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22985531 No.22985531 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a weekend NEET thread

>> No.22989933
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Recently became a neet and I already want to escape. Playing touhou, unimeko and rpgs no longer give me pleasure when I realise the massive weight of the future about to crush me.
How do you guys stay NEET for so long?

>> No.22989944
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All of my previous online groups have fallen apart or grown too cancerous. How can I meet new friends? The loneliness is getting to me.

>> No.22990066


>> No.22990396

I also want to meet new friends. I am not a NEET though. Just a weekend NEET.

>> No.22990424

How to sustain the NEET lifestyle?

>> No.22992387
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Some people are just natural born NEETs. The truNEET understands that there is no tomorrow, only today. I don't get along with people very well, and I managed to get on autismbux, plus I don't find it difficult to keep myself occupied like some people seem to.

>> No.22994514
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Can I afford to not looking or doing formal jobs if I'm already at miv4t's level? I don't hate working but I hate the inflexibility of working under someone or the high demands asked from you if you run your own businesses
Born from rich parents and have rental properties income

>> No.22996330
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I used to be in a lot of active chats and people would frequently dm me. Now all the chats and dms are practically dead.
How did I even find chats to join? How was I able to talk to people in dms and keep conversations going; I'd be talking to some people all the time outside of the group chat, sometimes for years.
How did I do it, and why did it stop.
They were all small and comfy chats too, not big public ones. I don't remember how I even found them, but I was able to... and now I can't. Being along irl + online isn't good.

It's been getting to me so much that I even recently graduated from being a neet and went back to college. Now I'm looking for a job.

>> No.22998265

おめでとうございます. Don't backslide by using 4chan and chat as your drug lapse.

>> No.22999056

I assume you mean in terms of art ability? I can't comment on it directly, but I'm friends with a guy who has been doing art commissions for probably 6 or 7 years and can easily make $100+ per picture. The catch is that he's willing to draw almost anything - including porn, obviously, people pay more for niche fetishes apparently - and he lives with his parents who are reasonably well off. If you advertise yourself well on Twitter you'll probably get people approaching you willing to pay alot for art of their game character or something, but the artist you posted seems to be above that in terms of ability. I like it alot.

I don't draw myself but I'd say that posting your works on websites like Artstation are a good start. I've read that MTG artists get paid about $1000 per picture plus royalties if any of their artwork gets made into other merchandise (prints, deck boxes, sleeves etc). Before I stopped playing, there would be about 200-250 cards per set, and a new set would release every 4 months.

>> No.22999549
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ive been working for 4 and a half months now and i must say i don't really miss the truNEET life where i did nothing.

then again, i do not work full time and my type of job has many frequent breaks where i have no shifts, which is a problem for some but not for me. it's the ideal work schedule for a former truNEET. i don't even want to imagine going from truNEETdom to a full time 40+ hour week wageslave job all year round

>> No.22999625

The mad changer

>> No.22999690
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Why do you all hate being a neet? You get to do anything that you want as long as it's not too expensive... Learn drawing, coding, playing musical instrument, anything that you like

>> No.22999714

How much does it cost to go to Gensokyo?

>> No.22999780

depends on the method you use, there are many free ways depending on how much work you want to put in

>> No.22999900
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One can only hope...

>> No.22999968

Gensokyo is as close as the nearest tall building or bridge

>> No.23000009

Most people don't know what to do with themselves. They need direction and someone to direct them.

>> No.23000072

Personally I just have no drive. No drive to be productive with my time, nor do I enjoy anything. Get nothing out of it, no matter what "it" is. Just feel dead.
Having a job doesn't change that, but at least it's a responsibility.

>> No.23000092

Wake yer brain with psychedelics m8

>> No.23000154

Sometimes I really do believe that most humans exist solely to be slaves.

What's the point in being alive if you need someone to tell you what to do?

>> No.23000416

Thanks to not being a NEET I can visit Japan once a year for Comiket and buy all new releases I might ever want from all major events like Comiket and Reitaisai when not attending in place

>> No.23000471

Seems like a massive waste of money when most of the stuff will get uploaded for free eventually, and I already have enough material to last me until the next ice age. Maybe if you live in a neighboring country it isn't so bad, though.

>> No.23000509


You either have never visited Comiket and massively underestimate how much content is released there each time or you think I only look after ero doujinshi from the most popular circles.

Because best material I have is all non-ero doujinshi and that never gets scanned almost as a rule. I also want my music to be CDs. Also if you can buy the releases in person you can get the author's autographs which is a BIG DEAL.

>> No.23001400

>and that never gets scanned
How about you do the responsible thing?
>Also if you can buy the releases in person you can get the author's autographs which is a BIG DEAL.
I've attended the winter comiket twice now, and never got one of these. Too shy to ask for it I guess.

>> No.23001533

I don't care for physical media, and non-ero fanworks generally don't appeal to me.

Honestly, even if there was 10 times the content that never got scanned, it wouldn't be worth the cost. Besides, these days more and more guys are double-dipping by putting it online after comiket.

>> No.23001844

all the things you listed involve work retard

>> No.23002305


My biggest regrets every time I've attended have been 1. not buying enough non-h doujinshi and 2. not asking the signature from all the creators I like, both music and doujinshi circles.

Most creators I've talked with have been appreciative if you can converse in and ask for a signature in Japanese. Usually they're surprised they have fans on the other side of the world.

>How about you do the responsible thing?

Best thing you can do is to buy their works from melonbooks / toranoana / whatever store they sell at. Many ero artists seem to sell their works digitally after physical release at an event, but I don't see as many non-ero artists doing the same.

>> No.23002740

Yeah I'm talking in terms of art ability. Thanks anon, I really appreciate your stories because I'm in pretty similar situation as your friend (living with relatively well off parents though I manage family businesses, not doing art)

>> No.23003286

This comiket I random-bought:
Despite being random-bought, they turned out to make me happiest among everything I bought.
>Best thing you can do is to buy their works from melonbooks / toranoana / whatever store they sell at.
I do that to get whatever I missed, when at all possible.
>my biggest regret
Every time, it is to not organize with enough time. The other time I barely did any planning, this time I used the application in the DVD catalog, which helped a real deal, but only a couple days before, and from memory (with no access to what I bought previous time).
I'll try and do better next time. It might be the summer if everything goes as planned.

>> No.23008468 [DELETED] 

Haha no

>> No.23012264
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I spend most of my time at home and rarely go out. The majority of my life is spent online. I don't know if I'm happy or sad. I have a lot of problems dealing with people and anxiety. Medications has helped so much in the past few years it's like I'm released from a prison of anxiety and fear. Though, I still can't completely function in a normal work environment. After lots of attempts to change, to get used the real world, I just gave up and have stayed inside. Maybe one day I'll be normal.

For now, what I love doing though, what keeps me from offing myself, is learning Japanese and reading Japanese websites like 5ch, sometimes futaba, chiebukuro, etc. That challenge to understand those sites without having to deal with people face to face is great. One day I hope to be able to talk to some in real life but for now all I can handle is online interaction.

One day I will reach a point that Japanese will no longer be a challenge. Then what shall I do? I don't know. But for now I am enjoying the journey while my parents keep me taken care of.

Another dream I've had is to be the one who scans raws and uploads them to the internet but in the finest quality and quicker than everyone else. Maybe that'll be what I do next.

Weird dreams, huh? I am so thankful to have a such a supportive family that I can make these dreams a reality.

>> No.23012865
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Shut-in NEET for almost 3 years here
It was fun the first year but now the boredom is killing me. I spend most of my time sleeping and 4chan is pretty much my only social outlet

>> No.23013916

There's nothing wrong with working to get better at something you're interested in.
Being a NEET doesn't mean you can't put effort into a skill you enjoy.

>> No.23013971

truNEETs do nothing but mindlessly browse net, play gemu and sleep.

>> No.23014014

You aren't a truNEET if you haven't self-taught yourself at least Japanese.

>> No.23014056

that's truweeb

>> No.23014073

TFW play quake 3.

>> No.23014184

12 years NEET this year
11 years with no online friends

>> No.23014870

I recently became a NEET after failing two semesters of community college because i was too much of a terrified loser to go to class. I'm slowly getting further and further detached from any IRL people who could help me change this, what can i do

>> No.23015097

I was a chad but then I got sick and now I have to spend most of my time in bed. So an enforced NEET? Took a while to adjust but now I'm OK with it. You sure find out quick who your real friends are i.e. almost no one. Thank fuck I don't live 50 years ago tho, I couldn't cope without the internet and getting anything I want delivered to my doorstep or downloaded or streamed etc

>> No.23015263
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how do you survive that long gor 12 years? does your family support you?
i'm getting closer to ending up like that, a neet for life...i don't know how long i can make it without leeching off my family though.

>> No.23015277


>> No.23015358

tfw too educated and driven for NEET but too shut-in for normalcy.

>> No.23015427

Literal shut in loser virgin NEET with no friends, self taught Japanese, I play VNs all day and eat like shit. I have a 135 IQ or something and feel kind of bad for wasting it. Dropped out of uni because I was tempted back into being a shut in halfway through the first year due to a mixture of laziness and social anxiety. I like teaching things to myself but tests and classroom environments are like poison to me for some reason. Can't see myself getting better any time, I knew this would happen to me since I was like 14 and I used to cry myself to sleep about it too.

>> No.23015591

I don't really think about my future much and I count my blessings for not being forced to work for a wage that's barely even more than NEETbux.
t. neet for 6 years

>> No.23016820
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I wish I was truNEET so I could teach myself Japanese. Now I am just too tired after my mentally exhausting job.

>> No.23017025

Do whatever makes you happy. On the other side of the coin, you can work hard and you may end up with nothing of value regardless. Of course, even if you do go out and achieve all of your dreams, you will still have to say goodbye to everything someday. There is no final victory in life.

There is nothing intrinsically wrong with being NEET, but if it's making you miserable you have to try something else, no matter what you perceive the costs to be. If your lifestyle is making you miserable, you cannot just tolerate it. You have to make a change.

>> No.23017168
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I used to make fun of people that said being NEET was bad for their heads but now that I'm nearing 10 years as a NEET I'm starting to go insane myself
I need a fucking hug

>> No.23017970

I will become truNEET when I finish my PhD.

>> No.23017971

you realize it only after 10 years?

>> No.23018597

Well, when you're years in and still feeling great about it and you're constantly seeing people talking about being NEET for 6 months was maddening you start to think you're really fucked up enough to be built for this.
It's the foolishness of youth.

>> No.23021084
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TruNEET here. I live on disability and have my own place. It's pretty comfy. I don't really struggle with my NEEThood like some people. I have accepted that the NEET life is right for me. I am not rich but I have all the free time I want, which is great.

>> No.23021166

how many of you are from the USA? i've been a NEET for 10 years now but i leech from my family. i don't think it's possible to get cozy welfare like some people in this thread.

>> No.23021817

Since when were NEET threads allowed again anyway? I remember they started getting deleted on sight in like 2012.

>> No.23021985

People go insane without being NEETs all the time, too.
Try visiting a bar sometimes and see what kind of people hang out there.

>> No.23023815

I've done that. You're right, but it's not the same kind of insane.

>> No.23028198


>> No.23029274

What makes you insane about being a NEET exactly?

>> No.23033072
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>ill kill myself when im older, these other hiki/neets on /jp/ are all older than me and still posting
>being hikineet is great, how will i spend this year
>ill kill myself when im older
>another year to waste doing nothing
>it's not too bad being a neet at this age
>i still have some years left
>ill kill myself when im older
>why is everyone younger than me now? why is jp a normalfag/thread general wasteland?
>where did everyone from before go?

..when im older

I've enjoyed hiki/NEET life in the moment with the idea it was going to end this way, but it feels like it's almost over. Hoping an opportunity comes soon.
Still, it was probably comfier than decades of wage slavery. But some years I can't remember happening at all.
Apologies for this cancer format, I'm quoting my thoughts each year because I'm too dumb to write properly anymore


>> No.23036233 [DELETED] 


>> No.23036695

dont give up, your real life is about to begin

>> No.23036722
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>some years I can't remember happening at all
I can understand that very well.
t. 9+ years level 99 NEET

>> No.23037859

It's not being a NEET that erodes your mind, it's the isolation. At some point you straight up start to hear voices and spend hours coming up with conversations with people in your head. That's extremely draining for some reason, and makes doing anything or even getting out of bed hard. It's as if at some point your brain just stops registering online interaction as interaction, and a sense of dread starts to crush you. The fact I have a genetic disease that causes me pain 24/7 doesn't help either, but that's not really applicable in general.
The only explanation I can think of is that there must probably be some important chemical your brain only releases as a response to proximity with other humans that I must have reached dangerously low levels of. It's been three years since another human being touched me.

If you're a NEET but still some form of intimacy with someone and a healthy body and such, you probably could go for as many years as I have or even longer without losing your mind, or maybe even at all.

>> No.23037942

I'm 28 years old and I have already wasted my entire life.

>> No.23038400

I find that really hard to imagine. Being to close to humans, doesn't matter who, gives me anxiety and makes me feel uncomfortable. Being by myself gives me peace and there's little exceptions to that.
Being touched? I find that extremely uncomfortable, I never liked it.
And I'm old enough to have experienced enough socialization and enough isolation to know both.
I must lack that chemical you talk about, truth is I never believed all that talking about humans needing social interaction to be happy. For me it's the complete opposite, it's the little social interaction I have that makes me unhappy.

>> No.23038402
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>> No.23038412

does anyone on jp even browse or create non general/2hu dump threads anymore?
I wanted to make one but it'll be embarrassing to be ignored

>> No.23038464

How is it embarrassing? We're all anonymous here.

>> No.23038506

it wouldn't work unless a few people joined in

>> No.23039065
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I think I could have enjoyed being a neet if I never took psychotropics. They do more damage than they fix; fucked me up real bad. Being happy as a neet depends on you being able to actually enjoy things and having a productive drive. If you lack either of those, it's an absolutely miserable experience tantamount to hell. But that's enough of this r9k tier self loathing, lets turn this thread around and get comfy.

Got a new pen tablet and computer recently, able to actually do some digital art. Haven't played any games since, just drawing and listening to music. Also returned to college after quitting 4 years ago. Workin' on that BA so I can get a teaching job in Japan eventually. Rural hokkaido would be ideal. Even though I'm in school, I might as well be a neet still. Classes take such minimal effort and all my stuff is online, spend maybe two hours a week on them.

>> No.23039337
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>> No.23039384

>Even though I'm in school, I might as well be a neet still.

>> No.23039768

Ne travaillez jamais ! ! !

>> No.23040098

That's a rather astute yukkuri.

>> No.23041308

Those are some big words for an onahole.

>> No.23041718

That is a very easy yukkuri that neet anon is lucky.

>> No.23041935

I used to feel exactly like you did, which is exactly why I've found the shift so unsettling. it happened so slowly I didn't even notice. Not to say the same thing is guaranteed to happen to you, but maybe the little interaction you do get is what prevents you from having too much of a good thing (solitude) and having it turn into a bad thing. Just a thought.

>> No.23041987

mommy nagging me to get a job

>> No.23043151 [DELETED] 


>> No.23044633

Like what this >>22999690 enlightened anon said, neet is great. I spent 2yrs as a neet, drawing everyday which allowed me to build up my drawing skills. Now I fulfilled my lifelong goal of publishing a manga all thanks to being a fulltime neet back then.
The idle times of being a neet gives the opportunity to a person to think of what you truly want to do.

Semi-neet I argue may be a even more comfortable and satisfying lifestyle for those weak-willed to social pressures.
Nowadays I'm a semi-neet which may be the next step of neetdom for some people. Ended up getting one of those delivering food on bikes and feel like an anime protagonist. It's the perfect side gig as it's independent work where you're your own boss, work whenever you want, 1hr a day of cycling and the exercise is good. Semi-neet I argue may be a even more comfortable and satisfying lifestyle for those weakw-willed to social pressures.

Get some kind of independent side gig you neets if you are mentaly weak and can't help but feel anxiety to what you feel others may think of you as I am. Teach an music instrument if you can play, deliver food if you live in a city, teach english if you have absolutely no skill etc... I make much less then neetbux but I have the freedom to leave for holidays whenever I feel like it as I don't have to sign the shit when I collect money every week in my country.

>> No.23045134

you're either NEET or not

>> No.23045247

>Now I fulfilled my lifelong goal of publishing a manga
Doujin or serialised?

>> No.23045256

I do occasionally, but only when I have something original to discuss.

I think part of the issue is that many common topics that aren't 2hu are already in a general, or someone makes and maintains one if there isn't one, so the margin between "already in a general" and "not otaku culture (TM)" is increasingly relegated to topics that won't start a discussion.

It also doesn't help that there is at least one poster who actively seeks out unprecedented threads to derail/bump them off.

That's still not embarrassing, though. Just because no one on /jp/ wanted to discuss it is not any sort of value judgement on the topic.

>> No.23045411

You couldn't create an interesting AND on topic thread to save your life. You'll just either post some anime screencap and get banned or something about actual Japan and wonder why people here for virtual Japan don't care.

You can just pretend to be several people either by changing your ip or just posting a few times. No one's really going to look at the ip count before reading a few posts unless they're looking for reasons to hate your thread anyway and if you even get two more, no one will know who posted what. You're going to need to actively contribute to it if you want it to live anyway.

>> No.23045547

I really like threads about academic approaches to otaku culture or related topics, but I have to be in a specific mood to read them and contribute.

>> No.23045565

Currently a NEET to give myself time to think.

I'm not afraid of working or getting into relationships and be married but I'm afraid as fuck of having children. I don't mind the big responsibilities, I'm just afraid as fuck of the uncertain future of my country (I'm well-off even by western standards but I live in a poor and unstable country). Moving out of the country is always an option but delaying having kids will result in really harsh judgement from everyone I know, what not with the fact that delaying having kids results in kids with lesser health and intelligence. Social expectations are really scary honestly

>> No.23046121

I know what you mean, but sometimes what you wish for it's not what you really need.
Right now just having someone in the same building is painful for me, I'm so estranged to all that anyone seems too aggresive, noisy and annoying. Worse is it's nothing that improves with time, but it gets worse, the more I interact with people the more I get tired of any human interaction.
You could say that if I could spend the next 5 years in total isolation I would miss human contact, but that would be like craving for coffee for years then having a cup and just remember the taste actually sucked.

>> No.23046724

Stop reading and posting on 4chan for a week and see how you feel.

>> No.23046824

Not too long ago I spent 7 months without even internet and it wasn't a big deal, I mostly lurk here anyways.

>> No.23046849

Any advice on how to actually learn to draw? I drew as a child but gradually stopped. As an adult none of the resources I've found seem to actually teach anything.

>> No.23047334

Use your eyes, copy what shapes and such that you see when you draw.
You can do that for both realistic and stylized pics, the more you draw the more of a "visual library" you'll build (if that makes sense) and it'll be easier to draw and experiment with it.

>> No.23047359

I'm not a NEET anymore jaypee but I wish I was. I miss living the dream.

>> No.23047695

To be honest, and not to say this in an insulting way, but that really sounds like you've started to lose your mind yourself, just in a very different way. That level of paranoia can't be healthy.

>> No.23047705

Uh, not at all, I'm quite sane. I just live in a big city in a mediterranean country, you can't imagine how annoying people can be here.

>> No.23047750

I live in a big south american city, so I have a good idea. But hey, if you say so, it's not like I'm a professional or anything. More power to you, my dude.

>> No.23047762

Keep trying to justify it anon.

>> No.23047792
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3 years on NEETdom here. I don't know what to do with my life. So I take it easy for now.

>> No.23047800

I'm supposed to be happy about hearing 24h of people screaming, children crying, drunkards and atrocious music?
Maybe I'm truly sick and I should be happy about it, I don't know, truth is the rest of the people seems to enjoy it so maybe you're right.

>> No.23047905

The only reason I have to stop being NEET is to live alone again, which is a pretty big incentive.

>> No.23047968

Half a dream is more than most people will get in their life.

>> No.23048216

That's called being a Freeter, not a NEET.

>> No.23048577

What kind of job?

>> No.23048729

It probably won't last. I started work in a supermarket on three, 5 hour evenings. They gradually kept increasing the days and hours without my consent until I was scheduled for full time, forced to stay for overtime every day, shit like 11 pm finishes followed by 4 am starts, and doing the department manager's job without the pay. Every time I tried to change it, they'd make excuses about how they can't do it now but will in a few months, then completely ignore it and give more work until I just quit outright.

>> No.23049072

I've been a NEET for a pretty long time but I can't say it was a conscious decision, a path I want to own, or that I've made the most of it.
I just feel like I have no idea what to do with my life because I believed what everyone told me about my borderline limitless potential; I feel as if, if I were to become an artist a good musician would disappear, if I were to become a good psychologist as I once intended then a good writer might disappear, and so on.

I still believe that I could do all of that with the right direction but I have no idea how to get there and time is catching up to me.

>> No.23050244

Self-published 150pg one-shot on Amazon. There was a story I wanted it out there in the world and I also love anime to an obsessive unhealthy level, that was my diehard push as a neet to draw manga.

Without the pressures of money, there's the freedom to focus on pure art and not creating something for monetary gain. Focusing on the money is a betrayal of art, also the fact that you won't feel your efforts wasted if it doesn't make money.
There's always the novelist path as well. If I didn't like my Chinese cartoons so much I would have chosen to write a book instead and anybody can do this. Why wouldn't we? We neets love escapisim. Publishing is easy in today's world, and then all you need is that preservance and a routine/habit everyday working on writing/drawing.

All these wagecucks spending 2/3 of their day focused on work, raising family, paying mortgages etc.. Pathetic waste of life. There's nothing more meaningful in my enlightened neet opinion then devoting one's life to creating art. Ching chong cartoons was what I liked the most, so I created manga. If music is your favourite then create/learn music etc...

>> No.23055016

>Ended up getting one of those delivering food on bikes and feel like an anime protagonist.
What? What are these called? It seemed to me like every delivery job nowadays required you to drive a car (I hate driving). Biking sounds much better.

>> No.23055858 [DELETED] 


>> No.23056789

Can you give us a name? I want to see it to get some hope about my own goal of publishing a comic.

>> No.23056976
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I'm only a HikkiNEET when I'm on vacation from college. I usually enjoy the first month reading VNs or manga but after a while it just all seems so soul-crushing at times, even waking up feels like a chore but I don't have the drive to do anything since I lose interest in stuff pretty easily. How come you guys can go YEARS like this?

>> No.23056986

No because idolfags will throw a fit if you try to make an original thread because it bumps one of their 150 generals off the board.

>> No.23057010

I never get bored.

>> No.23057433

Just how? I'm not being ironic or anything, I just can't wrap my head around it.

>> No.23057462


Work is infinitely more soul-crushing than NEEThood. Some people are destined to be wagies, others are destined to be NEETs.

>> No.23057498

Probably because I spend far more time preparing to do things than actually doing them, so I have an endless backlog of things to do. I can't just move directly between things like others can and no amount of scheduling helps. I guess it's some undiagnosed mental problem because it's been the same my entire life and no-one knows what I'm talking about. It made working unbearable because I didn't even have the time to do basic things.

>> No.23057721

Deliveroo, Just Eat and maybe Uber Eats. It's only comfy if you have the perfect conditions. I live in a location right beside a fastfood retaurant so I can wait at home and there's a giant student village that's a 5min cycle that I only accept orders for. If you don't have these perfect conditions, it's ain't gonna be comfy I'm afraid

I can't reveal it as it would betray my anonymity. Anon there's utter trash that gets published so why can't I? That's one of the beliefs that you need to hold on to whenever you feel unconfident. Perseverance is the most important trait you need when apporaching a project like this. If you hammer at something long enough, it'll look good eventually. That's why having that mentality is the most important thing you need. Have a plan, small goals everyday that builds towards the greater goal and sometimes take a step back and look at the progress if you get tired or feel you're going to burnout.

>> No.23058182

Pack your bags and move up to Finland's outskirts. No one will bother you. Just be prepared to fend off the occasional bear.

>> No.23058194

Sounds like you're just disorganized. Try following a strict schedule and put it up on a wall so you don't forget.

>> No.23060334

what's she looking at?

>> No.23060388

I would never understand this. You're so dead inside that you can't enjoy having free time?
What's the point of living then?

>> No.23060411

I know I should have been born a finnish or something, I feel more close to those nordic cold places than to any of my countrymen.

>> No.23060775

It's quite common. Most people I used to work with couldn't even take a week off without complaining of 'boredom'. Some were so bad that they'd take two days off, then come back and work anyway.

>> No.23061482

You find a hobby aside from reading manga or VNs.

>> No.23061487
File: 11 KB, 184x184, images (87).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be the NEET!

>> No.23061496


>> No.23061539


>> No.23061604

I can understand that from normals because they have no souls, but someone who enjoys otaku culture shouldn't be allowed to complain about having free time, it's wrong.

>> No.23061708
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What do your parents think about you being a truNEET? I'm in my early 30s and my parents are nagging a lot. I am not even leeching off them. I have savings from my previous well paid job and inheritance from my grandparents (they also hated my boomer parents).

>> No.23061889

I am also living on savings from previous work. I have a job guarantee if I can get some IT certifications before the end of May, but they just nag constantly about getting a job in the meantime. Whenever I had a job in the past they just nagged about getting a better one. It never ends so I just invent things they want to hear now.

>> No.23062484

If you have money, then go away from your parents.

>> No.23062508
File: 303 KB, 936x936, IMG_20200223_152439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to return to this state, i was a neet for about 2 years then mi my father went to search cigarettes , the neet state is best state even with money life means nothing if you cannot do watterver you want with your time.

>> No.23062579

I considered it, but it would more than halve the time I can spend as NEET before running out.

>> No.23062846

4 years NEET, but now it's time to hit the street

>> No.23063257

Don't do anything rash, anon.

>> No.23065015
File: 62 KB, 500x507, negativity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that I hate every chunk of free time I have, but I kinda hate myself for not doing something worthwhile with it, like I'm just wasting my time away. Maybe I'm just meant to be a wagie, that sucks.
Usually this feeling goes away if I find anything that really interests me though, like when I read Umineko for 3 weeks straight.

>> No.23067215

>It's not that I hate every chunk of free time I have, but I kinda hate myself for not doing something worthwhile with it, like I'm just wasting my time away.
I've been feeling like that for years and it sucks.
It doesn't help that being a NEET while working tirelessly would've been THE smartest thing for me to do for the goals I had set throughout my time after finishing high school, but I just feel like I'm being a nuisance for my dad; even though he was fine with me being a NEET as long as I worked on my own projects. Hell, he is more frustrated that I have nothing to show for it than me not finishing college.

I'm a fucking idiot.

>> No.23069182 [DELETED] 


>> No.23072477

the only good thread on neojp
have a good thursday fellow neet

>> No.23073667

I started doing DIY drugs to force myself to be social, I made a tinder to talk to girls but the account got reported. I dropped out of school at 13 been living in this hole for 7 years, becoming self aware as I've developed a chronic illness and it makes being sedimentary a hassle. Everything I've done be it a big spot on the Internet event horizon or not is ultimately forgotten by most exept me. I feel like shit and I want friends money and a gf because its something I've never had how do I achieve this before it passes me by in this gay era

>> No.23073772

You never belonged here, failed normalfag.

>> No.23073825

I'm not sure if you're saying that in a positive or negative sense (if either), but he hardly deserves scorn for attempting to achieve what he believes will give him greater purpose.

>> No.23073917

Imagine defending normalfags on /jp/. Why are you here?

>> No.23074179

truNEET for 7 years, day by day is the way to go. Hardtimes sometimes, but it gets better. It always does. agree with >>23015591 would be worse to work for what i already recieve with schizo/neetbux.

>> No.23074198

depending on where you live there can be tons of resources to find locally for housing etc for mental health bs,

>> No.23074351

I wonder if there are NEETS in impoverished and/or war torn countries and how do they manage to sustain themselves without having to find some job or getting killed as collateral damage.

>> No.23074359

They just do crime instead.

>> No.23074821

From what I've seen, it's more likely in poorer countries for people to make money on the internet than in rich ones. I guess it's because dollars go much further in their countries, so what would be a pittance in America isn't so bad for them.

>> No.23076728

>I made a tinder to talk to girls but the account got reported.
How much of a creepazoid are you?

>> No.23078210

That's honestly pretty pathetic. How embarrassing.

>> No.23081540

I couldn't stand living in an apartment complex, I'll never live anywhere that shares a wall with another person, I'd rather live outside. I live in a neighborhood now and it's better, but I have shitty neighbors that complain all the time. I was a NEET for four years, went to school for a year and a half, I'm a NEET now but I'm starting again in the fall. After I make enough money I'm going to live somewhere in Appalachia where people understand privacy.

This anon is correct, being a NEET allows you to take the time to shape yourself and your surroundings to become the person you feel you should be. I'll go to college because I need a degree, but there are only a few classes that have material that I haven't already learned, mostly in my free time of being NEET.

>> No.23082465

if I was in a poor country I'd unironically be middle to upper class. My neetdom is economically related...

>> No.23083975

I made some soft pretzels they were pretty tasty and come covered in butter. I was using this recipie and it didn't take long at all so maybe try it out. The ingredients are all cheap. https://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/hot-buttered-soft-pretzels-recipe

>> No.23084021

>Shut-in NEET for almost 3 years here
>I spend most of my time sleeping and 4chan is pretty much my only social outlet
Have you tried alternative imageboards? I did once but when they devolve into chaos I may as well post here again

>> No.23085145

been a neet for the past 6 years almost now. there has been some lows for sure but if you live day to day like other anons have been saying and just occupy yourself with things you enjoy i dont see why it would be a miserable experience. i work out at home and study things that interest me and play video games for the most part and would say im happy

>> No.23085956

hikkineet almost 2 years here and i already give up how to make friend, i want to die.

>> No.23087104

i made almost all of my online friends through playing various mmorpgs. tho i suppose if you have problems being social just saying that wont help at all

>> No.23089536

I've played online games since the early 2000s and never made a single friend. I have no idea how people do it, to be honest.

>> No.23089555

>none of my goals guarantees me a steady income
>losing hope on finding a girl to start a family with
>been obsessively jacking it to impregnation hentai for 8 months
i just want a family bros...

>> No.23089866

Yeah, I've always wondered where the older people go. Do they kill themselves or finally become a normalfag? I used to tell myself I'd be normal once I got older, but I'm older and still here.

How old are people in /jp/ now anyways? Should I start being concerned?

>> No.23089955

I hate that an interaction carries forward, so you have to consider how everything you say affects how the other person perceives you.

Anonymity is the way to go!

>> No.23090687
File: 40 KB, 600x600, cirno204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what other neets likes cirno?

>> No.23091075

Going back to work, anons. Been a neet off and on the past several years, mostly on.
First job I had, I was able to last two years.
Second job was half a year.
Third job was a month.
Fourth job I couldnt even bring myself to show up the first day.

Let's see how long I last this time.

>> No.23091551

I was thinking about becoming neet for a year or two so I have time to improve my writing and drawing skills but i'm concerned if I won't become lazy from not having to do anything.
Don't you guys have problems with keeping your discipline?
Also is it hard to go back from neetdom?

>> No.23092040

I will be 34 in a couple of months what do you wish to know exactly?
The normalfag way was never an option.

>> No.23093887
File: 175 KB, 354x369, 9b14f03a4716280490f8196ef7553522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting work in two months after being a neet for the last seven years and I already want to kill myself

>> No.23093904

Even if every oldfag stayed, they'd still be in the minority. The majority left for other *chans or other sites. Quite a few were just temporarily embarrassed normalfags and everything changed when they got a job so they no longer use the internet for anything like this.

>> No.23093914

What will you be doing?
Make a list of things you have to do every day. A spreadsheet for instance, so you feel bad when you have to mark a cell incomplete.

>> No.23094057

Or simply killed themselves.

>> No.23094230

yes, anon. You fucked up.
Do you want to know if it's too late?
How would I know that? How anybody would know that?
You won't know if you don't try.
Ever wanted to be a famous writer or painter or something like that? Live without worries? Being proud of yourself?
Then go and try. Eventually you may succeed.
It's late, yes, it's very late but it's not impossible.
Tons of suffering will await you if you'll chose to follow your dreams and you know that. You probably feel anxious and insecure because you know how much suffering it would take.
And you are right.
But you only have two options:
Going through great suffering with some chances to succeed
or waiting for death and perishing forever

>> No.23094330

I'll work in a grocery store

>> No.23094422

I've done that kind of work. You have to:
1 - always do the minimum, to avoid being given new compulsory responsibilities
2 - give the appearance of working efficiently, often at the expense of actually doing the job properly
3 - ignore any criticism, because it's almost certainly misdirected

Doing anything else will just result in being stressed and overworked. Do not make the mistake I made of thinking that hard work will actually pay off in such a shit role.

>> No.23096701

I remember doing the opposite of this on my last job.
There was the chance I could've been promoted and not have a minimum wage job but my health is kind of bad; especially since I had to clean up bathrooms at dawn with cold water.

>> No.23097361 [DELETED] 


>> No.23100906

How fucked am I going to be if I try looking for a job at 30 without a resume?

>> No.23100965

depends on your pride and how picky you are
there are always places desperate for workers that could care less

>> No.23100968

I would really like a good thread on Japanese net culture, but since my knowledge is weak I wouldn't have much to contribute. I should probably start exploring and lurking their sites more so I have some things of my own to add. You can actually learn a lot very quickly, it's just quite intense Japanese practice, and it takes some patience.

>> No.23101512

I got a temporary job sorting mail at Christmas time last year. They didn't even interview, just asked for documents, then asked me to come in a month later to start.

>> No.23101589

How to get diagnosed with schizo?
How much are they paying?

>> No.23102009

Everyone here feels like they're either fake or empty inside and soulless compared to south euros, maybe the grass is just greener on the other side.

>> No.23102325
File: 52 KB, 481x337, 1373139525986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET for 10 years, schizo for 4 years

I have loads of friends and a nice inheritance is coming my way soon.

>> No.23105137

This. Every day I feel like going outside and strangling my neighbors for waking me up out of my slumber.

>> No.23105571

Maybe for a normal who likes to have relations with people and stuff you can see it better but for someone like us I don't see any advantage about living here.

>> No.23106466

Nice my dude. I am in PhD school. I am ready for some NEET time soon.

>> No.23106500


>> No.23106561

the shizo just set in after enough neetdom? did you have any experiences that made you seem shizo at all before that?
i often find myself thinking it would be nice to live in a big city because i could actually find weeb related stores. then again i still probably wouldnt want to spend the money anyways.
i started coming to this site again a few months ago after a 7(+?) year hiatus because i just got so sick of all the shit posting i decided i didnt need a place like this anymore. this website doesnt seem like its changed much, but im honestly getting culture shock at some things, like green text stories being frowned upon now.

>> No.23106596

>the shizo just set in after enough neetdom?
Nah I just got diagnosed very late since I didn't interact with anyone. I was crazy and alone for years before that.

>> No.23106679

That's Dr NEET to you

>> No.23106698

How crazy do you need to be to get schizo bux?

>> No.23113215 [DELETED] 


>> No.23114648

My first job was in a drug store, I was never so depressed in my life. Dealing with people sucks. I work in a factory now, there's some comfort in the familiarity of seeing the same dumb faces every day and operating machines is incredibly easy.

>> No.23118557

people conflating not having a job to being socially retarded

>> No.23118757

They are extremely correlated

>> No.23118853

There are plenty of successful people who are socially crippled. You lot are just swimming in the pessimism piss juice.

>> No.23119183

Just find something to do, why do you need to be a slave to feel complete?

>> No.23120717

Up to a point, yes. Socially awkward people are considered useful idiots.

>> No.23120900

I was a NEET until I was 26. I got a part time job at that time out of guilt but it didn't last longs. Finances eventually got worse and I had to actually start working full time. Managed to get a job somehow and I've been working full time for over two years now. I've improved in some ways, my health is a bit better, I've been forced to socialize at work so I'm not as bad at that, and I've gotten used to it overall, but I'm fundamentally the same. I have to wear a mask when I'm at work or people will start asking me shit like, "Why do you look so sad?" I haven't moved forward, my position of stasis simply mutated. But I don't want to move forward, I want to regress. I just want to be alone, to sit in my room and never speak to anyone else. Being a NEET was painful in many ways, but it's what I know, and I don't want to be happy or be normal. Like Kierkegaard wrote, "Depression is the most faithful mistress I have known — no wonder, then, that I return the love.”

>> No.23121460

My first job was in a grocery store and it was the most miserable drudgery I've ever experienced. It was overnight so my interaction with customers was minimal, but that was still terrible as well. Strangers will walk up to you and start talking to you by your first name (name tag), wanting to know why you don't carry X product anymore and getting mad because you don't have the right size of Y product. Try to stick it out for a little while so you'll have something to throw on your next job application. I got fired so I wasn't even able to do that.

>> No.23122488

Smile cause it happened. Also nip learning resources: djt? One here or on int? Any other resources besides the sticky?

>> No.23122499

I think it did for me. I can definitely feel my brain being more sensitive to things, I can get upset by minor things quite easily after so much time as a neet.

>> No.23122643

Maybe it's just because of where I live, but the part time job I do sometimes involves work in a grocery store and I have only seen a customer get annoyed with an employee - not me - once in my 2 years of working there, and never has a customer referred to me by name.

>> No.23124247
File: 955 KB, 1000x1238, 22263894-D689-4475-B914-F683A7BA16AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was a non-shutin pseudo NEET for 4.5yrs (sold drugs to keep my way of life afloat), started full time work last October and recently quit my job because it was hell. Once again a NEET and finding motivation hard to maintain. Depression never helps, butthe ability to do what you want when you want is the greatest factor.

>> No.23124299

>sold drugs to keep my way of life afloat
How do you even do this without potentially putting your life at risk, let alone dealing with super shady people?

>> No.23124494

Keeping your circle of clients tightknit is super important, using common sense and not looking like a drug dealer as well. You learn as you go, but it’s not for everyone.

>> No.23124536

>I have to wear a mask when I'm at work or people will start asking me shit like, "Why do you look so sad
Sounds like me. In company where I work I'm known as a guy who never smiles. Not even exaggerating.

>> No.23124871
File: 132 KB, 1920x1080, 1583265161841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a neet all my life but only because there isn't anything that will fit my needs no matter where I looked to make money. I'm more inclined in Japanese stuff and board games like Go, Othello, Mahjong, Shogi, etc. other than becoming a wagecuck because people annoy me too much and too easily, not to mention I have a hard time interacting anyways due to my speech impediment. Neet life isn't bad, but I do wish I had more money to hang out with my close friends more often. I don't want to do anything in life but enjoy, and surround myself with hobbies and learning things.

>> No.23124891

>I'm more inclined in Japanese stuff and board games like Go, Othello, Mahjong, Shogi, etc.
Go online or create a club and hope it becomes big enough that you profit off of it.

>> No.23125048

>and never has a customer referred to me by name.
I thought it was weird as fuck the first time it happened to me, I would never have considered addressing an employee that way. Normalfags are fucking bizarre and I don't understand them at all. Anyway, if I got one thing out of working in a grocery store it was a better understanding of the bullshit that retail workers (and anyone else that has to deal with customers) have to put up with, so I don't get annoyed at much anymore when I'm in a store or fast food place, etc.

>> No.23126357

How do you deal with social expectations as a freeter? I'm planning to become one, just doing part time job while building my business and doing art as my main source of wealth.

In my case I actually don't hate living normalfag life, I just hate social expectations that I'm only successful if I work stable full time jobs at big corporations. I already know my risks that I probably need to delay my marriage and having kids because getting rich with my methods need time and sacrifices

>> No.23131041

Sounds comfy. I wish people were allowed to just lay back and enjoy life instead of being pressed into meaningless careers.

>> No.23131238

I'm technically not a NEET because I'm registered as an "Executive Assistant" but I don't go to work so I'm a person that has salary because my family owns an above average sized business.

>> No.23131265

How do you get a job but get to remain a hikki? That's the only thing keeping me a neet.

>> No.23131426
File: 77 KB, 720x876, Friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no neet friend to talk to daily and play games or watch anime together

>> No.23131479

Working with the public makes you know how awful people actually is. The more I have to interact with people the more I want to spend the rest of my life in an underground bunker without having to see a single human again.

>> No.23133625

Freelance programming.

>> No.23134074

Yeah but how do you get into that? Do you have to go into a company and then ask them to let you work at home or do you just seek out idea guys who need someone to make their game or what? I was able to get a relevant degree before lapsing into hikkidom but I have no idea how to get started.

>> No.23134248

It's been sixteen years, I'm not full hikki but, more or less. Hitting thirty kind of sucks. Still have fun and happiness sometimes, the Internet has some nice and fascinating people. Money is a big problem.

>> No.23135203

There are websites like Toptal which let you join and assign you different tasks or projects and you get paid by the hour. My friend joined and he gets like 30-50 bux per hour, but it's pretty difficult to enter. He had like 2 years of experience working in a company and is self-taught if that helps.

>> No.23137102 [DELETED] 


>> No.23137387

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23138466

My subconsciousness.

>> No.23138558

Don't do that please, you can just speak what's in your mind.

>> No.23138778

If I do that, I'll be judged harshly by mean people.

>> No.23141284

Why do you care about their approval?

>> No.23141314

Going outside is such a fucking fraud

>> No.23141340

don't mind me just being new

>> No.23144808

The fact that you need a car to function in society is ridiculous.

>> No.23144810 [DELETED] 

This sucks

>> No.23144932


>> No.23145180

That's the point, it's expensive.

>> No.23145330

Move out of North America. It's Car Continent.

>> No.23145415

I'm not even in North America, I'm in some countryside Asian country

>> No.23145516

that sounds like it could be enjoyable. also nier a tomato was a nice game

>> No.23145599

Because they would be my friends hypothetically.

>> No.23145602

Be my friend then!

>> No.23145636

Trust me. You have better chance befriending prison inmates than those types of walking turds.

>> No.23145669

i think we already are! but how do i stay friends with you? youll be lost to a sea of anonymouses once the thread closes.

>> No.23145935

I don't like convicted criminals.

I don't know you can drop your contact or something and I'll shoot you a request later.

>> No.23146032

My friend linked me a job that required a full license despite the job description making no mention of driving and the studio being within walking distance of the CBD.

>> No.23146077

This always pisses me off when it's mandatory to have a DL for an office job.

>> No.23147055

>I don't know you can drop your contact or something and I'll shoot you a request later.
very scary. too paranoid someone might recognise me

>> No.23147139

Recognize you for being a bad person?

>> No.23147155

Do you want me to post my E-mail or something?

>> No.23147161

create a throwaway account somewhere and share your real account there, maybe

>> No.23147810

I've been a NEET for around ten years. I worked three baitos over that time period, each less than six months, and I just recently got a job that I've been at for seven months.
Things aren't good at the job, and there is no way I could support myself on this money. I was working 20 hours and now I'm working 40 hours and I still wouldn't be able to afford rent on this pay, even if I found an apartment in the inner city. I would barely have enough for food, let alone anything else like phone or internet.
I feel myself slipping back into NEET ways again and I'm trying to stop it, but it feels like it's all pointless. I spend none of my money (besides on gas) and over seven months I've saved up chump change. I really don't understand how it's possible to survive like this.

>> No.23147830

Feels bad, good luck friend. Doing my first job and I feel the same, living in a shitty apartment and physically and mentally drained every day. At least I can buy games and /jp/ stuff which stops me from killing myself.

>> No.23147901

You're supposed to get married or get a housemate and have two incomes.

>> No.23148992

So who wants to be friends!

>> No.23149238

if you think it would work that'd be nice

>> No.23149306


>> No.23149314

Hit me up.>>23149306

>> No.23150036
File: 157 KB, 298x390, 1546976229520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I sustain the will to live, /jp/? Everyday I want to fade into the ether like I never lived in the first place

>> No.23150050

You need a sense of purpose.

>> No.23150169
File: 1.44 MB, 500x500, 1490017862055.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I find one?

>> No.23150320

In friendship, duh.

>> No.23150404

do what i do and try to forget that you exist, and just kinda run on autopilot. it usually works for me

>> No.23150416

Been NEET for 2 years soon.
I want to start university next year, they have a Japanese course. I don't know if I can use it for anything, I don't know what I want in my future, but it's the only course that interests me. Should I go for it anons?

>> No.23150418

I don't have any friends. I try really hard, but everyone always ends up hating me.

>> No.23150460

Are there cheaper local classes you can take instead of signing up for Uni? Seems like it'd be a huge money sink if you just wanted to go for one thing and then you have to take a bunch of other courses too.

>> No.23150488

It's free in my country to go to uni, in fact, we get paid for i, if we apply for it when we go to school. The way it works is that you can only pick one course as well. It's a bachelors specialization.

>> No.23150501

>I try really hard
There's your issue. You should've realized years ago that no one wants to be friends with you and given up on interacting with other people. That's what I did and it's been working great.

>> No.23150598

People have posted contacts itt, try to make some nice /jp/ frens

>> No.23150640

If you're getting paid for it and it's something that interests you then there's no reason not to go for it.

>> No.23150708

That's a good point. If I finish the course I can't do another though, at least it's very hard to, you're not allowed, so you're kinda locked in.
All that's really left is for me to kick this anxiety to the curb, or at least learn to cope every day.

>> No.23150718

Just find some shit you like and become a total otaku autist for it.

>> No.23151089

I only see one email, and it looks like it was meant for one specific anon, and not an open invitation to anyone looking for a friend.

>> No.23152714


>> No.23152783

former neet who has had a job for almost a year
working sucks as much as I thought it would, I constantly just want to get it over with so I can enjoy some time to myself but it's over before I even know it. even easy jobs are beginning to stress me out and they don't even give enough that I could support myself alone. I'm thinking of saying fuck it and collecting autismbux, at least then I could begin to enjoy myself again.

>> No.23152873

Tried to get into various jobs like counseling, therapy, etc. and was surprised at just how many of those jobs required you to own a vehicle. It's not even the transportation you have to own a vehicle of your own or you can't even work. I had to settle for a lower paying job that I got out of nepotism because I didn't realize you'd need a vehicle as a requirement for basically showing up at an office.
Even now as I have successfully been working at this lower paying job for a little while now the company wants to change things and fire me for not owning a vehicle despite me always being there and on time and while every other coworker who owns one is always late.

>> No.23152900

Fuck Paradox. I used to be able to have a backlog of games and play all sorts of interesting things. Now I just paint maps all day. I want to be bored of this. I want to be free.

>> No.23153115

Stop being a ww2 revisionist larper and you will be free.

>> No.23153288

Not a NEET, but I am at the cusp of it if I ever blow this one favor that I'm doing for someone I've met. I honestly don't think I can make good with my promise. How do I avert this so I don't disappoint the person and in turn me which will lead me to the NEET life?

>> No.23153364

How would we know when we don't know what the favor is?

>> No.23153560

All you need to know is that involves a lot of time and money that would be too big to fail.

>> No.23153697

That's not enough for anyone who is actually interested in your situation.

>> No.23153702

You don't need to show interest. I just want suggestions.

>> No.23153726

>I honestly don't think I can make good with my promise.
I will pray that they would understand and that you will find some better path around or from within your impending NEETdom.

>> No.23153894

I now live in my car. Would be quite comfy if I had more leg room.

>> No.23153900

What's holding you back?

>> No.23153946
File: 1.60 MB, 1895x3104, IMG_5591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would anyone (hikineet) like to try out chinese mobile mmorpgs with me
this month's flavor is dragon raja

>> No.23153952

May have committed to do something that is beyond my meager skills and connections and I don't want to disappoint them by admitting I can't.

>> No.23154036

If you're gonna be found out anyways might as well man up and disappoint them sooner rather than later.

>> No.23154064

>beyond my meager skills
Look it up on the internet

>> No.23154246

It's open Anon, try it. I'll be your friend.

>> No.23155384

/jp/ how can I afford to be NEET and play VRChat all day

>> No.23155427

Become a personality and receive donations. The market of fans interacting with vtubers in VR probably hasn't been tapped yet.

>> No.23155454

Use a voice changer and a female avatar, pretend to be a girl and enjoy receiving tons of gifts and money from horny idiots.

>> No.23155568

No VR hardware

half-way there, going to voice train anyways

>> No.23155753

What's the point of VR chat without VR hardware?

>> No.23155818

I'm trying to save up for them, baka.

>> No.23155943

How do you save up anything without a job?

>> No.23156121

why isn't big vtube doing this? they could use vr chat to have immersive paid concerts n shit, rather than awkwardly show a projector screen in a sweaty stadium full of 2D>3D losers. also, they could put vtubers in a slice of life webseries that takes place outside the virtual world in real life locations, similar to gorillaz. vtubers and platforms for streaming online are both relatively new, so theres a chance we could see more developments and refinements like this in the future.

>> No.23157130

>also, they could put vtubers in a slice of life webseries that takes place outside the virtual world in real life locations, similar to gorillaz.
Isn't that what >>23045306's gimmick is about?

>> No.23157229

As a freeter, I work alone with no chances of forming any bonds with anybody. Things like friends, stable career, marriage, whatever else etc.. aren't for neets. I mean things like friends are desirable but I think I speak for most of us here when I say that we can't create or maintain relationships so there's no point in looking at all these things.

A large corporation is a awful. Here was my a coporate workplace in a large software engineering company: Pretty much everybody was +35, all married, literal NPC's with nothing to talk about but their mortgages and family. These strange people were all remarkably absorbed in creating souless coporate products for some reason and clocked in the full 8.5hrs and more. Nobody young lasted more than their required contract length and got the fuck out as soon as possible if you were sensible. The old people who stay there have all sold their souls inexchange for stability and they seem to prefer doing their souless work rather than being with their families.
It's a unfulfilling as fuck life so freeter lifestyle is the way to go.

Being a freeter alone should alleviate the pressure from people who tell you to work. Infact a neet lifestyle is better if you have a mind of steel immune to the back talk you might get from family members.

>> No.23157346

I'm no longer a NEET but I do miss it, albeit I spent most of it in a depression and I do regret that, it was nice for awhile to get to enjoy doing whatever whenever I wanted, and I did learn some new skills in that time, but I've learned that I'm equally as depressed being back in the work force so I guess there's a relief in knowing I can afford my own means, but just with much less time on my hands. to everybody else though, enough the NEET time while you can :)

>> No.23157481
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Cars are fun anon

>> No.23157494

I don’t think I could be happy as a neet. I get restless without something to do and gaming isn’t as good as I wish it was. That and I absolutely refuse to leach off my parents.
Finishing my masters next semester. I tried to get a teaching job in Japan, but got rejected. Bummed me out for a bit and I stopped studying Japanese for a bit. Got better and started studying again but still pretty bummed I lost my foot in the door. Even if I get a nice engineering job at home I’m worried I’ll be too old by Japanese standards once I get the 5-10 years experience they want to live and work over there. I know I will be able to go and visit, but still.

>> No.23157506

I'd give my left testicle for a first gen Impreza.

>> No.23157542

yes, and that is extraordinarily cash money

>> No.23157568

Why do you want to work and live there? Work on getting enough money to just vacation there until you get sick of it and then come back without having to be stuck in their society.

>> No.23157577

What was the reason for the rejection? That makes me worried about when I try in a few years. Was it just one agency? Or did you try multiple ones.

>> No.23157790

They're not that expensive anon, you can buy import them starting next year if you live in burgerland

>> No.23157853

I had the same experience as you, with the soulless corporate software engineering job. Got fired from there after I got diagnosed with a brand of autism, and have been NEETing it up since.

The financial insecurity is killing me inside though, so I'm starting to look for work again. I wish I had the balls to try something more fulfilling, but the most terrifying thing for me is the thought that I'll run out of money and be absolutely fucked in life.

>> No.23158297

>Got fired from there after I got diagnosed with a brand of autism
Sounds illegal

>> No.23158379

That's the conundrum

>> No.23158630

Living there grants you easier access to the playground side of it unless you're Korean. No way I'd keep flying just to stay there for a couple of weeks.

>> No.23158686

Not him, but it was likely JET. They're the creme de la creme when it comes to ALT jobs in Japan, but if you're willing to settle with less amenities and hand holding, there's plenty of other agencies like Interac and Peppy Kids Club who can take your underskilled ass.

>> No.23158712

You're likely correct. Unfortunately, it's hard to prove those kinds of things since they can claim any sort of reason if you try to accuse them of anything.

Better to move on than fight a losing battle in court.

>> No.23158716

If you're from Burgerland, you can easily get some fuck you money from them simply by suing them.

>> No.23158738

Sure, the problem is what comes after. Literally no one will employ someone who has sued their employer in the past.

Better hope that settlement lasts you till you die.

>> No.23158755

Just get an identity change.

>> No.23158785

To be honest anon, it sounds like a lot more trouble than it's worth. I can see the appeal, but I don't think I'd be capable of dealing with the negatives of going through something like that.

>> No.23158843

There's a guy that lives down the road from me that recently completed a project car. I don't know much about cars but it's a bright teal color and has anime art style decals, but not full itasha.

>> No.23159244
File: 111 KB, 857x746, 824A901E-C1E3-4C20-8FE6-F098A287C804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET since I was 14 or 15. Currently 25. No friends. No relationships. No sex. Never had a job. Didn’t finish high school. Can’t drive. Still live with my parents. Shut in so long the thought of interacting with strangers or doing basically anything in public is panic inducing. Want to be a normie, have friends, a girlfriend, money, be independent, but afraid I’m too far gone. Can’t kill myself because my mom would be sad. Not sure what to do.

>> No.23159305

If you worry about your mother's sadness, then think about how she feels that you, her son, hasn't progressed in life, still relies on her, and has no future--that she failed her job as a parent. Pick yourself up. It's never too late. Start small, part-time night stocking or something, it doesn't matter. Just move forward.

>> No.23159347

>Want to be a normie, have friends, a girlfriend, money, be independent
Why though? Have you considered that you might have a warped view of those things and that you'd be happier being as you are currently?

>> No.23159360

Maybe he's sick of being a useless pile of shit for ten years.

>> No.23159376

Some NEETs have a romantizied view of normie life. Not everyone is meant to live that kind of life, at least in my opinion. There's ways to be productive without a job. Take care of the house (cleaning, fixing things), taking care of a pet if anon has one, gardening, cooking. All things that can help out with living with his parents.

>> No.23159385

Maybe he already does those chores at the very least to lessen the guilt.

>> No.23159393

Useless to who? His parents? I think it's safe to say that they're mostly to blame for how he turned out and that it's more than fair that they support him.

>> No.23159404

Nigger, no one is stopping you from how you should live your life. He should be goddamn kissing their feet for even letting him get food and shelter for a decade. Other folks would've given him the boot by now. You're one selfish fuck I can tell and it really is unfortunate your mama didn't swallow instead.

>> No.23159419

it's nobodys "fault" that people become neets, not their parents, not them selves
it's one outcome of many in the current state of society/humanity
there's also inherent value in every human doesn't matter what you do

>> No.23159420

we live in a society

>> No.23159427

ok boomer

>> No.23159430

t. triggered wagecuck

>> No.23159436

I'd have to agree with you there, selfless people really aren't the types to become NEETs, i find.

>> No.23159442

Most people arrive at all of these things naturally in the course of their development. Normalfags can't comprehend how different life is when this isn't the case. They think you can just show up and participate in any of these things naturally whenever you want and you're just being lazy for not doing so. They don't get it. You only get one shot for these things to happen naturally. If you miss the boat, it doesn't come back. In each and every one of these institutions, people will have to constantly go out of their way to help you both get into them and survive within them. And at your age, no one will be willing to do this for you, especially if you're male. The only people left in your life are probably your parents and if they let you fall this far, you probably already know what kind of support to expect from them. Since you missed the boat that isn't coming back, your only options are swim into the horizon and very likely drown, or stay put until you starve to death. One would be ignorant to look down on someone for choosing the latter in this situation.

>> No.23159448

I'm just as much of a NEET as you clowns, but I'm not that much of a loser to justify my own failure to my parents. Absolutely bottom feeder excuses like this is where I draw the line.

>> No.23159497

people can blame who ever they want, they are neither right or wrong
it is not your place to condemn anyone for anything
rid of your self hatred

>> No.23159505

Go and use that precious pride of yours in the real world to make a name for yourself if you're so great, anon.

>> No.23159621

angry neets

>> No.23159799
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I know this was posted sometime ago but anon I hope you have the wonderful life you deserve.

>> No.23159822

>Only reason he hasn’t offed himself is his family
>”Have you considered that maybe you’re happier as you are?”
Wow anon that’s some fucking big brain advice

>> No.23159849
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You can do it anon! It would seem like you have a great opportunity, so muster all the will & gusto you can and aim for the stars.

>> No.23161481
File: 668 KB, 800x800, __flandre_scarlet_and_vegeta_dragon_ball_dragon_ball_z_and_touhou_drawn_by_komimiyako__3fed9816d509a7e5796a52a4e1492594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those dreamlike days will come soon, /jp/, one sunny day.

>> No.23162661

If he used Solar Flare, would she die?

>> No.23163564

Vegeta never learned Solar Flare.

>> No.23165943

Got a list of good alternatives?

>> No.23166269 [DELETED] 

