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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2277854 No.2277854[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/- Femanons Only/Reported/Sage/Random/General

>> No.2277865


>> No.2277864

I love Femanon of /jp/, I wish there was a script that changed everyones name to Femanon of /jp/... God, I would be in heaven...

>> No.2277877

dis board is epic fale guise

>> No.2277874

>/jp/- Femanons Only/Reported/Sage/Random/General/Meta

Fixed for you bro.
Also posting in a meta thread.

>> No.2277867

The sad truth.

>> No.2277873


>> No.2277888

/jp/ - Danbooru Dumps / General.


>> No.2277889
File: 27 KB, 576x360, tomsmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Anon...

>> No.2277896

Remember when people could post without mentioning their gender?

>> No.2277904

H-hi my love...

>> No.2277909

Quit using your Troll Summoning spell.

Back under the bridge with you, nigger.

>> No.2277915

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is reportable. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.2277921


Now that we have the archive we no longer need to discuss meta-threads on /jp/. Needless to say, I reported your thread.

As much as I hate reportfags, thread reporting is one of the few tools we have to protect /jp/'s culture. Maybe if we had more reportfags on old-/a/, KoG threads and post ending in x threads wouldn't have taken over.

>> No.2277936

Where is your image?! You're not the real Reportfag!

>> No.2277937

The funny thing is I don't see anyone reporting "LOOK AT ME IM A GIRL" threads. What a bunch of fucking faggots.

>> No.2277946

Newfriend Weekend in 1 hour and 50 minutes!

My penis is getting all tingly in anticipation.

>> No.2277941

I don't get it, why are you all reporting me?

I'm not breaking rules or complaining about 4chan, I'm just stating facts.

>> No.2277950

I did, yesterday, but nothing happened.

>> No.2277956

I can't believe you're still here. Even Pooshlmer is better than this place now. That "weekend" is now actually constant, and it just gets worse and worse.

For anyone that doesn't know, it's pooshlmer.com, another Touhou imageboard.

>> No.2277958

Fact - The shitty weekends are now no longer an issue because every day is shitty. Boring image dumps are equal to stupid weekend trolls.

>> No.2277964
File: 27 KB, 448x337, What1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread reporting is one of the few tools we have to protect /jp/'s culture

>> No.2277972

Someone's going to have fun at the GAY!bar tonight!

>> No.2277977


Rule 10: Reports - Nobody cares if you reported a thread, it's not like the OP is going to delete the thread just because you reported it. Don't make single-word post saying "reported," it only leads to dumb meta-arguments about what "/jp/ really is about."

If everyone read the /jp/ rules, this would be a better place.

>> No.2277981

It's as I suspected. Janitors are internet white knight faggots.

>> No.2277982

From your recent behavior, I'm starting to suspect someone has implanted a chip in your brain that gives you an orgasm whenever you mention the word "newfriend".

>> No.2277996

Knock that stupid shit off.

>> No.2278001

Something's wrong with ZUN-chan! We gotta save him guys!

>> No.2278015

More likely they're the "hurr durr all girls are stupid sluts" posters. Those guys seem to enjoy threads about "femanons" the most, since they give them a chance to vent their sexual frustrations.

>> No.2278011
File: 72 KB, 527x1145, FAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a girl?

>> No.2278014

Honestly, old GAY!bar hasn't been himself lately. Maybe he got raped by a loli.

>> No.2278016


Rule 6: Be tolerant - This is 4chan, it's impossible to post here without being insulted at least once. We don't want this to become a forum, but we don't want this to become /b/ either; just try to be kind the most you can, excessive swearing and "rage" isn't cool.

>> No.2278017

Not another meta thread :(

Though, I don't know the meaning of meta lol.

>> No.2278041

Just like femanons like to vent their sexual frustrations with the "hurr durr all men say all women are stupid sluts" posts.

>> No.2278058
File: 34 KB, 311x311, 1236112838877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the feeling OP is the combo troll a few minutes ago.

>> No.2278058,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Rule 10: Reports - Nobody cares if you reported a thread, it's not like the OP is going to delete the thread just because you reported it. Don't make single-word post saying "reported," it only leads to dumb meta-arguments about what "/jp/ really is about."

Not really. We can all agree that /b/ is the root of all our problems. When there's no rules/regulations the board becomes /b/ - a.k.a shit. Do we agree? Now let's continue. When newcomers browse /jp/, they aren't fully aware of our rules, consequently they post random topics. Only by telling them that their thread is against the rules, will they learn that they are doing something wrong. When they see the report image they are discouraged from remaking a similar thread. But I must confess, there's also a lot of bad that comes from thread reporting. For one, it turns the thread into a meta-circlejerk with one side arguing that the thread should be deleted and another side arguing that the thread should stay.

But in the end, the name of this board is /jp/ - Japan/General. Not /jp/ - Random/General. If you want random topics then by all means make your way to /r9k/ or /b/. But you and me both know how shitty those boards are thanks to a lack of rules/regulations. Hopefully one of these days moot will make an otaku /b/ for your offtopic discussions. But until that day comes, I suggest you stop whining about it. Rule breaking threads make the mods/janitor's jobs a lot harder. If you simply follow moot's rules, all of this could be avoided. You can talk about visual novels, Touhou, 2chan, nico, and Japan. What more do you want? Are you really that much of a /b/tard that you cant enjoy such simple limitations?

>> No.2278058,2 [INTERNAL] 

/b/ is not the root of all our problems, excessive trolling and shitposting, however, are.

By the way, >>2278058 was right.

>> No.2278058,3 [INTERNAL] 

While I understand where you're coming from, most of the people you report are not new to /jp/ and they are fully aware of the rules, they just don't care about following them. Mentioning that they're breaking the rules won't get them to stop posting off topic shit.

When I see an obvious newcomer making a mistake in regards to rules or /jp/ etiquette I will sometimes point out their error, but I try to do it in a more friendly way. Most of the problems don't even come from those types of people, they come from /jp/ regulars who are still shitposters.

>> No.2278058,4 [INTERNAL] 


Is it just me or have I've been noticing a dramatic increase in complaint threads. Most of the times they are either complaining about how /jp/ has become another /b/ or they are saying /jp/ is being raided by newfriends. This is the same stuff that happened to /a/, months before it collapsed. Now is not the time to turn a blind eye to shitty threads. The source of /jp/'s sudden decline in quality is not from the veterans; it's from our guest (Why would the veterans of /jp/ wait an entire year to start shitposting)?

As much as I like going off-topic the rules are the rules. Just how off-topic do you want it to be? In my opinion, NEET, hikikomori, and ronery threads are semi-relevant to /jp/'s specified board topics, but femanon threads don't belong on /jp/, period. Not even /r9k/ and /b/ enjoys talking about female users.

>> No.2278058,5 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ has officially turned into BYOB

>> No.2278058,6 [INTERNAL] 

I just tasted cat shit by an accident, I want to throw up

>> No.2278058,7 [INTERNAL] 

That's what happens when you read BYOB

>> No.2278058,8 [INTERNAL] 

I'm telling you, complaining threads are a self sustaining loop that keeps growing. It only serves to lower the collective board morale and make things effectively worse.
Once the idea of "why bother, /jp/ is lost anyway" takes hold, it will be all lost. You can already see part of that on the weekends.

>> No.2278058,9 [INTERNAL] 

>We should just ignore /jp/'s sudden drop in quality and allow it to follow the path of /a/ and /v/.

I'm not trying to say whining is good, I'm just saying we cant sit and do nothing while another decent board succumbs to /b/.

>> No.2278058,10 [INTERNAL] 

Somebody get a good /jp/ poster a mod spot and tell him to ban every single bad poster

>> No.2278058,11 [INTERNAL] 

But you see, we're not in the brink of collapse, at least not for another year. But saying that things are bad now constantly are effectively making things worse. It's part of what destroyed /a/ and /v/, the sense of hopelessness which caused outspread apathy, thus letting the newcomers rush over and overcome the old board culture.

I'm trying to learn from the mistakes of post-split /a/ here, and it wasn't just the KoG spam, Code Geass and an underage userbase that made it collapse, but the fact that we gave up on it and simply abandoned it.
On the other hand, the other approach, of actively fighting it off, only enticed the outlying posters to push harder, just to tick us off.

We have to look for a middle road between abject apathy and holy war mentality. Neither are viable solutions and what we must do is look upon ourselves to think if thinks are really beyond repair.

We're suffering unprecedented attacks, invasion attempts and general forcing of ideals. To deny this would be naive. But how much of it is just looking for our reaction, to get us exasperated enough so it counts as a win? How much of it is a handful of posters that don't care for moral janitorial work or active deletion of threads, since they can't, and will not, learn from the examples of their fellow posters?

We're not at war. We're not in the path of utter collapse, and things can certainly be improved. But this will not come from discussing amongst ourselves, but from educating properly those who can be educated and ignoring those that are blatantly trolling.

>> No.2278058,12 [INTERNAL] 

I want to save /jp/ ;_;

>> No.2278058,13 [INTERNAL] 


Upon reading that, a patriotic tear came to my eye.

>> No.2278058,14 [INTERNAL] 

Honestly though, it is worse enough that /jp/ is filled with touhou and erostuff at all times. The main reason I do not visit the board.

Then the other reason There are the obnoxious idiots who feel like upholding "the rules of the internet" etc. retarded crap and feel like it is their duty to be the board police and ruin every topic they do not personally like.

And that ruins the board for anyone else other than the few jerks who do not apparently know that iichan has a touhou board.

Honestly, get back to /b/. You and your "anon is a legion" mentality does not belong here.

>> No.2278058,15 [INTERNAL] 


If you want to blog and/or have an offtopic thread then do it on /b/ and/or /r9k/. Females seem to lack the ability to stay on topic, I guess that's why there are so many females on /r9k/.

>> No.2278058,16 [INTERNAL] 

Way to fail reading comprehension.

>> No.2278058,17 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ hasn't had a sudden drop in quality. People are just overreacting, and all of these threads about the sky falling are certainly not helping.

>> No.2278058,18 [INTERNAL] 

You don't visit? Good, you're not wanted either.

>> No.2278058,19 [INTERNAL] 

Okay, let us go with he blog then.

Do you know what annoys me? When you have cooked this elaborate breakfast with scrambled eggs and light onionsoup and everything and then just when it is finished you decide to throw in a little salt just for the taste. And then the top of the salt container comes off and the precious food is inedible salty. That's why you gotta use soysauce instead of salt since one cannot over-soy food but even a hint of too much salt completely ruins the dish. Then again soy always gives away the soy aroma that does not go with everything (with surprisingly many, though. Maybe pasta is the only dish that does not go with soy products too greatly)
Now, I'm going to go out and blew my money on some ready-made food and be really mean asshole to the cashier for no apparent reason.

An asshole just like you, virgin-sama.

>> No.2278058,20 [INTERNAL] 

I wont be a virgin after I rape you.

>> No.2278058,21 [INTERNAL] 

Do you honestly think calling him a virgin is an insult?

>> No.2278058,22 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2278058,23 [INTERNAL] 

In that case they are trolls, and are reportable under global rule 3.
Invasion attempts, trolls and off-topic threads are already against the global rules. My strategy has been to make these threads extremely obvious without using spam. I have also begun using some limited necromancy from pages 1-3 when trolls make up 30% or more of the front page. This prevents potentially good threads from dieing from simple lack of visibility. I like this technique, because it allows me to starve trolls by lurking moar.

>> No.2278058,24 [INTERNAL] 

>In that case they are trolls
That's not what trolling means.

>off-topic threads
About 70% of what you report for being "off-topic" is /jp/ relevant. Not to mention the global rules say off-topic REPLIES. As in, thread derailing. Not off-topic threads.

>> No.2278058,25 [INTERNAL] 

Even if they aren't actually trolls, they attract trolls. Plus, you can't know that they aren't trolls for sure. It's as good an excuse as any to report shitthreads.
