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22696021 No.22696021 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please link it so people know what you're talking about.

The ona guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

The doll guide: https://pastebin.com/xSPsMNFw

- Protip: Ctrl+F "06. Recommendations" in the guide to get a good list of beginner friendly holes -

>Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

Previous: >>22671168

>> No.22696072

How do these things compare to real vaginas?
Should I get onahole or just spend an hour with a hooker? I'm only couple years away from being a wizard and I don't want to be one.

>> No.22696091

The very soft ones are pretty close if you warm them up and create a vacuum inside of them.

>> No.22696110

Same position. I reason that onahole is going to last a long while. While a hooker is just for an hour. And it's a hooker, I personally find hookers disgusting. That's why I chose onaholes.

>> No.22696156

There are some very realistic ones. As far as the stimulation is concerned, I find some holes to be much better than the real thing. Between hookers and onaholes, I’d say onaholes win every time. Relationships can be better if you add emotions and such to the mix.

>> No.22696208

Imagine wasting your wizard powers on some nasty slag. Don't be that guy.

>> No.22696216

What kind of stupid question was that?
And you four answered it.

>> No.22696344

My doll is 95% identical experience to fucking a hooker. She's just cold and doesn't move.

>> No.22696504

Thank you for replies. Will have to read the guide and buy something.

>> No.22696913

Where in the world can I get lingerie small enough to fit a catdoll?. I swear I'm going to go in insane if I can't get some.

>> No.22697005

In the kids’ section of any underwear shop or women’s clothing shop? You can easily buy something for “your daughter” or avoid explanations and order by mail.

>> No.22697023

What size is your doll? I have a 145cm one that has a smaller than usual hip size and the asian XS is perfect if not a bit small. Also I just managed to buy a kiddy swimsuit that is too small and can't put on it. Just check for size charts, there are details about various body sizes and respectable cloth sizes.

>> No.22697037

I'm talking sexy stuff... A teddy, bustier, bra and thong set. I have plenty of 2T and 3T all the way up to 6X stuff but I need the real deal.

About 134cm

>> No.22697057

>About 134cm
Hip circumference? If it's anywhere under 75cm then you have a bad time getting sexy underwear. Maybe try side tie panties, so you can tie them tighter.

>> No.22697209 [SPOILER] 
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Ok guys, how did I do?
First time buying anything like clothing for a toy, and didnt really know what size to get.
The top works well cuz I can just tie the strings tighter but had to tie the panty sides to make them fit.

>> No.22697238

Is that the Miracle DX? Kinda looks like large clothes and a generous fit (rather than the painted-on look of wet swimwear), so if that was what you were going for, amazing job!

>> No.22697255

it is yes, and those were small size lmao, need to find smaller stuff I guess.
only spent $5 on that set

>> No.22697299

Is Busty Ai Chan still the king of oppai toy?

>> No.22697308
File: 29 KB, 629x379, cjod-017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats some good emergency toy for easy cleaning? something like the tenga flip but cheaper would be great

>> No.22697318

>emergency toy

>> No.22697323

Zemalia Gina. It's like $25 on Amazon

>> No.22697421

A lot of buyers of the Chichifueta Rocket across these threads are liking it, but I'm sure Ai-Chan is still the "best" (as it should be, since it's twice as expensive).

Like onaholes? Dolls? Lolinco series have puffy vaginas.

>> No.22697487

onaholes for pussy

>> No.22697492


>> No.22697507

there are a few catdoll owners with 108s that get stuff off aliexpress. a little bit of modification to get it to fit right but it fits.

>> No.22697514

tenga 3D is stupid easy to clean, you just flip it inside out then stick it on its little display to dry.

id go pile or zen for it though, they have the best subtlety

>> No.22697964

How do I desensitize my pp? Do I just fap using holes every day?
Been using holes for about 2 years now (maybe 1-2 in a week) but I still nut very fast unless I go slowly, like one stroke every 3-5 seconds.

>> No.22697987

I got a $200 amazon.jp gift card. What hip do I buy?

>> No.22698102

A real one for an hour.

>> No.22698135

Terrible advice, terrible taste, and a waste of money.

Try the pastebin guide in the OP. I would consider a minitorso like the SPDX as well.

>> No.22698299
File: 716 KB, 1033x1530, langley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time onahole buyer here
whats a good one for a small penis (4.5 inches)
$100 limit, preferably cheaper
was looking at venus real but it might be too big for me(?)

>> No.22698405

Most holes are fairly modestly sized and work for the 5-inch average. Try the Lolinco Virgo!
Pastebin guide has a list by tunnel length as well.

>> No.22698469

just go slower thats what I have to do
eventually you basically be edging the entire time and its absolutely incredible

>> No.22698502

I see you never tried Fap Hero.

>> No.22698521

I use my dakimakura, its way better than anything else I have done

>> No.22698529

A UK anon here. I was gonna buy a Lilith Uterus, but it's like £50-£60 to get it here. After reading the guide and checking Daimaoh, it's only £20-£30 for the nips.

How the fuck do I get this shit cheaper? The slant-eyed bastards get it super cost-effective, no wonder it's such a big industry. Any neat tricks I should know or should I expect a 300% markup buying TOMAX products for the UK?

>> No.22698535

Highly agree, dakis are even better than dolls, don't go past them. I wish the breathing issue could be solved but still great,

>> No.22698550

dolls are shit desu tpe isn't a good material to cuddle and 90% of the time I spend with my daki is cuddling, plus dolls are heavy, hard to clean, a lot harder to hide, and a lot harder to explain (in my experience a lot of people dont actually think an anime body pillow is super weird)

>> No.22698568

I have no opinion on hiding dakis but it might be the kind that I have (13 now). You are right in everything but still, groping and making out and having sex with is still better with a doll. Can't really sleep without a daki nowadays though.

>> No.22698576

also I'm surprised that nobody on 4chan talks about dakis much, I actually had to go to a reddit/discord community to find out where to get good shit, theres many times more pitfalls with dakis due to the dozens of bootleggers and the general difficulty in actually getting a cover you like

hiding a daki is super easy with an overcover, you can just leave it out wherever and nobody will think twice

>> No.22698591

Breathing issue?

>> No.22698603

Oh, I though you meant explaining a daki cover with two naked girls under the age of 12 on top of each other in a very steamy situation. I agree with that actually, did that irl.

Push your face into a daki for 15 minutes then report back.

>> No.22698678 [SPOILER] 
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of course all of my daki covers have at least one super lewd side for obvious reasons, but its not too difficult to explain the sfw side
two-character dakis feel so cramped

>> No.22698713

thanks very much anon
any other recs?
i really just want to buy one be done with it since budget's tight

>> No.22698722

lolinco virgo is just top tier its a one and done thing for sure
buy it in soft if you can

>> No.22698757 [SPOILER] 
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>two-character dakis feel so cramped
Not if they are small enough.

>> No.22698763

thanks again anon
the different versions are kinda confusing tho
i read that the virgo version is for the big guys compared to the original one

>> No.22698775

I'm preetty sure the virgo is tighter than the normal
I have the regular lolinco in soft and it chokes my dick (although I'm quite large)

>> No.22698789

ok actually the virgo is the larger one, get the normal lolinco in soft

>> No.22698793

>I'm preetty sure the virgo is tighter than the normal
It is, because of the extra material it doesn't stretch as easily.

>> No.22698809 [SPOILER] 
File: 360 KB, 902x1792, 1577907779781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this toy is so fucking worth it

>> No.22698867

ok thanks for the help

>> No.22698876

I want to get Virgo too. Just how tight it is and does it really make you cum in seconds?

>> No.22698882

my normal lolinco literally can make me cum in seconds
I have to go slowly

>> No.22698885

It's as tight as the other MagicEyes stuff, it just doesn't stretch as easily as the thin walled/smaller stuff they sell.

>> No.22699043 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.28 MB, 3024x4032, 1577910007867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be fine for onaholes to touch each other in storage?

Was thinking if storing my spdx with the miracle dx in the same box, but I don't want prolonged contact to make the skin like merge together or something.

>> No.22699082

just put waxpaper between them

>> No.22699088

I wouldn’t worry unless your place is hot. They are from very similar materials (same maybe?), so no solvent problems. Could always place some microfibre cloth something between them

>> No.22699280

ah anon I see you are a man of culture, how you liking the miracle?

Im so happy with it

>> No.22699559

Pepee lube dries out insanely quickly, I'm really struggling to use this shit. I'm starting to consider using a spray bottle to rehydrate it whenever it dries out

>> No.22699590

get onatsuyu or tamatoys lotion

>> No.22699603

I've got onatsuyu and tomax, I figured Pepee would be just a thicker onatsuyu but it dries out way quicker. Might have to see what Tamatoys is like

>> No.22699758

I dont like zemalia for some reason
quick fap

>> No.22699767

yeah. maybe we could expand this general to dakis too

>> No.22699876

I'd buy daki but I'm living with my parents. Shame.

>> No.22699966

Well you can always buy your ideal daki cover and get the pillow when you move out

>> No.22699974

>I dont like zemalia for some reason
You used it? What didn't you like?

>> No.22700219

It might be 20-30 in niplandia, but then factor in the shipping, forwarding and customs and you end up close to those 50-60+ weeks long shipping.
While it's pro

>> No.22700297

I did the maths before and once you factor in EMS shipping and customs Motsutoys is only like £10-£20 more expensive than buying direct.

>> No.22700562
File: 131 KB, 820x699, thinking-grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a couple of onaholes with an automatic cup for hands free experience thanks for the recommendations anons. Since I also got a VR headset I'm on the fence about getting a full torso, are they worth it? anything I need to know beforehand? I don't mind the cleaning process or having a place to store it.

>> No.22700594

>I'm on the fence about getting a full torso, are they worth it
Got a specific one in mind?

>> No.22700624

You could start with a hip before going to a full torso. If it's a wired headset I imagine it's not particularly good for use on a bed, and I've found VR porn to be on the verge of uncanny due to the quality and unrealistic 3D

>> No.22700672

>I've found VR porn to be on the verge of uncanny due to the quality and unrealistic 3D
That's the best part though.

>> No.22700729

ViViDoll Ayaka
I would love a real body Julia but at that price I think a full real doll is literally more bang for my buck

I have a half hip for doggy style, is a real nice combo but I miss the full feel and the edges flapping takes out of the experience. Is the same as the VR blowjobs I guess, they still feel great tho, VR tech is just not there yet but its a nice add on.

>> No.22700750

It's pretty good but it's kinda difficult finding good VR porn. Also all the JAV VR porn uploaders use Filejoker or some other shitty host instead of the usual ones

>> No.22700754

Are you kidding? Learn how to use magnets ICP

>> No.22700767

Not all torrents are seeded plus I get faster speeds though DDL

>> No.22700788

You need to check some different sources. There are active and long seeded torrents for popular models/series. The JAV stuff is much easier to find than the 3D stuff years later. If you don't know how to search for it, use google, it's the only thing that search engine is good for anymore.
>intext:btih 'name of actress or series code or title of torrent'
That's it.

>> No.22700818
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Well to be honest you are right, lots of VR porn have the camera too close or the camera is off spot/focus. but finding VR porn is easier than going out for real pussy or find/browse and screening with hoes (cheaper too)

>> No.22701011

Cheers for working that out bro. I've been struggling with the concept of dropping 60 quid on a pussy when I have roommates and as one of my first purchases. If it's not robbery like I originally thought I might go through with it. Cheers boss.

>> No.22701209

>It's pretty good but it's kinda difficult finding good VR porn
There are trackers for that stuff and newer releases get seeded very well, sometimes getting 1gbps. javs included.

>> No.22701282

The Muchi Real has more surprises than I expected.

Not only has it turned out to be a really good edging hole it also has the bonus feature of being able to relive the john k. peta scene where the girl gives the guy. who is having vaginal sex, a hand job through her ass.

>> No.22701295


>> No.22701302

Of the hole or the doujin?

>> No.22701371

Hole. Already have the doujin. That scene was a meme here years ago.

>> No.22701407


Here's the amazon listing. I bought this while in japan and the price isnt marked up too much.

To achieve the sensation you need to grip pretty hard but it was a weird/pleasant feeling

>> No.22701426

Thanks anon.

>> No.22701784
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>akibafarm is going for a long maintenance

>> No.22701978

How many onaholes is too many?

>> No.22702054

3 or 4 top tier ones
I've owned a few lesser holes before my lolinco but they have all wound up in the dumpster one way or the other

>> No.22702057

How many can your dick handle?

>> No.22702414

I blame OtonaJP.

>> No.22702420
File: 11 KB, 540x359, brainfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any Onaholes prized for durability that are also above average in terms of feel? I've owned Girl in the Box, Rina, low end RIDE JP holes (the pink material ones), and a super cheap PPP Taimanin Yukikaze 2 hole I got on sale.

All of them eventually broke in various ways inside and lost their sweet-spots so to speak (except the PPP hole). The dual layers way faster then the single layers but I was never rough with them at all, I only used onatsuyu, I cleaned with a mild no-frills antibacterial soap, and my dick is only 4.5 inches hard while also pretty skinny.

Not a huge fan of the Taimanin one despite the durability. It just feels smooth inside with no real kind of feature that feels good. Girl in the box was my favorite of the bunch, but the least long lasting.

>> No.22702448

lolinco and virgo are both built like a fucking tank and are only like 50 bucks

>> No.22702467

Vacuum witch

>> No.22702488

>built like a tank
Maybe the crystal hard version
The original lolinco was notorious for its fragility and Magic Eyes Seal of Quality but people still recommended it due to it feeling that good.

>> No.22702498

mine is in soft and is still in excellent condition after over a year

>> No.22702963

Witch temptation or vacuum witch. This is one onahole that will last your for years, easy to clean too and feels great for a single layer.

>> No.22703281

Looks great, but it's pretty pricey for a sleeve-type onahole. I guess if it ends up lasting me, the value would be in the form of not having to purchase holes all the time.

Any other suggestions?

I remember a long time ago I was going to buy that since first time buyers were raving about it, and it seemed like a great feeling hole to start off with, but it got a bad rap specifically for durability like this anon mentioned >>22702488
Magic eyes makes amazing feeling holes, but my own experience so far is that the inner layer wears easily in their toys.

>> No.22703788

>toydemon can ship to a fedex location to be held for pickup
hooooly shit
well I've got no reason not to now

>> No.22703803

toydemon doesnt have onatsuyu in stock
what should I go for instead
any other recommended purchases?

>> No.22703915

which tamatoys lotion?

>> No.22704152

Might also be tomax lotion, I've only heard of it through reviewers. Onatsuyu has always been my preferred choice. It never dries out and is super compatible with the tight holes I like.

>> No.22704178

The Tamatoys lube powder is pretty good

>> No.22704763

I'm not trying to be antagonistic or anything, but have you ever glazed over the blur of pink and white silicon shapes and toys in your small premises and just thought "Who am I?" I get this sometimes.

>> No.22704770

What toy are you waiting for anon? I'm waiting for the Chichi Rocket to be in stock in the US. Toy Demon seems to have been out for a while.

>> No.22704783

Most people even in these threads only bother with one or two toys because honestly all you could ever need is one or two good ones.
Fucking a rubber tube isnt a big deal unless you unironically think that you should be having sex with women you barely know instead.

>> No.22705120

material and its too tight for me

>> No.22705123

its literally no different than women having dragon dildos sprawled all over the floor

at least guys don't also have tampons lying around in their room.
We're clean creatures.

>> No.22705142

how are the flip orbs?
and are tengas faked a lot?
I see them too cheap in local sexshops

>> No.22705199

Currently in Japan. Are there any recommended holes that can only be found here?

>> No.22705928

What the hell guys this virgin age admission is tight as fuck
I can't even enter my dick without stretching it and even then I cum instantly

>> No.22705934

It's made to stretch. The Graduation is a better one, I don't know why everyone memes the VAA.

>> No.22706045

Reminder to not buy torsos or dolls, you fucking creeps.

>> No.22706154

Tomax Giles in regular hard or soft. Tomas says that very soft and rich soft supposedly won’t last as long as the other firmnesses will but to be totally honest I’m not sure I buy that. My very soft Venus real doesn’t seem to be wearing any faster than my soft or regular ones. But anyway yeah tomax is good shit.

>> No.22706191

Holes. Fucking autocorrect being a nigger. Anyway I’ve had my regular Venus clone and soft Lilith uterus for... idk probably five years but I’m not very hard on them.
>>22702448 uh I’ve always heard this:

>> No.22706215

Tomax silky and/or Tomas insomnia lubes have been good to me. Silky is an average lube consistency and insomnia is thin and slick. I haven’t compared them to onatsuyu though so

>> No.22706256

A man needs tools. You ever look at a set of drill bits, that blur of steel and titanium and shit and think “what am I?”

Onaholes by themselves are just tools. If the rest of your life is depressing then you’ll be depressed by whatever you look at, you know? Sort yourself out, Anon. We’re all gonna make it.

>> No.22706266

>Tamatoys lube powder
Tell me more, Anon

>> No.22706506

Are microfiber bags good enough for storage?

>> No.22706517

onahole is a really cute word

>> No.22706758

Newbie here. Can an Onahole cure my traumatic masturbator syndrome? I've been prome masturbating for years and thus cannot cum from sex or traditional masturbation

>> No.22706904

Has anyone tried the newish peace rubber fit lube from rends?
it says its "designed for use with masturbators"

>> No.22707162

Fapping with a soft onahole exclusively made it turn from barely tangible to amazingly good, so it might

>> No.22707250

Elaborate much more on what you’re talking about to get better advice.

Onaholes are a much closer approximation of sex than using your hand so if you can train yourself to cum with an onahole then you should be able to orgasm via intercourse. I know that people use onaholes to cure death grip syndrome where they’ve desensitized their junk with their kung fu grip wank style. I don’t know the particulars of your dick’s situation though.

Maybe start out with onaholes on the highly stimulating dick bulli end of the scale and gradually work your way down to soft realistic holes. If you can cum using a Tomas Venus real in very soft or rich soft, then you can definitely orgasm from sex. (Physically, that is—psychological blocks are not something I’m able to comment on.) But I would NOT start with the Venus real in very soft as your first and only hole because based on your post it sounds like it won’t do anything for you at this point.

>stop masturbating until you get an onahole
>at least start with a dick bulli, or get a number of onaholes holes ranging the softness spectrum from toys a crash test dummy wouldn’t survive, down to the Venus real in very/rich soft or something similar.
>never masturbate with anything other than an onahole
>work your way from high to low stimulation holes
>once you can cum with soft onaholes, use whichever onaholes you like from your rubber harem and never look back

>> No.22707297

Btw I think this situation would make for amazing hentai.

>some guy can’t nut normally cuz he fucked up his dick via death grip or whatever
>finds out about death drip syndrome and decides he needs to fix it
This can happen either because his new gf can’t make him cum or he decides that before he can confess to the girl he loves he’s gotta fix his dick. Or some god or whatever intervenes who cares. All that matters is:
>A harem of sentient onaholes ranging from aggressive to gentle have to resensitize his dick by constantly fucking him half to death.
>make it cute and wholesome

>> No.22707305

I mean as long as they fit and are clean, I don’t see why not

>> No.22707584

Can you use baby powder on your onahip?

>> No.22707697

Quit asking about baby powder/talc/whatever and just get some plain corn starch already.

>> No.22707723

okay but I don't have that on hand right now

>> No.22707727


>> No.22707899

you sound like you're envious that some anons can afford nicer things.

>> No.22707951

I'm pretty fucking small in length and girth by western standards and Virgin Age Admission was still too fucking tight. I bought it with the idea that my small size was a perfect fit for this.

How do you even cum inside that thing as a person with an average sized dick? The few times I used it it was the weirdest climax. The stranglehold of that thing and the pressure from cumming, my dick felt like it was gonna explode. It's like there isn't even room for cum to even squeeze out. Wasn't that pleasurable but it was something else.

>> No.22708046

will the meiki plus bag on toydemon fit the lolinco virgo?
or is the virgo okay to just store in what it comes in?

>> No.22708071

>or is the virgo okay to just store in what it comes in?
nah, it comes in a cardboard box.

>> No.22708289

Any anons with the miracle DX have any clothing recomendations? seems like its impossible to find stuff that will fit

>> No.22708401


>> No.22708476


anyone have tried this? is it good? im kinda curious about uterus hole

>> No.22708492

Overpriced garbage. R20 or Full Swing are much better. If you're smaller get the Vacuum Nurse.

>> No.22708605

damn, the hole looks kind of nice, sadly my local reseller doesnt sell any of your recommendation. i'll keep an eye out for it

>> No.22708615

>sadly my local reseller doesnt sell any of your recommendation
The R20 and Full Swing are some of the most popular. Your reseller doesn't carry ToysHeart or Maccos?

>> No.22708656

>Your reseller doesn't carry ToysHeart or Maccos?
no maccos. only exe, g-project, magic eyes, and npg. there is some toysheart but no R20

>> No.22708664

Ask them to import an R20 for you. You don't have Amazon?

>> No.22708675

i did mada a request to the reseller guy and he said he keep an eye out. i live in indonesia and from what i know importing sex toys are forbidden, so i dont really want to take a risk.

>> No.22708709

There are sex shops that sell toys in S'pore, might want to ask them what they can do. A round trip flight shouldn't be too expensive. Just pull it out of the packaging and put it in your backpack inside of a large plastic cup or somthing. If they ask at customs, tell them it's for physical therapy.

>> No.22708767

that's actually a quite nice strat, thanks for the answer anon.

>> No.22708779

Buying an onahole was by far the best thing I did in 2019, thanks guys.

>> No.22708786

I've traveled that area and the middle east. Most of the people in the airport have no idea what these things are (it's taboo, so no one has ever seen one) so it's pretty easy to travel with them there. If they happen to see it for whatever reason (back pack is usually just worn, not through x-ray) just tell them it's a medical device, they don't know.

>> No.22708803

if they ask what type of medical, be very 'shy' and tell them it is to cure phimosis or whatever the small dick skin thing is called.

>> No.22708813

They'll feel bad for you and just let you go. Basic social engineering.

>> No.22708901

not the same anon, but I need that doujin

>> No.22708943

You haven't seen a sister fist her own ass to jack off her brother's dick in her pussy?

>> No.22708951
File: 33 KB, 480x536, 1565307819166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want an ona ho-ru so bad but its so embarrassing to buy one b r os. Also I'm not in the US so its even weirder. Why does society do everything it can to demonize dudes wanting to nut

>> No.22709061

Any recommendations for the small pp gang not mentioned in the pastebin?

I got the WAZ Daruma a long time ago and I still absolutely love it as is, but it also sorta sucks I can't really get the full experience from my size (I'm 4 inches). Lolincos tunnel-length seems perfect for me, but I also want to hear about any other similar ones?

>> No.22709081


>> No.22709084

online ordering was the best thing to happen anon, but if you have weird laws where people will see what it is then RIP

>> No.22709090

Depends on what you're looking for. Aichan is very soft and feels very nice, but she's a bit "small". People into tits enough to get a synthetic version would likely prefer something bigger. The jacked up price looks to be related to rarity. 11 years or so old.

Still, a nice experience either way. I've had my set for a long while and it's held up very well.

>> No.22709195

Use common wheat flour that works as well.
Everyone says corn starch because they're american and it's all about corn over there.

>> No.22709224

Tomax toys in are super durable without sacrificing too much in feeling compared to high end Meiki (which are top-tier in my opinion, but do wear out after a while). A lot of this has to do with the fact that they're single layer, but their stimulation rivals the best double layer toys. (FYI, my benchmark for a good toy has always, and will always be, the Meiki ZXY.)

Tomax toys also hold their shape well under thermal stress, whereas some of my warmers have deformed Meiki products.

I'd have a hard time recommending a specific one. Try to pick one that matches your length. Soft toys maximize suction but offer weaker texture stimulation. Regular is extremely well balanced, although you might have trouble noticing the textures without a high quality lube. Hard offers the best texture stimulation, but might not give you that vacuum-tight feeling, if that's what you're after.

The differences aren't huge, but they are noticeable. Stay away from anything softer than "soft" until you decide whether or not you like that kind of toy.

>> No.22709243

Glad to read I'm not the problem here. I also bought it because I'm having a below average dick so I thought it wouldn't be so tight. The feeling is as you described. I can't understand how bigger dicks must feel.

>> No.22709467
File: 222 KB, 900x675, campus-life-job-hunting-type-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sure there are plenty of discontinued holes you can find. If you like a constant assault on your dick, look for the Campus Life Job Hunting type/

>> No.22709676

Pretty sure its this one

>> No.22710038

are blowjob hole a meme? thinking of picking up the mouth of truth, how is it?

>> No.22710197

> wheat flour
Sure, if you like accelerating mold growth the moment it gets even a bit damp.

>> No.22710208

there's a tiddy toy with "peaks" in the name that's the most realistic breast toy I've ever seen. Looks kinda fragile though. Don't remember the full name though since I'm not that into boob toys.

>> No.22710233

Internally, not much different than a regular onahole except for maybe harder teeth and tongue.
Externally, blowing your load all over the lips of a hole and making it chew your cum then swirl their tongue to lick off any dripping excess... uhh just choose which one you think looks nice.

>> No.22710284

>making it chew your cum then swirl their tongue to lick off any dripping excess
h-how did you make it to do that?. the teeth is what interest me desu, does it hurt?

>> No.22710356

Bocca felt really good to me, but like every damn Magic eyes Onahole I've owned it didn't last very long. I can still use it but it's just a mess inside now and it feels like shit. The teeth are whatever to me. It was novel for the first few uses, but mostly just gets in the way. The tongue texture is really nice on the bottom of your dick while the toy is new. I'd put it in my top 3 sleeves along with XYZ, and Lolinco.

>> No.22710380

Not really that, but there's Silicone Lovers. Onaholes turn into lovey dovey sex maids.

>> No.22710446

how about the cleaning though? the tongue looks like it would get in the way

>> No.22710589

>Got my first one today
>Tried it with lubricant
>got a somewhat painful experience
>experience a new kind of orgasm
> got a somewhat painful after effects

Is penis pain a normal thing for vagina sex or what?
I can't fucking tell if my body is abnormal or it's just a normal thing.
Also, dried as per instruction, still not sure if it's properly dried.

>> No.22710597

Cleaning is pretty easy as far as sleeves go. It's a big mouth entrance instead of the usual tight pencil sized hole so you can just run warm water to get 90% of the gunk out, then lightly scrub inside with a finger to get the rest. You just have to be extremely gentle with Magic-eyes dual-layers. I think I started breaking mine carelessly reaching for the deeper parts with a drying cloth.

>> No.22710616

use a bit more lube

>> No.22710623

What kind of lube did you use?
Are you uncut?
Onahole name?

>> No.22710635

Lolinco (standard version)
I used the lube that came with it
Yes, I am uncut
The lube was placed on a foreskin and inside the onahole.
The foreskin got opened and shifted back, making the lube missing the part that actually went inside.

>> No.22710646

Forgot to ask:
How do I know there's mold inside?
I want to dry it, but I am not sure if I dried it properly.

>> No.22710683

The head of your dick is probably just extremely sensitive for the time being since you're a virgin I assume and it's your first time using a hole. It's especially bad if your foreskin is tight and you don't lube under like you said. It gets better with time and if you ever have real sex you'll have a better experience. Use more lube next time and don't buy cheap garbage lubes like astroglide if you didn't buy a Jap lube once your lube runs out.

>> No.22710710

...so you are saying that real thing is also painful for virgin male as well....
You learn new things everyday.
yeah, the post mortem pain is around the foreskin opening. It must not be used to being opened out like that.

>> No.22710750

The pain you're talking about is not very much related to onaholes or sex in general. Sounds like problems with foreskin and "too little" use.
Also as another anon said, don't use western trash lube, it just doesn't work and it sucks.
Though I personally have health-related concerns about nip lube and whether or not you can get cancer or something even worse from it and I think it might be a viable concern.

>> No.22710782

Any good lube to recommend?
Currently considering Tamatoys Super Pure Lotion Lubricant

>> No.22710802

I only ever used magic eyes ubujiru, pepe pink bottle cap and onatsuyu. I liked both ubujiru and onatsuyu, pepe was meh and only really used it when I ran out of the others.

>> No.22710803

>MoT back in stock again after an eternity.
>The second I saw that I instantly bought it, didn't even look at the price.
I think I've been trying to get that shit for half a year now, hopefully it holds up.

>> No.22710820


>> No.22710859

oh thanks for the answers, i have a lolinco too that i clean like a brute, gotta have to go softer now

>> No.22710883

>whether or not you can get cancer or something even worse
>I think it might be a viable concern
and why is that?

>> No.22710922

Because of the use case. You're not using it on the "skin". I don't know the ingredients, I don't know anything about the regulation over there, in niplandia.
In EU or US products like these would have to get a stamp of approval, like from FDA for example. Though that may not mean much, would still induce more confidence in product and its safety.
For example j-lube is being talked about over here, but even on the bottle itself it says it is not for human use and I remember reading about it a long time ago, that there are real health concerns associated with it or even deaths. Don't quote me on that.
Another thing is, the lube works well and maybe for somebody to work well, you really need some nasty stuff that you don't want to have anywhere near close to you.
Even in US/EU this gets circumvented in foods, for example, if the ingredient % in the product is below certain threshold, so then you don't have to put it on the label, even if it's arsenic or some shit like that.
I mean I don't know, I still use it and nothing bad has happened, but I honestly feel like I should do way more research into it or that there should be more available information about things like this.
Even the onaholes surely can't be "safe" for all the shit that might be inside them, like oils and various amounts of chemicals, which do easily leak. Just put your onahole on a paper for 5min.
Like who ever done/does a research into japanese male masturbator safety? You're just assuming goodwill and its never a good thing to do, when you're talking about somebody profiteering off of your health.

>> No.22710942

Take your fucking meds

>> No.22710970

Just remember, in the 60s the healthiest thing to do was smoking tobacco and you were a lunatic to not smoke or say otherwise. Oh how the things have changed.
Having concerns about something, which bypasses many layers of your immune system is not a schizophrenia, especially when the subject is some small corner niche with little concerns from anybody.
Honestly, just fuck you man. Stupid ignorant people like you should die, as they don't care about anything.

>> No.22710980


>> No.22711028

you really think that japan of all places doesnt have some kind of regulatory board for human safety of products?
you're actually being paranoid
>You're not using it on the "skin"
last I checked my penis does have skin
>which bypasses many layers of your immune system
what the actual fuck are you talking about?

>> No.22711115

>last I checked my penis does have skin
>what the actual fuck are you talking about?
Your skin is very good at protecting you from many and various things, especially things that aren't inherently good for you. That's why you clean up your wound and disinfect, so that you don't get an infection. I thought this was common knowledge.
Now you're using it on your skin, yes, but it has a direct access to your system.
Why do you think sexually transmitted diseases/infections have the "sexually transmitted" part in it? Just because you get it from sex? No, because that's the common vector to get the disease from, bodily fluids mixes up and gets inside your system, as there's no real "protection" from skin itself. You may as well get them through a cut, infected blood, saliva or many other different ways. But you're not going to get an infection if you touch an infected person or tainted item, if your skin is healthy and not damaged.
What the fuck I'm even writing all this shit, are you all fucking toddlers and have no fucking idea how basic stuff like this work?
I'm not saying you're gonna die tomorrow if you use onahole and nip lube. I'm just saying that you're introducing hundreds of random chemicals directly to your system, which is not even close to being the same as applying something on top of your skin, and I have doubts about any research being done about health safety aspects of it.
Just go glug and gulp down a daily dose of your fucking soiylent already, if you think that's so good for you.

>> No.22711118

Dumb shcizo poster

>> No.22711128

Missed a sentence, because got angry and flustered at all you fucking retarded idiots.
I wanted to say that, if you get a cut/wound, you jeopardise all the "protection" barrier/layer you get from the skin, so that's why you clean the fucking wound.
Fuck you all. What does this have to do with schizophrenia, fucking idiots.

>> No.22711160

>you really think that japan of all places doesnt have some kind of regulatory board for human safety of products?
In regards to this, yes I do think they do have something like this. But show me all the ingredients in the lube, in the onahole TPE. Oh it's a trade secret? Oh there are no regulations in regards what you have to list?
And I mean this is true, same shit in cosmetics. They just put a label "perfum" and that means jack shit, for it can have 10000 different things in that term "perfum". Or parabens or anything, like so much shit is tainted with scientifically backed up proof that x is not good and you should avoid it. Just google parabens, do they still exist? Asbestos? Yes, they're phased out, but just 10 years ago it was everywhere over here. Yes they fucking do everything and nobody gives a fuck. Same with food, trans fat is bad for you, is it banned? Nope. Sugar is bad for you, is it banned? Nope. Fast food is bad for you, is it banned? Nope. Bad shit exists and is everywhere. It's UP TO YOU to find it, and not use it.
I just fucking hope, now, now it finally arrived to your peanut sized brain, what I'm talking about. Probably no, as it's easier to just scream take your fucking meds.

>> No.22711166

Oh wait I'm pretty sure this exact conversation happened before with an equally dumb hypochondriac

>> No.22711199

bro just go dry wank it with your hand if youre so paranoid about this
or go see a doctor or something man, you're gonna give yourself an anyuerism

>> No.22711247

I'm not paranoid. I've been using onaholes since forever ago and use japanese lube. All I said is I think there might be health concerns. Upon somebody asked to elaborate, I did so and I think I listed and reasoned well enough to explain why I think so.
Also, I would have been very happy, if somebody shared any information about it. Like yes, don't worry it's totally safe. Or, yes your worries are based in reality and there's some research that it's not good for you etc. But people are wild savages, though I myself just went and called everyone an idiot. I mean I shouldn't expect much of 4channel I guess, so only my fault.
It's like a curse, I hate this place. I never participate in discussions. Always lurk. And I guess it's a good reason that I never participate. If only I wasn't so fucking ugly, so that instead I could participate in real world.

>> No.22711258

bros just realized there is two version of mouth of truth. anyone here have tried both? just from your personal experience which one do you recommend?

>> No.22711280

>Search peaks on hotpower, toydemon, kanojotoy, etc.
>found nothing

>> No.22711432

ok loser lmao

>> No.22711443

If you're here, by all means, you're a loser as well. lmfao. What does it feel to be a turbo loser? Loser.

>> No.22711453

It definitely feels better than being a panophobe afraid of leaving his own house lest the trans fats get him.

>> No.22711477

I'm sorry, I must have flummoxed you.
I need to go to post office and later to get some fresh water from the spring(water is better quality/cleaner than tap water). Also need to dump garbage. Also also I often time go on long walks/running in the forest and such. Try not to use the car whenever possible. So I think I leave my home often enough, thank you for your concern, anon <3.

>> No.22711480

Not sure what anon meant, but Tamatoys makes a scented onahole powder
Powdered lube also exists, like JLube or the powder from Magic Eyes

>> No.22711510
File: 342 KB, 711x1000, 0856d4557d4b5f5e5c74b5255ac4dc42-sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need help anons
lolinco or vaa?
penis is below average

>> No.22711512

easy lolinco

>> No.22711513

Why is a thread like this even allowed? Any product like this should be cast on fire.

>> No.22711530

>Any product like this should be cast on fire.
That would be extremely stinky.

>> No.22711534

Okay, but only after you start casting all dildos on fire. We want equality and be tolerant, right?

>> No.22711537

have u tried vaa?

>> No.22711541

Yes, it was far too tight for me

>> No.22711547

He's talking about Crownpeaks. US based.


>> No.22711548

Why do you have a small penis anon?

>> No.22711575


A website with no address, no credentials, no information about where any these are being built. Let alone these things are costing $420-$700. You can literally hire hookers if you got that much to spend on complete stupid shit like this.

>> No.22711740

You autistic faggots need to take your medications and fuck off. It's water based lube. If you want to know what's in it then order Shibari and read the fucking label.

>> No.22711914

what is a french bread syndrom?

>> No.22711993

baguette in vagin

>> No.22712003

My country has only one official post system and they send notices when your package arrives even if you already received it. My parents found it on my name and my address plus another one with a wrong name on it but the same address. It didn't say what it was. I just bullshitted my way out of it saying that our post is incompetent and they send bunch of fake notices to random people and they took it like a bunch of boomers they are, thinking it's scammers.
So I told them if they find more notices on my name, it's another fake. It was hilarious watching them getting all smug because they "outsmarted the scammers".

>> No.22712144

I have both, get lolinco
I regret buying VAA, it's too tight to have a pleasant finish inside

>> No.22712181

im asian

>> No.22712193

thanks anons
i'll get lolinco then

>> No.22712391

cute azn boi!

Anyways, there's loli holes but is there any mature women holes?
Or will they all be gimmick holes?

>> No.22712798
File: 117 KB, 670x670, seventy_onahole_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old you taling about?

>> No.22712882

>water based
EXACTLY. It's based on water, not 100% water.
Just because it's 97% water, doesn't mean it's only water. Maybe those 3% are out to get you, you know? Or maybe during the night those 3% slip away from the bottle and diddle you at night and gives you prostate cancer, I mean who the fuck knows.

>> No.22713007

shut up femoid

>> No.22713017

why would you buy anything but a loli hole

>> No.22713112

Wouldn't regular vaginal fluids be just as dangerous as lube ?
I say we live with the possible risks either way
Pick you poison

>> No.22713133

>might have aids
>would need you to go out of your comfort zone
>you might spill your spaghetti, ruining the whole experience

>just cum and go

It's a no-brainer.

>> No.22713157

As a matter of fact yes, they can be if the host of vaginal fluids have a disease. The difference being that vaginal fluids don't contain, for example, polyethylene polymers. But lope doesn't contain syphilis.

>> No.22713162


>> No.22713167

You know that polyglicol or what is the most common lube polymer does nothing to the living body, literally won't react with it any way. While excretions from humans contain proteins and stuff that rot over time.

>> No.22713204

I'm not arguing against specific compound, just gave it as an example. I'm not a chemist, but for example, micro plastics are proven to not be something as desirable inside an living organism. It's very difficult to avoid them, as it's everywhere. Just a price to pay for technological advances.

>> No.22713224

>micro plastics
You mean tiny particles? That's the same for all kind of small dust, minerals especially. Not saying it's great, but shouldn't cause any issues on your dick. And you should wash yourself after using it.

>> No.22713232

Newbie here, been using my ona for awhile. I have some concerns.

>While I'm cumming, I have to stop stroking because the tip of my dick is so sensitive that it's so good but I can't bear it. Am I the only one? It sort of sucks though, continually stroking while cumming also feels good.

>My lube is PePe, it's okay I guess but I'm not 100% happy with it. It works great but it's so hard to apply. I can't put it directly inside the onahole because it's too sticky that it won't just go in. I always have to put it in my hand, then spread it to my dick. The problem with this is it's so messy to start. I always have to use a lot of tissue to remove the lube from my hand. What other lube do you guys recommend?

>> No.22713308

I'm not afraid because my dick is going to fall off. My concern is for example kidneys, urinary tract, that sort of stuff. And you just don't know all the compounds that are inside and how they're made, what they consist of and what the long term adversary effects are. And this concern is not only with lube, but also hole tpe/silicon, plasticisers. Also how do the compounds change/degrade/mutate over time. Brand new onahole might be more ''toxic'' than old or contrary, maybe with time compounds leak out/degrade and it becomes less harmful Maybe there's literally 0% risk/harm. I don't know, I wish I knew and I wish there was more information or more accessible information.
Been using onas for 7 years.

>> No.22713321

>"Fuck chemistry, that's for losers!"
>"Fuck I wish I knew more about the stuff surrounding me!"
I wish I had as many dollars as times I heard this. Just genocide humanity.

>> No.22713329

Imagine being this paranoid

>> No.22713418
File: 3.43 MB, 480x204, 83C80761-831E-4910-924B-3C177D08D777.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Anon

>> No.22713425

>have to stop stroking
Same. I think it's normal for uncut peeps. I do the same when I used to jerk off with my hand but it never bothered me, however with onahole it's suddenly becomes apparent.
Also can't you just pour the lube inside the hole?

>> No.22713431

>1st point
don't sweat it. happens to a lot of people

>2nd point
you can always transfer a small amout of it to another bottle and add some water to it to thin it out and see if it can apply directly to the hole better.
For other holes, you can look at Onayatsu, Tomax Insomina, Magic Eyes Ubujiru, Shibari for some lubes that have a positive reception here.

>> No.22713447

this man is onto something

>> No.22713472

8 do spend a lot of time learning about new things, just some things takr priority over the others. Where did I say I have some contempt for chemists/chemistry? Unless I misunderstood?
I mean I could go out to some university and ask them, maybe even do sample analysis. I'd imagine though, that conversation would involve use cases. So now while it might be interesting for me to learn about new things/chemistry, the professor might not be as enthusiastic, so in my head it doesn't seem like a very viable thing to do. Now this place on the other hand, at least doesn't carry an immediate stigma associated with it, so where else?
I'm typing this a second time, pc bsod literally as I pressed post. CIA must be after me, brb taking some meds.
Imagine thinking I'm as paranoid as you say I am and still keep on doing the same thing for 7 years.
I can imagine one thing though, just how enormously dumb you are.

>> No.22713549

I see. I know about magic eyes and g project lube powers, and was surprised to learn there might be some from tamatoys

I don’t think hypochondriac anon is being baselessly paranoid. I mean you’ve got your jap’s eye and mucus membranes on your dick so it’s less protected than your arm for example, and you don’t know what exactly is in most Japanese lubes and toys. But I think japan is pretty autistic when it comes to regulating cosmetics ingredients so probably the lube isn’t of too much concern. And I think I remember seeing on some websites that they have to get some kind of government certification to even retail onaholes so I doubt Japanese toy makers themselves are allowed to make unusually toxic onaholes. That’s admittedly just guesswork on my part but I don’t think it’s unrealistically optimistic.

Chinese toys though? All bets are off. They’re probably made of reject chemical weapons someone found behind a factory.

>> No.22713551 [SPOILER] 
File: 167 KB, 1000x1000, 1578071852644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on pic?
Had the original two years ago and really liked it

>> No.22713567

hi, i want to buy a onahole but i have a question (sorry for my english)
There are latin america anons in this thread, or somebody have experience buying in south america?
how is the deal with customs and post office?
i really want a couple, but i'm too afraid for that

>> No.22713574

Wow, first sane person that get the gist of what I'm talking about.
I understand Japan is not third world shithole, but even in the west dangerous stuff is not uncommon and shit just happens.

>> No.22713759

Someone post that vid of hotpowers onahole manufacturing process.

>> No.22713784

Is it best to wash the onahole when you first get it?

>> No.22713788


>> No.22713789

I personally was physically unable to do anything other than immediately put my dick in but if you are paranoid go ahead

>> No.22713821

Oh yeah buddy you're surely showing them roasties by shoving your dick in plastic. This thread makes me wanna gather all of you fucking retards so we can go and fuck some real pussy.

>> No.22713832

In his defense, the person he replied to was probably clinically braindead or at least retarded.

>> No.22713836

its the same guy lol

>> No.22713837

Real pussy is massively overrated senpai but I dont think you would know since I dont think you've ever used a good hole.

>> No.22713854

Whats a good hole?

>> No.22713856

I don't actually want to fuck pussy.
I want to hold hands and take long walks under the starry sky of moonlight, by the river, whispering sweet nothings into each other ear.
I want to have a deep and interesting conversations about life and to achieve an utmost understanding of each other. I want to be feel loved and to love somebody, to feel cared about and to care about somebody, somebody to share my passion with. Somebody that can love you as much as I can love somebody.
This is what I want. The pussy? You're free to keep it, thank you very much.

>> No.22713862

honestly this an onahole is far superior and few women are capable of providing more than pussy

>> No.22713875

Remember that ignoring retards is more effective than engaging.

Depends on the hole, but generally, yes. They are frequently coated in drying agents, and that stuff is very astringent.

A good starting point would be to look for local sellers. Usually, any online shop that is allowed to operate in your country has to make sure products are legal in your country. Aside from maybe loli laws, onaholes are just another kind of goods and the same regulations apply to them as to other imported products.

Based. Pussy is only really competitive due to the person attached to it, and even then, it's questionable whether that is worth it.

>> No.22713886

Looking at the composition of cornstarch i suppose you may be right but i never had any mold. In some countries cornstarch is harder to find.

>> No.22713905

None of those things can be achieved with a plastic vagoo.

>> No.22713907

they cant really be achieved with a woman either so what's your point

>> No.22713936
File: 1.63 MB, 1080x1449, lube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger read the ingredients they're right there.

>> No.22713938

As the other anon said, it just doesn't seem like you can find that kind of stuff in this world. Unless where you live, there're loads of unicorns around. Not in my world at least, that ain't the case. Nor fairies, nor pixies are real.
The only bearable women I ever talked with, were psychologists, but even then it's probably because they were taught how to speak. And by themselves they're just an empty shells, though at least they looked like they lead a relatively good life, as in what I'd be interested in.
Nevertheless, I'm just way too ugly for the actual women.
On top of that, you add the fact that women are incapable of love.
The outlook becomes very, very miserable indeed. Yet, the fool that I am, I even actually tried something.

>> No.22713955
File: 2.20 MB, 1500x1500, EMt88RoUcAAK2zP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how to feel bout this

>> No.22713962
File: 1.11 MB, 2592x1458, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ye, I actually have this lube too. I hated it though.

>> No.22713975

Thinking of preordering?
The rest of the box art is pretty gud, that mouth in particular

>> No.22714000



>> No.22714050


>> No.22714055

Fresh washed dakis in a warm bed on a cold winter night with a thick comfy blanket.

>> No.22714061


>> No.22714080
File: 21 KB, 458x344, 1486425821908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up on Piperdoll torsos.

>> No.22714106

i got a puni ana dx and its arriving in 15 mins whats in it for me bros

>> No.22714120

bretty good
original is compact but that one is good if u wanna fuck chungus

>> No.22714141
File: 259 KB, 900x900, 1486101616752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you like cleaning?

>> No.22714142

onahole literally means "female hole"

>> No.22714159

That's actually not true

>> No.22714164

ona- comes from the root word "onanism" which is masturbation

-hole is self explanatory

>> No.22714173

Man up and get some.

You can order online, can you not?

>> No.22714196

Do not put dyed cotton or similar on your Miracle DX.

It will stain the tpe.

Buy the cheapest onahole that is made of the same material as your Miracle DX and experiment with it to find out if the clothing you bought stains or not.

>> No.22714221


You must disregard everything psychologists say. Hope they didn't start you on drugs

>> No.22714238

Nah, you're flummoxing them for psychiatrists. Psychologists can't prescribe you anything, they have 0 power over anything essentially.
I just come there to talk and have a good time, really. The only people I ever get to talk in real life, so.
It's sort of fun and I enjoyed it, but it has ended.
I'd compare it to shitposting, but in real life.

>> No.22714282
File: 108 KB, 640x420, 1415072334118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminist cuck larping bluepill shitposting cuntboy castrated shizophrenic wackjob leftist onions sucking hipster.

There, i contributed to society.

>> No.22714326
File: 761 KB, 1280x720, 1486758425672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*Clap, clap*

Good job, Anon.

What did you order?

>> No.22714346
File: 89 KB, 383x274, 1544571048963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be nice if it was a cute slime girl.

Another cool hentai idea.

>> No.22714351

Some cheap knock offs for starters, but I'll get to better holes later.

>> No.22714356
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This guy gets it!

>> No.22714388

i have same hair

>> No.22714438
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Every man needs the right tools for the job.

Hint, hint.

>> No.22714475

Dubs, i believe you.

>> No.22714536

>I'm battling roasties by fucking a piece of plastic
Your record isn't looking too good retard.

>> No.22714931

last used my hole 5 days ago and forgot to clean it, is it too late?

>> No.22714948

Wash it twice.

>> No.22714953

Look inside first

>> No.22715061

Have gotten some maybe-placebo irritation from using an ona that I didn't dry out after rinsing (didn't use soap back then), though when I cut it open to dispose of it I saw no discoloration or etc.

I also left a fleshlight uncleaned for several weeks before, I bathed it in isopropyl and vinegar for days and my dick didn't fall off. Wouldn't recommend, these are relatively cheap compared to cock-itis

>> No.22715078

Cum is antibacterial so if mold couldn't grow inside it should be perfectly fine after a soap wash.

>> No.22715134

My last hooker was cold and not moving...

>> No.22715212

would durex lube works, or is it not recommended?

>> No.22715218

Is it water based? If yes, then go ahead.

>> No.22715284

Water-based is most important as anon says
Most Western lube is a bit thinner, dries more quickly, is less sticky, usually has fewer ingredients, makes holes feel a bit harder

>> No.22715598
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>mfw still waiting on a small breast / flat chest doll with massive hips and ass doll
>mfw still waiting for a doll with proper big butt cheeks instead of a uni-ass

>> No.22715612

I've used water based trojan, durex, k.y jelly, ONE Lux, and Feel-good clean love aloe lube. They're all trash except the Aloe stuff. That one at least comes closer to the feel of Japanese lube, but it's still pretty watery and dries extremely fast.

These lubes are designed for losers who have sex with real vaginas.

>> No.22715666

Smell it. You'll know.
I like to fill them with rubbing alcohol after washing, but before drying, and let them sit for a bit. Kills any residual germs, and the alcohol is easier to dry than water alone. It'll burn or tingle if you miss a spot while drying, though.

>> No.22715686

>implying doll mfg are going to randomly make something unless you are beating down their door or paying for it
only you can stop this faggotry, pester your local doll mfg today

>> No.22715703
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Who will do the honours?

>> No.22715733

thank you for the heads up anon, will definitely test stuff out

>> No.22715781
File: 256 KB, 2048x1204, 1541788698537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man hips are a bitch to clean and maintain properly.

I like the novel feel of the hip but 95% of the time I just reach for my favorite sleeve.

Anyone else feel this or am I just a lazy fuck?

>> No.22715878

Definitely not just you.

>> No.22715885

It's the same for me, I barely use the hip I have because it's too much extra effort for not enough pay off,

>> No.22715890

They're slightly more of a pain but the fun you get fucking an ass is pretty good

>> No.22715947

what the best way to use the ona?
Is it while watching porn?

>> No.22715953
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Also watch out for synthetic/cotton blends as well.

As an example 70% polyester/30% cotton and so on.

>> No.22715965
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Seems like a nice fabric doll would be better for people who mostly want to play dressup and cuddle

>> No.22715970
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A soon as you get an unintentional whyboner for no reason.

>> No.22715984
File: 152 KB, 1080x1080, Kazakhstan-Bodybuilder-Sex-Doll-Marriage-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is cute and endearing

>> No.22715993

i just got a 100cm piper doll. i feel like buying clothing is gonna be a pain for g-cup girl even with aliexpress

>> No.22716000

Better learn to sew

>> No.22716006

lucky for me i can kinda sew so i guess clothing modifications it is

>> No.22716069 [SPOILER] 
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None of the things you're whining about are relevant to the question or the answer. Try to relax and not worry too much about what other people do with their time and money; on a public forum; specifically discussing synthetic body parts.

I'm guessing 700 is a lot for you. Half the people on here have spare scratch to go around because a parasite hasn't attached to them to suck their bank accounts dry.

Any regulars notice a strange increase in "butt hurt" posters in the last few weeks?

>> No.22716086

A bit, yes. Could be the holidays.

>> No.22716094

Well thankfully they're winding down.

>> No.22716097
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>> No.22716230
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this sounds about right to be honest

>> No.22716233

I wanna order one but I don't wanna risk getting a letter from Customs. Are you in the US?

>> No.22716239

Neat, discovered how the stickiness of the Pepee lotion can cause the hole to stick to your dick and pull the foreskin a bit

>> No.22716266

>that face
So I'm guessing he's marrying her for her personality?

>> No.22716898

>go shopping online for new holes/dolls
>get horny
>start fapping as I'm browsing products
>lose any interest in buying anything

Does this only happen to me?

>> No.22716909

>actually get to buying a doll
>get horny
>fuck it
>now i must deal with the shame of lugging it over to my shower to wash out my jizz and and do re-cleaning/powdering

>> No.22716933
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Ah. Miku's an oldschool waifu now.

>> No.22716949
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Smell in the hole.

>> No.22716978

do you think it smells like a real girls pusy?

>> No.22717000

If she had a nasty infection in there maybe.

>> No.22717004

if i learned anything about drinking milk straight from the jug, it's give it a smell test and you'll know instantly if somethings wrong

>> No.22717254

Any good vibrating onaholes in the market? The only ones I can find are Tenga and Lovense.

>> No.22717588

What is the process by which silicon dolls are made?

If I bought a shitload of platinum sillicon and got a doll skeleton made or bought, and a shot mannequin for the body mold (I'd have to add nipples myself) and some sillicone makeup, it would be very expensive but could I make a custom doll as good as a factory one?

I want a loli doll but it wouldn't make it past customs

>> No.22717684

Hot Powers makes their boob toys in occasional batches I understand? Really wanna pull the trigger on a Rocket but looks like they're not consistently stocked.

>> No.22718326
File: 299 KB, 737x1121, non-japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next batch of Chichifueta Rockets are scheduled for January 9th at 5pm in Japan. I'm not sure where you're located, but I'm in the Eastern US on Eastern Standard Time. That's 3am for me. Kind of a pain in the ass for some. The last time they had sets for sale they sold out in just under 2 hours.

If you're gonna go for it - I suggest making an account at hotpowers ahead of time and have the image I posted close by for reference.

They are very nice people and provide tracking info right away. They also sent me a few things for free. Lube and a little nighty to dress the tits in. Whenever I get the chance to get them out, it's a treat. They also satisfied an itch I had for finally fucking a pair of huge tits.

Definitely recommended. 11/10.

If you have any other questions about the process I can do my best to answer them for you.

>> No.22718421
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>> No.22718550

USA customs doesn't give a fuck about loli

>> No.22718590 [SPOILER] 
File: 103 KB, 446x702, 1578141535499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my SPDX some cute underwear. Not perfect but I like it.

>> No.22718612

>The Panel concluded that crosslinked alkyl acrylates are safe in the present practices of use and concentration, provided that they are not polymerized in benzene. This is because benzene is highly carcinogenic, toxic, environmentally hazardous and is an irritant. It is recommended that total benzene content not exceed 0.5% of a product’s weight.
Especially the
>provided that they are not polymerized in benzene
Which I think is often the case with such stuff, it can be totally safe or you will die from cancer tomorrow, depending on how it was produced/made. And this is what I was trying to touch upon, they don't have to list the residues/if it's less than y% of the product weight etc etc. It's difficult to know for sure whether it's safe or not, without actually analysing it in the lab or having some kind of access to an expert chemists.

>> No.22718624

They bypass all that because they sell it as NOVELTY ITEMS

>> No.22718627

Oh and methylparabens while still considered "safe" today, it's questionable whether they're actually safe and it's just not known for now.
There just isn't enough information about some stuff.

>> No.22718728

Lube probably not, but holes? Yes I could imagine. And then at that point manufacturers could possibly focus on price/performance, rather than safety aspects of the production. As they don't have to adhere to many rules.

>> No.22719063

Very nice anon. I hope you enjoy.

>> No.22719086
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got pic related

love ride toys. it's so soft and jiggly, it's like fucking a flan. completely engulfs your dick. only complaint is the hole is so tiny there's no place for air to get suction.

wish they made a hip out of this material. then it'd be like fuckin the puddi puddi.

>> No.22719103

Puni Ana DX in soft is pretty close.

>> No.22719153

Please help me i just got my first onahole and used it and it's tooooooo fucking tight to clean it , i can't put my microfiber cloth up inside without feeling like i'm going to alien chestburst it.
Pls give advice i don't want it to start molding after 1 use

>> No.22719175

Use a chopstick.

>> No.22719213

i don't have any chopsticks

>> No.22719218

what hole?

>> No.22719229

Then use something similar you fucking idiot.

>> No.22719236

kek, you're right i'll look for something sorry for being a dumbass and thanks

>> No.22719239

Do you want to stick your dick into a warm slimy hole or you're that scared of cancer that you may or may not get in the future? Who fucking cares you're not immortal anyway and it's not like you'll ever have kids. I made my choice a long time ago.

>> No.22719252
File: 113 KB, 288x300, 7B5BFE61-5FC1-4CE1-8475-372310BB66AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you took that well anon.

>> No.22719305

Anyone remember the anon with the fantasia butt? He needs to pair it with this now.

>> No.22719469

yeah especially toys. its imported under same category.

>> No.22719510
File: 556 KB, 850x992, 1564839506623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought toys just because of covers. I now have $150 worth of pretty cardboard.

>> No.22719536
File: 29 KB, 665x574, F449C227-63CA-4ABC-BEE6-4E354B861CF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel kinda retarded asking this but... What uh... what exactly do you do with a daki? Do you not just cuddle it to sleep? Why are so many daki covers lewd? What happens during the 10% of non-cuddle time that anon was talking about? Do... can you fuck them somehow?? How are they at all comparable to a sex doll? I gotta be missing something here cuz I don’t understand how a body pillow can be sexual in nature, but lewd covers dominate the market and you guys are directly comparing them to sex dolls. Dolls, hips, torsos, onaholes, plush dolls — I understand how they work: they have holes you either stick your dick in or stick an onahole and then your dick in.

But dakimakuras? A mystery. Somebody please tell me what I’m missing here. Am I missing anything? Do they in fact have a use beyond being cute and cuddly?

>> No.22719560
File: 115 KB, 1000x555, 3C1082EA-AC2F-48AB-80D7-771F99D50D53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times did you make the same mistake before learning?

>> No.22719705

Oh anon, you are so funny.
We rub our dicks on dakis until we cum. You can even put hips/tits into a daki to use them that way.
Just yesterday I put a daki cover on my doll, but only halfway so I could still fuck the lower half and it waa working surprisinly well.

>> No.22719713

You can simply put a hole (or better, a hip/minihip like the Puni Ana DX) on top of the cover in the appropriate location.

>> No.22719746

I enjoy spending what little I have too much. I think the total of last year is like $700

>> No.22719799

>nintendo labo user.jpg

>> No.22719840

You can either hump the daki directly (the 2wt material is very nice for this) or you can put an onahole on it (https://blog.onahole.eu/tutorials/dakimakura-onahole-howto).).

Cuddling is very nice but fucking a lewd daki with the above onahole trick consistently gives me an unparalleled sex experience. Of course, I dont own a doll and probably never will due to the expense and difficulty of use.

>> No.22719924

>tfw i only ever remember dolls being $5K
>now there's ones you can get for under 2
>more anime style dolls are coming out
based lonely people. the future is looking weird

>> No.22720050

what country actually bans loli imports?

>> No.22720073

canada does. i got a 100cm piper doll through company that takes consignee responsibility because sometimes customs can get testy over shit that isn't even loli and the place i got from is always in contact with customs to make sure they don't freak out over imports

>> No.22720097

what happens if customs sees you have loli stuff?
do they arrest you?
or do they just send it back and slap your wrist?

>> No.22720131

Depends on where you are. If you're form Canada, Australia, or the UK, you'll get arrested. If you're from like Indonesia, theyll kill you. Everywhere else doesn't care or has more important shit to deal with than trying to hunt down some guy lusting over cartoon girls.

>> No.22720143
File: 15 KB, 212x202, F6A4A6ED-1635-401D-9BE1-98EB57CA39D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. Thank you for the clarification lads

>> No.22720146

its up to the customs agent. at best they destroy it and send you a letter. or they can send some police over. best course of action is not to gamble with it

>> No.22720156

Followup question: how do keep it clean?

>> No.22720180

Technically even in ''safe'' countries you can get in trouble, as you'd be breaking probably a few laws by importing something like that, but it'd be a fine.
In reality nobody gives a fuck, over dumb shit like this.

>> No.22720215

put towel over
if you nut directly on it, wash it in cold water with softener on a low spin speed and air dry

you need to wash it a few times to make it soft anyway so I high recommend immediately marking your pillow wife when she arrives

>> No.22720222

like, towel in between onahole and pillow so lube and other fluids dont get on the pillow

>> No.22720263

Thanks anon

>> No.22720358

oh but don't wash the inner only wash the cover so dont nut on the inner

>> No.22720523

Oh, okay

>> No.22720832

make the new thread

>> No.22720844


>> No.22720851

based AND redpilled

>> No.22720881

I have over 13 dakis, both 2w and peach skin and they are very easy to clean and very resilient. You can even wash them in a machine on low temperature/spin/short program. If it's an expensive one I recommend hand wash though in lukewarm water.
