew something had to give or I'd burn out, so I stopped hand-writing them after I saw "x cards studied in 205 minutes" or similar times a few days in a row.

>> No.23049821

>I hand-wrote every single character, every single time I saw it
why are uppercasers this fucking stupid? what do they feed u retards?

>> No.23049822
File: 86 KB, 756x574, giveup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23049823


>> No.23049827

what's the correct reading for 振舞う

>> No.23049830


>> No.23049833

after getting to around 2500 cards in core 6k i'm gonna set it to 0 new cards and instead start using anime cards. sucks to review 2 separate decks for vocabulary but it's better than going through this so-called "optimized" deck.

>> No.23049834


>> No.23049839

you can drag and drop decks onto each other which turns one into a sub deck and combines all reviews into one session. but it doesn't mix the decks. you can drag the sub deck right back out as if nothing ever happened.

alternatively you can just import the cards from one deck into the other. and if you want to keep them separate for some reason you can just tag all the cards from one deck before switching them over.

>> No.23049849

anki's great and everything, but i'm not sure if people with autism should be exposed to it

>> No.23049856
File: 525 KB, 1280x720, 1559338433644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23049857


>> No.23049861

even nips can't understand kanji wtf

>> No.23049862

this font is killing me, how can i change the font in ever17

>> No.23049867

uuuhm that's a blank page

>> No.23049870


>> No.23049874

>Download jmdict_english.zip and kanjidic_english.zip from the website.
What if I'm ESL!?
I'm fluent in english though!?!?!? I think!?!?

>> No.23049887

>I recommend (no matter at what stage you are in your learning) you install Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary (J-E), 大辞林 daijirin (J-J), and Meikyo (J-J). Ask on DJT or here where you can find them.
Ok i'm formally asking you, DJT

>> No.23049891

>the number one factor is imagination and curiosity
probably the most important thing in language acquisition too, so your brain can connect the words

>> No.23049892

figure it out yourself, dumbass

>> No.23049898

sorry, i meant to link this page

>> No.23049901

but the site is telling me to ask here...

>> No.23049902

already heard this song today on my playlist

>> No.23049905

and now you know you cant trust anything there

>> No.23049907

Where can I pirate Japanese ebooks? I'm looking for text, not images/scans.

In particular I'm trying to find かがみの孤城 and other LN type stuff.

>> No.23049911

uuuhm that's a blank page

>> No.23049912

from the internet

>> No.23049913

oddly enough youtube is actually a great place to pirate dictionaries.

>> No.23049916

you dont need anime cards but you do need to mine the words and do them in anki right after you mine them so you can remember how they were used, youll spend so much time making an anime card just to skip the audio+sentences after a pass or two

>> No.23049923

かがみの孤城 more like caca mi el pierro

>> No.23049930

making an anime card doesn't exactly take long though from what i've seen

>> No.23049933

this site is very anti piracy
please pay for your children's books legally

>> No.23049935

yeah it really doesnt desu senpai
t. not qm guy

>> No.23049940

good post

>> No.23049942

if anime cards worked then quizmaster would've aced the jcat

>> No.23049949

lets say it only takes you 30 seconds to make an anime card, at 5000 words youve already spent over 41+ hours just making them and then youre just going to skip the audio sentences because theyre like 10 seconds, just do words and immerse more imo but in the end its up to you, you could make the argument that the process itself gives you more time to digest the words i guess

>> No.23049951

memecards only "work" if you consume enough nihongo through native material

>> No.23049954

at worst anime cards will work at least twice as well as premade decks

>> No.23049956

is this shit popular why do i feel like a bunch of people here have mentioned reading this

>> No.23049958


>> No.23049967

lol u mean ゴミ

>> No.23049970


>> No.23049981


>> No.23050000

or you might just skip anki altogether in favor of immersing

>> No.23050005


>> No.23050008

the fact is people learn in different ways but only eroge and untranslated doujin chads learn at a fast pace

>> No.23050016

pausing to look things up eternally cant touch the space reps

>> No.23050025

What the fuck? So I actually have to READ to learn japanese?? I thought I could just watch anime all day

>> No.23050034

so no link huh?

>> No.23050037

just get a jap gf who gently doms you everytime you get an answer right, fixes motiviation, listening and the need to fap in the middle of excersize

>> No.23050038

well i personally dont have it dont know about the others though

>> No.23050041

what link

>> No.23050051

the one where that dude was like "oh yeah 悲しみばかりに集中して is natural nihongo i just changed a few words around trust me its from some guys diary lol"

>> No.23050068

i just want a jap gf who keeps speaking in 丁寧語 even after we've been together for a long time (of course myself speaking タメ口)

>> No.23050079

americans can't view 5ch

>> No.23050087

20 new cards a day or 40 new cards a day?

>> No.23050092

20 and read more

>> No.23050100
File: 532 KB, 975x847, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.23050104

depends how hard the words are and how hard they are for you, just try to stay under 30 min a day because it will drain you so you cant actually read or listen which is very important

>> No.23050105


>> No.23050138

do 10 a day
don't let anki become a crutch

>> No.23050152

doing more than 10 a day doesn't make anki a crutch
instead you should say "don't let anki consume more time than immersion"

>> No.23050164

im supporting you anon

>> No.23050169
File: 52 KB, 571x302, 78605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23050170

When you guys started learning kana, did you start by only recognizing computer-font versions, or trying to learn them well enough to recognize handwritten kana just as quickly? I’m still saying mnemonics in my head to recognize them and feel like it’s slowing me down.

>> No.23050178

To this day i have taihen issues trying to read handwritten anything

>> No.23050181

sometimes handwritten can be tricky

>> No.23050189

lol where the fuck am i gonna see handwritten kana

>> No.23050191

mnemonics for kana are fucking useless. they're way to simple for that.
just grind them. for drilling the kana initially i actually used duolingo but spamming the minigame on the djt site works better probably.

i personally learned them in sets of 5 and then used the android app "obenkyo" to review them, adding sets of 5 one after another until the pool was full.
once i was able to recognize them all with ease i stopped reviewing them. as a result i can write 2140 Kanji but i can't write most katakana and hiragana from memory lol

>> No.23050194

i filled up a notebook of writing all of the hiragana and katakana as a grid as fast as i could a couple times a day, after about a month i could write them and read them instantly permanently

>> No.23050196

personally i was trying to read nintendo game while consulting the wikipedia kana page

>> No.23050202
File: 87 KB, 482x176, 687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is plenty of handwritten comics

i'm not sure if this is handwritten or just a funny font but i'll link it anyway because it popped up in my mind and it's good

>> No.23050211

this one doesnt look so bad

>> No.23050217
File: 310 KB, 630x618, confused_megumin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

そこまで = 底まで

WTF it all makes sense now

>> No.23050221


newb here is george's assessment of matt correct

>> No.23050223

yeah it's fine i don't have any particular ones in mind but there are some with really hard to read hand written fonts that's for sure but you'll probably encounter some if you just read original japanese ones

>> No.23050231

to be honest not really
yeah matt is kind of obnoxious but george is just way overdoing it and he just kind of created and kept amplifying the idea in his own head and it just amplifies in his echo chamber so he keeps spouting it louder and loude

>> No.23050234

i really hope its a bait. or else, just someone who wont make it

>> No.23050235


>> No.23050236


quiz didn't output for his first 2 years did he? that's why george is better.

>> No.23050246

george is much worse at reading

>> No.23050249

thinking about deleting my 332GiB rezu collection

>> No.23050254

damn now i got a recommendation of george naked inside his bed talking about some shit guess i need to tell the youtube algorithm i don't fucking care about this crazy man

>> No.23050260

i mean an actual japanese person nitpicked matt's japanese and said it was great sooo

>> No.23050265

george didn't say matt was bad are you retarded

>> No.23050267

you can always NOT click those videos.

>> No.23050269

the idea that people would watch this weirdo blabbing about nothing for over an hour is mind-boggling

>> No.23050272

djt the type of guy to treat e-celebs' japanese power levels like a fantasy football league

>> No.23050284

if you think it's impressive that george has a business then you must have a tiny brain and penis

>> No.23050287

no, he said that matts japanese sounds like a punk kid.
i never said that he said matts japanese is bad. are you stupid?

>> No.23050288

a successful business is more impressive than neet virgins on 4chan

>> No.23050289

that's only really viable if you're putting in at least half a dozen hours per day

the time between running into less common words is too great to learn them otherwise

>> No.23050332

i was just shitposting but now im curious how you calculated that number

>> No.23050344

confirmed i can just nolife with anime to learn japanese with no effort

>> No.23050346

you brought up this false choice between learning from george or the anons on here. no sane person would want to learn from either

>> No.23050356

well it's more that you can learn something from george whereas this place is straight up for shit spewing so pretending to not know why someone would watch a "weirdo blabbing about nothing" in this place of all places is gay

>> No.23050376

go back to bed, george

>> No.23050381

just added a notch to my djt arguments won chart

>> No.23050382

i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about george. u wouldnt say this shit to him at comiket, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol

>> No.23050389


>> No.23050401

i've only been doing it for a few days and it's easy
also i'm doing for than an hour because that's only my vocab deck, i also have a writing kanken deck

>> No.23050413

will i have to shave my gulag beard for nip women to fuck me

>> No.23050416

dno sounds like a case of autistic anon not getting a joke

>> No.23050460

What do you guys mean by
>immerse urself
Should i be reading shit and putting on anki or just reading and fuck it?

>> No.23050518
File: 46 KB, 569x302, anki_qn8sqcNBSY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna faint. the anki time doesn't tell the whole story, ive been doing it since i posted that. i set my anki to 1 10 60 and failed every card on the first go automatically after reading the dictionary definitions for it in qolibri and adding shit from forvo or google images so i actually only failed like 30 cards within the 1 > 60 min steps. think i failed 3 at 60mins. still have 195 cards left to do tomorrow.

>> No.23050541

wtf bro how did you even build a backlog that large

>> No.23050544

Damn, sadly OCR kind of sucks at recognizing japanese Netflix subtitles. Maybe cause the font is slightly round.

>> No.23050547

mined everything in muramasa and i had like 300 cards mined from my samurai show and like 100 from other sources

>> No.23050554

i'm mining every word in muramasa as well but i can't even get 100 a day
i suppose i'm alt tabbing too much and not getting enough reading done, fuck man
this is it, this is it, i'm fucking done with djt good bye

>> No.23050565

i was getting 80-100 a day on average because i was reading 120k on avg and i was only doing 20 new cards a day on my mining deck while reading so it built up by the end. gl lol.

>> No.23050579

i'll mine 5 words a day
slow and steady wins the race h-haha

>> No.23050594

does the average well-read japanese native know all words in muramasa.

>> No.23050597

cool, please spoonfeed me

>> No.23050599

not certainly not

>> No.23050606

why do ciaran and quiz keep mining if they're well beyond even well-read natives at this point

>> No.23050608


>> No.23050612

why wouldn't you keep mining?
i suspect once you actually know japanese it becomes less of a hassle and obligation and more of a "yea let's do it"

>> No.23050624

cant believe hayai guy is already beyond native lvl

>> No.23050625

there's not many super rare words in it i think. maybe something like 交趾 they wouldn't know if they're not into history.

>> No.23050630

>yea let's do it
why? you could apply that logic to english. but nobody does it because they know it's pointless

>> No.23050636

argh, why is the extension that lets you display 2 subtitle tracks at the same time on netflix chrome only? i won't start using chrome you j**s

>> No.23050639


ATTENTION drop what you're doing and watch this new matt video

holy fucking shit qm and jamal btfo for ever doubting him

>> No.23050642

anki addiction

>> No.23050650

>lets you display 2 subtitle tracks at the same time
why would you even want to do this

>> No.23050651

cuz in english even if you don't know a word you can at least read it
also speak for yourself, as an ESL i frequently look up unknown english words.

>> No.23050653

thats it im team ajatt now

>> No.23050658

based he's doing the lao6000 level up cuck shit now

>> No.23050660

imagine caring what autistic bipolar manbaby and mr larper think about anything in the first place lol

>> No.23050671

quiz and ciaran don't though.
>i frequently look up unknown english words
who the fuck said anything like "you shouldn't look up words you don't know" you dumb ass?

i haven't seen his full scores but it might be that he can read kanji better than them but suck in everything else. which is more of a reason to stop mining esoteric words and just listen more or something lol

>> No.23050677

why this nigga wearing a jacket and hat indoors?

>> No.23050682

i do tge same when im too lazy to take them off

>> No.23050683

>i haven't seen his full scores
he posted them upthread
and you're right, he's too focused on anki instead of immersion

>> No.23050686

are you stupid?

>> No.23050694

some people are like that.
he's also one of those people who unironically get tired and can then fall asleep within minutes lol

>> No.23050696
File: 248 KB, 1520x770, imoutogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned a new word today! So cute. I'm guessing this is pretty archaic

>> No.23050698

do any of u play this shit? looks like its right up ITTs autism alley lol

>> No.23050699


>> No.23050726

how can he qm know more than a well read native when he cant even read 素直 and 正直?

>> No.23050732
File: 487 KB, 1145x399, para.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ bringing up the fact he had a stroke in a lighthearted video like this?

>> No.23050738

lmfao he is actually just sitting there completely silent following the japs and subtitled the whole thing

>> No.23050746

lmfao whatever it takes bro

>> No.23050749

can't wait until i'm 10 years into my studies so i can ibaru that i know more than an 10 year old native

>> No.23050752

lmao this dude talking about anime is cringe and just look at his face while he plays this game

>> No.23050754

later on he doesn't say anything at all i feel like he was lost

>> No.23050759

the entire video is a mix between an insecure flex and a marketing ploy

>> No.23050771

it's a weird video
obviously his japanese is very good but... what's the point of keeping a long section of him not saying anything?

>> No.23050773

honestly there wasnt that much interacting from mattos part desu senpai

>> No.23050789

bro he got tired and there are no retakes!

>> No.23050793

if anyone here has vr headset you should try vrchat its pretty fun. just dont have any idea how many nips there are actually
since i played that shit at my brothers house and got molested by mewtwo

>> No.23050810

vr chat is however prolly the best choice if it comes to chatting up with natives

>> No.23050811

I think it's more that he has no personality

>> No.23050813

he hung out IRL with a bunch of japanese people at his college every day for months maybe years

>> No.23050825
File: 259 KB, 966x724, na-do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23050832

if they talked to him about language learning he would have got excited
he has no other opinions

>> No.23050837

where did you get this bullshit from lol he just went up to random people at his local university that he wasn't attending and annoyed them sometimes

>> No.23050839

in his 3 hour video he said he hung out with those japs like hung out at their apartment and stuff

>> No.23050846

think you're confusing him with the black guy he interviewed who studied in italy

>> No.23050848

no this was matt in oregon USA he's talked about it many times

>> No.23050855

gots to reach that 10 minute mark for $$$

>> No.23050867

guys remember when i said i aced the exam i started learning for 2 days before?
i just got the grade for it and i was right, perfect grade hahahahah!

>> No.23050873

says more about your educational institution than anything else

>> No.23050898

just made my first anime card and it felt weirdly satisfying.
that being said it can be difficult to time the audio correctly and the volume difference between the dictionary audio and the anime audio is quite large.

>> No.23050897

nah not really i already said i am incredibly resourceful, honestly i am often amazed by my own ability of just dealing when shit is just about to go down the drain
like i am the biggest procrastinator in the world, i will do literally nothing for 3 months and 2 days before the exam i actually get the entire material in my head
btw if you are wondering how i do it, my method to remember a shit ton of information is practically based on starting two days before the exam
basically i have figured out how to make anki cards for all kinds of information and material extremely fast (with some add-ons as well) and i simply turn the entire course into flashcards and review them all at once, now in one day i can probably work off half the course
now that half i review the next day and work off the other half
and on the day of the exam i review the second half i learned yesterday
that way i have every bit of information i need pretty securely in my head on the day of the exam
never failed me and i can work off crazy amounts of information
honestly i love anki because it enables me to do shit like this

>> No.23050900

matto stops his nihongo speaking after the written intro

>> No.23050928

bro ur so great
all djt is doing is hold you back so abandon this place already

>> No.23050933

no one cares

>> No.23050962

>btw if you are wondering how i do it
why is this so funny in a pathetic way

>> No.23050963


>> No.23050965


>> No.23050966
File: 97 KB, 833x425, gwggrge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I installed the Load Balancer Addon for Anki and copied Quizzler's settings like he recommended but now Load Balancer is causing an error whenever a card i reviewed reaches the next day interval. Any idea why?

>> No.23050987

yoronde moraimasu

>> No.23050996

Anki 2.1.15 (442df9d6) Python 3.6.7 Qt 5.12.1 PyQt 5.11.3
Platform: Windows 8.1
Flags: frz=True ao=True sv=1

Caught exception:
File "aqt\webview.py", line 27, in cmd
File "aqt\webview.py", line 87, in _onCmd
File "aqt\webview.py", line 368, in _onBridgeCmd
File "aqt\reviewer.py", line 289, in _linkHandler
File "aqt\reviewer.py", line 237, in _answerCard
File "anki\sched.py", line 83, in answerCard
File "anki\sched.py", line 527, in _answerLrnCard
File "C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\1417170896\loadbalancer.py", line 161, in NEW_rescheduleAsRev
OLD_rescheduleAsRev(self, card, conf, early)</wbr></wbr>

>> No.23051019
File: 18 KB, 299x764, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i'm not reading that i need to study more

>> No.23051020

nah i was too busy feeling out some doujins

>> No.23051024

thanks for giving my boy views dont forget to like and comment you guys

>> No.23051030
File: 154 KB, 788x631, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same anime card format quizzler uses

>> No.23051035

you still haven't learned kimono

>> No.23051040

not sure, i feel like it gets ruined by that gayneko guy

>> No.23051047

i get what they are trying to go for but the execution is kind of cringe
got nothing on an actually epic scene like this one

>> No.23051051

you might be taking the internet too seriously, anon

>> No.23051071

no, it's beavis and butthead

>> No.23051081

Is there a way to get Anki to stop nagging me about syncing every time i fucking open and close the application? It's getting really fucking annoying. I just want it to sync whenever i manually hit sync or some shit, these pop ups are infuriating.

>> No.23051083

low iq compensation

>> No.23051099

think you guys just underestimate how many words you need to know to be able to comfortably read well in japanese. it's a lot. that being said anki isn't the most important thing for acquiring words im just masochistic.

>> No.23051108

>think you guys just underestimate how many words you need to know to be able to comfortably read well in japanese
yeah this is very true
it's almost sad because i can't help but shake my head at the noobs itt that think they'll some day just wake up knowing nihongo or something while avoiding to put in any effort to actually cross that mountain

>> No.23051109

that sentence is dumb think i thought of something else but started writing another thought in the middle of the sentence

>> No.23051110

if you really wanna read "comfortably", just load the entire dictionary into an anki dictionary
otherwise, nobody's gonna do that "comfortable reading" shit.

>> No.23051117

what does this mean

>> No.23051126

actually it's also one alt tab away
if it's not borderless it prevents you from full screening the game
really it just breaks your flow idk why you would ever want to be reliant on looking shit up rather than just knowing enough that you really don't have to

>> No.23051130

bullshit that heightened it
you like demon slayer where nezuko is suddenly a good demon and stands in front of tanjiro and zenitsu can't stop yelling so please do not talk about cringe. also it isn't even one of the top 10 best scenes in hxh holy shit it might not even be a top 20 scene yet it's better than any scene in any other shounen ever made but i'm not talking about the quality of the scene, just the soundtrack.

>> No.23051131

you may as well just use google translate with that attitude

>> No.23051148

you can use rikaisama in offline mode, but not google translate
that's why rikaisama>google translate

>> No.23051152

i kicked load balancer off my lawn but now i'm sad because it's probably cool

>> No.23051166

quiz's card styling is so ugly

can't believe people actually just copy this and leave it as it is

>> No.23051168

imagine learning japanese just so you can get molested by lewd おじさん on the train haha

>> No.23051171

i know, it was mostly just a test run because i just got this up and running

>> No.23051183

cuz its ugly enough to make me want to vomit

>> No.23051184

>nezuko is suddenly a good demon and stands in front of tanjiro and zenitsu can't stop yelling
actually the more i think about this the more i find it laughable. cringe traditional shounen "slay the demon he bad" story oh but wait we get a last minute flashback of the demon having a sad history oh no :( holy shit i hate that dumb fucking show i can't believe i said that it might be better than early dragon ball. literal shit gag comedy is better than that travesty of a show. not to mention later dragon ball especially the piccolo arc blows that shit out the water. fmab is dull as fuck but at least al has a personality and his relationship with ed is kind of interesting because ed is the one who fucked up al and has believable guilt over it but tanjiro didn't do shit and now he just carries this lifeless cunt around. fuck nezuko she doesn't ever do shit except oh fuck DEMON POWER ACTIVATE BURN SPIDEY BOY haha so epic!

you couldn't even fucking skip to the chimera ant arc i mean WTF? you could at least skim the manga

>> No.23051197

What are some beginner ranobe /djt/ recommend? There's like thousands of them

>> No.23051222

idk maybe turn down the autism dial

>> No.23051224

with hxh you get to see character arcs over dozens of episodes. with demon slayer the characterization gets thrown in your face last second with a flashback and it's hard to give an ounce of a fuck about spidey boy or any other demon. the king's feelings and views on the world were built up over dozens of episodes and it took him seeing peaks of humanity in komugi and netero.

alright i need to chill and just remember what george said. just had a relapse but i've been doing good overall.

this is fair there are a lot of things that happen in CA that can only be appreciated if you watched everything else

>> No.23051230

maybe see an optician

>> No.23051231

gohan got the shaft too tho.
at the end of cell saga he was supposed to carry on the torch goku bestowed to him but then fans went batshit so he turned gohan into a useless university student or some shit and put goku in the spotlight again.

>> No.23051251

wish i had such passion as hxh guy

>> No.23051273


man the fucking oozaru in the back is such a great touch well done fight

>> No.23051301

just a guy

>> No.23051319

wtf 夢中 is used like that
fuck thanks for posting this

>> No.23051336

im not the main hxh guy i just happen to agree that it's amazing

i also enjoyed kny though

>> No.23051337

>its no head chala
oh hell nah thats the soul of db

>> No.23051339

>do you not know who the fuck you're talking to?
a cunt?

>> No.23051352

tell me how i can get myself to stop posting here and i will

>> No.23051355

post some nudes i do it occasionally

>> No.23051371

get a programme that blocks websites for set periods of time

>> No.23051372

>something /jp/ related and banable
Like what?

>> No.23051376

a cute japanese idol

>> No.23051383

yeah thats a good one the ban rate is like 40% for me

>> No.23051384

idols aren't /jp/ related you total buffoon
they are a plight on this board, a complete anomaly merely present because nobody else wants them anywhere

>> No.23051385

Doesn't work for scanned manga and doujins, and won't help you understand the spoken language. I'd rather just know Japanese.

>> No.23051395
File: 71 KB, 504x144, stfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23051405

put /djt/ back on /a/

>> No.23051408

never been to /a/ in my life.

>> No.23051414

people have issues with kakeru and similar verbs but i'm learning japanese for 3 years and i still don't get what 仕込む means

>> No.23051427

like in what context?

>> No.23051446

are japonese people psychics? there are shittons of homophones and "context" is the only way to distinguish?!

>> No.23051452

i think the noun is sometimes used to mean system or the verb sometimes means to train/install but i'm never sure about it so the meaning keeps being unclear for me

i'm gonna keep this in mind but i fear i'll fail to understand it next time

>> No.23051453

weird bc im 18 months in and totally got that one covered already, its just training for something

>> No.23051455

japanese language is broken it takes these farts 20 years to reach a level of fluency in their language that only takes 10 years in english

>> No.23051466

love yall

>> No.23051471

love u too baby

>> No.23051506

yea dogen's comprehension sucks compared to matt

>> No.23051513

this is true that's why i'm only reviewing the easier words i farm then suspending everything else that seems too hard to acquire right now excluding a select few hard words that spark my interest

>> No.23051516

you know what they both comprehend? fucking retard

>> No.23051519

what's a VN where stuff actually happens as opposed to angel beats where nothing happens except eating food with that blue haired retard and leyline where stuff happens but you're just running around a school

>> No.23051520

dogen fell for the university meme and isn't doing AJATT so he's probably listened to even fewer hours of actual japanese than the typical DJTer

>> No.23051522

dogen needs to have his wife translate but matt understands everything natives understand because matt invested a metric fuck ton of time into intense listening practice every day for 5 years so i may not know for a fact but it's the safer bet

>> No.23051524

nitroplus vns usually have things happen in them

>> No.23051526

thats the best method really, beat the words that you should know into you till you understand them perfectly not gloss over them and wait for miracles of the subcon to strike to be honest

>> No.23051530

matt said in a qa last year that his listening isn't as good as natives cause he couldn't understand some really quick manzai his japanese friend could

>> No.23051532

i thought of this while typing and thought someone might bring it up but that's a very specific subset of the language and that's not what dogen requires his wife to translate

>> No.23051533

maybe one has an inch of modesty and the other is a greedy snake, but to imply you know what theyre both comprehending shows how retarded you are

>> No.23051535

>marrying a Japanese wife who knows English at all
this is where Dogen fucked up, I bet he speaks English at home too
I was going to point this out too, maybe he's improved a bit since then but I don't think he's ever claimed to be as good as an adult native at listening

>> No.23051537

look i get you hate matt's personality and it makes you wanna hate and doubt everything about him but sometimes shitty people excel i mean look at quiz and moe they are killing the japanese learning game but they're shitty people. grow up

>> No.23051539

it's not like manzai uses tons of hard vocab it's just fast so his raw listening just isn't that good

>> No.23051549

it's really good he just hasn't practiced listening to that in particular because it's pointless and gay whereas dogen needs his wife to translate normal japanese (probably some legal stuff) that matt could comprehend no sweat

>> No.23051550

not looking forward to my anki reviews this week. maybe doing 1000 new cards wasn't such a good idea after all.

>> No.23051554

japanese phrase that explains why we all keep coming to djt - 類は友を呼ぶ

>> No.23051557

im just a much better judge of character than you, matt isnt the type to wear his shortcomings on his sleeve like dogen, and youre the type to take anecdotal hearsay as fact, grow a brain

>> No.23051560

wotd: 晨


>> No.23051566


>> No.23051567

i just granted what you said about matt's character was true so what does my judgment of his character have to do with anything and apparently you take dogen at his word the fact remains that you can be a bad person but be good at something it's time you recognize that and grow up

>> No.23051570

love how you can say shit like this while arguing with someone who is obviously playing a character

>> No.23051574

there's a white dude named chad mullane who does manzai in japan and is even better at japanese than matt, I wonder what hentai VNs and animes he mined to become so fluent?

>> No.23051585

Anyone know some really good kanji? Asking for a friend.

>> No.23051599


>> No.23051600

i love all the kanji equally.

>> No.23051626

i never said i didnt like matt, i love the guy, he gave me plenty of good tips that sped things up for me, but with the slightest bit of character judgement you can see his insecurity and the holes that leak his weaknesses, while dogen doesn't have to meditate or deal with these sort of deficiencies, and youre the sort of retard who has glorified matt to the point you think hes comprehending more than a person who teaches and has lived in the actual country for 12 years.
the world is a stage

>> No.23051630

bro thats chinese

>> No.23051649

>youre the sort of retard who has glorified matt to the point you think hes comprehending more than a person who teaches and has lived in the actual country for 12 years.

I'm not the same guy you were arguing with but this is just a dumb argument on multiple levels. Plenty of people have lived in Japan for a long time and still suck ass at Japanese, someone who's been autistically AJATTing for 10 years could easily outrank the typical gaijin in Japan

>> No.23051656

ok so
>do vncore but dont let it take too much of your time immerse yourself
so i should be mining right?
but how do i know if a kanji i found on a vn that is unknown to me isnt on vncore but i just didnt get to it yet?
I mean mining kanjis that are in the VNcore deck is not a good idea right?

>> No.23051670

>retards who think you can learn japanese by osmosis
yeah bro the venezuelans in my country sure speak portuguese very well.

>> No.23051672

i cant say for certain and neither can the other guy thats my point, but dogens read a dozen books just on just pitch accent, works with japanese people, has a japanese wife, and lives and functions in that country, matts taken years off of studying japanese and has barely picked it back up. he recently said hes been forgetting more than hes been learning for a while, and in his video today said he was rusty, seems kind of fell retard to thin theyre even on the same level let alone the latter being way better

>> No.23051675

learning japanese is pretty much impossible just enjoy the ride cause it ain't ending soon

>> No.23051678

Comprehension, retard

>> No.23051699

lol you dont get it

>> No.23051717

>but how do i know if a kanji i found on a vn that is unknown to me isnt on vncore but i just didnt get to it yet?
try adding the kanji/word to vncore that does it for me
theres probably a search function
>I mean mining kanjis that are in the VNcore deck is not a good idea right?
not really i think you could just suspend it after all
do mining if you want to

>> No.23051719

you clearly lack comprehension even when it comes to English so you don't need to be worrying about anyone's japanese skills

>> No.23051734

when did you learn english?

>> No.23051736

what don't i get

>> No.23051749

Should I play Axanael as a beginner?

>> No.23051750
File: 184 KB, 1000x727, TnMn0utmRq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phone poster

>> No.23051787

whats the difference between arujisama and goushijinsama

>> No.23051851

george literally needed a teacher to read a childrens book despite being "fluent"

>> No.23051858

Been staring at the posts in this thread, trying to learn Japanese.

>> No.23051863

Matt VR Japan


>> No.23051876

Reading normally is more comfortable than tool-assisted reading. Reading, actually, is a lightning-fast activity. Who got time for blowup dictionaries?

>> No.23051922

If quizmaster will continue being memed into reading large novel games to completion, he will eventually become proficient at japanese. What will djt do then?

>> No.23051927

Use text to speech for true immersion or you'll never make it.

>> No.23051941

I would sooner immerse my head in a toilet bowl and die.

>> No.23051943

why would there be a need to do anything

>> No.23051949

you haven't realized that everyone hates quiz for his personality and doesn't really care about his japanese skills?

>> No.23051961

Can someone help me understand: まずは自分で自分の靴を舐めてもらおうかなー

I assume the two 自分's refer to different parties, but why?

>> No.23051973

No. I assume that is because there isn't much to care about.

>> No.23051974

I found a good way to immerse when you dont have enough time to vnmine
just go listen to nihon music and transcribe it.
i was having trouble remembering the kanji but not anymore

>> No.23051980

Why wouldn't it?

>> No.23051989
File: 41 KB, 324x322, 09973705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do if you want to translate a word from English to Japanese, but it doesn't appear in dictionaries.
Just do your best to convert it to kana?

>> No.23051995

it doesn't

>> No.23051998


Does the sentence mean Should I have you lick my shoes? or Should I have you lick your own shoes?

Is it まずは自分で(自分の靴を舐めてもらおうかなー)

or まずは(自分で自分の靴を舐め)てもらおうかなー

>> No.23051999

i need context, but seems like hes just saying "i wonder if im going to have to use/experience/lick my own shoes first off" ?

>> No.23052005

i just stop thinking in english

>> No.23052010

Well, it ordinarily just sounds like he's gonna make someone lick their own shoes, but since you don't think that makes sense according to some context that only you possess, it may be what you want to it to be.

>> No.23052011

sounds like you've stopped thinking altogether

>> No.23052014

It was a girl speaking. I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

>> No.23052020

i mean translating WORDS is dumb because language barrier, you should be translating meaning.
If you dont stop thinking in english you wont really get far into japanese.

>> No.23052023

"i wonder if shes going to make me lick my own shoes" then

>> No.23052024

is genki 3rd edition still happening? Was supposed to be this month

>> No.23052030

yeah and its nice

>> No.23052036

people and place names don't usually have meanings

>> No.23052040

say the word / phrase that japanese people do so it would sound like japanese instead of speaking english using japanese words

>> No.23052041


>> No.23052057

just misread 長門 as ながもん for the 8315409235th time

>> No.23052074

read more

>> No.23052075

夜児宿後 of the day


>> No.23052081

how do you translate something without using words

>> No.23052087 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 1000x699, hmXjS6SWll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23052089 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 347x95, mary postin on george&#039;s stream&#039;s chat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just spotted an epic comment

>> No.23052094 [DELETED] 


>> No.23052099 [DELETED] 

yea not bad

>> No.23052102 [DELETED] 

george reads it aloud you don't have to spot it faggot idiot

>> No.23052104 [DELETED] 


>> No.23052107
File: 1.11 MB, 244x160, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23052132

>miss a card
>click easy and deal with it later

>> No.23052158
File: 232 KB, 1585x889, ERW28LCUcAAZx7Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23052175
File: 144 KB, 800x600, house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do houses in Japan look so weird? I can't put my finger on it.

>> No.23052186

well you can tell bug people live there

>> No.23052217

wanna go to bed but i need to watch 4 more episodes of anime to hit the daily target.

>> No.23052222

holy btfo

>> No.23052226


>> No.23052247

>no utawarerumono doujin where nosuri gets fucked as part of a bet

>> No.23052266

>Thread is barely 10 hours old
>Already auto-saging and on page 8
When did this board become so active?

Small footprint so they build them up instead of out.
I don't really get that house though. That looks like possibly a double carport? I'm not sure why they didn't extend the house out over it and get an extra room or two. Also the downpipes stand out a lot.

>> No.23052276

>Small footprint so they build them up instead of out

Yeah. That makes sense. I'm an American from a rural area so I guess I'm just not used to that kind of design philosophy.

>> No.23052301

thinking about playing fire emblem in japanese to mine, which one should i start?

>> No.23052311

at the beginning of the game retard?

why would you start part way through?

fucking IDIOT

>> No.23052316
File: 21 KB, 175x228, diplomatic(rabbit).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23052320

probably the 3ds ones or the wii just for the readability

>> No.23052322

echoes cuz its voiced

>> No.23052325

oh yeah and voices too

>> No.23052327

i looked into it but it seems the emulator is not very good with it

>> No.23052334

it's 2020 why don't you have a 3ds with cfw

>> No.23052340

because i live in brazil so owning a 3ds is useless if you only use at home and if you use outside home its gonna get stealed

>> No.23052343

>to mine
Is there a game/system you're able to copy the text from? Failing that, pick one that has the script ripped and available.

That said, you can't go wrong with the first GBA game. It's one of the best in the series.

That's a sequel to the Gamecube game, so not one you should start with. The Gamecube game is pretty good though, so no harm starting with that.

>> No.23052362

When I was looking into buying a 3DS I found out Nintendo had started saving shekels by mixing their screen types. Some 3DS had dual IPS screens, some had TN. Some had a mix.
Can't support that.

>> No.23052375
File: 48 KB, 446x600, cf11f403ffaab5e6af2ea70951002e45_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just 注いだ サクランボ and パイナップル ジュース in a 2:3 ratio into a glass and 飲んだ it
literally ガンギマリ rn

>> No.23052414

it doesn't lol

>> No.23052475

whos getting the new どう森

>> No.23052483
File: 6 KB, 258x125, kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end me already

>> No.23052491

dont give up anon

>> No.23052502

Is that Prison School?

>> No.23052503

Is that last definition like some form of sarcasm or is that just a straight up actual definition?

>> No.23052588

Are you confident on your nihongo?
Transcripe this song to japanese, if you fail then you arent good at nihongo.

>> No.23052592

>Are you confident

>> No.23052624

do your own homework

>> No.23052633
File: 179 KB, 948x1479, problems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you confident on your nihongo?
Answer these questions (just sections B and D), if you fail then you arent good at nihongo

>> No.23052644


>> No.23052656

wow! looks like you really know your stuff! arigato

>> No.23052683

WOTD: ナンパ師

>> No.23052695

shin potd: タメを作る

>> No.23052707

you know a nukige is bad when thoughts aren't voiced

>> No.23052906


>> No.23052922

Should i mine anime or just subs2srs them?

>> No.23052973


>> No.23052994
File: 2.57 MB, 2669x2827, coco_laughlaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dolly uploads a video about speaking japanese in VRChat
>One week later Matt makes a VRChat video

>> No.23053001

Is it alright to watch shows without headphones or would that be considered passive immersion?

>> No.23053009

you need to listen through a dac into an amp so your ears can get used to the acoustic timbre of the japanese language

>> No.23053101

Getting a conflicted feeling every time I discover a kanji in Japanese that seems like a rare and obscure and beautiful find, only to learn that in Chinese it is used pretty much regularly.

>> No.23053166

Ankidroid is bugging out for me. For some reason it doesn't show card text anymore while the PC client works just fine. Anyone here with the same problem?

>> No.23053185

Just read 現代文 stuff bro

>> No.23053221

What's 理由もなく exactly? I thought it's basically 理由もない but doesn't the く turn it into an adverb? Why an adverb?

>> No.23053231

Can you actually play Switch games that weren't bought in Japan in Japanese or is it like PS4 trash where the PAL versions only allow playing in french, german, English, Spanish and Italian?

>> No.23053276

Depends on the game. Most of them allow it

>> No.23053287

Is there a worse feeling than reviewing a word, knowing the meaning but not remembering how to read it? I hate it.

>> No.23053295

Just happened to me with 冷房

>> No.23053331

you are turning a い-adjectives into an adverb soないなく

>> No.23053336

Well, I do read 現代文, but I also like to look at other kinds of bun too, you know.

>> No.23053337

ない becomes なく

>> No.23053342

What do you call 'jpop' in Japanese? How do you write it?

Both google translate and jisho.org were unhelpful with this.

My guess at Romaji would be: jei poppu (?)
So I guess じえい ぽっぷ
jisho doesn't like that.
for "Japanese pop music" jisho suggests "city pop" = " シティポップ "
but I guess that's just for 80s music?

>> No.23053346


>> No.23053349

Yea just not sure why it has to be an adverb here

>> No.23053359

because 理由もなく is "a word or an expression that modifies a verb" which is, an adverb
理由もなく怖がる translates as "being afraid without reason"

>> No.23053368

i fucking hate leddit, those retards remind me of how much time i waste on not learning japanese, but swear to god some of their questions are fucking atrocious

>> No.23053384

and if you are asking "why can't it be 理由もない怖がる?"
it's because you can't do that in japanese, you have to turn an adjective into an adverb

>> No.23053463

i reasonless acted afraid
i reasonlessly acted afraid

>> No.23053464

because it's modifying a verb lol what do you think 怖がる is

>> No.23053476

idk I guess my mind is stuck in English and I just thought it would work as an adjective

>> No.23053703
File: 186 KB, 388x336, 113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wtf fuck off please
i see this is an entire category of shitty videos man fuck matt

>> No.23053748

three houses is very good for anime mining :)
(although instead of ocr i recommend just making a screenshot of the text now, much faster)

>> No.23053792


1 (「てならない」の形で)その事について抑えようのない気持ちを表す。「話の続きが気になって―◦ない」「おかしくて―◦ない」

2 (多く「てはならない」の形で)禁止を表す。「絶対に忘れては―◦ない」「許可なしに入室しては―◦ない」

3 (「なければならない」「なくてはならない」「ねばならない」などの形で)


I wonder where else it glosses over it like that.

>> No.23053829

jesus kaiji is kino af

>> No.23053830

did you watch/read ituwari no kamen before the original?

>> No.23053857

redditors: you need to speak in order to learn a language
me: no, it's the other way around

>> No.23053862

in order to learn a language you need to speak?

>> No.23053871

are you talking about communication
speaking alone is kind of pointless isnt it

>> No.23053872

>card I've been acing all this time comes back after 6 months and I fail it
>ok no biggie, happens
>then it proceeds to become a card I fail every 2 to 3 lapses and can't get into my head anymore and even goes on to turn into a leech
Does this happen to anyone else?
Having this with 世紀. Has always been an easy vocab now I suddenly fail it all the fucking time.

>> No.23053876

read more unironically

>> No.23053877

redditors: doing their shit. be it wrong or right
djt: caring about what others are doing, following ecelebs and doing nothing about learning japanese

>> No.23053880

Don't you need a capture card for that?

>> No.23053888

you can't see the anime i pause to shitpost or the vn or novel i'm reading while checking the thread every now and again
cope with your own level and stop projecting your dekinasa

>> No.23053891

it's explained on the anime cards site
it's done using the interval switch capture mechanism so no you don't need anything
it lets you press a button and save the last 30 seconds
entire possible with a vanilla switch, but optimally you'd have a switch with cfw so you can use ftp to transfer the clips to your pc fast

>> No.23053896

told you so

>> No.23053901

when there are stats like "a native knows 40k words" are conjugations of words counted as their own words? For example 速い and 速さ

>> No.23053903


>> No.23053912


>> No.23053916

ok so in other words it's impossible to get to that level

>> No.23053920


>> No.23053935

40,000 / 10 (words a day) / 365 (days in a year) = 10.95 years. Do you plan on dying in the next 11 years? Then you can be native too. Up that to 20 words a day and you get 5.45 years. 40 words? 2.74 years.

tldr: don't die and you'll be fine.

>> No.23053936

if you are making a card for every word you notice yourself not knowing you will probably always have a certain amount of knowledge above how many cards you have so for starters just aim to get 30k words into your mining deck
if you do 20 cards a day that's just over 4 years, doesn't sound so crazy now huh

>> No.23053939
File: 236 KB, 1600x1351, file_name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23053977
File: 16 KB, 152x55, 06126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23054055

Ok I know this is off topic but I'm practically starving and it's storming super fucking hard outside so I can't go to the grocery store. It's fucking over bros

>> No.23054060

go eat a dick lmfao
owned btfo got em

>> No.23054065


>> No.23054074



>> No.23054078

djt - the doujin

>> No.23054081


>> No.23054085


>> No.23054183


>> No.23054184

so you're a LARPer?

>> No.23054197

you're saying you have to "live native"

>> No.23054212

his overall question was lapsing cards 世紀 was just one example but just reading won't fix the prob for every word if their reading doesn't use it

>> No.23054216

i agree about useless words though

>> No.23054217

so to live native would mean pretending to be native, acting like a native etc
hence LARPing

>> No.23054224

he should suspend the card either way

>> No.23054324

what does べたべた mean here? i know it can't mean sticky right

>> No.23054337

ask misa

>> No.23054366
File: 455 KB, 913x511, みっと.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23054475

just got news that gigabit internet is available at my location now holy shit :)
going to upgrade within the next month

>> No.23054489

pointless doesn't matter

>> No.23054500


>> No.23054509

thought you were replying to the misa one

>> No.23054515


>> No.23054522

my days ruined already

>> No.23054533

had a nightmare about having to write kanji out from memory
glad i'll never have to do that irl

>> No.23054534

i would love to lick misas face
i bet it feels like a plate after a nice big english breakfeast

>> No.23054543

there's 2 puppies downstairs pissing and shitting everywhere and i don't care

>> No.23054556

just get a wireless presentation clicker and map it to enter

>> No.23054572

get a better kb

>> No.23054573

other than human derby, its great from beginning to end

>> No.23054578

pissed off about the puppies but they're not mine and i'm not about to cage them and sit by them all day every day for weeks until they relieve themselves outside

>> No.23054579

how would that make a difference you're still just pressing the same key repeatedly that's the issue im not spend 400 dollars like that guy with the weird split keyboard

>> No.23054582
File: 801 KB, 1280x720, 1579469259642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think it's better to stop mining for the day once you hit your new card limit for the day or to keep mining whenever you see something new?
The reason i'm asking is because i'm wondering if it's not better to actually be presented with the new cards/review them close to when you first made them/encountered the word so the context is fresh in your mind.

If I, for example were to mine like 1000 words and the card i mined one day doesn't actually come up until like 25 days after i originally encountered the word then maybe the effectiveness would be drastically reduced.

Then again, it would also feel stupid to keep watching/reading and not mine the other unknown words you encounter during immersion.

>> No.23054586

isnt that wrist support shit that comes with some kbs supposed the help
and yeah dont buy that autistic shit

>> No.23054610

実はたくさん精子が出るとそれを自分の顔にぶっかけられるとそこから得られるパワー感が半端ないんですよね 男としてやっと完成するみたいな感じが味わえると思いますのでおすすめ

>> No.23054620

just buy an usb food pedal and assign enter to it, there u go

>> No.23054624

*foot pedal
fuck kms for that typo i look like a retard now!

>> No.23054630

lol retard

>> No.23054655

pretty normal for press to talk voice chat

>> No.23054656


>> No.23054663


>> No.23054747
File: 68 KB, 698x392, 2iwaolpNGl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol almost thought i had the wrong vn

>> No.23054751


>> No.23054787


>> No.23054790

why are you using the keyboard? just use your mouse nigga

>> No.23054812


ur right but if he actually just used the texthooker he has open right there he would have easily found out the correct thing to read

>> No.23054889


>> No.23054891


>> No.23054958

which ones lol

>> No.23054959

People will laugh at you for saying that, but deep down, we all do.

>> No.23054960
File: 46 KB, 561x303, anki_WlT90CupYw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished off my mining backlog. think ill just read normal shit for a couple of months i don't want to mine 100 words a day anymore.

>> No.23054966


>> No.23054971

All of them, but especially those ones I reviewed shitload of times with success and then still forgot

>> No.23054989
File: 1.16 MB, 1852x2902, wEpweTt5PU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think the dictionary miner will surpass me soon.

>> No.23054998
File: 606 KB, 621x632, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im probably already surpassing him with how much fun i have with Japanese

>> No.23055005

how much fun are you having?

>> No.23055026

What book about kanji should I get? I need something to read at night because screens are fucking sleep. I would use it just to refresh my memory and write stuff on the book, so one of those kanji books would be nice.

>> No.23055032


>> No.23055034

i don't lol one reason i started learning was i love how the written language looks

>> No.23055041


>> No.23055046

I told you, the human derby is the only part of Kaiji that's kinda meh. I mean, some people like it, but I thought it didn't really have the same feel as the rest of the show. Everything before and after is kino tho.

>> No.23055048

i was watching a japanese let's play of dragon quest 7 and for some reason just started crying. there were a lot of emotions when i saw it and i don't know why. i want to start everything over.

>> No.23055052

its pretty cool so far in my opinion
is it worth watching season 2 tho?

>> No.23055092

why would someone mine the dictionary instead of getting juicy input?

>> No.23055097

>>/jp/?task=search&ghost=&search_text=%22juicy+input%22 this has never been used on /jp/ before?!

>> No.23055103

why did you decide to check this

>> No.23055107


>> No.23055111

I search for previous uses of phrases that catch my attention every now and then.

>> No.23055116

wym by everything
messed up mindset

>> No.23055128
File: 814 KB, 1333x2000, owen_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to go back to being 12 playing jrpgs on the 12" crt in my room i guess.

>> No.23055134

dont relate to that feel and i'm close to 30, do you despise me or do you envy me

>> No.23055140

dno but sounds like you should touch some manko

>> No.23055150
File: 787 KB, 1333x2000, owen_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering you're the tragic ending of the story, i guess i'd say i pity you

>> No.23055164

well, it is your freedom. it doesn't make me sad

>> No.23055165

it's more than just the games
that little boy is still in you
take the time to connect with him

>> No.23055169

being numb is not an accomplishment

>> No.23055186

i am an incel
i guess i am good looking enough to get easy tinder poon
thus i am a volcel
but you are otherwise correct

>> No.23055189

i don't really think of myself as a person with, or destined for, accomplishments, to say nothing of any kind of objective judgement on the matter, so i have to say i still feel fine or kind of neutral about what you have been saying to me so far

>> No.23055202

actually you're talking to someone else now

>> No.23055228

sex doesn't fix that kind of thing, it's just a temporary distraction
i'm not him. and it's not exclusive to this situation but a lot of people wear unfeelingness as some kind of badge of honor and its not. on the contrary it can indicate that the person has kept certain emotions buried and locked away for a long time causing them to become numb

>> No.23055229

alright. and okay, i mean yeah, if i got into the normal human range of having ambition and narcissism i'd probably feel incredibly empty and angered and saddened and what not about my life, but i am not a normie, so the notion is about as impenetrable to me as being gay is to straight people.

>> No.23055237

as opposed to being proud of feeling like a miserable sack of shit while being personally responsible for it at every step of the way?

>> No.23055240

sex alone doesnt, but having a nice girl does help quite a bit

>> No.23055251

>Take Kim fixed his broken charts
Guess he is alive

>> No.23055273

girls arent nice to me lol not unless i roleplay a character that is so unnatural to me that i dont want to bother

>> No.23055285

So if I'm getting it right, japanese has 5 'sounds', and 3 alphabets made up of those sounds? Or do shit other than hiragana use more?

>> No.23055289

start over

>> No.23055291

I started yesterday my dude. I'm just reading kae-tim's guide and he just sort of throws alphabets at you. A dozen of them. With little to no explanation.

>> No.23055300

exactly, 5 sounds: a i u e o n
w/ these you can communicate with japanese people and other people

>> No.23055303

start over

>> No.23055309

i get depressed from not being able to hear most japanese, but at least i can open the news and read a headline like this perfectly.. listening is such a bitch tho

>> No.23055338

thats like saying that you cant hear english but at least you can open djt and read 1 random one liner post "perfectly" and thats a weird way of being proud but i suppose you gotta take what you can get to stay afloat when ur depressed as you mention

>> No.23055369

does a jamal post count as being perfectly read if you cant do it with jamal's american pitch accent?

>> No.23055371

its just so hard hearing japanese unless i play it a few times or something, when i can read over 10k words, it feels overwhelming sometimes, so im just trying to really focus on the things i have improved on i guess.. im going to just start binge watching 20 shows a day

>> No.23055378

good way to make yourself hate anime

>> No.23055395

jamals a chink who lives in canada

>> No.23055406

well thats a letdown if true

>> No.23055419

32 year old anon here, might be too late to learn Japanese but I'll try anyway. Is the OP's guide still the way to go or are there any other options/extras I should be aware of?

>> No.23055421

read the guide before asking questions please

>> No.23055427

>read the guide
>which there are two of
>BOTH of which just link you to other guides
>broken versions of them
Just follow this bro its much better


>> No.23055431

you have kind of until 50 to become proficient, but you have to start now, so just do it

>> No.23055451

yea this i wish i had my childlike sense of wonder again but now i'm in some pseudo intellectual mode where nothing surprises or impresses me

>> No.23055460

sounds like me when i'm in fuouki

>> No.23055477

i wouldn't wait any longer if it something you really do want to do, because it is a tremendous amount of work and the sooner the better not to mention with each year itll be a little bit harder, im a little older than you and ill tell you its the hardest things ive ever done straight up

>> No.23055506
File: 574 KB, 1327x981, 1571607312808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op guide has a lot of dumb shit in it

>1. learn kana
don't worry about being perfect. using the kana drill tool on the itazuraneko site is the most efficient way of learning fast, but a little writing doesn't hurt. try to finish within 1 week.

>2. learn radicals
same as above, but use the kangxi radical deck. this is to stop kanji looking a confusing mess of random lines. try to finish within 2 weeks.

>3. read/watch a beginner-oriented grammar guide
sakubi, boiro and tae kim are the best options since you can read them with the help of nazeka or yomichan. pick *****one*****, read it *****once*****, then use it as a reference going forward when you don't understand something (hjgp and dojg are both useful for *****refrencing***** too).

>4a. begin reading and listening to native materials made by and for adult native speakers
this is hard as shit in the beginning but if you stick at it your brain will gradually figure things out and it will get easier. spend as much time on this per day as you can manage.

>> No.23055516

wtf theres a book that helps you get better than qm in just 90days

>> No.23055524
File: 56 KB, 1181x366, 1579447237999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder not to take advice from Jamal.

>> No.23055529

jamals still the only one who has acquired nihongo here

>> No.23055542

yea its fun if you like the culture and media. i enjoy the challenge and the progress as well, but damn its just a ton of time and dedication to even get decent. i was thinking if i went hard for a year id be "fluent" since ive always done great with whatever i tried in life, but im realizing its gonna be like 3+ years till im just functionally fluent and thats a lot of my life, thank god they got good anime music and movies or there is no way id make it

>> No.23055556

It took you longer than these threads have even existed to learn Japanese.

>> No.23055558

literally hayai

>> No.23055566
File: 52 KB, 550x297, 242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did my reviews in the train today which is why i was infinitely slower than usually
thankfully i was able to spend pretty much the entire train ride on something productive and finished just when i arrived, very cool

>> No.23055585
File: 23 KB, 287x400, 1566279755433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who are fluent and fucking gravure idols

>> No.23055588

i had sex with 2 gravure models.
i dont know much japanese
still consider it a win though

>> No.23055594

>i had sex with 2 gravure models.

>> No.23055600

>i had sex with 2 gravure models
at the same time?

>> No.23055602

it was actually a gravure and a jav actress.
while i was doing an interview for an international vlog, i got their contacts (not only theirs... but those are the only successes i had).
and thats how it started

>> No.23055612

this poster considers being told to go to sleep having sex

>> No.23055615

damn i will never be able to understand the lifes of 外向的s

>> No.23055616

k gonna kms

>> No.23055629

really weird that jamal is considerably more based & tradpilled than qm ever was

>> No.23055630

thx that helped a lot

>> No.23055634

i'd fuck some japanese guys just to see what its like

>> No.23055639


>> No.23055653
File: 12 KB, 312x177, 1566633960294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23055657

how hard is the idolmaster games for a sub 1000 kanji

>> No.23055671

i bet ciaran probably only made a huge backlog so he could beat my 1000 cards in one day record

>> No.23055674

im not the tandem anon...

nah... it was pretty cool, jamal. specially the gravure one.

from what i heard from other gaijins, its actually really easy to make it happen. just go for it

>> No.23055677

Learning radicals are for pussies
Just write every kanji 10-20 times and you will never forget it again unless you have brain damage

>> No.23055692

damn! my bad then. you have a cute heart <3

>> No.23055700

dude i'm just making innocent posts and you come at me like your pussy was set on fire calm down and don't come rage me just because you are having your period or whatever

>> No.23055710

thats my opinion as well

>> No.23055713
File: 911 KB, 336x252, 1561816624065.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23055717 [DELETED] 
File: 424 KB, 1128x1504, my.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't care about sex at all. i really just don't. all i want is to offer emotional support to my favorite vtuber. if i could do that i think i would fill a big part of the existential void in my soul and maybe start to become myself again.

>> No.23055718


>> No.23055748


>> No.23055760

how does feeling sad once make someone "a miserable sack of shit" and why bring pride into it that has nothing do to do with anything? it's not heathy to deny normal human emotions and by the way you've responded it's clear you're someone who's afraid of feeling yours

>> No.23055761

don't get what this has to do with what i posted. it's not the right vibe at all.

>> No.23055777


>> No.23055781

why do you gotta do those first two things so fast. feels arbitary.

>> No.23055795

idk dude, i wasnt the one who brought pride or accomplishment or the need to pity someone into this. i tried to use those on you or which ever normie is replying right now, and you can see just how groan-inducing this all is. i am not particularly emotionally swayed, it is just amusing

>> No.23055794

yeah i might have actually hit the same spot

>> No.23055798

why are rap videos so cringe

>> No.23055811

Shit production values
Weird habit of switching language, just alienating most people listening to it
A race of people like 1 foot smaller than anyone in europe on average from a country with strict gun laws trying to come off as physically tough or gangster
Seeming inability to rap on their own, always need their friends to do like half the vid for them

>> No.23055836

i think my software corrupted my save file lol no more ff7

>> No.23055837

there are ways to get it back
but you'd have to want it much more than you want to stay in your current state

>> No.23055854

u forgot the roof part

>> No.23055872

Is the
>learning japanese makes ur smarter
shit a meme?
looking for shit to make my brain healthy to avoid being a retard when i get to 70yo.

>> No.23055874

no fucking shit it's a meme

>> No.23055875
File: 248 KB, 823x624, anubis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look bro, nothing beats anubis hes the greatest lyrically too

>> No.23055882

idk if theres any proof of that pattern recognition shit, but theres also claims that knowing a second language helps or something but idc about that shit

>> No.23055900

better visual memory from learning kanji

>> No.23055908

There are studies who defend that people who read a lot are less likely to get alzheimer.

>> No.23055932

well reading in a foreign language you havent acquired yet must be harder than normal reading right
sounds like a good option

>> No.23055934

Do you expect anyone to believe that you are actually 69? The number looks like a joke.

>> No.23055938

honestly just learning 100 cards a day is so easy it's not even funny
but trying to get 100 cards is the hardest thing ever
and together with doing 20 new kanken cards (down from 40) and also having had to do a lot of other shit including a 2 hour train ride well i'm simply running out of time and can't make enough cards fucking hell
what do i do

>> No.23055939

uppercasers really living up to the reputation right now

>> No.23055952

i thought you said you werent gonna post mang
also youre not learning 100 cards a day you are at best memorising them

>> No.23055953


>> No.23055955

because people who read a lot are smarter on average to begin with

>> No.23055956
File: 199 KB, 750x1125, IMG_7699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread title is
>What do you regret you didn't know earlier in your learning career?

>> No.23055969

he's read over 100 LNs he was reading 5-6 hours a day looking everything up manually and estimates his vocab is over 40k

>> No.23055972

qm 屠るいんぐ those noobs left and right i love it

>> No.23055977

can't take this russian idiot seriously considering quiz and ciaran know way more words than his stupid ass. still want someone to invite him to the djt discord and watch him fail on the hard quiz

>> No.23055981
File: 218 KB, 750x1108, IMG_7700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23055983

i guess there is not much in lns that you need anki to learn

>> No.23055985

>tfw i can only watch approximately 6 minutes of anime per day because by then i'll have hit my new cards limit for the day from mining

>> No.23055988


>> No.23055989

this is a troll right?

>> No.23055991

>watched 5 hours of anime in a row today because the story got me interested

>> No.23055995

i'm addicted to posting
and yeah you can learn 100 cards a day just fine
maybe you can't imagine it because you either never tried it or are still in the early phases of learning japanese

>> No.23055996
File: 129 KB, 750x641, IMG_7701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23056019

>qm said to mine every word you don't know so he might not be trolling
he never said you should do this as a newb

>> No.23056031

i guess said otherwise even if you mine everything you see in lns eventually within like a year or two your mining reps would start taking less than 5 mins a day
this is how it worked for me at least

>> No.23056036

how much do i have to pay to fuck ai uehara or remu suzumori

>> No.23056037

the rarepotato guy also did stuff like core10k except he said he just repped them super fast "to get a rough idea of them" and then deleted them

>> No.23056043

6 hours of anki, 30mins of reading 1 nhk easy news article
thats how i do my shit

>> No.23056044

don't you mean vns

>> No.23056047

dno but you might be able to fuck even better girl for free (if you are white)

>> No.23056056

im white and tall but im a 6/10 at best and thats with a beard that id prolly have to shave off so it might be lower. tbqh i havent seen anyone im more attracted to than ai uehara

>> No.23056057


>> No.23056060

don't get people who read lns
it's like reading nukige without the porn

>> No.23056062

rare potato was saying he just learned こちとら in the last post someone showed of his lol don't think his vocab is 40k

>> No.23056064
File: 408 KB, 1021x3215, IMG_20200224_221950472~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the novel im reading

>> No.23056065

lns are so fucking stupid, manga without pictures and they ruined anime to boot. fuck lns.

>> No.23056066

can't listen to this without getting a bokki

>> No.23056067

if you're not supposed to mine every unknown word as a beginner, which words are you supposed to mine?
i'm at ~2500 words but stopped showing new cards on the premade vocab deck. i guess that's still beginner

>> No.23056070

doesn't that just mean it wasn't in the vns he read?

>> No.23056071

I'm wondering how to say, "I wish I knew Japanese".

日本語がわかるいいのに。Is that correct? Or...
日本語がしってますいいのに。Is that correct?

>> No.23056073


>> No.23056078

if he's read 100 it's hard to believe considering ive only read a few and seen it multiple times

>> No.23056080

sometimes you invite no-anki people to the quiz and they just win

>> No.23056081

maybe dont try to output just yet dude

>> No.23056083

you make the pictures in your head. they're fun if you have any imagination left at all
the ones that feel easy relative to words you already know and that refer to simple concepts

>> No.23056086

i don't get it?

>> No.23056087

>you make the pictures in your head. they're fun if you have any imagination left at all
how about reading an actual book

>> No.23056088

all super duper fucking wrong

>> No.23056104

what are you talking about

>> No.23056105

>implying it's not a reddit repost

>> No.23056106
File: 45 KB, 472x403, 100!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st time having 100% somewhere on my stats

>> No.23056110

100 paasento gei desu

>> No.23056147


>> No.23056154

ah, waiting for qm to notice it

>> No.23056166

why do they look like space delinquents? not interested in sol shit, dropped

>> No.23056170


>> No.23056179

is that the horrible scene everyone was talking about a few months back?

>> No.23056183

there are words that are so straightforward they don't even need a sentence on the card it just is what it is

>> No.23056184

wtf is this? get rekt kid

>> No.23056185

no idea what you're talking about

>> No.23056186


>> No.23056196


>> No.23056205


>> No.23056211

How long does it take to get through the Tae Kim guide?

>> No.23056213

this is how the coronavirus started supposedly or pangolin soup

>> No.23056227 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 320x426, 1570484917913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23056228

every link i post is fucking epic though you probably just don't understand any of it lol

>> No.23056255

that he is a hypocrite is old news

>> No.23056273

im still waiting till qm tries his first gf or something and just completely realizes mid sex that this isnt how things were meant to be for him and that he was gay for space boys all along

>> No.23056277 [DELETED] 

djt always turns to shit when people actually try to discuss japanese anyway

>> No.23056280 [DELETED] 

it went to shit when qm started spamming links that weren't related to anything

>> No.23056283 [DELETED] 

i unironically want to be this epic at 69

>> No.23056287

>and that he was gay for space boys all along
there has been a lot of fore shadowing can't wait for this arc to 幕が開く

>> No.23056288 [DELETED] 


>> No.23056290


>> No.23056294 [DELETED] 

/djt/ - quizmaster vs. jamal general

>> No.23056297 [DELETED] 
File: 946 KB, 1280x1794, UUU_015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guys stfu im trying to feel out this doujin

>> No.23056299 [DELETED] 


>> No.23056300 [DELETED] 

people just shit on whoever asks the question thats what makes it turn to shit

>> No.23056302 [DELETED] 

stfu tobira guy :^). quit 馬鹿馬鹿しい

>> No.23056303 [DELETED] 

"what button? where am i? who took my false teeth?" old man jamal raving again

>> No.23056304 [DELETED] 

think jamal is just so mad at me because he is jealous of all the jp i know

>> No.23056308

this looks great link me

>> No.23056327

the only firefox extension for highlighting netflix subs i can find is subadub, but it has low user base.
is it safe?

>> No.23056328

it was censored before you edited the pic

>> No.23056333

not enough for the faggot janny most likely

>> No.23056337

i'm deshite guy ask me anything

>> No.23056342

How the fuck do I actually learn all those kanji. It's just random mess of radicals and the further you go the bigger and more random it gets. I can barely keep the stuff I learned in my memory and adding new ones gets harder every day.

>> No.23056343

hnk is formulaic as fuck lol

>> No.23056344


>> No.23056347 [DELETED] 

sonnani awatenakutemo

>> No.23056348

oh great another homo

>> No.23056356

i like the anime planetes
i recommend the anime planetes

>> No.23056358

yea look how handsome he is

>> No.23056360 [DELETED] 

wow romaji is really an eyesore

>> No.23056361

wasn't that written by the same guy who wrote clannad?
i like the anime clannad
i recommend the anime clannad

>> No.23056362

why is this sure so fast 唐突に?

>> No.23056379


>> No.23056380

read and learn words in context

>> No.23056381

nonnke ha NG

>> No.23056382

you should have automatic backups in your anki appdata folder

>> No.23056385

good thing that replacement will be out next month

>> No.23056387

why do i always wanna read this as いじょう i'm so fucked

>> No.23056392

I can't really compare anything to thousands drawings of random lines.

>> No.23056395

weird, might be schizophrenia since people always read kanji correclty

>> No.23056403

frequency dictionary for yomichan also sorry i forgot to laugh at your earlier post claiming there's no frequency dictionary for yomichan

>> No.23056408 [DELETED] 

not sure why you're being an asshole.
what's your purpose?

>> No.23056409

異常 is a word too lol

>> No.23056410


>> No.23056411

if you see it its probably frequent enough
now stfu

>> No.23056413

read more

>> No.23056414 [DELETED] 

djt is the cool kids club. fuckin noobs get owned here

>> No.23056415

i didn't know it was available as a dictionary. what's it called?

>> No.23056417 [DELETED] 

lol and then he complains about other people being rude
what a two faced shit head

>> No.23056419 [DELETED] 

hes mad he got btfo earlier

>> No.23056422

From my experience every word appears pretty frequently until you learn it and then you wont see it again for months.

>> No.23056423 [DELETED] 

thats dum. ur dum. hypocrite.

>> No.23056426 [DELETED] 

yes because as a beginner i wouldn't bother mining word 38004.
you're just an asshole.

>> No.23056428

people take this acquiring japanese business too seriously. im just enjoying the ride. if i dont acquire some japanese at the end so be it!

>> No.23056429

stayed up late last night and finished my reps before bed

>> No.23056439 [DELETED] 

stop being a beginner

>> No.23056440 [DELETED] 

>with a mentality like that u will always stay one
you mean just like you?

>> No.23056443 [DELETED] 

Vote on this shit so I can finally understand who officially got btfo'd here


>> No.23056445

for you maybe

>> No.23056461 [DELETED] 

no its just 1 hundred

>> No.23056462

there's one on the yomichan website itself under the basic dictionaries header..

>> No.23056466 [DELETED] 

something really funny about this post

>> No.23056467 [DELETED] 

jamal on suicide watch after seeing how many people think he's an asshole

>> No.23056474 [DELETED] 

how the fuck

>> No.23056476 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 329x244, 1508541426297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what an asshole

>> No.23056481

jamals been acting like 窮鼠猫を噛む

>> No.23056485

>you は shock!!

>> No.23056491 [DELETED] 

>someone asks something
>be an asshole for no fucking reason and continue to withhold the thing that the poster wants out of spite
fuck off asshole. doesn't matter if you're right nor not at this point, you're just an asshole now

>> No.23056503

innocent corpus is not a frequency sorting and a appearance counter
that means that word popped up 13596 times in the innocent corpus
higher number means more common

>> No.23056505 [DELETED] 

Real talk, has Quizmaster gone off the rails? He's been going through severe psychological stuff and he looks increasingly irrational and narcissistic.

>> No.23056506

>Innocent Corpus:299886
ok i'm assuming i'm doing something wrong because this language doesn't even have 300k words

>> No.23056508

1100 posts and only 36 yous FUCK

>> No.23056510 [DELETED] 

just a temporary anger phase you go through on a much needed nf

>> No.23056513 [DELETED] 

what's your problem

>> No.23056520

it has over 1 million morphs tho

>> No.23056523 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 572x380, 1428645454086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23056524 [DELETED] 

he's been seeing boogymen everywhere for the past few weeks. its gotten so bad that he got rid of his trip because he can't function anymore with it. hopefully he recovers soon, it's always sad seeing a beloved personality develop schizophrenia

>> No.23056527 [DELETED] 

stfu tobira guy

>> No.23056529

ive been slacking. last time i remember we went this far i had over 100 yous

>> No.23056531 [DELETED] 


>> No.23056537
File: 23 KB, 500x499, 1582395809216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mining deck has over 700 cards
>haven't even finished the basic grammar section of tae kim
i think i've fucked up my priorities

>> No.23056544
File: 148 KB, 500x281, 125246362366459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23056546

i'm in the middle of watching something fuck off jesus fucking christ i told you i'd post it later fucking shitbag

>> No.23056549

try meditation to calm down

>> No.23056554

fuck i miss imouto and med tranny

>> No.23056556

okay it wasn't 4chan that slowed my laptop down i just didn't have the power plug in and it downclocked itself to save battery now that it's connected i'm on full speed again

>> No.23056557 [DELETED] 

My strawpoll >>23056443 got hijacked in favor of quizmaster. I created the strawpoll because the thread was looking like it was full of anti-jamal pro-quiz samefagging. Surely this isn't the handiwork of even one "QM fan" because such an entity would have been known. Ive seen people lose their mind before.

>> No.23056563 [DELETED] 

stfu tobira guy

>> No.23056568 [DELETED] 

why do you even care what i post lol
i havent posted about that for a month prolly

>> No.23056569

lol based, that fit was hard as hell with that backpack

>> No.23056571

worst blog ever

>> No.23056573 [DELETED] 

It’s super cringe to flirt with the meditation tranny and act like you were being unironic. Like you aren’t being funny. At all. Pretending to be a simp isn’t funny and it’s not like we are going to think you are cool for talking to a girl like she’s a prized possession.

>> No.23056574

tfw you will never feel 100g of adrenaline rushing through your body while 雄叫びing with your fellow 歩兵s while 邀撃ing the enemy 脇s in a time of war in ancient japan


>> No.23056578 [DELETED] 

shut da fuck up
>random japanese words in english sentences
see the suggestion i made above

>> No.23056580 [DELETED] 

“ur a schizo” is the dumbest no argument insult just kill yourself

>> No.23056583
File: 59 KB, 380x960, oldtimes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23056587

this is the sure with the most 悪意 in 2020

>> No.23056592

great post anon gonna mine these words now

>> No.23056593

hate the last 1

>> No.23056594 [DELETED] 

well anyway this thread is getting too pointless to visit even for me
going to get my 100 words for the day now gb

>> No.23056596

wow didnt know there was a word tailor made for qm lmaooo

>> No.23056606 [DELETED] 

well cool i might actually stick around this time since your annoying ass is gone

>> No.23056609 [DELETED] 

waiting for the new thread so i can make a cool post

>> No.23056614 [DELETED] 

cant wait bro, definitely giving you a (you)

>> No.23056618 [DELETED] 

shut da fuck up tobira guy

>> No.23056619

mining is overwhelming me. i have to mine like 3 words per sentence help

>> No.23056620 [DELETED] 

based bro who just makes cool posts and doesn’t tell people to stfu every 10 seconds

>> No.23056621

it'll go down eventually

>> No.23056631 [DELETED] 

is tobira qm's rogue tulpa or what?

>> No.23056632

you need at least 6k words to watch the simplest animes made for kids. 10k lets you start reading light novels. yeah, you're in for the long haul

>> No.23056636

anime and drama freq dict is in this pack

there is a yomichan vn freq dictionary as well which you can find in the jp archives which apparently utilized a more accurate method.

>> No.23056655 [DELETED] 

eating 200g of ヌテラ wasn't a 名案

>> No.23056659 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23056678 [DELETED] 

when i did this in my fat days my asshole got absolutely fucking rekt from the putrid stinkers i was dropping

>> No.23056699 [DELETED] 

cursed thread

>> No.23056706 [DELETED] 

wait for the next one. theres going to be cool posts in that one

>> No.23056714 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.31 MB, 1278x718, 1582586519840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished tales of zestiria. another mediocre show in the books. generic plot, generic goodie two shows you cant kill mc, generic half baked "world building" that you need to play the games/read the whatever the fuck for it to not feel hollow etc etc.

at least the visuals carried it.

>> No.23056718

*shoes fuck

>> No.23056735

restarted watching one piece from episode 660 think i can enjoy it again after a year break.

>> No.23056740

i could never enjoy that gay trash

>> No.23056744

why do raw new releases on nyaa get so many downloads? are people that impatient to wait for eng sub or are they all learning nihongo lol i guess it could be natives downloading it to be fair

>> No.23056745

>install subadub for firefox thinking "let's go mine my neighbour totoro"
>only available subs are russian and french
the fuck is this?

>> No.23056747 [DELETED] 

i usually look into the toilet bowl after a big shit to see my work but i forgot earlier today, thankfully ur post got me covered

>> No.23056749

youve just gotta set free your inner child.

>> No.23056755

okay so apparently this extension has a gambling feature to it because everytime i refresh different subs are available. first it was russian and french, then german and on 3rd refresh japanese [cc]
but for what purpose?

>> No.23056758

the fuck are you doing

>> No.23056771

im at the beginning of season 4 but now that dieweeb is kill i just stopped watching it
dont feel like downloading that shit since i already have fuckload of shows downloaded

>> No.23056777

I download raws every now and then and its almost all Japanese IPs in the peer list. A small minority are from Korea, Taiwan etc. and then finally the Western IPs are very very sparse.

>> No.23056780

can't decide which harem romcom to watch next

>> No.23056784

worst genre in anime hands down

>> No.23056791

well it's my favorite

>> No.23056794

well on one hand youre lucky cause there are a billion shows to chose from but on the other you are a fucking idiot so idk

>> No.23056805

using subadub extension to make Netflix subtitles scannable.
you have to pick the subtitles in the addon interface though, the vanilla netflix ones don't become scannable.
but for some reason the available subs are random or some shit because i had to refresh the movie 3 times before japanese became an available option.

>> No.23056815

jwotd: 喑啞

>> No.23056822

just get this extension for chrome and watch Netflix on it ffs

>> No.23056823

use the language learning with netflix addon instead i recently switched and its so much better

>> No.23056830

wheres the subtitles

>> No.23056831

can you link a japanese dictionary definition of this

>> No.23056834



>> No.23056837

how do you know it's in that

>> No.23056839

this is the jisho i'm currently holding in my hands my tomogara

>> No.23056841

ugh, i guess i have no other choice but i hate having to use 2 browsers for different things and fuck chrome. also i'll have to set up yomichan all over again ugh

>> No.23056845


>> No.23056846

mister complainer

>> No.23056847

yeah its just qm learning chinese

>> No.23056860

it has a yomi interface built into it dude, and then just select them and copy paste into anki or notepad in 2 sec.. i hate chrome too but that add on is worth it

>> No.23056872

that extension ha gei da
you can't even copy buns without furigana fucking shit up

>> No.23056885
File: 111 KB, 1024x681, いわしぐも.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have a lot of names for this

>> No.23056893

buns? what are u talk bout

>> No.23056895

go shut the furigana off in settings retard

>> No.23056910

nippongo, do you hanasu?!

>> No.23056918

ngl, I like the word feeling of "copy buns"

>> No.23056927


>> No.23056952
File: 658 KB, 917x516, mpvnet_p12SoheUBp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hOyl SHit

>> No.23056954
File: 33 KB, 480x236, 火のし.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23057002
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>> No.23057074

oh no no no no get a load of this pleb everyone

>> No.23057085

>used to be like you
>now i just stream anime like a pleb
>watch much more anime
>live much happier life in general
Conform to the masses anon, it's not so bad in 360p

>> No.23057097

>>watch much more anime
>>live much happier life in general
bro torrenting an anime is so fucking easy how in the fuck can a literal 2 minute barrier (till the first episode downloads) matter

>> No.23057104

i never watch seasonal shit why

>> No.23057111

feel bad for noobs who don't have ab accounts ive had one for over a decade now

>> No.23057114

I've never had an experience that smooth with anything that wasn't seasonal or something pulled from every losers "top 10 popular anime" list. Seeds are few and far between for a lot of anime, it's much easier to just stream it rather than wait even 2 mins for an episode, I don't have time for that shit.

>> No.23057119


what kind of literal retard deliberately subjects himself to 360p bit-starved stream shit when high quality bd torrents are just as easily available

>> No.23057126

here's an idea. why not download stuff in advance......??

>> No.23057130

>Seeds are few and far between for a lot of anime
there's plenty of seeds for like 95% of shows and that's being charitable to the anti torrent side.
>rather than wait even 2 mins for an episode
so glad most people here aren't this retarded. my guess it's a very shallow and casual kind of watcher that 2 minutes could make or break their watching something. i don't mean casual in taste but so casual that i don't understand why someone is even dedicating time to the medium in the first place.

>> No.23057146

got over 200 shows lined up on a drive i'd rather die than stream anime fuck

>> No.23057150

irc bots are annoying cause you need to dl one at a time and usually they're a lot slower

>> No.23057152 [DELETED] 

just masturbated to a doujin with these tags big breasts, paizuri, huge breasts
super proud moment for me

>> No.23057153

make backups
i've lost like 600GiBs worth of nukige in 2019

>> No.23057160

just need a power generator that runs on gasoline it'll serve me until the end times

>> No.23057171 [DELETED] 

it needs to be drawn well for it to work bro
also having a oppai loli doing it helps

>> No.23057180

idk man it's just annoying cause sometimes the pack numbers aren't in a serial order so you gotta go back and check and shit it's just way more annoying than 1 click and it's all done i mean you can always prioritise the first episode in your torrent client if you wanna watch it immediately

>> No.23057182 [DELETED] 

not judging but it sounds like your vanilla to the max

>> No.23057205

for 95% of shows i can get a complete bd rip on nyaa with one click in like 10 or 20 minutes dunno why i'd bother with irc and shit

>> No.23057207 [DELETED] 

another dream crushed

>> No.23057228

yeah i can see that but i'm not into super fast releases since i tend to watch new shows only after they've accumulated a few eps and as for the public tracker thing i slap a vpn on and it's fine

>> No.23057232

is there any way to find nips to talk with that arent ameriboos? i can speak it without problem and i understand most conversations as long as they try to avoid old literature shit, but in the pages i tried they either completely ignore you or are literal ameriboos that love everything about america and as you can see by my level of english im not even american, im european
my writting/reading kinda sucks, i never tried learning it until ''recently'' so im quite slow writing since i need to check if the kanjis that the keyboard is using are the ones that i want to use
the pages that i tried feels literally like tinder shit, i dont mind getting a gf but im sincerely just interested in having friends that share my interest which is mostly anime/manga/games/history/vtubers

>> No.23057245

just tell them you love that mickey mouse guy and hamburgers and try switching topic

>> No.23057246

why would you put an s

>> No.23057255

do mobages count as online because i dont really want to get into mmo stuff, my knowledge of japanese sites are basically 2ch/5ch/matomes

it doesnt work because they either talk about irl places or american movies that i sincerely dont give a single fuck about, and sometimes the times i tried talking with them take literally ages to write if they even do it, most likely, most of them are busy talking with weebs from america who want to get married to live in japan or something(and im not going to lie i also do plan to do that at some point, but i do rather do it more directly than going through this to find a girlfriend) and isnt even for the timezone stuff, they literally spend 3-5+ days without writing anything at all but they are all the time in the site connected

>> No.23057260 [DELETED] 


>> No.23057290 [DELETED] 

got this sudden urge to become an artist

>> No.23057318

ok, i will give it a try, also i found out that ''lately''(around 1? year ago) nips are starting to use discord, is there any place where i can look for nips discords?

>> No.23057334

found this sometime ago, but havent joined any servers myself https://disboard.org/ja/servers

>> No.23057495

what the fuck is even a mononofu?
Reading utawarerumono and saw this word but i cant fucking find even mentions of it on google.

>> No.23057500

武士 you seem to be pretty bad at googling

>> No.23057504


>> No.23057507

it's a poetic word for warrior with strong associations with feudal war

>> No.23057512

you're a nerd for knowing that

>> No.23057518

you just see it a lot if you play a lot of games bro

>> No.23057523

why do アンキ (暗記) when you can do instead アンキ(晏起)


>> No.23057524

meant to reply to >>23057512

>> No.23057526

Its bushi not mononofu.

>> No.23057527

this has a strong association with hemorrhoids *shoves foot up ass*

>> No.23057529

it can be read both ways noob

>> No.23057530

look at the jmdict entry for 武士

>> No.23057532

i can tell snagging a nip gf would from a motivational standpoint be a huge boon to learning as long as she doesn't know english. but i'm very racist and wouldn't respect her and wouldn't want to have mixed kids.

>> No.23057533
File: 5 KB, 602x88, busi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know what these brackets mean?

>> No.23057535

nice blog

>> No.23057536


>> No.23057538

what's wrong with blogging

>> No.23057542

why does 改めて mean "once again" when 改めてる means to "change and do something new"

>> No.23057543

i said it was nice

>> No.23057545

stop thinking in english

>> No.23057547

sorry thought it was sarcasm

>> No.23057549

it means it can be written that way

>> No.23057566
File: 219 KB, 879x755, quizmaster and ciaran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes I do know more words than the average japanese native

>> No.23057570

yeah i'm racist too and wmaf kids are like the absolute worst

>> No.23057571

thats a lot of nerds

>> No.23057575

i wouldn't mind having a wmaf kid if they didn't seem to disproportionately turn into elliot rodger or daniel types.

>> No.23057583

yeah just make another tachibanamary

>> No.23057585

ive never claimed to know more words than the average native though. i don't care about stuff like that.
