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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 15 KB, 249x302, UBW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
225770 No.225770 [Reply] [Original]

It's out!

>> No.225789
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>> No.225791


>> No.225793
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>> No.225794

Too bad it's shit

>> No.225802
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>> No.225806


>> No.225811

It's fail will create the Hell's.

>> No.225812

UBW sucks ass. HF is where it's at now.

>> No.225813

whoever did this deserves an unlimited amount of internets

>> No.225819
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Also slow OP is slow.

>> No.225820

we don`t bother.
it takes 242352566 years for Gurren-Slowpoke to realize it's failure

>> No.225825

slowpokes got obvious trolled

>> No.225827

"Sir, I'm getting a reading on the radar arrays!"

"Well, what is it?"

"It appears to be...a samefag, sir!"

>> No.225835

You samefag detector is off, I'm only >>225802

>> No.225841

That's what they all say.

>> No.225842

and I`m only
>>225770 >>225789 >>225791 >>225793 and >>225806

you fail

>> No.225851


Disregard that, my schizophrenia is acting up

>> No.225856

But it's true ಠ_ಠ

>> No.225897
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>> No.225912

Torrent it.

>> No.225920

try all mirrors, not just once

>> No.225926


>> No.225932

Not at all...

>> No.225940

All the direct download links give me the same thing. I'm torrenting it now.

>> No.225986

Are the voices even worth it? also did they at least install an option to turn off the voices in case they suck ass?

>> No.226014

is there a torrent for Realta Nua? or would it be possible for them to just rip the voices out of it make a torrent like they did for clannad and uta? or will the installer not work with just the voice files?

>> No.226049

I fear this too, so I won't mess with the ps2 stuff, I'm lazy just for teh lulz... And I usually listen to some music during playing with it (music sucks donkey balls), so I will just try it if it's really epic.

>> No.226052

Check isohunt. The download speed is really unstable for me, but it's got a lot of seeds.

>> No.226106


Voices suck, Rin sounds far too much like Yumi

>> No.226109

would be nicer to just have a torrent of the ripped voice files but that will do for now I suppose it will be fucking awesome when HF comes out. hearing delicious Rider and Sakura oh god ill die.

>> No.226126

Fuck you, voices are great.

>> No.226135

Heh, it probably wouldn't work with the installer. Piracy is bad and mirror moon doesn't want anyone using their patches unless they already own a copy of the game. Two copies if they want the voice patch.

>> No.226164


Are they? I'm halfway through Fate already and I've been doing the voices in my head, I don't want to install the voices if they suck.

>> No.226176

so, how awesome is the installer?

>> No.226177

So then you just download the retail version. As long as you do that, there'll be no way in hell MM's patches won't work.

>> No.226188

An enemy servant appears.


>> No.226179

I bet if you just moved in the ripped files from some one that used the installer to rip them maybe edit a few things and it would work. its not hard to work around most of their stuff.

>> No.226181

I went through Fate last year and have since forgotten where the UBW route begins. What decision did I need to make?

>> No.226192

I agree with the people wanting to be able to turn voices off.
I don't need them and don't want them.
Hell, I already read through fate and UBW without them anyway.

Oh, and I don't know moonspeak.
Might be why I'm playing a translated version of the game INSTEAD OF REALTA NUA.

>> No.226209

its still nice to have voice acting adds a whole another layer of emotion onto the game that being said since we've already played two out of three routes it might be weird at first to have them. probably be worth it for HF though.

>> No.226228


Thanks, anon :)

>> No.226232

Did some kind of answer come from Narcissu? Did people like it more with the voices, or more without?

>> No.226236

Anyone else notice the extra phiber guy in the staff?

>> No.226246

Yes. He was "Helping" Message with the release... This is very satisfying.

>> No.226249

Yes, yes we did.

>> No.226255

There's a folder up on rapidsearch already.

>> No.226248

I uninstalled f/sn ages ago.

If the saves can work on different computers, can somebody rapidshit their save folder so I don't have to go through Fate arc again to make saves at all the h scenes?

>> No.226259

if you're curious if the voice acting is any good you could look at the VA for the anime. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=5394

seems like a pretty good cast really

>> No.226273

Deredere Saber's voice makes me die of moe. ;_;

>> No.226282

Illya has the same voice actor as mimi oh god I am going to die.

>> No.226310

Illya is so fucking adorable with that voice it makes me get diabeetus.

>> No.226313

so when can we expect the voice files to be uploaded to RS?

>> No.226435

I'm trying to upload a sample to /f/, but it just doesn't want to handle my massive 7500KB.

>> No.226470

he was added after the leak, looks like MM decided he needed "help"

>> No.226497

Oh shit, it uploaded.


>> No.226503

mou ikkai?

>> No.226541

Taiga and Illya sound pretty good...might be worth grabbing...nah, better to wait for someone to upload a voice file...

>> No.226559


lol Seriously.

I'll wait for a torrent or something. No way am I paying for that shit.

>> No.226562
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But is there a way to turn off the voices later?

>> No.226570

Taiga's voice is a lot sexier than her appearance.

>> No.226584

remove the voice files

>> No.226586

lol, whut.

Taiga is hot all around.

>> No.226603

That's a nice patch!

>> No.226605

oh. since when are you severly retarded?

>> No.226613

probably the same way that you could change the music in tsu just change the name of the folder.

>> No.226612
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whats the matter, TOO HAYATE for you?

>> No.226637
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Slow shit is slow

>> No.226640

so does it have shirou's voice acting? if so that would probably be the only bad part about having voices I would prefer for the protagonist to stay silent also he sounds like a fag.

>> No.226651

this is why we need the already ripped voices

>> No.226678

Here's a partial (complete) pack of VA samples: http://rapidshare.com/files/100058164/Fate_Voice_Samples.zip.html

and http://www.capcom.co.jp/fate_tiger/character/index.html has additional examples

>> No.226703

Well dang, your desktop looks almost exactly like mine...I have a different wallpaper.

That said...sauce on wallpaper?

>> No.226725


>> No.226755
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>> No.226772


>> No.226779

I love you Anonymous of /jp/

>> No.226857
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>> No.226874

Taiga's voice is pleasing to me, I will therefore install voices just as soon as Type-Moon released my Taiga route.

>> No.226882

Agree. I absolutely hate Shirou's VA in everything he does.

>> No.226907

He also does Sasuke, doesn't he?

>> No.226906
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>>226651 http://www.capcom.co.jp/fate_tiger/character/index.html

>> No.226916

yea will get that around the same time we get a sacchin path.

>> No.226922


that would be a big yes.

>> No.226933


Rider is also Sakaki? Perfect.

>> No.226943

Mirror moon staff read 4chan and quote us in IRC.

>> No.226974

Dear Mirror Moon staff: If it turns out Heaven's Feel is as full of long magic lessons with Rin as the first two routes are, do us all a favour and just cut them right out of the game.

Thank you,


>> No.226992

whats up with the ranking on the website? illya is number one what? popularity in the psp game?

>> No.226988


Taiga sucks

>> No.227009

also tsugumi

>> No.227018
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>> No.227129


>> No.227147

So, will the installer extract voices from a burned copy of RN?
This is important.

>> No.227163

don't see why not.

>> No.227184

So, how is this "do you have enough swords" line translated in the final version?

>> No.227207

hi guys where do i get ubw? halp

>> No.227208

Wait so it took them months to add something that I wont even use?
I sppuose its understandable to take a whil;e to make something that installs voice acting (not certain, I am no programmer) but most readers would prefer to voice it themselves anyway.
They really should have released the voices as an update patch or something

>> No.227221

not sure but I bet its still not swords. if you think about it saying do you have enough "swords" makes no sense he doesn't just have swords he has every type of weapon axes spears ect ect.

>> No.227248

there are alot of people who will use the voices especially when HF comes out so I don't think it won't go unused.

>> No.227247
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>> No.227258

then he should've released the voice patch with the HF installer instead of the UBW

>> No.227263

Whats special about the HF voices?
Is Sakura extra moe or something

>> No.227268


or a fine retailer

>> No.227274

most of us have already finished UBW also rider's voice.

>> No.227281

Well, they didn't add the voices, they added the OPTION to add voices if you happen to have realta nua to copy them from.

Just as well, I don't care about using voices.

>> No.227291

your emoticons make me rage

>> No.227295

So first I need to get Fate/Stay Night, then what? I've only seen the anime. <_<;

>> No.227288

Its interesting how many people started download RealtaNua DVD from torrent right now .. more than half of people have less than 10% now .. :D.
Anybody know why?? O.o

>> No.227302

Well then you would play it my good sir

>> No.227304

Excuse me sir, but I'm going to have to ask you to refrain from doing that. That kind of behavior is not welcomed or tolerated around here. I'm letting you off with a warning this time.

>> No.227315

So the UBW route is in the game already? I just have to unlock it or something?

-new to fsn THE GAME-

>> No.227327

so I don't need applocale anymore right

>> No.227335

you would download the patch install the fate stay night game extract the voice files for nua if you want voice acting. then play.

>> No.227339

You guys are on the wrong board

>> No.227340

Ok,so i installed F/SN but i don't understand why i keep dying.
Is there a place where i can get easy exp?Also where is my fucking level?This game sucks so hard.

>> No.227343


>> No.227349

Grind toasters in Shirou's storage shack for the first few days

>> No.227371


>> No.227378

k,will do that.I hope Berserker and the loli join my party after i beat them

>> No.227393

But right thread .. and this counts ..
Yeah hope is always good. o.O

>> No.227408

Sorry guys I a complete and utter faggot. Rape my face

>> No.227410



>> No.227411

Best post ever
Best reply ever

>> No.227422

Now I want a F/SN RPG.

>> No.227455

I am just amused by the idea of grindan Shirou's tracing skills at the start of the game by strnghtening the oven over and over or something

>> No.227456
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Where is my prepatched, voiced game?

>> No.227473

Why the fuck are you so lazy?

>> No.227486
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>> No.227498

You will have to wait at least a couple weeks

>> No.227502

OP here
how come this is still alive? it meant to be a slowpoke-troll-thread.

>> No.227507

you'll never have one pirate the stuff and patch it your self you lazy fag.

>> No.227519

It's not enough that the installer comes on a silver fucking platter making it work on system that don't have japanese support set up, and puts the all of one or two XP3 files in the game folder for your lazy ass?

>> No.227512

This is /jp/.
Almost as trollable as /b/,

>> No.227528

Just low on HD space, 3 gigs won't be enough to fit the DVD and install. Besides, I don't care about the translation, I just want the voice.

>> No.227538
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>>227456 here
I'd like to deny >>227512's affirmation.

>> No.227562

We can still use it for discussion and ranting can we not?

>> No.227584
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>> No.227989


>> No.229229


>> No.229336
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from MM site
>Release Engineering: Message, phiber
so, who is phiber?

>> No.229342

A bastion of awesomeness who created a new installer from scratch in under six seconds.

>> No.229343

the guy who coded the installer

message's name shouldn't even be on there.

>> No.229348

The guy who worked on the installer.

>> No.229353

they added his name after the patch leaked

take that how you will.
