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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2266131 No.2266131 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2266153

why is that chubby boy wearing a one-piece?

>> No.2266167


Because not everywhere in the world is ashamed of the penis the way the US is. Thus, men actually wear swim wear instead of street clothes.

>> No.2266168

I lol'd so fucking hard, thank you.

>> No.2266177

I wonder how normal people can not have a boner when they go to the beach, have swimming lessons or things like that.

>> No.2266183

Learn to read or stop being retarded

>> No.2266188
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>> No.2266195

Any normalfags care to answer this?

>> No.2266205
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>> No.2266207

Whenever you start to feel one coming on there are ways to stop it, plus not wearing something skin tight.

>> No.2266221

I dunno, maybe all of those locations aren't exactly 'intimate', as in there's lots of people there, would be pretty uncomfortable

>> No.2266228

Just don't stare at girls for too long.

>> No.2266249

It's normal people who get boners by looking at girl in bikinis. The typical /jp/er shouldn't really find any reason to be aroused, except if he's some kind of masochist who gets aroused by knowing how humiliating it would be to get aroused.

>> No.2266257

Jezus christ, if someone gets a boner just by looking at another in a bathing suite at the beach, they need help.

>> No.2266264

But that's how it works in my animu

>> No.2266269

>except if he's some kind of masochist who gets aroused by knowing how humiliating it would be to get aroused.

I kinda like that idea.

>> No.2266266

They need to control their horny level.

>> No.2266278

Unless you have mastered your 2D training, you're probably going to get one if you see a girl who's cute enough... I think.
Never been in one of those places, so I wouldn't really know.
I find it hard to control random boners that come out of nowhere, though.

>> No.2266289
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eh?..doesn't that always cause a nosebleed.

>> No.2266302

I think i need help.

>> No.2266304
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>random boners
>out of nowhere

>> No.2266328

Swimmer here.

Getting a boner in a speedo is painful as shit. It hurts so much it never really happens and peters off before shit gets exposed.

That's how your boner never happens.

>> No.2266343

That's never happened to you? You're doing something completely unrelated to sex, and then suddenly, BAM. Boner.

Always happened during math class, for me.

>> No.2266351
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>> No.2266359

Lol I have had this happen to me

It happened during weird classes like differential equations and physics. I think it has something to do with time of day and or food.

>> No.2266426


I just got a boner :3

>> No.2266680

Whenever I feel a boner coming on in public I think of my old Logic professor naked and giving me a blowjob.
It softens me immediately.

>> No.2266735

Great, I just got a boner... Thanks, asshole.

>> No.2266759
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>> No.2266760

That's a bad idea. Thinking unpleasant thoughts like that might work at first, but eventually you'll find yourself associating boners with it.

>> No.2266789

>always during math class
Holy shit, you too?!

>> No.2266810


>> No.2266870

I just realized I had boners during the math class too. And the teacher was fucking ugly. WHAT

>> No.2266882

Wow, math must really get us men going.

>> No.2266904

Same as well, although this time the math teacher was decent looking, and the best part was that I was seated right next to an incredibly cute japanese transfer student.

>> No.2266941

Every male who has gone through puberty has gotten random boners.

>> No.2266964

Tracing those curves tends to make your mind wander.

>> No.2267017

Most young women would consider it a compliment, I'm sure.

>> No.2267051

I think the J-girl I fell in love with liked swimming

>> No.2267059

err... no.
unless either they already like the guy, or are the kind of insecure slutty girl who constantly needs reassurance that guys find her attractive

>> No.2267100

How could it be perceived as anything but a complement? It's basically like saying "you're so pretty I lost track of myself for several seconds." You'd have to be highly distrustful of the specific guy or of men in general to not be flattered.

>> No.2267122

Ahaha wow you best be trollin'.

>> No.2267133

Women are insane. Teenagers especially, and especially teenagers when it comes to anything about sex.

>> No.2267135

All these posts...

Sure is /b/ in here.

>> No.2267206

girls don't usually like to be reminded of penises; they have useful functions at times but are aesthetically equivalent to naked mole rats.

>> No.2267225

So all women are lesbians when they aren't being pressured to have sex with men. I knew it.

>> No.2267343
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>aesthetically equivalent to naked mole rats
>naked mole rat

So the ladies are scared of the cock? 'Cause I'm sure scared of naked mole rats.

>> No.2267348

That thing looks like a potato with legs.

>> No.2267351

And ugly teeth.

>> No.2267364
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Penis envy.

>> No.2267425
File: 117 KB, 374x318, 1210094959735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Are we talking about the british now?
For once in my life I'm confused.

>> No.2267447



>> No.2267546
File: 38 KB, 512x384, jap1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic must be after this, of course.
Can you blame the kid, really?

>> No.2267566
File: 68 KB, 700x525, jap3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or after this

>> No.2267611


Due to the physical activity, I don't think he could get it up.

>> No.2267781

Just dont stare at girls at the beach, I find that I can avoid boners if I dont stare at someone for a long time.

If its really a problem, masturbate before you go to the pool/beach.
