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22700615 No.22700615 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>22631405

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Elona+ Custom-G Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona+ 1.94 (2019-12-03)
>Latest Custom:
E+C 1.90.4 (2019-06-02)
Elona+ Custom-G (2019-10-20)

>Omake Overhaul English Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona Omake Overhaul EN (2019-06-17)
Omake Overhaul EN Hack final release (2018-12-14)

>Elin's Inn

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.
Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.

What version to play? Read the pastebin.

>> No.22701089
File: 2.02 MB, 1120x1260, __jure_of_healing_elona_drawn_by_aya_aya_op10s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your stats!

>> No.22701135

Just got the game going finally. But for some reason I can not get it to save the screen resolution at anything other then 800x600. I want the max allowed and pressing shift or ESC just seems to reset it back to 800x600. How do I get around this problem I really dont want such a tiny ass resolution to play this with

>> No.22701175

The width and height have to be multiples of 4. Try setting 1920 x 1048 in the config file.

>> No.22701405

Man this game is sweet but good lord above I have zero clue what im doing. Died to a crab outside the starting area ouch. Still tho I really like the art style and am hoping for many great adventures in this game. Also enjoy the race and class selection it offers. I find the boring generic elves,humans,dwarves boring so having non-normie choices is great. Any tips or things I should be aware of for someone playing his very first game right now?

>> No.22701420

sadly im forced to play on a laptop since my main rig died on the 23rd (new rig in a few days so i'll have my proper moniter and a new rig for this then. right now its max resolution for the laptop is 1366x768 and the in game max choice it gives me is 1280x768. I'll look for the config file and change it there (had a hunch it worked having to edit a config). Thanks for the help

>> No.22701695

any jp sources for custom items/cnpcs? found quite a few for custom worlds but not many standalone items

>> No.22701812

how in the world do I sleep?

>> No.22701825
File: 305 KB, 1366x768, custom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got them from various places.
Then again, Moon gate(the old one and the omake) and elona uploader, are a good place to search.

>> No.22701901

holy crap are all those mods? jesus that's amazing. Do you have them all zip'd up and could upload them somewhere? Also how do I install mods (very new to the game). I think i'll duckduckgo elona+ c+g mods

>> No.22701976

only omake variants can use the mods he posted (npcs might work in plus but could be different format).

>> No.22702249

ahhh ok. Welp i'll dig around for c+g mods. Whats these omake variants and are they easy to play? I just want a super modded ultra fun fairy butt filled game to play

>> No.22702270

omake is a different offshoot from vanilla than e+ was. it keeps a similar plat economy to vanilla and i dont believe any variant has a fillled out south tyris aside from plus, but instead of more story content, it focuses on sandbox stuff and roleplay potential. there are player towns, achievements, new feats and dungeon types, custom spell making, justice/evill/hero weapons, etc. a lot of it is mid-end game content but you dont need to grind as hard as you do in plus since the omake variants largely left vanilla exploits intact and even improved some, so if you want to experience everything, it's not too bad to catapaullt yourself forward.

>> No.22702387

hmm... if I could get that guys mod stash and get the version of omake he's running I would probably just play that instead of elona+ c+g I'll look into it later and jot it down in my notes. As mentioned new to the game series as of tonight and only played for about an hour. Working on some dwarf fortress modding atm and just made crabs playable and wanna go around with the snip snip crab life.
Thanks for explaining

>> No.22702544

It's been a good while since I played Elona (E+ or Omake), but is the town management thing now properly working on Omake? Last I played they were still working on making it 'work' properly. Or did they give up on the NPC towns and just let players create their own town instead?

>> No.22702562

the version im playing on, sest, lets the player's deed of dungeon become a town. you find and recruit npcs for it from dungeons, and they can become pretty much all the npcs youd find in rregular towns inclluding guards, shopkeepers, captain, sister, bard, cleaner, etc. idk much about it aside from that, but you can eventually get multiple floors of the town when its big enough

>> No.22702587

Just duckduckgo'd and looked for elona plus c plus g mods really didnt give me much to work with. Where do I go for mods for that?

I'll ask for omake mods in a day or 3 once I track it down

>> No.22702669

Any news on when E+ Custom might get updated again? The changes to magic in E+ 1.93 is really interesting to me, since I liked playing pure magic even though it's not the most ideal build to go for

>> No.22703196
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Honestly most recommend going through a trial character or two just to get an idea of how to play.
Run around, fail, try again, and if you hit any specific walls feel free to ask around here.

Only real heads up I can give is try to avoid fighting outside of hunting and harvest quests early on.
When you die in those they don't count as 'deaths' and you get dragged back to town.
Also sword and shield is basically the worst fighting style. Only time you should have shields equipped is if they are in your shoot slot, or they are in both your hands and you are using a ranged weapon.

>> No.22703230

Use (t) a bed on the ground or in your inventory.

Bit of advice, you MIGHT get better results searching for mods for just plus. Custom G are mainly just tweaks and quality of life mods on top of plus and don't require anything special from regular plus to add items or NPCs.
Also, if you want oomsest (the 'most' content filled Omake variant) just use the easy setup mega link in the pastebin.
Unzip and play.

>> No.22703381


Awesome thank you very much guys. I'm heading to bed so i'll leave the thread up on this laptop and re-read what you said in the morning and get started on mod collecting and various learnings of the game (got distracted modding a bunch of animals as playable in dwarf fortress and spent the night wrestling creatures on a beach as a crab).
Night Guys and have many great adventures

>> No.22704399

Just came back to Elona after a year or so of absence. What's up with thirst, when did this mechanic get introduced? Oh and what version is considered the "best" general one right now?

>> No.22704647

Thirst was added on 1.78 (6/30/2018)

>> No.22704946

Unfortunately the base is split on what version to go for. OOMsest, 1.89 custom, 1.90 custom, 1.90 custom g, 1.94, and even some people still on 1.67 and the like.

The oomsest version is fully up to date, and translated, but they've been dragging their feet on adding the south tyris continent. So, it's mostly just gameplay tweaks rather than content. Around 40 new npcs, but they're rare custom npcs, asside from the putit dungeons.

For plus: 1.94 is the newest version, but it's in raw untranslated "huh", "i think not" "this sentence untranslated" glory.It is still quite playable, your mostly just missing out on the story.

1.90 custom/g is the most recent english version. Custom has an xp bug that gives you 1000x exp against weaker enemies than what your supposed to get (10x in practice), g fixes it. g also has options to disable a few other things, and always disables the thirst system.

1.89 custom doesn't have the xp bug, if you don't want custom.

The older versions are for people who hate ano's nerf streak.

Finally, lordalfredo said he wiil look into taking up custom for plus sometime this month.

>> No.22704962

minor edit

*plus 1.90 adds the bug not custom,
*1.89 custom is for people who don't want g, or the xp bug.

>> No.22705037

I taught my little girl all of the mage skills, I converted her to Itzpalt, made her practice magic with rods for a year then turned her into a witch, nursed her back to health, because she lost like 50 kg and got about half a meter shorter, changed her job to "wizard" and after all that she still can't cast any spells! Witch is supposed to cast magic spear...

>> No.22705050

You can adjust attack style and distance with ap at leold's in act 2 or 3.

>> No.22705112

ugh... Guess once I face Zenome I'll also have to fight embarrassment that my most powerful companion can't even do magic without rods.

>> No.22705217

Thanks for the informative post.

I tried out oomSEST since that seems to be discussed a lot. I do a lot of damage as a gunner but god damn, I don't remember being this squishy before. Might try a spellcaster because that's just the most fun way of playing.

>> No.22705570

I want to impregnate jure

>> No.22705618
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Unfortunately the kids of gods are simply random monsters.

>> No.22705973

what the hell is that,the monster i mean

>> No.22706014

It's an ether hedgehog. They stab you with ether corruption. In oomsest you can marry anyone and have kids too (only 1 kid a year). So, that's jure's kid.

>> No.22706279

Did Elona Plus 1.94 break the display of certain items on the ground? Dead Fish and Chestnuts seem to 'flicker' between the sprite for stairs and their actual sprite. From the changelog, I'm guessing this has something to do with the new fish thing where fish is supposed to flop around on the ground?

>> No.22706348
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How do I get rid of drug addiction? I thought kiseru would be something different.

>> No.22706499

crippling drug addiction goes away on it's own, just give it some time.

>> No.22706664
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Yep. Went to the Abyss Princess and got rid of it.

>> No.22706685
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Or not. I'm too tired to play Elona.

>> No.22707177


Sadly, it's not time based. It's turn/proc based. Each time the debuff hits you it lowers a hidden value by a bit. You just have to suffer.

Yes. Collect them, the fix in 1.95 won't change the already generated items, so they are collectors items now.

>> No.22707551 [DELETED] 

not enough panty nep butts being posted. you shame your neps

>> No.22707622

aight gonna create a fairy warrior and see how it goes. wish me luck

>> No.22708903

It's still doable since you can still throw/shoot things and dual wield exists. Also, two hands still provides a neglible boost with 0.9s weapons.

>> No.22709113


Or, just MA. MA don't care about weight. Magic works too, of course.

>> No.22710378

why is this thread so damn dead. depressing

>> No.22710852
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More like the other threads are too fast. They just can't take it easy.

>> No.22712992

Ah i was confused because it didnt said the monster name on the screenie

>> No.22713402

I just prefer a thread be more active then dead but fair enough

>> No.22714028

Any of you have a reference image of the controls? Playing for the first time since early 2013 and need to memorize these things again. I can make my own if need be--- just something to have open next to the window for a few days. If it matters, starting with the Elona + Custom G.

>> No.22714097

There is one, it's been posted a few times before. Might be linked in the pastebins in OP.

>> No.22714115
File: 773 KB, 2309x1480, ElonaKeyboardLite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in the op, but I have both.

>> No.22714128
File: 2.17 MB, 2309x1398, ElonaKeyboardFancy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22714140

Thank you!

>> No.22714439

as someone who just picked up the game earlier this week this is gonna be very useful. Thanks alot anon

>> No.22716356

I accidentally changed my ranch map tile to something I can't walk over. How do I fix this?

>> No.22717319

reinitialize the map, the controls for that are on the wiki
learn them, it's useful knowledge

>> No.22718583
File: 71 KB, 236x293, elonacg_i9d7y3r3Ho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know about backspace+enter but I've only ever used that on tiles I can actually stand on. I literally can't even get to my ranch to try and reinitialize it. Pic related, messup right to my left.

>> No.22718642

Reinitializing the overworld by holding backspace while exiting palmia for instance doesn't do anything either. I fixed it by enabling freemove and "g" to remove my ranch though. I'll just see this as a minor setback on gold.

>> No.22719225

Once you could stand on your ranch tile you should have been able to go inside just fine.

>> No.22720030

how fucked am i for not having a full size keyboard?

>> No.22720041
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I hope herbed curaria are still a good way to increase stats. It's been a while.

>> No.22720084
File: 25 KB, 250x201, 1564197387629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New person here again (E+CG), my starter cave seems to have hit the limit for stuff I've thrown on the ground. I see that combining clutter piles into groups helps when they auto-combine (2 broken swords), but are there things like bookshelves and chests to store stuff in? I don't see a furniture seller in the nearby town of Vernis.

>> No.22720182
File: 124 KB, 800x350, 2e93b78af76bc6f7364ce36ef46b2ef7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North of Palmia is the embassy where you pay your taxes later on and there are 2 dedicated vendors for furniture. There is furniture you can put stuff in. The freezer for food, bookshelves for books and scrolls, and a rack of potions for potions and drinkable stuff and there's also a bread shelve for some reason. There are no weapon racks or simple chests to put stuff in, so throw that shit on the ground. A way to increase your stuff capacity in your home is to buy up- and downstairs to create another floor with its own stuff limit. Stairs can be quite expensive for beginners tho.
There are also 2 static dungeons, meaning they don't reset in Vernis, where you can drop stuff.

>> No.22720247

Thank you!!
Is there a strategy to home design where players keep utilities and stairs right at the entrance?

Also, I think I found a Rod of Stairs at one point. Might have been a scroll. Would that generate them or is that more of a one-time temp thing to get out of a dungeon?

>> No.22720291
File: 33 KB, 240x320, 30737529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of a rod of stairs before, then again I only play the E+ variant. There are scrolls of escape to get out of a dungeon. Stairs basically act like furniture themselves. You buy them, drop them wherever you like in your home and then you can use them. Remember to buy stairs always in pairs, meaning one downstairs and one upstairs for every additional floor. The newly generated floor in your home is bare bones, so you have to drop the other stairs to get back. Otherwise you will starve there.

>> No.22720369

Hopefully I didn't hallucinate that Wand/Scroll of stairs-- was up pretty late last night learning how to do stuff. So might have been in my head.
Roger that with the stairs. Oh lol, if I stranded myself, how would I get out? Scoll/Rod of escape?

>> No.22720382

>how would I get out?
Scroll of escape or scroll of return, starve to death, pick up the rope from the newly generated floor and hang yourself.

>> No.22720448

No, the log said that I can't enter while in freemove. It doesn't matter anyway, I'm not a new elona player, I can manage.

>> No.22720454

Not too bad.
I played for the longest with my laptop that didn't have a numpad.
It was annoying, but not impossible to get used to by any means.

>> No.22720639
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It's still great, but in 1.94 you'll want to switch to living on bread/pasta for the speed potential (easy to mass produce with a field of unknown seeds, rice also works but is non-sharable), and the fact you won't have very many extra currarias anymore.

>> No.22721001

I want to HEADPAT my little girl

>> No.22721485

You see a elona thread grown handy placed here.

>> No.22721701

Which shopkeepers have the most money?

I've got all these dresses from crafting that I want to sell, but I can't sell them in my own shop since they count as furniture.

>> No.22721715

the ones in which you invested the most

>> No.22721736

A noob question here
How do I take off the (scary) items?
I ate the bow from tutorial but now I equiped a club that is bronze and that I can't unequip

>> No.22721803

Also, how do I dispell the strength debuff I got after bashing the door with the aforementioned club and thus damaging muscles?

>> No.22721829
File: 223 KB, 420x688, 31740844_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easiest way is to visit a healer in town, assuming you're playing E+ and have some pocket money. A healer can also restore damaged attributes.

>> No.22721879
File: 18 KB, 1103x30, Lemy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also get the sense quality skill. It gives you more details about equipment before you even pick it up from the floor at decent levels. Rule of thumb is to never equip completely unknown equipment if you can't reliably deal with curses.

>> No.22721940

Is that a debuff? I thought it directly subtracted exp, lowering the base value.

>> No.22722068

Is there a way to meet a specific adventurer in E+CG?
Savescumming is fine by me, i need to get the super lure that generated on an adventurer, but is it just sheer luck or can i ensure a meeting with him somehow?

>> No.22722076

You can talk with an informer most cities have and see where the adventurer currently is. You can hope they're nearby but if that's not the case you'll probably need the seven league boots to catch up with them if they're too far

>> No.22722141

So there's no way to savescum until they are nearby or in a town?

>> No.22722488

I'm sure there is, but you'll probably spend more time trying it than the 5 or so minutes it takes to walk to whatever town the informer points you at.

>> No.22722660

Another question- bought an extra freezer to store food. Was gonna do 1 for finished foods and another for ingredients. They seem to share the same inventory. Do different variants of food storage share the same limits?

>> No.22722699

But adventurers are often in dungeons or generic places like "north tyris" i mean a way to savescum them being in an actual, reachable town

>> No.22722754

All freezers share inventory, all bread showcases share inventory, all coolers have their own inventory.

You probably can't do what you want, but you can leave them on the floor or in a shelter.

>> No.22722986

Ahhh, alright.

Does the 12million Tax Certificate give you 12million gp positive balance for taxes, or just the 2700~gp it costs for the cert? The wiki doesn't really specify how much it applies.

>> No.22723011

It's a pseudo tax bill that you can pay.

If you have the 12 Milion gp on hand when you go to the tax box, you pre-pay your taxes for a dozen years, give or take a few.

>> No.22723018

Ohhhhh, alright.

>> No.22723066

Is the winchester actually a good gun? Seems like shotguns are the crappiest type with their range limitations.

>> No.22723125

Depends. If you are using it in melee range shotguns are the strongest gun by far, especially in oomsest with Winchester having 2x damage.

Otherwise, no.

>> No.22723258

>Die on a non-quest maps
>Turn it into a raw or candy with scrolls of inferior mats and eat it
>Expose yourself to fire breathing enemies with less than strong fire resist and no blanket

>> No.22724487

I'm playing omake. Are the farming quests' quota always capped at 140s?

>> No.22724644

just keep in mind the ranges of each gun type and you should be able to make any of them excel. Don't look down at shotguns just because they're the most effective at one or two tiles away, they could play nicely into a heavy armor build, kind like your average <Big Daddy>

>> No.22725021
File: 157 KB, 600x600, 619b3d90a6613c3114e1e2afb88dd469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a citizen or villager in Elona must be weird as hell. You could probably make a decent manga or anime out of just following the average joe through his daily life with all the adventurers wrecking havoc everywhere and other shit going on.

>> No.22725277

Imagine seeing a guy with 15 green haired lolis coming to you for a monster hunting quest.

>> No.22725329


I just checked and they cap at 140s on my oomsest character too. Never that noticed before.

>> No.22725335

I miss Rueken

>> No.22725525

Is there a way to keep a follower from using the well in Vernis? The second time I visited the town, my little girl fell into it and drowned.

>> No.22725580
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A tamers whip should do the trick.

>> No.22725597

Nyo Touching! No Bump-Bump for nyou.

>> No.22725660

Is she ded?

>> No.22725675

What are the most USELESS skills on he game? swimming? magical device? Shield? (nobody uses shields lets be honest)

>> No.22725710
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>open door in the void
>get raped to death by a swarm of assault red dragon flies in 1 turn
Assault nigger flies would've been a more suitable name.

>> No.22725718

Ah yes those things with the fury buff wrecking your ass before you can blink,i find grass dancers worse but thats just my PTSD

>> No.22725826

i want to hold hands with lulwy and put clothes on her

>> No.22725834

Could you by chance leave enough cursed/bad meals around to make a god kill itself?

>> No.22725837

None of the skills strike me as useless .. even shield, as poor as the skill's bonuses are, can be used for an amount of PV when you need it. I'd say either swimming or fishing.

>> No.22725851

what? its a mayor cooking/money source and for easy ehekatl favor

>> No.22725877
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Never actually considered it as a cooking conjunction since I would always just buy or scavenge cooking ingredients .. would save a lot of cash, especially early on. Thanks for the tip. Like I said, I'm struggling to think of reasons for any of elona's abilities not being useful.

>> No.22726040

Fish is actually worth quite a lot at higher levels, when you can start getting rarer fish. Raising Fishing and Cooking early is pretty much easy money, plus you'll never run out of food this way and can get Ehekatl favour out of the way fast. Since Luck is one of the factors determining whether you get a fish or junk, being an Ehekatl worshipper helps you get even more fish.

>> No.22726331

Eh, swimming is +.5 speed per level, or +1000 at cap. That's pretty good. I'd still prioritize combat skills first, but maxing swimming should be on every power gamer's checklist.

I think travel is the least useful since you'll be plenty fast with enough speed, and the while the xp isn't bad, it's not especially great either.

>> No.22726629

So I just had a power outage and apparently my save is corrupted. Any way to salvage it?

>> No.22726661

How do i edit an adventurer's inventory in Elosnack?

>> No.22726755
File: 26 KB, 659x66, elonacg_pOtCipfyAg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wished for nothing because I anticipated a return spell going off. Fuck my life.

>> No.22726888
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Being an Ehekatl worshipper should be a requirement to post here in the first place.

>> No.22727106
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The trick is to not get hit.

>> No.22727170
File: 36 KB, 599x479, JureDisappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny way to spell Jure anon.

>> No.22727205
File: 245 KB, 500x500, 03_42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes. The classic tsundere. Truly a multifarious character to behold.

>> No.22727888

Hey guys I finally got to learning the game (got the elona+custom) and I'm having fun so far
Got to the point where I can kill that dumb fuck thief chief that kills my escort peeps in random encounters. got any tips?

>> No.22728403

What armor should I wear as a predator?

>> No.22728459

panties on your head and nothing else

>> No.22729748


>> No.22729787

Is fairy warrior viable?
I am very very bad at mage class also

>> No.22729821

Even Snail Tourist is doable, the issue in fairy is that Warriors want heavy weapons to shit on monsters late game- being stuck to 1.0s weapons will mess with your damage potential. Dorf or Gobbo works better.

>> No.22729845

I'm playing elona c+g with some mods (the ones in the pastebin). I'll mess with some various race/builds and see what works. I'll try fairy warrior later once ive gotten a bit better.

What's best for melee and minimal to no magic for race/class? The one that's considered best overall by many/most

>> No.22729868

On the other hand, Fairy Martial Artists can be pretty viable, since your damage from MA is entirely based on the skill itself. So you can be your typical cute tiny fairy where playfully throwing a punch out can literally erase things from existance

>> No.22729879

I will consider this option since I wanna be cute fairy with the girl and fight are way thru... Can you recruit or train monsters like another fairy or anything? someone mentioned a pokemon style mode in the game in a prior thread (really new to the game like a weekish)

Right now the game is crashing when I start a new game (fresh install on a fresh rig in windows 10) so not sure what the issue is.

>> No.22730021

You can have up to 15 active pets depending on charisma, and thousands more stored in the dojo or discarded ranch. Everything in the game can be recruited one way or another, fairys are pretty easy to catch in a poke ball or mind control with dominate.

>> No.22730055

Awesome thanks for letting me know. I'll probably get something weak and train it up. I tend to try to do that alot in games with monster training.

Still cant get the game to not crash when making a new game. It does the intro but once its time to load the scene with my home crash. hmm i'll have to try various settings and seeing it window mode works shortly. gotta do a few things first.

Also how long does it take to get to the monster capture stuff? do I need to do a ton of quests or can I just goto a town and buy some crap and start at say lvl 1?

>> No.22730124

You'll get your first pet for free in the nearby town. Then you can either buy monster balls to catch them from the general vendor (not the most common item), or get rods of domination/spell of domination to catch them.

There are several, "shops" that sell pets like the horse vendor in yowyn or the slave vendor in derphy.

There are many ways to get pets: there a some you wish for, there are scrolls of ally that can summon them, diaries that make their owners your pets, astral light pens of duplication, enemies that join on defeat, quests that give them as rewards, god servants as gifts to the faithful, etc.

Stil the most common are from derphy, monster ball, and domination magic.

>> No.22730197

Awesome thanks. I'll youtube and google a bit more later. Time to reboot and see if I can get it running properly without a crash. Thanks again for all your help

>> No.22730475

1.95 is out

>> No.22731016


>> No.22731387

>Evolves with king heart into cthulhime regardless of sex... because boys can be princesses too!

>> No.22731577
File: 380 KB, 1805x1199, Transgender_bathrooms_are_a_Jewish_imperative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the new Japanese era, the "J" stands for "Jewish".

>> No.22731902

What are some good ranchable pets? I know about fairies for the secret experience but that's about it.

>> No.22732001

Is there a limit on how many Gods you can invite to your home? I got Lulwy to come but talking to the other Gods doesn't give me the invite option anymore

>> No.22732005

It depends on what are you aiming for but putits and rabbits are a safe bet...and maybe the pupper for that cooler quest

>> No.22732372
File: 114 KB, 226x297, elonacg_BX9YjhBnua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These dungeons with loads of cupids really make happy beds a breeze nowadays. 37 hours playtime by the way.

>> No.22732389

Don't forget lame horses.

>> No.22732857

You can only have ~400 npcs on a map, IIRC.

Otherwise, feel free to have a hundred lulwy's.

Just make sure your home is rank 1.

>> No.22732931
File: 971 KB, 1280x760, 100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep the gods in seperate areas. There is a chance a god, like any NPC decides to down a beer or a crim ale or a whisky or whatever and gets drunk. Drunk NPCs like to start fights with another nearby NPCs, most likely another god in your home. You don't want that to happen.

>> No.22732936

>You don't want that to happen.
Are you sure about that ?

>> No.22732951
File: 242 KB, 850x1050, 24984563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends. You may get a god weapon out of it. Your home and everything inside, including you will be most likely fucked. Unless you're a god killer.

>> No.22732982

One thing for sure though, it will be a party to remember.

>> No.22733090

goddess butt

>> No.22733143

post fairy butt

>> No.22733177

Oh hey, I remember that house.

>> No.22733209
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x760, 101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here forever etc.
Is Kai still around?

>> No.22733338
File: 240 KB, 1390x823, 2020-01-06_152728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Kai is kill.
Boldly dared where no PC had ever dared before.
Hopefully he was fulfilled.

>> No.22733444
File: 30 KB, 1013x63, element.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these days I gotta min-max just as hard as you guys. I'm only 10 levels behind you, but you got more than triple my attributes.

>> No.22733636

Really? RIP. Last time I was into Elona he was going for the bottom of the void, if that's actually possible.

>> No.22733648

in plus atleast people confirmed there some level where things stop scaling to prevent on overflo or something

>> No.22733900

It's not to prevent an overflow. The max enemy level generates at 6666, this is hard capped. Beyond that you can have quality affixed to the npc, <> or {} for another boost, yielding 8332 and 11110 respectively.

It's impressive to reach those in the void, but you can get their much faster with overworld dungeons and the yelow gem sophia gives you for beating tezoseuchaseuh just before enthumesis.

It doubles dungeon level (and some other settings) every 10 hrs, so just camp on the map and level it til cap. You can go generate higher level dungeons naturally, but the jewel caps it at 6666 as well. The bosses will be 8332, you can only get 11110 from challenge quests and the like.

>> No.22734386

Nyobody knyows the touble Mia's seen, nyobody knows Mia's Tru-bull

>> No.22734666

playing E+C 1.90.4 and still getting thirsty, though everything else is working. What's up with that?

>> No.22734726

nevermind i'm pants on head retarded

>> No.22736266

If I'm reading it right, to use an Astral Pen on a god(dess) you summoned via wish or in the Truce Grounds, you'd need to be at least level 700 since all they are all level 350. Is this achievable during a 'normal' E+ gameplay, or does it require extensive grinding even for E+?

>> No.22736387

elona+ google drive link is dead from the pastebin. Need it to install c+g to play. Anyone got a working google drive link that matches all 3 in the pastebin?

>> No.22736406

to add the modded c+g downloads are what I tried getting but it doesnt load the game after you get past the intro text. What's odd is it works just fine on my laptop. Running windows 10 also on this rig so mentioning that just in case its relevant

>> No.22736419


You have it backwards, you need to be lvl175. Both are quite achievable, but if you don't grind you'd probably beat act 3 in the 100-300 range.

>> No.22736480

For anyone that was mildly curious I solved it by compatibility to windows 7. Appearently windows 10 holds true and doesnt play nice with another game. Off to play a fairy tourist and punch everyone

>> No.22738512
File: 1.84 MB, 384x372, 64b35a15cbfb0802fdf9786bd784457d0fb4ba87.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't read the OP

>> No.22738604

I really should check out the anime sometime

>> No.22738847

Been about a year and a half. What's good now? Are you still all but forced into the herb farming and cooking loop to be strong and make pets strong? Some of the changes I saw looked like they made just doing dungeons and stuff better. It might finally be time for me to RP a warlock kinda guy with a demon harem.

>> No.22738898

herb farming and cooking are still good. try something different. hell be a scroll collector and sell scrolls for money but build your warlock demon harem.

>> No.22738927

Doing something different was the plan. I just remember the game really twisting your arm about needing herb infused foods to train lower level pets into relevancy and I'm one of those guys intent on using my earliest pets all the way to the end.
I like imps. I wish there were evolutions for imps.

>> No.22739141

The custom PCC builder site died with geocities. Is there a backup of it somewhere? I loved having that thing available.

>> No.22739232

I'm somewhat similar in games with pet training that I tend to find a weak enemy and train it up thruout the whole game. I feel there's an accomplished feeling when you take something that nobody else would and go im going to make you stronger and work towards it and accomplish your goals

>> No.22739236

google internet archivess and search the web site for it. should bring up old pages of it for you to use. Just bookmark that and you should be good to go.

>> No.22739327

How do I change the sprite that servants in my house use? I can't interact with the maid in any way to change her sprite.

>> No.22739422

You can't change their sprite, but in 1.94 you can change the image that pops up next to them when talking. (not portrait, a full body image)

>> No.22739673

Fuck, did Noa really give up on Elin?

>> No.22739706

He wanted to finish it after he found an artist or hired one.

In the meantime he's working on elin's inn: https://old.reddit.com/r/ElinsInn/comments/dk5k56/elins_inn_progress/

>> No.22741092

Messing with overdose for a bit to play as snail/tourist to see how it goes and I have no idea how to increase or decrease the xp earned. Where do I go or what options do I change so I can set it to 5x or 20x whenever. Not a serious playthru just something to kill an hour or 3 tonight

>> No.22741294

Go down to the bottom of the continent, and head right under the lake. There's a house there, at the top past some black walls is a crazy lady who can make the game easier.

>> No.22741311

In the first act? Man I have zero clue where you're talking about. what's the nearest town to it ?

>> No.22741442

Still cant find it anon mind sharing where it's at? Been all over the south but none of the buildings are this house with a crazy lady. im in act 1

>> No.22741556
File: 785 KB, 1440x856, devil cape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the devil cape in N Tyris act 1: https://elona.fandom.com/wiki/Devil_Cape

>> No.22741704

Oh jeez no wonder I missed it the map on the wiki had that part cut off. Thanks anon much appreciated i'm heading there now. Fucking around with a golem farmer atm so this will speed things up til I get bored and go back to my real game again

>> No.22741844

Where can I get more graphics packs of charactors? especially of golem/snail/fairy since the version in the pastebin has no snail/golem and the fairy choices are very limited to feather wings.
and is it simple to just drag and drop into the game or do I gotta do some magic voodoo bullshit to add new charactor icons?

>> No.22743683

Do Shift cores stack? Or do the Omega (the one that deains hp/mp) and another one stack, since the buffs are named differently?
Also i'd like to add a custom sprite for when i trasform, to become a dragon. Is there a repository or something where i can get such a sprite? I guess asking for animated ones is too much, but is it as simple as copy-pasting some sprites in a folder?

>> No.22743780

>Actual legit newfag to this shit got recommended it by a friend
>Said friend tells me to not even bother fighting shit till i make enough money doing fetch quests in the first town to upgrade my armour / weapon etc and to just grind shit in the woods till i get some levels on my character
>First quest i take is a guy wanting me to get his kid a gift of literal fucking garbage for 900 gold
>Second quest i take was a guy who wanted me to get an apple from some other guy and give it to him
>Go to get apple
>Its cursed and also rotten
>Give it to him
>He immediately eats it and explodes
>Go to the Bar
>Knew you could play music for money and try to play the Piano
>Scroll through the log
>Someone threw a rock at me so hard i died in a single fucking blow
This is very fun i enjoy this

>> No.22744064

How do I acquire lightsabres nowadays when crafting them was removed? I assume I can use the sharp equip making recipe after I get my first to replicate them.

Welcome to Elona, enjoy your stay. I remember when I first picked it up and I played it religiously for like 300 hours before even touching another game.

>> No.22744207

A few enemy types carry them, you can wish for one, some vendors might sell them, or just find one in a dungeon

>> No.22744323
File: 187 KB, 600x850, 1260771157801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually wait and use points to boost Performer before actually attempting to use it, regardless of which version of Elona I'm playing

>> No.22744628


>> No.22744793
File: 154 KB, 618x622, 36818553_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone threw a rock at me so hard i died in a single fucking blow
Classic cunt.

>> No.22744829

There is a kid in the north eastern part of that town andhHe wants you to get his puppy from the nearby cave. The cave's floors are randomly generated each time you enter or use the stairs and are littered with stuff. You can get starter equipment there easy. Watch out for kobolds and hungry demons. They can wreck you, even if you're not playing something squishy.

>> No.22745200
File: 236 KB, 531x364, senko1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch out for kobolds
Fuck kobolds

>> No.22745669
File: 84 KB, 960x694, 1577357912505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a WEIRD question, but are there items/stuff that was only available/obtainable in a previous version of Elona, but not removed in the following versions?
I don't care about skills/items that were once available and then removed, only about stuff like the animated fish/chestnut that, once they get fixed, will be in your game only if you got them before the patch.

Sheer autism i know, but i want to literally 100% elona+, and i'd hate to invest hours only to find out i fucked up because i've missed sonething forever

>> No.22746135

You can only have 1 active at a time. Using another will remove the previous buff. There is no loophole to exploit here.

>> No.22748822

These trap cleanup quests are sure a blight on early game when all I want to do is escorts. Is there some new early game hotness I'm forgetting about or unaware of?

>> No.22748898

how do I drop gold or put it in a chest in my home? Once I get a certain amount some pirate bandit keeps robbing me when im walking and taking like 6-9k worth and I see there's no option to disable that asshole. So want to drop my money so I can keep it safe at my home cave for now

>> No.22748973

Just do small cargo runs for money unless you're hungry for plat, otherwise you're stuck doing 'I wan't it!' quests from the junk you find.

>> No.22749053

You're looking for Kitty Banks:

They usually have their name plus an amount next to them (such as 'Kitty Bank (5mil)', for example), which indicate that you can only deposit that amount of gold in them at a time (so to put money in the Kitty Bank (5mil), you need at least 5mil and can only put 5mil at a time).

Note that you can't 'withdraw' the gold you put into the Kitty Banks without throwing and breaking them, which will make it spill out onto the ground. This can mean that your pets can grab them, if you didn't throw it at your feet or didn't use the Tamer Whip to make pets never pick up anything (E+ only, unless it's also in Omake).

>> No.22749071

Ah I have seen those around the shops. Never below 50k tho. Which does me no good the asshole starts showing up the moment I hit 20k in coins. I'll keep an eye out for one around 25k. Is there a page or site that lists all the banks and their values?

>> No.22749085
File: 24 KB, 1087x29, posture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot tip for bandits is to just carry a wand of teleport, say you'll fight them, and then just teleport out and leave.

Anyone know what this "posture was lost" thing is? I don't remember it from 30-odd versions ago but I've also never played a gun or relied on bonus attacks before so it might be that. I got a living weapon dual pistol 3 months into the game on my Yerles gunner and so far it just invokes Ice Bolt for 300 damage. Which is absurd of course, but is also putting my little girl in danger.

>> No.22749098

I'll keep an eye out for teleport rods. thanks for the tip

>> No.22749133

Scrolls of (Minor) Teleportation work just as well, in case you're afraid of the wand not working. Just be aware that Minor Teleportation teleports you to somewhere within a certain raidus from where you are currently standing, whereas Teleportation can put you anywhere on the map. In any event, being unlucky would either mean spell/wand failing to zap, or you teleported, but appeared near enough to get shot/zapped by spells. You'll want to work on your (IRL) Luck stat if you keep teleporting right next to where you began, though. I recommend worshipping Ehekatl today.

>> No.22749190

Sounds good anon i'll work on this stuff and gathering gear for avoiding this asshole when I play in a bit.

>> No.22749270

I'm not aware of any comprehensive lists, but the lowest deposit kitty bank I've encountered was 500GP. Next lowest was 5k.

>> No.22749363

Aight i'll keep that in mind. Hopefully I come accross a 20-25k range one asap.

>> No.22750069

Is there any way to actually get fullscreen working on this game nowadays?
I'm playing from my bed and on a TV nowadays and without being able to play it at a lower resolution scaled up, the text and interface is just a strain.

>> No.22750074

In oomsest the resolution is uncapped.
In plus, not so much.

>> No.22750096

set it to full screen in options (hit shift to leave the menu) exit the game and restart it? I think that's what I did when I got it fullscreened. I cant do windowed either 2 small

>> No.22750119

Strangely enough, it used to do that for me a few years ago, but now all it just does is remove the title bar

>> No.22751005

Edit: Thanks for the gold, bros!
Didn't expect this to blow up. Guess I can afford to go out eating with my wife and her boyfriend now. I am sure they will enjoy my crazy stories about Elona, Dwarf Fortress and SS13 as well!

>> No.22751105
File: 41 KB, 450x525, 25890117_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is this post. Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.22751147 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 554x554, 1575599780280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fuck is this post. Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.22751301 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 554x554, 1555419319606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fuck is this post. Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.22751358 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 554x554, 1561637561978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fuck is this post. Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.22751940

When renaming pets, is there any way to type the name with the <Brackets> and not have it simply turn into _Underscores_ after you apply it? It's always bugged me I can't give my pets them when every other unique npc gets to have them, save the odd {Godly} version of an enemy.

>> No.22752059

The brackets signify powers your pet doesn't have, like smashing through walls.

>> No.22752115

Why do people still play Elona when there are so many better games of the type out there?

>> No.22752258
File: 97 KB, 600x527, 1578450997582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please point me towards a rougelike where I can sandbox and do even half the absurd shit that happens in-game.

>> No.22752291

What version to play?

>> No.22752350

Read the psstebin, faggot

>> No.22752358

I don't trust pastebins... Most of the time they are outdated or don't actually reflect the prevailing opinions of the thread and more often than not I get told to do the exact opposite when I take the time to actually ask.

>> No.22752383

1.90.4 with beautify and custom.

>> No.22752387

we agree with the pastebin opinion. now go read it

>> No.22752426


Plus's AP system lets you upgrade the character quality to godly, so pets get the {} in their name.
And the resists, immunities, and wall destroying too.

>> No.22752739
File: 231 KB, 1162x990, KurumiOpatos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to grind forever just to grind forever or 'deeper RP' with specialized feats and titles then go OOOMSEST.
If you want a goal or some sort of story and scaling content to climb through before grinding to grind, then play Plus Custom G.

I would say something about just reading the pastebin but until a couple of months ago the pastebins here were also dead so I can't blame you.

>> No.22752797

This, Elona combines the hypothetical potential of rpgmaker games with the autism of runescape and is somehow better than both games at each.

>> No.22752816

If you want a version thats recent with Martial Arts at its OP-est then 1.89.

>> No.22753102

elona+ c+g with mods. the files are in the pastebin

>> No.22753344

For most people 1.94 has stronger MA since it scales faster now. It's only weaker past skill 1000+, and even then it's still OP.

>> No.22753445

Is spending your little sister rewards on statues of kumiromi still a good idea? Are there anything else more worthwhile?

>> No.22753587

in 1.89/1.90 yes.

In 1.94 I split it between statues and jewels, since statues give 1/3 the normal rate. Herb yields are much better in general, so you only need 6-9 statues and 5-10 jewels. More than that and you'll mostly be waiting on potential potions.

>> No.22753927

Is Elona objectively better than Caves of Qud?

>> No.22753928


Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead comes pretty close. But I don't think it's better than Elona.

>> No.22753974

elona is objectively better than every other video game ever created besides 100% orange juice

>> No.22754023

I stopped playing that because some bitch kept stealing my fucking stars.

>> No.22754200

Oh, found the issue and the fix.
Fullscreen does not function outside of the actual vanilla resolutions.

>> No.22754562

just getting back after months playing CDDA, is OP-anon back or is this an old OP image?

>> No.22754625

How is OOMSEST? Why can you "grind forever" in it?

>> No.22754726

oomsest focuses on expanding the bounds of already existing content. skills/attributes can be uncapped to 9999, living weapons have no cap, vendors get lots of good stuff at really high invest values (2bil black market venor stocks 24 pages of gear that comes with enchants increasing stats by 200+, big invokes, huge resists, etc). summoning gods also scales a bit in the void, i atleast know that at 10k void level they get a huge boost and either ehekatl or god inside gets all the other gods abilities. and even with all the grinding, some stuff can still kill you due to insane stats or a status effect that seals your equipment effects. also blacksmithing system that lets you merge artifacts near infinitely. dungeons are also useful pretty much all game as they give great rewards and have modifiers. zealot towers have altars to random gods, including any custom installed ones like danalin. puragatory gives artifact fusion licenses and lots of dragons to kill for chests. just lots of additions to vanilla content along with custom gods/items/cnpcs which mean you can go for a long time. and a lot of the content is geared towards rpers or early game, like putit dungeons, the new feats, etc.

>> No.22754750

He does FE shit now

>> No.22754757

Alright. I'm sold.

>> No.22755213

Actual Guy that made this post like 5 days ago wtf are you talking about?

>> No.22755222

So hiring a Maid for you're house just lets you do remodelling shit and hiring store keepers and informants just lets you buy shit off them in you're house / cave yes?

>> No.22755259

maid lets you get guests, storekeepers are just a convenience thing, they're the same as you find them in towns, remodelling can be done with/without maid if you have a house board (unless e+ changed that recently)

>> No.22755262

You don't need maid for remodelling, just house board. Maid's function is bringing guests.

>> No.22755372

Also Omake Overall (and most likely the oomsest version) has roaming gangs of Younger Sisters that you can encounter instead of Rogue Bosses. All they want is to 'play' with their Onii(ee)-chan, which if you accept at least doesn't cost you as much as surrendering gold/cargo to Rogue Bosses if you don't count being a living onahole to the roaming Younger Sister gangs as a bad thing

>> No.22755429
File: 982 KB, 510x637, 1541346214974.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always go for hero cheeses no matter the character or situation

>> No.22755502

the link on pastebit to Elona+ (Stable: 1.94) is 404'd.

>> No.22755579

That's because Elona+ is on Stable 1.95 now, see >>22730475

>> No.22755667

Thanks, missed that

>> No.22755674

I am playing as a Yerles pure Gunman because i was told it was more easy mode for people new to the game
Which is the best god for each playstyle? Should i worship the Machine god since he seems like the typical / default choice for anyone using guns?

>> No.22755704
File: 493 KB, 840x525, 33758905_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His bonuses increase your damage output with guns so it's reasonable to go with Mani. Then again, all god bonuses depend on your faith skill. If your faith skill is shit, you won't get much out of worshipping anybody.

>> No.22755972

You'll want to worship almost everyone eventually for the tier 2 rewards, but Mani is a good starting point. His pet is preeeetty good early on in E+, and his weapon is insanely good. It's an extremely powerful shotgun so you can either use it yourself or give it to the god pet for it to tank with. The tier 2 reward is basically just a delete everything button that stays relevant for a long time. It will hit friendly NPCs though, and has a long cooldown. It's probably the best thing early game. Bandits? Dead. Want that early little sister? It's yours. Wanna clear this panic quest? No problemo.
The stat and skill boosts he offers will help you out until you're strong enough to stand on your own, at which point you can dump him for whoever you want the rewards of next. Where you go from there just depends on what you want, but you can always go back to Mani after you're done if you just want his statboosts.

>> No.22756133


I recommend yacatect for any new players. She gives a boost to loot, money, and plat, (mostly found in dungeons, puppy's cave counts) which tends to be the first hurdles players smack into.

>> No.22756423
File: 154 KB, 908x771, 9e14dcf0-9fad-4c2c-a6e7-e652e2fcbb21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one knows? Is >>22707177 (so just dead fish and chestnut? Or all fish is broken?) the only istance of "get these in this edition or never again" bugged items? Or has it happened before another such istance?

>> No.22756507

your autism is hindering your ability to play a game and enjoy it. let it go and just play. and no I dont know the answer and I still think you're being autistically stupid over it

>> No.22756512

So like. If Noa's so torn up about not being able to finish a new game, why doesn't he just work on Elona?

>> No.22756669

I've only noticed dead fish and chestnuts, but it's possible all fish do it.

>> No.22756693

Dude i can't completely have control over it, and yeah i know it's sheer autism, i'm not justifying it, it's just how it is.
I see, and there are no similiar cases that happened in the past? Where sone stuff, if kept fron one version to another, became an exclusive item not obtainable in other ways?

>> No.22756992

>still no elona custom for 1.95

>> No.22757185

I really like being able to restrict the number of sales my shop(s) do a day. I won't necessarily always have 30+ things to sell a day, so restricting it down means I don't have to run back to restock it as often

>> No.22757214

What happened to the custom chat server that someone was hosting?

>> No.22757263

Fun fact, he has a different damage formula than every other npc for bad performances. Everything else deals something up to its level, he deals twice his level plus up to 100.

>> No.22757536

Because the source code is pretty messed up from the base and it's too much of a work to sort it up, or so I heard.

>> No.22757603

I'm no computer wizard but I feel like if there's loads of forks and things like Elona+ that like triple the size of the game at this point and add mountains of new features it isn't an unworkable mess. I wish him all the best because I love his world, but if that's his given reason I'm immensely disappointed. I hope he wins the lottery or something and gets all the funding he could ever ask for. I've seen a handful of his blogposts and it seems like he's struggling to keep it going. If neither Elin nor Elin's Inn make it I don't want the future.

>> No.22757658

Ah, there was an old thing in vanilla that let you gain a limb. I can't remember the details though.

I also know mani's old gemstone used to be an alchemy jewel, and the new one replaced it. But I think *think* that it became a drop of some other mob.

>> No.22757672

I got a couple of questions. My little girl drunk some well water and the game asked me what I wished for I answered money and my little girl got 10000 gold.

How do I get that gold?

How do I set my little girl to be less aggressive?

Can I steal stuff on the ground like furniture, food and weapons?

I got an escort quest but had no clue where the place I was escorting them was, is there a way to find out?

>> No.22757714

>I got a couple of questions. My little girl drunk some well water and the game asked me what I wished for I answered money and my little girl got 10000 gold.
That's... A wish. Brutal. They're timegated random events that you can get for various things, including drinking from a well. Money is one of the worst things you could wish for, 10k is peanuts even early game. It should automatically be in your total I think? but it's possible your little girl swiped it if it spawned on the ground. It was her wish after all. I'm not positive on that since I've never wished for money.
In the future, your first wish should basically always be "seven league boots". They make you zoom across the overworld and let you complete tight escorts for early cash with ease.

>How do I set my little girl to be less aggressive?
If you put her on a leash she'll be trapped within a certain radius of you and will teleport back to you if she exceeds that radius, but until much later (South Tyris) you can't really play with AIs much, unless I'm forgetting something in custom.

>Can I steal stuff on the ground like furniture, food and weapons?
You can, but for many hard-placed things you need the pickpocketing skill. A little obtuse, but you have to pick the pockets of the world around you to pick up stuff like trees and furniture. Weapons you should just be able to pick up without pickpocketing.

>I got an escort quest but had no clue where the place I was escorting them was, is there a way to find out?
In your journal you can see all your board subquests. Either press j or access it from the z menu.

Overall you might wanna check the wiki out.

>> No.22757775
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>My little girl drunk some well water and the game asked me what I wished for I answered money and my little girl got 10000 gold.
>How do I get that gold?
You can't. Pets have their own gold and they use that to level their skill potential while you dick around in towns. Get the gene machine and use it to get your girl the pickpocket skill. Mandatory for every pet.

>How do I set my little girl to be less aggressive?
Use a leash on her.

>Can I steal stuff on the ground like furniture, food and weapons?
Yes you can. It's a skill. You activate skills by pressing the "a" key. You also need strength to steal heavy stuff. strength/2 > weight of object. Want to grab a tree of ash weighing 28s? Your strength better be over 56.
You buy new skills with platinum coins, short pp from trainers in cities. Different trainers offer different skills.

>I got an escort quest but had no clue where the place I was escorting them was, is there a way to find out?
Press "j" to see your journal.

>> No.22757845

>your first wish should basically always be "seven league boots"
What are the other things i can wish for?

>In your journal you can see all your board subquests
I should clarify I know the name of the location but I don't know where that location is.

>check the wiki
I'll go do that

>gene machine
What is the gene machine exactly?

thanks for the help yall

>> No.22758015

How to make ranch breeds mature? I have a bunch of little boys I can't milk 'cause "... boy is not old enough to produce milk." I tried giving them items and feeding them livestock feeds, both directly and through a register.
Now I have just beaten act 1, 3 years skipped during which my little girl (I left her to breed because her fertility is like 6 points) didn't get anything done and the boys size is still at -5.
How do I make them grow? I NEED that boy-milk!

>> No.22758041

Oh shit. I just realised I can just buy a bunch of little boys from the slave vendor and milk them dry.

>> No.22758300

Though old, the wiki page on Wishing is still good as a guideline as to what to use your Wishes for:

Most people will grab the Seven League Boots, because as mentioned, they make travelling the map really fast. A trip from Vernis to Palmia at 70 speed goes from a 2-3 day trip to a 1 or 1/2 day trip, or even less than a day if you're fast enough. I usually like wishing for an Aurora Ring next, because they make you essentially immune to the more terrible effects of Hard Rain and Snowing. The third Wish after that pretty much depends on when I get it.

>> No.22758394

Speaking of Seven League Boots I just got my early game wish. Ehekatl really stiffed me. They're completely regular leather with no enchantments to speak of.
It's been about a hundred years and I see that Garok's hammer doesn't turn things into artifacts anymore. Plus it still costs about a million medals anyway so that's out the window.
Are there any earlier game opportunities to add properties to items I'm forgetting about besides the obvious change material?

>> No.22758839

Use the wiki, you troglodyte.

>> No.22758946

Does this new yith npc from 1.95 change look when evolved?

>> No.22759601

You feed (throw at) them milk. They need to be at least a week or two old before it works.

1milk = 1 growth stage
1 blessed milk = 2 growth stages.
There are 5 total, before they are grown.


It does turn things into artifacts. The rng was just replaced.
And, nope. That's the only way to add properties. Even act 3 fusion requires it to be turned into an artifact first.

However, you can just get the diatholan from the yeek's nest mission in yowyn. It's pretty early game.

>> No.22759632

I glanced at the character sheet. Looks like it becomes a little girl in a sun dress or something.

>> No.22759639

It did. Some class of monsters (robots or something) all have a tiny chance of dropping it.

>> No.22759966

>You can't. Pets have their own gold and they use that to level their skill potential while you dick around in towns.
I thought that you could siphon off your pet's gold by repeatedly performing for them. Or does that money come from another source?

>> No.22761746

Omake tried to fix that but it still can't touch the base. Meanwhile, plus keeps piling up new stuffs on top of the mess.

>> No.22762414

is the one at the pastebin the latest OOMSEST? I can't seem to access the discord download link that's usually being shared as the latest OOMSEST

>> No.22762910
File: 81 KB, 633x441, unhappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to be a sniper farmer for the big boy decapitation stacking and this is available pretty early. Should I pick it up and use the adamantium kit from the minotaur king on it? How good is proximity assist?

>> No.22763000

Proximity assist is fine... in melee. It doesn't work at range, but if you fire that sniper point blank it's good-ish.

Using the adamntium kit is fine, you can always get more.

However, you can also just use 3 superior scrolls and then a blessed change material scroll to get the same effect. You only need kits for godly weapons.

>> No.22763394

How do i find a silver bell? Do they spawn anywhere or do i need a certain location/fame score?

>> No.22763401

Luck, they're a rare spawn

>> No.22763489

So my best bet is puppy cave? Or scroll of ally?

>> No.22763896

Wilderness would be easier than puppy for sure. Or just doing lots of normal dungeons.

>> No.22764019

I need to find out what Myrrh smells like so I can mix it with charcoal and have a black angel sniffing auxiliary. Any ideas?

>> No.22764033

Copy her wiki page into a SSD. Grind it until perfection. Put the powder in a warm glass of Milk. Chug.

>> No.22764062


Myrrh is pretty cheap so nothing stopping you.

>> No.22764272

I am retarded and somehow cant get it to work,all i get is a black screen

>> No.22764275

Where are the blood textures at? I looked through the whole graphics folder and it's not on any of these images. After I grabbed the graphics folder out of one of the mods my blood textures are all orange instead of red and it's super weird sometimes because there's one in particular that looks like one of the old skin icons I'm used to seeing. Is it just because the ground tiles are all more yellowed out and the blood has transparencies in it, and isn't part of a customizable tile image? I'd understand that more if it wasn't the same orange when I'm in snow.

>> No.22765287
File: 643 KB, 700x950, 6432581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where are the blood textures at?
character.bmp for some reason. Bottom left.

>> No.22765455

I remember everyone freaking out about a pissing mechanic while I wasn't playing and I have yet to even see it. Just constant thirst and there's a status effect called wetting I guess but for the most part it seems to just disable drinking lots of potions. Which is pretty annoying. It seems to just be Hunger 2. I'm just playing 1.95 no custom. Was this just another "Anon Reacts! You won't BELIEVE this OUTRAGEOUS new disgusting fetish content!" episode about blowing up over what is actually nothing?

>> No.22765694

It obviously was just anons overreacting. And thirst mechanics don't limit potion use, you just need to pour it on yourself instead.

>> No.22765751

How quickly do you get those new shop points in 1.95?

>> No.22766201

Im on new save with juere swordsman in rank 40 shop. No gear outside char rings yet and it really random. I stuff shop to max with ranch stuff and random equips and sometimes I gain 100+ sometimes less than 10 per day. Im gonna check if stuffing it with 1000s crimberry ale will up it somehow.

>> No.22766433

Is there a tileset with western character sprites? This game seems very interesting but I don't want my character to look like a shounen protagonist.

>> No.22766889

You can customize it yourself. The sprites are easily changeable.

>> No.22768271
File: 180 KB, 945x945, 1565408736100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit game

>> No.22768653

Not as good as Elona but better than some others

>> No.22768688

>player that died to a zombie in 10 seconds

>> No.22768717

how do I use a leash on my slave? I thought it was I then inventory but it just gives them the leash appearently.

>> No.22768726

Go to the use menu and use it. Dont give it.

>> No.22768744

Ahh thats where I went wrong. aight thanks

>> No.22768764

The only thing the pissing mechanic does is stop you from spamming wells and fountains early on, because you can't use Marking (piss on floor/something next to you) until you place a deed on the map, which will be pretty fast for most people anyway, and that the Thirst mechanic is slower than hunger (you're more likely to get hungry two or three times before getting thirsty). The whole 'pissing yourself if you get hit by a body blow' thing pretty much doesn't happen at all because you'll rarely ever put yourself onto Distended status, which is the Thirst mechanic version of Bloated. You can't even drink anything once you hit Wetting (Thirst equivalent of Satiated), so the only way to get Distended status is to pay 140g for a drink from the bartender or have a pet cook for you. No monster or NPC will ever be at Distended status, so you can't go punching things and making them piss themselves, they'll only just vomit like crazy as usual. And as mentioned, it doesn't stop you from spamming potions, since you can just pour it over yourself instead (using 'T').

I would guess that the only people who are absolutely against the mechanic are those that hate needing to 'keep up' with another 'need', though I don't think you can actually die from Thirst, unlike Starvation. Since any sort of potion works to satisfy Thirst, not just beer/tea/coffee, you're pretty much also training up Alchemy/Magic Devices at the same time

>> No.22768776

Actually. If you are in distended status your sp regen is nearly doubled, and it works during auto-turns. You can stay there once you have mag aqua. So, it's advisable to always be distended once you can manage it. You can also get there just throwing potions on yourself, but bartender is the fastest way.

>> No.22769016

So why is it that sometimes the game has to be played on windows 7 compatibility? I've been playing on windows 10 without compatibility enabled for over a year and its been fine. No crashes or save corruption at all. Am I just really lucky, or is the code just that fucked?

>> No.22769279
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>No monster or NPC will ever be at Distended status, so you can't go punching things and making them piss themselves
Not true. I came back from a long Elona break and made a new MA character on the current version for fun, went into the puppy cave, punched a kobold and he pissed himself. Not even bodyblow or anything, just a regular attack.

>> No.22769709
File: 972 KB, 1002x783, Yomi-to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Encountered my old friend <Goda> the captain of orc and he came carrying a "hell rock fragment", which identified into this monster. Doesn't seem to be on the wiki yet either. How's it look?

>> No.22769777

It's in the changelog of 1.90 with other new artifacts, but doesn't have its own page yet. How heavy is it?

>> No.22769865

"Only" 30.0s, which is relatively light for rocks. It's tinted yellow as well, kind of odd considering it's made of obsidian.

>> No.22769885

>make fairy farmer
>intent is to farm quests and just whatever
>wear no gear but a girdle
>wanting that sweet dodge/evasion
>start getting into fights and having no choice but to fight and little girl can only do so much
>slowly realize after a few hours of grinding around the starting town oh shit I can punch really good
>someone made a kung-fu farmer like those old 1970s kung-fu flicks.

>> No.22769993

Becoming affected by fear when sufficiently hydrated will also cause piss.

>> No.22770040

It's pretty much a common knowledge that win 10 sucks and things are almost guaranteed to break when it updates.

>> No.22770066

Best way to actively look for a Super Lure? Is it puppy cave? Or any way to savescum for it?

>> No.22770077

Found mine on an adventurer. I can't remember if I traded for it or if I smacked him with a duel glove.

>> No.22770145

How do I get my pet girl to wear a specific piece of armor? Bought a good one and want her to wear it and train with it. I have no clue what keys or menus to go thru to bring up her gear listing and equip or set things.

>> No.22770172

Press "i" for interact.

>> No.22770192

Well, any way to make them find artifacts?
Is it generated on the floor even in Puppy cave? If so, can i just visit a floor, use Oracle, reload until Oracle says a mechanical lure has been generated?

>> No.22770194

Try it.

>> No.22770200

Making new farmer golem, decided to ride Black Angel, what should I feed her? I usualy just ignored my mounts when it comes to food and just gave them random herbed stuff

>> No.22770497
File: 13 KB, 128x128, 0dbcad4a-30a9-488c-8848-77374b1ebd49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fame/pc level do i need to maximize my chances in the wild? Is the snowy one better or does it make no difference?
Which type of dungeon has more chances of having bells inside at all?

>> No.22770578

I do and the only menu I see is inventory and that gives them items. do they auto equip them? How do I bring up a list showing what the pet is wearing and equiping things? or does it only let you give them items and they auto equip them? Still really new to the game

>> No.22770583

Im pretty sure its mostly luck that affects their spawn rate. I just did some junk stone gathering for opatos entering wild and running straight out and seen mayb 4-5 gold bells and 3-4 plat ones by the time I collected 100 stones. I had maybe +20 luck from items and sub 20 rabbit tails eaten.

>> No.22770595
File: 870 KB, 800x600, 1396470185981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they auto equip stuff you give them. You can press tab to take stuff from their inventory. There is a little "E" on equipment they're wearing and using.

>> No.22770648

Just tested it and it worked. Thanks anon this will help me train the armor on her and have her better defended. Now to gear up the slave I bought also. Pity when buying slaves it doesnt tell you their gender til after purchase

>> No.22770882

Is custom dead?

>> No.22771005 [DELETED] 


>> No.22771014


>> No.22771035

been there didnt answer some of those questions or wasnt easily found. thanks tho I forgot to bookmark it

>> No.22771127

Just play Custom-G and you can buy it for 10K music tickets.

>> No.22771128
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Hold my Crim Ale.

>> No.22771185
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Really. Only 400 stock after that.

>> No.22771210

I actually found a Wish spell being sold by a spell merchant before. Too bad its restriction on the Mages Guild hasn't been lifted, though. Unless I need to be higher rank? I somehow doubt that is the case since I can order Domination books through the scribe.

I spent spell points to raise the Wishing spell level, but I'm starting to think that it's actually a bad idea, since it raises the spell stock cost like crazy, too.

>> No.22771486
File: 3.00 MB, 500x281, LaughingHoro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mounted window with a solid wall behind it.
Bravo. That's almost unambiguously Elona. Love the attention to detail here.

>> No.22771631

Thank god for spell points and scrolls of withcraft so you can level it up fast to get solid chance

>> No.22771678

Can i find one while lvl1? Or do i need to be at least lvl3+?

>> No.22771725

If you are so low level you wont be able to catch it. They have high speed and dodge so you would need to be leveled up to deal damage and get them low enough for ball to work.

>> No.22771764

I have rod of domination, i'm asking if i can meet a platina bell at all or if it spawns in wilderness only at certain fame/luck/level thresholds.

>> No.22771809

I'm also willing to settle for Gold bells, but where can i see their stat and resistances differences? If the power gap is too much i'd rather find a platina, but if they are almost identical i can compromise.

>> No.22771838
File: 356 KB, 1288x800, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you just tried you would have found god knows how many since you 1st asked about them. Did just 5 minutes test run to see, yes, you can find them level 1.

>> No.22771844



fame and level are irrelevant when it come to rare monster spawns,you're better off looking at raising your luck stat and/or workshipping ehekatl,also you may find difficult to capture as they've such a low life score you can end up killing or doing close to no dmg thanks to their CMetal bit/tag

>> No.22771922

Thanks anon, damn i must have shit luck if you happened to find one in 5 minutes.
They look ver similiar stat-wise, but there is no resistances grid for the gold one: does the platina have superb mag res while the gold one has no resistances at all or is it just the wiki lacking info?

>> No.22772023

Well, I gave my Young Lady a magatama, but her molotov is still burning down these harvest times.
Which is pretty funny. But not ideal.

>> No.22772216

>fuck someone
>get paid 5-10k a pop
sweet,also is there any guide to make your own race/class in omake or its trial and error?

>> No.22772812
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, wthecc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes so long to pick good alias

>> No.22772822

You can change it later.

>> No.22772963

That'll reduce your cast chance, at least until you have a crazy high cast level.

>> No.22773371

What makes bells such good pets ?

>> No.22773475


High speed. Makes them good gunners.

>> No.22773881

hi, eufag/newfag here. Any way to rebind the z key to y? I've already messed around in the config, but it didn't do anything. any help from anon very much appreciated.

>> No.22773905

swap the z and y keys on your keyboard

>> No.22773956


>> No.22773963

High speed, good damage reduction, only downside is low life, but that can be fixed a bit with right equip. Good getting past act 2 story if you want to rush and in act 3 you can get rid of them, because any pet with low ini can go to 800 speed with ap while also having other benefits.

>> No.22773969

>playing as a female lich wizard
>spend all my time shotgunning enemies to death and reading spellbooks
>rarely casting spells unless fights get a bit crazy

>> No.22773983

I'm playing a warrior who specializes in magic. Will probably make a proper wizard after I get tired of grinding

>> No.22774009

I played a golem wizard for a bit. That was interesting. toss giant rocks and occasionally cast magic bolt. Was oddly alot more fun then I was expecting it to be

>> No.22774166
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>The keys used can be customized in the config.txt file but some things to note: make sure to disable overriding of z and x keys(by setting zkey. and xkey. to "2" near the end of the file) if you use them for something else

Changing the config settings to pic related lets me access the Z menu with y.

>> No.22774190


Whoops, fat-fingered the enter key, link should be

>> No.22774791

welp time to mess with Golem Pianist for a bit

>> No.22775441
File: 1.25 MB, 1002x783, deforestation for food and profit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you do any deforestation for delicious acorns?

>> No.22775510

no? did I miss a feature? deforestation? whut?

>> No.22775561

Where can I get the sprites for the race selection and how do I put them in my game? want to play as a snail and look like a snail and the c+g download in the pastebin doesnt come with the monster race sprites at all.

>> No.22775868

Just mining out forest dungeons. They give alternate loot to what regular stone and dirt walls give.

>> No.22776288

Are you autistic? Stop taking things so literally.

>> No.22776390

I did not know that desu. Thanks for explaining anon i'll def. hit the forest up and get me some acorns
Still learning the game since ive only been playing for about a week. Tons im still learning and finding. Bet you wouldnt pop off at the mouth irl like you do so often on the computer safe in your moms basement

>> No.22776700

>you'll never hear Yacatect-oneesama's 100g lullaby
why even live

>> No.22776759

Are you seriously trying to act tough after unironically typing "desu"

>> No.22776778

filter you dumb peasant. t b h changes to desu. jesus fuck you're a stupid shit poster.

>> No.22776840

I dont believe you desu

>> No.22776973
File: 425 KB, 1801x2560, ae0beeb5af4ef4ea3a33b1427793159c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this game a farming simulator?

>> No.22776991

You can do a lot of shit. You can have a similar experience to that manga if you try hard enough. You'll probably need a few mods and character sprites tho

>> No.22777004

Play it and you might find out.

>> No.22777126
File: 691 KB, 1280x760, 95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once. When I had anorexia. It was awful. I wish the houzanha skill would leave minables intact.

>> No.22777267

Having some problems getting off the ground in OOMSEST. I'm used to Plus babying the hell out of you I guess. I read it was good for combat characters so I'm finally doing one of those, just as a juere sword and board warrior since parries and shield bashes seemed like an alright route to take. I'm not really having any problems in these dumb low level Nefias but I am having problems with resources and actually getting stronger. How the heck do I make bank without the busted farming-cooking-trading trifecta?
Also, how does this tactics potential feat work? Does it just always ensure I have a minimum potential, or is it stupid and useless and a one time affair?

>> No.22777322

I think the skills feats are a one time thing

>> No.22777373

How do you not get bored mining this much?

>> No.22777394
File: 511 KB, 1200x850, fb0b88b116ccfc7b5ec1cb037a6e98be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capslock and D every wall while listening to podcasts and such.

>> No.22777420

Dont tell me you just play the game without anything else taking your attention like a background video

>> No.22777431

Once you get to the point where you can mine without losing sp its quite satisfying to just mine whole dungeons away, while having lower level pets get their exp.

>> No.22777516

Sometimes it's a nice alternative to waiting out the etherwind by squatting in a shelter. "Just" tearing down the walls of every level of a single dungeon will give you about that much in terms of item drops. It'd be nice if there was a more neat alternative to breaking multiple tiles at once though, that also leaves the item drops like >>22777126 complained of. Something like just mining out five tiles in a straight line from the direction you choose to mine would be nice.

>> No.22777603

Ye, Houzanha is one of most disapointing skill in game for me

>> No.22777636

>think i can steal lumiest lulwy statues
>use houzanha to break the water tiles
>cant steal those at all
lame as fuck,i also wanted that nice alchemy pot from act2

>> No.22777641 [DELETED] 
File: 500 KB, 712x949, ponytail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an official model skin? If it is, whats the name?I remember seeing it waaay back.

>> No.22777666

>that nice alchemy pot from act2
Little sister quest can net you one.

>> No.22777690

Dont i need to identify it? can i just stand on top and read a scroll of identify or what?

>> No.22777708
File: 248 KB, 840x525, c3fcc36bdb8b08f7f75bb5a0adb5afa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dont i need to identify it?
Maybe. I was scrolling through the little sister reward list one day and there it was.

>> No.22777770

cute boy

>> No.22778625

So, selling milk sucks, but selling cheese kinda rules, plus the other two things you get out of dairy products.
What else really sucks is broken vases. Is there an easier way to just have a lot of broken vases than going into the wilderness a hundred thousand times to stockpile them?

>> No.22778815

Hamburgers sells for more though,but you will need a corpse,flour/bread and the cheese.
As for broken vases,you can "craft" 'em with the first pot for fusion recipe

>> No.22779060

Where the hell do I find a set of Carpentry Tools? I keep finding multiples of the other crafting stations in stores and dungeons, but the only one I'm looking for is nowhere in sight

>> No.22779095

General vendors or just dunegons. I usualy get all sets of tools early on when still doing puppy dungeon spam

>> No.22779109

So I've just not appeased the RNG gods yet, I thought maybe I was doing something wrong. Thank you!

>> No.22779545

>your stomach can digest anything
this should be a default

>> No.22779667
File: 76 KB, 544x560, 1578936674490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the most recent Custom G release, it says quicklings and bells have 0 breed power.
Can i still breed them in a ranch (even if it takes forever) like it's always been the case for even breed 0 pets before the first born, or has this changed?

Also unrelated, but can i safely re-inizialize the Truce Grounds repeatedly to farm small medals and herb seeds? Or do i risk fucking my game up, ruining quests or simply bricking my save file?

>> No.22779739

No,it shouldnt,this isnt elder scrolls

>> No.22779752

For the first, i think theres a harcoded check for quiicklings like there is for little sisters that prevents normal offspring (ie 0 chance alays no matter what).

if your gonna reinitialize it over and over just cheat yourself in the medals and save time or go into the map editor and stack every tile full of medals/seeds

>> No.22779784

Right, only breedable quickling corpse is that Nethack reference monster. Even then you're wasting your time compared to growing herbs.
