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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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22744353 No.22744353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I hate to say it but i miss the old days when people used to get bullied for liking anime and manga and normalfags only watched battle shounens back then. However nowadays it seems that everyone likes anime and that it has become mainstream and it is no longer a thing only liked/enjoyed by losers and nerds lets face it normalfags ruined nerd culture nothing is fucking sacred anymore normalfags are everywhere nowadays.

>> No.22744375

Back to r9k with you!

>> No.22744379

>Back to r9k with you!

What does this have to do with anything i said?

>> No.22744387

He is trying to imply that you are as bitter as a robot

>> No.22744405

>i miss the old days when people used to get bullied for liking anime
I have to agree, normieggers ruin everything they touch

>> No.22744411

>He is trying to imply that you are as bitter as a robot

Not really i think my complaints are very valid also /r9k/ is not the incel beta male virgin board anymore since 2016 its been nothing but normalfags attention whores discord drama and porn.

>> No.22744421

How niche a hobby is doesn’t correlate with its overall quality. The only problem here is how you’re acting butthurt that other people are invading your “safe space” and you refuse to adapt much like stubborn old boomer.

>> No.22744423

>normieggers ruin everything they touch

Exactly they have ruined nered culture as a whole now apparently being a social outcast is cool now.

>> No.22744438

A hobby is a hobby and in the past nerd culture was seen in a negative light. The only thing that changed over the years is that people stopped giving a shit and now the negativity has pretty much dissipated. You’re shitting on people for not being judgmental anymore, you fucking absolute mongoloid?

>> No.22744443

>being a social outcast is cool now
Why? I don't get it, how is it cool to be a social outcast?

>> No.22744453


You sound like one of those brain dead /pol/ posters if you're gonna use buzzwords like safe space or special snowflake you literally have lost all credibility and i cannot take you seriously.

>> No.22744462

>You’re shitting on people for not being judgmental anymore, you fucking absolute mongoloid?

At least we were able to enjoy our media in peace back then it was a form of escapism away from people like this but now they have taken over.

>> No.22744470
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when things get mainstream it also means that material get toned for mainstream and in that way it usually gets ruined by normalnigers and in that sense negativity is good thing so normalfags dont invade things you like.

>> No.22744473

Complaining that normal people watch anime (they don't) and using r9k terminology and complaining like a hipster that Le Normies ruined your cool hipster hobby.

You have to be a teensy bit autistic as a grown man to watch Chinese cartoons meant for children

>> No.22744476

Super hero movies are in their golden age
Star Wars has like 5 more movies planned
Anime is mainstream
Gaming is an almighty industry
Joker, just, exists

It's not "cool" to be a social outcast
But what used to be social outcasts refuge, now is consumed by pretty much everyone, meaning that social outcasts nowadays have to either find newer, more obscure things to be interested in, or complain on the internet about how their hobbies were ruined by people who only care about superficially

>> No.22744477

>can’t think of a counter-argument
>deflects by talking about something irrelevant that doesn’t add to the overall debate
>haha I sure showed him!

>> No.22744481

I hate it when I'm watching anime on my laptop in my room and Le Normies break into my room and start taking over everything changing my clothes and throwing my collectibles out and most importantly not letting me watch anime by myself like I've always done and always will. Happens every time.

>> No.22744482

Who are you quoting?
You are right though, that defense is fucking pathetic

>> No.22744483

>Why? I don't get it, how is it cool to be a social outcast?

Tv shows like the big bang theory ruined nerd culture i have been a loser my entire life but now all of a sudden these normal people think its cool to be a nerd geek social outcast and they have completely changed the meaning of what it means to be a social outcast these normal people think being a social outcast means you're a non-conformist who goes his or her own way like MGTOW when that is not what it fucking is social outcast are people who are excluded from social life or society as a whole like the weird quiet kid that gets bullied in class.
Also these normal people are such hypocrites they think this shit is cool while at the same time they still shit on people like incels.

>> No.22744485

>other people enjoying something is ruining my enjoyment
OP, >>22744375 is right. You belong in /r9k/.

>its been nothing but normalfags attention whores discord drama and porn.
And you're bringing that to /jp/, it seems. If you don't like them enjoying what you claim to enjoy, don't talk to them.

>> No.22744493


Go back to /pol/ nobody cares.

>> No.22744498

I have one word for you, OP, before you leave here and never return


>> No.22744502


Fuck off normalfag.

>> No.22744511

That's not the issue, faggot, and you know it
The issue is when normies watch "Narutu", or "Attack of the Titans" and think they are the biggest fans of anime ever, and that they know what's good for the industry, so they start calling out ecchi series for being sexist, or shonen for not being cathered to women, or slice of life anime for not having black people, or mecha animes for misrepresenting black people, and so on, and so forth

>> No.22744514

>I hate it when I'm watching anime on my laptop in my room and Le Normies break into my room and start taking over everything changing my clothes and throwing my collectibles out and most importantly not letting me watch anime by myself like I've always done and always will. Happens every time.

You mean your family anon?

>> No.22744523

And you go back to r*ddit, bitch

>> No.22744525

Fucking stupid logic. That’s like saying racial segregation and racism were sacred and by making race equality more widely accepted and mainstream is apparently bad? Bullying and bad stereotypes about otaku in the past aren’t supposed to be worn with a badge of honor. Personally, it’s more reassuring I can be more open with my hobbies today without the worry that I might get harassed over it.

>> No.22744528


Normalfag website.

>> No.22744529

Who are you quoting?

>> No.22744531

That's the .

>> No.22744538

>Bringing racism into it


>> No.22744545

Why is /r9k/ enjoyment of /jp ruining your enjoyment?

>> No.22744556

Do you know what an “analogy” is? And thanks for showing how much of your brainlet you are when you immediately accuse of /pol/ if you ever see the word “racism” used in a sentence. Substitute the word “racism” for any other cultural phenomena that shifted away from its past negativity, and there’s your new analogy.

>> No.22744559

too green

>> No.22744564

Normies don't watch that. Your issue is that you think any half semi functional reditor autistic retard with a shaved neckbeard and fat girlfriend he met at a furrycon is a normal ass normie just because he's not a pissbottling incel.

You're a hipster and the very worst kind.

>> No.22744565

>Bullying and bad stereotypes about otaku in the past aren’t supposed to be worn with a badge of honor.

I agree with you on that but i rather not have normalfags taking over they are fake nerds/geeks/losers.

>> No.22744580

wont change fact that when shit gets too popular it gets ruined by race politics or some other stupid normie shit.

>> No.22744581

>Do you know what an “analogy” is?

Of course i do i just rather not argue with idiots who use buzzwords instead of having a real argument.

>> No.22744582

buzzword has become a buzzword

>> No.22744583

Worst thread on /jp/ right now.

>> No.22744588

That’s inevitable whenever something becomes more accepted and popular, but I’d rather experience mild annoyance from cringey fake anime fans rather than deal with harsh and ignorant bullies that spit on other people’s hobbies. One is clearly more harmful than the other.

>> No.22744595

>buzzword has become a buzzword

okay i will give you that but still my point still stands.

>> No.22744599

anywhere but here, go away crossie faggots

>> No.22744610

Take it easy /jp/

>> No.22744611


Which is why i have lost interest in almost everything desu.

>> No.22744622

I feel you OP. The anime community is full of normalfags now, the same people who bullied you for liking it 10 years ago. And they haven't lost their socially shaming habits either, bullying those who dare to actually enjoy anime not "ironically" as cringe.
The difference is that these bullies were not part of the hobby.
Back to your general.

>> No.22744629

>half semi functional reditor autistic retard with a shaved neckbeard and fat girlfriend he met at a furrycon is a normal ass normie just because he's not a pissbottling incel.

To be clear failed normalfags and normalfags are both different.

>> No.22744639

>I feel you OP. The anime community is full of normalfags now, the same people who bullied you for liking it 10 years ago. And they haven't lost their socially shaming habits either, bullying those who dare to actually enjoy anime not "ironically" as cringe.

Remember when Death Note was just another anime and not one of the most popular normalfag anime ever?

>> No.22744643

All of your examples are things that were for kids originally, but for some reason or another adult outcasts latched onto them.
Eventually those kids grew up and drove demand for works with more mature themes, or it turned out that there was a broader appeal to begin with.
My Little Pony is probably the closest modern equivalent I can think of to what you would consider "nerd culture".

>> No.22744652

If you derive interest and enjoyment from anime only because of how niche it is, you might want to re-think your hobbies. For example, enjoying an anime in a vacuum, completely unaware of anyone else’s opinion or how popular the anime is. Just watching anime for the sake of entertainment.

>> No.22744679

I don't go there. He came here. All the while looking for a conversation about anime and people he doesn't like and reacting poorly to the fact that people don't like his thread, him, or his squatting over a children's hobby.

>> No.22744705



>> No.22744712
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OP is a faggot, this is now a Hidamari thread

>> No.22744724
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>> No.22744740 [DELETED] 

>OP is a faggot, this is now a Hidamari thread

Reported for spam.

>> No.22744748


I already tried that.

>> No.22744753

Incorrect, you see they as a larger audience with poor tastes can sway the development of the industry and consumable product to their shit taste. By astroterfing against the "normalfag" I can hopefully push them from the hobby, and draw in people who have similar tastes to my own allowing for media I want to be produced so that I can consume it.
It's simple economics.

>> No.22744754
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>> No.22744769 [DELETED] 

The anime community was a place where the emarginated could escape from the normalfag bullying and social shaming. Now those people took over the place we used to escape too. Is it that bad for wishing that community back?
>Just watching anime for the sake of entertainment.
Too bad they influence the industry.
A better an analogy would be whites and colored having their own water fountains before, while now whites take the colored fountain too and spit on blacks when they come to drink.
If he acts like a normalfag, it might as well be one.
>people he doesn't like
I doubt he's referring to /jp/ when talking about the modern anime community.
>or his squatting over a children's hobby.
Kill yourself normalfag.

>> No.22744817
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Fuck you!

>> No.22744846

>The anime community was a place where the emarginated could escape from the normalfag bullying and social shaming. Now those people took over the place we used to escape too. Is it that bad for wishing that community back?

Fucking this the anime community and otaku/nerd/geek culture are shells of their former selves anon there is even an anime themed image board called Tohno Chan which advertises itself as a place for social outcast however once you go on there you will come to find out that the place is full of normalfags a bunch of hyper social faggots who go clubbing and go to rave parties and are married and have kids and the admin is an asshole and bans you if you criticize him and how he runs the site i have also found these really cringey anime otaku dating websites and apps that are for relationships and degenerate hookups legit NOTHING IS SACRED ANYMORE!

>> No.22744851 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22744865


Ohh shes cute mmmmm.
