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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 75 KB, 977x638, 1576563516106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22658021 No.22658021 [Reply] [Original]

Comiket C97 booths count

Fate: 2517
Im@s: 1527
KanColle: 1322
2hu: 1096
VTuber. 836
Touken Ranbu: 726
Love Live: 436
Detective Conan: 414
Vocaloid: 384

>> No.22658106

>KanColle: 1322
Almost want to bully them. Almost.

>> No.22658107

>Fate: 2517
>KanColle: 1322
>2hu: 1096
toho bros we got too cocky .... cannonball was supposed to make us popular..........

>> No.22658134

Looks like VTubers will be the next big thing alongside FGO.
KanColle's not doing so great, they'll be behind 2hu around C99 at this rate

>> No.22658149

That was said years ago

>> No.22658183 [DELETED] 

Regardless of 2hu, ima@s, kancolle, f/go, whatever:
No fandom on /jp/ uses the term "bros" to refer to themselves. Ever. I've got no idea where you even pick that up, or if you just do it to identify yourself.

While your post does annoy me, it is not because your rubbing salt in my wound. Rather, it is annoying because it is not only disingenuous, but immediately shows you are someone who hops into threads to stir the pot.
You contribute nothing of your own thoughts and feelings, and only seek to increase the vitriol between communities for your own amusement. You're post takes away from any actual discourse in the thread.

Is it really that boring to be candid about the OP?
Do you even particularly care about the OP?

t. autist

>> No.22658193

Regardless of 2hu, ima@s, kancolle, f/go, whatever:
No fandom on /jp/ uses the term "bros" to refer to themselves. Ever. I've got no idea where you even pick that up, or if you just do it to identify yourself.

While your post does annoy me, it is not because you're rubbing salt in my wound. Rather, it is annoying because it is not only disingenuous, but immediately shows you are someone who hops into threads to stir the pot.
You contribute nothing of your own thoughts and feelings, and only seek to increase the vitriol between communities for your own amusement. Your post takes away from any actual discourse in the thread.

Is it really that boring to be candid about the OP?
Do you even particularly care about the OP?

t. autist

>> No.22658195

For real this time.

>> No.22658215

That was too

>> No.22658233

How the hell is im@‘s that high? They’re really milking this shit

>> No.22658252

Do we have the number of works for each character?

>> No.22658261

If anyone ever says “cannonball was supposed to make us popular”, it just feels dishonest and false. Fuck that thing it looks like shit and a really bad mobagay also

>> No.22658279

The Fate monster keeps swelling up like a whale.

>> No.22658285

It's probably somewhere.

>> No.22658295 [DELETED] 

True as well, but if I said that he would just spin it around and accuse as me being a butthurt 2hu fan, or moving goalposts, or some other deflection. Basically, slap a label on me and depreciate my comment from there.

I felt then need to make the former post because I see that exact style of post come up increasingly across the board (along with stuff like "OHNOHNONO" and just quoting replies), and I'd rather call it out for what it is than let it be taken as a worthwhile comment.
It doesn't even matter if it is this thread, a 2hu/kancolle/fate thread, a YYT thread, idol general, etc. Doesn't even matter what supposed position it claims. It's an egregious shitpost regardless.

>> No.22658306

True as well, but if I said that he would just spin it around and accuse me of being a butthurt 2hu fan, or moving goalposts, or some other deflection. Basically, slap a label on me and depreciate my comment from there.

I felt the need to make the former post because I see that exact style come up increasingly across the board (along with stuff like "OHNOHNONO" and just quoting replies), and I'd rather call it out for what it is than let it be taken as a worthwhile comment.
It doesn't even matter if it is this thread, a 2hu/kancolle/fate thread, a YYT thread, idol general, etc. Doesn't even matter what supposed position it claims. It's an egregious shitpost regardless.

>> No.22658313

"How the hell is this super popular franchise so popular"

>> No.22658320
File: 235 KB, 452x548, Shoeika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no complaints whatsoever. Most of /jp/'s favorites are stagnant at worse, and many are growing as well.
I do wonder what inspires the im@s crowd, though. Is it the mobile game or something else?

>> No.22658334

That avoids the question though. What is surprising is that there is apparently a strong growth in popularity inside Japan, and as far as I can it is not being reciprocated outside.
Since im@s is a pretty commercialized venture, surely there's some IP that's driving that growth, no?

>> No.22658345

It's just /vg/ template shitposting, ignore and take it easy.

>> No.22658372

It's a franchise dude. They have like everything from games, mobile games, music, figs, assplugs and windscreen wipers. You name it. If anything it is a strong example of how to build something for long-lasting success.

>> No.22658417

Probably the same things as the others in the top 4.

>> No.22658419

It’s because fate attracts porn depraved addicts and they just make endless doujins. I’m glad touhou isn’t like that because the fate franchise is a mess
Yes because it isn’t me asking a question

>> No.22658433

Are you serious? 2hu gets trillions of doujin as well. Either way, why does this even matter?

>> No.22658452

Fates been getting a lot more as of late. Not saying touhou doesn’t get any, but there’s a massive contrast between the two

>> No.22658501

>Yuri on Ice
Somewhat surprised these two are still on the list.

>> No.22658569

2hu is finally not reclining
however this virtual youtuber shit is becoming cancerous.

>> No.22658596
File: 3.22 MB, 2508x3541, 1572240457108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisanji wins again!

>> No.22658617

Reminder that people who say Touhou is dying because Comiket numbers are low are retards that don't know how Japan works and what Reitaisai is.

>> No.22658627

>KanColle: 1322
This is what happens when kadokawa are grossly incompetent. It's amazing how bad they've been at taking advantage of how popular it once was.

>> No.22658697

>muh kadokawa

>> No.22658731

Reminder that 1712 circles attended last Touhou Reitaisai.

>> No.22658931

Da H*CK is the proper comiket thread at??

>> No.22658990

And that was Aki Reitaisai. The main event in May had around 3000 circles.
And then there's Kouroumu which had 1408 circles in October.

>> No.22659015

KanColle already has a separate convention all for themselves, that plus the reduced space makes the relatively reduced numbers pretty understandable.

>> No.22659016
File: 69 KB, 500x500, 1562990255292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone needs to go take a picture of the Fatalpulse booth, so that we can see what kind of people shop there. I'm especially curious about whether or not there are any girls in the line eagerly waiting to get their hands on Asanagi's latest.

>> No.22659018

Allocated space factored in. Last time it KanColle shared its space with Chinkboat, which couldn't fill in the quota, so KanColle got, like extra 150 spaces to fill in. But this time they adjusted their expectation with chinkboat so everything went back to normal as a result. That's why you'll see a huge decrease in KanColle this time.

>> No.22659024

But why?

>> No.22659031

Call it idle curiosity.

>> No.22659037

They probably had to clear up a lot of space for the youtubers. How dreadful.

>> No.22659058
File: 73 KB, 850x749, asanagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this.

>> No.22659083

>C96 KanColle circle failed : 40
>C97 KanColle circle failed : 200
That makes sense this ironic.

>> No.22659091


>> No.22659103

please forgive the late reply on this subject
but there is a rumor saying that some of the creators that are normally accepted were declined to allow room for other creators some of these are from Kancolle

My source: one of my favorite creator had her books ready to go and was told that she was declined, a few of her friends were also told to stay home they also had books that were in the category of Kancolle

excuse me.

>> No.22659130

I have also heard this rumor. The change in location made the space smaller, so they rejected Kancolle circles in favor of others, like the youtubers since they are on the increase and Kancolle also has a convention of their own that hosts a lot of works.

>> No.22659131

Maybe this?

>> No.22659140

Ah, failed as in rejected, I see now.

>> No.22659144

Who fucking cares VY? Seriously nobody watches them. What's wrong with you nips

>> No.22659156

To added in more info, chinklane got 99% passing rate, which is extraordinary high. Last time, one circle couldn't get in because they didn't submit required documents.

>> No.22659160

>99% passing rate
And they still decreased in number, as expected of the kancolle killer.

>> No.22659163

I'm sure VY is the shittest contents ever.

>> No.22659173

That just mean that they couldn't even get many more circles than the quota allocated for them?

>> No.22659180

Ah, that's true.

>> No.22659186
File: 342 KB, 1731x1279, 1560547735429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad losers.

>> No.22659187

Where does one get information like this?

>> No.22659191

It's the shittiest trend ever.
I see nips on twitter talking about watching multiple virtual youtuber streams at once, and having a backlog of streams to get through. To be invested in it all is a huge timesink, and the market's saturated to fuck with most of them being incredibly boring.

>> No.22659192

Comiket catalogue

>> No.22659193

from site like circle.ms. They allow you to see the catalog for free.

>> No.22659204

I'm serious. This content is a mere trash.

>> No.22659215
File: 259 KB, 1721x964, 1575847280593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more 草

>> No.22659225

Human beings are doomed

>> No.22659238
File: 313 KB, 1920x1080, 1556958016263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The time of man has come to an end.

>> No.22659268

I used to watch Kizuna Ai but as time goes it gets boring. So I quitted.

>> No.22659288
File: 1.43 MB, 3260x1834, 1549799257974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kizuna is very boring you're right about that, I haven't watched her for years either.

>> No.22659334

god, i love her so much

>> No.22659390

>Detective Conan:
Can't help but scrunch up my nose at this. Is the power of female shotacons that great or something?

>> No.22659399

Fujoshis are one of the great forces in this world

>> No.22659437

If their powers are that great then where are my SS otomes?

>> No.22659459

Why isn't Inazuma Eleven on there? Did that lose steam or something? Why do girls like sports so much anyway? There are sports shows about cute girls and guys don't give a single fuck.

The fuck is ヒプノシスマイク anyway?

>> No.22659470

Don't those fem harems usually have shotabait? Or are those usually LNs and not VNs?

>> No.22659565

I barely ever see any proper shota-looking shotas, it's always just jailbait.

>> No.22659665

Show me an example of a tru-shota

>> No.22659900

Why don't you do it?

>> No.22659909

Anon is no longer legally allowed to own a camera after a certain incident.

>> No.22659969

It's a bit hard when you're a poor neet located 7500 km away from Tokyo.

>> No.22660015

I can confirm that there are girls who read asanagi, but I don't know if any are brave enough to buy them in public.

>> No.22661054
File: 262 KB, 668x834, 2019-12-27_17-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously nobody watches them.
Shit or not, I'm pretty sure people watch them. Probably a similar demographic as those who enjoy Twitch streamers, if I had to guess.

>> No.22662876

you're delusional

>> No.22663288
File: 309 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be new Touhou game demo this Comiket, right?

>> No.22663292

Yes, it's a beta version before the full release next year

>> No.22663786

not him man, but im@s growth rate this year was astonishing

>> No.22663808

No actual 2hu fans seriously want it to be popular because of gacha, and it's not even good.

>> No.22664036

You mean the girls, right?

>> No.22664296
File: 205 KB, 1757x957, 345543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously nobody watches them
Yeah, no one deffo watches them.

>> No.22664299

1 circle up
Touhou is inclining

>> No.22664328

content for autist

>> No.22664396

not more autistic than gacha shit and bullet hell autism that's for sure

>> No.22665332

i dont like autists that are not of my kind

>> No.22665400
File: 159 KB, 2048x1330, EM3jqcEUwAAQzof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22672177

to old

>> No.22672267
File: 127 KB, 700x800, Angry Reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is KanColle still so popular? I thought Azur Lane would've taken over by now.

>> No.22672288

What happened with Kadokawa?

>> No.22672413

This autist really has some problems

>> No.22672425


>> No.22672485
File: 3.54 MB, 2000x1405, cafe6550644e6a9cccb66adb320f82e5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im@s: 1527
Good job girls.

>> No.22672492

I guess 11s still prefer KanColle. Azur Lane probably only has international popularity?

>> No.22672501

They don't even have that.

>> No.22672583
File: 329 KB, 1910x901, azur lane vs kancolle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do though.

>> No.22672611

>can't even beat a 6 year old game if they don't have chinkshills

>> No.22672658

So, what you're telling me is Azur Lame is only more popular than KanColle if you include China, aka, only if you include its home country into its popularity. Nice international audience, bro.

>> No.22672666

It's also artificially inflated because you can show off your newly bought skin on twitter with a press of a button.

>> No.22672674

where are the upskirt videos and lewd shit ?

>> No.22672719

I wonder how many of the cosplayers would let you run a train on them in the afterparty.

>> No.22672782

Tfw ywn have unprotected sex with cosplayer after comiket

>> No.22672814

Dont forget the tweet, retweet and like begging for free ingame items/currency

>> No.22673191

But it's literally more popular in every single country except Japan.

>> No.22673199

Ah yes, just look at all those delicious american and SEAnigger doujin and h-manga getting made, right. Nobody cares about how popular it is overseas unless you're some normalfag who gets together with other normalfags to brag about your favorite ship bitch.

>> No.22673469

sounds great coming from the one who, probably, eats up corporate trash just because it is japanese.

>> No.22673555

>show off your newly bought skin on twitter with a press of a button.
Man they really knew what the chinks wanted.

>> No.22673996

Even if that was true popularity outside Japan means next to nothing when you're talking about anime culture. Nothing is created, the communities are fandoms at best, no substantial live events and it's not normative culturally in the west. There's a big difference between worthless retweets and actually filling booths or seats at an event.
This can be applied to anything including things like Fate. Fate is very popular outside of Japan but it's the Japanese that prop the franchise up in every facet by a wide margin. If you aren't a big deal in Japan then you have to face facts.

>> No.22674800
File: 367 KB, 945x708, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a korean section of comiket or are they having a big comic event too this time of year?

>> No.22674848

Is it really bad that I just want F/Go to dissapear? Like all of it forever?

>> No.22674861

But that'll mean Fate has to become good.

>> No.22675131

This, imas keeps reinventing itself and that's why it's stayed so popular despite being 15 years old.

>> No.22675821

>toho bros we got too cocky ....
No real Touhou fan or /jp/ resident writes like this

>> No.22675839

love live has come and gone, but idolmaster will always remain

congratulations on having successfully identified the blindingly obvious

>> No.22675852

I'm kind of surprised that there are more booths of vtubers than LL. It feels like Japan is surrendering to 3DPD

>> No.22675902

i think the thing about the LLs is that the LLs are sort of explicitly temporary entities, they are supposed to come and go in generations whereas haruka amami is still seventeen as ever even though she now has to share the stage with a few hundred more idols. IM@S is more "timeless" i think.

>It feels like Japan is surrendering to 3DPD
the LLs are way more 3DPD than vtubers, people care WAY more about the people inside the LL characters (concerts, talks, seiyuu fanatics the whole deal) than the people inside the vtubers. i'm pretty sure it's considered bad form for anyone to even know who the person inside even is.

i agree at the end of the day sure it's just some 3D girl with an avatar on but in the abstract most characters are just that plus an animator and a script

>> No.22676052

He is a mentally ill ledditor that attempts to cause fanbase war with his copy paste shitposting template.

>> No.22677278

also decreased even with an anime the last season, so sad

>> No.22677284

the only reason AL is a thing is cause 1-KC kanmusu hype train 2-oversexualize characters

>> No.22677300

we could say the same for you, except you prefer chinese sausage instead

>> No.22677676

Cannonball got Gaijin Hunter of all people into Touhou through his daughter, so there's definitely fans coming in thanks to that. Expect a lot of westerners though because >GaijinHunter

>> No.22677991

do you really think that some literal who youtuber is going to save this dying kusoge?

>> No.22678061
File: 241 KB, 863x1200, EGHLwwyUUAYlz-j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's stupid, but there are more important factors that keep the series afloat even after all these years.

>> No.22678119

Why the racism?

>> No.22678320

actually there's a ton of リア充 "real touhou fans" but they don't reside on /jp/ and likewise he should also fuck off

>> No.22682417

Now do the same with KanColle without Japan.

>> No.22684066

Japan is the only country that matters.

>> No.22684100

>without Japan
Do you even know where Comiket happens?

>> No.22684176

I don't understand why this list got reposted so much during this Comiket. Are you trying to get a specific reaction out of people or something?

>> No.22684616

There's an obsesses man living for this franchise war

>> No.22684657

It's less like surrendering to 3DPD and more along the lines of having easy access to a consistent series.
Why wait for a new game, new manga, or new episode of whatever your watching; when Vtubers can just put out a reliable stream of content to keep you interested and invested?

>> No.22684669

>Why wait for a new game, new manga, or new episode of whatever your watching; when Vtubers can just put out a reliable stream of content to keep you interested and invested?
Yeah, also anime seasons have been extremely shit lately. 2 seasons in a row without watchable shows

>> No.22684721

>Why wait for a new game, new manga, or new episode of whatever your watching; when Vtubers can just put out a reliable stream of content to keep you interested and invested?
Maybe if you're a casual faggot afraid of anything more than a year old. I have more shit in my backlog than I could manage in a lifetime. Youtubers, virtual or otherwise, are rock bottom for me. The moment I find myself investing any substantial time in them is the moment I invest in some rope to hang myself with.

>> No.22686327

>more along the lines of having easy access to a consistent series
>when Vtubers can just put out a reliable stream of content
it's derivative, boring, and soulless. you just said it's easy for them to put put content, because there is no real effort behind it.

>> No.22687211

>can't use google translate

>> No.22687294

What happened to Granblue? I thought it was the new killer of every franchise or something?

>> No.22687346
File: 783 KB, 2048x1469, EMoOahYUcAE1kyg-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No gacha, present or future, are able to topple the king

>> No.22688165

The fans are too busy playing Grindblue to make content.

>> No.22692126

it's just interesting seeing what's popular and the state of certain franchises, what's so wrong about that?

>> No.22693142


>> No.22693161


>> No.22693380

Believe it or not, but there's people out there who are ok with some franchises being more popular than others.

>> No.22693830

Post your hauls, nerds. I want to rate your taste in doujin and also be jealous I don't have them.

>> No.22696440

did anyone buy Nazrin game?

>> No.22696447

what's with the grey bar? C96 stat??

>> No.22696622
File: 2.28 MB, 4264x2988, 20200101_224919_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the shitty hostel bed layout.
Want to guess my favorite touhou?

>> No.22696637


>> No.22696677
File: 568 KB, 1280x718, 1576376354734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dbu make games now?
It looks messy though

>> No.22696744

Is there any new sumomo doujin

>> No.22696760

I'm not sure, I just grabbed the first one that looked interesting

>> No.22696821

Good, hopefully this makes the "touhou is reclining" fags die in a fire.

>> No.22697367
File: 92 KB, 609x399, sales daimosu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you people wonder why artists do NTR.

>> No.22700916

I did. Havent played it. Kind of looks like a mess but it looks entertaining.

>> No.22700979

I hate it but it's like furries. Degenerates are more willing to shell out their cash in order to influence the free market.

>> No.22701214

What a pleasant background.

>> No.22701273

>Love Live: 436
Still fappable after all these years!

>> No.22703034

Where all da cosplay fucking

>> No.22703549
File: 2.57 MB, 3271x4906, S1o7MpO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(alternative title: I'm only in it for the boobies)

>Go to:
>It's an automated 2ch archive site. Enter either of these strings into the search field:
>For cosplay photos (read: boobies):
>For ordinary photos of the event (including weebshit comicbooks or whatever the fuck this event is about):

>Check the thread list, open the latest ones with the most posts, and DIG, DIG, DIG!

>To speed up your search, create a userscript (with Violetmonkey or something) with the code at:
>This will automatically take you to straight to 2ch from logsoku, skipping the annoying moapi.net redirect, and will then delete all the pointless nip chatter, only keeping the comments with image links.

>Nippleslips !

>> No.22703634

Quick bug fix for the userscript, my apologies:

>> No.22707879


>> No.22707943

This list gets posted literally every year without people complaining about it.

>> No.22707943,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm from Thailand... Only Japan and Thailand that KC trend is over than AL.
