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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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22634949 No.22634949 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>22626803

Fuck you buttmad janny edition

>> No.22634959 [DELETED] 


>> No.22634963 [DELETED] 


>> No.22634966 [DELETED] 

announcing a report is against the rules :)

>> No.22634969 [DELETED] 

cute boy just smiled at me

>> No.22634972 [DELETED] 

i am immune to the rules but the thread is not

>> No.22634973 [DELETED] 

using smileys and calling people "small brained" ought to be against the rules too

>> No.22634975 [DELETED] 

stay on topic guys or else your posts will be swiftly deleted :)

>> No.22634982

ah, yes, this is djt so lemme go fetch some matto posts

>> No.22634988

trying to watch fruits basket but this shojo shit is so fucking cringe and unbearable

>> No.22634993

the only good shoujo manga are the ones made by clamp.

>> No.22634994

why you don't like watching people fall in love

>> No.22635001

no, he probably doesn't like shoujo atuff because of pointy chins and bug eyes

>> No.22635012 [DELETED] 

good edition bros
remember whatever happens i will always love you

>> No.22635047

i like romance shows, it's the shojo shit that makes it shit. but i guess if a girl watches male-oriented romance shows she might feel the same way.

>> No.22635077 [DELETED] 


>> No.22635082 [DELETED] 

thread slowly dying thanks to a certain someone edition

>> No.22635085 [DELETED] 

yeah but we finna based so whats the problem?

>> No.22635108

how many vns has moe read so far?

>> No.22635112

he cant read

>> No.22635113
File: 1.43 MB, 472x6072, 1480353978050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reading practice

>> No.22635130

almost 3 gotta finish up kud wafter

>> No.22635133

was going to watch pani poni dash but apparently is full of obscure references

jamal must be a god if thats one of his favorite shows

>> No.22635137

this classifies as cyber bullying

>> No.22635152

nah, just watch more anime from that era and you'll get them all.
if you've got trouble catching onto the references, you should look through the booklet that came along with the english fansubs.

>> No.22635156

it's interesting how most japanese people write with a slant towards the left whereas western handwriting is usually slanted towards the right

>> No.22635157

trying to watch scryed but the audio is so fucking bad its unbelievable

>> No.22635175

i doubt an anime-watching veteran who'd never lived in japan would know every single one of these references

>> No.22635180

yeah thats why i made that post is cause i just looked at the booklet thing. i dont want to read that shit in between watching

>> No.22635184

Can someone help me with this? I complimented someone and they wrote: シンプルに嬉しすぎ.
I'm not sure what that means. Did they think my compliment was overboard, or did my compliment make them happy?

>> No.22635185

referential humor is pretty shit though tbqh

>> No.22635191


wtf is this there are some really dedicated gaijin out there, i imagine there are hundreds of people like jamal who write this shit

>> No.22635196

Is there a way to mass replace all the audio in a selected group of anki cards with audio from the yomichan plugin (which I believe uses japanesepod101)? The core 10k deck uses this god awful robot generated voice, so I've been replacing the audio 1 by 1, which just takes too long.

>> No.22635207

little shit like this piles up over time and makes me wish i knew how to program

>> No.22635234 [DELETED] 

stfu janny

>> No.22635238

Yeah. I've been able to code most of the stuff I want but this is beyond my knowledge. There's gotta be a way to do it, because the audio files are in the format of [sound:yomichan_つぐなう_償う.mp3], but the problem is you don't actually have the audio file until you download the card. So for every card in the core 10k deck I have to go download the card in yomichan first. Major pain in the ass.

>> No.22635267


>> No.22635299

sine newfag

>> No.22635300

export to text and just use a regular expression replace. sed on linux would work best.

>> No.22635303

You know typing si instead of shi and tu instead tsu doesnt make you cool it just makes you look like a tryhard faggot.

>> No.22635366

who are the most important characters to follow in panda to make sure ill make it

>> No.22635437

[filler post so jamal doesnt feel uncomfortable posting several times in a row while no one else posts]

>> No.22635452

yeah i'm probably stopping core

>> No.22635472

there's no point having shit like that padding out your deck, if you see it in context it's going to be completely obvious what it means and the reading is just standard too

>> No.22635492

do you literally type out shi on your ime?

>> No.22635504

Well I forget the order but if you're wondering there's lot a lot of instances of plant species in the deck, but you're 3k cards in so you should know that.

>> No.22635509

not a lot*

>> No.22635511

this is bullshit
i hear words i just learned a week ago in my raw anime all the time

>> No.22635521

>your brain cannot process each word fast enough unless you have heard it 10000 times before
the bullshit

>> No.22635556

sometimes vowels sound like one another especially when people are talking super fast so i have to type the word several times and swap out vowels until i actually spell it correctly (i do this to look up words sometimes).

>> No.22635583

The 10k times was a random number but what I said was true. Even if you knew every word in the Japanese language, you still wouldn't be able to understand Japanese unless you have listened to it enough times to catch on to the speaking patterns.

>> No.22635584

Pretty weak retort but it's no surprise considering Jamal is the only person who has my number in this thread. You might have to cowardly team up with him if you want to drive me away.

>> No.22635619

i think you're catching the same illness as me, jamal.

>> No.22635642 [DELETED] 

*smug jewish face*

>> No.22635654

google translate from german to japanese works somewhat oddly.
if i look up "Diener", i get "公務員", but if i look up "しもべ", i get "Diener".

>> No.22635658

sad naruto osts play in my head when i think about how some of my djt bros wont make it

>> No.22635661

google translate sucks

>> No.22635664

yea you should feel bad how is it fair that low iq people with bad taste in anime have a huge advantage?

>> No.22635670

there are other mediums you know

>> No.22635679

stfu qm

>> No.22635684

dorama, film, documentary, japanese youtubers, audiobooks, variety shows, podcasts

>> No.22635690

i'm the mexican anon who lives in the same block dolly's favorite roast chicken restaurant, not qm

>> No.22635691

low iq
not enough good ones to be worth learning a language for (probably 10 combined)
low iq
low iq
not enough good ones to be worth learning a language for (probably 10 combined)
low iq
extremely low iq

>> No.22635693

why dont you just admit to yourself that you have neither the desire nor the reason to learn japanese? i dont understand you at all dude

>> No.22635698

>there are 10 good japanese movies and books
tell me some of your favorite western movies and books you pretentious fuck lmao

>> No.22635701

is it good?

>> No.22635719

can u go stalk the dollmans apartment and take a few voyeur pics? or is this restaurant in a diff city to where he lives?

>> No.22635733

what makes you think i reserve my shitposting for this? though my hobbies have dwindled in recent years

>> No.22635745

krashen isn't based and he's not really respected here just an old fart who proposed input is essential

>> No.22635761
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Nice try fuckface but he's already addressed this character assassination.

>> No.22635773 [DELETED] 

different taste in itself is fine but there is such a thing as bad taste.

>> No.22635815
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>> No.22635831

you forgot a couple of ?s

>> No.22635832

for some reason theres like 3 brainlets in this thread who think sangatsu is a bad show

they must be ignored

>> No.22635834

it's part of the comedy

>> No.22635849

100% respectable taste better than most for sure

>> No.22635851

objectively false
sol is good but yryr is just okay

>> No.22635855

objectively true

>> No.22635863

i mean if youve seen any of the actual extremely melodramatic shows it doesnt even compare but perhaps ive been slightly desensitized

>> No.22635864

objectively fal... true?

>> No.22635879

hating on 3gatsu is for spiritual hikkis who havent felt an emotion other than boredom hornyness and hunger in the past decade

>> No.22635883

cope, plenty of other shows have elicited a wide range of emotions from me including the ones that shitgatsu aims for

>> No.22635891

such as

>> No.22635892

didnt watch
didnt watch
didnt watch
7 i think
8 i think

>> No.22635916

ergo proxy was probably just too smart for me, im sure high iqs who have read 50+ philosophy books love that show

>> No.22635923

high iqs who have read 50+ philosophy books tend to be less impressed by pointlesslyly namedropping random philosophers lol

>> No.22635960

because redditors

>> No.22635962

well as you can see in the title its because hes black and no one really has any expectations of them so he can get away with sounding like whatever

>> No.22635968

i would guess the "namedropping" prolly somehow ties in his the concept of the show as a whole as well as the nature of its world it presents

>> No.22635984

>criticizing someone whose entire gimmick is speaking for being bad at speaking makes you a tard
uh ok lol

>> No.22635991

so thats what happens when you read more

>> No.22636000

>""bruh"" hating on (nigger) isn't allowed here

>> No.22636003

dont care
3 gatsu no lion is based
shounen is cringe

>> No.22636004

also ive never attempted to watch that anime and i have no intention to because i only care about shonen anime now.

>> No.22636012

i suspected afterwards it wasn't you but i can't resist namedropping

>> No.22636014 [DELETED] 

is the janny gone yet
is it safe to respond to that post with "blacks arent people"
ah whatever

niggers arent human

>> No.22636066 [DELETED] 

what are you talking about
this is 4channel

>> No.22636067 [DELETED] 

what are YOU talking about? this is SPARTA!!!

>> No.22636114 [DELETED] 

janny ruined the fucking mood
i really dont feel like posting with you anymore bros, i might have caught depression

>> No.22636119

how the fuck does something like fairy gone get 24 episodes? i just done get this shit

>> No.22636131

please don't tell me you guys are the ones deleting the posts
that's some mentally ill shit

>> No.22636134

oops lol well good night haha

>> No.22636137

ye we sync deleting 15 posts at once in our private discord dedicated to such important matters

>> No.22636154
File: 41 KB, 508x84, kys fucking stupid janny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22636168
File: 1.35 MB, 1600x1280, 1474020226773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasnt there some guy that got pissed we came to jp once the exodus from a happened
maybe he became a janny to get revenge for plaguing his toehoe board

>> No.22636170

stfu no one cares
take your anime shit to /a/

>> No.22636183

doesnt seem to matter when this one fucking idiot comes here to delete everything

>> No.22636198 [SPOILER] 
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1577153008984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay i'll take my anime to where it belongs

>> No.22636200
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based shojo giving an insight into the insecure psyche of young girls

>> No.22636201 [DELETED] 

>some dude reports /pol/posting
>half the thread deleted
sasuga jannie-kun

>> No.22636216 [DELETED] 

why do i get called a zoomer even though i'm 28

>> No.22636257 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 768x1024, JAPANESE 浴衣 (YUKATA U FUCKING STUPID JANNY) .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about buying a cute 浴衣(this is japanese btw janny) for my gf
what you guys think about this one in the picture
i mean at least for me, i get this urge of wanting to hold both of her hands (shes an idol)

>> No.22636288

Does smoking weed negatively affect your inputting time?

>> No.22636289

this guy is literally sitting here and deleting posts as they are posting lmao dude i hope everything is ok in ur life

>> No.22636301
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okay quiz time

>> No.22636314 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 960x1280, 1571840562773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you guys help me regognize this idol
i heard shes japanese and famous here

>> No.22636328 [DELETED] 


>> No.22636330

How do you tell anki to make you review the cards you inputted today?

>> No.22636343

What do you mean? If they haven't been learned they should be added as long as you are under the new cards per day value you've set up.

>> No.22636344

u mean this has been going on a week lmfao

>> No.22636407

well i mean qms already back now too
so things are extra shit here

>> No.22636447

i thought no.2 was how it'd normally be interpreted

>> No.22636508

just give up dude

>> No.22636517
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were my /djt/ bros courageous enough to get a gift for a women of interest this christmas?

>> No.22636546

if you can remember a word that you couldn't think of for 5 seconds you'll probably remember it for a long time though

>> No.22636608

and then they get mad and say jamal doesnt know as much nihongo as they will after 69 years of flash cards

>> No.22636621

you dont even know english man all hope is lost for you

>> No.22636632

any of you dudes know a good pc to tablet screen mirroring set up? i wanna play vns in bed but a monitor on the wall doesnt cut it

>> No.22636646

jamal is so effing awesome why doesnt this guy want me to suck him off

>> No.22636648

just face the music, realize the pathetic depths you've fallen to in regards to seeking validation and perhaps reflect and adjust

>> No.22636679

i'm the seiza autist

>> No.22636696


>> No.22636704

i watched 3 episodes of mother today.

>> No.22636729

cant wait to anime mine all the juicy words in muramasa so i can have a vocabulary larger than the average native adult

>> No.22636750

Baldr Sky is like 5% gameplay and 95% ADV. The gameplay is basically optional too.

>> No.22636757

All 7/10 :)

>> No.22636777

thanks for the tip. you think it is worth reading? like did it really move you or make you think about things on a deep lvl or was it like eating at mcdonalds

>> No.22636796

VN Core is only useful if you really don't care about anything other than VNs. Crap like this guide is why we get so many "fluent" speakers that think they understand a lot more than they really do.

>> No.22636807

it's shit so probably

>> No.22636808

thats a hentai doujin you fucking pedos, sick fucks

>> No.22636837

do you just have exceedingly low iq or something wtf

>> No.22636838
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>> No.22636839


>> No.22636864

lmao wut? Common words are common across all media

>> No.22636867

My point isn't that the words aren't useful, it's that you'll be lacking plenty of extremely common words. It's not enough, and you'll be looking up half the words you see.

>> No.22636871 [DELETED] 

djt the type of guy to shit on peoples anime taste but give hxh and berserk a 10 on anilist

>> No.22636897

>half the show
Don't watch the anime, read the manga

>> No.22636906

good point they should be doing core 50k

>> No.22636910

my favorite genre is slice of life but mostly the ones that are mixed with some kind of fantasy/sci-fi/supernatural aspects as well :)

>> No.22636911

Look up what a "straw man" is.

>> No.22636918



>> No.22636925

And recommending to jump into reading with an extremely basic vocab is just asking them to quit. Reading when you know half the words (and the less useful ones) is a huge chore.
You are reading the most basic shit there is though. That shitty guide says "read anything you want".

>> No.22636946

Which is all fine and dandy, except that shitty guide says nothing and tells you you are ready to read with that. The whole point of a guide is to aim it to newcomers, not the people that already know how to learn.
If it's "as fast as possible" why even do the decks? You can just mine it all from the start, since there'll be a negligible difference in understanding and time spent looking up words.

>> No.22636954

>If it's "as fast as possible" why even do the decks? You can just mine it all from the start, since there'll be a negligible difference in understanding and time spent looking up words
Good question. It basically was my previous point about word parsing

>> No.22636959

Still doesn't change that you'll spend 10 minutes per line, and over half the time reading actually looking up words and trying to make sense of them, or translating the whole sentence by translating every word.

>> No.22636964

i don't think there's any way around that phase
you gonna be slow at first deal with it

>> No.22636965

If you are really wondering that, try doing it for Chinese or any other language and you'll quickly realize it doesn't work, same as the shitty guide that was posted.

>> No.22636972

Of course you can't get around it. You can make things easier on yourself by starting with an already decent vocab, and that's why people recommend doing the Core2k/6k deck.
Skipping Anki and reading doesn't make things quicker or easier.

>> No.22636974 [DELETED] 

what's that, ESL-kun?

There's a difference between a guide and the truth. Ever watched The Matrix?

>> No.22636976 [DELETED] 


>> No.22636977

who cares aboute beginners and how they pwn themselves with stupid methods. unless ur trying to make a patreon to get your flock to pay you to lead them

>> No.22637010

I know that, and I never said anything opposite to that. Knowing all the words is a good start though, since knowing only half will make it even harder since you'll have to look them up. Several times per line.

>> No.22637011 [DELETED] 

if some1 mentioned the matrix and it doesnt get deleted u should be able to go slightly off topic to talk about it without getting ur post deleted just my opinion doe

>> No.22637013



>> No.22637014


>> No.22637016

No? I literally said you end up not learning shit since you are just looking them up. You have to mine them, but you can't mine every single word in every sentence you read. Having a strong base is what makes the process work.

>> No.22637018


>> No.22637020

ull get almost nothin more out of a sentence in 10 minutes than u did in the first 30 sec
im givin u 3 minutes in case ur really shit at lookin up kanji in ur dictionary

>> No.22637026
File: 251 KB, 601x548, DiDuQvPehd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nooo dont try to read anything you cant do that yet

>> No.22637028

unban jamal you fucking grinch!

>> No.22637030

>Having a strong base is what makes the process work.
memorization is not a strong base
that sounds like grammar study
how much do u read

>> No.22637039

>that sounds like grammar study
Just Tae Kim. The rest is just random shit I find on the Internet that I really want to read, or raws of manga I follow that I try to read before translations are out. I'm still practically illiterate, especially for anything that's not dialogue.

>> No.22637040

Reminder to never mind new words.
Only mine words that you feel like you've seen before

>> No.22637046

anyone got an invite to jamal's discord?

>> No.22637052

>memorization is not a strong base
It literally is. That's how language learning works, why do you even think Anki is so widely used?

>> No.22637056


>> No.22637071

were trying to acquire here mate

>> No.22637079

>why do you even think Anki is so widely used?
People like to see the numbers in Anki go up, like a video game. It makes them feel like they're acquiring nippongo

>> No.22637083

You can't do that if you forget the word's meaning. Memorization makes it so that you can actually acquire the word when exposed to it. As a MIAfag you should especially understand this.
Sounds like you haven't done any real progress in the language. Otherwise you'd know better.

>> No.22637087


>> No.22637097

>moe is an miafag
back to early 2019 with you

>> No.22637102

he couldnt read 憑依霊?

>> No.22637103

Talking about acquisition makes him a MIAfag, not the name.

>> No.22637110

that's krashen terminology you fucking poser

>> No.22637111

stop posting with uppercase letters

>> No.22637117

Yeah, and we all know what popularized making the distinction.
I'm not a phoneposter, so no thanks.

>> No.22637121

its funny how u can post about almost nothing but anki techniques for years but u put krasners face in a couple videos and use the word acquire and that makes u the authoritative source on krashner lmfao

>> No.22637122

i've been making and reviewing cards for almost a year now.
i feel like, even though i've memorized the vague shape, reading, and definition for around 5k words, my actual comprehension level is still just as low as it was back when i knew only 200 words.

>> No.22637126

Every learning resource out there talks about Anki, while almost no one tries to explain the actual process through which we learn languages since most people really don't care.

>> No.22637127

sorry to hear u fucked up

>> No.22637136

huh if youre referring to english cursive versus hiragana then i do start to see that

>> No.22637137

stop making cards and watch a shit load of sol anime for a few months

>> No.22637144

watch 三ツ星カラーズ

>> No.22637146

read 20 vns

>> No.22637159

Reminder that people have become fluent in a second language throughout all of history without Anki. No study has ever shown Anki makes you become fluent faster

>> No.22637162

all language "learning" studies are retarded and you should follow the antimoon method

>> No.22637163

just wait until the immersion pod happens

>> No.22637165

Then don't use it. Feel free to stick to classical methods and reach fluency in 20 years.

>> No.22637178

【悲報】外国人に話しかけられて、とっさに「I don't speak English!」と言ったら「ベンキョウしろ」と日本語で返されたこのダメージが消えそうにない

>> No.22637182

lmao Chris reached fluency without it in 18months just recently

>> No.22637188

>ankifag doesnt know about chris

>> No.22637190

u mean the krashner method

>> No.22637200

chris is a failure promoted as a success.

>> No.22637203


>> No.22637205

no because he never learned a language and has no method

>> No.22637213

they are lazy and don't actually want to put in the effort. i doubt they even read anything more than once a month or two.

>> No.22637227

I guess it's easier to stay in denial rather than admit you are doing things wrong. I used to hate Anki and didn't want to use it because I'd have to start over since my reps had all piled up.

>> No.22637231
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>> No.22637247

he prob speaks better german than u do nihongo lol

>> No.22637255

woah, what does he speak then?

>> No.22637267

he acquired english through radiowave transmissions

>> No.22637277

are light novels actually harder than vns or am i just dumb?

>> No.22637282

they are easier

>> No.22637292
File: 535 KB, 875x618, 1577164377102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're harder, no visual components

>> No.22637296

i feel like it's easier to concentrate on the prose in lns because they've got less distracting images and no sound.

>> No.22637315

there also haven't actually been any studies on the effects of anki on learning...

>> No.22637317

based and tease pilled

>> No.22637325


>> No.22637341


>> No.22637344

80 iq retard

>> No.22637364

who doesn't like a cute tease?

>> No.22637382
File: 2.79 MB, 350x263, 1576964899144.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22637384

how long have u been 習うing this 言語 and hown much of this do you 理解出来る?

>> No.22637397

3 years, 0%

>> No.22637417

lately i am strangely by accident watching a few anime that ended up having a christmas themed episode or 2

>> No.22637422

Made anki anime cards out of the entire video and now have 100% comprehension

>> No.22637425


>> No.22637426

>pile stones up beneath your feet and you'll become taller

>> No.22637439

that video is ear cancer

>> No.22637444

does matt tell learners not to use music because he can't understand sung japanese?

>> No.22637446

at least the stones are actually raising ur head lol

>> No.22637468

I can't understand most sung English songs even as a native, doesn't mean I shouldn't listen to music

>> No.22637469

there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of words in the various core decks that are very infrequent in the type of media someone from here is likely to consume and i'm going through and deleting them. such a pain.

>> No.22637491

dont tell qm or ciaran that, since they believe every single word at n1 level or below is extremely common

>> No.22637494

>what im doing is shit but im gonna keep on doing it

>> No.22637501

with their level of comprehension and varied input that's probably true but it still makes more sense for a shitter like me to prioritize more frequent words that are appearing in every other episode of a show than a word i almost never see but which may be common in the news or something.

>> No.22637505

例外なく everyone here

>> No.22637509

whats a "word at n1 level" thats not extremely common?

>> No.22637516


>> No.22637519

There's probably words as a native english speaker I would consider "very common" which in reality may not be.

>> No.22637525


>> No.22637529

just farm your own words

>> No.22637534

if you watch the news in japanese

>> No.22637541

>only used in niche media

>> No.22637551


>> No.22637559
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Hey DJT, can someone help me with that last part that I selected? I'm not really getting the meaning of these four kanji put together.

>> No.22637563

it's biribiri's name, followed by が帰って来る

>> No.22637564

what do u mean by common
common where
if ur goin beyond the actual few hundred most common words its gonna start depending what u read or watch
so talkin about how often ur likely to actually hear somethin becomes impossible unless u say its common in scifi anime or common in the news
if i said an english word is common i wouldnt mean u hear it every day or even every year but i would mean that essentially every adult native knows it

>> No.22637565


>> No.22637575

it's a name

>> No.22637577

is scabbard a common word?
what about codpiece?

>> No.22637619

i could prob imagine a native havin no idea what codpiece means
scabbard i think thats less likely so im gonna say its common
im not tryin to tell u what is and isnt common though
im sayin that what someone means by that varies

>> No.22637698

lol wym

>> No.22637702

からかい上手高木さん has good エロ漫画 in japanese

>> No.22637708

i mined お色直し a few weeks ago and now it seems to pop up every other day wtf

>> No.22637836


>> No.22637847


>> No.22637858

They are really happy.
すぎ at the end can be used in a way similar to the "too" in "too kind".

>> No.22638096



>> No.22638219

keep my name out of your mouth your posts are trash

>> No.22638264

seriously dude? ok. i was about to go to sleep but now im feeling bad about myself and probably wont be able to.

>> No.22638348

where can I find raw scans to read online?

>> No.22638396

u new or something lol

>> No.22638412

Not really, but I haven't come by at all in the past few years. Did I respond to copypasta?

>> No.22638424

it's just well known that imouto-chan is a native japanese

>> No.22638438

Alright, that's good to know. I remember some natives used to stop by from time to time before, too.

>> No.22638494
File: 425 KB, 800x1000, 1462418535563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello sir are you perhaps new to this area, for your information imouto-chan is actually a native Japanese, and this is a well-known fact among the frequenters of this community

>> No.22638499


>> No.22638517

did he really deserve that

>> No.22638561


>> No.22638570

not for that post specifically but i know who it is and he's always posting dumb shit and claiming things ive never said

>> No.22638574


>> No.22638606

Is there any grammar in this language worse than passive and causative conjugations?
食べさせられるらりるれろ fuck off

>> No.22638632


>> No.22638730
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>> No.22638802

think id lose my shit if i had to do 30-40 min of reviews per day. even the 15 im doing now is pushing it. i guess if i split it into 2 sessions with like 6 hours in between it might work.

>> No.22638839

If you want to learn Japanese you'll probably get to 60 minutes of reviews at some point.

>> No.22638847

I used to do them in between reading a book/manga or watching a show a lot. Do 15 minutes in the morning, and then like 2 minute spurts every 10 manga pages, or 5 minutes after an episode of anime.

It still kind of sucks, but I've found that this is the only way to get through it all consistently every day if your deck is really big with a lot of still-maturing cards in it.

>> No.22638855


>> No.22638886

I'm not serious about learning japanese at all but whenever I watch anime I can understand like 80% of the words I'm hearing and feel like it would be a waste not to learn the language at this point. how do I capitalize on this?

>> No.22638889

>whenever I watch anime I can understand like 80% of the words I'm hearing
uhuh, sure you can lol

>> No.22638903

sure, I can't prove it. but can't you just give me the benefit of the doubt and help me out here, anon?

>> No.22638916

why would i give you the benefit of the doubt when i know it's bullshit? regardless your question is answered by the guide in the op.

>> No.22638935
File: 152 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191224-130531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make it through this bullshit? Thinking of just skipping 敬語 until I'm decent at Japanese but maybe that would be a mistake

>> No.22638940

I'm talking about individual words not longass sentences, every episode I encounter 5 new words at most

>> No.22638945
File: 684 KB, 600x600, 1563659477050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is it you're trying to accomplish? sure hope u arent trying to memorize this

>> No.22638952


>> No.22638955

Thinking about whether to make anki cards for every single one of these or just skip it. Tae Kim sentence cards use these vocabulary so I have to learn them or just delete the cards for this shit

>> No.22638973

if you do any premade deck you'll have those words in there cause they're the most common ones in japanese. doing individual cards for keigo is retarded, you dont need that shit but up to you.

>> No.22638979

Honestly I would just remember ですます to start, and then mine sentences that contain the others when you get to a point that you can manage them. They are easy to master once you get past a certain point. Same for 尊敬語/謙譲語.

Also, I have been living in Japan for over six years now, and I have never heard someone actually use おいでになる in work, family, or school settings.

>> No.22638996

can you tell us some recent words you learned

>> No.22639066

then it should be easy for you to read a grammar guide turn the eng subs off and watch raw until you can piece it all together

>> No.22639071

Happy Christmas Eve bros

>> No.22639086

uh sry christmas eve is almost 2 weeks from now

>> No.22639136

gonna tag @jamal here so i can make sure my feelings are heard

>> No.22639164

Also, just want to point out that tables like these are never complete or 100% accurate.

For example, this one says there is no honorific for 聞く, whereas in reality you will often hear お聞きになる/お聞きになります in Japan.

There are some simple rules that underlie all honorific word usage. Don't memorize charts, add sentences that contain them to your deck, or listen to Japanese if you really want to learn them once you progress enough. Debate programs, etc., where people converse with one another in a professional, polite manner can be good if you have the vocabulary/listening skills for it to hold your attention.

>> No.22639204

fuck music copyrights
half of my jpop remix list on soundcloud contains removed songs

>> No.22639207

>using soundcloud

>> No.22639210

the table is obviously for when alternative verbs are used ... it probably talks about the お~になる usages elsewhere

>> No.22639236

you can't be a lolicon without being into lolicore

>> No.22639364

i don't want to do anki help what do i do

>> No.22639367

don't do anki

>> No.22639377

not learn japanese

>> No.22639394


>> No.22639396

My mom says she wants to learn English but I kind of feel like it's a hopeless endeavor
so far I'm thinking I will make her purchase Anki and download a good phrases and vocabulary deck for her
afterwards I'll get her the audiobook app I use and get her something she can listen to while in the car
but I suppose grammar may still be an issue and the fact that she can't feasible get enough input to get anywhere near basic proficiency

>> No.22639410

why does she want to learn it

>> No.22639420

English is just kind of ubiquitous everywhere in the world these days and not being able to understand shit you see on every billboard or t-shirt is probably not fun
also she works in a store and has to talk to costumers a lot as in advise them and all that and I imagine there are more than a few international costumers dropping by which are all of course going to be speaking English

>> No.22639449

seems like shitty reasons to learn english. when foreigners come into the store she can just direct them to someone who speaks it. i mean she's working in a store, that's not exactly the type of job you put in hundreds of hours of off-work time to get better at.

>> No.22639473

well it's a specific brand store with usually one or two employees occupying it not a supermarket chain
there is also a possibility she might be able to become the store manager but probably not without even knowing English
and it's not the sole reason either
really I think you can't live in today's world without knowing English I am just not confident she has reasonable chances to learn it

>> No.22639497

>really I think you can't live in today's world without knowing English
plenty of people do in italy, france and a bunch of slav countries, not to mention asia. she could probably learn enough to do what she wants in the store within a year of like an hour of work per day. the context limits the vocabulary she'd need since i assume theres a finite number of questions she can get asked.

>> No.22639511

but if she gets fluent in english she can watch spongebob and fairly odd parents in their original language

>> No.22639553

do people that learn other languages even mine words

>> No.22639569
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>> No.22639605

Do other languages even have words?

>> No.22639640

Yeah mining shit in other languages is definitely less sensible. I can still see it working though. Japanese kanji is just particularly suited to mastering through a flashcard system.

>> No.22639641

how do people learn words like 悴む without a dictionary

>> No.22639644

why is it less sensiBle
dont you mine words written in kana too

>> No.22639655


>> No.22639662

reading manga and someone says it and they can't move their hands and it's cold very easy

>> No.22639668


>> No.22639686

could still mean a lot of different things those clues dont narrow it down enough to Be certain

>> No.22639701

what else could 手が悴んで動かない mean in that context

>> No.22639762

I mine from books

>> No.22639767

tfw grew up english bilingual but second native language is useless slavshit

>> No.22639768

*off books

>> No.22639828

usually it wont Be written in such an oBvious way

>> No.22639830

any other cool anki games besides japanese?

>> No.22639845

why are you capitalising Bs

>> No.22639860


>> No.22639875

it's written in white on the left

>> No.22639892

lowercase B is a sharex shortcut and i dont feel like changing the settings

>> No.22639900

so i've thought of a method which is probably dumb but maybe not really

so im planning to find a text (song lyrics for example) and a translation, and keep comparing them and analysing to the point until i understand how all the grammar is translated and interpreted in the translation

this way ill 100% stumble across some hard shit and will have to google a lot

so eventually if I complete it with honestly ill learn new grammar and how to use it

is it dumb? im entry level

>> No.22639902
File: 366 KB, 1600x840, 窯をかける.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would someone guess 鎌をかける without a dictionary

>> No.22639911

how do u communicate with ppl

>> No.22639939

wym im doing it right now

>> No.22639947

no like normal ppl

>> No.22639958
File: 12 KB, 321x109, o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woke up tired with a headache. fuck today sucks already.

>> No.22639962

i'd suggest you to use the daisuke phrase-by-phrase google translate method

>> No.22639967

you can't understand grammar by looking at translations because translations necessarily have to be different because the language is completely different. there can be many different ways of translation one thing that might use completely different or even opposite constructions to the original. as a simple example 悪くない (a negative) could be translated as "decent" (a positive).

>> No.22639972

uh faceBook messenger, imessage

>> No.22639985

k then we good

>> No.22639988

because the rest of the sentence provides enough context to fill you in. "is he aiming to make me let something slip by ... ?" what could possibly make sense in the rest of it

>> No.22640002

i thought it just meant he was hanging a sickle

>> No.22640009

could mean to attack verBally

>> No.22640013

nothing aBout a 鎌 implies trickery, But violence or attack yes

>> No.22640014

doesn't sound like a good way of getting someone to spill their secrets

>> No.22640023

read a grammar guide like tae kim and then read whatever you feel like and google shit you don't understand. that's all you have to do

>> No.22640030

you can watch dolly's videos, or play around with the dojg deck or core2k/6k if you want to, but you'll only get good at japanese by trying to interpret sentences on their own (only using a bilingual dictionary at most).

>> No.22640039

downloaded like 3 j-drama with j-subs and now i feel obliged to watch them before deleting them though i don't wanna. =/

>> No.22640041

then don't man j-dramas seem terrible from what I've seen

>> No.22640047

torture is used for that purpose

>> No.22640052

i'm convinced normies can't learn through input hypothesis you need to be a real fucking nerd to consume so much media in a language you don't really understand

>> No.22640062

im assuming the context of the anime wasn't that the guy was being tortured. use your Brain

>> No.22640071

you just have to have a drive to learn. it's easy to do one hour of "studying" where you just read a book and try and figure shit out and look stuff up. and then as you get better it feels less and less like studying

>> No.22640077

damn j*nny really did number on this thread every other post has study or anki or input or guide in it lol

>> No.22640078


>> No.22640089

what's so funny? i actually think it's easier for normies to learn languages because they're more diligent than neets and hikis who just jerk off all day and need their hit of dopamine every 2 seconds.

>> No.22640094

yea that's why normies learn japanese and neets and hikis dont oh wait

>> No.22640101

honestly I only rarely do
most things I mine have a kanji version which I always prefer
but if I do mine something in kana only I usually put a context snipped into the hint field on my cards

>> No.22640104

well i don't see any that have learned japanese around here? you'd expect to. whereas normies don't typically post online about it they just live their lives.

>> No.22640110

>well i don't see any that have learned japanese around here?
the best learners to ever grace this community were all neets at some point before getting good.

>> No.22640111

while we're reading eroge/h-manga, they're doing work or social life-related stuff.

>> No.22640118

i hate everyone of you but it's ok

>> No.22640133

why couldnt he? he could view the constant からかい as torture

>> No.22640134

normies just don't learn japanese. they learn useful languages. and it's pretty clear normies are better at learning languages cause you see a lot of people who can speak french, german, spanish, etc at a high level but not many foreigners can speak japanese at all. that's all the evidence you need that sitting around jacking off all day doesn't pay off.

>> No.22640138

you know the thing about Japanese is that it really is quite hard to learn to a high level
or rather than hard a really time intensive task, time that most people can't find the surplus or motivation to invest
so how come there actually exist people/normies who speak Japanese to a high level? well tell you what those are extreme edge cases which only exist due to stupidly high amount of people learning Japanese
and it's far more people than any statistic would tell you, Japan's entertainment industry influences the entire world significantly just consider that
if 0.0001% of learners ever achieved something significant that probably would still be people in the tens of thousands
now think, are you a part of that small subset of Japanese learners? lol

>> No.22640159

>now think, are you a part of that small subset of Japanese learners? lol
it's not fair IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR

>> No.22640161

I'm doing it like I learnt English and Spanish: I study the grammar and then I read words in context (manga, anime, music, Visual Novels). the more I see a word in context, the easier it gets to learn it.

>> No.22640163

do you really think it's about what's paying off and what's not? people who do this are socially damaged. they're not ok, they're lost and confused and hiding in a shell of cheap dopamine (masturbation and anime). it's not healthy. it's not about enjoying this lifestyle, it's being a prisoner to it. it's very hard to break out of it.

>> No.22640164

i am
feels good

>> No.22640168

those numbers don't check out dude try revising some stuff b4 u fail maths :)

>> No.22640171

if 10s of thousands of learners was 0.0001% then there would be 10 billion learners of japanese

>> No.22640182

people who manage to learn a language like japanese are by definition not normalfags because it takes a statistically abnormal amount of dedication
unless youre a newfag who thinks a normie is just someone who doesnt spend all day in their mothers house jerking it to anime

>> No.22640188

wait so when people say hazuhaarimasen are they actually saying: "No! There's no nock in here?"

>> No.22640193
File: 2 KB, 195x66, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was just an estimate bros but alright I ran the math
for there to be 10000 learners in that 0.0001% subset there would have to be 100 million Japanese learners
now personally I don't think that number is crazy, that might be how many people are learning
but I'm also fine wit saying it's a few thousand that's not a big difference

>> No.22640196


so is this guy a normie or not? obvs hes not a neet who lives in a basement but he consciously chose to move to japan and to learn japanese and he I assume not randomly picked up a job of explaining western memes to japanese people

>> No.22640199

i'm the 0.0001%

>> No.22640201

>people who know indo-european languages are good at learning other indo-european languages and bad at learning non-indo-european languages
how amazing

>> No.22640204


>> No.22640223

why do stupid women not understand the concept of rates and proportions?

>> No.22640224

no because a normalfag is someone like calvin or anime godfather who dont have any real dedication to anything even something as passive as just watching anime this guy worked hard to learn nip and get a job on tv its got nothing to do with dwelling in a basement

>> No.22640231

i learned more japanese by actively consuming nukige than by watching anime

>> No.22640241

imagine being 21 not knowing what per cent means

>> No.22640271

10 billion

>> No.22640289

i thought cs students were great at maths.

>> No.22640291

oh yeah lol I just noticed the issue is of course the % sign with which the whole would be '100' as opposed to be treating the whole as '1' which is how it's done in mathematics and probability calculation

>> No.22640301

we used 100 to represent 100% in math in hs

>> No.22640304

>how it's done in mathematics and probability calculation
Just stop. Any kind of math is not for you.

>> No.22640321

it's another case of "qm has to explain away his mistakes somehow"

>> No.22640327

calculate the percentage difference of the conversion from 正直 to 素直

>> No.22640330

I'm not explaining it away, I admitted to making a mistake and simply explained how it happened

>> No.22640331

i love those episodes

>> No.22640336

sounds like nonsense

>> No.22640337

>explained how it happened
it happened cause you're dumb there's no deeper reason where you were thinking on different plane from the rest of us as you like to believe

>> No.22640338

the only people who are good at math are math PhD candidates and even that's tenuous at best

>> No.22640339

>thinking on different plane
as you can tell by my explanation that is literally what happened I'm afraid!

>> No.22640342

straight fax

>> No.22640344
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>> No.22640347

i love when they do that hand sign in doujins

>> No.22640382

>is it dumb?
no it works
>im entry level
nvm its fucking dumb, translations dont help you learn until you can already understand most grammar structures

>> No.22640384

>multiplies by 0.0001
>doesn't realize 0.0001 is 0.01%
Has QM literally failed at every point he's ever tried to make?

>> No.22640386

I already addressed this please read the thread

>> No.22640393

he's blaming german education it seems

>> No.22640396

You addressed your chronic and sustained failure across every field of endeavor? Bravo

>> No.22640430

QM's mathematical abilities are permanently crippled from learning numbers in German. Only superior English or Japanese speaking men are fit for higher level mathematics. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20191121-why-you-might-be-counting-in-the-wrong-language

>> No.22640431

lmfao every time you deal with probability in math 1 = 100% and I just did a ケアレスミス with that admitting to it and pointing it out unbelievable the amount of venom in this thread

>> No.22640435

youre trying way to hard to show everyone you managed to pass calc 1

>> No.22640446

why did you randomly write two of your english words in katakana

>> No.22640448

and 0.0001%=10,000/10,000,000,000
You're still wrong in probability.

>> No.22640453

How are you supposed to actually write the kanji on paper when you're doing RTK? You'll be able to see the ones you already did. I've been just doing it on my hand with my finger, but I feel like I don't have enough visual feedback.

>> No.22640454

advantages that romance language speakers have -
knowing that per centum means over one hundred (/100)

>> No.22640458

calc 1 was the hardest out of the three imo

>> No.22640461

>which suggests that the children’s early mental representation of numbers may have been shaped by their language.
i just don't understand how these people think they're doing science and how redditors eat this shit up.

>> No.22640463
File: 2.15 MB, 4669x3504, 1428645454086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22640465

flip the page lmao

>> No.22640466

Here's your options from best to worst
>Don't do RTK
>Do RTK, but put kanji on the front of the card
>Do RTK normal, write it on paper
>Do RTK normal, write it like you're doing

>> No.22640469

try doing 1 stroke then look then another stroke in the beginning maybe

>> No.22640471

turn the paper over problem solved

>> No.22640475

What's your problem? Makes sense to me.
>For example, in French, 92 isquatre-vingt douzeor “four twenties and twelve”. And in Danish, the word for 92 istooghalvfems,wherehalvfems,meaning 90,is an abbreviation of the Old Norse wordhalvfemsindstyve,or “four and a half times twenty”.

>> No.22640482


I'm writing probably 50 a day!

>> No.22640488

and like the article says, "eleven" is not "transparently one 10 and one 1" but it doesn't actually matter. none of this matters. i bet this shit was popular on reddit

>> No.22640497

then aren't english speakers mathematically crippled too because we use twelve and sixteen, unlike in the extremely logical nihongo, where it's 十二 and 十六?

>> No.22640498

The teens only come up once in counting, you'll come across 90 every time you count past it 100 digits again and again

>> No.22640501

so what? buy more paper

>> No.22640512

just fucking shat myself on the way home from the bank. my stomach started rumbling while i was in queue shoulda just left then but i stayed like a retard and by the time i was at the counter those intense waves were hitting me and i was shaking lmao. got like 600 meters from my place and just couldnt hold it. nobody knows thank god. at least i didnt have to share an elevator with anyone reeking of shit.

>> No.22640511

it doesn't matter. you know what 92 is no matter what it's called because these are things that anyone who will ever get good at math will drill into their heads.

>> No.22640519

dont be too hard on the guy he can only use .00001% of his brain

>> No.22640523

chinese is like jap too, except even less crippled because they dont have the shit like hitotsu futatsu counting either. just plain boring numbers that probably contributes to why they act like bugmen hivemind

>> No.22640590

Reminder that you'll never feel any emotional connection to Japanese words
>Scientists are also beginning to distinguish between young children who grow up learning and speaking two languages as compared to those who learn a second language in adulthood. Children use both hemispheres of the brain to acquire language, which means they often grasp the emotional implications of language more deeply. In contrast, adults who learned a second language tend to approach problems presented to them in that language in a more rational, detached way. Scientists hypothesize thatit'sbecause adultsoften acquire language through the left hemisphere of the brain.

>> No.22640598

you and dogen, why do japanese learners shit themselves

>> No.22640600

i just visited /lgbt/ again, and i regret doing so

>> No.22640601

i already do tho

>> No.22640608

why would you crush my weak soul like that on christmas eve?

>> No.22640614

empirically incorrect just look at how much matt loves say maa and nanka and chotto you can tell he def feels those words in his soul

>> No.22640618

oh really? you feel offense by words like くそてめぇ?

>> No.22640627 [DELETED] 

do you get offended by seeing words like retarded nigger faggot kike bitch cunt this is 4channel lol were all desensitized

>> No.22640640

not really, but it's mostly because i've never heard somebody direct those words towards me

>> No.22640647

4chan made me more sensitive actually

>> No.22640654

Yes I do

>> No.22640660
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 339413-45910-curse-seal-mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be 18 years or older to post on this site

>> No.22640666

dumb millennialboomer snowflake

>> No.22640674

: (

>> No.22640719
File: 53 KB, 640x404, PizkVy8nOBjRpA0SciNLokAvKyLvN7I0cnd-4koX944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an insult on 4chan obviously doesn't carry as much weight as an FB msg from my gf obviously, so this picture is kinda inaccurate but still

>> No.22640739

i act pretty similarly between both desu

>> No.22640756

if someone said it to me i might lol i don't get offended by other people insulting each other in english either

>> No.22640783

ok, retard

>> No.22640786

read 30 vols of berserk this week. only 10 more then i can start on the light novel.

>> No.22640794

Starting today I am back into mining and learning Japanese hardcore.
Will try to get back to a constant amount of new cards.

>> No.22640814


>> No.22640819

To keep improving my Japanese

>> No.22640860

I have signed up for the gym as well as an introductory course starting January.
There is some work I have to do for university, some of which overlaps with my other goals such as learning to program. I am on time with that though and will work on it when I have to.
What I have fallen behind with is my Japanese and I don't think I'm at a level where I can hang up my hat and call it a day. If the goal is getting as good as I am in English then there is still a lot of road to walk.

>> No.22640892

a 150€ home gym > any gym membership

>> No.22640896

you cant even get a power rack for that much let alone a decent barbell and plates

>> No.22640901

i did 2nd hand

>> No.22640913

>What I have fallen behind with is my Japanese
You are probably better at japanese than any of your actually useful life skills.

>> No.22640926

Suppose that's possible. I think one of my greatest traits is my resourcefulness and ability to learn quickly. Got me far in life so far and hopefully I'll make use of it to get where I want.

>> No.22640951

lol maybe if your max dl is 60kg

>> No.22640954

4x100Kg (my set only goes to 100Kg)

>> No.22640973

thats still really low, if you home gym you might as well only go for bodyweight exercise and those types of equipment. real strength training is probably not gonna happen

>> No.22640974

thanks for proving my point liftlet

>> No.22640976

i do what i can

>> No.22640981

i really envy americans for the availability of good second hand gym equipment. we dont have jack fucking shit here. one of the gyms i used to go to had all their equipment custom made by a welding shop or some shit.

>> No.22640983

yea and what you can is shit because you have a cheap home gym. which means home gyms are not better

>> No.22640984

no i believe you definitely can as a person. but your home gym is also definitely limiting you.

>> No.22640994

protip: full body squats and the 20+ exercises you can do with some dumbbells and a bench/couch/bed/etc you're 100 proof

gyms are cool but def not necessary, you can just do more reps instead of more weight

>> No.22641001

more reps doesn't make you stronger though at that point it's just aerobic exercise

>> No.22641005

intensity (how heavy you go) definitely plays a big role in progression. pretending that volume is the only important variable is either disingenuous or ignorant.

>> No.22641006

I for one respect the dude with the home gym. If pushing the biggest weights isn't your goal and you manage to assemble all the tools you need for a good work out that's just great. Don't get this elitist thinking about it, I just want to be healthy and don't have the means to assemble equipment at my apartment.

>> No.22641011

the average dude cant really get that strong or big without progressive overload though. if your goal isn't either one of those things then there is no point in doing resistance training. just do cardio if all you care about is being healthy/fit.

>> No.22641017

yes its good for being fit but you will never get real strength

>> No.22641022

exercise doesn't improve health beyond a certain baseline. healthy people are just more likely to exercise because it's a sort of religion and people feel good when they work toward things

>> No.22641027

true but it's not so black and white, i doubt anybody hear is trying to be a strong man, just look good and be healthy, increasing reps instead of weight is a growing more and more as it's safer and generally causes less post workout discomfort

>> No.22641031

it increases blood flow to the brain too, i think you're really limiting yourself if you never work out

>> No.22641036

I wanna learn Japanese so I can confront these stupid bug people on their shit media. Can't wait to join one of their skype groups and rail them for their bullshit.

>> No.22641042

strength = size but even if you wanna dispute that, the average gym bro who looks good and doesnt give a shit about strength probably has a 120 kg bench and does add weight to it on a somewhat consistent basis. i encourage you to read up on progressive overload because adding weight to the bar is probably the most important factor towards getting bigger

btw post workout soreness goes away for the vast majority of people once they start consistently lifting. i never get it anymore.

>> No.22641053

qm tutor me

>> No.22641062


>> No.22641066

i stopped going to the gym cuz i realised i don't give a shit about being strong or how i look and id rather just do some running to stay healthy

>> No.22641079

running kills joints, you'll be fucked in 20 years, just walk fast or get a bike or something

>> No.22641080

Men who hit the gym a lot seem to have trouble holding down a girlfriend for more than a few months

>> No.22641106

>he doesn't run in sand

>> No.22641107

i want to be a 4pl8 chad and so do a lot of people. it depends what people want to go for.

>> No.22641133

idk what that means but good to have some goals and a nice a body omedeto bro

>> No.22641154
File: 162 KB, 266x279, 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what show ruined shounen for me?

It wasn't HxH as many people claim it did for them, I certainly don't feel like it had anything that made it in any way revolutionary to the genre.
What did it for me was JoJo, mainly the combat. I thought on that amazing episode 19 of KnY and how great it could have been if the demon just died but nope, the show jumped onto generic shounen bullshittery 'my power level is 100 million you literally cannot fucking hurt me lmfao" rather than anything actually imaginative or satisfying to the viewer. And even though JoJo is older it should have been what everyone after followed. In it every move matters, every mistake made can cost your life, the fights are as much a battle of strength as they are a battle of wits and the important thing is that this is true for both sides. It's true for all of JoJo but particularly part 2 will stay in my memory for excellent fights, those superhuman god-like thousands of years old creatures come out of the ground and BTFO average humans and how did Joseph beat one of them? Through what is basically a clever magic trick and it was fucking perfect. Caesar almost beat one of them due to an excellent use of his ability and the environment, but because he had the upper hand he did one careless move that cost him his life. In Joseph's fight against Whamu you see both of them desperately using every move possible knowing that there is no way to bullshit yourself out of it.
I hate all this power level power scaling energy attack bullshit that is the entirety of modern shounen. Really do and it's probably the sole problem I have with KnY.

>> No.22641169

did u forget about the level of plot armor and asspulls surrounding jotaro and giorno?

>> No.22641170

yea the new jojo was garbo desu.. a show that broke the mold originally turned into a formulaic cookie cutter shounen

>> No.22641183

can djt divide by zero?

>> No.22641195

divide what? 0? infinity? a random number?

>> No.22641241

>no irl friends
>all opportunities in life missed out of avoidance and fear of fail
>no gf, the only opportunity of getting a gf was a pure cringefest which i erased from my memory
>no job
>no skills worth paying for except english (i'm not native but i spent half of my life lurking english-speaking internet)
>no real passions except for shitty tv shows
>dont really feel emotions anymore except for when really hurt
>uni dropout
>bad health (skin, heart, can't make 15 pushups if my life depended on it)
>my dad thinks im a total failure and pretty much thought so all his life
>my mom helicopter parented me so im infantilized to a point of being a literal child in terms of life skills

>shit at japanese despite taking japanese course in uni

did i win in the loser game?

>> No.22641252


>> No.22641271

found a link to this on reddit

>> No.22641276
File: 231 KB, 1024x830, 20191224034806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22641277

i dont get it, whats the point

>> No.22641295


>> No.22641298
File: 69 KB, 880x732, 36586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this RTK keywords or something? Hahaha

>> No.22641300

i've only heard にいれる.

>> No.22641303

that game was fucking amazing

>> No.22641353


>> No.22641367

i wonder if moe's a high schooler or a neet living off gibs

>> No.22641368

that defines all of jojo though lol

>> No.22641376

running makes your joints stronger you cringelord

>> No.22641387

i've heard fat people can erode their cartilage if they try running

>> No.22641390

most djters are skelly or skinnyfat, so that's not a problem

>> No.22641395

i am super skeletor lol

>> No.22641408
File: 1.06 MB, 4689x2988, rYzaYgQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf some japanese student got my mom this gift and I guess he didn't think we'd run it through Google translate?? Holy fuck nips are dumb and apparently very rude

>> No.22641423

i saw the original post over there about an hour ago

>> No.22641432

(In a matter of 4 days) I've memorized all of Hiragana along with the special dakuten", and am now learning Katakana. I've also picked up on some (Japanese to English translations) along the way as one should. Such like greetings, common foods, etc. I can read hiragana mixed with some slight amount of katakana as well, and put them into characters, like (douzo yoroshiku, hajimemashte, etc.) but if I didn't already know what they meant in English, how do I translate those words in Japanese to English without constantly using a translator that could be wrong? Will I just learn them along the way? Or is there an actual guide to follow during translations?

>> No.22641449

got i fucking love our rice kings over in that island named nippon

>> No.22641470

you and just about everybody else, nobody has their shit together unless they're weak and boring people, it's the struggle that keeps you real and makes you stronger

>> No.22641473

What the fuck is だにえる?
Is it daniel in hiragana?

>> No.22641474


>> No.22641517

japanese colloquialism for derrière

not everything has to be english language centric buddy!!

>> No.22641521

keep it up, you haven't permanently memorized it yet, just feels like you did, get it all to a level of instantaneous recognition and you're prolly good, and yea you'll learn 90% of it along the way just keep exposing your brain to them patterns

>> No.22641685
File: 3.48 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20191224_120946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas Eve DJT!
Here's my early Xmas present from my imouto (she asked me what I wanted)
Anyone else get any nippongo related gifts?

>> No.22641711

my christmas gift was that i shat myself as a 24 year old

>> No.22641730

that has happened to me too, but when i was 13yo and mom didnt believe i was too sick for school

>> No.22641733

absotely BASED post and yes i am getting 30 volumes of manga and HOPEFULLY some money to buy nihongo switch games :)

>> No.22641742

How many vns did you guys read this year?

>> No.22641754

0, fuck vns

>> No.22641759

ゼロ cuz I'm not a pedo

>> No.22641761

0, i love vns

>> No.22641774

4 read all the way through, 1 read only 1 route of, 2 dropped, 1 currently reading

>> No.22641779

0 im not a kid who plays games

>> No.22641780

0 unless you count single routes in which case 2

>> No.22641785
File: 112 KB, 256x513, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lecherous woman.

>> No.22641788

vns are literature, not games.
their choices are too limited to be considered "games"

>> No.22641809

みんなーさん メリークリスマス!

>> No.22641811

take your games to /v/ kids

>> No.22641822

Learn pitch accent

>> No.22641823

写生 is pronounced differently from 射精?

>> No.22641826

I read a ton but I only completed one

>> No.22641828


>> No.22641830

stop with the antagonistic posts on christmas eve!

>> No.22641855

>it takes a statistically abnormal amount of dedication
so does getting good at anything
including people who make youtuBe videos and talk aBout their lives for money
still takes time and editing skills to make those vids

>> No.22641864

if anyone could do it then they would, but it's actually pretty tough to be someone anyone cares about. for the few thousand youtubers you could consider prolific there are tens or hundreds of thousands of youtubers that don't really get views

>> No.22641865

this guy's energy is unreal

>> No.22641866


>> No.22641872

another episode of gurren lagan subs completed. very good episode. kamina rocks!

>> No.22641880

nagisa dies at the end of clannad

>> No.22641888

absolutely no intention of ever watching that anime (or anything similar) so i don't care.

>> No.22641899

Snape kills Dumbledore

>> No.22641908

just realized the reason 80% of my failed mature cards are due to missing the reading is cause i only watch japanese subbed anime and dont read anything lol

>> No.22641916

this. jojo stands have drawbacks and limitations but not in as intimate a way as nen powers. and nen can do everything stands do. in fact in the manga after the chairman election arc we're introduced to nen beasts which are pretty much stands. i can understand someone preferring jojo fights overall since they're more wacky and mind gamey but, except for the fights and mind games, jojo as a whole is your typical boring shonen like dbz and kny, and it gets absolutely rekt by hxh

kamina is an example of a charismatic character done based

>> No.22641935

couldn't get passed the first episode of gurren lagen, so boring, turned it off

>> No.22641940

i'd love to curbstomp your mouthbreather face. i bet you have a skull shaped like an alien with a receded chin and no jawline.

>> No.22641950

if you ever put me in a self defense situation i'd destroy you. but this is hypothetical. you'd never step up to me nor would you be able to put me in a self defense situation

>> No.22641954

I only read real novels, pleb.

>> No.22641955

see >>22640719

>> No.22641967

ciaran jr. is that you

>> No.22641969

how many did you read, fellow servus?

>> No.22641968

写生 isn't

>> No.22641983

42.0 in a period of 690 days

>> No.22641984
File: 25 KB, 399x140, 1520456731367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop trolling

>> No.22641989

Six: 獣の走者3, two volumes of ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ, 女性徒, こころ and 文学少女1.

It's actually more than I expected, considering I didn't read more and I spent much more time reading in English.

>> No.22641993

射精 is heiban too

>> No.22642021

who has watched psycho pass raw or jsuBBEd

>> No.22642075


>> No.22642079

what's the "B" boy's favorite anime?

>> No.22642081

don't you guys agree with each other about hxh here

>> No.22642084

why would you bind a sharex hotkey to a single letter lmao how fucking dumb can u be
who do you think i am? i love hxh myself just think this cunt is insufferable

>> No.22642103

you both love hxh so why do you hate him.

>> No.22642114

i dont hate him, he's just annoying and pompous

>> No.22642132

much like japanese it appears self-awareness is a skill you will never be able to acquire

>> No.22642174

i forgot these characters exist https://voca.ro/aQlBgcvkkOp took me a second to figure out what they were saying for the subs

>> No.22642250

Think I'm just going to go on MAL, sort by most popular and watch everything from top to bottom. At least if it has less than 100~200 episodes or I haven't seen it yet. Not interested in (re-)watching Naruto or Bleach or the piece of shit that is the One Piece anime.

>> No.22642259

i've finally done it guys, it took years but i have finally reached my goal.

i have given up

>> No.22642269

the zerg of noobs is coming in 6 days rip djt i don't think it will survive this time

>> No.22642281

Actually I will finish the anime I have downloaded right now and then do that.

>> No.22642285

maybe you might enjoy watching some 70s stuff too.

>> No.22642316
File: 924 KB, 1959x1469, 1558892996587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can just imagine how much I would've improved if I stuck to my studies at the start of this year and had discipline. Dont be like me bros, and you can do it.

>> No.22642326

tomato is worst yuru

>> No.22642340


>> No.22642353

Added some VNs I remember reading from memory. It's still missing a ton especially all the more niche fetish and porn games I tried but I suppose it doesn't really matter. Going to try and get more finished entries.

>> No.22642365

that's sad

>> No.22642372

It's one of the first I ever tried and got bored pretty quickly. I could probably finish it lightning fast if I started now but I'm not sure I really care to.

>> No.22642399

Tomorrow will be the day
It will be the day where i start measuring my time nihongoing in years instead of months

>> No.22642405

i just uninstalled some games i've been addicted to for many years, gone retire from that treadmill and just watch anime from here out, this is the year i become fluent

>> No.22642414
File: 153 KB, 500x500, vLuaMqy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do it anon!

>> No.22642439

good feeling sticking it out right, i cant wait till im a はなしやすい人

>> No.22642463

regardless of how many languages i speak, i think i'll never stop being a weird autist

>> No.22642465

post your new years resolutions faggots

>reach at least 10k words (at 5k currently)
>reach level where i dont get confused by grammar patterns i should already know
thats it, not too ambitious tbqh

>> No.22642476

just work toward the goal when you think of the goal

>> No.22642484

new year's resolutions are stupid ways to plan goals. no business would ever do it so why should you? have 3 month goals. break those up into 1-2 week goals, plan your week. even plan your day to some degree. whenever a day/week/month deadline passes reflect on how well you did

>> No.22642489

watch more anime
read more vns
be able to balance university-related stuff to otakuism

>> No.22642492

how do you determine how big those goals need to be? its hard to guess for me

>> No.22642501

30 days of anime watched in 2020
read 4 actual books, not lns
read 100 volumes of manga
2 visual novels mostly finished

>> No.22642505

well if you've broken it down to weekly chunks, and you plan on dedicating X hours per week on that chunk, just make sure you can realistically do it. easier to judge if a week long task is doable than a 3 month one

>> No.22642512

>4 actual books
why would you want to torture yourself this way?

>> No.22642517

I'm trying to watch Evangelion but it's boring boring boring boring boring.
I just fucking can't watch it. How the fuck is it a big hit for anime. I loved LoGH and watched 110 episodes of it but I can't watch this crap because I fall asleep. Fuck me.

>> No.22642528

don’t know what you are talking about i will probably finish that in the first 4 months
anime opinions discarded

>> No.22642535

stupid shit you believed back when you got started djting
1) i'll be able to read anything if i do core10k
2) i'll understand japanese literature just as well as english-language literature after a year of daily reading practice
3) all anime are extremely easy and can be understood with a substantially small vocabulary

>> No.22642536

just finished my xmas gift to you all. subbed the 8th episode of ttgl. one of the greatest pieces of animation ever committed to celluloid.
watch this it's much better than that garbage anime. (although a couple of the episodes at the start arent great).

>> No.22642543

I'll definitely watch it if when you finish it. Otherwise I will when I get to it in my watching top anime in order. Whichever is first I suppose.

>> No.22642553


>> No.22642564

its true tho, just neet to be consistent in imersion.

>> No.22642568

gurren lagann only makes sense if you've watched gunbuster, eva, and diebuster

>> No.22642572

lol maybe it's true if you're an esl

>> No.22642575

the vast majority of people just like the hype and willpower bullshit they don't care about homages to those shows

>> No.22642577

actually it makes complete sense by itself. what's confusing about it if you haven't seen those?

>> No.22642578

having a hard time thinking quiz has ever done any 批判的思考 while watching something he just like logh because of the 貫禄 it gives off

>> No.22642585 [DELETED] 

you can't tell what you're missing on unless you've watched those 3 anime

>> No.22642595

ive watched gunbuster (one of my fav anime) and evangelion and i can't think of anything relevant.

>> No.22642599

mostly the series' evolving structure, which is a journey through the different stages in the history of the mecha genre

>> No.22642604

you don't need to know that to appreciate it though. it works fine by itself.

>> No.22642607

only mecha ive watched is darling in the franxx which i dropped lol

>> No.22642608
File: 102 KB, 600x400, 1525909356288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22642614

it's the worst one i've ever watched, and i've watched 20 mecha anime

>> No.22642632

Real question, how do I become a japanese person?

>> No.22642635

you grope girls on trains

>> No.22642643

I have decided to no longer only mine things with sentence audio. And I don't mean I will voice things myself, I got kind of sick of that. I am going to mine everything but only grab the sentence audio if available. To represent this change I am changing the AC (anime cards) in my name to C (cards). My review will stay the same only I will not have a voice clip to listen to when failing, merely a sentence to read.

>> No.22642655

I've decided to stop using piss bottles. And I don't mean I will piss on the floor, I got sick of that smell. I am going to walk to the toilet and only piss if the toilet seat is down.

>> No.22642659

call them acquisition cards and they can still be called "AC"

or have some creativity dude and think of something good

>> No.22642667

no there is no need for that
what anime cards are is clearly defined and I don't want to dirty the concept by attaching shit to it that I didn't intend anime cards to be
but I realize once your vocab is beyond 20k you are just going to find shit you don't know in voiced context increasingly more rarely and maybe it's not even important at that point
but up to that point anime cards are definitely the best

>> No.22642668

people were going ballistic for on /a/ when it was airing, like 6-7 concurrent threads with some reaching 1000 comments in like 2 hours

>> No.22642676
File: 83 KB, 612x437, 1572226117728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-yeah they're really helping me

*points gut at temple*

>> No.22642685

fix your brain first dude

>> No.22642689
File: 52 KB, 589x303, 882113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

works for me

>> No.22642693

not sure how to do that. idk why my retention is so fucking shit now. i dont remember having less than 80% on mature cards for core and my own mining deck. doubt it's the cards fault.

>> No.22642694

How long have you been learning when you grew out of using anki? 1.5 years for me.

If you still use anki there's nothing wrong with that, just don't reply to my posts please, I only want to talk to experienced learners.

>> No.22642695

your vocab is probably above 30K by now right dude

>> No.22642702

I don't know how do you quantify that

>> No.22642708
File: 91 KB, 500x500, stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh its time to post stats again

>> No.22642710

quizmaster is an interesting case study for sure

>> No.22642717

wrong thread dumbass, but it’s christmas almost so you are forgiven

>> No.22642718

I'm going to sleep. Going to read in the LoGH novel as I drift into slumber. See you.

>> No.22642728

the most experienced learner in this thread is anki-loving ciaran

>> No.22642731

dno what you mean bro
that image has as much to do with japanese as those anki imgs

>> No.22642739

if you don't realize the irony of calling hiv stats off-topic, but also calling anki stats on-topic, you might just be tarded

>> No.22642746

how are anki stats that are related to the number of japanese words you're memorizing related to random off-topic stats about stds

>> No.22642748

at least anki stats arent charged by racist motivations, begone!

>> No.22642757

anki stats when in context of discussion learning methods and which is better are NOT off topic. this is why post posted various stats in his guide from differing methods. next!

>> No.22642761

not my fault you think thats racist
i posted the first img that i clicked on when i googled stats

>> No.22642764

>only using anki for the common words you hear every other episode of anime

>> No.22642773

you realize that means google knows based on your tendencies that you like seeing racially charged stats, right?

>> No.22642774
File: 9 KB, 295x95, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22642780

nothing wrong with racism let's chill

>> No.22642781
File: 2.20 MB, 540x304, 1569977563829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22642789

dont make me summon the janny on u fags, he's probably depressed enough as is from being alone in his rat infested apartment for christmas eve

>> No.22642790

>racism is okay
i would see we need to get jamal in here to drive you guys away but these days even jamal is too cowardly to call out blatant racism in djt

>> No.22642796

please just chill and accept natural human behavior which helps protect groups from rot and let's instead discuss japanese learning. for example ank sure is a great tool huh.

>> No.22642798
File: 11 KB, 281x115, 391 cards in 49 minutes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awful day as usual

>> No.22642799
File: 216 KB, 853x1140, 1550704630567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22642802

hello im your ghost of christmas future my dude hows it going lol >>22642676

>> No.22642803

would anyone actually let a japanese person get away with this?

>> No.22642808

hes banned like rest of the coolposters

>> No.22642814

i think racists are much more brave

>> No.22642821

who are the jews of east asia?

>> No.22642825

im still here bitch

>> No.22642828


>> No.22642833

do you post anki stats in the thread
if yes, you aint a coolposter bro

>> No.22642840

is camden a coolposter?

>> No.22642843

jew is a race and american is nationality

>> No.22642854

dno but i see a connection here and therefore think that moe is right

>> No.22642856

ok. jewish americans

>> No.22642859

is moe canadian?

>> No.22642861

I asked for only experienced learner replies, please respect that.

There is a level beyond caring about "scary" rare words you've only encountered once in the 100 hours of Japanese content you've done so far. Reaching this level is a necessary and unavoidable step on the path to learning Japanese.

>> No.22642864

lmao sure

>> No.22642870

feeling racist against uppercasers right now

>> No.22642871

no moe is your average 87er

>> No.22642872

how many of yall can read 円滑?

>> No.22642877

do the quiz

>> No.22642882


>> No.22642884

i know it's not えんこつ

>> No.22642885

? that's not even an irregular reading

>> No.22642899

just answer the question nigga

>> No.22642904

its an impossible question to answer because i don't know how many of us can read it.

>> No.22642906


>> No.22642927

okay bros this one is going to make it
