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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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22665821 No.22665821 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.22665859

Template Thread.

>> No.22665888

Awful service managed by people who think they're too big to fail

>> No.22665902
File: 143 KB, 651x500, A28C3DA7-86E6-4D87-89F0-BE1FBABC3B27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please refrain from using /v/ tier OP’s on here kudosai.

>> No.22665911

Homu posted.
Thread deleted.

>> No.22666144

I remember at one point in time really wanting NND to just die, but seeing into what youtube has developed made me desperately want it to survive.

>> No.22666162

>awful service
In what way?

When was the last time you used nicovideo? It has improved in leaps and bounds over the past few years.

>> No.22666171

The westernization killed it.

>> No.22666183

How is it westernized outside of the option to set the site to English?

>> No.22666207

Explain what you mean. The site went from a clunky interface with content hotlinked from Youtube to flash garbage, clunky interface and poor global support and now they have proper html5 playback, no issues with different devices or the layout dying with different resolutions and very little fuckery with the search function obscuring results. They even have fluid integration with nico seiga that allows for cross media recommendations. It's great to use compared to three or so years ago.

>> No.22666487

I'm not talking about the website, it improved for sure but nips tends to go more on shit like youtube now. Nico's community died and became pretty bland compared to what it used to be. Not to mention that paywall behind everything doesn't help.

>> No.22666501

cookie* fags

>> No.22666540

Took too long to improve the site, paying for HQ videos when Youtube already offered that for free, removing certain ranking categories, easier for content creators outside of memers to share their works on Youtube

>> No.22666597
File: 90 KB, 453x234, for_real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you have to pay to watch multiple videos simultaneously.

>> No.22666638

- Paywalls
- general infrastructure is still weak
- successful rise of other competitors in its market
- scumbag management
All built up and resulted in people using other sites, with the main competitor being Youtube against whom they just couldn't compete.
Livestreaming is still going somewhat strong on niconico, but even then their livestreaming services are very decentralised with LINE Live, Twitcasting, mixchannel, whowatch, and Youtube all with their share of the streaming market.

>> No.22667093

>Nico's community died and became pretty bland compared to what it used to be
Shut the fuck up tryhard.

>> No.22667187

I can't believe teashop is fucking dead.

>> No.22667343

shitty slow player, shitty 240p quality

>> No.22667679

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.22668880

I wish we got more of those https://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3696817

>> No.22668896

YouTube offers a technically superior service for free, and it is extremely fucking difficult for anyone to complete with "free."

I still like the community that remains.

>> No.22669510

Old men in suits completely disconnected from reality.

>> No.22669517

It's still the only place to find non-mainstream content.

>> No.22669850

Recently, some random videos on nico got viewbotted to hell. It was really easy to see which ones they were through their ranking section until they removed the stats for it altogether.

I see no purpose in using it now that almost everyone I watched there moved to YT. Fuck their paywall.

>> No.22669879


>> No.22670176

Shitty video quality even for premium members.
You would think this would be the most important feature to sell premium membership.

>> No.22672753
File: 615 KB, 855x1200, 78447169_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just got boosted by vocaloid when it was at peak popularity then starting fading away.

>> No.22675250

But Vocaloid is still going strong.

>> No.22675346

>Shitty video quality even for premium members
Meanwhile, youtube has 60FPS and 4K support for free while nico still chugs on 720. As a site, NND still feels like it's trapped in the 00s with how archaic the site looks. The few weird gimmicks it has over youtube are all shit that I never want to use. I, personally, always hated NND and every time someone said that it was superior to youtube I assume that they're a special needs child or a shill.

>> No.22675414

They deleted NSEN

>> No.22675429

the literal only advances nico has is the community (your opinion may vary), the comments (your opinion may vary), and partial but incomplete isolation from roving western weebs

i happen to like some of those but if you don't value them then i'm pretty sure nobody alive disputes that nico is a technically inferior service

>> No.22675831

Also protection from google's censorship and demonetization.

>> No.22675872

there is literally no such thing as nico demonetization because nobody making nico videos gets any money so i... guess that's an advantage? sort of? plus most of nico is silly media shit that the censors could care less about to begin with.

i guess if you hate it on principle yeah that's a big youtube minus but it doesn't really translate into any practical advantage on the nico side

>> No.22681439

Shit coding, too much premium members shit with seating, no english version for ages

>> No.22681563

Wtf how is that allowed?

>> No.22681740

Nico supports 4K and 60FPS, retard. It supported HD video way before Youtube did, because the video quality was up to the uploader, only limited by file size.

>> No.22681746

It was always there. I think you were limited to 2 videos.

>> No.22683528
File: 42 KB, 739x141, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there a video from 2017 in the daily top 10 of original vocaloid music? How does this shit even work?

>> No.22685613

Senbonzakura isn't in the top 10 anymore? Holy fucking shit, that's incredible.

>> No.22685635

Literally, Hiro

>> No.22691460

That song is one of the most memed and shitposted about songs.

>> No.22691495

same thing that happened to youtube

>> No.22692687

I miss new year when they would make a niconico shrine and people would pay their wishes for the new year. Shit brought hundreds of thousands of views and millions of comments.

>> No.22695783


>> No.22695829

Sounds to me like Nico is another victim of the consolidation of the internet, like millions of other sites large and small. Blame FAANG.

>> No.22696540

UI that makes me want to punch myself in the eyes, has only gotten worse, much worse than Youtubes UI revisions did.
Youtube got "better" while NND stagnated, now every cunt is over there, or at least cross-posting.
Online media is in a hell of a state right now.

Japan are hardly known for good web-development or UIs They somehow got stuck in the early 2000s and stayed there.
If only it was a meme. It's a sad fact.
Even your typical retard CSS kiddies everywhere else somehow manage to make reasonably not-fucked websites, things that don't look like Geocities threw up in to a composting toilet.
I dunno maybe it is the whole English specifications thing. But there are plenty of tools for making sites that don't suck ass. Well, too much ass. Libraries be damned.
Truly bizarre.

>> No.22696615

Guess what? 4chan's UI is stuck in the early 00s too. Maybe you should stick to twitter if you love JS-ridden web3.0 websites so much.

>> No.22697007

There is no reason for 4chan to change its UI because it's simple and functional, and the type of thing it's being used for has not changed. It was good design at the time, so it's good that it has stayed that way. NicoNico was always hideous, even by late 2000s standards, and despite the changes over the years they never fixed the core issues so it became more and more of a clusterfuck.

>> No.22697067

You can't even use 4chan with noscript nigga

>> No.22697148

You can, you just need to buy passu.

>> No.22701005

It's garbage and refused to become not-garbage.

>> No.22701034

>on here

>> No.22705574

Hachi is Kenshi Yonezu who is one of the biggest musicians in Japan today
